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Tibetan wisdom. Yin-Yang theory. Tibetan secrets of success: how to attract good luck Tibetan wisdom

What is the secret of youth, resilience, strength, harmony, cheerfulness and happiness of Tibetan monks? Wisdom from Tibetan monks that everyone should learn. Valuable advice from Tibetan monks for all smart people.

“If a problem can be solved, there is no need to worry about it; if a problem cannot be solved, there is no point in worrying.” Dalai Lama XIV

Rationality and asceticism in life

Tibetan monks despise consumerism. Too often people chase after things in the hope that they will make them happy. But shopaholism and consumption have nothing to do with happiness. It is not achieved in pursuit of material values. A new iPhone, branded items, jewelry - all this is unnecessary and vanity of life. You spend too much energy and time on things you don't really need. Reduce your material desires to a minimum. This will allow you to spend time and money more efficiently.

Learn from those who are wiser

Tibetan monks revere their elders and try to adopt knowledge. Tibetan monks are constantly learning and improving themselves. They know very well that the ideal cannot be achieved. There are many people around you who have something to learn from. Learn from those who are wiser. Learn from wise people and read their books.

Embrace change and move with it

Tibetan monks calmly accept that everything in the world is changing and does not stand still. You can resist it, but you will only be wasting your energy. Everything around is subject to change. Everything comes and goes. Embrace change. Don't cling to things and people that are leaving your life. Change with the world, don't stand still.

Listen to people and pay attention

Tibetan monks know how to listen to people, do not interrupt or judge. Modern man has forgotten how to be a good listener. He tries to put in his two cents, loves to criticize and condemn. Listen to other people more and show sincere attention to them. Try to understand your interlocutor.

Live the present

Tibetan monks call for giving up what interferes with life. Live in the present, not the future or the past. There is no point in dwelling on the past or dreaming of truly living only in the future. There is only now. Enjoy every moment of life. Appreciate what you have.

Reasonable rest and self-discovery

Tibetan monks meditate regularly. This allows you to know yourself better, relieve tension and stress. Every person should take time for themselves. Instead of TV, Internet and telephone. Put everything aside and enjoy moments of relaxation. Even a busy schedule allows you to relax and unwind for 15-20 minutes.

Tibetan monks have adjusted their daily lives to live in harmony with the world.

  1. Eat right, don't overeat and don't starve.
  2. Maintain a sleep-wake schedule.
  3. Play sports and lead an active lifestyle.
  4. Avoid vices and bad habits.
  5. Develop creatively and engage in self-education.
  6. Be able to learn lessons from past mistakes.
  7. Avoid greed, envy, condemnation.
  8. Strive for a calm life without fuss and depression.
  9. Listen to yourself and your thoughts.
  10. A positive outlook on life and the ability to enjoy the little things.

The wise advice of Tibetan monks will help smart people, but fools will read and forget.

What do we want, what are we looking for in this world? Health, peace, money, love?

The Tibetan sages left us many tips on how to live happier and more fulfilling lives. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them:

  1. Speak slowly, think quickly.
  2. Don't judge people by their background and family.
  3. When you say “I love you,” say these words sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, and not out of habit.
  4. When you say “I'm sorry,” look into the other person's eyes. The apology must be sincere.
  5. Never make fun of other people's dreams or stop others from following them.
  6. Give people more than they expect from you, and do it with joy.
  7. Always keep in mind your favorite poem or quote, which contains all the most important things for you.
  8. Don't believe everything you hear, don't spend everything you have; sleep as if there is no tomorrow.
  9. The greatest loves and the greatest achievements always involve the greatest risks.
  10. When you lose, try to learn the lesson.
  11. Respect yourself, respect other people and learn to take responsibility for all your actions.
  12. Don't let a small argument ruin a great friendship.
  13. If you have made a mistake, do not try to hide it. On the contrary, boldly admit it and try to correct it.
  14. Spend at least a few minutes a day alone with yourself to analyze your actions and actions.
  15. You must be open to change, but not at the cost of giving up your values.
  16. Sometimes silence is the best answer.
  17. Read more books.
  18. Trust people, but always keep the front door locked.
  19. Even if you disagree with the person you love, never bring up the past.
  20. Read people between the lines.
  21. Share everything with your children, especially your knowledge. This is the only way to achieve immortality.
  22. Take care of our Earth. After all, every day she gives us absolutely everything we need.
  23. Never interrupt other people when they are praising you.
  24. Do not interfere in other people's affairs and do not give advice when you are not asked for it.
  25. Don't trust those who kiss with their eyes open.
  26. Try to visit a place at least once a year where you have not been before.
  27. If you earn more money than you need, use it to help other people.
  28. Remember that not all wishes can be fulfilled.
  29. Respect older people; they have been through what you are about to experience.
  30. Judge your success by what you had to sacrifice to get there.
  31. Your “I” is the end point of your journey. In other words, you must realize who you really are.

