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How to open an auto parts business. How to open an auto parts company. Business Idea: How to Open a Car Parts Store Spare Parts Manufacturing Business Reviews

Every car enthusiast wants to know where to find good spare parts. In the era of globalization, this has become a particularly pressing issue. On the shelves there are spare parts from various manufacturers, radically different in price, but not in quality. On the other hand, the so-called "officials" charge three prices for the same parts. Trading is making money on the difference in price. And auto parts are no exception. Anyone can make money today.

Those who are well versed in the Internet, sooner or later, come to the conclusion that the Web is not only a source of entertainment, but also a place to look for better deals. Yes this is true. In the global network, with due diligence, you can find a price up to 50% cheaper than the retail, so-called "offline" prices.

I will say more, most of the sellers from whom we habitually buy are also looking for suppliers on the Internet. Do not forget to add your extra charge to the wholesale price - profit. This difference is paid by us, the buyers. We bring profit to the seller. But he does not produce anything, does not release anything. Sits in the store and sells. Well, let his services also cost money. But, as often happens, the retail margin for some reason exceeds the prices of producers by 3-5 times. That is, if we buy from the manufacturer, our savings would reach 200-400%.

This situation is especially noticeable in the field of spare parts for cars. Specialized stores and "officials" sell spare parts at extremely inflated prices. This is due to the fact that the goods are specific, and it also costs money to maintain a warehouse of availability. Therefore, they take for the future, store. And we pay for all this by making our purchases from them.

Of course, I have nothing against such a scheme. On the contrary, it is the most tenacious and widespread. Especially when you need to buy something urgently. After all, the product is specific and where it is cheaper - it is brought to order, with waiting periods of up to several months. However, if you don't rush, you can save money. And where you can save, you can earn.

Many years ago I discovered ordering spare parts online. These are well-known wholesale aggregators - AutoDoc, Exist, Zzap, Emex and others. The scheme of work is the same. They work with large wholesalers, suppliers or manufacturers directly. Users independently search in their catalogs for the necessary spare parts; order; pay and wait for their order to be delivered.

If you compare retail prices with offers in these aggregators, you can immediately notice the difference in prices. For example, the popular position TR 204 C Front brake pads Largus (LOGAN), set". In a popular retail network, the kit costs 539 rubles, in the aggregator - from 350 rubles. The difference is ~190 rubles. Or 54%. Not bad, right?

Do you understand how to make money on it? Well done if yes! And to be honest, I did not immediately guess.

History of my auto parts business

Having discovered Internet aggregators with car parts, I, as the owner of a car that is not new and therefore often breaks down, began to order various components for myself. Then, when colleagues at work found out about this, I began to order both for myself and for that guy.

You, of course, ask - why did they turn to me, and did not do it on their own? Everything is simple. I, as an experienced "customer", have already got my hands on it, and I also got a good discount of a cumulative nature. It's no secret that the more you order in aggregators, the more you get a discount.

Not immediately, but later - I gave spare parts to my colleagues with a small margin, about 10 ... 15%. It was still cheaper than ordering on my own, my discount covered my markup but offset my time and internet costs. This became the basis of my income. True, even then I did not understand this.

Following colleagues, their acquaintances and friends, and friends of friends, pulled up. Over time, it turned out that consistently once a week I searched and ordered various spare parts. As a result, at one fine moment, I came to the conclusion that my monthly profit on the search for cheap spare parts began to equal ~ 50 thousand rubles. And continued to increase, approaching 100 thousand rubles a month. It was exactly twice as much as I received at my main job. And you don't have to sit at work all day.

It's great, right? The only disadvantage of such a side job is the complexity of the search. There are many manufacturers, and even more models, varieties and other things. For example, a change in the model year of an automaker can cause such a phenomenon as half of the parts on the model of the transition period of the old format, and half of the new one. Established by experience. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to find the right part. It is necessary to read on specialized forums more than one evening.

If we return to my example, then I had a case - a crossover of the 2008/2009 model year, that is, a transitional model, had brake discs with a diameter of 28 cm, although according to the catalogs it should have had enlarged 30 cm discs. As it turned out, it's all about its month of production. November 2008 - 28 cm, December 2008 - 30 cm. My technical education allowed me to take into account such nuances. And only then I realized that this is my business.

Now, having a good and constant discount in the aggregators of spare parts suppliers, I offer everyone the search and selection of inexpensive components for their iron friends.

