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How to make money by renting out a server. How to open your own web hosting business. What is hosting

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Industrial society has been replaced by post-industrial society or, as it is also called, information society. The modern world is impossible without high-speed information transmission; pigeon mail has sunk into oblivion, replaced by postal operators, which are already being replaced by e-mail. The Internet is especially important today; fifteen years ago it was a luxury, but now it is an irreplaceable part of life.

Many businesses start working on the Internet, finding partners or clients through it; the ability to quickly communicate and access information databases is no longer an advantage, but a necessity. More and more companies are creating their own websites, and all databases for the company to operate need to be stored somewhere. Purchasing your own server and keeping a staff of harsh overlords of the IT sphere - programmers - is simply unprofitable; the server and its staff need space and constant investment. However, it is very difficult to work without an established communication network; in addition to accessing the World Wide Web, employees must also be able to communicate with each other in real time without leaving their workplaces, which forces the company owner to organize an information system with the help of third-party organizations. This entire complex of work is undertaken by the hosting company.

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But it should be noted that the services of a hosting company are of interest not only to commercial organizations. Hosting is the provision of space on a server, a personal data storage, which is connected to the World Wide Web 24 hours, 7 days a week. Since a server is a rather bulky thing, difficult to maintain, consumes a relatively large amount of electricity and is also expensive, even many medium-sized companies cannot afford its purchase, not to mention small firms and, especially, ordinary citizens who want to have their own website. The hosting company offers to use space on its server for a fee, on which you can place any information you like. But within the limits of the law, of course, because information security is the responsibility of the hosting company, which it must comply with, even to the extent of cooperating with law enforcement agencies.

In order not to get confused in concepts, you need to know that the server in this case is hardware (“hardware”, a real unit), and hosting is a service for providing information space on the server. Typically, a hosting company may offer the following:

    Colocation. A service for placing the physical equipment of the client or his provider on its territory - in a data center.

    Dedicated server, including virtual. That is, the user is allocated one physical machine; in the case of a virtual dedicated server, this process is emulated by computer equipment.

    Shared hosting is the exact opposite of the previous point, since here websites are located on the same web server, but are processed by the same software. The most economical type of service.

    Software as a Service (SaaS) is the development of software that is sold to the client for use rights via the Internet. At the same time, the client does not need to install the software on his own; all work in the application also takes place via the Internet.

    Data storage and the emerging cloud storage. As the name implies, it is a dedicated area for storing client information to which he has access. The second type of service can still process information.

    Domain name registration. Basically, this is an additional type of service, but most hosting companies deal with this issue for the client, who is comfortable solving the problem of creating a website through one company.

The hoster is also often asked to host a game or mail server. And you will have to cooperate not only with legal entities, but also with individuals, who probably won’t need a lot of space. But you need to understand the difference between a hoster and a provider: the latter provides access to the network, and the former only posts information. Internet providers often provide hosting, but for them this will be an additional type of service.

In general, the services of a hosting company can be provided in several formats, and the simplest of them is reselling. It involves the sale of space on someone else’s server, that is, the entrepreneur here acts as an intermediary, often acting under his own name and brand, but actually having no equipment, but only contracts with hosting providers. Reselling activity is a search for a client, a kind of agency sales activity, the reseller himself sets the price for his services (but part of the cost, of course, is given to the real hoster), negotiates with clients, but is limited in his capabilities, since he cannot manage the capacity, and he won’t be allowed to change the equipment configuration. Many entrepreneurs started with this form of doing business, because you can start literally from scratch without spending money on relatively expensive equipment.

Another form is the full rental of a server, the space on which is then sold; here the businessman is already forced to pay monthly for the rented machine, but has the right to independently establish the terms of cooperation with clients, while also providing him with technical support. That is, it will be distinguished from a full-fledged hoster only by the absence of its own devices, but rented machines are configured as needed by the entrepreneur, and not by the lessor. However, it is worth taking a closer look at running a business as a full-fledged hosting company.

