Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Presentation on agricultural machines. Presentation for the discipline "operation of agricultural machinery" Agricultural machinery and technology slide

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“Machines that help grow bread” PREPARED BY: Bakholdina O.I. Teacher of MKDOU D/S No. 8, Ostrogozhsk PRESENTATION for preschoolers

GOAL: to introduce children to basic technology for growing bread. Objectives: - to give children a basic understanding of machines for growing bread and the technology of growing bread by our ancestors; develop children's active vocabulary; to develop a respectful attitude towards bread and towards the people who grow bread.

This is how bread was grown in the old days.

Tractors that plow the land

Tractors that irrigate fields

Combines for mowing and harvesting grain in the field

Harvesting grain from the field to the mill

Removing straw from the fields

THANK YOU to those who grow bread!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The influence of preschool children’s work caring for plants on the site and growing vegetables on the cognitive process.

The natural world opens up wide opportunities for the mental development of preschool children. Children receive information about various plants, learn the features of their growth and development, techniques for caring for them,...

Teach children how to sow seeds. To consolidate knowledge about vegetable plants (tomatoes and cucumbers) and their seeds. Talk about the conditions necessary for the successful development of plants. Make the guys want...

Vegetable growing project

Project on the topic “Growing Vegetables.” Duration of the project: long-term (May – September) Project participants: children of the second junior – middle group of MBDOU No. 4, parents, teacher Vlasova E.V....

The influence of preschool children’s work caring for plants on the site and growing vegetables on the development of the cognitive process. The influence of preschool children’s work caring for plants on the site and growing vegetables on the development of the cognitive process.

Practical, research activities in natural conditions play a major role in the environmental education of preschool children....




Agro-industrial complex

  • Agro-industrial complex(AIC) is the largest inter-industry complex, uniting several economic sectors aimed at the production and processing of agricultural raw materials and obtaining products from them that are delivered to the end consumer. This is a set of sectors of the country’s economy, including agriculture and industries closely related to agricultural production, transporting, storing, processing agricultural products, supplying them to consumers, providing agriculture with equipment, chemicals and fertilizers, and servicing agricultural production.

The basis of the agro-industrial complex consists of three areas:

  • Fund-forming industries;
  • Directly agriculture;
  • Agricultural raw material processing industries

Spheres of agro-industrial complex

Fund-forming industries: producing means of production for other areas (tractor and agricultural engineering, production of fertilizers, feed, agricultural construction)

Industries for processing agricultural raw materials, storing and selling the final product(procurement, food and partially light industry, trade, catering)

  • agriculture
  • crop production
  • livestock farming

What is agriculture?

  • Agriculture- the oldest sphere of human activity.
  • in dictionaries it is defined as the process of cultivating crops and raising domestic animals in order to obtain food and raw materials for industry.

History of agricultural development

Agriculture, with the domestication of animals and the cultivation of plants, was developed at least 10,000 years ago. Agriculture has undergone significant changes since early farming. IN Western Asia , Egypt , India

The first systematic cultivation and collection of plants that had previously been collected in the wild began.

Main branches of agriculture

  • Agriculture,
  • Plant growing,
  • Animal husbandry.


This is a branch of agriculture that develops and implements soil cultivation techniques to preserve and increase fertility, which create conditions for obtaining high yields of agricultural crops.

Classification of farming technologies

Agriculture technologies

Method of land use

Primitive: slash-and-burn, forest-field, fallow, fallow

Method for increasing soil fertility

A minority of arable land is under cultivation

Extensive: steam, multi-field-herbal

At least half of the arable land is sown. The rest is under pure fallow or perennial grasses

Natural processes without human intervention

Transitional: improved grain, grass

Intensive: fruit shift, industrial-factory, free

Natural processes directed by man

All arable land is under cultivation. Cereals predominate with perennial grasses or row crops and clean fallow

All arable land is occupied by crops. The sowing of row crops has been expanded, the sowing of catch crops has been introduced

Human impact using natural factors

Modern: grain-fallow, grass-field, cultural-reclamation, fallow, etc.

Active human influence using industrial means

Intensive use of arable land

Widespread use of technical means, fertilizers, new varieties of agricultural crops

Modern agriculture is developing the following technological directions

  • Technologies for creating a cultural topsoil;
  • Minimizing mechanical tillage;
  • Development of crop rotations for specialized agricultural production (greenhouses);
  • Technologies for protecting soil from erosion.



