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Purchasing fabrics in China - which market to choose. Import of fabrics from China Factories in China for the production of coarse calico

The Chinese textile industry is one of the largest in the world in terms of production and export structure. In 2015, the output of yarn, fabrics and other materials was 563.33 billion yuan. In 2015, China exported US$574 billion in textiles. This figure represents 40% of global clothing exports. In Russia, there has recently been an increase in supplies of the Chinese textile industry. What are the prospects for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries, why is it profitable today to make purchases in China for small and medium-sized businesses. And what textiles should be taken from China. Let's try to understand everything in order.

Large textile agglomerations in China

Shanghai region- can be called the largest agglomeration of threads and textile industry in China. It is worth noting that you will not find a single factory or enterprise in Shanghai itself. Various large textile exhibitions and business negotiations regarding supplies are held in the city. It also has a large number of textile markets.

In Shaoxing- produce artificial yarn and threads. This is one of the largest markets in China. Wholesale markets, plants and factories are concentrated here. Many suppliers organize their own showrooms to showcase their products to potential customers.

Jiangsu- silk province of the Celestial Empire. Silk production with a rich history and no less interesting modern present is concentrated here. Companies, plants and factories for the production of materials are located here. The market spans over four kilometers and has more than a dozen shopping areas.

Guangzhou is a popular industrial city in China. There are large wholesale markets where you can buy fabric materials, furs, fabrics, curtains, tulle materials, embroidery, ribbons, lace and metal fittings.

Hangzhou is a large industrial metropolis. Sometimes it is also called the "city of silk". Here, retail and wholesale trade of square meters is concentrated on an area of ​​more than 20 thousand. This city will be especially interesting for those who buy fabrics for the production of accessories - silk scarves, ties, ribbons, clothes.

Of course, the list of popular agglomerations is rich and extensive. We have tried to highlight the main and most popular retail outlets where you can buy only good quality materials at an affordable price.

Popular and major textile exhibitions in China

Surely you have already thought about the question of how to establish relations with Chinese manufacturers. However, before looking at seemingly profitable offers on Chinese sites, you need to understand everything in more detail.

For example, start by visiting specialized sites, exhibitions, thematic markets or large enterprises in China.

  • — This world's largest yarn exhibition is held twice a year in Shanghai. The idea of ​​the SPINEXPO exhibition is to exchange experience, introduce the achievements of the textile industry and constantly move forward. Every year the exhibition amazes with the creativity of ideas and discoveries in the world of fabrics and clothing.
  • - A major international exhibition of fabrics and accessories in Shanghai. An unimaginable number of different fabrics, yarn, threads, home textiles, textile coverings, carpets and much more will be presented here. Guests and exhibitors exchange experience and share best practices in the textile industry.
  • Cina International Show Of The Best European Textile in Beijing and Shanghai is the most popular international fair. The advantages of this fair are that every entrepreneur here can choose fashionable fabrics that are diverse in taste, color palette and other parameters.
  • Textile Asia Essential in Hong Kong is a textile fair. Known more as eco-textile. And this is no coincidence - the fair appeared due to the growing demand for organic types of wool in the eco-clothing market and caused the need for the formation of special standards in the cultivation and production process. With a strong focus on eco-textiles, the organizers of the fair invite only experts in the textile industry with specialized certificates.
  • KeqiaoTextile Expo in Qingdao is a popular international fair. Held in October. Here you can choose yarn, home textiles, textile chemicals, spinning and weaving equipment and accessories. The purpose of the exhibition is an opportunity to establish new business contacts and demonstrate new textile products of Chinese masters.

More thematic exhibitions on textiles and clothing are presented in the section

Are you still in doubt: is it worth visiting exhibitions and fairs in China? We dare to dissuade you. By visiting the exhibition, you have the opportunity to look at exceptionally high-quality textile products, because only trusted entrepreneurs are allowed to the exhibition. In addition, you do not lose anything, but rather the opposite - you have the opportunity to establish business contacts with the heads of companies and factories.

Why you should go to China to get acquainted with the fabric industry:

  • A wide range of amazing variety. Here you can buy both ordinary synthetic materials and natural fabrics, fur, yarn and silk. It is no coincidence that most famous designers come to China every year and select materials for the production of leading collections here.
  • An opportunity to save money due to the low cost of goods and products in China. All this is due to great competition and cheap labor.
  • Excellent infrastructure. Thanks to this, the delivery of goods is carried out in almost any part of the globe.
  • Most suppliers are ready to offer customers specialized catalogs with samples of materials, accessories and threads. Thus, each entrepreneur has the opportunity to first get acquainted with the products: feel, touch, evaluate the materials according to organoleptic indicators.
  • Any quality of materials, depending on the price. Thanks to the availability of modern and innovative equipment, Chinese companies can manufacture products for any budget.

