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Presentation on the topic Kargopol toy. Kargopol toys. Polkan - sign of the Sun

Kargopol clay toy Reflection of natural motifs and images can be found in the Kargopol clay toy. In the surrounding Kargopol villages, clay toys have been made since ancient times, which in the distant past were related to primitive customs associated with the cult of fertility. Modern masters of Kargopol clay toys draw their creative inspiration from folk life, local fine arts, folklore, while simultaneously cultivating a poetic vision of the surrounding world and nature, organically correlating it with the living tradition of craft.

Fairy tale: “In winter the nights are long, it gets dark early, the kids are bored in the peasant hut. And then one day the old man wanted to please his grandchildren with a toy. But there’s nothing to buy it with. He looked out the window. There is everyone in the barnyard: goats and pigs, dogs and cows, horses and sheep. The old man thought and thought and came up with an idea: I’ll make them toys myself, and I did...”

U. I. Babkina, compositions: “Quadrille”, “Harmonic Player”, “Tree with Black Grouse”, Grinevo village, “Kargopolye” Moscow, “Soviet Russia”, 1984.

Among the images on the Kargopol clay toy there is a tree with black grouse birds sitting on it, exactly the same as in local embroidery, carving and wood painting. Such a combination of birds and a tree (probably a birch tree, which, according to folk legends, was the focus of earthly forces) symbolized the transfer of solar heat to sown fields and fields.

The plasticity and ornamentation of Kargopol clay “women” preserved the features inherent in female images of ancient farmers. The clay “woman” in an ancient outfit seemed to represent an image of the world. Every detail was symbolic. The image captured in the toy is an echo of ancient representatives about heavenly fire giving fertility to the earth. The fiery red sun depicted on the “woman’s” apron seems to warm a plowed field with grains of spring crops.
The toy of the Kargopol masters brought to us an ancient character who came from the East, common in Russian popular prints and peasant paintings - the bird Sirin. In Kargopol, craftsmen sculpt “sirins” to this day in the form of a bird-whistle, but with a woman’s head, sometimes with outstretched wings. As soon as you blow on such a whistle, the Sirin bird will sing joyfully and joyfully.
Literature. Kolbasenko M.N., Sevastyanova Z.P. Didactic materials on ecology. – Arkhangelsk, Pomeranian State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Kolbasenko M.N. Methods of teaching elective courses in ecology grades 1-4 (regional component). - Arkhangelsk, Pomeranian State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2002.

Kargopol duck

“We are quacking ducks, quack-quack-quack! We, ducks, will fly to warmer lands. We, ducks, will fly far, far away. We, ducks, will fly high, high. Over wide fields, Yes over blue seas, From winter storms To warm countries. Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!”


Russian artistic craft, widespread in the area of ​​​​the city of Kargopol, Arkhangelsk region.

The emergence of the fishery

Since ancient times, in Toropovo, Grinevo, Pechnikov - the villages of the Panfilov volost of the Kargopol district, a seasonal pottery industry has developed on local red clay. In the summer, Kargopol potters worked in the fields, and from October until spring they were engaged in the manufacture of pottery - stove pots, cubes, jars, bowls. The whole family took part: men, women, and children. Kargopol dishes were in demand throughout Poonezhye, they were taken to Arkhangelsk, and there was a large pottery trade in Kargopol itself.

Production Features

Craftsmen sculpted toys from the remains of clay without giving them any special meaning. Clay horses, harnesses, figurines of people and animals were inexpensive, were not in particular demand, and they were sculpted more for their own pleasure than for the sake of making money.

Features of the Kargopol toy

The earliest of the Kargopol toys that have survived to our time can be considered the works of I.V. and E.A. Druzhinins, who worked in the 1930-40s. These are mainly single figures of peasants and ladies, painted with lime, soot and colored clays. They are rough in sculpting, and their flat faces and generalized details of figure and clothing are reminiscent of ancient stone women. The painting of the figures combines ovals, circles, crosses, spots, also reminiscent of ancient ornamental motifs.

