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Opening a shoe repair shop. Shoe repair shop. We create a business Promotion of a shoe repair shop

The need for repair services among people arose with the advent of the first shoes. Nowadays, shoe repair as a business is a field of activity that brings entrepreneurs a good, stable income. Therefore, in today's publication, we will touch upon topical issues related to organizing a shoe repair business at home.

Shoe repair business plan

Experienced entrepreneurs clearly understand that pre-planned actions will help them achieve the desired result in a short time. Therefore, take an example from successful businessmen and, before starting your own business, be sure to draw up a detailed business plan.

Business profitability. It is very important to analyze the level of competition and demand for a shoe repair service. This business area is quite competitive, because the demand for services is quite high. But you can always get around competitors by correctly analyzing the pricing policy and the quality of the services provided.

Benefits of a Shoe Repair Business

  • Minimum investment. Most people do not have a large start-up capital for starting a business, so you have to look for suitable low-budget areas of activity where you can really realize yourself. Shoe repair at home is a great business option that can bring a good steady income;
  • Fast payback. Small investments and a huge demand for services will allow you to quickly recoup all costs and make a profit. Agree, this is a pretty good advantage;
  • Fixed salary. Properly constructed pricing policy and the provision of a wide range of quality services will attract people. Over time, having received regular customers, you will provide yourself with a stable, high income.

Business registration

First of all, you need to legally formalize your type of activity. It is most advantageous to choose individual entrepreneurship as a substantive form of activity. After receiving a certificate of registration, you need to select the form of taxation (in this case, UTII).

In addition, it is required to obtain permits for activities from the sanitary, fire services and Rospotrbnadzor.

Room selection

The premises of your repair shop must comply with the requirements of the sanitary and fire services.

Shoe repair at home. Alternatively, you can start your business from home. If the property has a garage, then it can be equipped as a workshop and thus significantly save on rent.

The location of the workshop is of great importance, because the number of customers and, accordingly, the profit will depend on it. Therefore, you should be wise in choosing a place to open a workshop.

You can open a shoe repair shop in the private sector or near high-rise buildings. High traffic and a large congestion of living people will allow you to get your first customers in a short time and a guaranteed stable income.

Room rental. The rental price will depend on the location and area.


The cheapest way is to rent a land plot and place a shoe repair kiosk there. This budget option is suitable for novice entrepreneurs with a small starting capital. Consider the nuance that your visitors will be middle-class people, so the prices for services should be objective.

Renting premises in a shopping center

This option is more expensive, because the cost of renting in a large shopping center is quite high, but there are quite a lot of visitors there, and the cost of services is much higher.

Elite shoe repair shop

Alternatively, you can rent a separate room to provide a wide range of shoe repair services. But here it is worth considering that your clients will be rich people, so the quality of services should be high. Accordingly, you will have to spend a lot of money on the purchase of professional equipment for shoe repair.

Shoe repair equipment

Opening a workshop involves the purchase of the necessary equipment for the provision of shoe repair services. As mentioned above, its cost will depend on the format of your business. An elite salon requires special equipment, and for a small workshop, standard tools will suffice.

Necessary equipment:

  • Shoe needles, awl - price from 500 rubles;
  • Glue - from 50 rubles;
  • Hammer, nails, pliers - from 1500 rubles;
  • Shoe gun - about 300 rubles;
  • Shoe paw, rasp - about 1000 rubles;
  • Electric stove (for heating glue) from 1000;
  • Abrasive skins - 50 rubles;
  • Sewing machine - from 5000;
  • Compressor - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • Machine tool - about 40 thousand;
  • Components: pieces of leather, soles, heel rubber, soles, insoles, polyurethane, threads. The cost is about 5-8 thousand rubles.

Naturally, some equipment can be purchased second-hand and thus significantly save. In addition, if you open a small repair shop, then it is quite possible to get by with standard tools and inexpensive materials at the initial stage.

hired personnel

Everything here will depend on the format of the business. In the case of opening a small shoe repair shop, it is quite possible to handle it yourself or hire an assistant. If you have no skills in shoe repair, then look for a good master, always with experience. Remember that a lot will depend on the quality of the services provided, so try to create a good impression at the initial stage and get regular customers.

