Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Presentation of the fine arts of Western Europe in the 17th century. Art of Western Europe of the 17th century. “Man is but a reed, the weakest of the creatures of nature, but he is a thinking reed.” B. Pascal

general characteristics Art Painting comes first. Two styles: baroque and classicism The heyday of landscape gardening art An individual approach to a person The world is a contradictory changeable unity A different perception of nature The heyday of large national art schools Italy, Flanders, Spain, France, Holland.

The heyday of gardening art - regular "French" parks, landscape "English" parks with bosquets, alleys, parterres and reservoirs of geometrically regular shapes with their rectilinear paths and curly shapes of carefully trimmed shrubs emphasized the absolute control of man over nature. a picturesque composition like a natural landscape with lawns affirms the highest value of that art which is indistinguishable from nature.

The development of fine arts The expansion of themes, the development of new independent genres or the development and deepening of those that already existed in the Renaissance inner world man Rise of portraiture Development of psychological portrait.

Perception of reality Artists of the 17th century perceive reality more whole. Now a prominent place in art is occupied by genres that were not previously common, for example, the genre of everyday life, the image of animals, still life. A completely new understanding of composition. It becomes more natural and dynamic, depth and space are boldly used. Coloristic achievements of art

Classicism Translated from Latin - classicus - exemplary. The world is a rationally organized mechanism striving for reason and order. Classicism is characterized by symmetry, harmony, sublimity of the artistic language, the predominance of light colors. The ideal for the classics is antiquity.

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Art Western Europe 17th century
Filippova Svetlana Viktorovna, history teacher, Gymnasium 1507

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“Man is only a reed, the weakest of the creatures of nature, but he is a thinking reed.” B. Pascal.

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Features of the perception of the world in the XVII century
There is a contradiction between the ideals of humanism and harsh reality. Man has no control over himself and his destiny. A person depends on circumstances and time, is in perpetual motion and change. Tragic shades appear

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Pessimism and optimism of great writers
The writers of the 16th-17th centuries did not idealize man, they were fully aware of his weaknesses and vices. They saw how selfishness, passion for gain, cruelty continue to reign in the world, and they experienced it keenly. But still, in spite of everything, they wanted to believe that thanks to the mind and the best spiritual qualities of people, goodness would triumph in the world.

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Cervantes and his Knight of the Sorrowful Image.
In 1605, a book was published, the fame of which quickly spread throughout Europe. We are talking about "The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of Lamance" by Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra. The author of Don Quixote came from an impoverished noble family. All his life he fought, was in captivity, received three wounds, but never improved his financial situation. Poverty forced him to take up literature. He was the author of poems, plays and short stories, but Don Quixote brought him fame in his old age.

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Don Quixote was conceived as a parody of popular chivalric novels, after reading which, the half-impoverished nobleman Alonso Quixana began to dream of chivalric exploits. In search of glory, he goes on a journey with a simple peasant, elevated by him to the squire - Sancho Panza.

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The image of Don Quixote is a symbol of courage and disinterestedness
The exploits of Don Quixote turn out to be ridiculous against the backdrop of real life: he takes inns for castles, maids for beautiful ladies, fights with windmills. However, irony gradually gives way to sympathy for the hero of the novel, who everywhere seeks to restore justice, help the weak, protect the offended.

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William Shakespeare 1564-1616
Born in the provincial town of Stratford-upon-Avon. He suddenly broke with the burgher life, with his family and went to London to join the restless tribe of actors. His plays were staged on the stage of the Globe Theatre.
great English playwright

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"The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors" The images created by Shakespeare are so bright and psychologically accurate that they have become a household name.
Symbol of all-conquering love - Romeo and Juliet
Symbol of jealousy - Othello

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Symbol of painful doubts - Hamlet

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General characteristics of art
Painting comes first. Two styles: baroque and classicism The heyday of gardening art An individual approach to man The world is a contradictory changeable unity A different perception of nature The heyday of large national art schools in Italy, Flanders, Spain, France, Holland.

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Perception of reality
Artists of the 17th century perceive reality more integrally. Now a prominent place in art is occupied by genres that were not previously common, for example, the genre of everyday life, the image of animals, and still life. A completely new understanding of composition. It becomes more natural and dynamic, depth and space are boldly used. Coloristic achievements of art

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The development of fine arts. Character traits.
Expansion of topics, development of new independent genres or development and deepening of those that already existed in the Renaissance Increased interest in the individual personality, in all the features of its physical appearance and character, emphasized attention to the inner world of a person Rise of portrait art Development of a psychological portrait.

