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Sales manager report. What reports are needed in the sales department to motivate managers to grow revenue? Annual report of the sales department

The first report that needs to be filled out is the “weekly payment plan”. Since a week is a truly critical period in the monthly forecast for closing deals, you must immediately learn how to control work in this particular area.

1. Form into this shape

2. Ensure a regular process in which managers complete this report in the CRM on a weekly basis. It is best if they do this at the end of the weekly cycle, when there are already certain achievements and “promises” from clients.

3. Download the form shown above from the system and discuss it at a weekly meeting, for example on Monday morning. This way you will “publicly” confirm the plans of each manager, which will greatly increase the chances of their implementation.

The most important point in the table “When will he pay” is the key point in the form. Filling it out encourages sellers to be responsible and do everything to meet the deadline.

It is important to understand that one “bad” week of work - and now the business is faced with lost profits, cash gaps and problems with creditors. The “weekly payment plan”, among other things, indirectly affects the prevention of such situations.

Sales manager report: fact of payments for today

The “actual payment for the past day” report mostly serves an informational function. Thanks to him, the manager monitors the situation on a daily basis.

Please note that the Payment Status column can include the following:

  • paid;
  • partially paid;
  • invoice for payment.

The main feature of this manager report is that it is filled out several times a day. The manager assigns reference points for intraday monitoring of plan execution. You can track payments based on filling out the “fact of payments for today” 2-3 times a day. For example, at 12:00, 16:00 and 18:00. Such hourly monitoring not only gives an understanding of the situation, but also stimulates sellers.

Sales manager report: payment plan for tomorrow

The manager’s “payment plan for tomorrow” report provides a detailed forecast for the week, but only with the possibility of daily control.

This form is filled out once at the end of the working day that precedes the scheduled one. At the end of the day, it is reviewed with the manager and correlated with the “weekly payment plan.”

Such an analysis makes it possible to achieve the necessary efficiency in the actions of the head of the department, who, based on it, can timely adjust the seller’s strategy.

Sales manager report: summary table of department indicators

There is another basic form of report - a summary report of the “board” type, on which plan implementation indicators for each department employee are dynamically changed and displayed. Its main purpose is information and demonstration.

In this form, it can be presented on a large monitor, or drawn out manually on a regular board. The “board” should be automatically populated in the CRM, which reflects all the necessary indicators for each seller.

Pay special attention to the second column from the left, “% of plan completed for the current day.” It requires further clarification. This is not an actual percentage that reflects how much the monthly plan has been completed. In fact, this indicator indicates the “speed” of its implementation. That is, how much the plan would be fulfilled by each of the employees if he continues to make the same efforts as at the current moment.

The “% plan completion for the current day” is calculated using the formula:

Current fact: (Monthly plan: total number of working days in a month x number of days worked in a month) x 100

Thus, if the result on this report of a sales manager is less than 100%, this means that he does not have time to fulfill the plan given the amount of effort he makes and the strategies he uses.

The “board” is mainly aimed at exerting psychological influence on sellers in order to push them to take more active, but at the same time reasonable steps to correct the situation.

Sales manager report: pipeline

Pipeline is a term that came to us from Western sales practice. It characterizes and details the status of all transactions that are at different stages in the employee’s “portfolio”. Working with a pipeline is a constant process of interaction between the manager and each employee regarding decisions that will ultimately lead to payment.

For effective interaction of this kind, 2 conditions are necessary:

  1. All work and reports of sales managers are carried out through CRM
  2. The manager ranks deals in CRM using filters and uploads the following form.

The key indicators for closing a deal in this table are “deal stage” and “probability”. Moreover, they correlate with each other.

Initially, the probability scale is adjusted depending on the stage at which the deal is currently located. The degrees of this probability are selected based on the established individual business practices. They also depend on the industry and the level of person with whom the salesperson interacts: middle manager, department head or director. Let's give a real example of such a scale.

  • A commercial proposal has been sent - the probability of payment is up to 50%
  • Sent the contract - 50−70%
  • The agreement has been signed - 70−90%
  • Invoice issued - 90−100%

The pipeline and the results in the reports of each manager are quite manageable things. You just need to be guided by 4 principles.

1. The overall health of each seller's portfolio is monitored on a regular, sometimes daily, basis. It is especially important to do this with newcomers and employees who are in professional “depression.” In order to change the pipeline state of a particular seller, control it at the mentioned reference points within the day.

2. The pipeline should not be allowed to become “cluttered” or, on the contrary, to be too “empty”. Monitor the process of closing deals on time using reports from managers. And promptly replenish the employee’s personal funnel with tasks for new deals. Ideally, “filling” should occur automatically as old tasks are processed, taking into account the average deal length. In this way, the necessary balance can be achieved.

3. Work with the pipeline must be configured with the ability to control the average bill. If this indicator does not reach the required level, which is established in the regulations for business processes, then it is necessary to schedule additional meetings with staff and conduct training on problem stages.

