Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The main factor in the location of light industry enterprises is... Location of light industry sectors. Problems of light industry

Factors for the location of light industry. The location of light industry enterprises is influenced by various factors: at the stage of primary processing of raw materials, production gravitates toward raw material bases, which is why wool-washing factories were built in the North Caucasus, and flax-processing factories in the west and north-west of Russia. The footwear and apparel industries are positioned with a consumer focus. Industries with a simultaneous focus on both raw materials and consumers include the cotton, wool, silk and knitting industries.

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Economics 9th grade

summary of other presentations

“Branches of food and light industry” - Sewing. Both are correct. Murmansk and Astrakhan. Barnaul. Bakery - yes, sugar - no. 4. Which industry's placement is not consumer-oriented? Koryazhma. Electric power. Ivanovo. Vologda. Butter factory. 5. Industries for the primary processing of flax are located taking into account the factor: Raw materials. Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories.

“Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy” - Gave us space for good. Gold, Tin, Lead... Orlov Serezha. Non-ferrous metallurgy: Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Metal production is an integral part of the Russian economy. The metallurgical complex is a set of industries producing a variety of metals. The main objective of the presentation:

“Agro-industrial complex, grade 9” - Completed by a student of grade 9 M, Ekaterina Gruzdova. Food industry. Composition of the agro-industrial complex. Agro-industrial complex. Target: (Apk). . Study the features of the agro-industrial complex. What is APK?

"Chemical forest industry" - European North. Consumer. Republic of Kalmykia. Brotherly. 06/07/2012. 3. What does not apply to basic chemistry? Komi Republic. Chemical-forest complex. Fertilizer production. Siberian. Energy. Production of pulp and paper. 7. Which of the listed timber processing complexes is not located in the Siberian base? 4. Which factor does not influence the location of organic synthesis chemistry enterprises? Volga-Uralskaya.

"Mining and chemical industry" - Non-ferrous metals. 1. Metallic minerals. 2. Non-metallic minerals. Pyrite FeS2. Pentlandite (Fe,Ni)9S8. Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 4. Sphene CaTiO (SiO4). Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(F,OH). A.S. Pushkin. Eudialyte Na4Ca2Zr(Si3O9). Black metals. And experience, the son of difficult mistakes, And genius, the friend of paradoxes! Pyrrhotite Fe8 S9. Industrial raw materials. Platinum. Noble metals. Oh, how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment is preparing for us!

“Russia in the global economy” - Determine the most optimal one. The cores of the information stage have been formed (Moscow, St. Petersburg). The goal is high quality goods and services. Periphery - the poorest countries: Environmental degradation. Wealth in natural resources. Show Russia's place in the world economy. Reveal the ways of development of the Russian economy. Resource-saving technologies. Lesson objectives.

Light industry refers to a collection of various industries that specialize in the production of consumer products. This area of ​​production occupies a leading position in shaping economic indicators in almost all countries of the world. Thanks to it, finished products or raw materials are produced. The latter is actively used for the production of other goods in the furniture, aviation and other industries.

The state of light industry in Russia today

After the collapse of the USSR, the share of light industry in the country's economy gradually decreased. If in 1990 this figure was 19%, then in 2000 it was only 1%. At this time, according to statistics, for each citizen of the Russian Federation the following is issued:

  • less than one unit of knitwear;
  • wool - 0.25 sq. m;
  • shoes – 0.3 pairs.

Such indicators cannot please. Citizens' needs for light industry products are provided by other countries (mainly from Asia).

Domestic enterprises employ about 600 million people. The majority of them are women. The distribution of factories and factories occurs evenly throughout the entire territory of Russia. In the Ivanovo region, light industry is leading. Textile factories located in this territory produce 50% of all Russian textiles.

Problems of the domestic light industry

Domestic light industry products are significantly inferior in quality to their foreign counterparts. It is not in demand among buyers due to its high cost, which is caused by the significant costs of ensuring the process of releasing goods.

Compared to other developed countries, Russia spends more on purchasing raw materials and paying workers. The competitiveness of domestic goods is falling, which leads to the decline of the entire industry.

The state of Russian industry is further worsened by the physical and moral demolition of equipment located in the production shops of enterprises.

For example, in textile factories up to 60% of machines require replacement.

Re-equipping enterprises through the purchase of foreign equipment is impossible due to the lack of foreign currency (the industry is not export-oriented). The situation is especially difficult at city-forming factories.

