Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Visual forms of information presentation. Discrete form of information representation. Units of measurement of information. Forms of presentation of information presentation


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Slides captions:

Visual forms of information presentation. (Grade 5) Completed by: computer science teacher MKOUSOSH No. 39, Tula Burtseva Irina Vyacheslavovna

Purpose: to find out whether people need a visual form of presenting information. Planned educational results: subject - the ability to present information in a visual form; meta-subject - the ability to choose the form of information presentation that corresponds to the problem being solved; personal - a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of the surrounding information environment. Solved educational tasks: 1) to expand students' understanding of the variety of visual forms of presenting information; 2) give examples of using schemes to solve problems. Basic concepts discussed in the lesson: drawing; scheme; visibility.

Types of information according to the method of presentation text numerical graphic sound data, expressed in the form of special characters - numbers, numbers. Necessary for, for example, economic relations. An example is price tags in stores, data from various devices, etc. This is the transfer of speech, thoughts, reasoning into the form of text - combinations of letters, and different languages ​​have their own set of characters. Example - books, various documents, protocols, etc. the most ancient way of displaying and transmitting information. These are different images. Examples are rock art, frescoes, paintings, diagrams, drawings, diagrams, etc. the oldest type of information based on sound vibrations. Examples are human speech, music, various kinds of signaling, etc.

You have text information. Read it and try to imagine the picture. A fiery glow colored the sky. The surface of the ocean seemed to be covered with a scarlet silk scarf. The mountains were a black stripe on the horizon. How do you think it is easier to perceive information: from a picture or from text?

You have text information. Read it and try to imagine the picture. On a summer sunny day, two boys and two girls played on the playground, two of them played with a ball, and the rest played with spatulas. It is known that one girl accurately played the ball, and one boy accurately played with a spatula. With what kind of information can we get a better visual representation? In what form can we present this information?

Forms of presentation of information drawings diagram diagrams Illustrations help to quickly understand what in question, and create images. Diagrams show how the surrounding objects are arranged and how they are related to each other. Charts are used to represent various numerical data.

Tula city map with streets

Schemes and symbols

A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 D-5 E-6 Y-7 F-8 W-9 I-10 Y-11 K-12 L-13 M-14 N-15 O-16 R- 17 R-18 S-19 T-20 U-21 F-22 X-23 C-24 C-25 S-26 S-27 S-28 S-29 S-30 E-31 S-32 S-33 Task : It is known that someone arranged all the letters of the alphabet in a circle and replaced each letter of the original message with the next one after it. Decode the received encryptions: E Y B D S B N N B Answer: D I A G R A M M A.

Diagrams Elephant - 60 years old Horse - 25 years old Camel - 30 years old Crocodile - 40 years old Chimpanzee - 60 years old The champion in weight sends us a bow from the jungle ... I have a big mane, Ears and hooves. My fur is smooth, who am I? There are no tasty dishes in the desert, our thorns eat ... a log floats along the river. Oh, and it's wicked! Those who landed in the river will bite off their nose... In the zoo, in a blue cage Deftly jumps on the net, Makes faces, eats bananas, guess what?

Diagrams are usually subdivided according to their form into the following types: bar charts; bar charts; pie charts; line charts; curly charts;

Assignment: On the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory flow the Amur River, the length of which is 4444 km, the Bureya, 623 km long, and the Maya, 1053 km long. Which of these rivers is the longest? By using text editor Word create 1 group Create a pie chart based on text. Group 2 Create a line chart based on text.

1. type of chart, the columns of which are arranged horizontally; 2. the type of information presented as an image; 3. graphical representation of data, allowing you to quickly evaluate the ratio of several quantities. 4. a list, a list of information, numerical data, given in a certain system and arranged in columns. 5. the oldest type of information based on sound vibrations. 6. an object with information fixed in a way created by a person for its transmission. 7. materially expressed replacement of objects, phenomena, concepts in the process of information exchange. 8. data expressed as special characters - numbers, numbers. 9. an illustration that, with the help of conventional graphic symbols, conveys the essence of the structure of an object or system, movement, structure, etc. 10. several sentences connected between. itself in meaning. S V U K V D T O I L G I A B S I R A B A Z L A V O R I N O S T E F R I O A V K H E Y I A C K ​​K A E K N W M A U Y M S A E M M A T Y S A E K N A T Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Crossword

References: Informatics and ICT: a textbook for grade 5 / L.L. Bosova. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2011. Informatics and ICT: workbook for grade 5 / L.L. Bosova. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2011. Unified educational resources: http://site


Lesson in 5th grade.

