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Secret schemes for making money on the Internet without investment. White and black schemes for making money on the Internet: review. VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

Greetings to my blog readers!

I found the topic for the article, as usual, from the practice of everyday life. A friend of mine once called me (knowing that I had been around for several years) and asked for advice related to a company that was extremely actively promoting itself as a new generation search engine. Like, “we are super innovators, invest in us and you will be rich tomorrow.”

I immediately sensed something was wrong, because the bait was presented in the form of “we’ll screw Google and Yandex, and we’ll share the scale of their profits with you.” It is clear that upon closer look, I saw a bloated bubble, behind which there was nothing except the shell (which, by the way, is also very wretched). He advised a friend to urgently withdraw money, and he decided to write an article.

Of course, the temptation is more “gray” than “black”. Because such a project still has a chance to succeed, but it is very small. However, this is an even more serious indicator that they should be feared (the motives of the creators are carefully disguised).

In general, I will talk about black schemes for making money on the Internet.

Human society is structured in such a way that there will always be people who want to profit at the expense of others. . And since the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, all sorts of swindlers and swindlers have found an opportunity to carry out their activities there. Recently, by the way, my profile was hacked (I must say, it’s my own fault, I didn’t set a good password for my email). They pretty much ruined a good picture for me and robbed me of 5,000 rubles (I compensated the customer for the damage). I caught myself in time.

The purpose of this article is to outline possible ways of making dishonest money in order to warn readers against falling into the web of Internet scammers.

Surely, many remember how in the 90s all kinds of financial pyramids boomed. The principle of their operation is that a new member of the organization either must pay an entrance fee or invest money in this organization. Payments to old participants are made due to the appearance of new ones.

I love this picture

And at one fine moment, when the number of new members of the organization provides a large influx of money, this entire pyramid collapses, payments end and the unfortunate investors are left with nothing. And the organizers of the pyramid, with rare exceptions, will disappear into space along with huge sums of money!

In the real world, such outright pyramids will not attract anyone, but through the Internet, using various fraudulent persuasion schemes (from beautiful pictures about a rich life to screenshots of large sums from electronic wallets), they may well lure newcomers into their networks.

And the very term “invest” evokes respect and anticipation of wealth!

What kind of animal are you, hype?

Currently, projects that conduct activities similar to those of financial pyramids are called “HYIPs.”

Translated from English, this abbreviation (HYIP - High Yield Investment Program) means “an investment program that generates high income.”

The Internet user is offered to invest money at a very high interest rate. And the size of the percentage depends on how long the creators of this project are going to “earn money” on the Internet.

HYIPs can be fast, medium-term and long-term. Medium-term hype can last 6-9 months with a proposed return of 1-3% per day. A quick hype lasts a short time, so in order to collect more money it offers a profit of 5-50% per day (!).

Long-term projects behave much more modestly. They can consistently pay interest to their investors for several years. But no matter how much the rope hangs, greed takes its toll. And having collected a significant amount of investment, such hype will invariably be scammed. The term “scam” (English: “scam” - fraud, deception) means that the HYIP stops paying profits to investors and closes. And project administrators disappear in an unknown direction.

For the sake of truth, it should be noted that such schemes are more “gray” than “black” (as with lures into an “innovative IT project”), because there are such investment pros who manage to make money in hype projects. And as a result, the Internet full of positive reviews and offers to teach how to make money on HYIPs (such training is an additional opportunity to make money from beginners, but more on that later). Note, we are talking about pros! And the bulk of the money comes from beginners who read a beautiful story on a social network from the category “from rags to riches” and took their savings to the hype.

Only in order to make money for the project administrators and several pros who managed to climb the crest of the wave. As a result, the newly minted investor is left with an empty pocket and unanswered messages to the creators of the investment project on the topic “when will the payments be made?”

Daughters of the pyramid and varieties of black schemes

But, nevertheless, such a direct copy of financial pyramids from offline already alarms many Internet users. Therefore, now this scheme for taking money can be presented under a completely different sauce. Although, it is not at all difficult to understand how scammers work here.

Mutual aid funds

Offer to provide financial assistance. When joining, you need to invest a certain amount. And the larger the amount invested, the more you can then get for free. The first contribution may be insignificant, each subsequent one will be larger.

Cash games - possible veiled hype

In such a project, the user first develops his activities in the game, in the process he buys something and, it seems, can sell something. For example, he plays farm, he can buy chickens there in order to later sell their eggs. Only the money invested in chickens will be able to be repaid only in six months, and the project will already be closed by then. There are well-known games like Warcraft, Dota, World of Tanks, etc., where you can earn money in tournaments. But these games are from a completely different industry.