To begin with, as always, you need to register the form of a business entity; there are no restrictions on it in this area of ​​​​business. Activity code (OKPD 2) 63.1 Data processing, hosting and related services; portals on the Internet information and communication network; depending on the method of work, they can be specified in (OKPD 2) 63.11 Data processing, hosting and related services or (OKPD 2) 63.12 Content of portals on the Internet information and communication network. Registration of an individual entrepreneur is, as a rule, much cheaper and rarely exceeds 5 thousand rubles; a legal entity for its registration will require a larger number of documents and, possibly, slightly larger amounts. If you take into account all sorts of little things and expenses, then registration can cost up to 20 thousand rubles (if you open an LLC, you will need to allocate at least 10 thousand only for the authorized capital).

When this stage has been passed, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such activities require licensing. There is no concept of “hosting” in the law, but a license is required to transmit messages and provide access to information using information and telecommunications technologies. Hosting services fully fall within this definition. There have been cases when hosters, in order to circumvent this law, rented or even located their own servers in other countries, after which they even existed successfully for some time, but any even minor problem (the client posted prohibited information, for example) will attract the attention of the relevant authorities. If it turns out that the hoster is engaged in unlicensed activities, then the least that he faces is a decent fine. But the consequences can be much worse. Therefore, obtaining a license is an important stage that is worth going through, fortunately it does not take a year, and it will not require much money, only if this issue is not resolved through intermediaries. You need to contact the local department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications - Roskomnadzor. An application is submitted there with a request to provide a license and a receipt for payment of the fee (6 thousand rubles). After this, the licensee will need the following documents:

    All papers related to the registration of an individual or legal entity, contact information.

    Information documents about the territory in which communication services will be provided (location of the data center in the case of hosting), category of the communication network, planned period for providing services.

    Description of communication means.

    Plan and economic justification for the installation and development of the network.

    Communication network construction diagram.

The response period is 30 days. It turns out that at this stage you already need to have your own equipment, an organized data center and even employees, because an ignorant person (and an entrepreneur may well be far from computer technology) is unlikely to competently draw up technical documents to submit to Roskomnadzor, and this will need to be entrusted the most qualified workers. At the same time, it is necessary to obtain permission for the commissioned communication center, certify the service accounting system and obtain certificates for equipment, which are issued by the Ministry of Communications. If you plan to provide services for hosting someone else's equipment, then you will need to additionally obtain a license for communication services for data transmission. This, of course, will require an investment of time, effort and finance, but it will provide the opportunity to work without worrying every day about the appearance of cheerful men from law enforcement agencies on the doorstep. The specifics of the work may attract the attention of even the FSB, so it is better to reduce risks in this aspect to a minimum. Obtaining a package of permits may require 20 thousand rubles, of which more than half will go to a third-party company. Theoretically, you can obtain a license yourself for the above-mentioned 6 thousand.

From the point of view of the work performed and its quality, you cannot skimp on either equipment or employees - this is all the key to success. Poor-quality hosting will scare away all clients, regardless of the level of marketing and prices offered. Of course, the consumer is looking for opportunities to save money, but no one will use the services of a hoster whose server constantly crashes, communications are lost and there is no information security.

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In general, consumer psychology expects that the hosting company will always and under any conditions ensure continuity of work, without thinking about planned reboots, adjustments and settings. As practice shows, a client can leave after the first relatively long connection loss, and this is even understandable - no one wants to be left without communication at the moment when it is especially necessary. And in many companies, the presence of an efficient communication network and their website must always be ensured, without interruption. On the other hand, the client will be understanding if he is warned in advance about the proposed work and, together with him, choose a time when the network may not be available. A message about the fact that communication has been disconnected usually makes him angry and forces him to leave for competitors. Considering the large number of them, you can not only lose this client, but also, due to word of mouth, lose a significant number of potential clients. But high-quality services will not be enough at first; consumers should not turn to competitors initially, and this requires a good advertising campaign.

It is foolish to imagine a company working in the IT field and not having its own website, so creating your own portal on the Internet will be a top priority. Further advertising continues through the World Wide Web, but the hired sales manager can independently search for clients. It is better to do this yourself in order to save money. Advertising on television and radio (not word of mouth) is usually not effective in this case, like all other ATL techniques. It’s easier and faster to find clients yourself.

