Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Ideas for business in the field of children. Services for children: business ideas in the field of entertainment, education, etc. Helping neighbors is a simple business idea

During periods of crisis, purchasing power is significantly reduced and sales levels fall. It is easier to understand this phenomenon using the example of one family. As the level of income decreases, needs are reconsidered, and the money earned is spent only on the most necessary things. But there is a very interesting deviation from this rule - in any circumstances, parents do not skimp on the needs of their children. They make unimaginable sacrifices, limit themselves in everything for the sake of the opportunity to provide their children with quality products and things, toys that bring children joy, education and entertainment.

A business selling goods for children or providing services to young clients is doomed to success, because meeting the needs of a child is the main priority for parents. It doesn’t matter what the economic situation is, what locality you live in, what the competition situation is in your chosen field. The demand for any goods and services related to children is very high and will continue to grow. Even in a small city with low consumer demand and high competition among children's stores, you can achieve success by creating another one.

In practice, there are very few worthy competitors in the market for children's goods and services. A common stereotype comes into play here: “There are already 2 children’s stores in our city, they won’t be able to lure away customers.” But in this situation, you should not consider possible competitors, but study the needs of potential customers. You will be amazed at how poorly services are provided in this area and how acute the shortage of quality goods for children is. Parents' complaints about the lack of the most necessary things for the child or the terrible service in the provision of services or their banal absence are heard literally at every step. This is a free niche, and you can start exploring it without any doubt.

It is worth paying close attention to parents. They are also consumers in the children's business category. Now there is a huge demand for “Courses for Young Parents” and any services to help mothers. When starting to search for an idea, study the needs of your immediate environment. You will see that even among your friends you can create a business that will become a gold mine, because these services or goods are really needed.

We bring to your attention several ideas that are currently absolutely not implemented in our country, but have great potential.

Tourism for children

Now there is a clear shortage of children's camps, tourist routes for various age groups and companies that organize children's hikes, trips to interesting attractions, and entertainment complexes. Children spend their holidays either with their grandparents or go to resorts with their parents. But communication with peers, the opportunity to try an independent life and relax in accordance with the interests characteristic of a certain age are very important.

Create an organization specializing in children's tourism. This is a big responsibility, but you can start small. For example, you can offer partnership to sports clubs where children participate. Come up with interesting hiking routes to local attractions or beautiful natural parks.

Children's car rental

This service is very popular in big cities and resorts in the summer. No doubt you've also had the pleasure of seeing how much joy the opportunity to ride in an electric car brings to little ones. On weekends, the line for these little cars never ends. But this type of business can be developed and made money from it at any time of the year.

You can rent a room, set up a track and offer children the opportunity to ride an electric car at any time. Other attractions can also be organized. If, in addition to entertainment, you teach children traffic rules and other useful knowledge, parents themselves will be happy to bring their child to your center.

Children's beauty salon

There is also a huge shortage here. Children get their hair cut in adult hair salons. For some reason, it is generally accepted that this is enough, and salons that specialize in providing services to children are simply not needed.

In fact, parents would be happy to take their baby to a special salon. If you have ever observed a child's tantrum in a hairdresser, the answer is obvious. The baby may be afraid of adults, sharp instruments, or too bright light. Children refuse to get their hair cut because they don't like their aunt with scissors or a buzzing clipper. Many kids simply do not like the procedure itself.

That is why it is important to have a specially designed salon, with a master who knows how to work with children. For many kids, their fear goes away when they see other children getting their hair cut. If you are involved in hairdressing, open a children's salon - this is a very promising area.

Thematic clubs

Previously, children's leisure time could be filled with clubs and sports sections, in which each child had the opportunity to develop their talents. There were a lot of areas in which these circles worked: for nature and technical lovers, various types of art, handicrafts, sports. With the collapse of the USSR, these organizations lost funding and gradually disappeared. This undoubtedly necessary and interesting tradition can be revived now by changing the name to thematic clubs.

Modern children have new hobbies - computers, innovative technologies. But their interests can be used, because understanding the basics of programming or creating a real robot under the guidance of an experienced teacher will only bring benefits and help children develop their talents. Don't discount other hobbies either. If you are an artist, create a drawing studio, a baking club will arouse interest among girls and their mothers, football and other sports will also find their ardent fans.

Parents will pay for classes in such a club. If you are a parent yourself, you probably know how difficult it is for your child to find a hobby and a way to fill his free time after school.

Children's taxi

Abroad, this idea has already begun to be implemented and immediately became very popular. All parents experience excitement when their child begins to get home from school, go to training or visit friends. It is impossible to surround a teenager or an older child with constant care, because he must learn to be independent. Many parents simply do not have the physical ability to accompany their children, because they are forced to be at work.

If a reliable taxi service appears in the city, which can be trusted to pick up a child from school and take him home, it will receive regular customers very quickly. High-quality service, ability to work with children, responsible attitude and guarantees for the safety of young passengers are the main success factors. It is not necessary to create a new company. This idea can be implemented within an existing taxi service by creating a special department.

Developmental programs

Despite the abundance of such programs, the demand for them is very high. Children's hobbies change very quickly, and what was popular and relevant just yesterday no longer arouses any interest in children today. Parents often complain that their children are too attached to computer games. Instead of scolding them and banning their favorite entertainment, you should simply create new educational games. A person who can offer an innovative approach that can interest children and provide food for their development can earn millions.

Write a fairy tale for a child

We are not talking about a full-fledged book, ordeals with publishers and other attributes of the difficult life of a writer. But you can create a small company that will write fairy tales to order. This idea is already being implemented, but has not yet received mass distribution. Imagine how happy your little one will be with a new book that describes his adventures as the main character. Children, unlike adults, have extremely developed imaginations and constantly imagine themselves as princesses or princes, their favorite animals and other fairy tale characters.

To implement this idea, we need a person who knows how to invent and write fairy tales, an artist and an energetic manager. Printing and binding of books can be ordered from local printing houses.

Children's theater

We are not talking about a real theater in which professional actors perform, but about a studio in which children themselves will learn roles, gain basic acting and stage skills and shine on stage. Interest in such a studio will appear immediately, because children really love to perform in various plays and theatrical performances. Parents' enthusiasm is also guaranteed - this is an opportunity to develop the child and keep him busy in his free time.

