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Problems of endocrinology journal rules for authors. Problems of endocrinology. About the magazine: topics and directions

The development by the editors of the journal "Problems of Endocrinology" of new requirements for the design of manuscripts is due to the desire to follow global trends in the development of evidence-based medicine. The requirements, which may be updated in the future, are based on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.

The journal "Problems of Endocrinology" publishes articles on clinical and experimental endocrinology containing new data. The journal publishes articles on the endocrinological problem itself (histology, physiology, biochemistry, etiology, pathogenesis, prevention, treatment, epidemiology of endocrine diseases, hormone therapy, primary pathology of the endocrine system). The editors do not consider works whose results have already been published or described in articles submitted or accepted for publication in other publications, both domestic and foreign.

The journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which significant results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published. There is no fee for graduate students to publish manuscripts.

When submitting an article to the editor, you must follow the following rules.

1. The article must be printed double-spaced on A4 paper (210 X 297 mm). Margin sizes: top - 25 mm, bottom - 25 mm, left - 35 mm, right 25 mm. When typing on a computer, use the Times New Roman Cyr font, size 14, black, justified. The first line of the paragraph is indented by 15 mm.

2. On the 1st page the initials, surname of the author, title of the article, full name of the laboratory (department) and institution from which the article is published, title and academic degree of the head of the laboratory (department) and institution are indicated. The title page must contain: 1) the title of the article; 2) surnames, initials, place of work and positions of all authors; 3) the full name of the institution and department (department, laboratory) in which the work was performed; 4) last name, first name, patronymic, full postal address and e-mail, telephone and fax numbers of the author responsible for contacts with the editors and readers. If the authors of an article work in different organizations, it is necessary to associate each author with his organization using tags.

3. The article is endorsed by the head of the institution, and a covering letter is attached to it on the letterhead of the institution from which the article is published. The last page of the article text must be signed by all authors, indicating the first name, patronymic and last name, postal address, telephone and fax (office or home) or e-mail address.

4. The volume of original work should not exceed 9 pages. typewritten text, notes from practice - 3 pp., lectures - 8-10 pp., literature review - 18-20 pp., reviews, chronicles - 3 pp. When preparing review articles, please limit the reference list to 80 sources, mainly from recent years of publication.

5. The amount of graphic material is minimal. Photos should be contrasting and drawings should be clear. On the back of the drawing, the serial number, the author's surname, the title of the article and the designations “top” and “bottom” are written in pencil. If the figures have been previously published, please indicate the original source and provide written permission to reproduce them from the publication rights holder.

Requirements for drawings presented on magnetic media

Black and white line drawings. File format - TIFF (*.tif), any program that supports this format (Adobe PhotoShop, CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, etc.); mode - bitmap (bit map); resolution - 600 dpi (pixels per inch); gray fills must be replaced with oblique, cross or other hatching or black fill; the drawing must be trimmed along the edges of the image and cleaned of “dust” and “scratches”; the width of the pattern is no more than 180 mm, it is advisable not to use a width from 87 to 150 mm; the height of the picture is no more than 200 mm (taking into account the margin for the caption); the font size of the captions in the figure is at least 7 pt (7 points); it is possible to use LYW or other compression; media - floppy 3.5" (1.44 MB), Zip 100 MB, DD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW. Please do not use Word and Excel programs.

Color images, photographs and drawings with gray elements. Platform (computer) - IBM PC or compatible; The picture file format is TIFF (extension *.tif); the program in which the publication was made is PageMaker 6.5; CorelDRAW 7 or 8; color model - CMYK; resolution - more than 300 dpi (pixels per inch) or 119.975 pixels per 1 cm; the drawing must be related to the publication; LZW compression is possible; do not use PANTONE colors; media - Zip 100 MB; compact disk CD-ROM.

6. On a separate sheet, captions are attached in the order of figure numbering. Each figure must have a general title and an explanation of all abbreviations. Captions to photographs should indicate the degree of magnification and the method of staining (or impregnation) of the preparation.

The plan for organizing the articles is as follows: “Introduction”, “Materials and methods”, “Results”, “Discussion” (it is possible to combine the last two sections into one - “Results and their discussion”), “Conclusions” point by point, References, Summary.

