Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Form of rock formation with a gentle slope to one side? Occurrence of rocks What transformations occur with rocks as a result of the cycle of substances

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SIMULATOR TEMPLATE BY DMITRY IVANOV Start the test Author: Zhidovkina Galina Petrov Geography teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 3" DalnerechenskPrimorsky Territory TEST RESULT Correct: 5 Errors: 0 Mark: 5 Time: 0 min. 29 sec. still correct DMITRY IVANOV'S SIMULATOR TEMPLATE During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence rocks on a cliff in a quarry. sand-clay-limestone limestone-clay-sand clay-sand-limestone Indicate the sequence of occurrence of rocks in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry. clay-sand-dolomite-quartzite quartzite-dolomite-sand-clay clay-dolomite-sand-quartzite Indicate the sequence of occurrence of rocks in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry. black clay-loam-limestone loam-black clay-limestone loam-limestone-black clay limestone-loam-black clay Indicate the sequence of occurrence of rocks in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry. loam-sand – clay-sandstone sandstone-sand-clay-loam sandstone-clay-sand-loam Indicate the sequence of occurrence of rocks in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). Indicate the sequence of occurrence of rocks in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry. loam-with boulders-clay-sand sand-loam with boulders-clay sand-clay-loam with boulders

Attached files

1) agro-industrial, industrial and resort-recreational complexes have been formed in the North Caucasus region (sker). The sectors of market specialization in the North Caucasus are mechanical engineering, food, light, coal, cement industries, and diversified agricultural production. There are many different minerals in the depths of the mountains and plains of the North Caucasus. The fuel and energy problem is associated with the growing need for fuel and energy in the North Caucasus with a reduction in oil, gas and coal production. crisis situation has developed in coal industry, where there is an urgent need to close unprofitable mines. Without a unified regional policy that ensures, along with the search for new energy sources, the transfer of all sectors of the national economy to energy-saving technologies, the North Caucasus regions may face an energy crisis. The role of the North Caucasus as the breadbasket of the country remains, however, food supply in recent years has become complicated due to a sharp decline in the production of main types of agricultural products. Along with such major suppliers of agricultural products as the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, the Rostov region, many republics are constantly experiencing a shortage of certain food resources.

the urgency of the transport problem is caused by the clearly insufficient development of communications connecting North Caucasus, with the main centers of Russia, and with neighboring Transcaucasian states.

One of the most important problems of the North Caucasus is the deteriorating state of the environment. This process is greatly facilitated by intensive mining, as well as the specific natural conditions of the mountainous region.

2) any of the regions and cities (for example: Stavropol Territory, Ingushetia, Dagestan) - the specified region/city is highly dependent on income from oil and agricultural activities. which in turn results in the following risks: the lack of favorable weather conditions (heat, drought, frost, locust invasion) can affect the revenue of agro-industrial enterprises. The oil sector also depends on production rates; if they decrease, the volume of contributions to the budget also decreases. which in turn affects social sphere. so additional amounts for the development and maintenance of a favorable level of schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other significant facilities. Moreover, oil activities have an adverse effect on environment. Numerous spills of black gold destroy unique plants and animals of the North Caucasus (many of them are listed in the Red Book).

3) Caucasian mineral water, Krasnodar region- good climate, pleasant weather conditions and fertile soil.

4) the North Caucasus is famous throughout the world for its resorts and sanatoriums, united in the Caucasian mineral waters region, which occupies more than 50% of the entire territory of the region. this region is under state protection as a “health resort” of the country. it consists of Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Lermontov, Zheleznovodsk, Mineral Waters and Georgievsk.

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Slide captions:

SIMULATOR TEMPLATE BY DMITRY IVANOV Start the test Author: Zhidovkina Galina Petrovna geography teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 3" Dalnerechensk Primorsky Territory

TEST RESULT Correct: 5 Errors: 0 Mark: 5 Time: 0 min. 29 sec. also fix DMITRY IVANOV'S TRAINER TEMPLATE

During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry. sand-clay-limestone limestone-clay-sand clay-sand-limestone Indicate the sequence of occurrence of rocks in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest).

During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry. clay-sand-dolomite-quartzite quartzite-dolomite-sand-clay clay-dolomite-sand-quartzite Indicate the sequence of occurrence of rocks in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest).