Maintenance kits are especially popular. An order through an aggregator results in savings of up to 50% of the cost of retail chains. I created a group on social networks, opened a landing page, and distributed leaflets through car washes. Everywhere there are advertisements with an emphasis on the fact that you can pick up cheap ready-made maintenance kits. Yes, do not forget to register your IP, the business must be legal!

I'm not afraid of competition. Firstly, car services and car shops are not able to quickly reduce prices. They work with a constant number of suppliers. And through aggregators, using their offer for wholesalers, I have access to hundreds of suppliers, prices can change every day. Secondly, not every car owner will be able to “buy” himself for the discount that I have in aggregators. And if you don’t get impudent, don’t set prices too high, you can easily earn money. Yes, not everyone has time to search for spare parts, you should not forget about this. And thirdly, I have a circle of regular customers who provide me with up to 80% of earnings. That is, I created a completely profitable local business.

Which works like this. Customers call me (or write on the site, in a group, in WhatsApp), explaining what they need. I ask them for the VIN number and other details that interest me. Then I select a suitable kit with prices and send it to the customer. If everything suits him, he makes an advance payment of 50 ... 100% (depending on the rarity of the spare part), I place an order for the part. As soon as the ordered components arrive, I coordinate the client's visit, where he pays the remaining amount, and picks up the order.

The owner of an auto parts store must thoroughly understand the features of trade, car design and manufacturers. Without proper knowledge, you will have to involve highly paid specialists in the work, but you still cannot assess the level of their work - this is a big expense and the risk of being deceived. Work at least 2-3 years in an auto parts store or car service, learn all aspects of running this business. Working in the automotive sector will allow you to study demand and establish relationships with suppliers.

Draw up a competent business plan, taking into account even the smallest expenses. Plan every step in organizing the store's activities, try to foresee all the risks and think in advance about ways to minimize them.

Main risks

The auto parts market is highly competitive and you have to work hard to be successful. Your store must have benefits. In a big city, this may be a narrow specialization in spare parts of certain manufacturers. In a small town, you can collect an assortment of the most popular spare parts and focus on high service.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a car parts store”


There are no hard restrictions in choosing a district for an auto parts store. Practice shows that with a popular assortment, excellent service and reasonable pricing, the store becomes popular regardless of location. The central regions should not be chosen at the start due to the high cost of rent. You can look for premises in business, residential areas, near the market or a large shopping center. Your customers are motorists, it is important to have parking for at least 5-6 cars and convenient access to the building where the store will be located. The most important criterion is the absence of nearby shops of competitors.

The minimum area of ​​the room should be 60 square meters. When choosing an area, you must take into account the expected range and dimensions of spare parts. When concluding a contract, pay attention to the conditions:

  1. The term of the lease, the possibility of redemption and prolongation of the contract.
  2. A clear separation of utility bills and the direct cost of rent.

To obtain permission to use the premises for commercial purposes, it must comply not only with your requirements, but also with the norms of the supervisory authorities:

  1. Sufficient area.
  2. Opportunities to equip a spacious and comfortable sales area, utility room and warehouse.
  3. Reliable power supply, sewerage and water, heating.

Find out in advance the requirements of the fire inspection and take them into account when choosing a room.


For a good overview of the assortment of the store, you need to purchase special furniture for the sales area:

  • Racks, racks, showcases.
  • Cash desks and apparatus.
  • Computer.

Be sure to go to the store online. Also, experienced owners of auto parts stores recommend purchasing special software that greatly facilitates the work with catalogs. You will be able to systematize each item by assigning a unique number to spare parts and indicating analogues from other manufacturers. Such programs help to connect the entire document flow, greatly simplify the work of reporting, preparing requests for suppliers and the overall organization of the store.

The total cost of furniture, hardware, and software for a small store is about $5,000.

Also, transport is needed to deliver goods to the store - you should not rely on delivery from suppliers. The car can also be used to deliver spare parts to customers - such a need will arise regularly.


Particular attention and exactingness should be shown in the choice of sellers. Experience perfect knowledge of the features of car brands and manufacturers, the structure of the car and spare parts is a necessary condition. Highly qualified and knowledgeable salespeople will ensure you decent sales and growth in the number of regular customers. Do not skimp on the wages of such people - offer them a decent salary with a full social package and a reasonable percentage of sales.

At first, the owner can manage the business of the store, but in the future you will need a director or senior salesperson. Working with suppliers is a significant and time-consuming process. A purchasing manager is needed if you plan to grow your store and increase sales. Collecting the entire range in one room is unrealistic. Appeals from motorists with a request to find a part that is not available will be a regular occurrence. As a rule, the fight for a new client is won by the store that managed to quickly find and supply the necessary spare parts to the buyer.