The “Materials and Methods” section should clearly and clearly describe the organization of this study (design). In particular, the study option is indicated: cross-sectional (cross-sectional), longitudinal (prospective or retrospective case-control study). Criteria for inclusion and exclusion from the study should be described (rather than simply stating the diagnosis). It is mandatory to mention the presence or absence of randomization (indicating the methodology) when distributing patients into groups, as well as the presence or absence of masking (“blinding”) when using placebo and drugs in clinical trials. In this section, it is necessary to describe in detail the equipment and diagnostic equipment used, indicating its main technical characteristics and manufacturer, as well as the names of commercial kits for hormonal and biochemical studies, indicating their manufacturers and normal values ​​for individual indicators. When using generally accepted research methods, it is necessary to provide appropriate literature references. It is necessary to indicate the exact international names of all drugs and chemicals used, doses and methods of administration (routes of administration). If the article describes experiments on humans, it is necessary to indicate whether the procedure was in accordance with the standards of the ethical committee responsible for this aspect of the work, or with the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki and its 1983 revision. In experimental work, it is necessary to indicate the type and number of animals used, as well as the methods used to anesthetize and kill animals strictly in accordance with the “Rules for carrying out work using experimental animals”, approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Health.

8. Description of the procedure statistical analysis is an integral component of the "Materials and Methods" section. The critical significance level “p” adopted in this study must be indicated (for example, “the critical significance level when testing statistical hypotheses in this study was taken equal to 0.05”). In each specific case, the actual value of the achieved significance level "p" for the statistical test used is indicated (and not just "p< 0,05" или "p >0.05"). In addition, it is necessary to indicate specific values ​​of the obtained statistical criteria (for example, criterion c2 = 12.3; number of degrees of freedom df = 2, p = 0.0001).

All statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols used should be defined. For example, M is the sample mean, m (SEM) is the error of the mean, STD is the sample standard deviation, p is the significance level achieved. When using expressions like M ± m, you must specify the value of each symbol, as well as the sample size (n).
Average values ​​should not be given more accurately than one decimal place compared to the original data, the standard deviation and error of the average should be one more decimal place more accurately.

If the data analysis was carried out using a statistical software package, then you must indicate the name of this package and its version.

9. A summary of no more than 150 words should provide an understanding of the main points of the article and what is new in it. The text is presented in two languages: Russian and English. The abstract should outline the purpose of the study, the main procedures (selection of research subjects or experimental animals; method of group formation), main results and conclusions. Under the resume, after the designation “keywords”, place from 3 to 10 keywords.

10. Tables should have a title and clearly marked columns that are easy to read. The table data must correspond to the numbers in the text. All data from tables and illustrations should not be repeated in the text. Each table is typed on a separate page and printed at 1.5 intervals.

11. Quotes given in the article are verified and certified in the margins by the author. The footnote indicates the source (title, edition, year, volume, issue, page).

12. In the text of the article, references to figures and tables are provided in appropriate places. Their location in the text is noted in the margins of the manuscript.

14. Measurements are given in the SI system and the Celsius scale. Abbreviations of individual words and terms (except generally accepted ones) are not allowed. You should not use abbreviations (abbreviations) in the title of the article, conclusions and summary. The full term for which an abbreviation is introduced must precede the first use of that abbreviation in the text (unless it is a standard unit of measurement). The names of tissue preparation enzymes, suspension media buffers and experimental methods (with the exception of EPR, NMR, CD, DOV) are not abbreviated. Chemical elements and simple inorganic compounds should be designated by chemical formulas. The names of organic compounds can be replaced by formulas if they are shorter than the name and clearly show its structure. Mixed abbreviations, which, along with Russian letters, include atom symbols in Latin transcription, are not allowed. In such cases, the entire abbreviation should be written either in Latin letters or in Russian without abbreviation.

15. When compiling a list of references, you must be guided by the following requirements. Bibliographic references in the text of the article are given in square brackets with numbers in accordance with the article's list of references, which are listed in alphabetical order (first domestic, then foreign). The list of references includes works of domestic and foreign authors over the past 7-8 years and only in some cases - earlier publications. Bibliographic references are not provided in lectures. Such articles are accompanied by literature recommended on this issue, arranged in alphabetical order without numbers.

The scientific and practical medical peer-reviewed journal “Actual Endocrinology” was created in 2015. “Actual Endocrinology” is the first Russian online publication entirely devoted to the problems of endocrinology.

The magazine is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications, certificate EL No. FS 77 – 62054.

The publication is registered with the international center ISSN ( Data, Network & Standards Department, ISSN International Center 45 rue de Turbigo, 75003 Paris, FRANCE), assigned number 2412-6195

Magazine format

Why is it worth publishing with us?