Modern Kargopol toy

The modern Kargopol toy is less archaic. While preserving traditional forms, today's masters make it more elegant, sometimes more clearly emphasizing details, generously painting with oil and tempera, however, avoiding excessive variegation.

Use of new forms and subjects

While preserving tradition, Kargopol toy makers come up with new forms and themes for their works. This is how multi-figure compositions appeared - troikas, carts, hunts, etc. They are decorated not with a faded pattern drawn with colored clay on a limestone background, but with bright tempera painting. In the 1970s A.P. Shevelev, one of the most famous Kargopol toy makers, tried to make watering toys that resembled the previous ones, “scalded”.

Babkina and other masters

Among Kargopol toy makers, a special place is given to U.I. Babkina, the only craftswoman who never stopped practicing this craft. She is credited with not only preserving, but also reviving the ancient craft. She remembered the fairy-tale regiment from childhood and was the first to begin sculpting it again. Many modern masters learned their forgotten craft from her.

In the village of Grinevo Grandmother Ulyana Works miracles From clay from duzhmyanaya Like in a hut At a diligent old lady Along the benches there are little men Yes animals...

memorial sign at the craftswoman's house

Introduction to pottery

She was born in the village of Grinevo, Kargopol district - an ancient pottery center. Since childhood, she helped her parents in pottery and toy making. When the fishing died out, she continued to make clay toys - “bobs”. In the 1950s Babkina attracted the interest of several fellow villagers with her work, who took up the forgotten skill.

Features of Babkin's toy

U.I. Babkina’s toys, simple in form, are very expressive and varied in subject matter. The craftswoman painted them with oil paints on a white chalk background, using only three or four colors. Among her favorite characters are the indispensable Polkans, bears, deer, and human figures. The plot scenes are interesting: “Young People on the Couch”, “Squirrel Hunting”, “Poezzhans”.

Her characters are dressed in city clothes

clothes, then in a peasant dress with

traditional Kargopol

Revival of an ancient craft

  • In the 1960s Famous art historians and collectors became interested in the works of U.I. Babkina, who provided great support in the revival of the ancient craft. Since that time, not a single major exhibition of folk art has been complete without the work of the craftswoman. Her toys are in many museum collections.
  • For the centennial anniversary of U.I. Babkina, a monument by sculptor V.M. Klykov was erected on her grave.

Currently, 30 craftsmen work in the clay toy workshop. Every month about 6 thousand new toys are born here.

Products are sent to different cities of our country. A sixth of it is sold in Kargopol.

Kargopol - a small piece of northern land, far hidden behind dense forests and inaccessible swamps, has become one of those protected places where, many centuries ago, original Russian culture, art, and crafts were born and preserved to this day.


  • Rogov A.P. Black Rose. A book about Russian folk art. - M.: Sovremennik, 1978.
  • Ed. V. A. Baradulina Fundamentals of artistic craft. - M.: Education, 1979.
  • Durasov G. P. Kargopol clay toy. - L.: Artist, 1986.
  • Gunn G.P. Kargopolye and Onega. - M.: Art, 1989.

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About the Kargopol toy

Since ancient times, in Toropovo, Grinevo, Pechnikov villages of the Panfilov volost of the Kargopol district, a seasonal pottery industry has developed on local red clay. In the summer, Kargopol potters worked in the fields, and from October until spring they were engaged in the manufacture of clay pottery, stove pots, cubes, jars, and bowls. The whole family took part: men, women, and children. Kargopol dishes were in demand throughout Poonezhye, they were taken to Arkhangelsk, and there was a large pottery trade in Kargopol itself.

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Production Features

Craftsmen sculpted toys from the remains of clay without giving them any special meaning. Clay horses, harnesses, figurines of people and animals were inexpensive, were not in particular demand, and they were sculpted more for their own pleasure than for the sake of making money.