The benefits of such a hobby for general development are enormous, but children will also be able to start earning their first money. Paid performances in front of city residents and at children's parties are not difficult to organize, especially in a small town. Small towns experience a constant cultural hunger, and a performance by a theater studio will be a real event here. It is no secret that it was in such studios that future theater and film stars began their creative careers.

Organization of children's parties

This is not a new business idea, but there is no competition here yet, and the demand for organizing various holidays for children is constantly growing. Your services will be needed for birthdays, New Year's holidays, end-of-year parties and many other pleasant occasions.

You can choose any of the proposed directions or implement other business ideas. The demand for goods and services for children is very high. But it is important to love children, understand and be able to work with them. This is the main secret of success.

Business ideas for children: why children need business + 7 areas in children's business + famous child businessmen.

As you know, business is not an easy task. Not every adult can handle it, what can we say about children?

“Children should learn and play,” you say. And you will be absolutely right.

But we believe that for modern children running their own business is a very useful thing. Business ideas for children can bring them significant benefits.


  • the child develops, learns to think, set goals and achieve them;
  • gains an understanding of the value of work and money;
  • acquires business skills earlier than others, and accordingly will be able to develop his business faster in adulthood;
  • the child becomes more confident in himself and his capabilities;
  • acquires useful knowledge that cannot be obtained at school;
  • prepares for adult life and “adult” business;
  • it is easier for such a child to choose a future profession;
  • does not sit behind stupid people, he is not interested in communicating with disadvantaged children;
  • earns money himself, therefore, learns how to manage it correctly and can afford what his parents cannot buy;
  • in some cases, successful child businessmen are even able to replenish the family budget, and sometimes earn much more than their parents.

Of course, we are not talking about robbing your child of his childhood and forcing him to start his own business.

On the contrary, the idea of ​​involving a child in business should be approached when he himself has expressed a desire to earn money (believe me, such thoughts come to children’s minds quite often, even if they are afraid or embarrassed to tell you about it) or you want to attract him to interesting and useful occupation.

You should be creative when choosing a business idea for children. Observe your child, what he likes to do, what his hobbies are, what character traits are inherent in him.

Age, of course, also matters in choosing a field of activity. On average, a child from 8-10 years old can be involved in the activity.

Now let's look more specifically at different ideas for children's business.

1) Helping neighbors is a simple business idea.

The child can organize a “good offices bureau”.

How can a child be useful to neighbors? What kind of payment can he get for this?

We have compiled an approximate price list for a newly minted businessman.

What does a child need to start a business with help?

  • write an advertisement about a “good services bureau”, in which, of course, it is worth informing that this neighbor’s child wants to earn money and do useful work;
  • Post advertisements near your home, near the nearest store;
  • make a price list of the services provided;
  • Make a schedule for distributing orders by day of the week and daily routine.

    Specify right away what weight of products your child can order.

    Children should not lift heavy things, no more than 3 kg.

  1. The cost of cleaning should depend not only on the size of the apartment and the number of rooms being cleaned, but also on the “dustiness” of the work to be done.
  2. Explain to the young businessman that when fertilizing plants, you need to be extremely careful, do not inhale the fertilizer, and wash your hands thoroughly after use.
  3. Let your child walk only with small dogs and only on a leash.

    Plan your walking route in advance.

    Children get along well and babies usually like older children much more than adults.

    Of course, you cannot leave your neighbor’s child under the responsibility of your child.

    But it can be a great help when a young mother needs to cook, work, or receive a manicurist.

7 basic business safety rules for children

  1. You should always be aware of which “client” your offspring went to and when he should return.
  2. Accept orders only from familiar residents of the house.
  3. Always accompany your child to a “new client.”
  4. Explain to your neighbors that your child is engaged in business and useful work, and you are not forcing him to work.
  5. Tell your child about safety rules.
  6. Monitor your progress: if your child doesn’t have time to do his homework or is too tired, reduce the number of “orders.”
  7. Do not forget that the child must spend time in the fresh air, communicate with friends, and engage in other developmental activities - gymnastics, football, chess.

When the business gains momentum and new clients appear, then you can think about expanding the “company”.

Let your child recruit his friends to work in the office. He finds a client, agrees on services and their cost, sends his “employee” to perform the work and takes his percentage from this (for example, 15%).

2) Tutoring is a business for educated children.

Business of providing intellectual services – school “I’ll explain in an accessible language.”

Is your child a good student and able to express his thoughts and explain things? Create a school or courses with him.

Let him choose, with your help, in which disciplines he is strong. Mathematics, Russian, English, physics are the most in demand.

But there are children who need help in literature, biology, etc.

If a child is well versed in computers, he can teach his peers how to use different programs, for example, Power Point, PhotoShop. Programs for creating video clips and drawing cartoons are popular among children.

And given that computer literacy in children is usually higher than in adults, the older generation can easily be included in the list of potential clients.

To start a business, you need to prepare textbooks, other teaching materials, and possibly draw up a lesson plan.

Where to look for clients for such a business?

Start looking for clients at school.

Post advertisements and tell your class teacher about your idea. Go to neighboring schools too.

Place an ad in your local newspaper. Leave messages on the Internet on school forums, children's and teenage communities, and on electronic bulletin boards.

The price, of course, will have to be set much lower than the “market” one, but parents may agree to such a young teacher, wanting to save money.

What other services can be provided?

The list of services provided can also include checking homework and preparing for tests.

Services for doing homework and writing essays instead of the “customer” are very popular, but here it’s up to you and your businessman to decide whether to take on a not entirely honest business.

Online courses (via Skype, Viber or special platforms) quickly gain their audience. In this way, you can teach a lesson to several people at the same time.

This business idea is safer than the "good deeds bureau". However, do not neglect the safety rules described above.

3) Home workshop – a business producing hand made goods.

Business ideas related to hobbies and handicrafts are very popular among the adult population. So why not consider such an idea for a children's business? We are opening a home workshop for hand made.

What business ideas are there for children and what will they require:

    Knitting mittens, socks, slippers, hats, scarves, children's suits.

    Materials needed: set of knitting needles, yarn.

    Soap making.

    You will need: 2 enamel pans, a bowl, spoons, a fork, a knife, a grater, a whisk, skewers, scales, a measuring cup, a pipette, safety glasses, a mask, baby soap or ready-made soap base, vegetable and essential oils, herbs and other ingredients.


