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What business is it to open to a woman? A selection of business ideas for girls. Selling gift baskets

What business should a woman start? In this article we will look at 5 interesting and original business ideas for active and purposeful girls

Hello, dear girls, women! With you is Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and one of the founders of the website

Today, this wonderful article was published on the pages of a business magazine especially for you.

What is business for a woman? For some of you, this is a small home project, while others are striving to create a large, interesting company.

In any case, the material in this article will help you structure your thoughts, give you new ideas and inspiration for starting a new venture.

Below we will look at both classic and non-standard ways to open a business for women, after studying which, dear girls, you will have new ideas for organizing your own business.

So let's begin, dear ladies!

1. Business for women - myth or reality?

There is an opinion that business is the destiny of the strong half of humanity. But in the modern world of fast speeds and information technology, women are no less capable of conducting entrepreneurial activities.

Practice shows that in some areas women are not only not inferior to men, but are also able to run a business much more successfully. These are traditional women's spheres: beauty and health (cosmetics, clothing, dancing, yoga, massage, wellness and rejuvenating treatments), cooking, psychology and pedagogy.

By the way, how, on an equal basis with men, can women create passive income for themselves, that is, income that will flow to you, regardless of whether you work or not. You have a question, how can this be, I don’t work, but the money flows in?

The methods described in the article about passive income can be a good alternative for you to start your own business.

Continuing the topic of business for women, after conducting some analysis, I noticed that, by their psychological make-up, women are more patient and are able to wait longer for results than men. In addition, women have better flexibility and intuition, and feminine charm often helps in negotiations with men.

When it comes to starting their own business, mature women often say that they no longer have the same energy and that young girls will overtake them, because young people grasp everything on the fly, are better versed in information technology, and so on.

No need to worry. Age is not at all a reason to abandon your entrepreneurial ideas; on the contrary, the older you are, the more life experience you have, you know different people, and you are endowed with life wisdom.

For example, the famous successful female entrepreneur Mary Kay, the founder of the cosmetics company of the same name, started her business closer to 50 years old and achieved tremendous success.

And for those girls who want to start earning money in the very near future (3-7 days), there is one very interesting way. It consists in the following.

And wherever there are a lot of people, naturally, there is a lot of money.

It has long been known that, for example, our stars of show business, sports and politics receive substantial rewards for messages with hidden advertising.

And it works like this.

For example, the famous showman, actor and KVN performer Mikhail Galustyan, so beloved by young people, under the guise of ordinary text messages from his life, can “accidentally” advertise some store, person or event.

Of course, he will not do this by chance, but for a good fee of several thousand dollars.

In most cases, you and I are not as popular as our star compatriots, but it’s quite possible to earn a thousand or two rubles a day here.

We described ways to make money on Twitter in the article “”, just read it.

2. What business should a woman or men start - not competitors?

Typically, men prefer more “brutal” areas to open their own business, such as construction, auto business, and complex manufacturing business.

Dear girls, if you are looking for a good business idea, then we categorically do not recommend that you engage in such traditionally male-dominated types of business, especially if you do not yet have entrepreneurial experience.

Again, I recommend turning your attention to the World Wide Web. Even if you are just starting to master the Internet, then believe me, no matter what business you start, if you do not actively advertise your project online, you will miss out on great opportunities.

And it doesn’t matter whether you are engaged in Internet business, opened your own beauty salon or provide any services at home, be sure to study technologies for attracting clients via the Internet, order the development of your website, do more PR for your personal brand on the Internet and then your business will stand out from competitors will look much more solid and develop faster.

It is much better if you start working on your project gradually. This way you will open a business with minimal investment and avoid unnecessary losses when starting your business.

If you already have some experience in commercial activities, you can try opening a more complex project, for example an anti-cafe * .

Anticafe- a cultural and entertainment establishment free of alcohol and tobacco, where visitors pay for the time they stay.

In anti-cafes, food and drinks are usually not sold but are included in the cost of staying in the establishment.

Such women's businesses are already successfully developing in both large and provincial cities.

This is the best business for hospitable hostesses, who can start a more serious project, for example, opening their own hotel or large restaurant in the future.

In it, I talked about seven proven ways to make money that are available to any girl.

3. 6 simple business ideas for women

Let's move on to a review of business ideas for women. Perhaps for some they will seem banal, but at the same time they have one undeniable advantage - they all definitely work and have been tested in practice by thousands of women.

Business idea 1. Making and selling handmade crafts

Remember yourself as a child. Surely you made something, made “love stories” at school, helped decorate newspaper walls at the institute, or liked to give gifts made by yourself.

All these skills can be turned into a good business.

Here are just some handmade business ideas for women:

  • embroidery and beading;
  • floristry, making bouquets of sweets and soft toys;
  • creating collages, postcards, posters;
  • bags, wallets, boxes;

Your friends will willingly buy all these things, and the main thing is that you yourself will not spend money on gifts, because what you make with your own hands is valued higher, and the cost of materials for making one craft usually does not exceed 100 - 500 rubles.

