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“Rafinya” and “Glintvinya”: the first cafe for women was opened in Russia (3 photos). If you're cold: five of the warmest pizzas from Yakov Mozhaev Pizza ai quattro formaggi - with four different types of cheese

Thoughts about pizza are perfect for this. The very image of a hot flatbread, with slightly baked sides, between which the filling languidly lies like a garden of Eden, already has a tonic effect on the frozen body. And if you stretch your imagination to tastes and smells and literally feel the spicy, tantalizing aroma of tomato sauce, feel the spiciness of pepperoni and the thickness of melting mozzarella, then your strength to survive will literally triple.

And of course, regardless of whether you managed to sit out in the warmth or had to leave the house - and any walk nowadays is equivalent to a small Arctic expedition - you must definitely reward yourself with pizza in reality!

To make it easier for you to choose a particular option, we have prepared five of the warmest pizzas from the entire great Italian gastronomic pantheon.

And if you have hotter ideas - . Send us your pizza recipes. Yakov Mozhaev will choose the best of them and reward the winner at a private party, where in addition to crowning the best pizzaiolo, he will tell another 100 lucky people his culinary secrets.

Pizza Diabola - with salami and hot Calabrian pepper

If, when you hear the word “devil,” someone imposing, dressed in red, surrounded by flashes of hellish flame and holding a red-hot trident in his hands appears before your mind’s eye, everything is correct, this is exactly the kind of sharpness that real Diabola pizza can achieve.

Red pepperoncino peppers, which glow scarlet literally everywhere in Calabria - from market stalls to the most resource-poor student kitchens - are one of the hallmarks of this region of Italy. It is the presence of this seasoning in almost all dishes, which makes it as hot as summer even in the chilly winter, that doctors explain the unprecedentedly long life of the Calabrians and their frantic temperament.

Just a couple of tiny pods on the pizza - and this is without the grains, the hottest part of the pepper! - and you will forget that you were cold for a long time. For those who find this not enough, pizzerias serve separately olive oil infused with the same pepper. A few drops on a piece of pizza and it will seem like steam is coming from the top of your head.

The most interesting thing is that the pizza will remain devilishly spicy, even if all the pieces of pepper and oil are eaten by other lovers of something hot. The fact is that salami, which is required for this recipe, is very difficult - pepper is also added to it. The same one, Calabrian.

Each piece of this pizza is like a piece of hot Italian sun, and you can’t think of a better choice to quickly warm up. Maybe a shot or two of grappa, the weather is very favorable.

Pizza Calzone - stuffed with ricotta cheese, ham, mushrooms, mozzarella, parmesan and oregano

When a person first sees this “pie”, its thin sides of dough rising from the internal heat, he is perplexed: “What kind of pizza is this?!” The answer is extremely simple - folding. In order to preserve all the aromas and tastes of many ingredients, Italian chefs began to fold pizza in half - and it turned out surprisingly well.

The calzone is prepared in the same Pompeii oven as regular pizza, but due to its closed structure it turns out much juicier and stays hot longer. Each bite literally exudes the very soul of Italian cuisine with a cloud of fragrant steam.

When the oven envelops the pizza with its heat - and the average temperature in a Pompeian oven is 485 degrees - the cheese begins to melt at lightning speed and envelops the ham and mushrooms in a melting, stretchy mass, soaking in their flavor. The crust on top is baked and protects the filling with golden armor, preserving all the flavor inside.

You need to eat this pizza very carefully - the juice tends to leak out, so let's bend over the plate closer and keep warm.

Pizza aglio, olio e pomodoro - with olive oil, garlic, oregano and tomatoes

The tomato is a kind of culinary battery. It, blushing under the sun, absorbs its rays, matures, absorbing the water that fell on the fertile Italian soil, acquires that very taste and aroma, inhaling which you want to close your eyes with pleasure. And, of course, it’s a sin to release this king of pizza to people without a worthy retinue.

That is why Italian pizzaiolos came up with a luxurious “mantle” that allows Signor Tomato to shine in all its splendor.