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Before purchasing equipment, it is better to find specialists who will not only tell you which server to choose, but also tell you what hardware and software they can work with. This especially affects the purchase of a control panel, because there are a huge number of them, and it is a rare specialist who works equally successfully in all of them. Depending on the expected working conditions and the services provided, employees will tell you what is best suited. Based on this, you can start looking for premises for a data center. It is unlikely to be more than 50 m2, and it will need to be divided into a server room and an office in which personnel serving equipment and clients work. The cost of renting a premises starts from 30 thousand rubles.

The server is managed by a system administrator (sysadmin) - the god of the computer sphere and all IT; he is assisted by two people if there is not much equipment. It is also better to have two people who do field work - it is likely that some employee at the client’s office (the main source of problems according to programmers is the accountant, they don’t like them particularly much) will launch the wrong program or break the wrong wire, which will leave the entire office without communication. The technical factor cannot be ruled out; equipment can also break down and need to be adjusted periodically, and not only the hoster, but also the client may have the capacity. Of course, in most cases, the office work is configured in offline mode, and the appearance of IT specialists is not provided for at all, but some services offer this possibility.

For everything to work, you need at least one server and a control panel. But if there is only one server, then the services of a dedicated machine cannot be provided. However, here everything depends on the amount the entrepreneur has, but it is not advisable to buy more than 5 devices at the very beginning. Control panels can also be found for free, but rarely anyone works on them due to limited functionality and a poor shell. The most common is cPanel (in addition to the generally accepted Linux, it also supports Windows in beta mode, which is rare), its cost starts from $16 per month (but only for cloud hosting). It’s easier to rent for a year – for $425 you can get relatively good functionality. The server is selected depending on the number of first potential clients and the required computing power. The price range is from 20 to 500 thousand rubles. The optimal car can be found for 100 thousand rubles. Employees are paid based on the following calculations:

    System administrator – from 30 thousand rubles.

    IT specialists (2 people) – 40 thousand rubles.

    Field engineers (2 people) – 70 thousand rubles.

It is better to offer employees not such a high salary, but a good bonus depending on the quality of work. Thus, the amount of starting capital will be:

    Registration and licensing – about 40 thousand rubles.

    Rent of premises – 30 thousand rubles.

    Equipment (3 servers), control panel and office arrangement – ​​400 thousand rubles.

    Outsourcing, utility bills (electricity in the first place) - about 30 thousand rubles.

    Payment of employees – 140 thousand rubles.

The starting amount is 640 thousand rubles, monthly payments are 200 thousand rubles. If there is less equipment, the staff is reduced, and therefore the costs. The cost of hosting for a client starts from 4 thousand rubles. That is, 50 clients will only cover the costs of maintaining the company, and only a larger number will begin to make a profit. 60 clients are already 40 thousand operating profit, 100 clients are 200 thousand. To increase their number, you can search for consumers not only in your city, but also in neighboring ones, if not throughout the country (but you will have to take into account the fact that such clients will only receive advice by phone). For a large city this is quite realistic, but for the first time you will still have to have a certain reserve of funds. The payback of the project can take several years, depending on how many consumers can be attracted, and profitability is directly dependent on the number of clients and grows with each new consumer.

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Each of us in our lives faces the problem of counting our money. And if in private life these operations can be handled even with a pencil and a piece of paper, then in any business process, no matter how big it is, strict accounting and full reporting are required to understand what is happening. For this purpose, from time immemorial, various systems have been developed to control the flow of funds and materials.

With the advent of computers and other gadgets such as mobile phones, smartphones and tablets, and taking into account the tendency to remove the boundaries between these devices, the most popular solution for business automation and housekeeping accounting at the moment is 1C software. It has solutions for any sector and allows you to solve any tasks.

We come to the conclusion that any director, manager, manager or operational employee on site wants to receive up-to-date data on the state of business processes. And any force majeure circumstances that affect this can cause considerable harm. For example, the CEO did not receive a profit report on time, was unable to convince partners of the profitability of the business, and did not receive additional investment.

Based on the above, we need to ensure the continuous operation of the entire company, and in particular its IT infrastructure. To build a system that can provide the necessary level of stability, it is necessary to understand what risks we will protect ourselves from and what we want to avoid.