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baroque art
A new artistic style emerged in Italy. The Italian term meant "bizarre", "strange". In the 17th century, he quickly captured all of Europe, especially the Catholic countries. Baroque is full of movement, emotions, passions, religious ecstasy. He is characterized by emphasized decorativeness and entertainment; the imagination of artists and architects knew no bounds - they turned the facades of buildings and sculptural compositions into a semblance of flowing, seething and billowing waves

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In Spain, the 17th century was marked by the rise of religious painting.
Francisco Zurbaran
Jusepe Ribera

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The brightest representative of baroque architecture was Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini
Baroque was the favorite style of the Catholic Church. Bernini created the ensemble of the square in front of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

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Bernini was a talented sculptor who knew how to convey in his works:
the moment of the highest emotional stress in the sculpture "The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa"
moment of jerky movement, flight in the sculpture "Apollo and Daphne"

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His painting seemed very unusual to his contemporaries because of the sharp contrasts of light and shadow. The characters of Caravaggio are full of mystery and significance, although they are just ordinary peasant youths.
One of the most interesting Italian artists of the 16th-17th centuries was Michelangelo da Caravaggio (1573-1610)

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Paintings by Caravaggio
"Card Cheats"
"Young man with a lute"

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Baroque is designed to glorify the monarchy, the church and the aristocracy. Diego Velazquez:
Pope Innocent X
Portrait of a court dwarf
Portrait of Philip IV

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Diego Velazquez 1599-1660
He was the court painter of King Philip IV, left a magnificent gallery of portraits of the monarch, his relatives, court entourage.
The greatest Spanish artist of the 17th century worked in the genre of a formal portrait.

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Portrait of Pope Innocent X
Velasquez was not only an excellent colorist, but also a subtle psychologist who knew how to convey the character of his hero. “Too truthful!” - this is what Innocent X said about his portrait.

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Paintings by Velasquez
Prince Balthazar

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Velazquez also liked to paint scenes of peasant life, portraits of common people, sad faces of court dwarfs and jesters.

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The most famous artist was a Fleming (a native of the Netherlands)
Peter Paul Rubens Loved the nude and the abundance of flesh. He was a great colorist, perfectly mastered chiaroscuro.

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Paintings by Rubens

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In the 17th century, the Dutch school of painting produced many excellent masters who worked in various genres.
He created many portraits commissioned by rich Amsterdam burghers, painted portraits of his relatives - his wife and son, and more than 60 self-portraits in different periods of his life.
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn is the most prominent among them.

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Rembrandt paintings
"Return prodigal son»
"The night Watch"

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Conclusion: the Baroque style is built on contrasts and asymmetries, gravitates toward grandiosity and lush decorativeness.
Rembrandt, The Holy Family
Jacob van Ruisdael, "View of the village of Egmont"

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17th century - the heyday of classicism in literature and art

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He was called the "Sun King".
Classicism took shape in the 17th century in France, reflecting the rise of absolutism, or absolute monarchy. Such a monarch, whose reign in France was the apogee of absolutism, was Louis XIV, king of the Bourbon dynasty.

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Classicism is an artistic system that has developed not only in literature, but also in painting, architecture, landscape art, and music.

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1. Strengthening the absolute monarchy, the monarch is the embodiment of the reasonable. 2. The highest dignity of a person is the fulfillment of duty, service to the state idea.

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AESTHETIC PRINCIPLES OF CLASSICISM: 1. Strict division into genres. 2. The logical harmony of the work: three unities: place, time, action 3. The main conflict: personal and civic interests, feeling and duty. 4. Inheritance of antiquity as a model. 5. Heroes of “one passion”, “images without faces”. They do not change, being the spokesmen for common truths. 6. The use of the common language was excluded.

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How did the artists of the Renaissance and classicism treat ancient art?
-logics; -harmony; - human mind.
antique art
- respect for the person; -singing of experiences, feelings, love.

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Rationalism Descartes: "I think, therefore I am."
PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS OF CLASSICISM: The name of the philosopher, physicist, mathematician Descartes is also associated with the emergence of classicism. The basis of everything is the mind, only that which is reasonable is beautiful.


16th century Netherlands
(now Belgium)
free republic,
Cities – Amsterdam, Delft
Leiden, Haarlem
"little Dutch"
Style - realism
Subject to Spain.
Reigns - Infanta Isabella
City – Antwerp
Rubens, van Dyck,
Style - baroque
(art celebrates
church, monarchy)

Baroque style features:
The main genres are mythological,
Dynamics, slice of figures
Asymmetry of the composition
Contrasts, vibrant colors
Congestion with decorative
emotionality, drama
Theatricality, use
symbols, allegories
The splendor of forms

The chronological framework for the emergence and
flourishing baroque style
The meaning of the term. Time of occurrence
Prerequisites for the emergence of style.
Late 16th - early 17th century
Literally - a sea shell, bizarre,
unclear. Given by opponents of the Baroque in the 18th century.
1) The work of Michelangelo, Tintoretto;
2) The established school of painting, absolute
mastery of skill;
3) The presence of an aristocracy that does not
lacks funds,
devoid of taste and not ashamed of its luxury.
bodily expression of feelings. Expression of the whole
Artistic features of style in painting. range of human feelings through color. System
multiple reflections. staring
in life, the value of every little detail.
Baroque masters.
aesthetic concept.
Velazquez, Caravaggio, Rubens.
Opposite ideas and concepts coexist.
High and low are side by side. Are amazed
contradictions, admire them. Spiritual world
man is complex and tragic. "The essence of art is
to appear, not to be" (Velasquez).