Light industry in Russia is characterized by an increase in the concentration of industrial enterprises. Large factories strengthen their positions when small workshops close and do not develop. Enterprises are usually grouped to produce a specific product (typical for the textile, leather, footwear industries). Such actions make it possible to increase labor productivity, which has a positive effect on the cost of goods.

State of the industry in the world

The characteristics of light industry on a global scale imply the location of the main enterprises in third world countries. Moreover, even in the last century they were located mainly in developed countries of Europe and the USA. Today, the following division of factories and plants related to this industry is accepted:

  • the first is low-quality consumer goods, for the production of which cheap labor is used;
  • the second is the production of specialized products, for which qualified personnel are attracted.

Enterprises of the first group are mainly located in developing countries of Asia, Africa, and South America. Factories of the second type specialize in the production of jewelry and fur products.

In most countries of the world, textile is considered the leading branch of this industry. At the same time, natural raw materials are losing their leading position. Synthetic fibers are increasingly used to make fabrics, threads, ropes and other products. Depending on the volume of goods produced, the following leading countries are distinguished:

  • cotton fabrics – India, Pakistan, China, Brazil;
  • woolen products - Italy, Japan, Great Britain, South Korea, China;
  • silk products - China;
  • textiles – China, South Korea, USA, Italy.

Industry composition

The following branches of light industry are distinguished:

  • textile;
  • sewing;
  • leather;
  • shoe;
  • fur;
  • haberdashery

In turn, the textile industry is divided into many sub-sectors. These are cotton, silk, knitted, linen, net knitting and others. Products from the textile and clothing industry are produced in much larger volumes than in other industries.

However, small businesses are considered more competitive. They are flexible and quickly adapt to new market conditions. Therefore, small factories operating in this industry are more common in developed countries than large corporations.

Enterprise location factors

Factors for the location of light industry:

  • raw materials. Focus on raw materials at enterprises involved in the primary processing of materials (processing of flax, wool);
  • consumer. Caused by the high costs of transporting finished products;
  • regarding labor resources. The region where the factory is located must contain a sufficient number of qualified workers.

Some industry features

The light industry has some features that make it stand out relative to other industries:

  • to obtain the finished product, it can be processed in different factories, which facilitates the production process;
  • The finishing stage of production plays an important role. The appearance of goods is very important to the consumer;
  • in addition to sufficient qualifications, the workforce must have excellent taste to create original products;
  • Historically, light industry enterprises employ predominantly women;
  • The range of manufactured products changes very quickly and is determined by emerging fashion trends.

Features of Russia's raw material base

The raw material base of Russia is developed and is capable of providing numerous enterprises with the necessary materials. The main supplier of natural materials (linen, wool, leather, fur, down) is agriculture.

Making flax

Flax growing is considered a traditional activity in Russia. At the moment she is in a difficult position. Every year there is a decrease in the area under fiber flax crops. Since the 1980s, Russia has been importing raw materials from neighboring Ukraine to meet the needs of enterprises. Flax growing is distributed very unevenly across the country:

  • 60% of raw materials are procured in the Central region;
  • 25% – in the North-West region and the Vologda region;
  • 15% of raw materials are produced in other regions of the country.

Making wool

Natural wool is mainly obtained from sheep and goats (only a small part). Since 1994, the number of livestock has decreased by 25%, which has led to a decrease in the volume of raw materials by 28%. All this has led to a decrease in the quality characteristics of the produced wool, which does not meet international standards. Today, factories' needs for these raw materials are not 100% met.

Wool production in Russia occurs only in a few regions. Several enterprises in the North Caucasus, East Siberian and Volga regions of the country are focused on this activity.

Leather raw materials

In Russia, the production volumes of raw hides could fully meet the needs of the country's main enterprises. But these materials are exported in large quantities.

Therefore, domestic factories are forced to purchase semi-finished products for the production of shoes and other similar products, which increases their cost. The rise in prices for raw hides occurs against the backdrop of rising prices for feed, fertilizers, and equipment for keeping cattle.