    The list of materials here is huge, it all depends on the choice of the artist: beads, polymer clay, various beads, ribbons, rhinestones, stones and special bases on which all this must be strung and glued.

    Wood products, for example, shelves, flower stands, photo frames.

    You need carpentry tools: hammer, saw, jigsaw, file; ruler, sandpaper, varnish, brush.

    Scrapbooking – decorating photo albums, frames, boxes, postcards.

    Necessary materials: scrap paper, colored paper, tracing paper, glue, beads, buttons, rhinestones, etc.

    Decoupage - decorating furniture, dishes, and interior items using paper.

    To work you need scissors, glue, varnish, a brush, thin paper.

How to sell handmade goods?

There are many educational materials and ideas for making hand made goods. Tell your friends and acquaintances about your child’s hobby - these are already one hundred percent first buyers.

To sell your product you can use:

  • electronic bulletin boards: or
  • sites specializing in this or
  • city ​​themed fairs.

You can try selling crafts at a local bazaar. But be careful, as representatives of law enforcement agencies may pay attention to the guys selling!

The way out of this situation will be old women selling with their hands. Ask them to help your child with sales.

If, then the child will be able to attract friends to his business and display their products on his website, receiving a percentage of sales for this.

4) Business ideas for children related to the Internet.

Surely, your child, like all other children, strives to spend as much time as possible playing computer games or surfing the Internet. So let him do it wisely!

We have selected business ideas for children for earning money and creative development using the Internet.

1. Creating your website

A team of children would work better for this business idea.

Create a website with your children. Now it is not so difficult for adults to understand this process. For example, you can use the free designer

But let the children show imagination and creativity - figure out how to fill this site, look for information that will be interesting to them and the audience. They will also think about what will help increase popularity.

Of course, it is unlikely that a serious business will come from such an activity. But it will unite the younger and older generations. And if the topic is “popular” and the site can be promoted, you can place paid advertising on it.

Running this business will undoubtedly give children skills that will be very useful in adulthood.

2. Create your own blog

A child starts his own page on blog hosting or

Every day he writes down his impressions, life stories, and invented stories. In short, he keeps his own diary, only in a more creative form (which many children already do in notebooks).

Gradually, the blog gains enough readers to place paid advertising on it. This is where business profits begin.

A more advanced version of such a business is . If a child has acting skills, charisma, and can speak beautifully, this is an excellent way to develop talents.

There are many topics for a video blog:

  • cooking;
  • master classes on hand made products;
  • English lessons;
  • animal care;
  • review of fashion, cartoons, toys, computer games.

By the way, this is the most profitable children's business at the moment.

Here is an example of child bloggers who earn very good money:
Miss Katy and Mister Max. This is a sister and brother, between them they have 7,000,000 subscribers. Video about new toys, travel.
They earn more than $10,000 a month for two (according to unconfirmed reports).

3. Working with advertising services

On such services you need to watch commercials, follow links, read letters, take tests, play demo versions of games and write progress reports, and answer questionnaires.

You can read more about the terms and conditions on any of the many sites:


5) Business ideas for talented children.

This kind of business is not easy to start. However, if nature has gifted your children with talent, then it must not only be developed, but also promoted.

For example, a child draws well. In addition to regional art school exhibitions, there are many exhibitions organized by patrons and artists to support young talents.

Look for such people, communicate on thematic forums, display your child’s paintings on the Internet and, perhaps, he will become as popular as 4-year-old Aelita Andre.

Aelita is the youngest artist recognized by critics and art historians. Her parents discovered her talent and passion for drawing absolutely by accident: her father forgot to remove the empty canvas.

The little girl took advantage of this and created her first masterpiece. She really liked the activity, and her parents supported this zeal, making Aelita her own workshop with everything she needed.

Some will say that her paintings are childish and devoid of meaning. However, at the moment almost $1,000,000 worth of works have already been sold.

If your child has acting talents, try to go through various castings with him as often as possible, act as an extra, communicate with film people, talk about your talented child.

Children's modeling business is very popular. Not many succeed in making their way to fame, but with the common efforts of children and their parents, everything is possible.

For example, Kristina Pimenova started her modeling business at the age of 4, participating in photo shoots and shows.

Now she is popular both in Russia and abroad, recognized by many fashion publications as the most beautiful girl.

6) Business for renting sports equipment for children.

To start a business, let your child gather a team of friends - the more, the better.

It is necessary to carry out a “property inventory” for children:

  • bicycles, skateboards, rollers;
  • helmets, other protection, skates;
  • skis, sleds;
  • dishes;
  • scooters;
  • badminton;
  • toy weapons, etc.

Of course, having received parental permission to rent out property to others. In this type of business, it is important for your children to think through the system for renting things out: cost, deposit, time.

This business will teach them attentiveness, responsibility and, in general, give them qualities that will definitely come in handy!

7) Business idea “Children for children” – animation.

Every parent loves to please their child. It's rare that a children's party is complete without entertainment.

Sociable, artistic children can benefit from this and gain good experience in the business of organizing and holding holidays.

As we already wrote above, kids are drawn to older children and find a common language with them much better. This is an undeniable advantage over the usual adult animators.

It is not necessary that the team will consist only of children. This could be a company of adults who work in a team with young talents.

Together you need to come up with ideas and prepare several options for holding the holiday.

The responsibility of choosing costumes or finding a service for renting carnival costumes will most likely fall on the shoulders of the parents, because Children's independence is not yet enough for this.

You can implement this business idea yourself or contact children’s entertainment centers and event agencies to gain experience for future businessmen.

Is there a small generator of business ideas growing in your family?

His endeavors need to be supported! Moreover, nowadays

Even business schools are opening for young entrepreneurs:

To summarize, I would like to say that child businessmen are, first of all, children. They need attention, help, support, advice.

Discussing with them and implementing business ideas for children, do not forget about praise, about safety rules in business and that children should have a happy childhood among friends.

Selling children's products is a business that will always develop. Regardless of the political and economic situation in the country, parents are always involved in raising their children, investing a lot of time and effort into it. In order for a child to grow up in a comfortable environment, he needs a large number of different goods.
That is why there will always be a demand for children's products, which means it is profitable to sell them.

Features of the business selling children's goods

The children's goods market today is one of the most dynamically developing. Evidence of this is from companies operating in completely different formats. These can be hypermarkets, departments in large shopping centers, shops in residential areas, chain points, fairs and even shops that operate only via the Internet. As a rule, each type has its own clients.