For a small store, a specialized company can handle financial reporting on an outsourced basis or a part-time accountant hired. You can also hire a person to clean the premises on an hourly basis. It makes sense to conclude an agreement with a security company.

Documents and licenses

The operation of the spare parts store is not subject to licensing. After collecting the necessary package of documents, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax office.

IP is issued with minimal time and a package of documents, falls under the preferential taxation regime. But you have the right to work only with individuals.

Forming an LLC is a longer and more complicated process. Registration of this type of business is recommended for those who plan to supply spare parts to legal entities: large car depots, transport companies, taxi services. Also, LLC provides opportunities for expanding activities and creating a chain of stores.

The presence of full-time employees involves registration with the employment service, social insurance and other non-profit organizations.


The main advantage that will provide customers with a decent profitability for an auto parts store is the speed of delivery and the quality of goods. Actively work on finding suppliers, offer them favorable terms of cooperation. Try to provide several suppliers for each group of goods.

Look for outlets to official distributors of manufacturers - this will ensure the quality of goods. Such cooperation will be an additional bonus and a powerful marketing ploy for the store. You have every right to indicate on the signboard and in store advertising the logos of the manufacturers you work with. Motorists who are tired of low-quality fakes will definitely appreciate the opportunity to purchase original spare parts.

Without a website through which customers can order the necessary part with delivery, the store should not expect success. Using specialized software, you can clearly divide the entire range by manufacturers, sections, number each item and make it easier for site visitors to find the right part. If you manage to organize the constant availability of the declared positions and the prompt delivery of goods, the popularity of the store and the growth of profits are guaranteed.

A bright signboard, banners and advertising stands in any place with a large concentration of motorists will be useful. Post regularly in local media, forums and online platforms for motorists. Sooner or later, the owner of a car is faced with the need to look for an auto parts store. As a rule, several retail outlets or services are called and the choice stops at the store with the best service and cost.

Enter into partnerships with car services and transport companies. You will not be able to reach a high level of sales by working only with individuals. Wholesale buyers always bring better orders.


It takes about $40,000 to start a small auto parts store. The markup on goods ranges from 35 to 110%. Given the current costs of wages, taxes, rent and other deductions, the need to expand the range and additional costs for the development of the store, return on investment and payback should be expected in 10-11 months.

If you can foresee all the risks in the process of drawing up a business plan, establish partnerships with suppliers and the work of store employees, in a year you will be able to start expanding and building a network.

The story of a novice entrepreneur about the development of an unoccupied niche in the auto parts trade. The young and ambitious entrepreneur has set up an auto parts distribution business around the city and is already planning to expand.


I give a business idea of ​​how you can earn money by having your own car and a constant source of communication with Internet access.

It all started with the fact that, after graduating from high school, I could not find a decent job in my specialty " Cars and automotive industry". The maximum that I was offered was a job in a car service. At the same time, neither the diploma nor work experience (I studied in absentia) for some reason did not impress employers: there were no corresponding vacancies. After two months of unsuccessful searches, I decided: I will work for myself, but precisely in my specialty - in vain, did I spend six years studying?

The first thing I started with was to study the needs of motorists in our city. It is the problems with the purchase of spare parts that arise from private traders, taxi drivers and small car services. I found out one paradoxical thing: despite the fact that we have a rich market for spare parts for any passenger cars - both domestic and foreign cars - the need for them is still very acute. And the point is not that they are not enough, but that sometimes they are needed here and now, and not in a hypothetical two weeks.

The car broke down on the way urgently need to replace some small part - where can I get it? You can, of course, go to the nearest store or to the car market - but you can’t leave the car on the road? You can call a tow truck - but it's long and expensive. Another example: a foreign car was brought to a car service or a private workshop for repair, it needs to be repaired urgently, but the master does not currently have the necessary spare part at hand - what to do? In general, I realized that situations in our city of millions when people urgently need this or that auto part, quite a lot.

By that time, I already had my own car, not new, but brought to perfect condition by my efforts. In order to be always in touch with potential clients, I assumed to use an iPhone with an Internet connection. Before going to the Registration Chamber to process documents for individual entrepreneurship, I conducted an analysis of wholesale and retail prices in the city's auto shops.

Organization of activities

Contacted major dealer companies, found out that an officially registered individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to conclude an agreement for the purchase of automotive parts and auto cosmetics at manufacturer prices. My calculations showed that the difference between wholesale and retail prices for auto parts is on average 15-20%. I added 20% for delivery to the estimated profit from the price difference - it turned out to be a rather attractive figure. Even taking into account the cost of gasoline, cellular communications and paying taxes, the profit promised to be quite good.