Have you already thought about the possibility of acquiring yarn, textiles, threads in China? Of course, you can start looking for suppliers yourself. But why take such a risk? In addition, you will probably need additional costs for logistics, travel, and an interpreter.

The most correct decision in this case is to trust an experienced team of professionals who will take care of all the care and deliveries.

By contacting our company, you can count on help and support:

We will undertake the search for bona fide suppliers in China;

We will check the integrity of the deals concluded by Chinese manufacturers and suppliers;

We will help in negotiating with Chinese suppliers;

We will assist in the development and approval of layouts, samples and products;

We will send and order samples of materials;

We will assist in the formation and signing of a contract with a Chinese supplier;

We will control the quality of materials

We will help to control the shipment of goods;

We will take care of the paperwork for export;

Translation of technical documents

Are you interested in our offer? Do you want to clarify something? Call us! Our managers will try to answer all your questions.

Supply and production statistics in China

China's industry began to grow at the turn of the 20th century. At the same time, the production of yarn accounted for about 20% of all modern industrial production in China. The process was slow but steady. This continued until the second Sino-Japanese war. In those years, the war destroyed many factories. The industry was in decline. Only after Deng Xiaoping came to power was it possible to revive enterprises in Hong Kong and the textile industry gradually began to revive.

And in recent decades, the scale of Chinese textile companies is approximately 3.3 million US dollars. Growth occurred in the early 2000s. in the first six months of 2013, the textile industry generated up to US$488 billion, according to the national trade group. Chinese clothing and textile exports have since grown by 20% of the world.

It should be noted that the range of textile industry in China is quite diverse. And not only in terms of the color palette, but also the variety of textures, varieties (both fabrics and yarn), cost and materials. This is one of the most important advantages that has allowed China to become a leader in the textile industry. Cheap labor has also contributed to China's leading position in global textile and clothing exports, but this factor is gradually fading into the background due to process automation and cheaper countries.

Millions of different fabrics are produced in China. A large assortment is provided by tens of thousands of manufacturers. Because of this, it is simply unrealistic to have a constant price list with an assortment and prices. In addition, many companies work only according to sketches of customers. However, if you want to see the products in person, then it is worth visiting the largest fabric markets and exhibitions in the country.

The largest textile markets in China

Various types of woolen materials are produced in China:

  • felt;
  • boucle;
  • tweed;
  • cloth;
  • gabardine;
  • wool and so on.

At the moment, there are five large markets in the country, where you can not only study the range offered, but also communicate with representatives of manufacturers:

  1. Silk City is located in Hangzhou. The main assortment is silk, but there are also wool products in a wide range and are sold in large quantities every day;
  2. "China Textile City" is located in Shaoxing and is the largest market in all of Asia. Its area reaches 230 thousand square meters, the market has more than one and a half thousand stores with a range of fabrics from 19 thousand manufacturers. Thousands of types of fabrics are sold here every day;
  3. "Chinese Oriental Silk Market" in Jiangsu. The area of ​​retail premises in length reaches four kilometers, on which there are dozens of large shopping districts. More than six thousand textile factories present their products here;
  4. Zhong Da is located in Guangzhou. The entire territory of the market is divided into various thematic zones, where fabrics, home textiles, furs, production base materials are sold. We can say with full confidence that here you will find any fabric for sewing a variety of styles. Thousands of brands sell their products on the market;
  5. Nanhai Xiqiao is located in Guangdong Province. At the moment, it is considered a center for the sale of various types of fabrics, as well as a place for negotiations, including international ones. Manufacturers from all over the country and abroad come here to sign contracts.

These are one of the largest and most popular markets in Asia, which are visited daily by thousands of buyers from all over the world.

Production, markets and suppliers

Approximately 80% of the fabrics produced worldwide are produced in China. There are a lot of them and it is impossible to list them all. However, it is worth mentioning the largest and most popular:

  • the leader in Chinese production is the Guangdong province, where they produce high-quality denim used by the largest companies in Europe and America.
  • the main production of flax is carried out in the province of Urumqi, the fabrics are excellent for home textiles and clothing;
  • Zhejiang province is considered to be the main producer of cotton fabrics, and factories for the production of elite silk are also located here.

It is also worth repeating that China is home to the largest fabric markets in the world:

  • in the city of Shaoxing, there is the largest fabric market in Asia, which is still developing dynamically. Products are represented by more than a thousand manufacturers, and more than a hundred thousand people visit the market every day. Here are the international trade zones focused on foreign buyers;
  • Huangzhou is world-famous for its weaving industry, with more than six hundred enterprises specializing in tailoring and the production of natural silk;
  • there is a market in Guangzhou where they offer synthetic, non-woven and natural fabrics, a large selection of sewing accessories;
  • There are more than ten shopping districts in Chengze City, where silk, knitted, synthetic and upholstery fabrics are offered.