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Initially, toys, like dishes, were “scalded.” After firing, the hot product was immersed in a thick flour solution into a “chatterbox”. Burnt flour left a black lace pattern on the light surface of the vessel or toy. Decorated with scratched archaic ornaments, in their artlessness such toys were more reminiscent of the works of Stone Age artists

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Modern Kargopol toy

While preserving traditional forms, today's craftsmen make the toy more elegant, sometimes emphasizing details more clearly, generously painting with oils and tempera, however, avoiding excessive variegation. In addition to human figures, Kargopol residents sculpt horses, cows, bears, deer, heroes of fairy tales and epics.

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Symbolism and color in the Kargopol toy

Kargopol toys are beautiful and unusual in color. Painted in bright or muted colors, they feature simple and clear patterns. On the surface of the figures are ancient symbols of the sun - large, fiery red circles, crosses, as well as motifs of grains, ears of grain and plant branches.

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Polkan - sign of the Sun

Polkan, a huge and kind hero, protector of people from the forces of evil. He is half a gallant general: his chest is strong, his face is round with a large thick beard, and his body is like that of a horse, and he has hooves on his legs. There is a radiant sun on Polkan's chest. "

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The Pull and Pull figurine consists of two horses - black and white. The horse is one of the most revered animals among the Slavs. White and red horses were considered messengers of warmth, sunlight and all good things. If the light horse represents the joy of sunlight, then the black horse carries Death itself. A rider on a horse is a multifaceted symbol in itself, and even more so a rider on a push-pull

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In modern Kargopol toys, in addition to traditional figures, multi-figure compositions are widely used, character and movement appear, and the desire is for “everything to be like in life.” The masters established themes and plots, most often these are peasant life, everyday life and holidays.

Presentation on the topic: Kargopol toy Author Marina Valerievna Mamaeva, art teacher, secondary school No. 1, Tver

The emergence of the fishery

Production Features

Modern Kargopol toy

Use of forms and plots

The emergence of the fishery

  • Since ancient times, in the villages of Kargopol district, a seasonal pottery industry has developed on local red clay. In the summer, Kargopol potters worked in the fields, and from October until spring they were engaged in the manufacture of pottery - stove pots, cubes, jars, bowls. The whole family took part: men, women, and children. Kargopol dishes were in demand throughout Poonezhye, they were taken to Arkhangelsk, and there was a large pottery trade in Kargopol itself.

Modern Kargopol

Kargopol dishes

Production Features

  • Craftsmen sculpted toys from the remains of clay without giving them any special meaning. Clay horses, harnesses, figurines of people and animals were inexpensive, were not in particular demand, and they were sculpted more for their own pleasure than for the sake of making money. Initially, toys, like dishes, were “scalded.” After firing, the hot product was immersed in a “chatterbox” - a thick flour solution. Burnt flour left a black lace pattern on the light surface of the vessel or toy. Decorated with scratched archaic ornament, in their artlessness, such toys were more reminiscent of the works of artists stone age. More expensive watering utensils and toys covered with glaze. At first 1930s years, pottery gradually came to an end, and even earlier the production of toys ceased. Only a few craftsmen continued to make them.

Kargopol toys on one of the streets of our capital.

Modern Kargopol toy

  • 1) The earliest of those that have survived to our time Kargopol toys can be considered the works of I.V. and E.A. Druzhinins, who worked in 1930s-1940s years. These are mainly single figures of men and ladies, painted lime, soot and colored clays. They are rough in sculpting, and their flat faces and generalized details of figure and clothing are reminiscent of the ancients stone women. The painting of the figures combines ovals, circles, crosses, spots, also reminiscent of ancient ornamental motifs.
  • 2) Modern Kargopol toy less archaic. While preserving traditional forms, today's masters make it more elegant, sometimes more clearly accentuating details, generously painting with oils and tempera, avoiding, however, excessive diversity. In addition to human figures, Kargopol residents sculpt horses, cows, bears, deer, heroes of fairy tales and epics. One of the most popular characters in the Kargopol toy was and remains Polkan-half-horse, half-man (originally half-man, half-dog) with a thick beard, with orders and epaulettes. Among other fairy-tale characters there are a lion, a bird Sirin, a horse with two heads.