Gabriel García Márquez said that wisdom comes to us too late... I think that in fact it happens much earlier, at the beginning of our lives. The only thing is that we cannot comprehend it immediately. Therefore, we spend half of our lives trying to get answers to all our questions and getting everything we want.

If we put these tips into practice and always act in accordance with these values, we would not worry or worry. On the contrary, we would achieve incredible inner peace, which would make our life much easier.

Looking for yourself “within yourself” is difficult, but it’s worth it.

A person's health depends on his lifestyle. Tibetan medicine, or rather a system of maintaining health, improving the physical body and spirit, is covered in legends. This country is considered the cradle of all kinds of miracles and mystical phenomena. Europeans who have visited Tibet, like fairy tales, tell stories about amazing local doctors, diagnose illness by pulse, eliminate attacks of pain with acupuncture and moxibustion, treat diseases with herbs, breathing exercises, etc. But Europeans do not have a reliable scientific basis for many methods of Tibetan medicine. Despite the huge number of various theories, it remains a sealed secret for us.

And yet, some of the techniques of Tibetan doctors have been practically tested and are successfully used all over the world. I am sure that over time more and more Eastern methods of treatment will be deciphered and introduced into practical medicine in Europe.

From what is known today, some fundamental principles of Tibetan medicine can be inferred.

Firstly, it does not divide the human body, unlike the European one, into organs and systems, but considers it as a single whole and treats it according to the same principle.

Secondly, a person’s health is directly related to his lifestyle. Therefore, it attaches special importance to a person’s everyday habits, manners and tastes, in particular, nutrition, clothing, psychological state, etc.

Thousands of years of experience indicate that a person who lives according to the canons of Tibetan medicine can achieve good health and longevity. Let’s take a closer look at what the art of eternal youth of the East is based on.

Learning to relax means making your energy field powerful.
Everyone knows that in the East they pay a lot of attention to various meditations, reading mantras, methods of relaxing the body, etc. Why? Because Eastern sages believe: in order to achieve longevity in health and joy, first of all you need to learn to relax, “remove” the state of anxiety, the feeling of routine, etc. from your soul and mind.

This can be done using the above techniques aimed at working with the brain. The fact is that the brain contains sensitive elements that have electromagnetic activity and the ability to accumulate and transmit energy to all parts of the body. According to one theory, it is they who create the human energy field (aura, biofield). For many people, this field is constantly destroyed, it weakens, the reserves of internal energy dry up, as a result of which death occurs.

One of the main reasons for this is constant psychological tension, feelings of fear and anxiety. Therefore, a person, just as he takes care of obtaining and preparing food, sewing clothes and satisfying other physical needs, must work to provide for mental needs: learn to enjoy life, get rid of the baggage of negative thoughts, cultivate a state of love, joy, try to be in harmony with others peace.

Tibetan sages call this filling oneself with positive energy and point out a simple way to achieve this: enjoy simple and familiar phenomena and things, connect with nature, try to maintain the freshness of the child’s worldview.

After all, youth and old age are two opposite poles.

The difference between them is not the wrinkles, but the way they think. A negatively-minded person takes a direct and very short path to old age. Expecting the worst causes the nervous system to become unnecessarily excited and burn itself out. In this case, such a huge number of nerve cells are killed, it’s even hard to imagine. To truly be young, you need to feel that way, no matter how old you are.