I found this picture on one of the channels, which described a scheme for deceiving counter-strike players. The most interesting thing is that such scammers, as I expected, always attract their own kind. And indeed, many people believe that deception is normal...

Imitation of an online store

A website or group is created on a social network, where they offer to buy goods with very large discounts, and promotions and sweepstakes are also held. And what person doesn’t like freebies and big discounts?! But, nevertheless, in the excitement of searching for “where it’s cheaper,” you shouldn’t turn off your head, but try to soberly assess the situation.

What it looks like through the eyes of an ordinary person. A group for selling goods is being created on a social network. Starts small. For example, children's products. Gradually, with an increase in the number of buyers, the range is expanded and reoriented. And in this store you can already buy household appliances, laptops, and iPhones. There are many such groups. The difference is that the cost of the goods due to discounts was reduced to 70%. The explanation was that they work directly with suppliers, etc. and so on. They also gave out bonuses to those who brought new customers.

True, this store had two conditions: 100% prepayment of the order and receipt of the goods 4-5 months after payment. As a result, the amount of orders increased, word of mouth worked in full force. But after two years of operation, the online store abruptly closed, taking more than 2 million rubles in profit. More than 1.5 thousand people were injured.

So, that's the gist of the scheme. The activities were carried out according to the principle of a pyramid. Money from new customers was used to pay for and deliver goods to old customers. The product was purchased at the regular price; no discounts or promotions were provided to the owners of the online store. It's quite simple!

Separate information business schemes

In general, information business is a fairly new direction associated with the sale of information focused on the interests of a particular target audience. It is designed for a client who already understands that in order to make money on something new, you need to learn this new thing.

I think many people have noticed that recently a lot of webinars, master classes and courses on various topics have appeared on the Internet. Among other areas, the topic of making money on the Internet is at the top of popularity. Naturally, scammers use this popularity to achieve their goals. They may offer to buy a course or instructions, which in reality will turn out to be either a dummy (a video about nothing) or a description of earnings with an attached referral link, or an offer to invest in one of the HYIPs.

To attract more buyers, they make a video where they show electronic wallets with an increasing amount in the process of supposedly working according to the method being sold. For people far from programming, this looks plausible. In fact, if you just know a simple algorithm of actions, then it is very easy to change the site code yourself and enter any amount into your wallet. Which, however, does not make it a real amount of money! In general, the videos provide considerable support to those who want to show naive users how and where they need to send their money.

Investment in shares of IT startups

What I wrote about at the beginning of the article. Gray schemes to attract capital with the subsequent promise of fabulous profits. Such comrades work mainly for an audience of pensioners and incompetent citizens, because it is easiest to sell them the value of another messenger full of bugs.

I have met 2 types of similar “would-be startups”:

  1. A search engine that will outshine Google in the future.
  2. A messenger for smartphones that is positioned as “a serious competitor to Viber and Whatsupp.”

It is interesting that in both cases there is some semblance of the initial developments to deflect attention. For example, for the mega-search engine, a website will even be made on WordPress with a standard search field from Yandex and the same standard free theme. In the case of the messenger, some kind of half-stump of the level of laboratory work of students of a humanitarian university will be demonstrated.

Naturally, both of these developments will be surrounded by loquacious would-be PR people, whose goal will be to inspire trust and lure out your hard-earned money.

Although, I do not exclude that among such startups there are those that will become interesting and in demand in the future. But why then do they spend so many resources on chatter and not on real development?

Other nonsense (options, casinos, bookmakers)

There are several other ways to scam money under the guise of binary options, bets in a casino or bookmaker. The schemes there are not so simple that they can be presented in a nutshell. But in any case, it is impossible for a beginner to make money on them, but it won’t take much effort to invest part of your own funds in them irrevocably.

And even if at first they offer to use an account that already has some amount in it, and the initial activity is crowned with success, then later it turns out that in order to withdraw the earned amount or use this account, you have to pay. And in the end, no money, no bills.

Darth Vader is waiting for newcomers

If someone wants to take the “dark” side and make money on someone’s naivety, then here, too, dirty tricks from their “brothers in mind” may await them. Such a neophyte drives in a request to search for information on fooling the honest population.