In a heavy cast-iron frying pan, heated to a slight smoke, splash the liquid gold of olive oil. As soon as the slices brown, turn golden and give up some of the aroma to the oil, slice the tomatoes, so that they are just covered with a varnish-shiny oil and are slightly “closed” from the heat.

Immediately onto the dough, thin, stretched in the air by loving hands, which has never seen a rolling pin, and into the oven.

Exactly two minutes. Are the crusts bronzed like the shoulders of Italian beauties on the beaches of Lake Como? It's time.

And on top - light oregano petals, which will become even more aromatic from the warmth of the pizza.

Pizza ai quattro formaggi - with four different types of cheese

If you imagine the Italian “boot” in the form of a dish and place on it only one product that will fully personify the generosity of this beautiful land, it will be cheese. He is infinitely different, and you can sing his enthusiastic praises for a very long time and without ceasing, he deserves it.

Fontina is medium ripe, with a hint of hazelnut flavor combined with herbs. The stretchy cheese “dough” closer to the crust is harder and more flavorful. The elegance with which it melts and the beauty of the cut is worthy of the brush of the best masters of the Renaissance.

Mozzarella, snow-white, like the caps of the mountains in the Osta Valley, with a delicate sensual taste. It is so soft and creamy that the black buffaloes, from whose milk this cheese is made, could be deservedly proud of it.

Gorgonzola picante is permeated with a marble pattern of veins of delicious noble mold. When you put a tiny piece in your mouth, you feel the whole of Italy at the same time - the sea wind, the humidity of the forest after the rain, the spicy richness of herbs warmed by the sun.

Parmesan. Great and mighty, patriarch of the Italian cheese palette, Jupiter on a sparkling throne. Seasoned to stone hardness, it archived the entire gastronomic code of this country. It flashes in tiny grains on the tongue and opens up to greet you with such a depth of shades that you can’t even believe it.

This pizza has them all. All! From their union, warmth literally spreads in loving waves.

Pizza quattro stagioni

In addition to beautiful works of art, Italy in the Middle Ages was famous for its alchemists. And the greatest achievement for every alchemist is the creation of the philosopher's stone, a substance that combines the answers to all questions, eternal youth, fame and wealth. What the alchemists failed, the cooks succeeded.

The greatest work, a masterpiece and the crowning achievement of the development of the idea of ​​pizza, which unites the whole world. It is divided into four parts, each of which represents one of the seasons:
Spring – nature blooms, olives and artichokes; Summer – brightness of taste, salami and black pepper;
Autumn - the richness of nature, tomatoes and mozzarella and Winter with the richness of mushrooms, eggs and pancetta.

All together - Italy, a beautiful and endlessly summer country, in which even now it is not very cold and it is quite possible to warm up. Especially after our -30.

We express our gratitude to the general sponsor of the project - the Promsvyazbank company - and the pizzeria PTIZZA of Happiness for their help in creating this article!

Spicy herbs are widely used both in cooking and for medicinal purposes. One of these herbs is oregano. This herb has a bitter, but at the same time “bright” taste.

It can be added to various dishes - salads, seasoning meat treats, and also used in the preparation of pizza and other Italian dishes. It is also widely used in folk medicine. So what is this unique herb? Let's take a closer look at the properties of oregano.

Oregano is an annual herbaceous plant. It is widespread in the Mediterranean and European countries. In our country, this plant is widely known as oregano, as well as forest mint, spirit flower or motherwort. Basil, marjoram, and mint have similar properties.

The shrub of this plant has several branched stems, which are covered with grayish-green leaves with an oval shape. There are also additional small flowers of white or pink color. The average plant height is about ¾ meter. The stem has a dense, erect structure.

Oregano is widely known to everyone as a seasoning. To taste, this seasoning has slightly bitter, pungent, warm tones, while its taste is quite bright and strong. Often this spice overshadows the taste of other spices, so it should be used carefully and in small quantities.

The plant itself, like its name, originates from Greece. From ancient Greek, the name “oregano” means “the joy of the mountains.” The most aromatic varieties of this herb are found on rocks in Italy.