Chain stores and hypermarkets focus on the needs of customers with middle and high incomes. Small shops and specialized fairs are more economical retail outlets.
You can also distinguish universal retail outlets and stores specializing in certain product groups (toys, goods for newborns, clothing, stores for expectant mothers).

Opening a children's store

In order to open a children's goods store, it is necessary to analyze the market and decide on the type of outlet - will it be a general store or a highly specialized one. Next, the documents are registered. This process may take several months, while at the same time you can look for premises for a store.

Ideally, this should be a separate building or premises with a separate entrance from the street. You might consider renting space in a walkable shopping center. Since parents and children will often come to the store, it is worth considering the possibility of lifting a baby stroller into the sales area. This will significantly increase the number of visitors, and therefore buyers.

An equally important factor is transport accessibility. It should be convenient to get to the store by public transport (an important factor here is the presence of a stop nearby) or park the car in a convenient place.

If necessary, the premises should be renovated. It is better to choose bright colors that make children stop and stay in the store longer. In addition, the store can be divided into zones using color. The more zones, the more interesting. In addition, if space allows, you can allocate a small play area where kids can spend time while parents do shopping.

Personnel should be selected taking into account the specifics of the store. A very important quality for a seller is the ability and desire to communicate with children.

An equally important stage when opening a children's store is advertising policy. First of all, the store must have a bright, memorable sign. You can place several pillars at the entrance, and if possible, change the information there regularly. Advertising on the Internet, on television, and also in specialized institutions is excellent for children's stores. Do not forget that the best advertising was and remains word of mouth.

When drawing up the store’s operating hours, you should take into account the fact that many visitors will make purchases in the evenings or on weekends. Optimal opening hours are until nine in the evening on weekdays. On weekends you can close a little earlier. The longer a store is open, the more potential customers will be able to get there.

What are the best baby products to sell?

If opportunities do not allow you to open a hypermarket, you can limit yourself to a small assortment of children's goods. In order to determine the specifics of a retail outlet, you should study the assortment of stores operating in the area. Thus, in a residential area it is not advisable to open a second store selling goods of the same type in the same price range. And you shouldn’t open a small store next to a hypermarket - the profit will be significantly less than expected.

For example, it is best to open stores selling goods for newborns near a maternity hospital. They can sell cribs, strollers, walkers, diapers, clothes for little ones, as well as toys, cosmetic and hygiene items and various related products - dishes, bottles, pacifiers. If space allows, you can allocate space for water, juices and baby food. Such a zone is suitable for any store, regardless of location.

Shops in residential areas sell a large assortment of clothes or toys.

14 best business ideas related to children

Stationery or creativity kits are also well sold there.

Shops that sell everything for expectant mothers are very popular. There may be not only clothes for pregnant women, but also goods that will be needed in the first year of the baby’s life.

Specialized stores for creative arts will attract parents of inquisitive children, and stores with active games will appeal to parents whose children lead an active lifestyle.

How to organize the sale of children's goods?

It's no secret that the Internet has taken up a large part of our lives lately. And if earlier purchasing goods through the global network was perceived as something risky, today there is nothing unusual about it. You can order food, furniture, household appliances, clothing, and sporting goods via the Internet. Children's products are no exception.

The bulk of buyers– young parents aged 25 to 40 with average income. Surely, many of them are fluent in computers and can arrange delivery of the necessary goods.

Selling children's goods through an online store significantly reduces the seller's costs. There is no need to rent space or hire a large staff. In addition, the costs of storing goods are significantly reduced.

At the same time, to promote an Internet page, you will need to invest a certain amount of money so that the site stands out from its competitors. It will be necessary to resolve the issue of payment and delivery. If pickup is possible, you will need to rent a small office space. If the client places an order for delivery, the assistance of a courier will be required.

Ideally, you can combine sales at a stationary point and through an online store. This way you can significantly increase the number of potential clients.

Children's goods rental

A relatively new, but already in demand service is the rental of goods.

Both goods that are in seasonal demand and goods that are suitable only for a certain age are suitable for this type of activity.

Quite a profitable business is the rental of New Year's and holiday costumes. As a rule, the baby can only wear it once, so the item remains in good condition. To organize rental services, you will need to purchase costumes for different ages. An excellent place to find potential clients is schools, as well as additional education institutions where New Year trees and holiday events are held. As a rule, clients of such companies become regulars and recommend the company to their friends.

Another product that will be in demand for rental is car seats. This accessory will come in handy for a trip of several days. In addition, some car seat models are suitable for short-term use (a month or two). Therefore, it is more advisable to rent them than to buy new ones.

In addition, you can rent sporting goods, toys, clothes and even books.

In order to correctly compose the assortment of the future rental point, you should study the assortment of nearby stores. Ideally, you should come there as a buyer and find out what is in great demand and what the target audience lacks.

A very important service that you should provide to your clients is the possibility of redemption. If a child really likes a toy, parents should have the opportunity to buy it. This will bring in most of the business income.

Another interesting service– clients have the opportunity to hand over their belongings. This service may not bring much profit, but in this way you can significantly increase customer loyalty.

Another idea for a children's goods business

If you have a pedagogical education or have hired such employees, you can organize a leisure center for children. This could be a small room with a play area where buyers can leave the child under the supervision of a teacher for several hours. The service can be used regularly or as needed. The main thing is that adults feel confident in this center and can safely leave their children there.

Original business ideas for the development and entertainment of children

To create a profitable business, you need to determine the level of demand for the idea itself. A business aimed at organizing children's holidays is a fairly profitable niche. Kids are constantly hungry for entertainment. Whereas parents rarely refuse them, which only benefits the entrepreneur.

How to create a profitable business

Many people believe that entrepreneurs profit from ordinary people. But most ideas bring real benefits to children. By participating in the education and development of children, a businessman contributes to creating the future of his country. The ideas are relevant, because at the moment the employment of modern parents is reaching its peak. Consequently, any children's business will pay off extremely quickly. Most families need additional educational and entertainment facilities.

Several examples of children's business

To decide which business is better to open, you need to divide it into two groups:

  • Educational institutions.
  • Entertainment places.