The most common cause of data loss or becoming inconsistent is human error. Further, we can include physical failure of equipment or software failure and a phenomenon that exists only in the Russian Federation - raider seizures and illegal seizure by special services. Factors that may cause temporary unavailability of remote access to the 1C system include the following: problems with the Internet provider, power outages, and other force majeure circumstances.

Let's take a closer look at each of the risks and ways to protect against them:

  • Human factor is a deliberate or accidental change of data in the 1C database. The only way to protect against such actions is to back up your data. To do this, you can use two database servers, one of which will be used as the main one, and logs of changes to the main database will be sent to the second. A simpler option is to create a backup copy of the current copy of the database.
  • As popular wisdom says, “administrators are divided into those who make backups and those who make them on other hardware.” This means that even the most branded hardware can break at the most inopportune moment. For example, when using RAID 5 and large hard drives (more than 1 TB), the probability of the second hard drive falling out during re-build of the array increases exponentially. Yes, I agree with the reader that it is possible to use a service subscription to repair and replace equipment within 24/8/4 hours. But the fact of downtime - and this is a direct loss to the company - is obvious. Thus, we come to the concept of redundancy of both data (backups) and hardware components. Ideally, we need a second server, which will be a mirror copy of the main one, to perform backup procedures.
  • Every software product contains some errors, and every product develops and is updated. And here, of course, a failure can also occur. An unaccounted variable or a file version mismatch - and the entire system either works extremely unstable or does not work at all. You can protect yourself from this by first testing on a test bench with a copy of the “live” data. But at the same time, the test bench and the backup server should not be one whole. Otherwise, Murphy's Law will be on your side.
  • Now let's look at one of the rare, but still existing risks in this country - raider seizures and illegal inspections and seizures of equipment. Unfortunately, there is no correct solution to these problems within the office. Some move the server room to neighboring offices, which de jure do not belong to this company; others place all the equipment on a car and, if the car has problems, simply drive away. It is possible, of course, to object: what about the means of cryptography? Data/partition encryption? But if we consider the reality of such a situation, then we should not believe that the guests will turn out to be gentlemen and refuse to use physical force or moral influence.

Having considered global risks and methods of protecting against them within the office, we can move on to short-term risks, even more force majeure:

  • What will happen in the office if web pages stop opening, email doesn’t send, phones don’t ring, and the accounting department can’t send payments? The whole company will just stop. And the reason for this tragedy may simply be the lack of Internet. There are many reasons - from banal builders and evil competitors to global problems with one provider at traffic exchange points. In this case, another Internet provider is clearly needed, and ideally it should have a different physical transmission medium. For example, optical fiber as the main communication channel and Wi-Max/LTE as a backup. As a last resort, it is possible to use DSL providers, provided that the providers are different and the exits to the traffic exchange points are different.
  • Continuing the theme of builders, it may happen that the cable supplying servers with 1C databases, terminal servers, etc. will be cut. Also, in the event of any natural disasters, the energy supply may be interrupted. For short-term server maintenance, a UPS may be sufficient. But if it is necessary to ensure a given level of availability, then you cannot do without a diesel generator. This topic can be continued further, combining under one denominator both fires, flooding of the office with rain, and overheating of equipment in the heat of the summer. All this is united by the requirements for the room and building where the equipment will be located (international standard TIA-569, GOST R 53315-2009, SN 512-78).

Now, knowing everything that can happen to the equipment in your office, it is reasonable to ask the question: “Is it possible to protect yourself from all of this at once?” Provide yourself with guarantees of service availability 24/7/365?” We answer: “Yes! Maybe". To do this, we will simply transfer the entire system to the cloud. Let’s take a closer look at what a “cloud” is.

A “cloud system” is a system that allows you to provide universal, convenient access on demand, taking into account the necessary requirements of the SLA (Service Level Agreement). Here the word “cloud” is present as a metaphor, personifying a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details behind it. So, for example, when you rent the “Business Server” service, you get a full-fledged remote 1C server without unnecessary thoughts and worries. Now we will explain why this happens.