Having carried out a simple calculation, it turns out that if you spend an average of 300 rubles on one unit made by yourself, then you can sell it for at least 1000 rubles, or even more. After all, this item will have exclusive status, made in a single copy!

And this is not all the money that you can earn by being able to do something well, for example, the same crafts with your own hands.

You can earn no less, and maybe even more, income by selling your knowledge.

Business idea 2.

If you are a mother or plan to become one in the future, then why not capitalize on your abilities given to you by nature in relation to children.

Nowadays, many parents are so busy with work that the maximum they can do is take their child to kindergarten or school in the morning and pick him up in the evening.

But, oddly enough, such educational institutions practically do not engage in the development of the child’s creative potential.

An excellent solution here would be to create your own creative studio.

You can organize it right at home and teach children any applied arts and creativity that you own.

For example, modeling from plasticine or clay, embroidery, or cooking.

This is exactly how one of the heroines of our business magazine, Anna Belan, opened her creative studio.

You can start by offering your services to friends, acquaintances or neighbors, and if things go well, then simply register as an individual entrepreneur (read the article “How to do this correctly”) and expand your activities on a larger scale.

Business idea 3. Courses of women's “tricks”

This business idea for women is a logical continuation of the previous one.

“Women's tricks” courses are a kind of club where you are an expert in some women's topic. There may be several such topics, it all depends on your level of training and experience.

For example, there are many women who would happily enroll in cooking classes, cutting and sewing courses, or child-rearing courses.

There are even girls ready to enroll in “female pickup” courses.

As you know, demand creates supply! Look around you to see what people need and then think about what you can offer them.

If in the process of your work you have secured the status of a good specialist, then, combined with organizational skills and a burning desire, you will be able to organize your own business by creating a club of “women’s tricks”.

By following them, you will learn how you can make money without starting your own business.

Business idea 4. Women's clothing and underwear store

Do you like to dress beautifully and know a lot about fashion? Then perhaps the best solution for you would be to open a women's clothing and lingerie store.

By the way, if you look a little into the future, you can open your own store for women, where the range will not be limited only to clothes, for example, women’s accessories and cosmetics can also be sold here.

Yes, your own store requires an investment of money, time and some experience in doing business.

In order for your business project to be successful, we advise you to analyze already operating stores in this area. Go around several of them, study their assortment, and, under the guise of a buyer, find out which products are in greatest demand and why.

This will give your store a better chance of success.

Dear ladies, we categorically do not recommend that you take out a loan to start your own business, especially if you have no experience in this. It is better to start with a project that does not require investment, acquire the necessary skills, and then take on more complex business projects.

Brief steps to open a women's goods store:

  • Demand analysis (we choose a niche and determine what exactly we will sell);
  • Selection of premises (we rent or adapt our premises for trade, if available);
  • Purchase of equipment and goods;
  • Official registration of the company;
  • Conducting an advertising campaign.

Business idea 5. Providing services in the field of beauty and health

Surely you have also met them: “Masha - manicurist”, “Marina - makeup artist”, “Lilya - hairdresser”, “Anna - yoga” and so on.

If you have a strong desire for beauty and lead a healthy lifestyle, then it’s time to make money by providing such services for women and open your own small women’s business.

Maybe you have completed some special courses in beauty and health, or you are simply interested in this area.

Business idea 6. Buying a Sushi Master franchise

In this section, I want to present a business idea with minimal risk, namely, purchasing a franchise of a Japanese restaurant chain.

Why am I proposing this particular project? There are several reasons. And the main one: I know for sure that the scheme works. A good friend of mine named Sergei already launched such a franchise in Maykop six months ago and is now receiving stable profits. So the project has been tested in practice, and I can vouch for its effectiveness.

The second reason is the prospects of the niche. All over the world there is an outflow of visitors from large expensive restaurants to more affordable ones. Sushi Master establishments are exactly like this. Even in small cities with a population of 50,000 or more people, the idea has every chance of becoming profitable.

Franchise owners offer food outlets in four formats: “Island”, “Street”, “Food Court” and classic. Choose depending on the future location of the establishment and your budget. Approximate investments - from 1.3 million rubles.

The partner receives a finished product with a working marketing scheme, a recognizable brand, unique recipes and proven cooking technologies. In addition, a special startup team will help launch the project as quickly and competently as possible. Specialists know how to effectively solve any of the possible problems and eliminate them immediately after they arise.

120 restaurants in 80 cities already bring regular income to their owners. There are also girls among the owners. If it worked for them, it will definitely work for you!

And here is what one of the owners of the Sushi Master chain, Alex Yanovsky, says about the advantages of the franchise:

Summing up the interim results

Regardless of which direction you choose to open your business, we want to give you a simple but proven technology for successfully starting a project.