If you want to find good suppliers, then it is better to look for them not in the markets, but at specialized exhibitions:

  • Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is held twice a year, a large selection of natural fabrics;
  • Intertextile Shanghai Hometextile offers a wide range of fabrics for home and furniture;
  • China Keqiao Textile Expo showcases lightweight fabrics and various equipment.

GUANGZHOU KARLSON TRADING LTD assists in the selection, purchase and delivery of fabrics and. Specialists are ready to provide the best conditions for cooperation, select the most advantageous offers from Chinese manufacturers and transport the purchased goods.

How to profitably deliver fabrics from China in bulk

Most of the textile manufacturers in the Middle Kingdom are located in Shaoxing, and there is also a wholesale market where businessmen from different countries make purchases. The popularity of this region is easy to explain - with a large selection of goods, suppliers do not overcharge, there are no intermediaries, which means that you can buy fabrics inexpensively and in the right amount.

The peculiarity of local trade is that here the price of goods is calculated per kilogram, that is, it is cheap to buy bed linen fabric from China in bulk by weight, and not in rolls. Given the number of local factories and showrooms, you will have to walk here for more than one day if you don’t know where to choose quality goods. Our employees have been delivering products from China for many years, including furniture fabrics, fabrics for ritual services, tailoring of children's clothing, curtains and tablecloths, etc. Knitwear, linen, silk, cotton, artificial fabrics are all available on the market. Samples with article numbers are offered for ordering goods from the manufacturer's agent.

Look at our online catalog with goods that we have already delivered to Russia and make sure that without the help of professionals it is simply impossible to choose from such a variety. For those wishing to order textiles, we offer a choice of different options for cooperation - we organize a meeting in China, introduce the manufacturer and accompany the transaction, or select samples and negotiate with suppliers, taking into account all the requirements of the customer. If you want to personally order fabrics from China in bulk directly from the manufacturer's warehouse, the help of our employees will not be superfluous. Specialists know the local language and the peculiarities of the Asian mentality, they will help you negotiate the right prices and conclude an agreement that is beneficial for both parties.

The benefits of working with us can be assessed after the first delivered batch of goods. We organize direct deliveries from the manufacturer, which means that wholesale Chinese fabrics will be delivered to our warehouse in Yiwu, where they will be tested for compliance with quality and all requirements. Only after that follows payment for the goods, consolidation in the warehouse or loading into a container for shipment to Russia. Details can be clarified by phone.

  • 8 800 100-12-73 - free number for calls from Russia
  • +86 1835-803-6572 - number in China, wechat and whatsapp on it

Shaoxing is China's textile city. Photo

Fabric samples from a manufacturer at a textile market in Shaoxing

Hundreds of factories will exhibit their products on the wholesale fabric market in China

The wholesale textile market in Shaoxing is open all year round. Fabric manufacturers exhibit samples of their products

Wholesale fabrics from the manufacturer in the showroom of one of the textile factories in the wholesale fabric market in Shaoxing, China

In Shaoxing, everything is well organized so that you can buy fabrics in bulk: spacious exhibition pavilions of factories, product samples, catalogs - everything is at your service.

Fabrics are sold in bulk by kilograms, not by meters, as is customary in Russia

Since all fabrics in Shaoxing are represented by direct manufacturers - Chinese textile factories, fabrics are sold in bulk at the lowest prices.

In addition to foreign entrepreneurs, wholesale purchases of fabrics in Shaoxing are carried out by Chinese clothing, furniture factories, factories for sewing bags and other enterprises that use fabric.

The range of fabrics sold covers, probably, all types of textiles that mankind has invented and produces. Hundreds of thousands of samples of curtain, upholstery, lining, outerwear fabrics, fabrics for the production of artificial flowers, knitwear...

Wholesale pavilion of Chinese textile factory in Shaoxing

It looks like the Chinese started an inventory here

And these are all right, the seller is bored

Chinese fabrics are in great demand in the international market, satisfying the textile needs of consumers in different countries. This is due to the wide range of both artificial and natural products, as well as affordable prices. Many products, such as Chinese silk, are also well-known brands, the popularity of which is due to the centuries-old history, as well as the amazing beauty and quality of the product itself. Every year they continue to grow. Moreover, not only fabrics used for tailoring are in demand, but also curtain and furniture textiles. Thus, the business of importing Chinese fabrics does not lose its relevance.

Can be done in various ways. For example, with the help of specialized exhibitions that are held annually in China, or with the help of relevant sites. After that, it is important to successfully negotiate with the supplier. It is best to specify in detail all the parameters of the order: type of fabric, color, size, density, manufacturing technology, and so on. The more detailed the conditions are fixed, the less likely it is to receive a low-quality product. It is useful to use a professional translator for a more constructive dialogue with the supplier. Usually, test samples are provided first, made in accordance with the order, and only after that the batch size, final price and delivery time are finally agreed.