The search engine provides a lot of free manuals on this topic. This neophyte tries to follow a link or open a downloaded file, but a picture appears on the monitor and the computer is blocked. And in the picture there is an inscription: where and how much you need to pay in order to receive instructions on how to unlock your computer via SMS. Or, worse, the computer becomes infected with a virus. This is such mutual assistance from colleagues in the shop.

There is a bright path

Here, in fact, is the entire review, which briefly presents various schemes for making black money on the Internet. I hope I was able to warn those wishing to avoid making quick and easy money on the World Wide Web, through which you can easily become a victim of numerous scammers.

Therefore, become professionals and do not fall for the latest nonsense of false innovators. Of course, the path to professionalism is thorny and long: you need to spend time and effort on training and development. Especially the first time when you are just learning. You have to spend perhaps even more time in front of the monitor than at offline work.

Look at the article about. There I just bring to the point that the best investment is in your own education.

And even in this case, there are no great guarantees that you will be able to earn any significant amount. And it is possible that the effort expended will be so great in relation to the amount received that disappointment will appear. And the desire to find decent income on the Internet will be put aside as unfulfillable.

The Internet is perceived by people differently. Some people think this is the best place to make money, while others think that only scammers operate online. Yes, there are a lot of scams, anonymity allows attackers to carry out various dark schemes, but there are also plenty of honest methods.

White, gray and black schemes for making money on the Internet 2018 - we decided to collect all the popular methods and combine them into several categories. We recommend using white methods; gray ones are somehow associated with something illegal or partial deception. And we present all the dark approaches for informational purposes only, so as not to stumble upon scammers.

Is it possible to make money on the Internet and what is needed for this?

If you make money honestly, then you need to be a programmer, know how to create websites, trade on Forex - this is what beginners think. In fact, absolutely any skills help you earn income online. If they are not there, then you can use the simplest methods or learn something.

Now you can find many paid techniques, various e-books and video courses. Don't waste your money, free money making schemes are no different. For example, our blog has already posted several thousand articles that talk about various methods and proven services.

To start working remotely, you don't have to make investments or study for years. You just need to allocate a little time, be ready to learn and register an electronic wallet. No one transfers money to the card here (in rare cases), so you need to register:

Choose at least one of the services; you will indicate your wallet number on websites or use it to transfer money to your card. Using such accounts is not difficult, but you will have to go through identification; in Russia there is a law that obliges you to provide passport data in order to combat fraud.

White schemes for making money on the Internet

Recently I came across a post “Leaking Earning Schemes,” which talked about investing in various shares of little-known companies. After some digging, it turned out that all these companies were created by one person on the same day. Obviously, another scam, and the article talked about the problem of scammers and deception.

You can't trust anyone if you choose a way to make money, then only time-tested or launch something of your own:

1. Cheat on social networks. The first option is universal, suitable for absolutely everyone, because it is extremely simple. From social media accounts, anyone can like, repost, retweet, and so on. For such actions they also pay money, a small amount of about 50 kopecks, but first think about how many tasks you can complete in at least an hour:

All services with markups are presented in the article about. You will also find detailed instructions there. It’s quite possible to collect several hundred rubles in a day, the main thing is to use several projects and use all your profiles. At least, it will definitely be enough to pay for mobile communications and the Internet.

2. Copywriting. Permanent part-time job with development prospects. If you work actively, it is quite possible to reach an average income, not lower than the usual salary (25-40 thousand rubles). What do we have to do? Write articles to order or sell ready-made materials on exchanges. The second option is easier because you can choose what you understand. What other authors write about:

Site owners buy articles; they only see the title. We recommend this exchange is the largest, they pay in dollars and you can withdraw money directly to your card. In addition, there are small tasks here, like in services with markups. Only the requirements for the quality of texts are high, if they don’t accept the work, put it on. This is also a high-quality exchange with payments on Webmoney.

3. Freelancing. When looking for remote work, you should definitely look at. They offer various projects and vacancies for specialists from all fields. Marketers, designers, programmers, video editors, photographers and so on. There is also general work for those who do not have experience or skills:

Everything is fair here, you choose an order, contact the client, the details are discussed, and perhaps an advance payment is made. You complete the work, send it to the customer and receive the rest of the money. The exchange acts as a guarantor, but just in case, it is better to check the employer’s account. When you get a rating and reviews appear, people start contacting you.