Technology for a successful start in business for a woman:

  1. Decide what you can do. Make a 30-item list of things you enjoy doing. Don't rush, this will take some time. Be alone with yourself and make sure that no one distracts you.
  2. Match your favorite things with what you can do well. Please note that your favorite business MUST be in demand on the market!
  3. Find clients and earn your first money. This can be done by notifying your friends, acquaintances, relatives and neighbors, as well as by posting advertisements on the Internet.

This way you can scale your business and increase its profits in the future - this is quite possible.

A few months ago, we interviewed two female entrepreneurs who started their own photography business.

Read how they did it in our interviews:

4. List of 30 business ideas for women in different fields

There is an opinion that only men can develop business. But as can be seen from practice, many women run their own businesses much more successfully than the stronger sex. They are more calculating than men and less inclined to compromise. In this article you will find several ideas for your own business from scratch for women, which will allow you to quickly start your own successful business and develop it to a large scale.

Fitness classes for mothers and children

Owning a fitness club is a fairly expensive business. To implement such a project, you will need large start-up capital. Where can a beginner get it? If you are looking for business ideas for women without investment, rent a small gym and hold classes for mothers and children in it. In this case, you will spend no more than 300 thousand rubles on rent and equipment. This is a new direction in the fitness industry, so there is practically no competition in this market segment. Such general classes are very popular, since many mothers are afraid to leave their children unattended, so they prefer to attend training with them.

This is a great business idea from scratch for women with small children. They can take them with them to classes, where the kids will be constantly under the supervision of their mother, and also communicate with other children.

One group lesson costs 100–200 rubles. Your daily profit largely depends on the number of people in the group. If you have clients, you can earn 5–10 thousand rubles per day. If you want to earn extra income, you can conduct individual lessons at home.

Online store

Such a business idea for women from scratch at home can become a reliable basis for the subsequent development and prosperity of your business. Starting capital – from 300 thousand rubles. According to statistics, more than 70% of citizens of our country make purchases on the Internet, so online trading will bring good profits. Online shopping is usually done by busy people who do not have the opportunity to devote time to visiting stores and shopping centers.

The simplest idea for a business from scratch at home for women is online trading using a dropshipping scheme. In this case, you can get by with minimal investments, since you don’t have to spend money on purchasing a batch of goods and renting premises for storing them. If you serve 5–7 clients per day, with an average bill of 3 thousand rubles, you can earn up to 200 thousand rubles per month. The most important thing is not to forget to promote and optimize your trading platform. Dropshipping is the answer to the question of what kind of business a girl should start from scratch in a small town.

Beauty blog on YouTube channel

Another business idea for girls without investment that can be implemented on the Internet is a video blog about beauty and health. Record videos on a specific topic and post them on the YouTube channel. The more views, the more profit the author of the video receives. Despite the fact that there are many beauty bloggers working online, any beginner, if desired, can earn good money from this.

A beauty blog is a video diary that can be viewed by other users. In order to show interest in it, you need to provide interesting information in good quality. At first, it is better to seek help from professionals who will tell you how to attract subscribers to your video blog. To keep users active, you need to release at least 2-3 videos per week. Some famous bloggers earn thousands of dollars by advertising famous brands. Such interesting work for women allows them to receive good profits and moral satisfaction.

Toastmaster services

Creative and enterprising representatives of the fair sex should pay attention to a business idea for women without investment - toastmaster services. Such a project does not require major initial investments and at the same time brings a good income. Talented presenters are in demand in any economic climate, so you can easily attract clients to your business.

In order to implement this business idea for a woman from scratch, you will need approximately 100 thousand rubles. You need to register your business activity, purchase the necessary props, purchase holiday scripts and a set of equipment.

The cost of toastmaster services depends on the size of the event and the wishes of the client. On average, servicing one holiday costs 5-7 thousand rubles. Even with minimal employment, you can earn 100 thousand rubles or more monthly. The most profitable form of running such a business for girls from scratch is cooperation with various entertainment institutions.

Salad bar

Salad bars offer light dishes that are designed for people watching their diet. But since your clients may also be men, you need to add some more satisfying dishes to the menu.

In order to bring this idea for a business from scratch to life for women, you will need about 500 thousand rubles. At first, you can install used equipment in the bar that has already been used for work in other catering establishments. It can be bought for 120–140 thousand rubles. Another 300 thousand rubles will be spent on the purchase of refrigerators, food processors, mixers, dishes, etc. A small amount should be left for unforeseen expenses. When considering popular ones, do not lose sight of this promising project.

Selling gift baskets

This is unusual and quite original. In Western countries, gift baskets have long been very popular. Recently, they have become in demand among domestic consumers. Many businesses and individuals prefer to order a gift basket rather than worrying about what to give to employees or a loved one. This is a great gift for a birthday, New Year or Christmas party.

In order to start a business for a young girl selling gift baskets, you will not need large start-up capital. The most important thing is financial savvy and certain marketing skills.