  • Problems associated with the failure of hardware components of servers are solved by “virtualizing” servers. And with the use of the latest technologies in this area, failures or routine maintenance on physical servers will not be noticeable to users.
  • There is no need to worry whether the backups have completed and whether there is enough space for them. The use of several centralized backup storages, with separation of access rights, allows not only to reduce loads and ensure data confidentiality, but also in the event of failure of one of the backup storages, use the second to create new backups and restore previous copies of 1C or user databases file data.
  • Based on the previous two points, it becomes possible to create a “hot” snapshot of the current system. This is useful for carrying out any test actions, be it installing a new 1C platform or updating the DBMS, they will no longer cause any problems.
  • Since creating such a system requires appropriate premises and staff, a reasonable choice would be to place the servers in a data center, in a specially designated area with limited access. Using this solution, we simultaneously solve all issues related to stable Internet access, power supply, cooling, etc. For example, our virtual 1C servers and terminal servers are hosted on hardware servers located in a Tier 3 data center.

But the article would not be complete and complete without an economic justification for the decision to host your 1C accounting system using the Business Server service.

For the calculation, we take a typical configuration for the main and backup server: 2*Intel Xeon E5607 2.26 GHz, 4*8 GB DDR3 1066 ECC, LSI 9240-4i – 2*500 GB SATA WD RE4 (in a RAID1 array), 2*300 GB SAS Hitachi (in RAID1). One such server costs about 100 thousand rubles. Also, don’t forget about software licenses.

We need two server licenses and 15 client licenses to work with the server over the Internet, 15 client licenses to connect to the server through the terminal service - the cost of such a set will cost about 70 thousand rubles. For 15 1C users, a free DBMS such as Microsoft SQL Express is usually not enough, and you need to use a full-fledged one. The cost of a MS SQL server license and 15 client licenses is about 120 thousand rubles. We do not take into account the costs of Internet, electricity and other current costs.

The cost of a 1C system in a client-server version with 15 users connected will cost:

  • 18,000 +34,500 rubles – client license for 5 workplaces and 10 workplaces
  • 72,000 rubles – server license (x86-64) “1C:Enterprise 8.2”

In total, we have 200 thousand rubles for the purchase of hardware, 70 thousand rubles for the purchase of OS and client licenses, 120 thousand for DBMS licenses and 124.5 thousand rubles for 1C application software to organize the work of 15 users in the company’s office. The average salary of a system administrator to maintain this system in working order is 15 thousand per month, meaning a visiting administrator, and not a full-time employee, whose salary, naturally, is much higher.

For using the Business Server service for 15 users, the monthly payment is 15 thousand rubles. For clarity, let’s put all the numerical indicators in the table and carry out a simple calculation of payback.

The payback period is 31.7 months. Taking into account Moore's law and the growing needs of production capacity, during this time our system will become obsolete and will not be able to provide adequate performance.

Read more about the “Business Server” service on the website

Every Internet business needs hosting or server rental. Considering the fact that Internet services are a growing market, we can say 100%: renting servers today is a profitable business. The hosting business is full of empty niches. And the well-being of an entrepreneur depends only on how quickly he finds them.

  • Who is interested in the services of a hosting company?
  • What hosting company services are most in demand?
  • What equipment is needed for a hosting company?
  • What personnel is needed for a hosting company?
  • Which premises are best suited for a server rental business?
  • Which form of ownership to choose for a hosting business - LLC or individual entrepreneur
  • What type of activity is needed for a hosting business?
  • What licenses are needed to run a hosting business?
  • Which hosting service format to choose?
  • How to promote your hosting company
  • Payback of a hosting company
  • How much does it cost to open a server rental business?
  • How much can you earn by renting out servers?
  • Conclusion

Where to start a business like server rental

Renting a server as a business may seem like a dark forest at first. To prevent this from happening, you need to understand the basic theory.

Let's start small. What is a server and hosting, and what are their differences?Server - this is the same computer that differs from a regular home PC in its power and appearance. The server is more like a cabinet consisting of server cells - units. Server cabinets are combined into data processing centers (DPCs) and can occupy entire floors of buildings, and sometimes the entire building.

is a service for providing server capacity for use. The client connects to the server remotely and uses it to execute programs or store information. And the client’s goals can be very different. From simple file storage to working with complex programs. For example, for the Telegram mobile application, a server is required so that all information is not stored on their smartphones, but is downloaded from the server storage. And when you make a call, the program running on the server comes into play. The mobile application itself is only a shell.