4. Information business. A more complex, but promising option. White diagram of an online business with information products. You need to create them yourself or order them from freelancers. After that, sell online. For how much, to whom and how to advertise, decide for yourself. It’s a highly profitable business, and in order not to engage in sales yourself, you can attract partners:

Here is an example of one of the information products, which costs 2990 rubles. Its author offers partners to earn 1,270 rubles by attracting buyers. 702 thousand rubles have already been paid, which means the author has earned almost 950,000 rubles. And this is from sales of one system, because you can create as many of them as you like. Find out, and you can start by connecting to an affiliate program. Try selling a few items on commission.

5. Affiliate programs. They can be associated not only with information products. Attracting people to different sites brings good profits. You can advertise services, credit cards, clothes from online stores and receive royalties for all this. For example, the well-known Kaspersky Anti-Virus is ready to give 15% of payments by new users:

If the person you invite buys a license for 1000 rubles, you will immediately receive 150 rubles. You can search for them among real acquaintances, on social networks, on forums and in other ways. Just use it, the conditions are not favorable everywhere, and some goods (services) are simply not in demand.

6. YouTube channel. Another white scheme with good prospects. Create a channel without investment and promote it. When there are a lot of subscribers, you can monetize the site through advertising, affiliate programs, direct advertisers, or even sell your products. To successfully conduct business, we recommend a selection of thematic articles:

It’s difficult to start, no one watches the uploaded videos, subscribers are not active. You need to be patient and PR yourself by any means necessary. Over time, income will grow, just don’t rush into monetization. The quality of the videos should be a priority; the money won’t start rolling in right away.

7. Your own website. Using the same working scheme for making money on the Internet, we launch our own resources. This could be a blog, a forum, an online store, or some kind of service. Decide for yourself whether to invest money or not. Here you also have to count on prospects; in order to quickly receive income, you can buy a ready-made website at:

This is the largest auction, there are always a lot of lots, there are detailed statistics on the sites. The method is simpler, but when you start your project from scratch, you understand it better and it’s easier to improve it in the future. There are no restrictions regarding income; the higher the attendance, the more you can earn.

8. Earning money on cryptocurrencies. We simply must include cryptocurrencies in our 2018 earnings schemes. A modern trend, coins are constantly becoming more expensive and new tokens are appearing. There are several ways to earn income here, it all depends on the availability of start-up capital. There are free methods, we recommend:

You can collect some coins or shares of them, even if they give little for them now, in a few months or years their value may increase greatly. The best example has already been shown by Bitcoin. When these coins first appeared, their value was less than a cent, in 2013 it rose to $135, and now 1 BTC = $7463:

And this is against the backdrop of a recession; in January the price reached $20,000. Those who managed to join the topic earned millions. It’s not too late to become an investor; Bitcoin prices have now fallen, and analysts predict a rise in the coming years. In addition, there are many other promising altcoins. You can buy coins and forget about it for a while.

Gray schemes for making money online

There are schemes for earning money without investments that are not entirely honest or involve something prohibited. You also need to know about them, because they are workers. Whether you can do this, decide for yourself, but be prepared for the fact that negativity may pour down on you. On the other hand, it will be possible to raise more money with less effort:

Perhaps some of these gray schemes will seem interesting to you. They will also be useful for broadening your horizons, in case you yourself someday end up on a site with paid SMS or you are promised a large passive income in an investment game. Now you at least know how everything works in them.

Black money making schemes - fraud

We are against deception, so we do not advertise any shady schemes. We will tell you about the most common methods of fraud, just so that you do not fall for the bait of criminals. Newbies on the Internet are often deceived when they are looking for a part-time job. Be careful if you are offered:

  1. Handmade at home. Collecting pens, mosaics, typing handwritten text - advertisements with such offers still appear, despite the fact that this is an old scheme of online deception. They promise to pay for the simplest actions, but first you need to send a certain amount to confirm the seriousness of your intentions or pay for the sent shipment of goods. Immediately after this, the employer disappears.
  2. Work without prepayment. There are scammers even on freelance exchanges. They offer to do some work, for example, create posts for a VK group or record a video review about a scam (supposedly he pays), and then they just throw you away. You should always demand an advance payment, but newcomers are not always met halfway, so they take risks. If there is no advance payment, then at least look at the customer’s profile, it should have positive reviews and a high rating.
  3. Financial pyramids. They open daily and their developers are marketing aggressively. Recently I saw a pyramid scheme “Scheme for earning 100-500 thousand rubles a day for 7 people.” Just think about it, 100-500 thousand a day, does this look like the truth? Moreover, pyramids are often disguised as other projects. This can be not only games, various funds, investment services and much more.