Masters and works to study
"Narcissus" 1594,
"Lute player" Around 1596,
"Fortuneteller" 1596-97,
"David with the head of Goliath" 1605-1606,
"The Entombment" 1602-03,
"Conversion of Saul"
"Crucifixion of Paul"
"Young Bacchus" Around 1596,
"Fruit Basket" Around 1597,
"Medusa Gorgon" 1590s,
"Rounders" Around 1596,
"Execution of John the Baptist" 1608

at ens
Peter Paul Rub
"Self-portrait with Isabella Brandt, first wife" or "Honeysuckle arbor" 160910,
"Venus in front of a mirror" 1615,
"Union of Earth and Water" 1618,
"Perseus and Andromeda" 1620-1621,
"Bacchus" 1638-1640,
"Allegory of the four continents" 1615,
"Consequences (calamities) of the war" 1637-38,
"Landscape with Stone Carriers" 1620,
"Hunting for hippopotamus and crocodile" 1615-16,
"Peasant dance" 1636,
"Saint George and the Dragon" 1606-07,
"Saint Sebastian" 1614,
"Arrival of Marie de Medici in Marseille" 1623-25,
"Portrait of the Maid of Infanta Isabella" 1625,

Jacob Jordaens
"A satyr visiting a peasant" 1620,
"Feast of the Bean King" 1655,
"Diogenes, looking for a man» 1643,
"Portrait of a 73-year-old man" 1641,
"Pan and Syringa"

Anthony van Dyck
"Self-portrait with family" 1620,
"Portrait of Isabella Brandt (wife of Rubens)" 1621,
"Portrait of Cardinal Guido Bentivoglio" ca. 1622-1625,
"Lord James Stewart and Lord Bernard Stewart",
"Portrait of Charles I" 1635,
"Charles I in three angles" 1635-36,
"Children of Charles I",
"Portrait of the daughters of Earl Wharton" 1641,

Frans Snyders
"Fish Shop"
"Vegetable shop"
"Bird Concert"

Diego Velazquez
"Three at the table" 1618,
"Christ in the House of Martha and Mary"
"Philip IV of Spain in brown and silver" 16311632,
"Equestrian portrait of Philip IV",
“A court dwarf with a book in his hands (“Dwarf Don Diego
de Acedo, nicknamed El Primo") 1644,
"Portrait of the Infanta Margaret"
"Menins" 1657,
"Pope Innocent X" 1650,
"Surrender of Breda" 1634,
"Venus with a mirror" 1644-48,
"Mercury and Argus"
"The Myth of Arachne (Spinners)" 1644-48

El Greco
"Boy blowing on a candle" 1570-72,
"The expulsion of merchants from the temple" 1600,
"St. Sebastian",
"Apostles Peter and Paul" 1605-08,
"Burial of Count Orgaz" 1586-88,
"Annunciation" 1595-1600,
"Portrait of the Inquisitor Niño de Guevara" 1600 - 1601,
"Portrait of a gentleman with a hand on his chest" ca. 1577-1579,
"View of Toledo" or "Toledo in a thunderstorm" 1596-1600,
"Laocoon" 1604-1614

Baroque in architecture and
Architectural features
complicated plans
lush interiors with unexpected
spatial and lighting effects
spatial scope, fusion, fluidity
complex, usually curvilinear shapes and
synthesis of arts (painting, sculpture).

