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Staging a play for Mother's Day at school. Project “Staging a play for Mother’s Day” project (middle group) on the topic. Song “And what girls have done”

The script of the play for Mother's Day based on the story by V. Rasputin “The Deadline”.

Bronnikova Irina Anatolevna

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 16

Bigun Tatyana Pavlovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 16

Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region

I conjure: take care of your mother!

Children of the world, take care of your mother!


Varvara- eldest daughter

Ilya– eldest son characters from the story “The Deadline”

Lucy– middle daughter

Michael- younger son

Nadia- Mikhail's wife

Action 1

Room. A table, household utensils on the table, a Russian stove, a bed behind a curtain. Mikhail is sitting at the table.

Old woman Anna lay on a narrow iron bed near the Russian stove and waited for death, for which the time had already come. The old woman was nearly eighty. Anna dies long and hard. Her strength either leaves her completely, then suddenly returns again, deceiving, at least for a short time, the death standing at her bedside.

The old woman had five surviving children: three daughters and two sons. One daughter, Varvara, lived in the area, another, Lyusya, in the city, and the third, Tatyana, or as the old woman called her, Tanchora, her most beloved, was very far away, in Kiev.

The eldest son Ilya from the north, where he remained after the army, also moved to the city, and the youngest Mikhail, who was the only one who did not leave the village, had an old woman and lived out his life, trying not to annoy his family with his old age.

Michael (gets up from the table, goes to the curtain, opens it):

Wait, mother, our people will arrive soon. Need to see you ( sit down at the table). The mother has become completely bad and is dying. I sent telegrams to my brother and sisters. We must come to say goodbye, I don’t even remember when was the last time...

(The noise of an engine is heard, the car door slams, and soon Varvara enters)

Varvara (goes behind the curtain and screams):

Mother, you are my... It’s me, Varvara, your eldest. I came to see you. And you don't even look at me.

Michael: Wait, Varvara, she’s alive. Sleeping. Do not scream. Sit down. ( They sit down at the table. Ilya and Lyusya enter)

Ilya: Hello.

Lucy: How's your mother?

Varvara (screams): Mother, you are our mother!

Michael: Wait, you'll have time. She’s sleeping... Our Tatyana won’t come today, we won’t wait...

Ilya: Today there is nothing more. If you received a telegram yesterday, then today it will fly out of Kyiv, there is a transfer in the city, maybe now it is sitting in the area, but the cars are not leaving for the night.

Michael: It will be tomorrow, for sure.

Lucy (with sadness): We haven’t gotten together like this for a long time. Tatiana is just not there. She will arrive as if no one had ever left.

Michael (offended): Where are they - they didn’t leave... They left completely. Only Varvara will stop by when she needs some potatoes or something else. And it’s as if you don’t even exist in the world.

Ilya: Varvara is nearby...

Varvara (with undershirt): And for you, Ilya, to travel from Moscow with Lyusya - a day on the ship - and here. At least they shouldn’t talk, since you don’t recognize us as family. They became urban. You wanted to get to know the villagers!

Lucy (offended): I couldn’t, so I didn’t come.

Varvara: If I wanted to, Lucy, I could.

Lucy: What do you mean, I could?! With my health, if you don’t get treatment at a sanatorium while on vacation, then you’ll be running around hospitals all year!

Michael: Okay, mother is dying, and here you are sorting things out.

(Nadya enters)

Nadia: Why are you not family? We met together after so many years - even though trouble brought us together. Sit down at the table, let's drink tea

(everyone sits down at the table)

Lucy (addresses Nadya): - Nadya, do you have a sewing machine?

Nadia: Yes, but I don’t know, does she sew? I haven't opened it for a long time.

Lucy: Today I started looking, and, as luck would have it, I don’t have a single black dress. I ran to the store and bought some material, but, of course, I had no time to sew. I just tailored it.

(goes to the machine and sits down to sew)

Varvara (sobbed): At least she could live to see broad daylight.

Nadia: It’s already late, I need to go to bed.

(the men and Nadya leave, Varvara approaches Lyusa)

Varvara: Lucy, are you preparing something black for the funeral?

Lucy: I don’t understand, Varvara, is it really necessary to ask about this?

Varvara: What did I say? I'll go! How long will you be here?

Lucy: Until I sew it...

Varvara: We shouldn’t have gone to bed today. Oh there was no need ( shakes his head). We would sit and talk, be with our mother... Well, okay, I’ll go to bed too...

Act 2

Same room. The curtain is open, the bed is made.

Michael: It’s so good that you came and your mother is on the mend. I went out into the yard.

It was a miracle or not a miracle. Nobody will tell. But only when she saw her boys did the old woman begin to come to life. Two or three more times she lost her memory, as if she had imperceptibly fallen somewhere into the dark depths beneath her, and yet each time she came to her senses and opened her eyes with a fearful groan: was she dreaming about them or them?

Little by little, the old woman straightened out, and everything that was in her and that should have risen in her, one after another, was found and seemed even suitable for life.

Ilya: Mikhail, I think there is no need for us to be near our mother anymore. You can see for yourself that she has already sat down. Just a moment he’ll run...

Michael (shaking his head): She can...

Ilya: Tell me anyway, huh!!! I would never have thought of it... It was lying there all ready, as if there was nothing left, but something had an effect. Well, mother! Well, mother!

Michael: Our mother is also a magician!

Ilya: - True, she outwitted her death too...

Michael: And I’ll tell you this, Ilya, she shouldn’t have done this. It would be better if she died now. We feel better, and so does she. ( A little quieter, in your ear) I’m just telling you this - why should we hide in front of each other? He'll die anyway. And now is the time: everyone has gathered and prepared. Since we’ve already gathered, it would be necessary to bring this matter to the end. And don't mislead us. Otherwise I believed her, you believed me - and so it went...

Ilya (objecting): Why are you doing this? Let him die when he dies. It's not up to her.

Michael: -I’m saying how it would be better, I’m talking about the moment. This is the case. But when you leave, she’ll stay a little longer and still get away with it. Mark my words. It’s not for nothing that she had this; it’s not for nothing that cholera doesn’t happen. I have to send you telegrams again, but you are no longer in the same mood. Who, maybe, will come, who will manage like this. And everything will turn out ten times worse. Before you die, you won’t be able to breathe anyway.