In order for people around you to perceive you as young, you must first believe it yourself. How to achieve this? By willful efforts. It must be said that the leading minds of world medicine, in particular Academician N. Amosov, also professed this idea.

Considering this, it becomes clear why relaxation exercises are fundamental to many practices for accumulating energy and restoring the body. It is the ability to relax that will strengthen the physical flesh and rejuvenate it.

Physical exercises aimed at stimulating life processes
Physical activity is also a very important element in maintaining youth. It is not for nothing that Tibetan medicine attaches great importance to a variety of physical exercises. They have nothing in common with big sports in the European sense, which overload the systems of the human body, causing them to wear out quickly.

Physical techniques, like spiritual practices, should be aimed at stimulating life processes and creating optimal conditions for their occurrence. The famous Japanese naturopath Nishi best adapted for modern European people the physical tenets of Tibetan medicine, which must be followed in everyday life.

They are set out in Six rules of health.

First rule- This is a flat bed on which a person sleeps. It prevents displacement of the vertebrae, prolapse of the liver, activates the activity of skin vessels, improving blood circulation.

Second rule- hard pillow. It will help correct the displacement of the cervical vertebrae, help get rid of headaches, diseases of the ears, eyes, nose, improve blood supply, and therefore brain function.

Third rule- “goldfish” exercise. Lie on your back on a flat bed, bring your feet towards you, put both hands under your neck, crossing them in the area of ​​the 4th-5th cervical vertebra. In this position, vibrate and wriggle your whole body, like a fish. Perform the exercise for 1-2 minutes in the morning and evening. It helps eliminate overstrain of the spinal nerves, normalizes blood circulation, coordinates the activity of the nervous system, and promotes intestinal peristalsis (contraction).

Fourth rule- exercise for capillaries. Lie on your back with a hard pillow under your head, raise your legs and arms straight up (perpendicular to the body) and vibrate (shake) them. This exercise stimulates capillaries, improves blood circulation throughout the body, promotes the movement and renewal of lymphatic fluid.

Fifth rule- connection of feet and palms. Lie on your back, place your hands on your chest, placing your palms together. Press your palms against each other several times. Connect your feet together. Lie quietly for 5-10 minutes with your feet closed. The exercise coordinates the functions of the muscles and nerves of the right and left parts of the body, especially the internal organs, as well as the nerves and blood vessels in the groin, abdomen and thighs.

Sixth rule- exercise for the back and abdomen. Performed after a short preparation (tilting the head left and right, back and forth, raising and lowering the shoulders, etc.). The main part of the exercise is to do this: sit on a chair, put your hands on your knees and relax for a minute. After this, straighten the spine, maintaining balance on the sacrum (tailbone). Next, begin to swing on your buttocks left and right, simultaneously drawing in and extending your stomach. Perform the exercise morning and evening for 10 minutes, while repeating to yourself that you are feeling better and better First rule: Hard bed.

You need to sleep on a firm, flat bed, avoiding any spring mattresses. This will help correct the spine that has become deformed during the day. Of course, the best exercise for the spine is good posture. How many times have you heard - sit straight, stand straight, maintain your posture! Have you tried it? Difficult? You're used to slouching, aren't you? Undoubtedly, you tried it, and you found it a tedious and unpleasant task. So use sleep to correct your posture. Sleep takes up about a third of your life. Why not use this time for the benefit of your health? Imagine, you are sleeping, and your muscles relax, your body weight is distributed evenly, and the displaced vertebrae gradually fall into place, into their natural position. This will help restore the functioning of the nervous system and improve the functioning of internal organs.

Second rule: Firm pillow.
In Japan they say: “A crooked neck is a sign of a short life.” Nishi suggests using a hard pillow with a bolster, positioning yourself on it so that the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae literally rest on it. Absolutely, out of habit, at first this position will be painful for you, but! Following this rule will help you get rid of headaches, diseases of the ears, nose and eyes.

Third rule: Exercise goldfish.