One of the types of Kargopol toys

Kargopol toys in the museum

Use of toy shapes and plots

  • While preserving tradition, Kargopol toy makers come up with new forms and themes for their works. This is how multi-figure compositions appeared - troikas, carts, hunts, etc. They are decorated not with a faded pattern drawn with colored clay on a limestone background, but with bright tempera painting.
  • IN 1970s years A.P. Shevelev, one of the most famous Kargopol toy makers, tried to make watering toys that resembled the previous ones, “scalded”.

On Kargopolskaya street...

Polkan is the main character of all Kargopol toys



  • Among Kargopol toy makers, a special place is given to U.I. Babkina, the only craftswoman who never stopped practicing this craft. She is credited with not only preserving, but also reviving the ancient craft. She remembered the fairy-tale regiment from childhood and was the first to begin sculpting it again. Many modern masters learned their forgotten craft from her. The Kargopol craft has always been a family affair - the Shevelevs, Zavyalovs, Ryabovs and others passed on the secrets of their craft from generation to generation. Only in 1967 year, a branch of the Arkhangelsk enterprise opened in Kargopol " White Sea patterns" There is an Art School in the city, where children are taught how to make toys.


  • The city of Kargopol, one of the oldest cities in the Russian North, has been known since the 12th century. Kargopolye is an original center of culture that developed in the difficult conditions of the relationship between Finno-Ugric and Slavic tribes, the political and economic influence of Novgorod and Moscow, and the mutual penetration of paganism and Christianity.
Kargopolsky district
  • Kargopol is located behind dense forests and impenetrable swamps, which contributed to its transformation into a protected place with its own unique culture and fabulous atmosphere that developed many centuries ago. The Kargopol land more than endowed people with talents, and they decorated this land to the best of their ability.
  • Life here, in the far northern province, in its way of life has always differed from the life of central Russian cities in greater thoroughness and greater freedom. And also, perhaps, a closer unity with nature. The spiritual connection with mother earth, characteristic of the peasant, here, in the harsh Russian North, manifested itself in all its strength.
Coat of arms
  • The center of the modern region is the city of Kargopol, one of the oldest cities in the Russian North, known since the 12th century. According to one version, the image of a ram on fire symbolizes a connection with the pagan ritual of sacrificing a ram, which was widespread in the Russian North. In some parishes of the Kargopol district there was a “ram Sunday”, during which peasants slaughtered a ram and sacrificed it to Elijah the prophet. Apparently, this ritual was the basis for the coat of arms of 1781.
  • Silver is a symbol of wisdom, purity, faith.
  • Gold is a sign of earthly and heavenly greatness. It means Christian virtues: faith, justice, mercy and humility, and worldly qualities: power, nobility, constancy, wealth.
  • Azure is a symbol of truth, honor and virtue, clear skies and expanses of water.
  • A fire is a symbol of warmth, activity, and home.
  • Red color is a symbol of courage, life, celebration, beauty.
The Kargopol toy is a clay toy made in the city of Kargopol, Arkhangelsk region, which is why it is called “Kargopol”. However, the real homeland of this clay toy is the villages around Kargopol. It was there that the peasants made toys for their children from the most accessible material in these parts - clay.
  • The Kargopol toy is a clay toy made in the city of Kargopol, Arkhangelsk region, which is why it is called “Kargopol”. However, the real homeland of this clay toy is the villages around Kargopol. It was there that the peasants made toys for their children from the most accessible material in these parts - clay.