When communicating with a person on the Internet, you can never be sure that the information in his profile is real. Moreover, if you get scammed, what will you do with this data? Even if they send you a copy of your passport, it will be difficult to prove anything. Therefore, bypass black schemes for making money on the Internet, even if you are offered to join the topic for free.

How not to fall for black schemes for making money on the Internet without investments?

It would seem that you should avoid dubious offers and do not respond to messages from scammers. But it's not that simple. Attackers often turn out to be good psychologists and know how to persuade. They use different techniques and quickly draw a person in, forcing him to perform the necessary actions. Be careful if you see work:

  • with too high payment (10,000 rubles per day);
  • minimum time investment (half an hour on weekends);
  • no knowledge, skills, or education are needed;
  • pressured by restrictions (only 3 places, 3 days);
  • do not explain all the conditions in detail and do not provide information.

Remember one truth - no one is interested in enriching another person. You will only be paid for work if the client benefits from it. Reviews are easily forged, even videos are recorded, various documents are made up, scans of fake passports are sent, and so on.

Selling earning schemes is a profitable business, but we tried to fit several options into one article and share them with our readers absolutely free of charge. Choose any direction, start working today, so that the experience you gain will help you develop faster. It is quite possible to bypass all the dark schemes and even build your own business via the Internet.

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From the article you will learn about popular schemes for making money on the Internet. Among them will be legal whites, not very honest grays and not at all honest blacks. Let us also consider the possible consequences of such “work”.

White earning schemes

Do you think that white-collar schemes for making money are very rare on the Internet? Don’t you even consider freelancing as a source of “normal” income? In vain. What monthly income do you consider normal? And what do you say if I report personal acquaintance with people who earn 100-200 thousand rubles a month? This is without having your own web project! How much can you earn on your website? I gave you food for thought.

1.1. Honest ways

Now let's talk in more detail.

Honest money making schemes are available to everyone. You can start from the very “bottom”, that is, cheap tasks (downloading applications, working on, writing product reviews). But if you have already grown out of all this, I suggest you learn more profitable ways. And I want to warn you that they require professional knowledge in a certain area, experience, and skill. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have all this (yet) - mastery comes with experience.

  1. Write a dozen or two selling texts, raise your level, and become a specialist in this field.
  2. Sell ​​a few educational materials that are useful to people, and you are already a coach.
  3. Once you successfully test yourself as a dropshipper, you can safely open your own store.

Now I’ll tell you why not everyone likes white schemes:

  • at first they bring little money;
  • require enormous work capacity;
  • take time;
  • require patience.

If you have at least one of these qualities, start working - everything will work out. Choose from the list below an activity to your liking and, as they say, with God!

2. Earning money from affiliate programs with and without a website

Every business that exists on the Internet makes money from its target audience. Attracting it is an endless and difficult process, so the owners of websites, online stores, and application developers are very interested in replenishing the ranks of their clients. And they will be happy to share a percentage of sales with you if you can bring them new real customers or visitors.

3.2. VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki users earn money from the Plibber affiliate program (I advise you to take a closer look at it, they require a “charitable” contribution upon registration), from third-party advertising and the sale of goods and services.

Income all depends on the type of activity and time used. Those who like to like also earn a little money on social networks – 3,000-5,000 rubles. Professionals, owners of public pages and online stores - from 10,000 rubles per month to infinity.

4. A simple scheme for making money on the Internet - freelancing

A person who has a certain amount of knowledge and experience has absolutely no need to worry about making money. He will always have it. For example, they fired an undesirable journalist from the editorial office, and now he writes to order on the Internet and feels great.

Or a young talented programmer who is not hired for an office job... And don’t! He himself will find a lot of orders for.

Remote work in your specialty is the most P A fast way to make money on the Internet. And the most convenient:

  • you vary the number of orders;
  • you plan your own work schedule;
  • you don’t waste time traveling to the office and back;
  • you work in the comfort of your own home.

4.1. How it works

You register on one of the freelance exchanges, or look for customers yourself, do the work, and receive a fee.

Complete independence and freedom are wonderful, but experts advise working through exchanges at least for the first time. Pay there is somewhat lower, but so is the level of risk of being deceived. An experienced freelancer earns on average from 25,000 to 70,000 rubles per month. Although among them you can also find those whose income exceeds millions of rubles.

5. Earn money on your website, blog, video channel

Having your own, albeit small, source of passive income is in any case better than working “for someone else.” What can you create on the Internet?

  • Website (blog).
  • Shop.
  • Video channel.