Useful properties of seasoning

The herb oregano has a large number of beneficial properties, among which it is worth highlighting the most important:

  • this is a medicinal plant that has a strong wound healing effect;
  • This herb contains a high level of essential oils, tannins, thymol, and carvacrol. Thanks to these components, this plant is many times superior to various antihistamine and antiseptic drugs. Has an antimicrobial effect;
  • due to the fact that this herb contains a high level of tannins, its use provides good protection of the body from food poisoning and its consequences, and also prevents the growth of bacteria that entered the body along with low-quality food products;
  • This plant contains a high level of vitamins, namely B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, K, E. Various macro and microelements - calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorus, manganese. All these components are necessary for the full functioning of the human body;
  • choline, contained in oregano, has a positive effect on the nervous system, normalizes fat metabolism and cholesterol levels;
  • In addition to all of the above properties, this plant also has a number of beneficial effects - it has a strengthening, stimulating, diuretic, expectorant, bactericidal, diaphoretic, sedative, disinfectant and immunomodulatory effect.

Medicinal use

This plant is often used in folk medicine to eliminate various diseases and disorders of the body. In folk medicine, this plant is used due to its wide range of beneficial effects:

  1. Decoctions and tinctures based on oregano can quickly relieve poisoning, diarrhea, indigestion, and flatulence;
  2. The oregano plant is an antispasmodic that relieves pain. This plant helps eliminate headaches, muscle pain;
  3. Oregano oil can be used for rubbing the back during pain due to radiculitis and rheumatism, and it can also be used for rubbing during joint pain. For toothache, you can apply a small cotton swab with a few drops of this plant oil to the sore tooth;
  4. This herb is excellent for various nervous system disorders.

    This spice perfectly eliminates various sleep disorders, especially insomnia;

  5. It can be used by women during menstruation. During this period, it is necessary to prepare decoctions from oregano. Their use will not only help restore your emotional state, but also prevent inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  6. Improves the functioning of the digestive system, has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, increases the tone of smooth muscles, and significantly enhances the secretion of the digestive glands. Helps with various pathologies of the biliary system;
  7. Due to the fact that oregano decoctions have immunomodulatory and restorative properties, they are recommended for use during colds and flu;
  8. The herb helps with coughs and has an expectorant effect. Decoctions based on it should be used for tuberculosis and asthma;
  9. Oregano decoctions should be used as a nasal rinse for various respiratory disorders - sinusitis, acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
  10. Can be used externally as compresses for acne, herpes, eczema, fungal infections, neurodermatitis, and abscesses. In addition, this herb helps with insect bites, relieves burns and frostbite.

Use in cooking

Oregano has been very popular among many culinary experts for quite a long time. This is all due to the excellent bright taste of this herb. Dried leaves and buds of this plant are used in cooking; sometimes fresh leaves are used. This spice is widely used in Italian and Greek dishes.

In our diet, this herb is used in the preparation of the following dishes and drinks:

  • often used in the preparation of various drinks - cocktails, beer, kvass;
  • widely used in pickling and canning vegetables. Adding this seasoning to the marinade gives vegetables a bright taste with an unusual bitter aftertaste;
  • oregano is often added to various sauces for meat, fish dishes, and vegetables;
  • it is added to various vegetable salads;
  • The spice is often seasoned with baked potatoes, lamb, and pork;
  • can be put in soups - meat, vegetable, fish;
  • in scrambled eggs and omelettes.


Beef stew with barley and vegetables

Ingredients Quantity
boneless beef tenderloin - 1 kg
onion - 1 head
butter or olive oil - 50 grams
pearl barley - 100g
carrot - 1 piece
Champignon - 250 grams
frozen corn - 1 glass
meat broth - 2 glasses
water - 1000 ml
tomatoes in their own juice - 700 grams
garlic - 2 slices
dried oregano - 1 large spoon
salt - 1 teaspoon
celery - 1 stem
ground pepper - pinch
parsley - 5-6 branches
Cooking time: 300 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 180 Kcal

Cooking process:

  1. To begin, wash the tenderloin, cut off all the film and excess fat;
  2. Cut into small pieces at your discretion, sprinkle salt on all sides and pepper;
  3. Place the oil in a thick-bottomed pan and place on the fire;
  4. As soon as the oil is hot, place pieces of meat there and fry on all sides for 5-7 minutes;
  5. Next, chop the onion along with the garlic, add it to the beef, reduce the heat and cover with a lid;
  6. We leave everything to simmer for 3 hours, if necessary, you can add a little water;
  7. After this, using forks, cut the meat into small pieces directly in the pan;
  8. After this, add pearl barley, lay out the tomatoes in their own juice, add broth and water. Stir everything well;
  9. Next, season with salt and oregano, add heat and boil until boiling;
  10. Reduce heat and leave to simmer for 30 minutes;
  11. Meanwhile, wash the carrots and mushrooms and cut into small pieces;
  12. Chop the celery stalk and parsley into small pieces;
  13. After 30 minutes, add carrots and mushrooms to the soup, add corn and sprinkle everything with parsley and celery;
  14. Leave to boil for 20-25 minutes until fully cooked.

Potatoes baked with lemon and oregano

For cooking we will need:

  • one and a half kilograms of potatoes;
  • 100 ml olive oil;
  • ½ tbsp oregano;
  • 1 lemon;
  • a little salt.

Cooking time – 1 hour, calorie content – ​​120 kcal.

Cooking procedure:

What can you replace oregano with?

If suddenly this herb is not at hand or is not available in stores, then it can be replaced with other spices, namely:

  • “Mixture of Provençal herbs” - this seasoning includes oregano herb;
  • Oregano can be replaced with basil. These plant spices are considered interchangeable. To bring basil closer to the taste of oregano, you can add a few leaves of dried or finely chopped fresh mint;
  • thyme can be an excellent substitute;
  • finely chopped dill along with parsley;
  • a mixture of ground cumin and marjoram.

Harm and contraindications to consuming oregano

Although this herb has many beneficial properties, it can sometimes cause harm. You should not consume it in large quantities, otherwise nona can cause unpleasant consequences for the body. It often provokes unpleasant allergic reactions

  1. High stomach acidity;
  2. Hypertensive disease in a severe stage;
  3. During pregnancy. This herb is the oldest remedy for abortion, so it is strictly not recommended to be consumed during pregnancy.
  • oregano should be added in small quantities, otherwise this seasoning will interfere with the taste of other spices;
  • You can add this seasoning to different dishes - soups, baked goods, salads and other meat and fish treats;
  • If you want your baked meat to have a pleasant aroma: Sprinkle it with oregano 10 minutes before the end of cooking;
  • When canning vegetables, do not forget to add a little oregano to the marinade; the vegetables will be aromatic and very tasty.

Oregano is a unique spice that has a high level of beneficial substances. It can be used when preparing various treats, added to salads and even drinks. But still, when cooking, do not overdo it with this spice. Excessive consumption of this spice can cause unpleasant health problems.

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I don’t often go to Asian restaurants, but recently, while walking on a cold day along my native Novoslobodskaya street, I saw a small cafe called Wok Asia, which is located at Novoslobodskaya Street 45. And it was so cold that I decided to stop by, my favorite soup, Pho Bo, lured me. In fact, there have always been Vietnamese restaurants and cafes in Moscow, but only in the last two or three years there has been a craze for Vietnamese food among Russians, in particular for pho bo.

The interior of the cafe is not particularly remarkable, with a bit of Asian motifs. But the aromas here are such that you want to sit down and eat a hearty and tasty meal. Vietnamese people work in the kitchen.

The cafe positions itself as budget, without pathos and a huge menu. Everything is simple, but that’s all, the only thing there will be beer on tap here in the near future. The kitchen is open, so you can watch how they cook for you. The portions are not small, and in general Vietnamese cuisine is not greasy, but rather healthy.
The exclusive cuisine of Wok Asia Cafe lies in the very name of the establishment. The wok is a traditional oriental gourmet cooking tool with a history dating back 3,000 years. Today, food cooked on it is even more juicy, gives rise to new tastes and cooks very quickly, almost without losing vitamins.

While there is no beer, you can take Vietnamese soft drinks. Well, let's talk a little about the menu.