Ilya: Why not come?

Michael: Anything can happen...Tatyana is not going now.

Ilya: Tatyana... As she knew, she was in no hurry.

Michael: That’s the point, I didn’t know and I’m in no hurry. If she doesn’t come today, her mother will go crazy. She’s already tired of us with her Tanchora: she’ll see her in a dream, or something else. You don’t live here, Ilya, you don’t know.

Ilya: He will come. To receive such a telegram and not come... I don’t know what it’s called.

Michael: Well, if he comes, we’ll meet him as expected - sister.

Ilya: Yes, we'll meet...

(Lucy comes in, looking determined and excited.)

Lucy: Ilya, do you know that there is a ship today? Soon. And the next one will be only in three days.

Ilya (stood up confused): So what should we do now?

Lucy: Take a look yourself. And I need to go. There is no way I can stay here anymore.

Ilya: We must go (nods his head and looks at Mikhail). The mother seems to have recovered.

Michael: Let's wait...

Lucy: I'm already tired of this talk about death. Honestly! Same thing, same thing. Do you think it's nice? There must be a measure for everything. The mother can't talk about anything anymore. She still has time to live, but she’s still making things up. It’s also not possible!

Varvara (screamed): What are you saying?

Lucy: You yourself, Varvara, understand that your mother has almost fully recovered. Well, live, enjoy life. Be like everyone else and don’t bury yourself without death. You are a living, normal person - so be it...

(took a short pause, then said in a gentle voice): And we have to go today.

Varvara (worried): You can’t leave your mother’s side, you can’t. You are just like step-brothers. Think for yourself, it’s impossible.

Michael: We should have waited at least another day...

Lucy: We are not free people: we do what we want. We're at work. I would love to live here for at least a week, but then they might ask me to leave work. We're not on vacation. Please understand. And don't be offended by us. That's how it should be. And in the summer we will come again. We'll definitely come, we promise. And then not hastily, as now, but for a long time.

Ilya (intervened): What's in the summer! Not in the summer, but see you sooner. Mother will get back on her feet properly, and she can come and visit us. We're taking my mother to the circus. I live next to the circus. The clowns are there. You'll want to laugh.

Michael: One day earlier, one day later. Who cares?

Lucy (flared up): I am not going to discuss this issue with you, Mikhail. I probably know better whether there is a difference or not. Or you still Do you think that we should take our mother with us and for this we must wait for her?

Michael: No, I don’t think so.

Lucy: And thanks for that.

They began to gather. Getting ready was hasty and awkward. The old woman was no longer crying, she seemed numb, her face was lifeless and submissive. They said something to her, she did not answer. Only the eyes, forgotten and lost, followed the turmoil.

Varvara: And what about the dress?

Lucy: What?

Varvara: The dress you made here. You said you would give it back.

(Lucy took the already packed dress out of her bag and disdainfully threw it into Varvara’s hands)

Varvara: However, I will also go. If that's it, then so am I. It's more fun together.

Michael (waving his hand): - Go. Go, everyone. ( Everyone leaves. Mikhail is silent for a long time)

Nothing, mother. Nothing. We'll survive. As we lived, so we will live. Do not be angry at me. I'm a fool, of course. Oh, what a fool I am.( moaned. got up and went to the curtain)

Lie down, mother, lie down and don’t think about anything. Don't be too angry with me. I was a fool…

The old woman listened without answering, and no longer knew whether she could answer or not. She wanted to sleep. Her eyes closed. Until the evening, before darkness, she opened them several more times, but not for long, only to remember where she was.

That night the old woman died.


Valentin Rasputin. Stories. Moscow. "Enlightenment". 1990 pp. 7-136

(The script was written only based on the text of the story “The Deadline”).

Script for a mini-play dedicated to Mother's Day. For preparatory group d/c No. 107 “Firefly”

City of Ulyanovsk.

Prepared by the teacher of the preparatory group: Bochkareva M.I.

Fabulous adventures of Masha”








Masha's mom.

Mother: Masha, collect your toys! It's time to brush your teeth and go to bed.

M: Well, I didn’t finish the game again! I wish I could find myself in a fairy tale now - play as much as you want, you don’t need to brush your teeth, you don’t need to collect toys...

Music is playing. The scenery changes.

M: Oh, where am I!? How interesting! Have I really found myself in a fairy tale? Hooray! It looks like someone is coming here.

Music is playing. A frog appears. She sings and dances.

M: Hello. How beautifully you sing and dance. Can you teach me?

Lie: Hello girl! Unfortunately I'm very busy.

M: What are you so busy with, may I ask you?

Lyag: Getting ready for the next trip.

M: Wow! Where have you already been?

Lyag: I was in Turkey, I was in Egypt, I was in Greece! I want to go to Lappland! Moreover, the new year is coming soon.

M: How great! Please take me with you!

Lyag: Alas, mine vehicle Not suitable for two. Goodbye girl.

M: Goodbye! What a pity that the frog didn’t take me with him. That is OK! The most interesting things are yet to come!

Music sounds. A hare appears and runs into Masha.

Z: Oh, oh girl, who are you?!

M: I'm Masha! And who are you?

Z: I'm a Hare! Brave! I am not afraid of anything!

M: Let's be friends with you?

Z: Isn’t that scary?

M: No, what are you talking about! More fun together!

Z: Oh, it looks like someone is coming here! I think it's Lisa! I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid! Let's run...

Masha and the Hare run away. Music is playing. Lisa comes out.

L: How good it is to be beautiful! And most importantly, smart and cunning. Spent the Wolf. I ate enough fish. Now I would like to rest. But it seems that the Wolf is too! We need to prepare.

Music is playing. The Wolf appears.

Q: So, you’re teaching me, fox! I was completely beaten up.

L: Eh, at least you’re bleeding, but your brains. I can barely drag myself in more pain than you.

Q: It’s true, where should you go? Let me help.

L: The beaten one is lucky! The beaten one is lucky!

Q: What are you talking about, little fox?

L: And I say: the beaten one is lucky.

B: Yes, honey, yes.