Today there are many ideas that are successfully implemented by domestic entrepreneurs. Therefore, let’s look at some of them to understand which business is the most popular and profitable. Educational institutions include:

  • Kindergarten.
  • Training schools.
  • Sports grounds.
  • Developmental programs.
  • Organization of a children's theater, where every child can gain the skills of public speaking and acting.

Among the entertaining business ideas:

  • Organization of hiking trips and camps.
  • Construction of entertainment areas with attractions.
  • Carrying out children's parties.
  • Writing similar stories, fairy tales to order or for general publication.
  • Organizing a children's taxi (this is a popular type of business in Europe).

You can also open a beauty salon for children or organize car rentals for kids. Next, we will analyze some sectors of this business that are quite in demand and profitable. This will help you understand what is important for parents and open your own business.

Organization of a children's hiking trip

This idea does not require large material costs. Here you need activity, sociability and love for this type of recreation. Working with children is a pleasure.

The main requirement for business is originality.

Everyone is already tired of hackneyed routes and boring guides. People want to discover new places and activities. Tours can be divided into categories:

  • “Weekend” and multi-day routes.
  • Seasonal and non-seasonal.
  • Thematic excursion.
  • Physical education and recreation.
  • Combined.

To start a business, you need to recruit staff. Initially, you need a guide-leader who thoroughly knows the route, has good knowledge of the terrain and knows how to behave in extreme situations. Then you will need a person who will be responsible for cooking. If we talk about adult hikes, then you can cook food together. But the children won't cook. A doctor is also needed. Children are often injured, and during camping trips the level of danger increases. Additionally, you will need a talented animator who can entertain children and come up with interesting ideas. We must not forget about equipment. Professionals will tell beginners what exactly they should take on a hike and how to use it. As you can see, to open a children's business, you need a team of 3-4 people. The entrepreneur just needs to recruit a group of children, plan the route and take the necessary equipment.

Outdoor holiday for children

The next business idea also does not require large material costs. We are talking about children's entertainment that requires activity and mental alertness. For children to have fun, you just need to invite a clown or magician. To organize a business idea related to away holidays, an entrepreneur needs minimal costs. Anyone can master the art of magic tricks or come up with good jokes and competitions for children. You can start this type of activity with one person. Later, develop the business and increase personnel.

What is included in the cost of starting a business? This is registration of individual entrepreneurship, advertising, training or search for animators. This will require about 150-200 thousand rubles. If costs are reduced, then maximum efforts will need to be made to promote your own entrepreneurship. With good investments, proper business organization and a sufficient number of experienced employees, you can earn up to 1 million per month.

Business with babies in your arms - is it possible?

rub. for organizing children's parties.

Plan for creating a child development institution

An educational center is not only a promising business, but also quite useful. Many parents are unable to devote enough time to their child and therefore need outside help. If you open such a business, you won’t be able to make a lot of money right away. However, the entrepreneur will get a lot of satisfaction from the benefits he brings to society. This business is social in nature. How much does it cost to open your own development center? The initial investment will be from 500 thousand rubles. up to three million. It pays off within 3–5 years. To open a children's center you need:

  • Find a room, preferably large, so that children can feel free.
  • Equip the room in accordance with children's preferences, choose brighter colors, fill the rooms with light and toys.
  • Select experienced personnel who can adequately represent this business.
  • Complete all documents and licenses (the enterprise can be registered as a non-state educational institution or as a home kindergarten).
  • Create a highlight that will distinguish the company from competitive institutions.

If you open a center for children, it will do well in big cities. This type of business is always in demand. Such ideas involve combining business with pleasure. An entrepreneur receives not only maximum income, but also a lot of positive emotions from communicating with children and realizing the benefits brought to society. And the kids and their parents are happy.

Business ideas for mothers on maternity leave: what business to start for a mother on maternity leave

Several popular business ideas for children and teenagers

Children often ask their parents or older friends about how they can earn money on their own. But not every one of us can answer this question. Therefore, we will try to select several relevant business ideas for children. Popular business ideas:

  1. Earning money from blogging;
  2. Virtual nanny;
  3. Earning money from pets;
  4. School fair for pocket money;
  5. Ideas for teenagers: cleaning entrances;
  6. Children's photographer services;
  7. Trampoline business ideas;
  8. Work in advertising and trading companies;
  9. Coursework and theses for money;
  10. Business ideas on the Internet.

Earning money from blogging

You can advise and help your child create blogging so that he learns to write short stories or articles on topics that are interesting to his peers, and express thoughts about events that he understands. To open a blogging business and make money from it, you need to place advertising links at the end of each text. You can create a blog on free advertising hosting. In order for advertising to be bought on such a blog, it is important to take care of unique text. The blog platform for advertising must be “live” - this is the main condition of advertisers. Advantages of a business idea:

  1. Helps the child develop;
  2. It is better to master the rules of the Russian language;
  3. Helps you study better.

Such a business is also positive for developing in a child an analytical approach to everything that happens in life and a careful attitude towards money.

"Virtual Nanny"

These ideas for children's business have not yet been promoted. Opening a “virtual nanny” business means developing your child’s acting talent. The essence of the idea is based on the fact that little children love to listen to fairy tales at night, and their parents do not always have enough time to read to their kids about good fairy-tale characters. You need to tell the story in a pleasant, expressive but soothing voice over the phone, asking the baby’s parents to turn on the speakerphone. This service can be expanded by remote child care (read the same fairy tales or exciting stories to them during the day). You can set up payment per minute for services or for a certain time.

Earning money from pets

Living in a multi-storey building, you can offer busy neighbors to care for their pets: feed them by the hour, walk them for a reasonable fee. The child must do the work. This is a good way for children to save up for a desired purchase or have pocket money. After all, parents don’t always have free money. It is enough to help your child discover the possibility of earning money for children. Children will enjoy interacting with pets and spend time usefully. Such a service can cost from 100 rubles. in 1 hour. However, much depends on the region of residence of the aspiring entrepreneur.

School fair for pocket money

This business idea for children requires the help of mothers, fathers and grandmothers. They must help the children organize a fair at school. On it, children sell:

  1. Drawings;
  2. Embroidery;
  3. Knitted products;
  4. Other handicraft items;
  5. Sweets prepared at home with your own hands or with the help of grandmothers.

But at the same time it is necessary to ensure compliance with sanitary standards.