It can be concluded that shoe repair as a business is a fairly profitable business. Wish you luck.

Opening your own shoe shop promises good profits for entrepreneurs. There is a constant demand for this type of service, which means that the income will be constant, and the payback period will be short.

However, in order for your small business not to go bust, you need to know how to advertise a shoe repair shop, and for this, in turn, you need to choose only the most effective methods of promotion and abandon obviously losing methods.

This article is designed to help entrepreneurs determine which advertising methods are great for promoting a shoe shop, and which ones are more likely to hit the budget than bring serious benefits.

Point decoration


The design of the facade of a shoe repair shop, of course, is less important than the appearance of the beauty salon. However, this does not mean that this issue should not be given attention. Your premises should look neat and be clearly visible from the street, because passers-by often turn to the workshop that they notice on the way to their home, work and places where they shop.


Order a bright and noticeable sign. It is she who is the most important tool for outdoor advertising for a shoe workshop. As a rule, the phrase “shoe repair” or the “speaking” name of the enterprise, for example, “Heel”, is written on it in large letters. The presence of a logo, for example, an image of a shoe or a boot, will not be superfluous, because it will also be a kind of marker that will not let passers-by confuse your workshop with a grocery store or a hairdresser. As a rule, the owners of such enterprises prefer not to spend money on exquisite, elaborate luminous signs - a standard bright design made of durable materials will suffice.

LED scoreboard

If you do not want to miss potential customers passing by your outlet in the evening, order an LED display. The simplest, one-color option will be enough, because your task is precisely to inform passers-by. Such advertising media cost less than a full-fledged LED sign, which means that such an option is more preferable. The service life of such boards is very long - as a rule, they are able to operate around the clock for 10 years.

Outdoor advertising


Bright advertising banners, placed on the facade of your premises or near it, will also attract the attention of visitors. Such posters are a kind of guarantee that a passer-by will definitely notice your point. Moreover, such banners can contain basic information about services (usually in the form of a list).

This is an undoubted advantage of posters, because each potential client will know exactly what services he can count on in this workshop.


Pavement signs are one of the most effective outdoor advertising tools. By placing them in front of your workshop, you, again, provide the point with additional attention to passers-by.

Such designs should be bright, and the text on them should be as "readable" as possible. Try not to use boring long phrases, focus on a concise and useful list of services for the consumer. Remember, a passer-by will not stop to take a closer look at your advertising medium.

All the necessary information on the pillar should be read in just a few seconds.


Shoe repair signs are a necessary promotional tool, especially if your location is not on the first line of houses. As a rule, they are placed on the walls of houses near the enterprise itself.

Printable advertisement


Flyers are an inexpensive yet effective form of advertising. Order a batch from a printing house and distribute it to the mailboxes of nearby houses. Remember, they don't always have to be as visually appealing as beauty salon flyers. Therefore, you don't have to spend money on glossy printing and sophisticated design. The only exception will be, perhaps, only "elite" workshops and points where expensive shoes are sewn.

business cards

Business cards are a real "must have" for shoe shops. Be sure to order a batch from a printing house or advertising agency, after making sure that this media contains all the necessary information about your point, namely the address, phone number, a short list of services, and also the opening hours. Distribute business cards to each client - they will serve as a material reminder of your workshop.

Internet advertising

banner advertising

Advertising banners on the resources of the city will be useful for a shoe repair shop, especially in the initial stages of the business. Giving it to all possible sites does not make sense - try to choose a few of the most popular pages that are visited by residents of your particular city.

Groups in social networks

Having accounts on social networks, namely on Vkontakte and Facebook, is a rather controversial decision, because users are unlikely to be interested in communities of this format. However, this service is free, and you can get creative by posting interesting news and information about your services in a casual, engaging way. However, remember that such advertising is still relevant for more exclusive workshops than for ordinary “around the corner” format points.

