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Presentation on the topic angle. Presentation: "Types of angles." Practical work to consolidate what has been learned

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Slide captions:

1 2 3 4 Unit of measurement of time 2. Unit of measurement of mass 3. Hundredth part of a number 4. Instrument for measuring the length of segments MIN U T A G R A M M P R O T C E N T L I N E I C IIII I IIII I IIII I IIII I IIII I IIII I IIII I IIII I IIII I IIII I IIII I IIII I IIII I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Gram

straight ray segment

How was this figure formed?

An angle is a figure formed by two rays emanating from one point. O A B AOB Side of corner Vertex of corner

The sign for denoting an angle was introduced in the 18th century by the French mathematician Pierre Erigon Erigon used the sign to denote a right angle

Write down the depicted angles using the “” sign, indicate their sides and vertices. M O K A V S If you completed the task correctly, then you have written down:  KOM: OK and OM - sides  KOM O - top  KOM  VAS: AB and AC - sides  VAS A - top  VAS

Look carefully at the drawing. It shows points that belong to  ABC and do not belong to  ABC. So, points P, E, D, K belong to  ABC, points M, O do not belong to  ABC, and points P, K lie on the sides of  ABC. A B S R K E D M O

Look carefully at the picture and name the points that belong to  GENUS and do not belong to  GENUS. If you completed the task correctly, then you have named points: Points T, A, B, C, K belong to  GENERAL. Points M, H do not belong to  ROD. R O D T S V A N K M

A= B A B A S A

Equal angles coincide when superimposed. If one angle is superimposed on another and they coincide, then these angles are equal or


O A B Two complementary rays form an unfolded angle

Look carefully at the drawing. Write the angles in increasing order of their magnitudes. If you completed the task correctly, then you have written down:  AED,  ROS,  MKE K M E R O S V A D

Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Angle O O P T T R T T P O O 12 3 9 6 1 2 11 10 5 4 7 8 Determine the type of angles that the hands of the clock form. CHECK O - SHARP R - STRAIGHT T - DULL R - REVEALED

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  • Presentation for math lesson on this topic "Corner. Types of angles"

Presentation compiled

Soboleva L.G.,

primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 3" Glazov

Game "Mathematical basketball"

Well done!

30 + 7 25 + 5 32 – 12 66 + 4 80 – 7

28 – 10 45 – 45 53 + 7 59 – 9 90 + 9

Game "Four Wheel"

Divide the shapes into two groups



Crossword "Geometric"

Geometric figure shaped

elongated circle.

The smallest geometric figure.

A geometric figure that has no corners.

The part of a line that has a beginning

but there is no end.





Corner is a geometric figure formed by two different rays

with a common beginning.

Angle designation

Dot ABOUT- vertex of the corner.

Rays OA And OB- sides of the angle.

Sharp corner is an angle that is less than a right angle.

Obtuse angle is an angle that is greater than a right angle.

Game “The corner gave them a name”














  • 1noun (What?)
  • 2 adjectives (Which?)
  • 3 verbs (what to do?)
  • Offer
  • Association (synonym)

Practical work

Build right angle

1. Take a square and a pencil.

2. Circle the corner as in my picture.

We are building sharp corner

Take a ruler and pencil.

Draw a straight line

And then another one like mine

Attach a square. What do you think?

Attach a square. What do you say?

Let's build

obtuse angle

Take a ruler and pencil.

Draw a straight line

And then another one like

I have.

  • found out
  • Understood
  • learned


  • Imagine and draw different objects using circles, ovals, dots, rays and angles

(complete the task on a landscape sheet)

THANK YOU for your work

I wish you creative success

  • Development of logical thinking, attention, memory, spatial imagination;
  • Development of creative skills on the topic for successful completion of tasks;
  • Development of the culture of speech and emotions of students.

3. Educational:

  • In order to solve problems moral education promote the development of humanity and collectivism, observation and curiosity, the development of cognitive activity, and the formation of independent work skills;
  • In order to solve the problems of aesthetic education, to promote the development of a sense of beauty in students.


I. Organizational moment.

Well, check it out, my friend,
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place?
Is everything alright?
Pen, book and notebook?
Is everyone sitting correctly?
Is everyone watching carefully?
Everyone wants to receive
Only a “5” rating.

Guys, today we will again go on a journey through the kingdom of Geometry.

3. Oral counting.

2 slide

At the gate we are met by King Dot and his daughter, Princess Straight. Before the king and princess introduce us to the inhabitants of their kingdom, they want to test you.

II. Verbal counting.

(Slide 3)

1) Game “Confused Caterpillar”.

The caterpillar has lost the numbers, look at the remaining ones, guess what rule can be used to continue the series of numbers. (Children say the rule: these are even numbers; each subsequent number is 2 more than the previous one).

What numbers did the caterpillar lose? (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16)

(Slide 4)

2) Game “Mathematical Basketball”.

Basketball- team sport game, the goal of which is to throw the ball into a suspended basket with your hands.

Any of you will score a goal if you solve the example correctly. (Children solve examples in a chain). 30 + 7 25 + 5 32 - 12 66 + 4 80 - 7 28 - 10 45 - 45 53 + 7 59 - 9 90 + 9

Slide 5

Logic task

How many spots do 15 piglets have? (15)

When a goose stands on two legs, it weighs 4 kg. How much will a goose weigh when it stands on one leg?

6 slide

You have passed all the tests. The king and princess are very pleased with you and are ready to introduce you to the inhabitants of the kingdom of “Geometry”!

(When you click, the gate leaves open.)

(Slide 7)

Guys, before you are the inhabitants of the kingdom “Geometry”.

Look at the shapes in each frame. Which one is the odd one out? Why?