Music is playing. Masha appears.

M: There’s something I don’t like at all about the fairy tale.

The frog went on a journey alone, the hare ran away (cowarded). The fox deceived the wolf. Oh, it looks like someone is coming again.

The Bear appears. Music is playing

M – d: Well, hello girl!

M: Hello.

M – d: What is your name, beauty!

M: Mashenka.

M – d: So you were in my house and drank soup from my cup?

M: no, not me!

M – d: Was it you who sat on my chair and moved it from its place?

M: No, not me!

M – d: Did you lie in my bed and crush it?

M: Honestly, not me!

M – d: Strange! What fairy tale are you from, girl?

M: I’m not from a fairy tale, I’m from a fairy tale, I’m from home. I didn't want to pack up my toys, brush my teeth, or go to bed. So I wanted to be in a fairy tale... And now I want to go home...

M – d: That’s bad luck...

M: Please help me, Mikhail Potapovich, get home.

M – d: So be it, I’ll help you! Walk along this path, at the edge of the forest you will see a cockerel’s house. As soon as you hear him singing, make a strong, strong wish to be home again. Go ahead and remember - you must always obey your mother!

M: Thank you very much Mikhail Potapovich, goodbye!

M - d: Eh, kids - kids!

The rooster crows, the scenery changes.

M: Hurray! I'm home! Mom, mommy.

All the characters come out, the song is sung: “Mom is the first word, the main word.”

Scenario for an unconventional holiday dedicated to Mother’s Day “Warmth of hearts for our beloved mothers”

1) educate respectful attitude to mothers, the desire to help them;
2) to help children enter real life through the game, and mothers to take a break from it for a while;
3) create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.

Preliminary work:
1. Selection fiction for reading and memorization.
2. Selection and learning of songs.
3. Selection of musical backgrounds.
4. Selection of costumes.
5. Script development.

- wall newspaper “My mother is the best!”;
- children's drawings;
- gifts from children;
- balls;

Technical means:
-music Center;
-record player;
-projector for showing video presentations;

Musical numbers:

The progress of the holiday

1. Introductory part

Presenter 1: Good evening, we say to you. It is no coincidence that we have gathered today on this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as Mother’s Day. We welcome all mothers and grandmothers who came to our evening, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

Presenter 2: Today you can expect jokes and surprises, songs, poems, in general, you can’t count everything. But whether today will be fun depends on you, dear friends. Because we don’t have professional artists, but each of you, I’ll tell you a secret, is an artist if you encourage him a little and tune him into a lyrical mood.

Presenter 1: Dear friends! Today is our holiday and we will have fun with our mothers and grandmothers. We are always glad when there are smiles on your faces and the expectation of something unusual. Therefore, today we will try to meet your expectations. And let the grateful spectators not skimp on their applause.

Presenter 2:-Dear parents: mothers, grandmothers! In honor of today's wonderful holiday, we have prepared a special channel for you
"Warmth of hearts for beloved mothers."
Presenter 1: On our holiday information channel you will see the following programs:
- News, “While everyone is at home”, “Through the mouth of a baby”, “Guess the melody”, “Minute of fame”, “Relish”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “Field of Miracles”.
- And our program will end with a weather forecast for tomorrow.
Presenter 2:- In addition, the holiday channel will be decorated with musical breaks, games and special reports.

Presenter 1:- And now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the main events of this day.

The "News" screensaver plays.

Leading:- So, the news is on air. Today the whole country celebrates Mother's Day. In Moscow, Kazan, Bugulma, Arsk and other cities, all children prepare gifts for their dear and beloved mothers. At these moments, a concert dedicated to this wonderful holiday is being held at the educational institution Cadet Boarding School “Spasatel”. Watch the live broadcast from the assembly hall.

2. Main part

A video screensaver appears on the screen with a song about mom, with her children reading poetry in the background.
Read poems about mom.
Reader 1:
Today is a holiday, today is a holiday,
Celebration of our dear mothers!
This holiday, the most tender,
Comes to us in November!
Reader 2:
There is no end to different gifts
And in the words of poetry,
After all, today is the main holiday
Celebration of our mothers!
Reader 3:
The hall sparkles with lights,
He gathered his beloved guests.
A fun time will be shared with us
Smiles of our dear mothers.
Reader 4:
On our holiday today
Boredom is not allowed.
We want your mood
It only had a five rating.
Reader 5:
Mother! What a good word!
Mom is ready to be there all the time.
In times of misfortune she is always there,
He will support you with a smile, a word, and a look.
Reader 6:
Let me congratulate you
Leave joy in your soul.
Give you a smile, wish you happiness,
Away from adversity and bad weather.
Let the shadow of sadness disappear
On this festive day of yours.
Reader 7:
Mom is like a sorceress:
If he smiles -
Every wish I have comes true.
When mom kisses you, bad things are forgotten.
New day, happy day
It starts right away.
Reader 8:
Oh, you dear, gentle mother!
I bow to you,
I love you, dear mother,
And I will always be by your side!

Reader 1:
Today is a special day.
Both adults and children are worried.
We are talking about the most tender, sensitive,
About the most important woman in the world.
Reader 2:
Mom - how much is in this word
Sun, light and warmth.
Mom, there is no one more precious than you.
You gave us children life!
Reader 3:
Early in the morning at dawn,
Only the birds will sing
Children open their eyes
Mommy's name.
Reader 4:
I love you, mom! For what? I don't know,
Probably because I live and dream
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day
For this, dear, I love you.
Reader 5:
I love you, mom, the warmth of your hands
Because you are my most reliable friend
I love you, mom! For what? I don't know…
Because you are the only one in the world.
Reader 6:
We gathered a lot of guys in the hall
Their voices ring loudly and joyfully.
The most important holiday of light and goodness
Our children are celebrating today.
Reader 7:
We gathered to congratulate
Our glorious mothers.
Dear, dear,
Thank you for everything!
Reader 8:
The golden sun rolled down like a wheel
The gentle sun turned into a mother
Dear mommy, smile
With your tender heart
Snuggle up to me!
Reader 9:
Our mothers, believe me, are no better.
Smile, let the room become lighter.
And from those smiles there is a bright light
Let it not go out for us for many years.
Reader 10:
If the sun woke up, the morning began to shine,
If mom smiled, it was so gratifying.
If the sun disappeared into the clouds, the birds fell silent,
If mom is upset, where can we have fun!
Reader 9:
So let it, always sparkling,
The sun is shining for people!
Never, you, dear,
We won't upset you!
Reader 10:
How to find words worthy
How to say without unnecessary phrases,
That we are very grateful
That we love you very much!
We give wonderful holiday gifts to mom
Bouquets of bright flowers, airy red balloon.
We also give a song, it rings and flows.
Let mom have fun, let mom smile!