After a thorough study of all the pros and cons, I decided to open my own business. in the Regpalat, advertised in several local newspapers and free classifieds sites. Along the way, I flipped through a dozen thematic forums and offered my services there too. He left several channels for communication: home and mobile phone number, email address, ICQ number and Skype contact.

We didn't have to wait long for customers. the very next day I received two orders, which took me only three hours to complete. Then calls and messages became regular, I went on orders almost from morning until late at night, earning from a thousand rubles a day. In addition to spare parts, customers often ordered auto cosmetics, realizing that it was more profitable to purchase everything they needed at once, without wasting time on trips to auto shops - after all, they paid only for the call, regardless of the size of the order.

I came across a variety of people - from ordinary taxi drivers and private pensioners to respectable leaders and businessmen. Often there were orders from small car services. I really liked this work, because, in addition to a good salary, every day I heard words of gratitude from people who were completely unknown to me. We got to know one of them more closely when I helped him change a broken headlight.

When he found out that I had a diploma in a car specialist, he offered me a job in the company he headed. And I was very surprised when I refused, answering that I love my job and in the near future I plan to introduce my younger brother and a couple of friends to it: it becomes difficult for one to cope with the growing number of orders. Indeed, why look for good from good and work "for my uncle" when I have my own profitable business that brings me not only earnings, but also pleasure?

This material can serve as a model for writing a business plan for an auto parts store when obtaining a loan from a bank, to attract a financial partner, receive government support, and simply to justify the feasibility of investing money in your business.

Project description

We bring to your attention a sample business plan for an auto parts store opened in a city with a population of 120 thousand people.

Despite high competition, the sale of auto parts is a profitable line of business, as this market in Russia shows an annual growth of 20%. Opening a store with a large assortment of goods for both domestic and foreign cars in our city will be beneficial from both an economic and social point of view.

Socio-economic indicators of project implementation (for state support)

  1. Registration of a new small business entity;
  2. Creation of 3 new jobs;
  3. Receipt in the budget of the city N up to 80 thousand rubles a year.

Economic indicators of the project implementation, according to the calculations of the business plan:

  1. Profit - more than 1 million rubles a year;
  2. The payback of the project according to preliminary calculations is about 2 years;
  3. Profitability - 25%.

It is planned to spend 400 thousand rubles on opening a business. own funds and attract 1,700 thousand credit funds in one of the city's banks:

Which taxation system to choose

The legal form will be individual entrepreneurship. The choice of this OPF is due to an inexpensive and simplified procedure for registering activities. As tax systems the patent system will be applied, while the cost of a patent for an auto parts store for the year will be 36 thousand rubles.

At the moment, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Produced business registration, OKVED code 50.30.2 - Retail trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories;
  2. A preliminary lease agreement has been concluded for the placement of a retail outlet on the street. Lenin house 101 with a retail area of ​​40m2 and a warehouse at the same address with an area of ​​15m2. The rental price for 55m2 will be 30,000 rubles per month. The room does not need renovation;
  3. The search for wholesale suppliers of auto parts and consumables on favorable terms has been completed.

Description of products and services

The range of outlets will include spare parts and consumables for cars of both foreign and domestic production. In addition to the goods presented on the windows and shelves, the store will also work on orders from the catalog. In general, the supply department will work according to the principle: the most popular items should always be in stock. These products include:

  • Engine oil;
  • Wheel disks;
  • Tires;
  • Filters (oil, air, fuel);
  • light bulbs;
  • Candles;
  • wipers;
  • Oil seals;
  • Hardware, washers, self-tapping screws, caps;
  • Clamps, branch pipes;
  • Alternator and timing belts;
  • Tools;
  • BB wires;
  • Autochemistry;
  • Gaskets;
  • grenades;
  • Steering tips;
  • Silencers;
  • Bearings;
  • First aid kits and pumps;
  • and so on.

In this case, the customer will be offered spare parts from different manufacturers at distinctive prices, such as "original" or "non-original" spare parts.

The price level will be slightly lower than the average price level for spare parts in the outlets of our city. And thanks to a well-thought-out logistics system, orders will be delivered as soon as possible.

marketing plan

First, let's define the market capacity. According to statistics, in Russia there are about 270 cars per 1000 inhabitants, that is, every fifth person has his own car. Our city is home to 120 thousand inhabitants, respectively, they account for about 20 thousand cars.

The most popular car brands are: Lada, Chevrolet and KIA.