Announcement Sites

Despite the fact that a person who wants to repair shoes is unlikely to look for a workshop on such resources, there is still a chance that a user will accidentally stumble upon your advertisement and remember it at the right time. Moreover, posting ads on such resources is free, which means that this opportunity is definitely worth using.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time to select the necessary resources to create it and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.


word of mouth

Remember, the best advertisement for businesses like shoe repair shops is value for money. First of all, you need to make sure that your masters do really high-quality work, which will make customers come back to you again and again.

Discounts and promotions

Despite the fact that such workshops rarely have a loyalty program, many aspiring entrepreneurs prefer to provide customers with special bonuses. So, for example, you can offer a good discount if a visitor brings a friend. Such a measure is especially justified if you want to create a permanent customer base as quickly as possible.

Electronic directories

Registration on resources such as 2Gis and 2Geo will be a great help for business. However, remember that it is better to place your data in such directories for free, bypassing paid advertising. As a rule, it simply turns out to be ineffective.

What Ads Don't Work for Shoe Repair Shops

  1. Official site. Promotion via the Internet will not benefit the vast majority of shoe repair shops. The only exceptions will be, perhaps, only points where shoes are sewn and repaired at high prices or workshops that not only repair shoes, but also pick up and deliver them after repair. But if you open a point of standard format, you simply do not need a site.
  2. Advertising on radio and television. Despite the fact that there is a massive demand for the services provided in such workshops, such points, as a rule, are not advertised in the media. This is explained simply - such advertising simply does not pay off. Yes, and people often prefer to rent shoes to workshops that are nearby.
  3. Advertising in magazines and newspapers. Such advertising also does not make sense for most workshops. However, if your services are expensive, and your company is positioned not just as a repair studio, but as a workshop where they work with really high-quality and very expensive shoes, such advertising can contribute to business development. However, in this case, you should not just give an advertising module, but write an article, for example, about shoe care, subtly and unobtrusively informing about your enterprise.

For many centuries, people have needed shoes and their maintenance. The volumes of the shoe industry remain high, and the demand for the services of shoe repairers does not subside. Moreover, people turn to repair worn-out pairs much more often than they buy new ones in a shoe store.

This applies to representatives of all classes. Elite boots for 1000 euros and modest sandals bought at a sale also need periodic repairs. Therefore, shoe repairmen have never been idle, and well-organized repair shops are still a very profitable type of business with minimal investment (such as the related key making business).

Types of repair shops, their profitability

You can open a shoe repair shop in 3 formats: economy, medium level and VIP

1 Economy workshops the most common. Most often they are located in kiosks or small rented premises - 6-10 m2. Designed to provide a narrow range of services, such as:

  • replacement and repair of heels,
  • supinators,
  • heels,
  • soles,
  • insoles,
  • lightning and locks,
  • prevention installation,
  • line, paint.

To expand this list do not allow small areas on which it is impossible to place the corresponding equipment. The equipment is usually used the simplest and cheapest, which allows you to set low prices for services. The target audience is the population of low or middle income level.

This line of business cannot be classified as highly profitable. An experienced shoemaker can repair 20 pairs of shoes per day. The average cost of services is 150 rubles. In this scenario, the daily income will be about 3 tr. About 1 tr should be subtracted from it. material costs. The total daily revenue will be, at best, 2 tr.

2 Enterprises middle level are distinguished by a wide range of services (up to 150 items) and a high level of prices. They are located on areas from 30 m2. Shoes are repaired using expensive high-quality equipment. They are in demand among the population of average and above average income levels.

Such workshops, with their proper placement and a constant flow of customers, can bring a good income. Judge for yourself: with 30 orders per day, an average cost of 500 rubles. the daily income will be 15 tr., and the profit minus the cost of materials - 10 tr.

3 VIP workshops specialize in luxury shoe repair. They are usually located in high-income neighborhoods and provide services to single clients. People who have bought shoes for several thousand dollars will never trust them to medium-sized and, especially, economy-sized enterprises. They prefer to repair it in such specialized workshops, equipped with the appropriate equipment, allowing restoration of any level of complexity.