Presenter 1: You see, dear mothers, how your children love you! How beautiful and kind, caring and sensitive you are. And it’s not for nothing that they say: “Through the lips of a baby, the truth speaks!” Now we invite you to the holiday program “Through the Mouth of a Baby.”

The screensaver “Through the Mouth of a Baby” plays.

Presenter 2: Dear mothers! The children will give you tasks, and your task is to complete them. So, pay attention!
On the eve of the holiday, the guys from the 5th and 6th platoons painted portraits of their mothers. Today this exhibition is in front of you. Now you should recognize yourself and your artist from the portrait (parents get up from their seats and choose their portraits)
Dear parents, on back side the names of your children are written, if the name of your child, then you have chosen your portrait.
Presenter 1: Well done, dear mothers. Everyone did their best, chose the right portrait, and for this you will receive a musical gift.

Musical number – “My mother is the best in the world”

Presenter 2: And we continue our program.
And we invite you to play the game “Guess the Melody”.

The screensaver “Guess the melody” plays.

And the game today is extraordinary,
You will definitely guess everything.
There will be non-pop songs,
Not folk, not round dances,
And children's famous ones.
As soon as the melody sounds, you need to quickly guess it, raise your hand and sing or say the name.

The melodies of children's songs sound.

Presenter 1: Commercial Break - Watch the play called "Mother's Day"
The curtain opens. The stage is divided in half. On one side is the parents' room, on the other is the boys' room. Early morning. The mother, in a robe and slippers, unkempt, rushes around the apartment. The sounds of morning exercises are heard from the radio.
Mother: Egor, get up, it’s already seven.
Father (wakes up, yawns) Five more minutes.
Mother(goes to the boys' room): Vitalya, get up.
Vitalya(he is the eldest, wakes up, yawns): Five more minutes.
Mother: Danichka, get up, my dear. It's already seven.
Danil (he is the youngest, wakes up, yawns): Five more minutes.
Mother: Get up now. Five minutes and five minutes, and then everyone goes to the bathroom together.
Danil: Let Vitalka go, I’m small.
Mother: Vitalya, get up!
Vitalik: Let Danka get up, he needs to do gymnastics.
Mother: Well, that's enough, get up and go wash yourself, otherwise your father will take the bathroom.
Danil (gets up without opening his eyes and goes to the bathroom): Since I’m small, everyone can make fun of me.
Mother (kissing him): Well, well, don't grumble, son. (Danil leaves.) (She wakes up her father again.) Egor, get up, you'll be late.
Father (stretching.) Is the bathroom already available?
Mother: In the meantime, have breakfast. (Pours tea.) drink, otherwise it will get cold. (Father sits down at the table, leaning a book against the sugar bowl, absorbed in reading) Guys, who doesn’t wash your face, go have breakfast. Grab milk along the way.
Vitalik(from his room): Mom, I won’t have milk, I want coffee.
Danil (from the bathroom): Me too! Me too!
Mother: There is nothing to invent. Children need to drink milk in the morning.
Vitalik: Children? Let Danka drink.
Danil (from the bathroom): I'm already big!
Vitalik: Well, you're a cunning guy, boy. When it’s profitable for you, you’re small, and other times you’re big.
Mother: Don't argue, boys, go have breakfast.
While there is an argument between the children, the mother manages to clean the bed and put the scattered things back in place. She doesn't sit down for a minute.
Vitalik: Mom, tell him to get out of the bathroom.
Mother: Danil, get out of the bathroom, otherwise I’ll pull you out myself.
Danil: Do not bother me! I wash my ears and neck. Today we have a commission.
Father: What is the commission? What is he talking about?
Mother: Didn't you hear? Once every two weeks, a sanitary commission comes to the class and examines whether their ears and necks are washed.
Father (finished eating): Well, is the bathroom free?
Vitalik comes in dressed and grabs a bun from the table, chewing it as he goes.
Mother: Vitalik, sit down at the table.
Danil(from the room): Mom, he didn’t wash at all!
Vitalik: And we no longer have commissions. (Suddenly stops dead in his tracks.) Listen, listen! Twenty-ninth!
Mother: So what?
Vitalik: Natasha's birthday!
Father (from the bathroom). That's the thing, Anna!
Mother(absorbed in preparing breakfast). Terrible cottage cheese, it crumbles all the time.
Vitalik: Again, mom, you forgot to remind me about the holiday. I forgot last year too. Where can I get flowers now?
Mother: Why do you need flowers?
Vitalik: For Natasha.
Mother: For what reason? Why?
Father (enters, tying his tie): Just because. (Takes out money.) Danil, quickly go to the flower shop, buy what you can get.
Danil: I will buy one for my teacher for her birthday too.
Vitalik: Dad, let him buy me one for my teacher.
Father: Wow! These are already two bouquets of flowers. Anna, do you have any money?
Mother: Where? You know, payday is a long way off.
Father: Well, at least a little.
Mother: For what?
Vitalik: Well, mom, we've said it a hundred times. I am for Natasha, Petka is for the teacher. Flowers!
Mother: Ahh, really, birthdays! That's what they would say. I foresaw all this. (Takes out two boxes of chocolates and proudly places them on the table.) Here!
Vitalik: Mom, I need flowers.
Mother: Children! What are you talking about? Flower shops still closed for now.
Father: What to do?
Mother: Listen. I have a suggestion: draw flowers on greeting cards. And put it like this. (Points to a box of chocolates.)
Danil: That's great! Thank you, mommy. (Runs away.)
Vitalik: Mom, draw for me. I still need to call Efremkin.
Danil (runs in with a can of water and paints). I will draw. Oh, mom, Vitalka pushed me.
Mother: Hush, hush, sit down next to me and let's draw. What can you come up with? (Takes two postcards and draws.)
Vitalik (dials a number on the phone). Hello! Maximka! Hello! Listen, what were they asking us about literature? Wait, not so fast, I'll write it down now.
Mother (hurriedly draws, writes, saying out loud). Dear class teacher...
Father (ties a tie in front of the mirror). Anh, and you allow him to copy his lessons. And this one spilled water on the floor. This very minute, go to the kitchen for a rag!
Danil (looks pleadingly at mother). Mom, wipe it yourself.
Mother: Well, okay, son, let's finish. You take this one and give Vitalik the other one. At recess you can color it in with colored pencils.
Vitalik: Maxim, just a minute. Mom, I have to copy math during recess. You know, yesterday I watched a movie on television. Color it please! Hello, Maxim? Well, I write, dictate.
Mother: Danechka, color it!
Father: Damn it!
Mother: What's happened?
Father: Need a white shirt. I will probably be forced to speak at a gala meeting.
Mother: Take it there, in the box.
Danil: Mom, if the teacher doesn’t take the chocolates, I’ll eat them myself, and I’ll tell her that you didn’t want to give money. Can?
Mother(not listening). Okay, son.
Father: Anna, there's no button here.
Mother: Let me sew it on. Children, you still haven't had breakfast. Vitalik, end the conversation.
Danil: We ate, mom, I drew the flower green. Maybe make the leaves red?
Mother (not listening). Okay, son! (Gives the shirt to his father.)
Father: Finally, I could have thought before, and not in last moment.
Mother: Vitalik, stop talking!
Vitalik: Mom, I don't want a sandwich with cottage cheese.
Father: A half past seven! Wow! (Grabs the briefcase.) Well, I'm running.
Danil: Dad, what about the jacket?
Father: My God, you can leave this house naked, no one will pay attention.
Mother: How can he not? Vitalik! Don't eat this sandwich, you have to take it with you.
Vitalik: Can't even eat a piece of bread? Mom, give me some money, I’ll buy myself something to eat on the way.
Danil: And me, and me? I also want to buy something.
Father: I hope you don't let them in with those dirty sweaters.
Mother: Yes, sure. (He takes out two white shirts, gives one of them to Danil, who quickly dresses.) Vitalik, shirt!
Vitalik: Where's my ballpoint pen? Did you pull it off? (Hit his brother.)
Danil: Mom, he's hitting me!
Father: I'm finally leaving. Goodbye. (Leaves.)
Mother: Stop fighting, otherwise I'll add more to you... (Puts a second shirt on Danil.)
Danil: Mother! What are you doing?
Mother: Wait, I'll get to you eventually.
Vitalik: Mom, where is my white shirt?
Danil (helplessly). Mom is on top of me, pulling her.
Mother(Gives a slap to Danil, pulls off his second shirt.) Couldn't tell before. He stands and is silent.
Vitalik: Mom, give me money!
Mother: I won't give anything. Finally, go! I'll be kicked out of work because of you. I haven't started getting dressed yet.
Vitalik: You're good, you're going to nine. Okay, I don't have breakfast. I'll stay hungry. (Takes his bag and wants to go out.)
Mother: Wait brother. Danil, go, finally!
Vitalik: Goodbye, mom!
Danil: Goodbye. (Leaves.)
Mother: (She holds Vitalik’s shirt in her hands). Vitalik! Put on a clean shirt! (The door slams.)
Mother (falls into a chair in front of the mirror). Oh my God, I'm a woman too! (He begins to comb his hair and put himself in order.)
Blackout. Then the stage is brightly lit again and Mother appears in front of the curtain. She's tired. Sits on
chair. And then suddenly she remembers her husband and children.
Oh my god, it's so late and they're not home yet? Where are they?
The curtain opens. The table is beautifully set. A father and two boys are at the table.