Of the total volume of the auto parts market, 52% of sales are for domestic cars and 48% for foreign cars.

The ratio of purchased components for domestic cars and foreign cars:

On average, each car owner spends about 15 thousand rubles on the maintenance of his car (without gasoline and insurance). Basically, these are the costs of engine oil, rubber, filters, spare parts.

It follows that the capacity of the auto parts market in our city is: 20 thousand (cars) * 15 thousand rubles (car expenses) = 300 million rubles a year.

It should be noted that the demand for spare parts will only grow in the near future, as the number of car owners and, accordingly, the number of cars is growing. According to statistics, the growth rate of this market is about 20% per year.

Competitors. According to the study, there are about 30 outlets in the city that sell a similar group of goods, of which 10 are large service stations that have their own retail departments (Recommended reading: “STO business plan”.

In close proximity to our outlet are:

  1. Service station with its own sales department. They mainly trade on pre-orders;
  2. Center for motor oils. The main assortment - oils, filters and other consumables;
  3. Retail outlet on 5m2 in a small shopping center. They sell only by catalog with delivery within a week.

We will conduct a comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors:

Competitors Characteristic conclusions
Strengths Weaknesses
ONE HUNDREDCar owners who use the services of a service station order spare parts in their storeA low range of spare parts and consumables from the warehouse, basically all goods are made to order. Delivery of the order more than a week. Relatively high pricesCompete with lower prices, wider product range and faster spare parts delivery
Motor Oil CenterA wide range of motor oils at low pricesDue to the specific specialization in engine oil, there are no other types of consumables and spare partsCompete with a wider range and faster delivery of spare parts
Point of sale in the shopping centerLow prices, fast order deliveryAlmost completely out of stock, they sell only by catalogCompete with a wider range of products in stock

Advertising and marketing activities

  1. Advertising in the media, development of a business card site for our store;
  2. Advertising on billboards, distribution of flyers and business cards;
  3. Discount for regular customers, promotions (free oil change);

The level of trade margin on goods will average 40-50%. The sales season is in spring and autumn.

The planned sales volume in monetary terms (revenue) is as follows: The monthly dynamics of revenue is presented in the form of a graph: To reach the break-even point of sales, it is necessary to sell goods in the amount of 315,000 rubles per month.

Production plan

We will work only with large wholesale organizations that have been operating in the wholesale supply of auto parts for more than one year and have proven themselves only from the best side. These are companies such as Part-Kom, Pasker, the Auto-Alliance group of companies, etc. Delivery of goods to the store will be carried out by transport companies. Planned staffing of our organization:Increased requirements will be imposed on the staff, in terms of:

  1. Good knowledge of the device of the car and spare parts;
  2. Ability to communicate with clients;
  3. Sales experience (preferred).

Calendar plan

The list of activities for the launch of the project and their cost can be presented in the form of a calendar plan: It will take 30 days and 2.1 million rubles of initial investments to launch the project.

How much money do you need to open an auto parts store.

To open a retail outlet, investments in the amount of 2.1 million rubles will be required. Of these, own funds amount to 400 thousand rubles and 1,700 thousand rubles are planned to be attracted in the form of a bank loan.

Financial plan

The main expense of the entrepreneur will be material costs, that is, the acquisition of goods for the purpose of subsequent resale. Rather large expenses for an entrepreneur, in addition to wages, will be the payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund: 36 thousand rubles per year for individual entrepreneurs and 30% monthly of the wages of employees. A complete list of all costs, as well as the calculation of gross and net profits is presented in the table - the forecast of income and expenses of the store:

How much can you earn by opening an auto parts store

Net profit based on the results of annual sales will amount to just over 1 million rubles. The profitability of an auto parts store, according to the business plan, is 25.7%. This figure is higher than any bank deposit. This suggests that the investment in the business will fully justify itself. Return on investment should not be expected before 24 months.

This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

How to start a business

Starting any business requires careful preparation, thoughtful actions and a well-developed business plan. The auto parts store is no exception to the general rule. This business is primarily for men. But even if you have a good driving experience or worked in a car repair service before, it is still worth learning. After all, trading is a new business and requires different skills. First, you need to decide what exactly you will sell: spare parts for foreign or domestic cars, or just covers, rugs, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to competitors: what is sold in your area, at what price, what is more in demand? The competition in this niche is quite high, so you need to think carefully about the business plan and how you can attract a buyer. An auto parts business can be successfully combined with another car-related business, such as a car wash. Or invest in the car in this way which will bring significant profit in 2-3 years.