Stefano Maderno:
"St. Cecilia" 1575-1636,
Francesco Borromini:
Palazzo Barberia nor
Carlo Maderna:
"Saint Peter's Basilica" Facade
Lorenzo Bernini:
"Horror" 1619,
"David" 1623,
"Apollo and Daphne" 1622-1625,
"The Abduction of Proserpina" 1621-1622,
"The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa" 1645-1652,
"Portrait of Constanza Buonarelli" c. 1635
"Portrait of Cardinal Scipio Borghese" after 1632,
square in front of St. Petra in Rome
"Fountain of the Four Rivers"

Classicism (classicisme, from Latin classicus - exemplary)

(classicisme, from lat. classicus - exemplary)
Features of classicism:
1. Antique samples
2. Perfect harmony
3. Clear and simple shapes
4. Symmetry and rigor
5. Rationality (mathematical calculation)
6. Heroic themes (the main thing is the education of a citizen)
7. The division of genres: "higher" - historical, biblical,
mythological, portrait and "lower" - still life,

Nicolas Poussin
"Dance to the Music of Time" 1638,
"Self Portrait"
"Arcadian shepherds" around 1650,
"Kingdom of Flora" Around 1631-32,
"Narcissus and Echo" Around 1625-27,
"Landscape with Polyphemus" Around 1649,
"The Rape of the Sabine Women" 1634-35,
"Tancred and Erminia"
Series "Seasons"

Claude Lorrain
"The Judgment of Paris" 1645-1646,
"Landscape with Apollo and Mercury" 1645,
"Landscape with the Penitent Magdalene"

Classicism architecture

appeal to the forms of ancient
architecture as a standard of harmony,
simplicity, rigor, logic
clarity and monumentality.
planning regularity and
volumetric clarity.
the basis of the architectural language
order, in proportions and forms
close to antiquity.
symmetrical-axial compositions
conciseness of colors
restraint of decorative
regular planning system

park planning system
park = geometric park
a park

Know definitions:
Rust, rustic, rustic,
Materials for study:
Types of parks - Italian, English,
Versailles (Louis XIV),
mirror gallery


simplicity and clarity of compositions;
small size of works;
expressive details;
beauty of light nuances;
a general feeling of comfort, closeness and togetherness
characters in landscape or interior

small dutches
Gabriel Metsu
"Sick child"
"Doctor's Visit"
Jan Steen
"Doctor's Visit"
"Drawing lesson"
Adrian Ostade
Series "Five Senses"
Gerard Terborch
"Lute Player"
"Glass of Lemonade"

Jan Vermeer of Delft
"Self-portrait. Allegory of Painting" 1666-67,
"Girl with a pearl earring" 1665-75,
"Girl reading a letter at an open window" 1657,
"Girl with a jug of milk" 1658,
"Little Street" 1657-58,

Rembrandt van Rijn
"Self-portrait with Saskia (Merry Society)" circa 1635,
"The anatomy lesson of Dr. Nicholas Tulp" 1632,
"Speech of the rifle company of Captain Frans Banning Cock and
Lieutenant Willem van Reitenburg" or "NIGHT WATCH" 1642,
"The old man in the chair" 1652,
"Portrait of an old man in red" Around 1652-54,
"Holy Family" 1645,
"The Return of the Prodigal Son" 1669,
"Flora (portrait of Saskia in the form of Flora)" 1634,
"Danae" 1636

Frans Hals
"Banquet of officers of the rifle company of St.
"Merry drunkard" 1628-1630,
"Malle Babbe",
"Gypsy" 1630,
"The Laughing Cavalier" 1624,
"The Regents of the Nursing Home"

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The eighteenth century in Western Europe represents a period of transition from absolute monarchy in a number of countries to bourgeois society. It is often referred to as the Age of Enlightenment. France became the classical country of the Enlightenment and the brightest flourishing of artistic culture. In the first half and the middle of the 18th century, the “Rococo” or “Louis XV style” style, generated by French culture, spread, and realistic art also grew. Portrait of Louis XV

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Great value for the development of progressive ideas of culture of the XVIII century had the French Enlightenment. Religion, the understanding of nature, society, the state order - everything was subjected to the most merciless criticism: everything had to appear before the court of reason and either justify its existence or abandon it. French enlighteners, starting with J. Mellier, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau and ending with the encyclopedists led by Diderot, a galaxy of writers, including Lesage, Prevost, Marivaux, Beaumarchais, and masters of fine art in the person of Watteau, Chardin, Latour, Pigalle , Boucher, Greuze, Fragonard, Houdon, David spread French culture and French art throughout Europe, giving them that peculiar and unfading charm and value that captivate and cannot but interest contemporaries to this day. Diderot

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Voltaire Montesquieu

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Lesage JACQUES LOUIS DAVID Self portrait 1794

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Goodon Lessing

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Watteau "surprise"

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The 18th century fine arts masters were in much closer contact with audiences and critics than in the past. They were required to use their work as a means of entertainment, encouraged to enjoy life. The most striking masters, characteristic of the playfully coquettish, festive, decorative painting that dominated court art in the first half of the 18th century during the Regency and the short reign of Louis XV, were the exquisitely elegant Francois de Troyes (1679-1752), the decoratively sensual Francois Lemoine ( 1688-1737), the graceful Charles Natoire (1700-1777), the graceful Charles Antoine Coypel (1694-1752), the mannered and unnatural Carl Vanloo (1705-1765) and the greatest Rococo painter Francois Boucher (1703-1770). Jean Francois De Troy