Father: Our dear mother! Congratulations. (They kiss her and present her with flowers. At this moment Danil spills the milk, Vitaly pushes him, the father runs for a rag and, humming something cheerfully, wipes the floor.) May there always be sunshine, may there always be mother!
The performers line up in front of the curtain and read poetry.
You only know your mother at home;
Native hands take care
Homely affectionate comfort,
So familiar and familiar.
But if mom sometimes
She'll come home tired from work,
Warm her with your care,
Help her with everything then!

“Fanfare” sounds, music for the “Minute of Glory” program.

Presenter 1: So, the popular program “Minute of Glory” is on the air! The program is opened by young but very talented musicians.
These kids are great!
They are friendly with music.

So, meet young talents!
Musical number performed by children

Musical instruments

Presenter 2: Amazing! And now - the program “While everyone is at home” and the column “Crazy Hands”.

The screensaver “While everyone is at home” plays

Presenter 1: To please mother, together with the children, we have prepared a surprise for you, dear mothers and grandmothers. We did all this with the guys in our workshop. Please, guys, give your souvenirs to your beloved mothers!

Children give gifts to mothers.

Presenter 2: You sang and played,
But we haven't danced for a long time.
We invite you, friends,
On the program "Dancing with the Stars".

The "Dancing with the Stars" theme song plays.

Let's dance together
So that you don’t get bored during the holiday!

The game “Repeat your partner” is conducted by Irina Mikhailovna

Presenter 1: We continue our program, dear mothers. And we invite you to the program “Field of Miracles”.

The screensaver "Field of Miracles" plays.

High school students come out.

Miracles constantly happen in our lives, especially at home. Family miniatures.

It's not easy to get children on their feet - especially early in the morning.

Results of the past year: father's belt with buckle was recognized as the best teacher of the year.

Scottish children can hold on not only to their mother's skirt, but also to their father's skirt.

Grandma, why do all the children go to school during the day, and I at night?
- Because you are learning to be a watchman!

So, son, come here, give me the diary for checking.
- Hold it, dad.
- So... Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - everything is correct!..

Vovochka comes home from school:
- Mom, we got vaccinated today!
- Against what?
- Against our will!..

What did you learn at school today? - asks the father.
- I learned to give hints without moving my lips.