Ideas for teenagers: cleaning entrances

An idea for a teenager to earn money could be cleaning hallways. Residents of high-rise buildings are willing to pay for cleanliness in staircases and elevators. To open such a business, it is enough to make a simple advertisement in the form of free cleaning. After this, you need to distribute your contact information.

Children as business ideas for making money

The issue of payment is resolved directly with the residents. To begin with, you can offer from 70 to 150 rubles. per apartment per month (depending on the size of staircases, elevators, number of cleanings). The income of children in this business can be a good help to parents.

Children's photographer services

These business ideas can be implemented by children and teenagers. Today, they know the art of photo shopping better than adults and will be able to take interesting photographs. There are more than enough people who want to capture their child. The service can be offered:

  1. In kindergartens;
  2. Vacationers;
  3. In schools (dance, fine arts).

But you need to have an impeccable portfolio of your work, otherwise you won’t find clients. Parents' help is needed to implement this idea: to open a business, negotiate with the administration of a kindergarten, school, and recreation areas.

Open a trampoline business

When organizing children's recreation, trampolines have become popular. They are installed:

  1. On the beaches;
  2. In parks;
  3. In open areas.

Children and their parents willingly gather around them. Such business ideas are seasonal and good for family holidays. You need to buy a trampoline and open a children's business, involving your child. He can sell tickets and keep an eye on vacationing children. The interest of a working child is discussed individually.

Work in advertising and trading companies

Advertising campaigns need helpers to distribute flyers. They are usually delivered to residential mailboxes. Administrators and managers of such organizations willingly use teenagers for this work. Children deal with it more honestly than adults. Trading companies and marketing agencies are happy to use children's labor to distribute leaflets advertising products. The main thing is to distribute as many promotional products as possible in public places. What will the earnings be? This depends on the amount of work performed.

Coursework and theses for money

A popular type of business is making money with your own brains. It is suitable for older children. You don't need to study at a university for this. Here it is important to rewrite ready-made texts, in other words, bringing their uniqueness to the required level. This work is well paid and there are a lot of information sources on the Internet.

Children's business on the Internet

This type of business is suitable for children of any age. You don’t need to set aside a specific time for it and leave home. It is enough to have a computer connected to the global network. In his free time, a teenager can easily earn pocket money. On specialized sites you must:

  1. Click on links;
  2. Read letters;
  3. Take tests;
  4. Complete simple tasks on social networks and forums.

The baby will always have money for ice cream, sweets and a modest gift. To open such earnings, no initial investments are required. Let the children decide for themselves which business ideas to choose.

Involving children in business from an early age will benefit them, as it will help them more easily overcome the problems that will come along the path of life and develop hidden talents.

Children will also learn to appreciate the money and work of their parents.

How to make money at 12 years old

Find out, how to make money at 12 years old more than your parents earn.

It is with this sentence that I would like to begin the next article on our site on the topic of how to make money. But the only difference is that all the ways to make money in this article will be devoted to children aged 12 years and older.

How can you make money at 12 years old?

Answering the question: how to make money at the age of 12, I’ll immediately make a reservation that you will need the help of your parents, since if your small business is on the Internet, then you will have to turn virtual money into cash using transfers to a bank or to a card, and these methods require a passport.

But I think that happy parents will not mind helping you in this pleasant matter for them, too. If they refuse, you can offer them a small percentage of remuneration from the amounts received for these services.

In any case, many types of earnings at the age of 12, which you will read about below, will certainly make many parents happy that you want to gain financial independence and solve some of your problems relying on your money.

So, you can earn 12 years offline, that is, in real life, in which you are.

How to earn money for a schoolchild at 12 years old

Method No. 1

Offer your parents and grandparents your help with their dacha or garden. Accordingly, for the money. I don’t know about your parents, but your grandparents will most likely agree to such help, believing that such work will only be beneficial for you. Yes, this is true, but in addition to all this you will receive money.

Method number 2

Encourage your parents to wash your family car regularly. Why not? Give them a quote for washing the exterior and interior. If your parents do not agree, then justify this by saying that this money will remain in your family, but only with you, and you will spend it on your needs. Otherwise, your parents will still have to give you money for these very needs.

Business ideas for children

And by agreeing to pay for your car washing services, they will be spared unnecessary expenses.

Snow removal in the winter can also generate income. To do this, you need two or three friends to agree with the residents of your house that for a certain amount per month you will regularly clean the sidewalks near your house and the area at the entrances.

Additionally, offer everyone who has cars in your home a service to clear the area around the house to park their cars.

Don’t take too much from both. 100 -150 rubles per month per apartment is enough (otherwise, if it is more, many may disagree). Motorists can be charged more.

Method number 4

Go through all the apartments in your building where older people live and offer them your assistance services, which will include their small errands, such as: purchasing food, paying small utility bills, taking out garbage, washing the floor in the apartment, beating carpets and other assignments.

Method number 5

Offer the residents of your home porch cleaning services. It is enough to wash the entrance once a week and sweep it twice a week. It’s not such a difficult job, but together with Method No. 3 it will bring you good income.

Method number 6

You can earn money at the age of 12 by cleaning your own apartment. Suggest this to your parents. I think that they won’t mind, since they themselves have enough time for this only on weekends, on which they don’t really want to clean, but just want to relax. These services include mopping, dusting and beating carpets. By the way, you can charge extra for carpets.

Believe me, your parents will be very happy about this offer. At first, of course, they may have a completely different reaction, but after thinking carefully about your proposal in most families, they will agree.

Method number 7

Find all the newspapers in your city that are distributed free of charge through mailboxes and offer their owners the opportunity to deliver newspapers to mailboxes. This business can be combined with distributing advertising leaflets to mailboxes.

You can find advertisers using the same leaflets. Collect all the advertising leaflets from your mailboxes, the phone numbers of these companies are listed there, call them to find out their address. Then go to the offices and invite the directors to distribute flyers to residential mailboxes.

Also, go around office centers and offer all companies your services for distributing advertising leaflets to mailboxes.

Method number 8

Offer the services you read about in Method No. 7 to clients with advertising posters. That is, they make advertising posters on cardboard, you put them on yourself (the poster is front and back) and walk in crowded places, that is, near shopping centers and supermarkets. Thus advertising the services of a particular company.

Potential clients may be organizations that provide micro loans, companies that install plastic windows, cell phone stores, and others.

The cost of such a service can be from 100-300 rubles per hour.