This is a fantastic exercise that can be called the golden mean of the whole complex. If you systematically perform it for a couple of minutes a day, the results will be simply stunning. It normalizes blood circulation, improves coordination of the external and internal nervous systems, improves the functions of the intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, brain, heart, and performing it before bed will greatly facilitate correcting your posture. When performing this exercise, you become... no, not a hedgehog, but a fish. To do this, you need to lie on your back, on a flat bed or floor, put your hands behind your head, raise your toes towards your body, and imagine a fish tail made up of your feet. Start vibrating this tail, your whole body will begin to vibrate after it. Truly, feel like a goldfish for a couple of minutes and your body will soon be ready to fulfill your every desire, as it will be healthy!
Of course, all people are quite lazy and some people may not even have these two minutes of daily exercise. There is also a way out for these unfortunate people. The modern arsenal of medicine has a technical solution to this exercise. A special simulator, a swing machine, which will act as the tail of a goldfish, providing the necessary vibration to the entire body.

Fourth rule: Exercise Baby Joy.
This exercise for capillaries improves blood circulation throughout the body, renews lymphatic fluid and prevents its stagnation. It is also built on vibration. Even babies who do not yet know how to roll over on their side on their own perform this exercise perfectly... when they are happy. They pull their arms and legs up, vaguely shaking them, rejoicing at everything that comes into their field of vision, mom, dad, a sunbeam, a rattle, and even a fly on the ceiling. An adult can also do this exercise. You need to lie on your back, put a hard cushion under your head, raise your outstretched arms and legs up at right angles to your body and perform vibrating movements with them. It is enough to do it just a few minutes a day.

Fifth rule: Close the feet and palms.
This exercise coordinates the functions of the muscles, nerves and blood vessels in the groin, abdomen and thighs, which is especially important for expectant mothers. It is performed as follows: Lying on your back, place your hands on your chest. With your palms open, connect the fingertips of both hands, pressing them against each other and relaxing several times. Then, in this position, make forward and backward movements, and at the end of this part of the exercise, close your palms over your chest. Continuing to lie on your back, raise your legs with your feet closed. Make ten movements with your legs forward and backward at a distance of 1 - 1.5 foot lengths, then remain at rest for 5 - 10 minutes.

Sixth rule: Exercises for the back and abdomen.
This is a series of exercises where, simultaneously with movements of the spine, abdominal breathing and meditation are performed, which helps restore the acid-base balance in the body, i.e. your metabolism. You need to sit on the floor, on your knees, lower your pelvis onto your heels (or sit cross-legged), completely straighten your spine, keeping your balance on your tailbone. In this position, tilt your head to the right - left, then forward - back. Stretch your arms forward, parallel to each other, quickly look back over your left shoulder, trying to see your tailbone. Return to the starting position and look over your right shoulder. Do the same, raising your hands up. And finally, raising your arms parallel to each other up, bend them at the elbows at a right angle, clench your hands into a fist, tilt your head back so that your chin looks at the ceiling. In this position, slowly pull your elbows back, as if wanting to bring them together behind your back, while pulling your chin up. The main part of the exercise consists of swinging the straightened spine to the right and left while simultaneously moving the stomach forward and backward. This exercise must be done for 10 minutes. If you are not lazy and do this series of exercises, you will feel that they are all aimed at stretching your spine. They are very simple and very effective. Although many of you will argue that following this rule takes quite a long time, as much as 15 minutes! Well, for those who are very busy, there is again a technical solution to the exercise in the form of the Gravitrin simulator, aimed at stretching the spine under the weight of your body.
Whether you are healthy or not is a result of what you believed and did in the past. Whether you will be healthy in the future depends on what you do and believe now. These six health rules are one of your ways to live a healthy future. Simple and effective gymnastic exercises could improve your health, and therefore your quality of life. Sholokhov Vladimir Alekseevich

Exercise coordinates the functions of the nervous system and regulates the activity of internal organs.
These rules need to be made into daily life habits. They must constantly work to restore health and prolong youth.

Daily diet products for the prevention and treatment of diseases

The approaches of Tibetan medicine to nutrition are interesting. Pay attention not only to the list of products and dishes, but also to the portion sizes.
Fresh milk - 0.4 cups daily. Of course, the milk sold in stores is very different from fresh milk and can in no way replace it.