If you want to implement this home-based business idea for women without investment, you can sell gift baskets online for the first time. When you make a profit, you can rent a room and open a gift shop. It is advisable that it be located in a public place, not far from corporate offices. If you can develop a competent marketing strategy, you can earn 10-100 thousand dollars a year. To get a good income, you need to add mailing and courier delivery to this business. Selling gift baskets is one of the most profitable ideas for a girl to start a business from scratch next year.

Saffron production

At all times, spices have been considered one of the most valuable goods, so the idea for a business without investment for women to grow saffron is quite a profitable undertaking.

Saffron is made from crocus flowers. When the plant begins to bloom, its pistils are carefully collected, dried and ground. To get 1 kg of saffron you need to collect 70 thousand crocus flowers. The average price of a kilogram of saffron is $400–750. To increase the profitability of your business, you can start growing crocus seeds for sale or place an apiary next to your crops and sell original honey. As you can see, saffron production is a rather exotic, but at the same time, simple method.

Chef on call

When considering options for working for yourself for women, I would like to separately highlight a fashionable and quite popular business idea - on-call chef services. People who celebrate various important events, such as birthdays, weddings or corporate events, often look for professionals to prepare original dishes for the holiday table. If you know how to cook well and are thinking about what business to start as a woman from scratch, try offering consumers the services of a personal chef. To do this, you don’t have to rent a kitchen space or buy special equipment. All you need to do is advertise in local media and wait for people who need such services to respond. Word of mouth also brings good results. Also, don’t forget to make a health certificate so that clients have confidence in their cook. It is advisable to prepare several menu options for different holidays with vivid photographs. For serving one banquet you can earn 8-10 thousand rubles. If you complete 15–20 orders per month, your net income will be 120–200 thousand rubles.

Cleaning pillows

During an economic crisis, people begin to save money, so pillow cleaning services are guaranteed to be in great demand. A new high-quality pillow costs from 1 thousand rubles, and restoration will cost only 200-250 rubles. According to experts, cleaning pillows is one of the simplest ideas for a girl to start a business from scratch without major financial investments.

Special equipment is used to clean pillows. The simplest car costs about 16 thousand rubles. An expensive model will cost you 40 thousand rubles. Also, you need to buy a sewing machine to sew the pillows. It costs about 8 thousand rubles. All of this equipment can be installed in a small room, so you don't have to spend a lot of money on renting a space. You don't need any special skills to clean pillows. Any woman can rip open the pillowcase, pour the feathers into the compartment and sew up the cleaned pillow.

Most often, clients bring 2-3 pillows for cleaning. This means that you will earn 400–600 rubles from one order. To quickly pay back your business, it is enough to serve 3-4 clients a day.

Young girls and women on maternity leave often think about organizing their own business. There are many niches where ladies could find use for their experience and talent - the creation of exclusive products, the beauty industry, consulting centers.

In some areas, it is easier for the fair sex to succeed than men. This is explained by the fact that in these areas a woman becomes an expert faster and easier, intuitively understanding the dynamics of demand. In this article we will tell you what kind of business a girl can open with minimal investment.

Specifics of women's entrepreneurship

A successful business lady is not uncommon. They also productively conclude deals, participate in financial trades, and organize business trips. Among our clients there is a large percentage of the fair sex. They easily adapt to new circumstances, are more loyal in negotiations, using natural data - intuition, attentiveness to the human factor, girls quickly achieve high results in sports betting.

The conditions of the modern market place men and women on the same level and present equally tough challenges that require the mobilization of internal resources, self-discipline and determination. How can a lady not lose herself and her face while working in this mode? What kind of business can a girl start?

The difficulties of starting for a young businessman in a skirt are obvious, but there are a number of strengths that a lady can rely on when opening her own company:

  • The target audience. It is easier for women to produce goods and services for women because they understand buyer preferences, decision-making mechanisms and the degree of suggestibility.
  • Personal interest. If a girl is interested in the field of fashion or beauty, she will constantly improve in this direction, improving her product. Her working day will end when everyone leaves the office, she will begin to leaf through fashion magazines, read blogs, and on the weekend, instead of a TV series, she will go to a fashion weekend.
  • Psychology of business communication. It will not be difficult for a loyal and understanding manager to establish contacts within the company.

Women's business from scratch is based not only on an analysis of their personal and professional qualities, it is necessary to make economic calculations and the profitability of the enterprise.

Suitable areas to start with

With the development of consumer culture, people are increasingly abandoning the mass market in favor of handmade products. This gives wide scope for the activities of craftswomen of various profiles. A home business without investment for young girls and women with regular income is not only possible, but also a very good profit.