Kargopol toy

Kargopol toy Cathedral Square

  • Cathedral Square (or New Torg) is the main square of the city. On the square stands the Cathedral of the Exaltation of Christ from the mid-16th century. This is the oldest temple in Kargopol and one of the most ancient temples in the entire Russian North. The cathedral looks squat, since during its existence it has grown into the ground by almost half a floor. The bell tower of the cathedral does not stand next to it, but in the middle of the square. Its cross was oriented not to the cardinal points, but so that it could be best seen from the road. Legend says that it was built this way because Catherine II wanted to come to Kargopol, and the bell tower was supposed to “welcome” the empress. A more prosaic version of this story is different: the incorrect location of the cross was associated with the redevelopment of the city after the fire.
Kargopol Museum
  • The Kargopol Museum was created in 1919 on the basis of the private collection of the tradesman K.G. Kolpakova. The museum includes 15 architectural monuments, of which 11 are of federal significance, located in the city and its environs. Among them are masterpieces of stone and wooden architecture of the 16th-18th centuries. The museum's exhibitions are housed in white stone churches. The pride of the museum is its collection of icons and church sculpture, folk costume and embroidery, wood painting, and women's hats.
Festival of folk craftsmen
  • The City Day in Kargopol is traditionally considered the Festival of Russian Folk Craftsmen. It was once conceived as a one-time event for the 845th anniversary of Kargopol, but has been alive for more than 20 years. The holiday attracts creative people from all over Russia to the city - from southern Volgograd to Siberian Irkutsk, and of course, numerous tourists. On the Festival of Folk Craftsmen in Kargopol, craftsmen of different levels, ranks, ages, directions, art historians, artists meet, they study, communicate, show their products at numerous exhibitions, get acquainted with the rich funds and collections of the Kargopol Museum-Reserve.
Kenozersky National Park
  • The territory of the park is a natural, historical and cultural complex located in the southwestern part of the Arkhangelsk region in the Kargopol district. In 2004, Kenozersky National Park received biosphere status and was included in the UNESCO List of Biosphere Reserves. There are extremely few territories left in Russia where the cultural and natural heritage is preserved in the most complete and multifaceted way. One of these territories is the Kenozersky National Park, one of the last islands of the original Russian way of life, culture, traditions, which has preserved the richness and purity of its inner world, facing the origins.
Village Oshevensk
  • Oshevensk consists of Pogost, Shiryaikha, Niz, Bolshoi and Maly Khaluyev, and Gari. And it is called after the monastery, which, in turn, is called after the nickname of the father of its founder, Alexander Oshevensky.
Lyadiny village
  • The ensemble in the village of Lyadiny was formed at least a hundred years before the construction of the existing tent-roofed Church of the Intercession-Vlasievskaya in 1761. This church has the forms traditional in the Russian north: an octagon on a quadrangle, ending with a hipped roof. The church has two floors: the lower floor is warm, the upper floor is summer. The nine-domed beautiful Church of the Epiphany was built at the end of the 18th century, possibly in 1793. Like the Intercession-Vlasievskaya Church, it has the shape of an octagon on a quadrangle, ending with a traditional Russian five-domed structure. Four more domes are located at the corners of the quadrangle. The bell tower also dates back to the late 18th century. A high eight on a low four is cut into a “paw”.
lekshmozero village
  • Morshchikhinskaya (former name Lekshmozero) is one of three villages on Lekshmozero, the largest. Here is the office of the Kargopol sector of the Kenozersky National Park, a hotel and private houses rented out as housing for tourists, a large school, shops with everything you need. There is a beautiful wide Lekshmozero here. There is communication with the rest of the world via telephone and television. There was a time when the AN-2 landed in Morshchikhinskaya on the route Petrozavodsk-Kargopol. Those. life here has always been in full swing.
Lake Lache
  • Lake Lache, located at the southern tip of the Kargopol district, near the border of the Novgorod province, is the largest of all the lakes located in it. It covers an area of ​​9.3 square meters. m. or about 451.9 sq. V. Its length from north to south is up to 40 versts, width up to 15 centuries, depth from 1½ to 2½ fathoms. There are no islands on the lake.
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