  • We distribute information for free
  • We have a mobile application through which you can access all articles
  • Our magazine is well indexed in search engines, that is, an article published by us can be found not only by title, but also by content
  • We use social networks and other means of disseminating information to ensure that our articles are read and cited
  • We have an ISSN number, and for each article we assign an individual DOI number, which allows articles to be included in international database registries
  • We publish articles for free, but in our opinion, we need to pay for the work of editors and reviewers, so there is a fee for reviewing the article
  • We also have a news section where we briefly publish descriptions and results of recently published studies (for this section, anyone can send their news in our format)

Some statistics:

  • The magazine is 1 year old
  • During this time, we were visited by about 30,000 unique visitors from all over the world (total sessions about 200,000) (the site has a translation system into major languages)

Editorial policy of the magazine

Acceptance of articles for publication in the journal is carried out on a continuous basis. All materials submitted for possible publication must be formatted in accordance with.

  • This approach to consideration allows:
    • publish only high-quality articles with a high chance of being cited
    • provide open access to all journal articles
  • to publish an article in open access on the journal’s website
  • to transfer all rights to use the article for the purpose of distribution and promotion

There is no fee for publishing an article.

When accepting an article for consideration, the executive editor determines its compliance with the journal’s profile and design requirements, after which he forwards the article for consideration by the editorial board and then for review. The journal's reviewers include scientists and practitioners.

All materials submitted for consideration undergo strict selection:

  • checks each article:
    • for compliance with the journal's publication standards
    • for the presence of the necessary sections according to the type of publication
  • Reviewers give a scientific assessment of the article, taking into account:
    • relevance of the topic
    • scientific novelty of the research
    • applicability of the protocol and methods used to solve the problem

Based on the received review, the editorial board makes the final decision: accepts the article for publication, sends recommendations to the author for revision, or rejects the article.

  • The decision to publish the submitted article is made within no more than 2 weeks.

ISSN 0375-9660 (Print), ISSN 2308-1430 (Online)

Problems of endocrinology/ "Problem endocrinology"


Founder contacts: Russia, 117036, Moscow, st. Dm. Ulyanova, 11
Email: [email protected]

Scientific and practical peer-reviewed medical journal. Published 6 times a year. Founded in 1955.

About the magazine: topics and directions

The scientific and practical medical peer-reviewed journal “Problems of Endocrinology” has been published since 1955. Publishes original articles on clinical, clinical-experimental and fundamental scientific work, reviews, lectures, descriptions of clinical cases, as well as supporting materials on all current problems of endocrinology.

Particular attention is paid to the most pressing issues of endocrinology: the chemical structure, biosynthesis and metabolism of hormones, the mechanism of their action at the cellular and molecular level; pathogenesis and clinic of endocrine diseases, new methods of their diagnosis and treatment.

  • introduces readers to original domestic and foreign research reflecting the development of world endocrinology;
  • publishes thematic issues dedicated to specific areas of endocrinology;
  • publishes a chronicle of the most important international congresses and symposia in endocrinology, as well as the latest international and national clinical recommendations and consensuses;
  • designed for scientists, endocrinologists, diabetologists, as well as specialists in all related areas of internal medicine, including general practitioners, family doctors, and pediatricians.

The journal "Problems of Endocrinology" is included in the "List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published", published by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the "Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission" No. 2 for 2003 and the revised list dated December 1, 2015.
The publication is included in the List automatically because indexed in international databases.

The current list of publications is available on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission - Peer-reviewed scientific publications included in international abstract databases and citation systems (as of 08/03/2018).

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) PI No. FS77-61847 dated May 18, 2015.

The journal is represented in the following international databases and reference publications: RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index), Web of Science (Russian Science Citation Index - RSCI, BIOSIS Previews), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, Google Scholar. Since 1955, the journal has been a member of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE).

The magazine is registered by the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the USSR State Committee for Press - certificate No. 1133 dated December 7, 1990.

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications PI No. FS77-36291 dated May 13, 2009.

Editorial Council
Abusuev S.A. (Makhachkala, Russia)
Bazarbekova R.B. (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Valeeva F.V. (Kazan, Russia)
Vanushko V.E. (Moscow, Russia)
Vorokhobina N.V. (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Dubinina I.I. (Ryazan, Russia)
Kalinin A.P. (Moscow, Russia)
Potin V.V. (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Staroseltseva L.K. (Moscow, Russia)
Strongin L.G. (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Talantov V.V. (Kazan, Russia)
Ugryumov M.V. (Moscow, Russia)
Kholodova E.A. (Minsk, Belarus)

A4 format
Frequency – 6 issues per year
ISSN 0375-9660 (Print)
ISSN 2308-1430 (Online)


  • subscription through the Rospechat agency catalog
    • 71462 - for individual subscribers
    • 71463 - for enterprises and organizations
  • subscription through alternative agency directories
  • distribution at specialized forums and exhibitions

Journal information:

On the website of the Scientific Electronic Library (RSCI):
(all data on impact factor and other indicators are in the right side menu - “Analysis of journal publication activity”)