If you haven't decided what your passion is yet, explore the industries where you will be interested in working:

  • Cooking. Your whole family and friends are crazy about your gastronomic masterpieces, then you need to immediately set up a small bakery. Homemade food is a brand that has become the antipode to everything factory and store-bought. Many people simply don’t trust the ingredients written on the labels of beautiful cakes that stand in supermarket windows.
  • Beauty sphere. Beauty salons mark up a high percentage, so services cost many times more. Every master now has the opportunity to order professional cosmetics via the Internet. Therefore, the services of a specialist in eyebrow extensions, eyebrow correction or manicure at home have become safe and of high quality. The main advantage is low cost, and all the time and space is dedicated to one client.
  • Soap making. The fashion for organic products will never go away. There are still many packages on store shelves with the name of harsh alkaline solutions and harmful parabens on the back. These substances dry out the skin and cause irritation. Therefore, home production of cleaning products is important.
  • Fashion. A woman’s favorite pastime is trying on outfits and leafing through glossy magazines, which can give advice on what kind of business a girl can start. A mini-atelier or a store of exclusive designer clothes will become really in demand if you are passionate about this idea.
  • Blogosphere. Many Internet platforms allow you to quickly find your reader. Once you become popular online, you can place expensive advertisements for your subscribers.
  • Psychology and pedagogy. There are as many ideas for women's businesses as there are girls' interests. If you studied languages ​​at university, you can easily organize a language center. To test the waters and find out the level of consumer demand, you can start with small forms - tutoring.
  • Entertainment and holidays. Large-scale anniversaries, weddings, and corporate events require complex and thoughtful organization. Guests should be satisfied with everything from the table to the room program. In such cases, event agencies come to the rescue.

It’s okay if you make a mistake in your chosen field, the main thing is to analyze your experience and learn from it. Each of these industries has a fairly large number of competitors, so it is important to work on the distinctive features and advantages of the business.

Business ideas with minimal investment for girls and ladies

Before opening your business, you need to assess the availability of resources. A minimum capital is needed, if not for starting, then for promoting the company. Girls and women can start their own business from scratch using ready-made ideas. Organizing a company requires careful preparation, so it will be useful for you to study the experience of your predecessors.

Option No. 1 Organizing the sale of goods from China

This type of activity requires virtually no investment, since forms of intermediation such as dropshipping are developing. You make a deal with the buyer and only then purchase the product from the manufacturer without the practice of pre-orders. On the Internet you can find ready-made frames for one-page websites and work a little on their content. Trade can also be established through social networks. A few tips to help you stay afloat:

  • Choose a product category that you understand yourself - cosmetics, clothing, dishes, toys or accessories. This will make it easier to evaluate the quality and functionality of the samples.
  • Don't deceive the buyer. Make extremely honest advertising, your reputation depends on it.
  • Cooperate only with trusted companies, since you, as an intermediary, will be responsible for the money spent.

The main mistake is to approach the implementation of orders with neglect. Remember, good profits will not come immediately, and besides, no one has canceled competition. In this segment it is noticeable.

Attention block: One of our most successful clients, now the owner of a chain of coffee shops, unsuccessfully invested money in dropshipping. The printed T-shirts she chose to sell turned out to be unclaimed. To get out of the crisis, she turned to RespectBet for help. The woman multiplied her small contribution by 7.5 times; these funds were enough to open the first cafe.

Option No. 2 Opening a home confectionery shop

Sweets lovers do not spare money for their passion. Therefore, a bakery is a small profitable business for a girl. You don't need a lot of capital to get started, as you only need to purchase ingredients for your first few orders. This can be done by prepayment.

Pay great attention to informing the client online - create a colorful profile and list the main advantages of your baked goods. Constantly improve your professional qualities and follow fashion in this area. The latest innovations are cakes with glossy glaze or velor coating.

Option No. 3 Registration of a cleaning company

The woman knows everything about cleaning. But you don’t have to pick up the broom yourself. Organize a small team. Your task as a manager is to find clients, and employees can be paid at the end of the month. The service sector is still one of the most profitable industries with a minimum entry threshold.

Option number 4 Beauty salon at home

If you want to make yourself and those around you a little more beautiful, then the beauty industry is for you. To be successful in this segment, you need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse and cooperate with cosmetics stores.

You can provide services:

  • makeup artist;
  • nail artist;
  • massage therapist;
  • hairdresser;
  • tattoo artist.

The client will show his trust in you if your skills are supported by certificates of completion of courses, master classes, and forums.

Option No. 5 Tailoring or stylist services

Our grandmothers also sewed things on their own, so in order for your offer to be relevant in the modern market, you need to think through tactics to differentiate yourself from competitors.

There is a great idea for a family atelier, where a designer designs identical sets of clothes for mother and daughter or son. Young girls so want to decorate the period of motherhood that they are happy to buy these unusual outfits.

Option No. 6 Investing

If you already have a primary income, then you will be interested in learning about ways to create additional income. Investing in sports betting will also help increase capital, which will then become a springboard for business.

Girls who enjoy watching championships or competitions can monetize their hobby by betting on their favorites.

Attention block: Marina Yurievna invested 15,000 rubles in the RespectBet fund at the beginning of last year. Considering that the monthly profit is 15%, by the end of last year our client received 207,000 rubles. This amount was enough for her to open an ice cream parlor, where she and her husband brew delicious coffee and treat their guests to desserts.