4. We should not forget that the volume of revenue depends not only on the efforts of sellers, but also on marketing support. Each stage of the transaction should include an element that will literally push the buyer to pay. Thus, along with a commercial offer, a gift in the form of an educational e-book with useful information can be sent. To make payment faster, you can provide a time-limited opportunity for additional bonuses under the contract.


In addition, during the day it is necessary to carry out surveys at reference points. Here you can use a selective approach to analyze the current situation of a particular manager.

You can connect instant messengers to the reporting system. Through this communication channel you can receive quick communication and control work discipline.

We looked at 5 components of effective work with managers' reports. It includes setting up an entire system that will promptly signal the status of each transaction individually.

After completing each transaction, the seller must write sales report. This is necessary not only for the seller himself, but also for the company as a whole. For convenience, make drafts of reports after each visit to the client.

Every company that deals with sales has a sales reporting system. These reports travel from salespeople through sales managers to the top management of the company.

Sales report– a document about the salesperson’s meetings with clients. There are several types of sales reports.

Report on meetings with each client, which contains the following data:

  • client's name and position;
  • duration of the meeting;
  • quantity of goods sold;
  • actions of the company to ensure the order (delivery times).

Daily report Usually filled out during the working day and sent to the manager in the evening. It contains information about what was done during the day:

  • number of visits per day;
  • what goods were sold;
  • quantity of goods sold.

This data is necessary for the sales manager to evaluate the results achieved during the day.

Client file is also one of the types of reports that every seller should maintain. The customer file contains the names and addresses of regular and potential customers, the names of contact persons for organizations, a description of the nature of the business, notes on received and possible orders, as well as details of completed visits.

The card index must be constantly updated with up-to-date information about each client. If a salesperson leaves the company, the customer file is transferred to his successor.

Weekly report contains a description of the events that occurred during the week and includes:

  • all orders received;
  • information about new clients;
  • information about the use of a company car (distance and fuel consumption).

Monthly report about work summarizes the data from weekly reports. This is a guideline for the manager for the future. It includes:

  • summarized data from weekly reports;
  • forecast of probable sales volume for the next month;
  • explanations regarding deviations from the sales plan.

Cash expenditure report(a fixed amount that the company allocates to each seller).

A sales manager must constantly work with his team's reports. You can glean a lot of useful information from them. Sales managers use salesperson reports to monitor the performance of each salesperson. The sales manager can use the reports to further guide and properly set or tailor their team's goals.

The information that salespeople provide in their reports helps the manager plan sales. The report is also part of the , it provides information about how the market is accepting your product.

In addition, from the reports you can learn about deviations from forecasted sales and get the opinion of sellers on why actual sales differ from forecasts.

Preparing a sales report

Salespeople fill out a significant number of forms, make a lot of notes, and write sales reports during the course of their work. Some of them are daily, others are weekly. Also, as a rule, a summary report is drawn up on the work done for the month.

Drawing up sales reports is necessary for each link in the company structure to work effectively. At all levels of the company's sales, a different amount of reporting is required, ascending from ordinary sales agents to sales managers and from there to the company's senior management.

The amount of reporting work increases as you move up the corporate ladder. Although reports make up a relatively small part of the overall work, especially at lower levels, they are nevertheless very important.

The main task of sales agents and sellers is to sell. Therefore, you should not overload them with reporting work.

A sales report should be clear, concise, compelling and contain facts that can be used wherever necessary. The employee's opinion expressed in the report may be valuable, but it must be understood that it may be subjective.

A sales report doesn't have to be long. As a rule, its preparation and compilation should take no more than 15 minutes. Ideally, the report should be completed as soon as possible after meeting the client. If this is not possible, essential details should be briefly recorded. Many companies provide their agents with special notepads that they must use in their daily work.

Few sellers manage to maintain relationships with the client and fulfill their obligations after the transaction is concluded. Many of them do not always remember, for example, that they promised the client to fulfill his request by a certain date. To prevent this from happening, pay special attention record keeping.

The easiest way not to forget about your obligations to the client is to use a special reminder (a card index of current information). This file cabinet is like an accordion with slots marked with numbers from 1 to 31 and the names of the months from January to December. If a client asks to call him on the first of the next month, simply write down the date, name, phone number and place the note in the appropriate slot on your memo.

Sometimes you can make notes on the calendar, but if we are talking about a document (a letter, a card of a potential client), then it is better to put it somewhere where it will be easy to get, for example, in a memo.

Tips for working with the memo

If you take the memo with you to meetings with clients, it is better to make it lockable so that important documents do not fall out and get lost.

Check your memo every day. Write a “check memo” reminder on your work calendar for the next three weeks.

Underline the important points in the document before putting it in the memo.

Place the date in the upper corner of the relevant document. At the end of the month, lay out the next month's papers.

Keep the reminder on your desk or carry it with you.

To prevent business cards and other small documents from getting lost, pin them to large documents.

Write the word “memo” on your work calendar next to any upcoming meetings that you keep in your memo.

Having your records handy will help you create any sales report you need quickly and easily.

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