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Presentation on the topic "Natural disasters. Mudflows." Presentation on life safety on the topic of Seli and their characteristics (Grade 7) V. Work on new material

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    Sels and their characteristics

    Tell about the actions of the population in case of a flood threat Tell about the actions of the population in case of a sudden flood Tell about the actions of the population after the flood In the light of the sun and the moon A river ran from the mountains And, skirting the boulders, Rumbled enthusiastically. And wriggling like a snake, And, not being afraid of obstacles, She sparkled with turquoise, And everyone was glad to see her! In the light of the sun and the moon The river ran from the mountains And, skirting the boulders, Rumbled enthusiastically. And wriggling like a snake, And, not being afraid of obstacles, She sparkled with turquoise, And everyone was glad to see her! But one day, on a hot day, a mudflow broke from the high mountains, It rushed with a rumble to the fields, And the earth trembled. In the distant mountains he lived for a long time, He accumulated a lot of anger, Squeezed between the gloomy rocks, He dreamed of revenge for a long time. Sweeping away Trees, stones, a new house on his way, He crushed people, washed away animals, And he was only happy with this ... Grinding of teeth, his grin, It seemed to come from the rocks. The land is disfigured, The fields are strewn with stones... But the rivulet is no more, And where it flowed, the trace is lost... What is SEL? SEL - a temporary flow of a mixture of water and a large number of rock fragments from clay particles to large stones and boulders that suddenly appear in the beds of mountain rivers and hollows. Conditions for the formation of mudflows

    Mudflow-forming soil

    Sources of water supply for mudflows

    Sufficient steepness of slopes

    Characteristics of mudflows

    • The length of the mudflow channel (from several 10 m to several 10 km)
    • Width (from 3-100 m)
    • Travel speed
    • (2-10 m/s) 4. Duration (1-3 h) 5. Power (mixture volume, in cubic meters)
    Causes of mudflows NATURAL
    • Long and heavy rains
    • Melting snow and glaciers
    • Water breakthrough
    • Earthquake
    • Eruption
    • Violation of the rules and regulations of mining enterprises
    • Explosions during road construction and construction of other structures
    • felling the forest
    • Mismanagement of agricultural work and violation of the soil and vegetation cover.
    • Kabardino-Balkaria
    • North Ossetia
    • Dagestan
    • Kamchatka
    • Primorye
    • Kola Peninsula

    In Russia, up to 20% of the territory is located in mudflow zones. More than 3,000 mudflow basins have been registered on the territory of Russia.

    Complete the task Classify mudflows according to the results of their impact on various structures and objects, depending on the total volume of mudflow removal. Indicate the main criteria that determine this division. Enter this data in a notebook in the form of a table, using p. 100 textbook. Verification Verification Consequences of mudflows

    • Destruction of buildings, roads, hydraulic and other structures
    • Disruption of communication and power lines
    • Destruction of orchards, arable land
    • Death of people and animals
    Consolidation Write a definition by inserting the missing words. A mudflow, or mudflow, is a stormy ...... mountain ........, consisting of a mixture of ........ and a large number of rocks - from clay ....... .. to large........... and.......... . Helper words: water, stones, particles, temporary, blocks, flow. Mutual verification A mudflow, or mudflow, is a turbulent temporary mountain stream, consisting of a mixture of water and a large number of rocks - from clay particles to large stones and boulders.

    "0 errors" - 5

    "1-2 mistakes" - 4

    "3 Mistakes" - 3

    Homework Section 4.4. Resources Used

    • Images on slide 1.
    • Image on slide 2.
    • Image on slide 3.
    • Image on slide 4.
    • Poem
    Resources Used
    • Image on slide 6.
    • Image on slide 7.
    • Image on slide 8.
    • Image on slide 9.
    • Image on slide 10.
    • Images on slide 14.
    • Image on slide 17.

    Mudflow, or mudflow, is a stormy temporary mountain stream, consisting of a mixture of water and a large number of rock fragments from clay particles to large stones and boulders. This formidable phenomenon occurs in mountains with a continental climate, where sharp temperature drops intensively destroy rocks and many destruction products (loose rocks) accumulate on the slopes of the mountains. During heavy rains or amicable melting of snow, loose rocks are washed away by the resulting water and turn water streams sat down in mud or mud-stone streams.

    The sources of the solid component of the mudflow can be friable rock materials resulting from talus, landslides and landslides, as well as blockages and blockages formed by previous mudflows. For high-mountainous regions with developed glaciers, the sources of the solid component of mudflows are moraine glacial deposits. They consist of a mixture of a variety of rock fragments: from large blocks to sand and clay. The sources of water supply for mudflows are rains and showers, and in high-mountainous regions, water formed during the intensive melting of glaciers and snow, as well as during the breakthrough of glacial or moraine lakes.

    Mudflows are formed in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Dagestan, Kamchatka, Primorye, the Kola Peninsula and the Urals. The impact of mudflows on various structures depends on the total volume of debris flow. On this basis, mudflows are divided into low-power, medium-power, powerful and catastrophic. The total volume of mudflow removal is: in a small village m 3; in a medium-sized village m 3; in a powerful village m 3; in a catastrophic village more than m 3.