Semolina. The Tibetans have a proverb: “a person begins and ends his day with milk and semolina.” In their opinion, everyone over 40 years old should eat semolina porridge every day (at least a few spoons). It has a good effect on bones, muscles, stomach and intestines.

Dried apricots - adds physical strength, especially to men. It, as well as fresh apricots, should be consumed unlimitedly.

Fish soup (Russian ukha) is useful for everyone who is weakened, especially if it is made from pike (but not from the reservoirs of the Chernobyl zone). This dish contains a lot of sodium and phosphorus, which are necessary to strengthen bones and improve brain activity.

Nuts, raisins and cheese(solid) - also products for daily use. They tone the nervous system, strengthen the heart muscle, and stimulate liver activity. To get the benefits, you need to consume just 20 grams of each once a day.

Soft cheese is needed for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, heart and liver diseases. It should be taken 100 g daily.

Lemons and oranges- useful for the prevention and treatment of the initial stages of hypertension, women's diseases, and the thyroid gland. Grind half a lemon along with the peel and mix with honey or sugar, take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Before cooking, lemons should be thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water to remove all preservatives from the peel.

Cranberry - prevents and treats inflammatory processes, as well as gastritis. Therefore, it must be actively consumed during the season.

Apples - you need to eat your fill. This is “our” product. Consume with peel and seeds, which are rich in iodine. They are useful for all organs and systems of the body, especially for the prevention and treatment of sclerosis and gout.

Parsley in fresh and dried form (greens and roots) should be taken all year round. It is very beneficial for the blood.

Chokeberry. There is no berry with so much iodine. Therefore, it should be used for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases, as well as sclerosis. During the season, it can be prepared according to the following recipe: grind 1 kg of berries with 1 kg of sugar. Take according to
1 tsp. 3 times a day. Chokeberry can also be consumed dried and tea can be brewed from it. Eat it as much as possible.

Wed There are a lot of Tibetans who are long-livers, who, given their physical condition and good spirits, can be called young people. Therefore, the world community is interested in all the recommendations and means of Tibetan medicine for the improvement and rejuvenation of the human body.

Here are a few of the most famous of them, and those that are quite easy to use at home.
Take 100 g of chamomile, St. John's wort, and birch buds. Grind this mixture in a meat grinder or coffee grinder. (Tibetans grind plants in stone mortars). It is very important. Therefore, grinding herbs is one of the secrets to the effectiveness of this recipe.

To prepare the longevity infusion, take 1 tbsp. l. mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter through thick cloth or multi-layer gauze, divide the infusion in half. Up to 250 g of infusion add 1/4 tbsp. l. honey and drink at night.

After this, they do not eat or drink anything until the morning. After breakfast, drink the rest of the infusion, adding the same amount of honey to it. Do this for 40 days. This therapeutic and rejuvenating course is repeated after 5 years.

What does this product do?

Metabolism improves, the body is cleansed of fat and salt deposits, blood vessels become elastic, as a result of which sclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, etc. are prevented, noise in the head disappears, vision is restored, and the general condition of a person improves.

Another interesting recipe for cleansing and rejuvenating the body with oil infusion, written down in the main treatise of Tibetan medicine.

Grind 100 g of garlic and pour it into a dark glass bottle, add 100 or 200 g of chopped hot red pepper, pour in melted butter (it must be of high quality, close tightly and place in a bright sunny place for 30 days. Use the oil infusion on an empty stomach for two once a day (before breakfast and before lunch) in a dose of 0.5 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon, washed down with a sip of hot water. The oil infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for about six months. It is advisable to carry out a cleansing course in spring or autumn.

The oldest homeopathic remedy

The recipe for the oldest homeopathic remedy, written before our era, was found by a UNESCO expedition in 1971 in a Tibetan monastery and translated from clay tablets into all languages.

Beneficial effects on the body

This homeopathic infusion cleanses the body of fat and lime deposits in just 10 days. Dramatically improves the overall metabolism in the body, as a result the vessels become elastic, which prevents myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, sclerosis, paralysis, and the formation of various tumors; The noise in the head disappears, vision is restored...