You can provide hosting services either from your own personal equipment or using someone else’s. In the second case, you will already be consideredserver reseller . Because, in essence, you will be reselling someone else's hosting. And vice versa, having your own server, you can simply rent it out to resellers. Whatever you choose, the important thing to understand now is that the end product is hosting or hosting services. Whether you have your own equipment for this or resell someone else’s power is up to you to decide.

It is better to start your hosting business as a reseller. And only then, having a clientele, buy your equipment.

The decision to purchase your servers is made after potential users have already been found. In this case, the server can save significant money, since there will be no margin for the primary host in the value chain.

Therefore, it is the quality of services that can play a decisive role in competition. The way you treat customers, what additional features you provide for free, how you react to problems that arise, how quickly you fix them - all this will affect the popularity of your company and, accordingly, the number of your customers and their loyalty to you.

The main condition, of course, is the amount of disk space allocated to the client - the larger it is, the higher the rental cost. The price is also affected by the number of websites that a client can create by subscribing to a particular tariff. You can offer several tariffs, differing in price, depending on various conditions.

But such a task will require more impressive preparation, so you need to become more familiar with what you will need in the future. Therefore, purchasing hosting for permanent use seems to be the most reasonable decision in the long term.

Therefore, you need to determine the pricing plans that will work for your company. Once you have sorted out all the expenses, you will need to think about future income. You will receive them directly from clients who purchase space on your server.

The profitability of such projects is very high. And the last of the most important expense items is the purchase of equipment. In total, you will need to spend about two million rubles to successfully start doing business. In a year, cash turnover can reach sixty million, so you won’t have to wait long for profit. As in the case of employees, it is not recommended to skimp on equipment, since the quality of your server will depend on it.

However, this is not entertainment, so you should approach opening hosting extremely seriously, understanding all aspects and drawing up a detailed business plan. Otherwise, you risk simply losing all your invested money. Today, there are already a decent number of ways to make money via the Internet, and the maximum return can be obtained if you open your own hosting. Over time, business gradually moves from the real world to the virtual world, where vast new opportunities open up.

Therefore, first you need to prepare for the fact that various investments await you, which will not pay off right away. Hosting as a business can bring impressive profits, but you need to wait and achieve it.

It’s definitely not worth saving on this point, since the quality of the services you are going to provide will directly depend on the quality of your employees’ work. Still, you will have to hire several people, since you definitely won’t be able to do absolutely everything. However, how to open your own server without the support of other specialists?

Of primary importance in deciding how to open your own hosting is determining the way in which you are going to open your business in this area.

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The rapid development of computers, tablets, smartphones and other electronic devices has changed all areas of life. Business management is no exception. Many software options have been created to automate business management and accounting. Today, business automation software from the 1C company is considered the most progressive and optimal - with its help you can solve all emerging problems in any sector of activity.

A manager of any rank needs timely, correct and comprehensive data on the state of affairs in the company. Any interruptions in the information flow can cause considerable harm, affecting the speed and accuracy of decisions made.

Often, interruptions in the flow of information from bottom to top and in the opposite direction lead to situations that are irreparable in the financial aspect. There is a need to create a complex system that ensures the stable operation of a company or enterprise. Such systems are subject to many risks that must be taken into account when constructing them.

Risks and ways to protect against them:

Human factor, representing an accidental or intentional change in the 1C database of any data. The surest way to protect against such actions is backup. There are two options for this: the first and simplest is to create a backup copy of the entire database, the second and more reliable is to use two database servers, one of them will be the main one, and the second one will be a backup - all changes that occur with the main one will be automatically copied to it database.

Physical damage. Any hardware, even the most branded, can break at the most inopportune moment. So, for example, when using hard drives with a capacity of more than 1 GB and RAID 5, the likelihood that when re-building the array the second hard drive will fall out increases exponentially. Therefore, the concept of redundancy should be perceived not only as backup copies, but also as a hardware component. The best option would be to have a second remote server - a mirror copy of the main one, on which backup procedures will be performed.