(Students name the extra figures and justify their choice).

Divide all remaining figures into two groups. How can I do that? (The remaining shapes can be divided into two groups: lines and polygons.)

Name the types of lines and polygons that you know. (Lines: straight, broken, curved. Polygons: square, trapezoid, rectangle, quadrangle, pentagon, hexagon, polygon).

IV. Working on new material.

(Slide 8)

1) - The crossword puzzle will tell you the topic of the lesson. Crossword “Geometric”.

1) Part of a line that has a beginning but no end. (Ray).

2) A geometric figure that has no corners. (Circle).

4) A geometric figure in the shape of an elongated circle. (Oval).

The topic of our lesson is hidden vertically. Find her. (Corner). (click, geometric shapes fly out).

Please formulate the topic of our lesson.

Guys, why are we going to study angles?

Do you think this knowledge will be useful to you?

(Children's answers)

Angles surround us in everyday life. Give your own examples of where you can find angles around us.

Guys, maybe someone knows what an angle is? (children's opinions are listened to)

We will check the correctness of our formulation a little later.

People of what professions are most likely to encounter angles? (constructor, engineer, designer, builder, architect, sailor, astronomer, architect, tailor, etc.)

Slide 9.

Look at the pictures: a connecting corner for pipes and a stationery corner for papers; carpenter's square and drafting square; corner table and corner sofa.

Guys, now the King and Princess offer to play a little.

Slide 10.

Game “The corner gave them a name.”

The angle is an important figure. He helped give names to many figures. Name the figures.

What do the names of the figures have in common? (that they have a square - a common part)

Why is the first part of the words different everywhere? (because there are different numbers of angles)

Fizminutka 11-16 slides

Slide 18.

Guys, now step back one cell from the red fields and place point O. Draw two rays from this point.

Draw point O (4-5) on the board in advance. Call 4-5 children to draw rays on the board.

What kind of figures did we get? (corner)

Look how different these angles are.

Guys, now put together a rule from words.

Work in pairs.

(Conclusion: an angle is a geometric figure formed by two different rays

with a common beginning).

Guys, now look at the figure that I drew.

Is it an angle or not.

(The children say - no, we return to the rule again, after which we conclude that this is also an angle - a reversed one)

Slide 19. (output by angle)

Poster on blackboard

Point O is the vertex of the angle. An angle can be called by one letter written near its vertex. Angle O. But there can be several angles that have the same vertex. What to do then? (On the sheet there is a drawing of such angles)

Children's answers.

In such cases, if you call different angles with the same letter, it will not be clear which angle you are talking about. If this does not happen, you can mark one point on each side of the angle, put a letter near it and designate the angle with three letters, while always writing in the middle the letter indicating the vertex of the angle. Angle AOB. Rays AO and OB are the sides of the angle.

Poster on blackboard

Slide 20.

Guys, you have different types of corners on your tables. Please find the same types of angles.

How will you search? (Children's answers)

One person on my models is looking for the same angles.

Guys, look, numbers 6 and 7 matched completely, but 1 and 5 did not. No. 5 is bigger.

What can be concluded? After the children answer, a slide appears.

CONCLUSION: slide 21

  • Equal angles coincide when superimposed
  • If one angle is superimposed on another and they coincide, then these angles are equal

Slide 22.

Making a right angle model.

Slide 23

It is not always convenient to determine a right angle by eye. To do this, use a ruler-square.

What color is used to highlight an angle greater than a right angle? (Blue).

Less direct? (Green).

Which of the three proposed angles is a straight line?

Why did you decide so? (The vertex and sides of the angle coincide with the right angle on the square ruler).

How to determine the type of angle?

  • To determine the type of angle, you need to combine its vertex and side, respectively, with the vertex and side of the right angle on the square.

Slide 24

Each of the corners has its own name. An acute angle is an angle that is less than a right angle. An obtuse angle is an angle that is greater than a right angle.

(Tables with the names of the angles appear on the board)

My mother took the piece of paper
And folded the corner
This is the angle for adults
It's called DIRECT.
If the corner is already SHARP,
If wider, then - DUMB.

Slide 25.

Guys, is it always possible to overlap the angles?

No. (If drawn in a notebook...)

For this purpose, there is a protractor with which angles are measured. Angles are measured in degrees. Look at the types of protractors.

Slide 26.

Very often we can observe angles on the clock. The angles are formed by the hour hands.

Work according to the textbook.

Exercise: Using the right angle model, find right angles and write down their numbers. (Children complete the task independently, then one student names his answer, everyone checks the work).

With the help of a square it is convenient not only to determine right angles, but most importantly - to build them. Let's build a right angle, everyone will name it with one or three letters.

Slide 27-29 (The teacher is on the board, and the children are building a right angle in their notebooks. Mutual testing is carried out in pairs).

I'm SHARP - I want to draw,
Now I’ll take it and draw it.
I lead two straight lines from a point,
It's like two rays
And we see an ACUTE ANGLE,
like the edge of a sword.

And for an obtuse ANGLE
We repeat everything again:
From a point we draw two straight lines,
But let's spread them wider.
Look at my drawing,
He's like scissors inside
If there are two rings
We'll push it all the way.

Practical work to consolidate what has been learned.

There is wire on your desks. Make a right angle out of it and test it with a square, then make it sharp and obtuse.

7. Lesson summary.

Tell me, using a diagram, what did you learn from today's math lesson?

8. Homework.

One day point

I went hunting

She took the bow

Two straight arrows.

Thought period:

"What will happen when I

I'll let you in on my own

Are two stronger arrows?

I thought period

And she did it

And now we have a corner.

Handsome, cheerful,

Has two beams

And playful to the point,