With precise treatment, the body rejuvenates.

The power of garlic

Garlic strengthens blood vessels in every possible way, because garlic sauce contains microelements such as aluminum, selenium and germanium. They are the ones who make the walls of blood vessels elastic, strengthening them and restoring tone. It is believed that garlic cleanses blood vessels, affecting the fibrinolytic activity of the blood. In other words, it helps break down or dissolve the protein fibrin, which forms blood clots. And the substance contained in garlic, eikhoen, is similar to aspirin.

Preparing the infusion

Thoroughly wash and peel 350 grams of garlic, finely chop and rub in a vessel with a wooden or porcelain spoon (do not use any other utensils other than earthenware, glass or wood), weigh 200 grams of this mass, taking it from the bottom, where there is more juice, put in a glass vessel, take 200 grams of 96% alcohol. Close the container tightly and store in a cool, dark place for 10 days. After two to three days you can begin treatment.

Method of application

Drink drops with cold milk strictly according to the scheme (1/4 cup milk).

Drink 15-20 minutes before meals, until completely used.

Repeated course of treatment no earlier than after 6 years.

Reception scheme






Drink the remaining tincture 25 drops three times a day (i.e. 75 drops per day) until completely consumed.

To achieve the desired result from taking this tincture, you need to take into account two important nuances. The first is the quality of the garlic. It becomes unsuitable for making tincture after the new year. For medicinal purposes, you need to use garlic from a new harvest - in the fall, immediately after it has been collected from the garden.

At this time, it contains a full range of phytoncides, and therefore it has the greatest strength. The garlic cloves should be firm and full. And second: to prepare medicines, you need to use garlic grown in our conditions. As for milk, it must be live, and therefore not pasteurized or powdered. It is better to use goat's milk.

Based on the material: MEDPRAVDA

God works in mysterious ways. Anyone who seeks advice will always find the answer. So, in my search for truth, I came across the teachings of Tibetan monks, which contain an invaluable storehouse of worldly wisdom. Simple words are always closer to the heart and soul. Therefore, the words of the Dalai Lama reach every person and change his attitude towards himself, towards others and, most importantly, towards the world.

Dalai Lama This is a unique title and honorable status. In the modern world, Dalai Lama is the title of the ruler of Tibet. In the past, the Dalai Lama was considered a reincarnation of the Bodhisattva. Bodhis?ttwa. "a being with an awakened consciousness", the term consists of two words - "bodhi" and "sattva") - in Buddhism, a being (or person) possessing bodhichitta who has made the decision to become a Buddha for the benefit of all beings.

Translated from Mongolian, "Dalai" means "ocean", "Lama" (bla ma) in Tibetan is equivalent to the Sanskrit "guru" and means "teacher".

The title of the Dalai Lama is transferable. After the death of the Dalai Lama, the monks organize a search for his next incarnation. This is usually a small child who must have certain characteristics and pass tests. The search usually takes several years. Then the child goes to Lhasa, where he undergoes training under the guidance of experienced lamas.

Currently, the holder of this honorary title is Dalai Lama XIV Tenzin Gyatso. He was born on July 6, 1935 in a small village called Taktser in the Dokham region of northeastern Tibet. He left his parents' house and headed to Lhasa. The enthronement ceremony of the XIV Dalai Lama took place on February 22, 1940.

Unlike his predecessors, His Holiness traveled extensively to the countries of the East and West. He visited 41 countries, met with politicians, clergy, cultural figures, and businessmen. He is the author, some of the most worthy ones you can find in ours.