Subject : Visual forms of information presentation

Lesson type : a combined lesson of learning new material with practical work.


Educational : emphasize the role of visual forms of information presentation, introduce students to the construction of diagrams, give an idea of ​​​​the table, develop students' computer skills.

Educational : to develop logical thinking in schoolchildren, to intensify mental activity through the use of information technologies stimulate students' interest in the subject.

Educational : to instill interest in the subject, skills of independent work.

Forms of organization learning activities : collective, individual.

Equipment : PC, multimedia projector, presentation (PowerPoint), whatman paper, felt-tip pens.

Basic concepts: a visual form of presentation, drawing, photograph, map, scheme, symbols, diagram, table.

Lesson steps:

Lesson stages


I. Organizational moment

(1 min)

Preparing students for class work.

II. Updating of basic knowledge(3 min)

Reproduce ways of presenting information, classify examples according to ways of presenting information.

III. Learning new knowledge

  1. Formulation of the topic of the lesson(1 min)

Determine the topic of the lesson.

2. Statement of the problem. Group work of students(10 min)

Activate students to realize the role of visual forms of information presentation.

3. Presentation of new material(9 min)

To form knowledge about visual forms of information presentation: drawing, photographs, diagrams, symbols, maps, diagrams.

4. Physical education(2 minutes)

Removal of general fatigue.

IV. Practical work(10 min)

Repetition of previously learned material.

V. Consolidation and control of new knowledge(6 min)

Organize activities for the application of new knowledge, identify the level of primary assimilation of new material.

VI. Summarizing(2 minutes)

Analysis of the success of the learned material and the activities of students.

VII. Homework(1 min)

Engage students in creative activities.


  1. Organizing time.

Teacher: Hello guys. Sit down.

  1. Updating of basic knowledge.

Teacher : In the previous lessons, we have studied various forms of presenting information.

Presentation in progress.

  1. What forms of information presentation do you already know? (numeric, graphic, text)
  2. With what sense organs can a person perceive written information? ( eye )
  3. Tell us about the textual form of information presentation.

(Text is any verbal statement, printed, written or existing in oral form. Information presented in the form of written text is called textual information.)

  1. Explanation of new material.
  1. Formulation of the topic of the lesson.

Teacher : You have text information in front of you. Let's read it and try to imagine a picture: ( slide 4)

A fiery glow colored the sky. The surface of the ocean seemed to be covered with a scarlet silk scarf. The mountains were a black stripe on the horizon.

What did you imagine? (students answer)

You see, everyone has a different description. Now let's look at the picture painted according to this description. ( slide 4)

Teacher : How do you think it is easier to perceive information:

a) by drawing or by text? (according to the drawing)

b) why? (information is clear)

Teacher : Indeed, visual information is easier to perceive. After all, even a baby born into the world can neither speak nor walk, he perceives the world with my own eyes. Therefore, the theme of our lesson: "Visual forms of information presentation."

Write the topic in your notebook.

Teacher : Guys, what do you think is the purpose of the lesson? (get acquainted with visual forms of presenting information, find out whether people need a visual form of presenting information).

  1. Formulation of the problem. Group work.

Teacher: Do we need a visual form of information presentation? And the following experiment will help us figure it out (slide 5).

Teacher: So, back to the purpose of our study. What conclusion can we draw?(Students think, offer answers.)

Teacher : You can't do without visual forms of information presentation.

Teacher: In your homework, you will need to complete an assignment similar to the data.

  1. Presentation of new material.

Teacher: So, we found out that a visual form of information presentation is necessary. Let's see what visual representations you've used and learn about other examples.

Demonstration of the presentation, conversation with students.

Teacher: (slide 7) Drawing (picture) is a very popular and accessible form of information presentation.