    Questions 1. What combination of conditions is necessary for the occurrence of a mudflow? 2. List the main components of a mudflow. 3. How mudflows are divided according to the power of their impact on environment? List the main criteria that determine this division. 4. Why is mudflow dangerous?

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    Mudflows and their characteristics. Grade 7 Developed by teacher OBZhKoshkina Elena Igorevna Sel, or mudflow, is a stormy temporary mountain stream, consisting of a mixture of water and a large number of rock fragments - from clay particles to large stones and blocks. Mudflow occurs suddenly in the basins of small mountain rivers. Experienced tourists traveling in mountainous areas never stop for the night in ravines or floodplains. Mudflow rushing from high speed down the river valley, picks up everything: boulders, trees, various rocks. This formidable phenomenon occurs in the mountains with a continental climate, where sudden changes in temperature intensively destroy rocks and many destruction products accumulate on the slopes of the mountains. . The formation of mudflows is due to a combination certain conditions: firstly, the presence of mudflow-forming soils, which are sources of the solid component of the mudflow; secondly, the presence of sources of intensive watering of these soils, as well as the sufficient steepness of the mountain slopes in these places. The sources of the solid component of the mudflow can be loose rock materials resulting from talus, landslides and landslides, as well as blockages and blockages formed by previous mudflows. For high-mountainous regions with developed glaciers, the sources of the solid component of mudflows are glacial deposits - moraines. They consist of a mixture of a variety of rock fragments: from large blocks to sand and clay. The sources of water supply for mudflows are rains and showers, and in high-mountainous regions - water formed during the intensive melting of glaciers and snow, as well as during the breakthrough of glacial or moraine lakes. When moving, mudflow is a continuous stream of mud, stones and water. The length of the mudflow channel can be from 10-15 m (microflusher) to several tens of kilometers. The steepness of the slope in the upper part is 25-30°, in the lower part - 8-15°. At smaller slopes, the movement of mudflows fades. The mudflow speed can reach 35 km/h. The steep leading front of the mudflow wave of powerful and catastrophic mudflows can reach a width of 5-15 m, low-power - 1-2 m. The width of the mudflow varies from 3-5 to 50-100 m. The duration of mudflows varies from tens of minutes to several hours. Most of the recorded mudflows had a duration of 1-3 hours. Sometimes mudflows can occur in waves lasting 10-30 minutes, at short intervals. The maximum size (in diameter) of boulders and rock debris carried by mudflows can be 3-4 m or more. The mass of such blocks can be up to 300 tons. On this basis, mudflows are divided into low-power, medium-power, powerful and catastrophic. The total volume of debris flow is: in a small village - 10,000 m3; in a medium-sized village - 20,000-100,000 m3; in a powerful village - 100,000-900,000 m3; in a catastrophic village - more than 1,000,000 m3. Check yourself1. What combination of conditions is necessary for a mudflow?2. List the main components of mudflow.3. How are mudflows divided according to the power of their impact on the environment? List the main criteria that determine this division.4. Why is mudflow dangerous?

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    LANDSLIDES AND MURDROWS Completed by: Sozykina Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher of life safety, MBOU secondary school No. 8, Sholokhovskiy village, Rostov region

    Understand what landslides are and what mudflows are. Give them a description and find out their classification. Learn the causes of landslides and mudflows and their consequences. Get to know, remember and learn to apply the rules safe behavior with advance warning of the threat of a mudflow or landslide. What do we need to know today?



    GENERAL CONDITION FOR THESE NATURAL HAZARDS: Ground, rock or snow begins to move down the slope.

    North Caucasus. Ural. Sayans. Primorye. Kamchatka. Sakhalin. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are areas where landslides, mudflows, landslides often occur:

    Landslide - sliding, displacement and separation of masses of rocks down the slope under the influence of their own weight and gravity due to erosion of the slope, waterlogging, seismic shocks and other processes. DICTIONARY

    Collapse - separation and catastrophic fall of large masses of rocks. DICTIONARY

    Sel (sail - "turbulent stream") - a mountain stream, consisting of a mixture of water, mud, stones (there are mud, stone, mud-stone). DICTIONARY

    Landslides and collapses are formed in various rocks as a result of their imbalance or weakening of strength. They can be called

    Mudflows are formed in various rocks as a result of their imbalance or weakening of strength. They can be caused by NATURAL (NATURAL) FACTORS Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, natural destruction of mountains. ARTIFICIAL (ANTHROPOGENIC) FACTORS Associated with human activity - improper laying of roads, deforestation and bushes, blasting and mining near landslide areas.

    Landslides at the place of formation Mountainous; Underwater; Snowy; In artificial earthworks Collapses by thickness, by scale Rockfalls; Snow avalanches Debris flow according to the composition of transported material Mud flows; Mudstone streams; Water streams. CLASSIFICATION


    Basic precautions

    Carrying out protective works Construction of protective structures Strengthening slopes with a special mesh

    Actions of the emergency services

    WHAT SHOULD BE DONE AT THE RISK OF LANDSLIDES, MUSHROWS, CAVES: Natural safe places: slopes of mountains and hills, not located to the landslide process and not located in mudflow-prone directions. HAZARDOUS SITUATIONS CAN AND MUST BE PREVENTED!

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