Crop industries


flax growing

vegetable growing

Crop industries


fruit growing

grassland farming


Crop production- a branch of agriculture engaged in the cultivation of cultivated plants.

  • Agricultural technology is a system of methods for cultivating crops or crop production technologies.

Crop technology

Soil preparation

Sowing or

Plant care:

Top dressing


Protection from diseases and pests

Preparation of seed or planting material

Storage or primary processing of crops



  • One of the main branches of agriculture, engaged in breeding animals for the production of livestock products.

Stages of livestock development

1. Taming wild animals

2. Reproduction of animals under domestication conditions

3. Improving the productivity and breeding qualities of animals

Branches of modern livestock farming

cattle breeding

sheep breeding

pig farming


horse breeding

Livestock industries

poultry farming

reindeer husbandry

fish farming

fur farming


Livestock products

  • Raw materials for light industry

(wool fur, silk cocoons, etc.)

  • Secondary resources (bone meal, skim milk, etc.) are used as feed and for the production of a number of biological drugs
  • Organic fertilizers

Technological cycle for obtaining livestock products

Selection and breeding work

Selection of parental pairs to produce hybrid or purebred offspring

Individual for each industry: egg - egg collection; dairy - milking, collecting milk; meat - slaughter

Receipt of livestock products

Specific microclimate, feeding, care, veterinary protection

Cutting up carcasses, cooling, pasteurizing milk, sorting eggs

Primary processing of products

  • Depletion of natural resources reduces the basis for future agricultural production.
  • However, these costs can be minimized through the combination and application of innovative technologies.
  • Intensive farming has helped limit changes to natural ecosystems, but it often comes with its own environmental and health costs.

Features of the impact of agriculture on the environment

Agriculture creates a greater impact on the natural environment than any other sector of the national economy. The reason for this is that agriculture requires huge areas. As a result, the landscapes of entire continents are changing. Subtropical forest grew on the Great Chinese Plain, turning into the Ussuri taiga in the north, and into the jungles of Indochina in the south. In Europe, the agricultural landscape replaced broad-leaved forests; in Ukraine, fields replaced steppes.

Agricultural landscapes have proven to be unsustainable, leading to a number of local and regional environmental disasters. Thus, improper reclamation caused soil salinization and the loss of most of the cultivated lands of Mesopotamia, deep plowing led to dust storms in Kazakhstan and America, overgrazing and agriculture led to desertification in the Sahel zone in Africa

Agriculture and negative environmental impact factors:

* reduction of natural vegetation to farmland, plowing of land;

* tillage (loosening) of the soil, especially using a moldboard plow;

* use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides;

* land reclamation.

And the strongest impact is on the soils themselves:

* destruction of soil ecosystems;

* loss of humus;

* destruction of the structure and compaction of the soil;

* water and wind soil erosion;

Livestock farming has less impact on the environment.

Its influencing factors are:

  • overgrazing - that is, grazing of livestock in quantities exceeding the ability of pastures to recover;
  • unprocessed waste from livestock farms.

Production in one sector of agriculture may have negative factors in other sectors of agricultural production

  • the use of pesticides by some farms (for example, when spraying chemicals, the splashes can damage the crops of neighboring farms),
  • use of nitrogen fertilizers (for example, when the result is a polluted water body that is used by other farms)
  • deforestation, which can lead, for example, to rising water levels and salinization of nearby soils.

As a result, only the most salinity-resistant crops can grow on such lands.

  • cutting down trees can increase the salinity of rivers to the point that they cannot be used for watering or drinking for livestock.

In areas with significant rainfall, destruction of natural vegetation by agricultural activities usually results in heavy water runoff. Vegetation can be destroyed by cutting down or cultivating land. In such cases, in the floodplain lands of rivers, floods (floods) occur more often, which occur not only after heavy rains, but also due to erosive sediments (sediments), which contribute to the rapid erosion of river banks. The increase in such floods has a negative impact on farms located in the lower reaches of rivers, where soils and sands become infertile as a result of increased salt erosion.

In drier areas, the destruction of vegetation exposes soils to wind erosion. Fallowed crop soils are often at significant risk. Overgrazing can also cause wind erosion. As a result, farms located outside the areas affected by wind erosion may suffer damage. For example, unwanted soil and sand particles may be carried into their area, or crop yields may be reduced due to dust in the air.