An important stage is the direct transportation of the ordered batch. Typically, international transportation of fabrics is carried out by sea, but delivery can also be made by rail or road. The main feature is the preservation of the presentation of textiles. For this, fabrics are packed in various containers:

  • rigid containers (plywood and board boxes), usually transport cotton fabrics with cut pile, terry, linen, silk fabrics;
  • semi-rigid packaging (pressed bales using boards);
  • soft packaging (bales, bags, trunks), carry faux fur and fleecy fabrics.

If for delivery the goods are loaded into a container, you can use the primary packaging provided for by the standards. It is also important to observe the temperature regime, humidity and avoid direct sunlight when transporting fabrics. Like any import delivery, the import of fabrics from China requires. An experienced intermediary, well versed in all regulations, will become an indispensable assistant in the implementation of customs procedures.

Do you want to buy fabric in China in bulk per kilogram? We'll tell you how to do it. You can choose fabrics in the Chinese online stores TaoBao (TaoBao) and Alibaba (Alibaba, 1688). Buying fabrics on Aliexpress (Aliexpress) is unprofitable. It is better to buy fabrics in bulk directly from Chinese manufacturers on the 1688 website. Wholesale suppliers from the 1688 website offer you to buy fabrics at retail, wholesale or large wholesale. The price of fabric can be indicated per meter, half a meter or per kilogram. Chinese online stores can offer you a huge range of goods. On our website TiBiMi you can place an order for any type of fabric (textile, silk) in any quantity. We will buy the fabric, check the quality, make a photo report and arrange delivery to Russia and other countries.

Buy fabric from China

  1. Imported fabrics .
  2. Skin.
  3. Thick, wool.
  4. Linen .
  5. Denim.
  6. Fur .
  7. Fabric for clothes.
  8. Thick fabric for curtains, furniture.
  9. Fabric for bed linen.
  10. Fabric for dolls.
  11. Monochromatic fabrics without a pattern.
  12. Fabrics with patterns of plants and flowers.
  13. Fabrics with geometric patterns.
  14. Striped fabric.
  15. Children's fabric with drawings of animals.
  16. Fabric with landscapes and decorations.
  17. Fabric with large images of people, animals.
  18. Fabric with heart pattern and polka dots.

Verified fabric stores on TaoBao:

What are the advantages of buying fabric in China? You can buy fabric at any time, all you need is Internet access. You do not need to visit factories and factories in China. The entire range of fabrics is already available to everyone in Chinese online stores. You buy fabrics by the kilogram, not by the footage as is customary in Russia. Buying fabric in kilograms is much more profitable.

How to distinguish the price of fabric per meter, half meter or kilogram is indicated on the Chinese website? It is easy to distinguish if you know the designations of hieroglyphs.

In the picture below, the fabric is sold in bulk at a price per kilogram. Sell ​​from 30 kg. Hieroglyph 千克 translates as "kilogram".

This store sells by the metre. Hieroglyph translates to "meter".

On TaoBao, most often they sell fabrics by the yard or half a meter. Like in this store. The name of the product and the color of the fabric indicate that the price is for half a meter ( 半米价 - translation "price per half meter", where 半米 - half a meter, and - price).

In China, you can buy different types of fabrics:

  1. Chintz.
  2. Coarse calico.
  3. Poplin.
  4. Satin.
  5. Percale.
  6. Jacquard.
  7. Tencel.
  8. Eco-leather.
  9. Crepe.
  10. Diving.
  11. Tapestry.
  12. Brocade.
  13. Velveteen.
  14. Velours.
  15. Tarpaulin.
  16. Velvet.
  17. Crepe de Chine.
  18. Polyester.
  19. Reps.
  20. fleece.
  21. Plush Minky dot with pimples.

You will find more links to fabrics in another article.

How to buy fabrics in China in bulk

To buy fabrics in China in bulk, you can use the services of a trusted and reliable intermediary AliBaba - site

We can help in finding the right fabric, you can leave questions in our and get advice.

Why is an intermediary needed? The intermediary will save you from all risks: he will buy the goods on his own, take care of all the hassle of communicating with the seller, check the goods for defects, in case of defects, return the fabric back to the supplier, pack it in a parcel and arrange safe delivery of the bulk lot through Customs. For these purposes, an intermediary is needed. You are required to timely pay for the goods in rubles and respond in the order. During the processing of an order or redemption, your personal manager may have clarifying questions from you, so visit the order daily and answer questions as soon as possible so as not to delay the redemption of the goods. You do not need to think about converting currencies from rubles to dollars or yuan. We accept payments in rubles to an account with Sberbank.

To buy wholesale fabrics in China, you need:

  1. Select fabrics. Use the links in this article.
  2. on our website.