5.1. How it works?

Any freelancer can “grow their career” by working on the Internet. After all, it is quite possible to save a little from the fees and order the creation of a thematic website or online store. Some people create blogs on their own, using the popular and simple WordPress engine. And these resources live happily ever after, delighting the owner with a decent income. For example, that’s exactly what I did: I created a blog and, after just a year and a half, my average income is 40-50 thousand rubles per month.

To create an Internet project, you need a theme, a unique design and a certain supply of articles so that search robots begin to index the pages. Next, you need to achieve a certain level of site traffic (to make money from advertising). Or better yet, both. There are several ways to monetize your website.

Owners of online stores earn money using the same principle, plus they sell physical goods. They need to be aware of fashion trends (if it is a clothing store) and constantly monitor consumer requests.

Requires a sufficient number of videos (ideally copyright ones). The thematic direction of your “movie” can be anything: from learning to make stools to learning to belly dance. Or just film funny incidents from life and post them on your channel. The more views your video gets, the more money you earn.

Income here depends on the popularity of the site, the quality of work, the range of goods and pricing policy of the store and the popularity of the video among viewers.

On a moderately promoted site on popular topics (earning money on the Internet, repairs and construction, medicine, for women, pregnancy, tourism) you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles a month in the first two to three years and then earnings will begin to grow exponentially. If, of course, everything is done correctly!

An online store can bring in half as much income.

Video channel – approximately the same amounts.

6. What are gray schemes and is it worth getting involved in them?

Do you remember some time ago, when not many people used webmoney, and more than half of the Russian population had no idea what it was? At this time, people received a large amount of spam with an offer to earn money without doing anything.

The essence of the letter was that the author proposed to create an electronic wallet, put a certain amount on it, and send another amount to the electronic wallet of users in the list below. The list is also attached. The point of earning money was that the next participants in the scheme would put money into your wallet and so, one ruble at a time, you would collect almost a million. Brad, in a word.

But many people fell for such a tempting offer and transferred money to the account (or accounts?) of the author of the divorce. They are probably still waiting for the promised millions.

I don’t know if this method is still alive on the Internet; I haven’t heard anything about it for a long time. Such methods of “more or less honestly taking money from citizens” are gray schemes for making money on the Internet. There seems to be nothing criminal about them, because they don’t take anything from you by force, you give it yourself. But the aftertaste after “cooperating” with such “Internet businessmen” is very unpleasant.

Be careful when they offer you paid “miracle manuals”, after studying which you will start earning a million a month. In dollars.

  • Firstly, it doesn’t happen that there are millions at once.
  • Secondly, you can read everything about making money on my blog or the blogs of my colleagues - for free.

Don’t believe it if they invite you to work on clicks and promise 200 rubles a day for it. This is too high a price for such work - they won’t pay you that much, they will simply take advantage of your work.

The tenth way is to avoid those who require you to pay for registration on some super-site.

Well, don’t organize something like this yourself. You will not be held accountable for this (it is difficult to prove Internet fraud), but there will be little benefit from the money earned by deception.

7. Black-black schemes for making money on the Internet

The worst thing for a user that can exist These are black schemes for making money on the Internet.

The divorce is complete and cruel. Perhaps for a tidy sum. Fraudsters work under the guise of decent companies with a beautiful facade - they make not crooked, but reputable websites and with their help they deceive people.

For example, an online store of branded fur clothing with prices below market prices. You want a mink coat for only 15,000 - 20,000 thousand rubles. And you're not alone. Sellers take money in advance to a corporate card, promise to send you the package within a week - and then disappear from sight. Phones are also turned off. In a week you can deceive 10-30 people and manage to escape unnoticed.

Express credit via the Internet is a very profitable scheme for scammers. Also with variations on the theme:

  • buy an income certificate if you don’t have one;
  • buy a “mandatory” police clearance certificate for lending;
  • pay for travel to your company agent;
  • verify your bank card (that is, find out its full number for yourself);
  • ask for cash for a loan.

As a result, you will not receive any credit, and you may lose all the savings on the card.

The scammer is not asleep and will not calm down as long as people are naive and gullible. Therefore, don’t trust, but check, create your own white and transparent earning schemes, become millionaires honestly!

In conclusion, I would like to ask you to tell us about the black money-making schemes that you fell for.

Best regards, Sergei.

Today I will do what others don't do! Tomorrow I will allow myself what others only dream of!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The Internet often provides simple, but quite profitable and real options for receiving money for performing work of various types.