Common disturbances caused by agricultural activities include:

* pollution of surface waters (rivers, lakes, seas) and degradation of aquatic ecosystems due to eutrophication (eutrophication is the process of deterioration of water quality due to excessive intake of so-called “biogenic elements” into the reservoir); groundwater pollution;

* deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems(deforestation);

* disruption of water regime in large areas(draining or irrigation);

* desertification as a result of complex disturbance of soils and vegetation ;

* destruction of natural habitats of many species of living organisms and, as a consequence, extinction and extinction of rare and other species .

Farming methods

  • Extensive way of farming - this is an increase in the quantity of products without qualitative growth (increase productivity). Most often, due to the expansion of cultivated areas. That is, a system of farming without special capital investments per unit of land area and is characterized by poor use of technology, poor cultivation of the land and, accordingly, low yields.
  • Intensive way of farming A , on the contrary, suggesting the development and application of new technologies in land cultivation and the breeding of new, more productive varieties ( selection , GMO), strives to increase the amount of production on the same area ( productivity).

Ways to solve environmental problems in agriculture

Organic farming

Organic farming

Biological agriculture

a form of farming in which there is a conscious minimization of the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, plant growth regulators, feed additives, and genetically modified organisms.

On the contrary, to increase productivity, provide cultivated plants with mineral nutrition elements, control pests and weeds, the effect of crop rotation, organic fertilizers (manure, composts, green manure, etc.), various soil cultivation methods, etc. are more actively used.

In modern agriculture, several areas of technology development and the use of innovation can be distinguished:

  • Tillage technologies
  • Technologies for raising and keeping livestock
  • Crop technology
  • Soil drainage and irrigation technologies
  • Technologies for transportation and sales of products

In addition to these areas, there is also a wide range innovative directions, applicable in agriculture

Issues of producing environmentally friendly products are coming to the fore today. In this regard, technologies that improve the purity of products are in great demand today.

The use of modern technology also helps to improve product quality.

Improving Product Productivity

Innovations that make it possible to collect several harvests of agricultural products per year successfully complement waste-free production technologies and technologies for competent harvesting and preservation of crops.


  • In the livestock sector, feed procurement technologies, technologies for keeping and breeding poultry, livestock and previously exotic animals are being developed.

Technologies for the production of agricultural machinery and equipment

  • To help farmers optimize their work on planting hybrid seeds, increase their germination and increase agricultural profitability, the concept of the world's first electric multi-hybrid seeder was created.
  • The ability to automatically change seeds while moving the seeder across the field. As a result, farmers will be able to plant not a mixture of seeds throughout the entire field, but zone areas and sow them with a specific variety. The seeder will automatically select the required group of seeds for a particular zone of the field.

Tillage technologies

  • Satellite monitoring of farmland can be used in several ways. First of all, this is an assessment of the state of natural resources that are used in agriculture. Of no less importance is the monitoring of lands and their fertility, as well as the assessment of damage caused, on the one hand, by unfavorable natural conditions, and on the other, by thoughtless actions of people.

Technologies for collecting and preserving products

  • Breeders do not stop working on creating new varieties of agricultural products: wheat is resistant to various leaf diseases. Flour made from this grain has the best baking properties.
  • The new technology, according to which new varieties will be grown and processed, saves energy, and thanks to its qualities, it will be possible to bake bread of at least third grade from the resulting flour.

Crop technology

Plant protection technology:

  • Agrotechnical (pre-sowing, post-sowing, post-harvest tillage;
  • Chemical (spraying seeds, spraying crops with pesticides, disinfection of storage facilities);
  • Biological (use of biological drugs, bacterial baits, beneficial insects)

Technologies for collecting and preserving products

Properly equipped greenhouses can produce year-round harvests, while creating new jobs for those who will service these greenhouses. The main problem is that plants need heat, and providing them with heat in the cold season is not easy. In many regions of Russia in the winter season there are often interruptions in the supply of warm water. If a person can still endure for a few hours, then a plant cannot. It is necessary to constantly maintain a temperature balance in the greenhouse; a deviation of a few degrees from the norm can cause serious problems, including the death of plants.