What can most clearly tell about your travels, holidays?(Photos.)

(slide 8 ) You see on the slide a map of our Tula region. You know from the lessons of natural history that using a map you can also get a lot of information about a given area. Next year you will begin to study a new subject - geography, and in the lessons you will use this particular form of visual presentation of information.

(slide 9 ) Conventional signs are very common in our lives. Please explain where you could meet or use them.(When the weather forecast is announced, on the road.)

(slide 9 ) We can also get a lot of information from the schemes. They help to better understand and remember new material. Look at the diagrams. Where do you use them? Come up with a proposal for this scheme.(At Russian language lessons.)

And how can you conveniently represent numerical data? The answer lies in the problem. ( slide 10)

Exercise : It is known that someone arranged all the letters of the alphabet in a circle and replaced each letter of the original message with the next one after it. Decode the received encryptions:(or using RT: #20 p.23)



AT 3
































Answer: D I A G R A M M A.

Teacher : What is a diagram, let's open an encyclopedic dictionary?(Diagram - a graphical representation of the ratio of some quantities.)

Teacher : Let's find out how you can represent numerical data using a chart. Let's solve the problem: It is known that life spans of animals are different. What animals will be discussed, we learn from riddles. ( slide 14)

The names of animals appear on the board in sequence, then the years of life:

Elephant - 60
Crocodile - 40
Camel - 30
Bear - 25
Chimpanzee - 60

Teacher: The average lifespans of an elephant, a crocodile, a camel, a bear, and a chimpanzee are 60, 40, 30, 25, and 60 years, respectively.
Teacher: These data can be presented inline chart.
Teacher: Attention! Only he will build a diagram correctly who will listen carefully.
Teacher: Draw a coordinate system on a sheet of paper. Horizontally, we will put off the years of the life of animals, vertically - the name of the animal. Let two cells - 10 years of life.
- Using a ruler, draw 5 horizontal segments (since 5 animals), the lengths of which will be equal to 60, 40, 30, 25 and 60 mm, respectively:

Conclusion: The diagram clearly shows the life expectancy of animals.
– The chart may look different. If you rotate the coordinate system by 90 °, and instead of segments, draw rectangles that have the same lengths of the base, and the heights correspond to the numbers 60, 40, 30. 25 and 60. Such a diagram is called a bar chart. (
slide 15)

  1. Fizkultminutka. ( slide 16)

Teacher: And now you can rest. Get up, please, and leave the desks. Repeat the exercises after me.

We will move our hands -

It's like we're swimming in the sea.

One two three four -

Here we come to the shore

To break the bones

Let's start doing slopes -

Right, left, right, left

Let's not forget to sit down -

One two three four,

On the count of five, sit down at the computers.

  1. Practical work.

Teacher : We continue to get acquainted with visual forms of information. And one of those forms is a diagram.

Teacher: Now we are working with a computer. But before you get started, you need to remember the safety rules.(students answer)

Teacher : And now you will independently solve the text problem and arrange the results in the form of a diagram. ( slide 13)

You will be divided into two teams. Each group will receive tasks slide 13)

Teacher : All the time is over, please turn around and check if you have done the job correctly. ( slide 13)


  1. Consolidation and control of new knowledge.

Teacher: And now, let's check how you learned the new material. (Slide 14)

Teacher: answer the questions correctly and complete the crossword puzzle.

Students do their own work by putting down the correct answers.

Teacher : All the time is over, please turn around and check if you have done the job correctly.

After that, a self-test is performed and marks are given: no errors - "5", 1 error - "4", 2 errors - "3".

Students compare their answers with the answers presented on the slide, evaluate themselves.

Teacher : And now raise your hands those who performed without errors. Well done! Well, the rest, I hope, will still work on this topic.

  1. Summarizing.

Teacher: So, guys, what did we find out in the lesson today? (more information a person receives with the help of the eyes, visual forms of information are necessary for a better presentation of the information received)

How can information be presented visually? (using drawings, diagrams, photographs, diagrams, tables)

What conclusion did you come to by comparing textual and visual information? (easy to work with visual information)

Teacher: And today's assessment consists of assessments for practical and independent work.