Modern parents. Mother to father:
- And don’t forget to check how Seryozha downloaded the essay from the Internet!

There is a feeling as if your child’s first four grades at school are an exciting competition between parents: who draws, sculpts, glues better...

Mom asks Vovochka:
- Vovochka, why is your diary lying in the corner?
- And I punished him for getting a bad mark!

Mom, they tease me at school for being greedy!
- Who?
- Give me 100 rubles - I’ll tell you!

It's good to have a glamorous father.
- Why?
- Doesn't punish with a belt.
- Why doesn’t he punish?
- He's afraid for the rhinestones on his belt.

The father asks his son:
- How are you doing at school?
- Great! The fifth grade contract has been extended for another year!

It has been proven that children with funny names grow up strong.

Advice to all parents present in the hall: “Do not put your children in a corner at an early age, because it is during this period that their main facial features are formed.”

If they made mufflers for children, they would sell well.

Well, son, show me the diary.
What did you bring from school today?
- There’s nothing to show, there’s only one deuce.
- Just one?
- Don’t worry, dad, I’ll bring more tomorrow!
- Dad, can you sign with your eyes closed?
- Yes, why?
- Then sign in my diary.

Mom asks her son:
- What did they ask you today?
- Nothing.
- Fine. So, you'll go wash the dishes again.

After a conversation in the director’s office, the shocked father exclaims:
- Is my son the worst in the class?
- Well, what are you talking about! What do you! At school!!!

Children of police officers in children's camps do not smear each other with paste, but circle each other with chalk!

Dad, I need to tell you something!
- Just short and clear.
- one hundred dollars.

Post on the young parents forum:
- Last week we took our child to school for the first time. Please advise, is it worth picking up?

Do you want your children to grow up healthy and obedient? Pediatricians recommend giving children "Remnishka".

Mom, I didn't want to tell you... I called the helpline three years ago...
- And what?
- I said that if I don’t solve the math problem, my mother will kill me... They solved it for me!

Presenter 2: And now, as we promised, the weather forecast for tomorrow.

The screensaver sounds.

Presenter 1: The weather in our country will continue to be sunny tomorrow. No precipitation in the form of fog or tears is expected in the coming days. In general, remember that immediately after autumn comes winter, and after winter comes spring, give each other good mood and the warmth of your hearts!

Presenter 2:
Let the world be beautiful
And you don't need a genius here.
To revive the planet
For new generations.
And on earth, all over the big earth
Suddenly overnight
Our happiness will come.

Final song.

Tatyana Popova
theatrical performance for Mother's Day using ICT technologies for the middle group

Theater production for Mother's Day

With use of ICT technologies for the middle group.


Music sounds, the first curtain opens, the lights are dimmed. A projector with a video about space is directed at the blue curtain. Voice behind the scene:

“When the day passes and the sky becomes dark, stars appear in the sky. How many of them there are in the sky, shimmering and beautiful, distant and incomprehensible. How many minds, great and simple, have tried to uncover the secret of their existence. Endless myriads of constellations, nebulae, galaxies. The vast expanses of space, where we are a grain of sand in the universe...

Where we are not alone.

If you look at a shooting star, you can make a wish and it will certainly come true. Everyone in this world has a dream. What did one boy who lived far, far away on a small planet dream about? He dreamed of finding someone near and dear so as not to be lonely. And who knows, maybe one day your dreams will come true...

A little star looks out from the middle of the curtain, runs along to the music, "falls", blows flickering dust from his palm and leaves. The curtain opens.

Act one: (Start)

The little prince is sleeping on the bed. There is a picture of the night on the projector. Children around the hall at their points: flowers, sun and rose - everyone is sleeping. Music sounds, stars run out and dance. At the end of the dance, one of the stars drops a drawing of his mother near the boy and everyone runs away. The parable begins (voice behind the scene).Slides.

One day, the Little Prince, who lived on a distant planet, had an amazing dream. In a dream he heard someone's voice:

I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you.

The boy thought and asked:

Here on my planet I just sing and laugh, this is enough for me to be happy.

Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love and be happy.

Then a little prince said:

I heard that there is evil in the world. Who will protect me?

What is the name of my angel?

Act two: (the world of the little prince)

Dawn is coming (slide, music sounds, "Sun" wakes up. Several children depict the awakening of the sun - a dance. Then M.P. wakes up, sees a drawing near the bed, examines it, then takes a watering can and goes to water the flowers, which also wakes up the flowers. (elements of dance in place).The last one to wake up is Rose, the flowers run around her and leave.

ROSE: Good morning!

PRINCE: Good morning, Rose

ROSE: Why are you so thoughtful? It's such a beautiful morning today!

PRINCE: Last night I had a strange dream. In a dream I heard a voice that told me about my mother (shows picture) Who is this mom?

ROSE: Who invented the word "Mother",

Who said it first?

So sweet, dear,

The most important thing for everyone!

Well, what's wrong with this word?

You speak, and your spirit freezes -

There is a lot of light and native in it,

He has many of the most tender hands.

After all, mom’s hands are like wings

Protect and store

From all the suffering, blizzard, pain

From all adversity and loss.

Mom's eyes are the sky

Shining above the ground

After all, everyone knows, no matter where you are,

PRINCE: Where can I find it?

ROSE: Your heart will tell you that. You must find her.

PRINCE: What about you, who will look after you?

ROSE: Don't worry, I have thorns that will protect me, I can handle it. Goodbye little prince.

PRINCE: Farewell, beautiful Rose!

The boy takes a few steps forward, the second curtain closes, and the light dims. The stars appear and dance the prince to the first planet.

Act three: (travel to the planets)

The lights come back on and marching music is heard. The boy looks around and sees the guards approaching. The guards take the boy to the palace. The curtain opens. Slide.

The king sits on the throne, his subjects are in front of him, everyone is busy with their own business. The orchestra sits to the side and amuses the king. The orchestra's music ends, the king drives away his retinue and, seeing M.P., smiles and claps his hands.

Addresses the guards

KING: How cute, where did you find this boy?

GUARD: Your Majesty, he fell from the sky!

KING: From the sky, how amazing, well, so be it. Now I will have a new subject! (claps his hands) Who are you and where did you come from?