Such a business is highly profitable, but rare and risky. You will have to purchase equipment for at least 200 thousand dollars, and without a stable flow of customers, it will hardly pay off in less than 4-5 years.

Registration procedures


  1. Registration of the company in the tax. When choosing a legal form, we recommend giving preference to IP. This will make it possible to apply UTII, and from 2013 - a patent form of taxation.
  2. Choice of OKVED codes:

    52.71 Repair of shoes and other leather goods
    52.74 Repair of household and personal items, n.e.c.

  3. Registration in the Pension Fund and other off-budget funds
  4. Purchase of a cash register or strict reporting forms
  5. Before opening a business, it is necessary to bring the premises in line with the requirements of the State and Rospotrebnadzor


The workshop is usually equipped with:

1. Kiosk (6-10 m2).

You can get this design in two ways:

  • rent a piece of land from the state (from 2 thousand rubles per month) and install an acquired stall on it (from 100 thousand rubles);
  • rent both land and a kiosk (from 30 tr. per month).

2. Separate room.

For a small workshop, it is enough to rent about 6 m2 (from 6 tr. per month). For a medium-sized enterprise, you will need at least 30 m2 (from 30 tr per month). It is advisable to place the workshop in a passable place - in the market, in a shopping center, the basement of a house in a densely populated residential area.

The room must have a reliable power source. Professional equipment used for shoe repair consumes a lot of electricity. Medium-sized establishments should be equipped in such a way that the pick-up and drop-off area is separated from the working area. In some cases, it is advisable to place reception points in large shopping centers, and carry out repairs in a hotel room.

Shoe repair equipment

Minimum set of equipment:

  • electric stove (for heating the glue) - 1000 r.
  • shoe paw - 1 tr.
  • grindstone - 3 tr.
  • electric drill - 1.5 tr.
  • shoe rasp - 250 r.
  • shoe gun - 250 r.
  • awl - 250 r.
  • pliers and wire cutters - 500 r.
  • a set of shoe needles - 500 rubles.
  • hammer and nails - 500 r.
  • abrasive skins - 10 r.

You will also need components in the amount of 5 tr. (pieces of leather, heel rubber, different soles, soles, polyurethane, special threads, arch supports, etc.)

To provide a wider range of services, you will need:

  • processing machine - from 40 tr.
  • sewing machine - from 6 tr.
  • burner - from 2.5 tr.
  • compressor - from 20 tr.


Most often, shoemakers work for themselves, organizing small firms. But if you want to create an enterprise of a larger format, you will have to recruit specialists. This is a rather problematic issue. Shoemaker is a rare profession. Shoemakers are trained only in some technical schools, where there is a specialty "Technology / Design of leather products." It is advisable to contact a recruiting agency if you cannot find staff through personal acquaintances.

The demand for the services of shoemakers has been and will always be high. According to experts, already in the first season of wearing, every tenth pair of shoes needs to be repaired. Every thirtieth is made of expensive materials, and therefore requires special care. Given that the demand for shoes, including elite ones, is constantly growing, the shoe repair business will always find its client.

Who and when wears shoes for repair

For a long time there was an opinion that the shoe repair shop mainly works for the middle class and below. They say that it is easier for the rich to buy new shoes than to repair old ones. But in fact, wealthy people seek repairs no less than the rest. Buying luxury shoes makes it easier to pay for expensive repairs than shelling out another $400 for a new pair.

But cheap shoes are rarely repaired. In this case, it is much more reasonable to buy a new pair for 300 rubles than to pay 250 rubles. for the repair. Therefore, the main client of the workshops is the middle class and above.

It is believed that this is an off-season business - people always wear shoes for repairs. But in practice, a shoe repair shop receives the most orders in the off-season, when people switch from one type of shoe to another.

Shoe shop formats

Before drawing up a business plan for a workshop, you need to decide on its format. There is such a division of the level of workshops:

  • cheap;
  • middle level;
  • elite format.