During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry. black clay-loam-limestone loam-black clay-limestone loam-limestone-black clay limestone-loam-black clay Indicate the sequence of occurrence of rocks in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest).

During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry. loam-sand – clay-sandstone sandstone-sand-clay-loam sandstone-clay-sand-loam Indicate the sequence of occurrence of rocks in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest).

Indicate the sequence of occurrence of rocks in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry. loam-with boulders-clay-sand sand-loam with boulders-clay sand-clay-loam with boulders

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Practical work on the ground as a means of preserving health in geography lessons. I consider practical work as a means of connecting theory with practice. Carrying out their...

Topic: Rocks that make up the earth's crust. Minerals. Properties of rocks and minerals. Purpose: To form in students an idea of ​​the diversity of rocks...

geography lesson in 6th grade "Diversity of rocks and minerals. Practical work "Studying the properties of rocks and minerals"

This is the second lesson in the topic "Structure of the Earth's Crust". Children are already familiar with the composition of the earth's crust and can determine the properties of rocks. In order to consolidate these skills, practical work is carried out...

F.I. __________________Option #1

1. The shell of the Earth, including the earth’s crust and upper mantle, is called:

a) thermosphere;

b) asthenosphere;

c) lithosphere .

2. Igneous rocks were formed as a result of:

b) lava solidification;

c) destruction of hard rocks;

3. On the surface of the Earth above the source of the earthquake is located:

a) volcano;

b) geyser;

c) crater;

d) epicenter.

4. Rocks that have undergone changes under the influence of high pressure and high temperature when sections of the earth’s crust subsided are called ...

a) metamorphic rocks

b) igneous rocks

c) clastic rocks

d) organic rocks

5. Tremors with oscillatory movements that occur during sudden displacements and ruptures in the earth’s crust and mantle are called

a) volcanoes

b) earthquakes

c) tsunami

6.Indicate the number in the figure indicating the source of magma.

7. A gushing source of hot water and steam is called

a) a spring

c) geyser

d) key


9. Thickness of the earth's crust under the ocean:

a) 5-10 km;

b) 15-100 km;

10. A section of the earth's crust through which magma rises:

a) volcano;

c) crater;

d) epicenter .

11. Igneous rocks include:

a) coal; c) marble;

b) granite; d) sandstone.

12. The change in rocks under the influence of external forces is called

a) erosion

b) earthquake

c) weathering

13. What kind of structure

shell of the Earth shown in the figure?

a) continental crust;

b) oceanic crust.

Test on the topic: “Rocks and minerals. Movement of the Earth's Crust"

F.I. __________________Option No. 2

1. It consists of solid materials and rocks:

a) mantle;

c) the earth's crust .

2.Indicate the number in the figure indicating the product of a volcanic eruption.

3 . Establish correspondence between concepts and their definitions.

4 . The inner shell of the Earth is called:

b) asthenosphere;

c) lithosphere.

4. Sedimentary rocks were formed as a result of:

a) accumulation of animal remains;

b) lava solidification;

c) destruction of hard rocks;

d) increase in pressure and high temperatures at great depth.

6. What color are the mountains painted on the physical map:

a) blue;

b) green;

c) brown.

7. Volcanoes that erupt more or less regularly are called.....

a) sleeping

b) valid

c) extinct

8. Metamorphic rocks include:

b) quartz;

c) basalt;

d) clay.

9. The epicenter of an earthquake is:

a) earthquake area;

b) earthquake source;

c) a point on the Earth’s surface located
above the source of the earthquake.

10. During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff near the river bank.

Arrange the rock layers shown in the picture in order descending their age (from oldest to youngest).

Write down the resulting sequence of letters in the table.

Main state exam OGE Geography task No. 26 During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry.

Arrange the rock layers shown in the picture in order increase their age (from youngest to oldest).
Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.
1) limestone
2) loam with boulders
3) quartzite

Demo version 2018 – 2017


When rocks occur horizontally, the oldest rocks lie at the bottom, the youngest rocks at the top.

Answer: 213

1) yellow sand 2) gray sand 3) loam

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). Write down the resulting sequence of numbers as your answer.

1) loam 2) clay 3) limestone

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). Write down the resulting sequence of numbers as your answer.

1) clay 2) granite 3) sand

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). Write down the resulting sequence of numbers as your answer.

1) loam 2) clay 3) sand

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). Write down the resulting sequence of numbers as your answer.

1) sandstone 2) shale 3) limestone