I recommend starting with spring rolls. Spring rolls are rolls wrapped in rice paper. They are considered the lightest, and are also traditionally prepared in Japanese cuisine immediately after the onset of spring. In Vietnamese cuisine, they not only wrap greens, fish, vegetables and fruits in them, but also deep-fry them. After frying, spring rolls automatically acquire the name “nem”.

It's simple, raw - spring rolls, fried - nems.

It’s very tasty and healthy, well, judge for yourself: there’s fruit, seafood, herbs, and vegetables. Everything you need for a healthy diet. Served with a thick nut sauce (similar to chocolate) and nuts. The sauce is very tasty.

There are 5 types of wok noodles, you can see in the photo above

I took it with pork, the portion was large, I thought there wouldn’t be enough for Pho Bo, but that’s what happened in the end, I couldn’t finish the soup, even though I took a small portion.

The meat is juicy, not dry, the vegetables and noodles are cooked perfectly. I strongly recommend it.

And of course, why did I come here in the first place for Pho Bo soup (in the photo there is a small portion for 200 rubles)

This is the most delicious Pho Bo of all the Moscow restaurants that I have eaten. Exactly what they will prepare for you well in Vietnam (you can’t compare it with any Viet Cafe!). The manager often has breakfast here, which says a lot.

Vietnamese Pho Bo soup is a strong broth, rice noodles, thin pieces of beef, greens and herbs. It will be served with several sauces (vinegar, chili), you can make it more piquant and spicy, mint and sprouts.

Traditionally, the Vietnamese ate twice a day - early in the morning, then worked all day and in the evening. That’s why their portions are so huge, and if you really want to have lunch after a serving of pho, it’s much later. At the same time, this is an excellent healthy food.

Address: Novoslobodskaya st., 45, bldg. B, Moscow (floor 1)
Metro: Mendeleevskaya, Novoslobodskaya, Belorusskaya
Phone: +7 964 503‑00-53

In the fall, Eve's Ribs organize a festival of documentary theater, film and performance in St. Petersburg, and in the summer - a visiting feminist tent school in the Leningrad region.

The goal of the project is not only to identify problems, but also to teach how you can create your own work, even if you are not a professional, as well as how to help those who are used to silence find a voice.

So the guys purposefully don’t worry about marketing. In an interview with Bamaga, when asked about the relevance of the emergence of a space without men (male-free), the project curator answers:

I can tell you what kind of men come here [to the site of “Eva’s Ribs”] and why. Most often these are men who need informational or emotional service. Instead of reading some information on the Internet, they come [to us] and start asking questions, although they could provide some kind of support and delve into what is happening now. Or they start mansplaining (condescendingly explaining something to a woman, making allowances for her gender - approx. “Papers”)

“Women a priori become uncomfortable because the man begins to show himself as an oppressor. Women often come to us who have realized some of their problems and want to talk about it. And they feel uncomfortable when such men come and start asking questions,” “Paper” summarizes.

What kind of questions are these, for example?

Why can't men be feminists? Why do you think prostitution is oppression of women? Such questions, it would seem, are absolutely stupid, but they are asked, and you have to waste resources and explain them, although this can be understood and learned.

What does this mean? The girls’ activities are aimed at educating them about problems with “humiliation, etc.”, but if a man comes and starts asking questions that are primitive for their get-together, then he is unwelcome there - he might as well look on the Internet. They won't waste their time on him at all.

Many people suffer from mansplaining (a bad word that is sexist), or more precisely, a phenomenon in communication when, regardless of gender, a person, explaining to another an unknown fact, puts himself above him, many suffer, or rather, experience it. This has nothing to do with gender - it has to do with the assholery of certain individuals.

Oh, didn’t you know that Phill Collins performed in Genesis!? Freddie was in Queen... etc.

If it is absolutely normal for your party to have a certain background that is familiar to every participant, then this does not mean that the guy who comes to you does not have the right to informational service (I’m even afraid to ask them what emotional service is). The next line in their interview is that they are doing the same thing they are opposing.

After all, you want to solve the problem? Or is your entire background for selling specifically oriented products?

Any person encounters some kind of luck almost every day, but most people are used to it. Why invent problems where there are none?