The wisdom of the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso only increases every year. His statements turn into aphorisms and parting words for those who want to be happy and live a happy life! His speeches will be performed in different languages ​​of the world. They gather hordes of people who listen with bated breath to every word.
All speeches can be listened to or read on his website -

Famous sayings of the Dalai Lama

These lines spread all over the world and became very popular on the Internet.
Dalai Lama said:

1. Accept that great love and great success come with great risk.
2. When you lose, you do not lose the accumulated experience.
3. Follow the eternal three rules:
a) Respect yourself
b) Respect others
c) Be responsible for your actions.
4. Remember that what you want is not always what you really need.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them correctly!!!
6. Don't let a little pride ruin a great friendship.
7. If you make a mistake, apologize.
8. Sometimes you need to listen to yourself in private.
9. Feel free, but don't violate boundaries.
10. Remember that sometimes silence is the best answer.
11. Live a decent life, so that later, in old age, you will have something to remember.
12. A loving atmosphere is a support in your life.
13. In disputes, talk only about the present, do not remember the past.
14. Share your knowledge. This is the way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the Earth. Love her
16. Once a year, go somewhere you've never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationships are those in which each half, no matter who she is with, remembers you.
18. Sometimes you have to give up what you want in order to get it.

The true meaning of life

We are guests on this planet. We're here for 90 or 100 years at most. During this time we must try to do something good, something useful. If you help others become happy, You will discover the true purpose of life, its true meaning.

Precious human life

Every morning, when you wake up, start with the thoughts: “Today I was lucky - I woke up. I'm alive, I have this precious human life, and I won't waste it. I will focus all my energy on inner development, To open my heart to others and achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I will only have good thoughts for others. I won't get angry or think anything bad about them. I will do my best to benefit others.”

Correct landmarks

If you choose as a guide a person who is inferior to you in terms of merit, this will lead you to decline. If it becomes someone whose merits are comparable to yours, then you will remain at the same level. But if you decide to rely on a person who is superior in merit to you, then this will help you achieve a higher state.

Somewhere very high on the snow-capped peak of Tibet, a young Buddhist monk, a disciple of the great Duru named Vyn Vsun, was sitting on a stone in a pose of a stupor. The icy northern wind blew harshly through him, but like a true Buddhist he steadfastly endured this cold cold, although he was dressed only in a light sheepskin sheepskin coat, a hat with earflaps and felt boots. Vyn Wun concentratedly watched how a sexually preoccupied lama was running in the mountains in the distance in search of a male, and this gradually brought the young Buddhist monk to the divine state of nirvana. Then the great teacher Duru approached him and wisely asked

-Take it out. What are you thinking about?

– I’m haunted by this question, about the great Duru, why do people say that the sun rises when it hangs stupidly above us and how now even the Buddha doesn’t warm him?!

humbly answered the great teacher Wyn Wun

– Admit it, did you commit some kind of mistake, since you forgot about such a serious issue? - Great Duru asked sternly.

- Yes, I confess, great teacher, it seems that in the heat of pregnancy I knocked up Ata Tu and perhaps I will soon become a dad! - admitted the student Vyn Wsun.

-Don’t worry, my student Vyn Vsun, firstly, only Catholics choose a pope, and with your skills it’s unlikely that you will even become a simple Duru, and secondly, Ata Tu’s belly grew only due to the immoderate devouring of a huge number of dumplings! - the great Duru calmed his student.

-That's for sure? - Vyn Vsun doubted.

- Exactly, exactly, serve for two years urgently! After all, I was born and lived all 90 of my wise years in our Bukhtsan temple and therefore I know everything about this world! And to you, my young student Vyn Vsun, I’ll tell you a great secret, you have a right hand to fight the call of nature and don’t pester Ata Tu anymore out of harm’s way! - the truly great teacher Duru shared his secret knowledge with the student.

-Thank you, O great Duru, you opened my eyes, clouded by ignorance, to this new method! -

said gratefully kissing the left felt boot of the great Dur Vyn Vsun.

The Great Duru returned to his modest, hungry and cold monastery with a huge ice plasma on the wall, ten beautiful young maids, a refrigerator filled with the most exquisite delicacies, lit a fireplace and, eating smoked wild boar with expensive French wine, said to himself

-Yes! It’s time to tell Vyn Vsun that Atu Tu, as his fellow believer and a man, in principle, cannot get pregnant!

And at this time, Vyn Vsun, again contemplating the same sexually preoccupied lama in the distance, thought to himself

-Praise the Buddha! My wise teacher still gave me very valuable advice; my right hand will be very useful for holding a llama by the ears when I quickly catch her and fuck her in a non-ascetic way!!!

The text is large so it is divided into pages.