The biggest competition in the cheap segment. There are many craftsmen who use a minimum of tools and the cheapest materials to carry out repairs. Naturally, the quality of work offered is appropriate. In order to start such a business, it is enough to include in the expense plan the purchase of a special machine for 19 thousand rubles. and repair shoes in a kiosk on the street. But you need to understand that with all your desire, expensive shoes will not be brought here.

The medium format is considered to be the ideal solution, since various shoes can be repaired here. For work, various tools, materials of different quality are purchased for different types of shoes. Such workshops tend to open in stationary premises.

The elite format of the workshop has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is the cost of services. To repair shoes here, you need to focus on a price of a thousand rubles or more. Therefore, such workshops are located in prestigious areas, for example, in shopping centers. A significant drawback of such a business is an extremely narrow target audience and a large plan for spending on expensive materials, equipment, work of craftsmen and rent. All this can increase the payback period of the business. Therefore, we will further consider how to open a mid-level shoe repair.

Brief opening plan

Having decided on the scope of activity, you can draw up a business plan for opening a workshop. With its help it is necessary to solve such basic questions.

Company registration

First of all, you need to formalize your business. To do this, you need to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. There is no fundamental value on which format to choose. If you open a small workshop on your own, you can register an individual entrepreneur - it's faster and easier to keep all the necessary reporting documentation later. If you have a partner or you are opening a large-scale project, it makes sense to register an LLC. But then, before registration, it is necessary to form the authorized capital. To register with the tax office, you must select the type of taxation. Most often, UTII or a simplified system is recommended.

Also, when registering, you must specify OKVED codes. In the case of a shoe workshop, these will be:

  • 52.71 Repair of footwear and other leather goods;
  • 52.74 Repair of household and personal items, n.e.c.

Since such services are usually paid in cash on the spot, it is advisable to purchase a cash register or use strict reporting forms. The cash register is, of course, an additional cost. In addition, it must be registered with the tax office, and this is an additional time cost. Therefore, more often workshops work with forms.

You also need to register with a number of funds and obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate and the SES.

Room search

Logically, to open such a business, you need to look for a place where a large flow of people passes during the day. It is desirable that your workshop is located on the path of movement of potential customers from work to work. Many recommend looking for a place near the metro. But in fact, the choice of location largely depends on which target audience you are targeting more. The metro, for example, is rarely visited by those who move around the city by car. And these are mostly very solvent customers. Therefore, it is better to open your workshop in a residential area, where it is guaranteed that you can cover several categories of the population. True, you need to carefully check the area for the presence of competitors and try to place your point as far as possible from them.

If possible, it is desirable to divide the room into two zones. The main one should be allocated for working areas, and a small area should be allocated for receiving clients. Today they pay attention to the level of service, so you need to clearly respond to this market requirement.


The next item that your business plan should include is the purchase of the necessary equipment and tools. For a full-fledged workshop, it is necessary to purchase at least 30 items of various equipment. Moreover, it is advisable to buy imported equipment, since it can be used to carry out work much better. This equipment is not cheap. For example, a German-made combine costs an average of 20-30 thousand euros. But experts recommend that you first purchase a minimum set for typical work, and then gradually expand the arsenal of equipment and services offered.

You can save money by purchasing used equipment. So, a set of European used machines will cost 60 thousand dollars, and Russian ones - 10 thousand dollars. If you take a new import directly from the factory, you need to put at least 80 thousand dollars into the cost plan for this item.


In addition to equipment and tools, you need to draw up a plan for the purchase of consumables. These include at least:

  • heels;
  • overlays;
  • heels;
  • adhesives;
  • leather.

Their purchase price directly depends on the quality. High-quality heels will cost 200-250 rubles. for a couple, prevention stickers - 400-500 rubles. At the same time, you must be ready to accept a non-standard order and have the necessary details for it - people sometimes bring extremely non-standard shoes.