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Charles Joseph Natoire (1700 - 1777)

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Natoire, Charles-Joseph - Bacchus and Ariadne, Hermitage

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Karl Vanloo (1705-1765). "Portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna"

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Carl Vanloo, Apollo and Marsyas, 1735

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F. Bush "Morning"

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Francois Boucher (1703 - 1770)

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The work of Chardin also received fame. Chardin carried two main favorite themes through all his work - the theme of the everyday genre depicting the everyday life of the people around him and the still life, in which he affirmed the artistic value of the material world of things. Chardin "Laundress"

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RIGO HYACINTH Madame Rigaud, mother of the artist, in two turns

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TROIS FRANCOIS DE Charles Mouton playing the lute

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The art of the court portrait of the 30-50s of the XVIII century, responding to the tastes of the aristocracy, set itself the task of creating an outwardly elegant, decorative and sensual image of a model in the Rococo style. Among such portraits, the works of J. M. Nattier (1685-1766) stood out, who began his career as a historical painter, and then specialized in the so-called “mythological” portrait invented by him, which became very fashionable at that time. He depicted court ladies as nymphs, Diana, Venus and other ancient goddesses, conveying the resemblance extremely remotely and shamelessly flattering his models. Jean-Marc Nattier. Portrait of Catherine

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Coustou Guillaume the Elder

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The most outstanding sculptural works of the first half of the century include two equestrian marble groups by Guillaume (First) Kustu, sculpted by him to decorate the pleasure park in Marly (1740-1745). Features of the transitional style from Rococo to Classicism, the search for a realistic interpretation of images emerged in the work of the most prominent master of sculpture in the middle of the 18th century - Jean Baptiste Pigalle (1714-1785). Guillaume Coust. horse tamer

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Jean Baptiste Pigalle "Love and Friendship"

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Thus, starting from the middle of the 18th century and especially in the second half of the century, art is changing more and more, turning to the search for more truthful, realistic images. Honoré Fragonard (1732-1806) was an artist in whose multifaceted and controversial work one can observe the development of both the decorative tendencies of Rococo art and the deeply emotional, realistic trends of the second half of the 18th century. Jean Honore Fragonard. "Reading Girl" (1776)

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Jean Honore Fragonard (1732-1806). Swing

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The end of the XVIII century is characterized by the French bourgeois revolution of 1789-1794 and the beginning of a new period in the history of Europe. In the visual arts, this time is marked by the dominance of classicism; the brightest and most advanced artist of the revolution, Louis David, affirmed the harsh and courageous ideals of the struggle for public duty, for the freedom of the individual. His energetic artistic language was concise and restrained. He expressed feelings of patriotism and civic prowess. Louis David "Death"

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Jacques-Louis David. Napoleon crossing St. Bernard. 1800-180

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The age of the Enlightenment, the age of the development of intellectual thought, could not but be interested in the expression in art of the individual, the psychological. Masterful, penetrating portraits by Latour and Perronnot, Chardin and Aved, Hogarth, Reynolds and Gainsborough, Greuze and Ghislandy influenced the development of the portrait in the 19th century. Without those truthful, poetic and direct images of nature, which were given by landscape painters of the 18th century, such as J. Vernet and G. Robert, Canaletto and Guardi, Fragonard and Gainsborough, the achievements of landscape painting of the 19th century are also inconceivable. And, finally, the contribution made by Chardin and Greuze, Hogarth and Chodovetsky, Crespii Bonito to the development of realistic genre painting, which will become so widespread only in the next century, is indisputable. Thus, we see that the 18th century brought a lot of new things to the fine arts of Western Europe, both in terms of the development of painting techniques and the further development of various genres in art. In addition to the successes achieved by many individual artists, one cannot fail to note those factors that had a positive impact on the organization of artistic education.

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The eighteenth century is characterized by the widespread creation of academies of arts, institutions that brought together the greatest masters of fine art and trained young artists. The Academy was founded in Dresden in 1697, in Berlin in 1699, in Vienna in 1726, in Copenhagen in 1754, in Venice in 1755, in St. Petersburg in 1758, and in London in 1768.