PRINCE: I flew here with the stars in search of my mother. (approaches the king and shows the drawing). The king looks at the image without much interest and begins to yawn.

KING: Moms, but this is so not interesting, why do you need it?

PRINCE: Mom is a guardian angel!

KING: I have a retinue that makes me happy! Stay in my kingdom and you won't regret it!

Dance of the king and his retinue.

PRINCE: No, I can’t stay here, I’m going to look for my mother.

The curtain closes, the lights go out, The stars take the boy into the world of shadows.

Mysterious sounds are heard everywhere. The curtain opens again, revealing a white translucent curtain, the light from the screen is directed at it.

Who are you (echo)- who are you.

Look around - look around...

Here - here

Take a closer look - take a closer look.

Go - go

We are waiting-2r.

Into the world of shadows-2r.

Let's take it away - 2 rubles.

Shadows come out from behind the curtain, approach the prince, and want to put him to sleep. The boy drops the drawing, one of the shadows takes it in his hands, the drawing begins to glow. (for example, using a small flashlight). The shadows are frightened by the light and run away. The stars arrive and take the boy to the planet of scientists and inventors. The curtain closes.

The curtain opens:

There is a map on the slide starry sky. Near her, two scientists in white coats are measuring the distance, a third with a tablet in his hands is recording readings, a fourth is studying the globe, a fifth is looking through the flasks (test tubes). M.P is behind the curtain.

1 scientist: Did you hear, colleague?

2 scientist: What news, my friend?

1 scientist: Today at dawn

the star suddenly fell!

3 scientist: I'm afraid you're wrong

It was not a star that fell!

4scientist: Yes? Quite strange...

What or WHO then!

3 scientist: The boy has arrived to us!

ALL: But what did he want?

The prince enters.

PRINCE: Hello, friends!

I came to you from another planet!

I've been looking for my mom for a long time...

1 class: Mom isn’t here anyway.

PRINCE: But what should I do?

2 UCHIO NY: Do you want to open the galaxy?

3 scientist: Do science with us!

PRINCE: (sad) No, life without mom will be torture!

Scientists confer with each other...

4 study ny: Then fly to Earth!

ALL: You’ll meet mom on the way there!

PRINCE: Goodbye!

The prince and the stars are transported... The curtain closes...

Mom comes out with a cradle, night, a woman rocks the crib (image of a little prince born).

Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love.

Your angel will protect you, even at the risk of his own life.

His name doesn't matter. You'll just call him Mom.

There's a song playing "Here is the first star", the heroes begin to go out and line up at the points. Ped. The cast sings a song at the end “Who invented you, star country”.

Publications on the topic:

"Turnip in a new way." Theater production for older children“TURNIP IN A NEW WAY” Theatrical production for older children GRANDFATHER: I planted a turnip in a soft bed, watered it warmly to the full with delicious food.

Abstract of the educational activity “Life is hard without a friend” in the senior group using gaming technologies, ICT technologies Goal: to bring children to an understanding of what friendship is. Objectives: Educational: to form children’s ideas about friendship; will consolidate knowledge.

Summary of GCD on REMP using ICT technologies in the senior group “The Fixies came to visit us” Purpose: To introduce the formation of the number seven and the number seven. Objectives: Learn to find the sides of a square and its middle (center) in mathematics.

Summary of GCD using ICT and health-saving technologies “Apples for a hedgehog” State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 3 Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg Direct summary.

Summary of educational activities in the second junior group “Golden Autumn” using gaming, health-saving technologies and ICT Goal: To form children’s ideas about natural phenomena, their relationships (autumn) Educational objectives: Strengthen the ability to determine.

Development content

Municipal budget educational institution"Secondary school No. 78" of the city of Novosibirsk


Kutuzova Irina Fedorovna,

primary school teacher

Novosibirsk city,


1st presenter

2nd presenter

3rd presenter

Little Red Riding Hood

Big Wolf

Little Wolf

Grandfather Makey

Teddy Bear

Scenery: Forest, hut, near the hut there is a barrel, a shovel, buckets, on the right is the house of Little Red Riding Hood and her mother. The curtains are closed. Children run into the hall, stand in a semicircle and sing the song “Song of Drops”

1 child:

Busy with good deeds at home,

Kindness walks around the apartment,

Good morning here,

Good afternoon and good hour,

Good evening, good night,

It was good yesterday.

2nd child:

And where, you ask,

Is there so much kindness in the house?

What comes from this kindness

Flowers are taking root

Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?

3rd child:

I'll answer you straight

This is grandma and mom

To everyone who gave affection to children

We dedicate this fairy tale!

Children are divided into 2 lines to the music.

1 presenter:

In one village lives a nice company,

At dawn they rise,

They'll drink tea soon,

And the whole company meets

Early morning with a ringing song,

All the people in Pripevayk

All together: Living happily ever after!

Children dance the dance "Plyasovaya"

2nd child:

The sun is going down

The fairy tale begins...

The curtain opens. Mom puts her daughter Little Red Riding Hood to bed.

Children sing the song “Mom’s Smile.”

Sleep, go to sleep, grow up quickly,

I'll knit a hat for you

I'll sew you a dress

I'll bake some pies,

I'll send it to grandma in the morning.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Mom will smile - clear and warm,

So much for the sunshine

It rose in the room,

WITH Good morning, mommy!

Good morning. Daughter!

Get ready for the journey.

I need to go to grandma's

Take the basket to her,

Have a good trip.

He gives Little Red Riding Hood a basket and waves his hand. The curtain closes as the scenery changes to trees and the children dance and sing the song "Road".

Sketch “Whose grandmother is better”

Teddy bear:

My grandmother gave me a barrel of honey,

She brought me some delicious berries!

My grandma is the best in the world!

This song is for you, my song.

Lisa appears.

Fox: what are you humming here, Mishenka?

Bear: And I composed this song about my grandmother. My grandmother, you know, is so good.

Lisa: What's so good about her?

Bear: He brings me honey and berries. She doesn't feel sorry for me.

Fox: Honey, berries... That's all?! But my grandmother, my grandmother is better than yours!

Bear: Why is that?