  1. Homework.

Teacher: You need to learn about the profession of your parents and present it visually, and § 1.11 will help you complete your homework, for the curious I suggest reading § 3.8.

List of sources used

  1. Informatics and ICT: a textbook for grade 5 / L.L. Bosova. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2011.
  2. Informatics and ICT: workbook for grade 5 / L.L. Bosova. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2011.
  3. Unified educational resources:

The presentation is aimed at organizing work with the texts of the training paragraph. The entire text is divided into parts, in which only the main content is stated. The parts are placed on separate slides. The content of each part is composed of a task. Since these are self-training technologies, the tasks do not provide for automatic verification of the results. But the content of all tasks will be included in the final control test. The possibility of external verification of the execution of tasks is provided. Macros are used for this purpose. On a slide in demo mode, you need to write answers using the keyboard, as well as an alias. Then print this slide. If the work is done in a classroom, an anonymous peer review should be organized. It is for this purpose that pseudonyms are used. The results of the check should be entered in the rating sheet of the class. Each correct answer is worth one point. The total number of points is 26. It is not recommended to force students to memorize educational texts. Computer technologies for self-training and self-testing will ensure conscious assimilation of the subject content.

3.1 Tabular presentation of information The presentation of information in tabular form is widespread. In the table, you can easily and quickly find necessary information. A table is the simplest graphic representation of a material. They are made up of columns and rows. The number of columns and rows can be different. With the help of computers, tables can be arranged in different ways: choose the required number of columns and rows, use different colors to fill tables, you can even create the effect of table movement. According to their purpose, tables are divided into three types. 1. Explanatory tables - present the material in a concise manner, which makes it easier to understand. 2. Comparative tables - in them information is compared and compared. 3. Generalizing or thematic tables - they summarize in a certain sequence the main properties and signs of objects, phenomena, events. Complete task number 1. Use the mouse to place the cursor in the answer windows, and use the keyboard to write down the answer.

Look at the table and write down in the first answer what kind it belongs to. In the second answer, write down what the rectangular tables are made of. In the third answer, write down the name of the device that allows you to quickly change the appearance of tables. alias

Exercise 1

Tables of type "Object - property" Rectangular tables consist of rows and columns, which are also called graphs. The headings of the graphs are usually located in the top row of the table. In tables of the "object-property" type, each row refers to an object. In the first column, this is usually indicated by an object, in other columns, the properties of the object are indicated. Tables of the "Object - object" type In tables of the "object-object" type, relationships between various objects. Any data can be reduced to a tabular form. Bringing information to tabular form is called data normalization. A variety of tables of this type are "binary matrices". They display the presence of a connection between objects: for example, if there is a connection, then 1 is set, if not, then 0. The matrix form of the tables is convenient for computer processing, so many Computer techologies work with tables. There are special programs for processing tables. Complete task number 2. Use the mouse to place the cursor in the cells of the table, and use the keyboard to write the numbers 0 or 1.

Keywords Figure

It's visual!

It's better to see once
than hear a hundred times.
folk wisdom
the information that is presented visually -
using drawings, photographs, diagrams, diagrams.

What are diagrams for?

In order to show how the surroundings are arranged
us objects (objects, processes, phenomena) and how they are related
with each other, use diagrams.

From text to drawing, from drawing to diagram

Transition from one form of information presentation
to another often helps to solve difficult problems.
Task: At the half-station of a single-track railway
the train stopped, consisting of a diesel locomotive and three wagons,
delivered a team of workers for the construction of the second
way. In the meantime, at this half-station there is a small
dead end, where, if necessary, can fit
locomotive with a wagon or two wagons. Soon besides
a freight train (a diesel locomotive and 7
How to skip a passenger train?
The solution of the problem

We solve the problem

To visualize different
numeric data use charts.