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The eighteenth century is the time of the formation of aesthetics as a science, holistic aesthetic systems are being created: the enlighteners led by Diderot and Lessing, the German idealists, Kant, Hegel and others. The first systematic histories of art are published (Winckelmann). Winkelman

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Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

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Jean-Jacques Rousseau (fr. Jean-Jacques Rousseau; June 28, 1712, Geneva - July 2, 1778, Ermenonville, near Paris) - French writer, thinker, composer. He developed a direct form of government of the people by the state - (direct democracy), which is used to this day, for example in Switzerland. The baroque rationalism of the 18th century was replaced by sentimentalism, the main feature of which was a new cultural stream, the source of which was feeling. It has transformed a cultured person, his attitude towards himself, towards people, towards nature and towards culture. The most original and influential representative and conductor of this trend was Rousseau. It put him in antagonism to the representatives of rationalism - the philosophers of the XVIII century. But, since Rousseau adopted rationalism in politics and introduced feeling and passion into it, he became the main forerunner of that radical upheaval that ended the 18th century. Rousseau was also a musicologist, composer and botanist.

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Childhood A Frenchman by birth, Rousseau was a native of Protestant Geneva, which preserved until the 18th century. its strictly Calvinistic and municipal spirit. The mother died in childbirth. Father - Isaac Rousseau (1672-1747), watchmaker and dance teacher, was acutely worried about the loss of his wife. Jean-Jacques was a favorite child in the family, from the age of seven he read with his father until the dawn "Astrey" and the biographies of Plutarch;

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He was a student of a notary, an engraver, studied at a monastery, worked as a footman, house secretary and mentor, then communicated with encyclopedists. So he's from the very common man came to a famous person of that period. In the summer of 1749, Rousseau went to visit Diderot, who was imprisoned in the Château de Vincennes. On the way, having opened a newspaper, I read an announcement from the Dijon Academy about a prize on the topic “Did the revival of sciences and arts contribute to the purification of morals”. A sudden thought struck Rousseau; the impression was so strong that, according to his description, he lay in some kind of intoxication under a tree for half an hour; when he came to, his vest was wet with tears. The thought that dawned on Rousseau contains the whole essence of his worldview: "enlightenment is harmful and culture itself is a lie and a crime." In response, Rousseau was awarded the prize; the entire enlightened and refined society applauded its accuser.

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In 1761 the "New Eloise" appeared in print, in the spring of the following year - "Emil", and a few weeks later - "The Social Contract" ("Contratsocial"). During the printing of "Emile" Rousseau was in great fear: he had strong patrons, but he suspected that the bookseller would sell the manuscript to the Jesuits and that his enemies would distort its text. "Emil", however, was published; the storm broke a little later. The Parliament of Paris, preparing to pronounce a verdict on the Jesuits, considered it necessary to condemn the philosophers, and sentenced "Emil", for religious free-thinking and indecency, to be burned by the hand of the executioner, and his author to imprisonment. The Prince of Conti made it known at Montmorency; the Duchess of Luxembourg ordered to wake Rousseau and persuaded him to leave immediately. Rousseau, however, tarried all day and nearly fell victim to his slowness; on the road, he met bailiffs sent for him, who politely bowed to him.

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Philosophy The main philosophical works of Rousseau, which set out his social and political ideals: "New Eloise", "Emil" and "Social Contract". Rousseau, for the first time in political philosophy, tried to explain the causes of social inequality and its types, to comprehend the contractual mode of origin of the state in a different way. He believed that the state arises as a result of a social contract. According to the social contract, the supreme power in the state belongs to all the people. The sovereignty of the people is inalienable, indivisible, infallible and absolute. The law, as an expression of the general will, acts as a guarantee of individuals against arbitrariness on the part of the government, which cannot act in violation of the requirements of the law. Thanks to the law as an expression of the general will, relative property equality can also be achieved. Rousseau solved the problem of the effectiveness of the means of control over the activities of the government, substantiated the rationality of the adoption of laws by the people themselves, considered the problem of social inequality and recognized the possibility of its legislative solution. It was not without the influence of Rousseau's ideas that new democratic institutions arose, such as a referendum, a popular legislative initiative, and such political demands as a possible reduction in the term of deputy powers, a mandatory mandate, and the recall of deputies by voters.

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Compositions Leaving aside special treatises on botany, music, languages, and literary works Rousseau - poems, comedies and letters, the rest of Rousseau's writings can be divided into three groups (chronologically they follow one after another in this order): 1. accusing the age, 2. instructions, 3. self-defense