Drawing up a business plan for a project for girls

After you have decided what business to open for a woman, you need to draw up a detailed estimate and sequence of actions. The important steps will be:

  • Analysis of own resources.
  • Market research.
  • Assessing competitors.
  • Consumer research.

Even if you are creating a small business at home, not counting on large turnover, reading professional literature and viewing the profiles on social networks of professionals in this field (leading confectioners, hairdressers, makeup artists and stylists) will help you develop faster and maintain the profitability of the business.

As a conclusion

There are many ways and options for what kind of business a girl should start. Internet platforms help with reporting, analytics and monitoring of work progress. Remember that a creative idea sells itself, but after its novelty wears off, you need to look for other sources to fuel interest in the enterprise.

While on maternity leave, a woman wants to stay at home with her child, but at the same time, be economically independent. With the advent of the computer era, she had a real chance to make such a wish come true. Today there is a wide range of services that you can provide yourself from home, or get a job under a remote work contract. This type of work should not be [...]

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  • Business for girls: how to choose a field of activity + detailed overview of 8 areas + non-standard ideas + franchise business.

    Business does not distinguish between gender differences - those who really want to earn money will do it. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a guy or a girl.

    But there are still a number of directions to which the fair sex is more inclined than men.

    Which business ideas are more relevant for girls? in 2017? We will talk about them in the article.

    A little theory about the world of business for girls...

    Three out of four readers will want to skip to this section, but don't rush!

    Introductory information is a base that will allow you to analyze the specific business ideas given below + generate your own.

    The first thing I want to start with is a diagram that shows all the stages of building your business from scratch.

    It is not so important what field of activity we are talking about, what idea is being implemented... any business project must have the following elements:

    Based on this scheme, you can build the implementation of any of your ideas. But in what area is it better for a girl to look?

    There are studies that claim that the majority of the fair sex are employed in sales and services:

    If we are talking about home business ideas (namely, this category is especially in demand among girls on maternity leave), then today the following areas are relevant:

    1. Sphere of information technology.
    2. Small-scale production at home, handicrafts.
    3. Services in the field of beauty and health.
    4. Educational direction.
    5. Network marketing industry.
    6. Business on renting things.

    Direction 1. Business ideas for girls in the IT field

    IT includes everything related to the development, design, support and sales of any digital product - from website development to computer games and CRM systems.

    A detailed overview of all specialties requires a separate article, so within the framework of the topic “business for girls” a general overview is sufficient. But first, some statistics.

    Today, 30% of all IT specialists work remotely:

    All a girl or woman needs for such a business is a fairly powerful computer, uninterrupted access to the network and a thirst for self-education, as well as creativity - the ability to generate new ideas for customers.

    If you have all this, let’s move on to specific actions: choosing an area for employment.

    Today IT is a “factory of ideas”, so you can always find a direction where you can apply your existing skills:

    • If a girl draws well and can master professional image processing programs, then it is quite possible to become a web designer, illustrator, etc.
    • If you are good at mathematics and have a good memory, then it would be a good idea to master HTML and become a website layout designer.
    • More complex level - programming languages ​​JAVA, PHP, etc. This way you can become a website developer, and in the future, more complex software.

    The demand for these professions in the world is great, therefore, having mastered the programs and learned how to do high-quality work, you can create an account on large freelance exchanges (for example, UpWork) and earn $10-70 per hour.

    According to generally accepted statistics, there are more female freelancers in the field of design (50-60%), but fewer in software development (up to 25%), so we will consider designers as an example of business ideas for girls in IT.

    Yes, it looks more like a job than an independent business for girls, but this is only at first glance.

    Firstly, successful specialists sooner or later register themselves as individual entrepreneurs in order to have official status and the opportunity to work with more serious customers.

    Secondly, a truly talented designer receives many orders that he cannot complete on his own. This means you will have to hire other employees to help you.

    And this will be nothing more than a remote design studio, a startup.

    *IT office is not always needed

    In IT, related professions for girls are also in great demand, such as, for example, HR. Many of these specialists work remotely, at home, via the Internet.

    If you gain enough experience in this matter, you will most likely have to involve other employees. So we again get an idea for a business - a small outsourcing company to support someone else’s business.

    *Areas where freelancers are employed in the Russian Federation

    As you can see, it all sounds pretty simple. But what if the IT field is a dark forest for you, and you think that a rare girl will be able to understand “this technical stuff”?

    Then we should move on to the next idea, a very “girly” direction - needlework.

    Direction 2. Handmade as a business idea for girls

    Nowadays, there is nothing easier than learning how to make something beautiful with your own hands, and converting this idea into a home-based business for girls with sales on the Internet.