We solve the problem

Data representation
using charts
Example: average lifespans of an elephant,
crocodile, camel, horse and chimpanzee are 60, 40,
30, 25 and 60 years respectively. Let's imagine this data
using diagrams.
60 Elephant
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
line chart


Let's think
Task: Based on the following data, build
bar chart.
School No. 1 has 250 students, School No. 2 has
300 people, 450 people study at school No. 3, the school
No. 4 has 400 students.
School № 1
School number 2
School No. 3
School No. 4

Representing data with charts

The most important
Visual forms of information presentation are drawings, diagrams, diagrams, etc.
Illustrations help the reader very quickly
understand what is at stake, and create in it
presenting certain images.
To show how they are made
objects around us (objects, processes,
phenomena) and how they relate to each other,
schemes are used.
For a visual representation of various numerical
data use charts.

Questions and tasks
1. Make sentences according to the schemes on the topic
"Our school affairs".

The most important

Questions and tasks
2. Four girls go to the computer graphics circle:
Anya, Katya, Olya and Masha. On the diagram, the names of the girls
are connected by lines if they are friends with each other.
Remove false statements.
Olya is friends with Anya
Anya is friends with Katya
Katya is friends with Anya and Olya
Masha is friends with both Anya and Katya
Masha is either not friends with Olya, or not friends with Anya

Questions and tasks

Questions and tasks
3. It is known that a physically healthy person is 80% of all
receives information with the help of the organs of vision, 10% - with
using the hearing organs, 5, 3 and 2%, respectively, are
on the organs of smell, touch and taste. Complement
the corresponding captions of the pie chart.

Questions and tasks

This is interesting
Find in the electronic appendix to the textbook these
resources and get to know them:
"A variety of visual
presentation forms

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Slides captions:

Visual forms of information presentation

text Types of information according to the method of presentation numerical graphic sound

text is the transfer of speech, thoughts, reasoning into the form of a text - a combination of letters, and different languages ​​have their own set of characters. An example is books, various documents, protocols, etc.

numeric data expressed as special characters - numbers, numbers. Necessary for, for example, economic relations. An example is price tags in stores, data from various appliances, etc.

graphic is the most ancient way of displaying and transmitting information. These are different images. Examples are rock art, frescoes, paintings, diagrams, drawings, diagrams, etc.

sound is the oldest type of information based on sound vibrations. Examples are human speech, music, various kinds of signaling, etc.

You have text information. Read it and try to imagine the picture. A fiery glow colored the sky. The surface of the ocean seemed to be covered with a scarlet silk scarf. The mountains were a black stripe on the horizon. How do you think it is easier to perceive information: from a picture or from text?

You have text information. Read it and try to imagine the picture. On a summer sunny day, two boys and two girls played on the playground, two of them played with a ball, and the rest played with spatulas. It is known that one girl accurately played the ball, and one boy accurately played with a spatula. With what kind of information can we get a better visual representation? In what form can we present this information?

Forms of presentation of visual and information: Drawings - help to quickly understand what is at stake, and create images. Diagrams - Diagrams show how the surrounding objects are arranged and how they are related to each other. Charts - used to represent different numerical data.

Saint Petersburg city map

Schemes and symbols

Task: It is known that someone arranged all the letters of the alphabet in a circle and replaced each letter of the original message with the next one after it. Decode the resulting encryptions: E Y B D S B N N B

Elephant - 60 years old Horse - 25 years old Camel - 30 years old Crocodile - 40 years old Chimpanzee - 60 years old

Charts are usually divided according to their form into the following types: bar charts; bar charts; pie charts; line charts; curly charts;

1. type of chart, the columns of which are arranged horizontally; 2. the type of information presented as an image; 3. graphical representation of data, allowing you to quickly evaluate the ratio of several quantities. 4. a list, a list of information, numerical data, given in a certain system and arranged in columns. 5. the oldest type of information based on sound vibrations. 6. an object with information fixed in a way created by a person for its transmission. 7. materially expressed replacement of objects, phenomena, concepts in the process of information exchange. 8. data expressed as special characters - numbers, numbers. 9. an illustration that, with the help of conventional graphic symbols, conveys the essence of the structure of an object or system, movement, structure, etc. 10. several sentences connected between. itself in meaning. S V U K V D T O I L G I A B S I R A B A Z L A V O R I N O S T E F R I O A V K H E Y I A C K ​​K A E L F M A U Y M S A E M M A T Y S A E K N A T Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