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Pedagogical ideas Rousseau's worldview is characterized by dualism: recognition of the primordial existence of spirit and matter. In the field of epistemology - sensualist. Recognized the presence of a higher power that created the whole world. Defended the idea of ​​equality of people, their natural rights to freedom. He advocated the elimination of large property. Small property as a result of personal labor was considered inviolable. He put forward the idea of ​​free education, which follows nature, helps it, eliminating bad habits. Education should be natural, or nature-like, i.e. Appropriate to the age of the child, and carried out in natural conditions in the bosom of nature. He opposed authoritarianism and denied punishment, believing that children should be limited by the immutable laws of nature, and not the prohibitions of the educator. Two properties of human nature play a special role in education: the ability to perceive the world through sensations and self-love. The main factors of education. 1. Nature - ensures the development and improvement of the senses and abilities. 2. People - accustoming a person to use the development of his natural abilities, the development of the senses. 3. Objects - encountering things enriches personal experience child. The task of the educator. Tactfully, imperceptibly for the child, direct all his activities, form his interests and views. The result of such an upbringing is a free-thinking person who lives by his own work. His concept of education J.-J. Rousseau expounded in the work in which he concentrated his thoughts on the innate goodness of man: this is Emil, or On Education (1762), a treatise that he considered the best and most important of his works and in which his pedagogical views are expressed through artistic images. It should be noted that no other work devoted to the upbringing of children, either before or after Emil, has had such strong influence on the development of pedagogical thought.

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Rousseau's music belongs to several musical works, including operas. Rousseau's most significant and famous musical composition is the opera The Village Sorcerer (Fr. LeDevinduVillage), written under the influence of the Italian opera school on his own French libretto. The first performance of the opera took place on 10 October 1752 at Fontainebleau in the presence of the king. Interestingly, the libretto of Rousseau's opera, loosely translated into German, formed the basis of W. A. ​​Mozart's opera "Bastienne and Bastienne".

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In the summer of 1777, Rousseau's health began to inspire fear among his friends. In the spring of 1778, one of them, the Marquis de Girardin, took him to his dacha in Chateau de Ermenonville. At the end of June a concert was arranged for him on an island in the middle of a park; Rousseau asked to be buried in this place. On July 2, Rousseau died suddenly.

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Art of Western Europe XVII century - I half. XIX century MBOU "Rostilov School" Teacher of fine arts: Zabelin Alexander Valentinovich

Historical artistic styles Certain stages in the history of art, when a single artistic system was formed, covering different kinds art and artistic creativity. Baroque - k. XVI - ser. 18th century Rococo - I floor. 17th century Classicism - XVII - beg. 19th century Empire - early 19th century Romanticism - I half. 19th century Realism - XVIII-XIX centuries.

Baroque from Italian. barocco - bizarre, strange, dominated art European countries from the end of the 16th to the middle of the 18th century. The birthplace of the Baroque style is Italy. The main characteristics: scale, abundance of decor, stormy dynamics, the desire for illusory effects in the interior (an abundance of mirrors and picturesque ceiling lamps visually increase the space). The predominance of exquisite curved lines, swirling movements, golden, bright tones. In Russia, the development of the Baroque falls on the first half and the middle of the 17th century.

"Union of Earth and Water" (Schelde and Antwerp) 1618 "Hunting for tigers and lions" 1617-1618 In the work of Rubens, the Baroque style found its final expression. There is always a powerful sense of life in his works. His characters are full of spiritual strength and energy. Rubens' compositions are always imbued with movement. Bodily power, intensity of passions and feelings - such is the world of Rubens' paintings, a sublime, heroic world, but connected with earthly reality. Peter Paul Rubens 1577 - 1640 The greatest Flemish painter of the 17th century, a brilliant representative of the Baroque style in Europe.

French Rococo. rococo, from rocaille - shell European artistic style of the first half of the 17th century. Originated in France (reign of Louis XV). Distinctive features: asymmetry, rich decor, light color palette, preference for small, fractional, bizarre shapes. A special range of plots in the visual arts - idyllic scenes from the life of shepherds and shepherdesses (pastorals), gallant scenes and mythological scenes, often with a playful tinge.

Gamma of love Gilles Jean - Antoine Watteau 1684 - 1721 He became famous as a master of the image of "gallant festivities". Watteau created his own unique image in art - this is an aristocratic society in the park, playing music, dancing, idle; a life in which there seems to be no action, no plot - scenes of a carefree life, conveyed with refined grace. There is neither human grief nor violent joy here, it is rather a masquerade, and not real life.

Classicism Large European style of the 17th - early 19th century, oriented towards ancient art and the Renaissance. Characteristic features: harmony and measure in everything, balance and symmetry, statics, preference for clear geometric shapes (circle, ellipse, square, rectangle). A stable compositional and coloristic system for solving a painting canvas with a division into three color and spatial planes (brown - first, green - middle, blue - far). The most complete classicist system developed in France in the 17th - mid-18th centuries. A new wave of classicism falls on the beginning of the 19th century, Rome becomes the center of classic art. In Russia, the flowering of classicism falls on the last third of the 18th - the first third of the 19th century.

Arcadian shepherds 1638-1639 Tancred and Erminia 1630 Nicolas Poussin 1594 - 1665 The greatest French artist of the 17th century. Classicism as a style of painting is most clearly expressed in his work. In 1623 Poussin left France and spent most of his life in Italy. Poussin's paintings are written on mythological and biblical themes. In them, the artist is attracted by strong characters, high feelings, the desire for truth and justice. To educate the viewer in virtue - Poussin saw this as the main purpose of art.