    What handmade ideas can become the basis of a business for a girl:

    1. Production of souvenir goods (funny gifts, magnets, things with national symbols).
    2. Production of various jewelry/jewelry.
    3. Sewing children's products (outfits for dolls, soft toys).
    4. Sewing clothes and underwear.
    5. Manufacturing of household goods (potholders, flower pots, decorative items).
    6. Painting portraits to order.
    7. Artistic modeling.

    Most of these crafts are sold as gifts, which in the West is a whole independent business industry.

    In fact, a business for girls can be done literally on anything, if they are really good at it - ideas are everywhere. You just need to think about sales channels and advertising.

    Girls can sell the products of their business on special websites:

    • those who speak English)

    What about those who don’t want to be content with just producing for sale?

    If a girl knows how to sew well and has a sewing machine, then it is quite possible to open a mini-studio for tailoring clothes to order. Sewing has been a traditional business for girls since ancient times.

    If you also have a developed imagination, then you can become a clothing designer - a fresh look and new ideas are important here.
    How much income can you expect from starting a handicraft business?

    Of course, it is unlikely that you will become a millionaire in such a business. But a skilled girl may well reach the level of $500-1000 per month, if it offers truly high-quality and unique products.

    Direction 3. Business for girls in the field of beauty and health

    Business in the provision of services is often based not so much on an idea, but on simple human laziness. Not yours, of course, but those who have “extra” money.

    You just need to convert it into your business.

    For example, a girl came home from work - she was tired, her legs couldn’t walk after wearing heels, and she also broke a nail at the wrong time! What to do? Go to the salon, gathering your last strength?

    Of course it's better instead call a familiar craftswoman to your home, which, for a reasonable fee, will straighten the damage, putty, paint, and this nail will be better than before.

    Many girls come up with such business ideas, which is why there is a real dominance of manicurists, pedicurists and similar things on social networks.

    But you shouldn’t be afraid of competition - not everyone does the declared services well. Therefore, if you are confident in your abilities, then you can safely strive to take your place in the market.

    Another good idea is to provide services that are still rare in our country.

    In India, for example, it is popular decorating hands and feet with beautiful patterns using henna.

    But if there they do it as a tribute to traditions and culture, then in other countries it is done exclusively as a decoration.

    Now this idea is quite popular in Europe and the USA, and is also gradually gaining momentum in Russia. Don't miss the wave!

    At home, as their own mini-business, girls can provide the following services:

    1. Mani Pedi.
    2. Massage.
    3. Haircut/styling.
    4. Eyelash extensions and eyebrow correction.
    5. Waxing and sugaring.
    6. Nurse services (injections, medical procedures).
    7. Personal trainer services.
    8. Stylist consultations.

    These ideas for girls are in demand today, but they require a certain professionalism and knowledge, otherwise you can “spoil the beauty” of some unfortunate girl, or even worse - cause irreparable harm to the health of another person.

    Therefore, you should start your journey with specialized courses, but also constantly work to improve your qualifications in the future.

    The second mandatory attribute for starting is the acquisition of high-quality (read: expensive) materials and tools for work.

    If you are not ready to invest a lot of money in your business, you will end up with just a hobby or a part-time job that will bring in little income.

    Direction 4. Business ideas for girls in the field of education

    Education includes all kinds of courses and lessons, which may well become additional income for girls.

    There are often cases when foreign language teachers started working for themselves alone, but over time they organized their own translation agencies or author schools.

    The most common ideas for such a business among girls today are the following services:

    1. Computer skills courses (from basic to programming).
    2. Design and sewing courses.
    3. Cooking lessons.
    4. Lectures on style and fashion.

    In fact, you can teach anything - from the art of tying shoelaces and cooking, to Latin and cross-stitching. You need to start from what you are an expert in, as well as from the demand for a particular service.

    Great advantage– such entertainment does not require personal presence. So, for example, a very popular format at the moment is when a girl teaches a foreign language course via Skype.

    Thanks to this, not only the teacher herself, but also her students receive more mobility and convenience.

    Plus, you don’t have to spend money on renting meeting space. But you can, of course, personally visit students - of course, for a fee.

    Where can a girl look for them - clients for her business?

      Gives good results free classifieds sites in the Internet.

      To differentiate your service from competitors, use various built-in promotion tools (which are available on any such platform).

      With their help, for a reasonable fee, you can display information about yourself at the top or highlight your ad with a frame/color.

      Notice boards near residential buildings and poles are already an ineffective method of advertising, but still it still produces results.

      You will only have to spend money on printing leaflets and glue.

      Teach in an interesting and high-quality manner, do not hesitate to talk about yourself - then the result will not be long in coming.

    Direction 5. Network marketing – a valuable idea for girls or a “scam”?

    When talking about business for girls, one cannot completely ignore such an industry as network marketing. Lately it has lost some popularity, but still remains in the public eye.

    The essence of network marketing comes down to selling various products according to a pyramid scheme. Today they sell almost everything - from motor oils to contraception.

    But still the basic segments are the sale of cosmetics, kitchen utensils and nutritional supplements.

    For this reason, it is believed that network marketing is a business exclusively for girls.