Lisa: Yes, because my grandmother teaches me all sorts of tricks.

Bear: What kind of tricks?

How to catch ducks

How to pluck chickens

How to chase hares

And how to cover your tracks.

My grandmother is the best in the world!

Bear: No, mine!

Fox and Bear are arguing. A little frog appears.

Little Frog: Kva-kva-kva! You made me laugh... and all the little frogs know that it’s hard to find a better grandmother than my grandmother: she sings songs for me, swallows mosquitoes the fastest, and also protects me from herons. My grandma is the best! Kwa!

Bear: No, mine!

Lisa: And I say mine!

The animals are arguing. A girl appears and sings a song.

Little Red Riding Hood:

My very young grandmother,

My dear, my kind,

How beautiful is my grandmother -

I will look like her.

Sees animals.

Why are you so angry, little animals? Why are your cheeks puffed out? Or were you offended by someone?

Animals: We were offended at each other.

Little Red Riding Hood: Why?

Bear: We argued whose grandmother was better.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, you stupid animals! Can anyone really compare to my grandmother?! What pies she bakes, what fairy tales she tells, what warm mittens she knits for me for winter! You won't find a better grandmother in the whole wide world!

The animals look questioningly at the girl.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Remember, debaters, dear children:

For every grandson, everyone is the best in the world

Together: Your own, dear, dear grandmother!

All participants in the performance sing the song “You Can’t Find a Better Friend”

Little Red Riding Hood goes behind the curtain, two wolves appear: a big one and a small one, sniffing the tracks. "Melody of the Wolf" is playing

Big Wolf:

Red Cap's fresh trail,

There will be lunch in the evening.

Run, catch, grab, don’t hesitate for a minute,

And the trail of the red hat

Do not confuse it with a hunting one!

Shows: there is a hunting trail, and there is Little Red Riding Hood. The Little Wolf runs along the hunting trail, the Big Wolf grabs him by the tail:

Big Wolf:

Where are you going?!

Little wolf:

Well, what again?

Big Wolf:

That's not where you should run!

Little wolf:

Big Wolf:

Yes, you need to go there, go there!

Music sounds, the wolves scatter in different directions. Little Red Riding Hood appears from behind the curtain.

Little Red Riding Hood:

The forest woke up, the meadow woke up,

Butterflies around woke up

The grass and flowers woke up,

There is so much beauty everywhere!

Four girls with wings dance the “Butterfly” dance.

After the dance, they stand in a line, spread their wings, Little Red Riding Hood hides behind them.

Little Wolf runs in. They sing the song “Mom is the best friend.”

Where is the girl here, do you know?

The one with the basket, you know?

Butterflies in chorus:

No! No! No!

We don't know anything!

Do you know what's in the girl's basket?

There were forty pies?

Wolf (whispers): And you will get it.

Little Red Riding Hood cannot stand such deception and runs out to the Wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood:

And not forty at all!

Don't believe him!

One, two, three, four, five and one more,

Only six pies!

Oh, what a girl

Oh, what a hat!

Oh, what cheeks

Where are you going?

Little Red Riding Hood:

I go to my grandmother and hasten to congratulate her on Women’s Day.

See you soon, I have to hurry!

And I need to hurry.

The curtain closes, Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf leave.

Grandfather Makei appears on the scene with a rifle. Russian dance music is playing.

Little Red Riding Hood (excitedly):

Dear grandfather Makey,

You with your rifle,

Hurry to that hut,

The wolf wants to eat the old woman there.

Grandfather Makey:

Why are you chattering incessantly?

Tell me more about the wolf.

He is big?

Little Red Riding Hood:

Simply huge

He will be as tall as an elephant.

Like a crocodile's mouth!

Grandfather Makey:

How can I not get lost there?

Oh! Something happened to my leg

And now with another one!

And the gun is rusty,

I'm old now

The beast is not afraid of me,

But so be it, I will help,

Whatever I can.

Hey friends, come here quickly

The girl is in trouble!

Three boys come out and line up.

Grandfather Makey:

Company, at attention! All to the right!

Let's hunt for glory!

Four couples dance the dance "Ladies and Hussars".

A curtain opens, a table opens, a samovar, a broom, a shovel, and buckets. Grandma comes out, sweeps the floor, and sets the table. Dance music is playing.

Ask the whole world

There will be one answer for you -

There is no one wiser or smarter than Grandma.

More affectionate and kinder - Grandmothers.

Even though the hair is gray,

But we are young at heart,

And in general, I’ll tell you honestly,

Grandmothers are the height of perfection!

Everyone stands around grandma, dances and sings a song

There's a knock on the door.

Pull the string, baby, and the door will open.

Wolf runs in.

Hello, granddaughter, how are you?

I've been waiting for you for a long time,

How have you become prettier?

I put on fashionable trousers.

The lips are a bow, the nose is a snub!

You, grandma, have lost weight,

Have you ever been sick?

Yes, I lie in bed all day,

And I can barely breathe,

I don't eat anything all day

I'm not tasty at all.

What, what, grandma?

Yes, I say, I’m completely unhappy.

Now it's time to get down to business

Here, take a shovel and dig up my garden bed!

Wolf (whispers):

I'll do the job and eat it.

Digging a bed, finished, tired, sits down on the sofa. Dance music is playing.

No time to sit, wait,

Better run for water!

The wolf runs several times with buckets for water. Then he falls to his knees from fatigue and tries to crawl away.

I can't do this anymore, I'd rather run away.

Grandfather Makei appears with his assistants and stops the Wolf:

Grandfather Makey:

Paws up, stand still!

Resistance is useless!

Surround him guys

Otherwise he’ll leave, the shaggy one!

He won't go anywhere

His stomach churned.

Little Red Riding Hood and her Mother appear.

Little Red Riding Hood (protects the wolf):

The wolf, in general, is a good guy,

He is kind by nature

But I wasn't brought up like that

Yes, I was brought up wrong

I am kind by nature.

Forgive me, friends,

And accept my flowers.

He takes flowers out of his bosom and gives a flower each to Little Red Riding Hood, her mother and Grandmother.


That's the end of the fairy tale,

And whoever listened - well done!

All the children dance and sing the song “My Family”.