I have already talked about some of them in the article about, but I would like to summarize this whole thing.

In this article, we will list a whole series of and that will not require special knowledge or skills from you (as well as financial investments), but can still provide quite a decent income. And for general development, I recommend that you read about.

Idea of ​​making money on the Internet No. 1 - content exchanges and freelancing

Content is needed by literally everyone who wants to achieve something really significant on the Internet. These are the bricks from which websites and the entire Internet as a whole are built. Therefore, the demand for it never weakens. Yes, many, like me, for example, write articles for their website on their own, but still the majority of those involved in online business are forced to resort to the services of copywriters.

How much can a copywriter really earn? It all depends on his talent and how he can present himself (for example, knowing how to write, you can “rise up” very decently). It is quite difficult to search for customers directly, so most people use the services of intermediaries - content exchanges. Here it’s easier to get orders and you can show yourself in all your glory without having to additionally prove your class.

So, in my opinion, you should first of all pay attention to: ETXT, Advego, TurboText, Contentmonster.

If your talents are not buried in the field of writing texts, but, for example, in drawing banners, writing scripts, setting up websites or servers, then you should look for real money already in.

Often, no specific knowledge is required at all - the main thing is to do the job correctly. In this regard, the exchange stands out of competition Workzilla— it is specifically for beginners and everyone starts with it.

I can also recommend to beginners the recently launched service Kwork, which allows you to register your service as a product (worth 500 rubles) and sell it to everyone. This exchange is quickly gaining momentum, you can read more about it.

Online earnings No. 2 - social networks

Almost all Internet users have accounts on social networks, but not everyone knows that they can actually make extra money. How? Well, many companies or website owners strive to promote their groups on social networks and use other elements of social activity. This brings them additional profit, which means they are willing to pay real money for it.

In the online community, due to the current situation, services have appeared that act as intermediaries between such “businessmen” and those who are not against joining their groups, subscribing to channels, pages, etc. The most popular and proven services: VK-target, VKserfing and some others.

Option No. 3 - working on cryptocurrency faucets

I decided to highlight this method in a separate section, although it mostly falls under the section on generating income from showing you advertising, given below. But the peculiarity here is that as a reward you receive not rubles or dollars, but shares of Bitcoin or other popular cryptocurrency.

It goes without saying that the amount of income is not huge (work available to everyone is paid, as a rule, low), but you don’t need to do anything special - just go to the site and complete the captcha. As a result, you will receive a small amount of cryptocurrency units into your account. But over time you can gain quite a decent amount of satoshi:

The most common are Bitcoin faucets, where, in fact, they give away a small share of Bitcoin for free. Each individual site (faucet) gives , but you can use many similar sites, thereby significantly increasing your income. I would recommend start with these:

The important question is what to do with all this cryptocurrency next. Don’t worry, it can be quite easily exchanged for any money convenient for you (both electronic and real) in a great variety:

The first option is much easier to implement, but exchanges may be more profitable.

Scheme No. 4 - installing applications on a phone or tablet

Here you won’t earn much from each service, but if you use several at once, it will be more or less noticeable and real. The main task is to install applications on your gadget (developers need this to rise higher in Google Play or Apple Store). Everything is very simple and does not take much time.

To start making money on Android (the most popular model) or any other type of mobile device, you need to install several applications on your phone, from which you can then download the required programs and receive money for it:

Here is an example of earnings in two of them (the more services you use, the higher the total income will be):

Online earnings scheme No. 5 - paid surveys and reviews

This idea of ​​a side hustle is similar to the first of the described options, but there are other nuances and other main services that pay real money for completing surveys and leaving reviews on the Internet.

Let's Let's start with paid surveys. Who pays for what here? The fact is that large businesses need feedback in order to better guess the “wants” of their potential clients and thereby increase their profits. Surveys are the best suited for solving this problem, and therefore intermediaries (exchanges) have appeared that offer part-time jobs to ordinary Internet users by completing surveys on various topics.

The most popular services now are: My opinion(you can read) Questionnaire(you will receive 50 rubles only for registration), Expert Opinion, Paid Survey, Rublklub, Questionnaire and others.

I have already described the details and realities of this online business in the review article “”, as well as in articles about the nuances of working in services and.

Read more about this online work in articles and.

Earning scheme No. 7 - commenting on posts and videos

If any post or article has comments, this immediately inspires trust among resource visitors. To prevent it from being noticeable that all the comments were written by one person, bloggers often . To earn real money in the niche in question, you first need to select and register on one or more exchanges, for example on Zatexta or, or on well-known sites: Advego, Etxt, TextSale and others.