Plow PLN-3-35 Ploughshare plow, mounted, 3 bodies, 35 cm working width of one body; Ploughshare plow, mounted, 3 bodies, 35 cm working width of one body; Designed for plowing various soils for grain and industrial crops to a depth of up to 30 cm Designed for plowing various soils for grain and industrial crops to a depth of up to 30 cm Aggregated with tractors MTZ-80 (82), MTZ-100 (102) Aggregated with tractors MTZ -80 (82), MTZ-100 (102)

KPS-4 - continuous tillage cultivator Designed for pre-sowing tillage and fallow treatment with simultaneous harrowing. Designed for pre-sowing soil treatment and for treating fallows with simultaneous harrowing. Aggregated with tractors (MTZ, YuMZ) Aggregated with tractors (MTZ, YuMZ)

KON-2.8- cultivator - mounted hiller Working width 2.8 meters Working width 2.8 meters Designed for processing 4-row potato plantings with row spacing of 70 cm Designed for processing 4-row potato plantings with row spacing of 70 cm Aggregated with tractors MTZ-80 (100), YuMZ -6 Aggregated with tractors MTZ-80 (100), YuMZ -6

SN-4B1 Mounted potato planter Designed for planting potatoes in a square-cluster and row method with row spacing of 60 and 70 cm Designed for planting potatoes in a square-cluster and row method with row spacing of 60 and 70 cm Aggregated with MTZ-80 (100) tractors Aggregated with MTZ tractors –80 (100)

KST-1.4 Trailed potato digger Designed for digging up potatoes planted with row spacings of 60 and 70 cm Designed for digging up potatoes planted with row spacings of 60 and 70 cm Aggregated with MTZ –80 (100) tractors Aggregated with MTZ –80 (100) tractors

KKU-2 Potato harvester Designed for harvesting potatoes by direct combining with planting row spacing of 60 and 70 cm on light and medium loamy soils Designed for potato harvesting by direct combining with planting row spacing of 60 and 70 cm on light and medium loamy soils Aggregated with MTZ-80 tractors ( 82), MTZ 100 (102) Aggregated with tractors MTZ-80 (82), MTZ 100 (102)

Harrows: purpose BSO-4 loosening of the top layer of soil, destruction of weeds BSO-4 loosening of the top layer of soil, destruction of weeds 3-BZTU-1 crushing loosening of the soil after plowing. 3-BZTU-1 crushing, loosening the soil after plowing. BD-10 work on light and medium soils BD-10 work on light and medium soils

Rollers: purpose of ZKK-6 A is loosening the soil with compaction of the surface layer. ZKK-6 A soil loosening with compaction of the surface layer. SKG-2 pre-sowing and post-sowing soil compaction to compact and raise moisture. SKG-2 pre-sowing and post-sowing soil compaction to compact and raise moisture. KBN-3 rolling the field after sowing, loosening the soil crust after sowing KBN-3 rolling the field after sowing, loosening the soil crust after sowing

KRI –2.1 Mounted rotary mower Designed for mowing grass into a windrow. Designed for mowing grass into a windrow. Working width 2.1 m Working width 2.1 m Aggregated with MTZ-80 (100), YuMZ-6 tractors Aggregated with MTZ-80 (100), YuMZ-6 tractors

Olga Vokhmyanina
Presentation “Studying agricultural machines”

Target: formation of generalized ideas about agricultural machinery, making people's work easier; expansion of ideas about the structure of certain types of equipment.

The giant ship does not sail on the sea

A giant ship is sailing on the ground

The field will pass and the harvest will be reaped. (Harvester)

The iron nose has grown into the ground,

Digs, digs, loosens the earth. (Plow)

A steel horse rides and growls

The plows are dragging behind. (Tractor)

Rides into the field on his back,

And across the field on my feet. (Harrow)

A cow walks in the field

soot tongue,

The cow is cutting the grass,

Right down to the spine. (Haymower)

Behind the iron horse

The box is filled with grain,

Through the holey bottom

The grain spills out. (seeder)

The hero goes iron

But he is a useful worker

Dragging plows behind him

The conversation is in the spring. (Tractor)

I'm stronger than ten horses

Where in the fields I will go in the spring

In the summer the bread will stand like a wall. (Tractor)

Iron Horse,

There's fire in my belly

Sena doesn't ask

Plows, sows, mows. (Tractor)

She walks across the field behind the tractor,

Selected grains are poured into her.

And where her trace lies barely noticeable,

There the harvest then blooms wildly. (seeder)

Iron nose,

Rooted into the ground

Digs, digs,

It loosens the earth. (Plow)

They have teeth, but don't bite. (Rake)

Strong men scurry about in the fields

With boxes on my shoulders.

They barely leave the fields:

The harvest is large. (Trucks)

Miracle pitchforks are in front of us,

With raking hands.

In one minute boldly

They load the cart with hay. (Stogothrower)

She drags behind the plow -

Huge comb:

After all, our field needs

Spring hairstyle. (Harrow)

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