Empire French. empire - empire Style in architecture, painting and applied arts of the first three decades of the 19th century, the final stage of classicism. He relied on the art of the Greek archaic and imperial Rome.

Oath of the Horatii 1784 Death of Marat 1793 Jacques - Louis David 1748 - 1825 French painter, an outstanding representative of neoclassicism. He created canvases that sang of citizenship, fidelity to duty, heroism, the ability to sacrifice. David's painting "The Oath of the Horatii" depicts one of the episodes in the history of Ancient Rome. During the period of hostility between the cities of Rome and Alba Longa, three brothers from the Horatii family had to go to the death duel with childhood friends from the Curiatii family. David emphasizes the unyielding determination of the young men to fulfill their duty: Father Horatii raises his swords, and the brothers swear to win or die.

French romanticism. romantisme is a strange, fantastic ideological and artistic trend in European and American culture of the first half of the 19th century.

The Raft of the Medusa 1819 Theodore Gericault 1791 - 1824 French artist, a prominent representative of romanticism in Western European art of the early 19th century. In the center of the works of romantics is a bright, outstanding personality who is in conflict with society or opposes the elements of nature. Wounded cuirassier

French realism. realisme, from lat. realis - real, real. Artistic style in European art of the 18th - 19th centuries.

The Sower 1850 Gatherers 1857 Through the expressive almost sculptural chiaroscuro of the sculpting figures of people in large undivided masses and the restrained power of color, Millet seeks to achieve a generalizing typification of heroes in the belief that it is the collective "type that is the deepest truth in art." Francois Millet 1814 - 1875 Coming from the people, the artist is rightfully considered the largest representative of the truly folk genre in the art of France in the 19th century.

What art styles are paintings? 1 Rubens "Perseus and Andromeda" 4 Watteau "The Capricious" 2 Poussin "Judgment of Solomon" 3 David "Napoleon's Crossing the Alps" 5 Géricault "Officer of the Imperial Horse Rangers" 6 Millais "The Gatherers" Baroque Classicism Empire Rococo Romanticism Realism

Homework Write (print) a message on the topic: "10 interesting facts from life and work…” by Peter Powell Rubens; Jean-Antoine Watteau; Nicolas Poussin; Jacques-Louis David; Theodore Gericault; Francois Millet.

Message on the topic: "10 interesting facts from the life and work of Francois Millet" 1 Jean-Francois Millet was born on October 4, 1814. In the village of Grouchy, in Normandy. His father was an organist at the local church. Millet worked on a farm from an early age, but at the same time he received a good education, studied Latin and retained a love of literature throughout his life. From childhood he showed the ability to draw. 2 In 1839 Millet received an order for a posthumous portrait of the former mayor of Cherbourg, but the work was rejected due to little resemblance to the deceased. To make ends meet, the artist earned some money by painting signs. 3 In 1853 He married a second time to Catherine Lemaire (his first wife, Pauline Ono, died of tuberculosis in 1844). Millais had nine children from this marriage. 4 At the Salon of 1848. Millais showed the painting "Flower". The canvas received laudatory reviews, and it was purchased by the Minister of the French government, Alexandre Ledre-Roller. The following year, he fled the country to the United States - the painting disappeared with him. It was even believed that it burned down during a fire in Boston in 1872. In 1972 - exactly 100 years after the alleged death - the original "Flower" was found in the USA, in the attic of one of the houses. 5 In 1860 Millais signed a contract with E. Blanc and A. Stevens, under which he undertook to supply them annually with 25 paintings for sale. In 1866 The artist broke the contract, considering it burdensome. But numerous exhibitions organized by art dealers had already done their job, and Millet's popularity continued to grow. 6 In 1889, Millet's painting "Angelus" was put up for sale, the Louvre and a consortium of American sales agents fiercely fought for it. The Americans won, having paid for the canvas a record amount for those times - 580,000 francs. In 1909 it was repurchased and donated to the Louvre by one of the French moneybags. 7 Images of peasant life inspired many artists who followed Millet. Like Pissarro, Van Gogh and Gauguin, Millet was looking for the ideal of a patriarchal world in peasant life, not yet infected with the putrefactive breath of civilization. 8 Millais never worked en plein air. His paintings were always carefully thought out, weighed, and all his scenes of "true life" were born in the imagination, having nothing to do with the experience of direct observation. 9 Millet's paintings were promoted as an example to follow in communist countries, where culture was built on the principles of "socialist realism". 10 Surprisingly, there are more paintings by Millet in the US than in his homeland, France.