    The principle of the “pyramid” comes down to the following structure:

    • First level – “Top”: the core of the business, the manufacturing company that sells its product to lower-level sales representatives.
    • Second level – sales representatives: interact directly with the maternal structure. They buy goods at their own expense and sell them at a premium to those below them.
    • The third level is “thousanders”: regional representatives who sell the purchased goods in their region to “thousanders” (those sales representatives who have 1,000 ordinary sellers under their command).
    • The fourth and fifth levels are “centurions” and “foremen”: whose business is built on mediation between regional representatives and final sellers.
    • Level six – “Bottom of the Pyramid”: These are the least status participants in the “pyramid” who are trying to sell the purchased product to the end user and get their percentage from it.

    For the upper levels, the essence of this business idea is a win-win, because... They are guaranteed to sell the goods, but what the lower echelons should do with all this is not their headache.

    If a girl has the skill of suggestion, resistance to stress and is ready to take risks, then network marketing as a business idea can be very profitable.

    Despite universal condemnation, such schemes are in most cases completely legal - everyone has heard of such brands as Oriflame, Mary Kay, Amway.

    But you should also understand that working according to this scheme is only an illusion of your own business.

    Whatever team you have under your command, you still work for the benefit of the top of the pyramid. Is it worth it? You must decide for yourself.

    Direction 6. An excellent business for a girl - renting things out

    Even if such an idea is not particularly popular, especially among girls, it still should not be discounted.

    For example, you have a large family, you have bicycles that your children have grown up with. This “transport” can be rented out!

    Buying them in a crisis is not profitable for many, especially considering how quickly children grow. But renting for the weekend is a very good idea.

    quote You can also rent roller skates and skateboards. All this can be purchased cheaper in the same thrift store, if the idea of ​​​​a business interests you, but there are no material assets for this.

    For those girls who want to put this business on stream, there is always the opportunity to increase the rates.

    Nowadays, hoverboards and electric mopeds are extremely popular. If you buy two or three hoverboards and offer them for rent in some amusement park with high traffic, then the earnings will be very good.

    According to participants in this market, in Moscow a hoverboard can pay for itself in a couple of days.

    In this case, it is better to choose parks with a closed area so that the client does not “accidentally” ride off on your scooter in an unknown direction. Same with bicycles.

    Serious companies install GPS trackers on their property, but keep in mind that this requires additional investments for the implementation of the business.

    If you are looking for an idea that is more suitable for girls, you can consider renting dresses, accessories, suits.

    This option is especially suitable for those who have an extensive branded wardrobe or are simply interested in making various interesting things (carnival masks, fans, veils, Indian feather “crowns” and the like).

    Direction 7. Non-standard ideas for home business for girls

    We have listed six main areas above. But the world does not stand still. From time to time, business formats appear that no one had previously taken into account.

    For example, such a business idea (mainly for girls) as "cafe at home".

    This means that you are willing to feed a stranger in your kitchen for a fee.

    Websites for publishing such advertisements are a separate business idea. In the CIS this is still perceived with humor, but this is how we treated fitness just recently!

    Another idea (already better known among us) – dog/cat groomer. Similar services are provided in Russian cities, but they have not yet become widespread.

    The development of business was hampered by the economic crisis, because these services are not of paramount importance, and the population did not have much “extra” money.

    Let us note that only a business that opens a new niche in your region can be truly successful.

    So, dear girls, analyze what you like and try to sell these services/products.

    Direction 8. Is a franchise suitable as a business idea for girls?

    If no original business ideas for girls have ever crossed your mind, then you can use someone else’s. Moreover, it is completely legal, without plagiarism.

    To do this, just go to any website where franchises are collected and choose a business to your liking:


    A franchise is a ready-made business format under someone else’s brand.

    You buy the right to use this brand, pay part of the profit, and in return you receive an almost ready-made business with all permits and production chains, and most importantly, an experienced mentor who is vitally interested in your success.

    Why? Because his income is royalties from your business. If you burn out, he won't get anything.

    So a real franchisor will do everything to make your business for girls successful and prosperous.

    Huge: purely Russian business models and international ones, expensive and relatively cheap.

    The main disadvantage is the cost of purchasing a franchise and royalty payments. But if your business idea is successful, then this will not be a problem.

    To summarize the topic of our business for girls, we will post the following statistics:

    Traditionally, men earn more than women, although girls are the most “fertile” target audience for any sales.

    You can come to terms with this situation, or you can start a business for girls that will break the mold, provide a good income and the opportunity for self-realization in what you love.

    An interview with a successful business lady will inspire you to great deeds!

    At 24 years old, Lena Dmitrieva has 4 companies and has a lot to learn:

    The “woman for woman” company format was not invented yesterday, but for some reason it is not being implemented particularly actively in the post-Soviet space. This means that competition here will be lower than in the “male” segments.

    So why not take advantage of the situation to your advantage? and not start your own business for girls?

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