You can buy consumables both abroad and from domestic manufacturers. It all depends on the desired quality of the product. You can save on purchases if you make purchase orders out of season, when purchase prices are significantly reduced. In addition, if the level of your business format allows, you can find domestic analogues and buy them much cheaper.


Particular attention should be paid to the organization of the workplace of the master in accordance with safety requirements. Each work place must be located on an area of ​​​​at least 7 square meters. m. Also indoors, and preferably over each workplace, you need to install a powerful hood. The room should be free of dust, smell of glue, paint. Each master should have working clothes, glasses, a mask for different types of work. You also need to ensure that the master does not start work tired - this is extremely traumatic.

Other nuances

Plan your workshop schedule in advance. It is advisable to open from 7 am so that people going to work can bring their shoes in for repairs. It is worth finishing work by 20.00, so that customers can pick up shoes on the way home. It also makes sense to work on Saturdays and at least half of Sundays. Most people solve everyday issues at this time.

Partnerships with other representatives of the service sector will help to increase the work plan. For example, you can open a point of acceptance of orders based on dry cleaning, laundry or sewing workshop. It will be convenient for customers to carry all things at once, intermediaries will receive a percentage of orders, and you will expand your customer base.

Investments in discovery

The financial plan will vary greatly depending on the area of ​​​​the premises and the number of employees. To open a workshop for 20-30 sq. m. with two masters and one clerk will need about 100 thousand dollars of investment. The main part of these funds will be spent on the purchase of the necessary equipment, consumables and payment for the rent of the premises.

It is unlikely that you will be able to borrow this money from a bank. Startups are always associated with high financial risk, so banks can only go for such loans if you show good financial results within six months or a year. Therefore, it makes sense to consider franchising options at the start.

Cost plan for the first year of the workshop

The calculations do not include rent, as its size varies greatly within the city, district. In addition, the salary indicator is conditional. More often it is formed on the basis of percentages of completed orders. As a rule, in subsequent years, the item of expenditure is reduced by about a quarter and consists of:

  • rent;
  • wages;
  • utility costs;
  • purchases of consumables.

The payback of the project depends on the number of orders. As a rule, at first it is possible to receive about six clients per day, and by the second year of work - up to 30. Accordingly, if the services of your workshop are promoted, you can receive at least $ 35 thousand per year. The profitability of the business varies between 6% and 18%, and the term payback averages about three years.

Development prospects

The most common types of work in workshops are:

  • installation of heels;
  • installation of soles;
  • replacement of lightning;
  • heel replacement.

But a modern workshop, equipped with the necessary equipment, is capable of performing up to 20 different types of work, taking 20-30 orders per day. Of course, until the client base has been developed, such indicators cannot be seen, but they must be strived for.

First of all, you can take on complex orders that "handicraft" workshops refuse. Having the right equipment, you can carry out exclusive orders. By the way, for exclusivity, as well as for urgency, you can set a certain margin.

You can increase the flow of customers by expanding the range of related services. For example, if the area allows, you can allocate space for minor repairs of clothing, leather goods or household appliances. Or open a point for receiving orders for such repairs. It makes sense to organize the sale of cosmetics for shoes, especially exclusive ones.

Marketing and Advertising

It is important not only to open a workshop and offer quality services, but also to constantly expand the customer base, increasing the number of regular customers. Today, the media are not used for these purposes, since they have lost their relevance in this sense. A significant part of customers comes from the street, so it is important to make a beautiful and catchy sign. It also makes sense to distribute flyers and business cards near the workshop. Many people recommend giving orders to customers in branded packages: both the customer is pleased and you have a certain advertisement.

It is also worth paying attention to the Internet. Today it is able to bring a significant number of customers. It would be justified for the workshop to open its own website through which you can take orders. At the same time, take an additional fee for the services of a courier who arrives for the order, and then takes it back to the client. However, in order for the site to give the proper return, it is necessary to invest in its promotion, and this is about another $ 250 per month. It makes sense to place ads on free boards on the Internet, create your own groups on social networks, and also use discounts and promotions through special resources. These steps will help create a base of regular customers, of course, subject to quality work.