The downside is that the comments are very small volume text. Therefore, the actual cost of the work is low; you often have to switch from one order to another, which reduces efficiency. But, like making money online on forums, commenting does not require special knowledge and a high level of proficiency in the Russian language, which many people have.

Sometimes customers ask performers to first read an article or watch a video so that they can then describe their opinion well. It is advisable to pay attention to such orders: the money actually earned in this case is usually much higher, and if you are able to isolate the main thing, you will not have to analyze the entire material. As we advised above, work only with those people who pay immediately and do not require the initial creation of large volumes of texts.

Online earnings idea No. 8 - file sharing

Each of us has used a file-sharing server at least once. Similar platforms (eg. Ska4ay, DepositFiles, Turbobit and others) allow you to download various files completely free of charge. During the download process, the user sees a lot of advertising banners, for clicking on which the administrators of the exchanger receive real money.

Earning money on the Internet on file hosting services can be done in two directions:

  1. you post affiliate link and earn money on purchases from referrals of paid accounts. As you know, when downloading files from a regular account, you have to wait a while and see unpleasant ads, but a Premium account eliminates these problems. If the person you refer pays for Premium, you will immediately receive a portion of the money they spent.
  2. You can earn money on file hosting services, posting files for downloading, the server will pay for each individual download of the posted document, of course, much less than when developing an affiliate program, but still worthy.

To make money online by adding your own files, for example, in Ska4ay, you need to follow a number of recommendations.

  1. Firstly, than more If there is a file, the more significant the payment (in the reviews of each individual exchanger we will indicate the prices), so you should not upload and post links to Word documents, which the Internet compresses to the maximum. Quality ones weigh the most Images And videos. The main thing is to start publishing download links wherever possible (pay special attention to groups on social networks). When people download your documents, the file hosting service will begin to charge payment to the balance.
  2. The more documents you upload, the more you can actually earn, plays a role and quantity, And quality material. If you approach such online work consciously, you can turn file hosting services into a good source of additional income, and if you use not only natural traffic, but also promotion, your income will be very high.

In any case, it will be much easier here than where the content must be original. It is advisable to try to promote an affiliate program only if you have a large audience: a subscriber base or your own website, otherwise you will waste your time.

The ninth idea for making money online is writing posts on forums

On almost any topic there are online sites where people exchange opinions and ask for advice. In order for new forums to take their place in this information niche, they need to get promoted - administrators are ready to pay people for creating topics or for commenting on a particular issue. What advantages/disadvantages can be noted for this online work and What advice should I give to those who want to get real money??

Great idea - make money on your website, blog or forum

I can guarantee only one thing - it simply won’t happen, unless you are a masochist like me (I love torturing myself by writing long articles detailing all the possible nuances of what is being described). You need to love this business, otherwise you will give up sooner or later.

The first couple of years you will have to work for the future, putting your teeth on the shelf. There will be little chance of success, because competition is high, and luck does not always turn in the right direction for everyone. But it's still the most beautiful idea for real online earnings, which is as difficult to implement as it is tempting...

So, I described the technical side of creating my project in great detail in numerous articles on this blog (by the way,). There are a lot of technical nuances here, and the most important thing is that their correct implementation will not bring you a penny of real money - you will simply “match the hungry.” Money comes from content and its success on the Internet (real or artificially emitted).

Although, of course, you can create a forum and hope that visitors will create content for you for free, but everything is far from so simple. Monetizing a forum is very difficult, and promoting it is even more difficult. The same can be said about online services - yes, the content there is secondary, but you need a “crazy” idea and excellent implementation. Look how many successful services there are in RuNet? Not so much. But this does not mean that you don’t need to try, it’s just that there are a lot of “smart people” who don’t see anything in front of their eyes except the “Loot” button.

You can’t get away from this, but there are other ways that may well complement, and on occasion, replace (if the context cannot be established) the main source of income. These are banners, teasers (be careful with shock advertising), sale of links (smart, for example, not indexed, i.e. purely for PR), placement of advertising reviews, buttons (a very underrated, in my opinion, way of monetization, at the same time really works well), etc. of things.

Everything is good that works (we drink everything that burns), but at the same time it is not particularly harmful (it does not greatly reduce the depth and time of viewing pages, and also does not anger search engines beyond measure). That's a big deal IMHO.

I would like to hear your personal IMHO...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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