Method number 9

Selling your crafts. For example, you can do something well. So why not start selling it. You can make beads, toys, bracelets and other crafts.

Method number 10

Start earning money at age 12 It is possible by providing intermediary services and this is how. You need to register on the social network VKontakte, create your own page, preferably a group. Then find everyone who makes some beautiful and original crafts and invite these people to sell these crafts through you. That is, you will begin to find buyers for them using your VKontakte page.

Of course, you will first have to try hard to make many friends in your group, but you can find them among all your acquaintances, classmates and friends. Just tell them that you have an interesting VKontakte group in which you sell a lot of interesting things.

Your income will be 10 or 20% of the cost of each craft.

Method number 11

This option to make money at 12 is similar to the previous one. But not with crafts, but with the exchange of toys and things. After all, each of your and older children has many things and toys that you no longer play with. So go ahead and offer your services to everyone. That is, post a brief description of things and photographs in your group, and give potential buyers the seller’s contact information for a small fee.

That is, you need to create such a VKontakte group and receive information from all your friends and others about what they want to sell. Let them send you all this by e-mail, and you will begin to post descriptions and pictures on your page.

Method number 12

Posting notices on entrances. A completely normal and profitable business. But you will need to find two or three more like-minded people who want to make money with you in this way.

Method number 13

It’s quite possible to make money on the Internet at the age of 12. To do this, the best option would be to learn how to play online games and sell statuses and various gifts that good players receive there. Well, you play anyway, so why not combine business with pleasure, that is, play and earn money.

Method number 14

Start breeding some rare animals. Or rare breed cats. But here you will need to persuade your parents to allow you to do this and to give you money to buy a couple of animals of a rare breed.

But you need to understand that this is a very responsible matter, since these are still living beings and therefore they need to be well looked after, cared for and cherished.

I know one girl who, at the age of 18, bought an apartment for herself and improved the living conditions of her parents. And she is still breeding a rare breed of cats.

These 14 tips on how to make money at the age of 12 will help you in a short time start making good money and accumulate sufficient start-up capital to start more profitable types of business.

Read along with this article:
How to make money easily

Today, the Internet provides an opportunity to earn money not only for programmers, webmasters, but even for children, no matter how old they are, maybe 10 or 12 years old, there is no age limit.

Why bother with programming when there are sites that give even a child the opportunity to learn how to work online without investment; today I’ll tell you about a couple of such sites.

Regardless of who decides to make money on the Internet, he must have two things: his email address and a WebMoney wallet, without them you simply cannot start your own business at home.

How can a child earn money?

The Internet opens up unlimited possibilities for us, including the opportunity to earn not much, but real money and gain experience. Yes, everyone on the Internet starts with website views, but I won’t offer you this type of earnings, since you can only earn pennies, but I’ll tell you about another type of earnings, which is very similar to site views, but more profitable.

A child can make money on social networks; for this he will need to spend only half an hour of his time a day, and he can earn a couple of thousand without any problems. If he delves into this income and begins to understand it in detail, then the income can be increased several times and he will be able to receive such payments from one site.

Earn money baby will be required to complete simple tasks, such as liking and adding friends, joining various groups. If your child doesn’t have his own pages on social networks, then it’s time to create them and add photos and friends so that they look like real pages.

Business - children's approach or business ideas related to children

I can also advise you to create fake accounts for work and make them look like real ones.

So, next I want to tell you about the best sites where children can make money quickly today. All you need to do is register for them and start performing simple tasks. I immediately advise you not to waste time searching for similar sites, you will only waste time in vain, I offer you only proven and best sites on which the child can really make money and get money for his work.

List of sites for making money.

If you decide to try, then register for all projects one by one. I will not describe each site in detail, all reviews and review articles are in the “Part-time work on social networks” section, the advice is to bookmark this section and read it.

List of the best sites for children to work without investing on social networks.

For those who don’t want to waste time searching, all personal reviews and testimonials about these sites are only for you.

Many young parents would like to start their own business project, but caring for the family prevents most from trying. What if we try to involve not only adults, but also children?

But is this real?

Sometimes modern society underestimates the capabilities of children. Of course, they cannot drive a car or vote, but many children have a strong work ethic and often demonstrate creativity, which helps them achieve success. The knowledge, hobbies and skills that they managed to acquire at school, developed through daily interaction with gadgets, make them ideal candidates for participating in the family business.

If a young talent opens his own business, the young businessman will have many advantages. This can be a wonderful opportunity for a child or teen to become accustomed to financial responsibility. Also, such children learn the ability to build working relationships with peers and other people, and the rate of formation of a full-fledged independent personality is very high.

However, due to their age, they are unlikely to be able to run a business on their own, but no one canceled the help of their parents. The solutions presented below are suitable even for the smallest family members.


If a teenager excels in a certain subject and is an excellent student, you can start a joint project to provide tutoring services to less educated schoolchildren. The child will be able to receive money for his knowledge, for the time he spends teaching others.

This type of business can be modified: video conferencing, consultations via the Internet, electronic payments, etc. Therefore, it is quite possible to run a tutoring business not only live, but also online.

Social Media Consultant

Nowadays, children begin to absorb terabytes of knowledge about social networks almost from the cradle. They explore these sites, know their features, and some become YouTube and Instagram stars, gathering millions of subscribers around them. This can be an invaluable source of advertising for small businesses.

If a child manages a well-promoted account, page, channel or profile, then he can quite reasonably provide the services of a social media consultant, that is, explain to local small business owners the full value of social networks as an advertising platform.

For example, you can give a lecture to acquaintances or friends who run a small restaurant or store, and offer to advertise their business. With the right approach, such a business will bring additional income to the family budget.


As long as nature exists in the world, and humanity continues to appreciate its beauty, landscaping will be constantly required. When a child is interested in nature, parents can support his curiosity. For a teenager, there is always a simple job in gardening: mowing the grass, removing weeds, cutting dry branches, and so on.

If the interest continues, then there will be more and more experience, and the tasks will be more complex and specific. Thus, an apprentice can become an experienced gardener who can independently care for nature and develop his own landscaping projects. Needless to say, such an activity will help a young man make a professional decision, choose an institute and a suitable direction.

Childcare or dog walking

Traditional jobs for teenagers did not go away after the technological leap - they became even more necessary and in demand on the market. Many sites help children look for basic jobs that adults don’t have time for.