Software failure. Any software product may contain various errors, in addition, each of them is constantly being improved and updated. All it takes is an unaccounted variable or the slightest mismatch between file versions, and the system begins to function either very unstable or stops working altogether. It is quite possible to avoid this; it is enough to first conduct testing on a test bench with a copy of the “live data”.

It is also worth considering one of the existing, but rather rare risks - illegal seizures and raider seizures. Unfortunately, these problems cannot be resolved within the office. Some move the server room to neighboring offices, others place all the equipment on the car and if a similar problem arises, the car simply drives away. Here, of course, one can object: “What about encryption of partitions and data? Cryptography tools? But in reality, it is very unlikely that uninvited guests will turn out to be gentlemen and will not use moral pressure and physical force.

All these are partial solutions to local problems and there is a way to avoid them all, thanks to one solution - renting a 1C cloud server. This solution represents the transfer of the entire enterprise accounting and control system to a server in the cloud (see Figure 1). The term “cloud” or “cloud system” refers to a complex data storage infrastructure with the ability to access it via the Internet and carry out transactions at any time.

Figure 1 - General scheme of organizing the cloud server rental service from EFSOL

The parameters of such systems strictly comply with the requirements of the SLA - service level agreement. All you have to do is rent the necessary service, for example “Server in Israel”, and all the above problems will be solved by themselves. Only employees of your company can use information in such a system. Penetration of unauthorized persons into the database or removal of information without your permission is excluded.

To accommodate the equipment of such a complex system, a special room and trained personnel are required. The optimal solution is to create data centers in places with limited access. This simultaneously eliminates possible problems with Internet access, electricity supply, and cooling of working elements. Terminal servers and virtual 1C servers are hosted on hardware servers located in Tier 3 class data centers. This class allows you to maintain the required level of the N+1 fault tolerance principle (N is the required working quantity of equipment).

Comparative calculations

To decide on the advisability of using a remote 1C server, it is important to familiarize yourself with some economic calculations, which do not claim to be a complete economic justification, but can give you an idea of ​​the basic figures.

For the calculation, we will take a typical configuration for the main and backup servers(see table 1):

  • Chassis Supermicro 2*Intel Xeon E5-2643v4 3.4GHz - 3.7GHz,
  • 32 GB DDR4,
  • LSI 9240-4i - 2*1 TB SATA Seagate Enterprise Capacity (in RAID1 array),
  • 2*200 GB Intel SSD DC S3710 Series (in RAID1 array)

Also, don’t forget about software licenses. We need 2 server licenses and 30 client licenses to work with the server over the network, 30 client licenses to connect to the server through the terminal service. For 30 1C users, a free DBMS like Microsoft SQL Express is usually not enough and you need to use a full-fledged one. We are also installing an uninterruptible power supply and a telecommunications cabinet to isolate the servers from the external environment. We do not take into account the costs of Internet, electricity and other current costs.

Table 1 - Calculation of the cost of purchasing your own server and software

Server 2* Intel Xeon E5-2643v4 3.4GHz - 3.7GHz, 32 GB DDR4, LSI 9240-4i - 2*1 TB SATA Seagate Enterprise Capacity (in RAID1 array), 2*200 GB Intel SSD DC S3710 Series (in RAID1 array) , 2x650 Watt, IPMI 460 800 2 921 600
UPS APCSmartUPC1500 VARM2U 49 500 1 49 500
Backup system NAS Synology DS218play (4TB SATA 6Gb/s hard drive) 30 500 1 30 500
Floor cabinet Hyperline 24U, depth 1000 mm, glass door, fan shelf for 4 fans, socket block, shelf for light equipment, cable organizers. 42 500 1 42 500
Server license WinSvrStd 2019 RUS OLP NL core 2lic 6 600 8 52 800
Client Access License Microsoft Windows ServerCAL 2019 Sngl OLP 1License NoLevel UsrCAL 2 650 30 79 500
Terminal connection license Microsoft WinRmtDsktpSvcsCAL 2019 Sngl OLP 1License NoLevel UsrCAL 8 200 30 246 000
SQL server license Microsoft SQLServerStandardEdition 2017 Sngl OLP 1License NoLevel 54 000 2 108 000
SQL Client Access License Microsoft SQLCAL 2017 Sngl OLP 1License NoLevel UsrCAL 12 750 30 382 500
TOTAL, rubles: 1 912 900

Let's consider the costs of implementing a 1C system, for example, “Trade Management” in a client-server version with 30 users connected (see Table 2).

Table 2 - Calculation of the cost of 1C with the connection of 30 users in the client-server version.

As a result, 1,830,900 rubles are spent on the purchase of hardware and software and 212,500 rubles for 1C application software, to organize reliable work for 30 users in the company’s office. The average salary of a system administrator to maintain this system in working order is 15 thousand rubles per month, meaning a visiting administrator, and not a full-time employee, whose salary is naturally much higher.

Also, do not forget about the cost of electricity to power the servers, cool them and rent space (approximately 3 m2) to accommodate the equipment, which will amount to approximately 2,000 rubles per month. It is worth noting that the obsolescence period of servers and software is 4-5 years.

For using the cloud server rental service on 30 users monthly payment is 25 thousand rubles, and this price includes 30 MSOffice Standard licenses. Let's carry out simple calculations to estimate the payback. For clarity, let’s enter all the numerical indicators in Table 3:

Table 3 - Economic calculation of the profitability of server rental.

Name Price, rub Name Price, rub
Power and Cooling 2 000 0
20 000 25 000
1 044 100 Equipment 0
868 800 Microsoft Software (monthly) 0
Software 1C 228 400 Software 1C 0
MS Office Standard licenses 654 000 MS Office Standard licenses 0
Total expenses per month: 22 000 Total expenses per month: 25 000
Total one-time costs: 2 795 300 Total one-time costs: 0

3000 rub./month. 931.7 months (77.6 years).

You can consider another option, when 1C licenses will already be purchased independently, and MS Office will be replaced by free Open Office or will not be in demand at all. What happens then, see Table 4:

Table 4 - Economic calculation excluding 1C and MS Office.

Ownership expenses Rental costs (for 30 users)
Name Price, rub Name Price, rub
Power and Cooling 2 000 0
Outsourcing of IT specialists (monthly) 20 000 Server and maintenance (monthly) 25 000
Equipment (2 servers, UPS, cabinet, network storage) 1 044 100 Equipment 0
Microsoft software (Windows, MS SQL) 868 800 Microsoft Software (monthly) 0
Software 1C 0 Software 1C 0
MS Office Standard licenses 0 MS Office Standard licenses 0
Total expenses per month: 22 000 Total expenses per month: 25 000
Total one-time costs: 1 912 900 Total one-time costs: 0

The difference in monthly payments is 3,000 rub./month., therefore, the payback period is 637.6 months (53.13 years).

Taking into account Moore's law and the growing needs of production capacity, during this time our system will become obsolete and will not be able to provide adequate performance.

For objectivity, you can consider another option, when there will be only one server - without redundancy. We do not include the backup and uninterruptible power supply system in the calculation (see Table 5).

Table 5 - Economic calculation taking into account one server without taking into account 1C and MS Office.

Ownership expenses Rental costs (for 30 users)
Name Price, rub Name Price, rub
Power and Cooling 2 000 0
Outsourcing of IT specialists (monthly) 20 000 Server and maintenance (monthly) 25 000
Equipment (1 server, cabinet) 503 300 Equipment 0
Microsoft software (Windows, MS SQL) 868 800 Microsoft Software (monthly) 0
Software 1C 0 Software 1C 0
MS Office Standard licenses 0 MS Office Standard licenses 0
Total expenses per month: 22 000 Total expenses per month: 25 000
Total one-time costs: 1 372 100 Total one-time costs: 0

The difference in monthly payments is 3,000 rub./month., therefore, the payback period is 457 months (38 years).

The information and figures above show the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of leasing an IT structure instead of purchasing and maintaining your own equipment. Creating your own information system is not only more expensive, but also subject to a greater number of risks and external influences, which naturally makes your business more vulnerable and less competitive.

We have created a set of cloud services that will not only help you use modern business solutions, but are also the most appropriate in optimizing costs.