Does your child love animals? Let him help neighbors or friends walk their pets when they are too busy. If a child has younger brothers and sisters, then the parents can offer the older one to look after the children of busy relatives or acquaintances. After gaining a little experience, a “freelance nanny” can try to offer services on special websites.

Cooking and baking

In addition, it is possible to become a participant in some culinary talent show. Even if you don’t win, with the accumulated experience it will be easier to start your own business: organize small banquets, children’s parties at home.

Non-profit organization

A children's business does not necessarily have to include a financial aspect. Young philanthropists who are passionate about preserving rare animals and social issues are able to create a tiny charitable organization.

While working on such a project, children learn a lot - this experience will certainly be useful to them in the future. Joint discussion of various options and strategies for helping those in need will have a positive impact on the analytical skills of young minds and will strengthen the trusting relationship between the parties, i.e. parents and children.

Second hand store

People's interest in reusing things has led to a huge increase in the popularity of the Second-hand chain and other stores that sell used clothing. You can adopt this positive experience and open a business selling used items, because children grow up, and their clothes, shoes and toys lie idle.

In addition, in the 21st century, when technology is developing extremely quickly, children and teenagers are constantly acquiring new gadgets and accessories for them: consoles, headphones, computer mice, joysticks, and so on, and they completely forget about older analogues. Why not give these things a second chance? They can be tidied up, repaired and sold for a modest price.

Children are the object of increased attention. They are provided for, educated, developed, invested in education. They are perhaps the most important thing in the lives of the vast majority of families. They do not save on children, and expenses on them make up a significant share of both family budgets and the budgets of various social entities. That's why business involving children is considered one of the most stable. And business ideas related to children are constantly updated. Something new, bright, and original appears all the time in this area. To be able to independently generate new business ideas, we will consider the general features of this area and then highlight several possible directions for business development.

Characteristic features of the business

  1. The main difference between business for children is its unevenness due to age characteristics. Services and offers are highly dependent on the age of the audience they are aimed at;
  2. There are three main components of business: life support, development, and entertainment business. Life support is clothing, food, medicine, disease prevention, supervision, etc. Development includes games, textbooks, sections, consultations, etc. Entertainment business – everything related to games, entertainment, travel, etc. All three components of business overlap to a greater or lesser extent. Finding a healthy balance between them increases the attractiveness of a business product;
  3. As the Hermeticists said, like attracts like. Therefore, involving children themselves in business in one capacity or another usually has a positive effect on the profitability of the enterprise;
  4. Due to the unimportant development of the country and the crises of recent decades in the field of business for children, as in many others, foreign experience prevailed. Often it was copied one to one, which sometimes led to anecdotal situations. Foreign experience in many cases turns out to be useful, but when implementing it, it is still necessary to take into account Russian reality.

Some areas of business development

It is more convenient to present business ideas for children by age group. We will also try to group some universal ideas that are not aimed at a specific age according to certain criteria after age groupings. Each age solves its own problems, each age has its own needs.. Let us dwell on the classical age periodization of D.B. Elkonin, which is very common in academic circles.

Business for babies

Children under 1 year. Communication with adults, primarily with the mother, using sounds, gestures, and facial expressions. Minimal independence. Examples of business ideas:

  • Baby food to order at home. Production and delivery of food. Or cooking directly at home;
  • One of the original foreign ideas is reusable diapers.

Business for early childhood

Children under 3 years old. Children begin to actively play with objects and their speech develops rapidly. Examples of business ideas:

  • Private nurseries, nannies. Many parents want to go to work and a nursery or nanny is a good solution;
  • Leisure center for parents with children;
  • Master classes on child development.

Business for preschool age

Children under 7 years old. Role-playing games come to the fore for the child. Children begin to cooperate. Initial training. Ready for school. Examples of business ideas:

  • Children's houses, the idea of ​​the business is to make toy houses the size of a child. A small house can be placed in an apartment; a large house can be located quite well in a country house. The child will have his own home;
  • Testing of preschoolers in kindergarten. On the eve of the transition to school, services to check readiness for study are becoming popular;
  • . Older children may well visit beauty salons for adults. It can be difficult to seat children at this age on the hairdresser’s chair, and the process itself can be quite drawn out. Therefore, the idea of ​​organizing a hairdressing salon for the little ones is completely justified.

Business for primary school age

Children under 11 years old. The main thing for a child is education. Getting used to order and perseverance. Development of self-control. Examples of business ideas:

  • Foreign language teaching. Usually at school there is not enough immersion in a foreign language and the majority master it superficially;

Business for teenagers

Children under 15 years old. The main thing is communication. The desire for adulthood and independence. Examples of business ideas:

  • Team games. Including detective, sports, economic, etc.;
  • Business incubator. Providing children with the opportunity to generate ideas, implement them, and earn some pocket money;
  • Interest clubs. Scientific, environmental, tourism, etc.

Business for high school age

Children under 17 years old. It is connected primarily with the child’s determination of his future life path and choice of profession. Examples of business ideas:

  • Organization of excursions to enterprises;
  • Master classes on various activities;
  • Thematic tutoring.

Business related to life support

Everything that concerns the life support of a child. The main feature is rapidly changing requirements and needs. Examples of business ideas:

  • Thrift store for children's things. Children grow up at lightning speed and parents do not have time to buy clothes. And two points arise: where to put old clothes and it doesn’t always make sense to buy new ones, you can look for slightly worn ones;
  • DIY children's clothing. In addition to originality, if a child is involved in the process there will also be an educational effect;
  • Children's furniture rental. Just as a child quickly outgrows his clothes, he also outgrows his furniture. In this case, you can offer furniture for rent;
  • Balanced foods. It is successful to offer food products typical for a certain age and occupation.

Business related to development

Everything related to school is here. Any children's products and services aimed at the development of the child. Examples of business ideas:

  • Tutoring studio. Complex offers for different ages;
  • Educational games;
  • Master classes for children on making toys, dolls, and children's kites.

Entertainment business

Any games, shows, entertainment. Including consulting centers on this topic. Examples of business ideas:

  • Organization of shows, masquerades, holidays, concerts;
  • Development of children's entertainment programs;
  • Making unique toys for gifts.

The choice of which business to open for children is quite large. Since competition in this area is also great, before starting a business you should take a closer look at your surroundings so as not to copy an idea that already exists in that place. There are many ideas for children's business and you can always find something original.