Artificial and synthetic fibers

Chemical industry products are widely used to meet the raw material needs of the light manufacturing industry. The following substances are used to make synthetic fibers and artificial leather:

Fiber Making Process

  • oil;
  • coal tar;

The main suppliers of chemical fibers are considered to be the West Siberian, Volga, Central, and North Caucasus regions. Some raw materials of artificial origin are not produced in Russia at all (production of synthetic leather for the manufacture of bags and gloves). Products of this type are imported from other countries - Moldova, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

Features of the development of the textile industry

The textile industry of light industry mainly produces fabrics that are used to meet the needs of the population. They are also sent as raw materials to other enterprises related to the clothing, footwear, and engineering industries. The leading role in this industry is played by the production of cotton fabric. This area has the following features:

  • in the Central region of the country about 83% of cotton products are produced;
  • industry location factors - relative to the consumer, the availability of qualified labor;
  • leading regions for the production of cotton products - Ivanovo, Moscow, Vladimir;
  • The industry is well developed in other regions and cities of Russia - St. Petersburg, the Volga region, and the North Caucasus.

Light industry includes, which is distributed more evenly throughout the country. Its enterprises are located in almost every region of Russia and primarily satisfy the needs of the domestic market. The main factor in locating garment factories is consumer. It is easier to transport fabrics than products made from them.

Today, domestic enterprises in the clothing industry are competitive. They use imported fabrics to sew clothes, and sewing is done according to models created by foreign designers. Foreign manufacturers in Russia are attracted by low labor costs and highly qualified workers. Domestic factories are distinguished by a good level of technology and close proximity to Western consumers.

Leather and footwear industry

Leather and footwear industry enterprises are widely represented in two economic regions of Russia - Central and Northwestern. The main centers of the industry are Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Shoe production is characterized by the following features:

  • the main features are mass production, rapid and frequent changes in the product range, variety of products;
  • targeting mass consumers;
  • enterprises are characterized by a high level of concentration and specialization;
  • To meet the needs of the production process, a lot of materials and labor are required;
  • thanks to the strengthening of the domestic raw material base, only a third of materials were imported from outside;
  • Due to the high demand for footwear products, 1.7 pairs of shoes are produced per capita.

Development trends

For further development of the industry there is no need to increase production volumes. According to the recommendations of experts, it is enough to maintain the existing potential, increase the qualifications of personnel, and introduce scientific and technical developments into the technological process.

The development of many areas of light industry is primarily expected in the eastern part of the country. At the same time, the volume of production in the Central and Northwestern regions decreased slightly.

Looking at the table with the location of light industry enterprises across Russia, it is clear that Siberia and the Far East are lagging behind. These areas have not fully used their internal reserves, so they have good prospects for further development.

Light industry is a set of specialized industries that produce mainly consumer goods from various types of raw materials. Light industry carries out both primary processing of raw materials and production of finished products. Light industry enterprises produce industrial, technical and special-purpose products that are used in furniture, aviation, automotive, chemical, electrical, food and other industries, agriculture, law enforcement agencies, transport and healthcare.

One of the features of light industry is the quick return of funds. Technological features of the industry make it possible to quickly change the range of products at a minimum of costs, which ensures high mobility of production.

Light industry is a complex industry that includes more than 20 sub-sectors, which can be combined into three main groups:

  • 1. Textile, including linen, cotton, wool, silk, knitwear, as well as primary processing of flax, wool, production of non-woven materials, net-knitting industry, fulling and felting, production of textile haberdashery, etc.
  • 2. Sewing.
  • 3. Leather, fur, footwear.

Light industry has suffered the most as a result of the ongoing economic crisis. The industry's production volume has decreased by more than 80% over the past 5 years. This was due to a shortage of raw materials, especially cotton, which does not grow in Russia. The industry's resource self-sufficiency is only 25%. We have to import flax, wool, leather raw materials, and chemical fibers.

Main problems of the industry:

  • - Low level of wages. In January 2006 The average Russian salary level was 4,054 rubles. (46% of the average salary in processing industries).
  • - Use of outdated equipment. Since 2005 annual equipment renewal in the industry did not exceed 3-4%, in economically developed countries: 14-16%.
  • - High share of illegally imported goods in the consumer market. (more than 62%).
  • - Most enterprises are concentrated in the provinces.
  • - Lack of own funds among enterprises for production development.

The factors for locating light industry enterprises are uniform, but the main ones can be identified:

The raw material factor is especially important in primary processing industries, which is caused by massive waste (the yield of flax straw is 1/5 of the original raw material, wool - 1/2), or in industries where the material intensity of production is high (the flax industry). The location of the tannery industry is entirely dependent on the meat industry.

Population, i.e. consumer factor. Finished products of light industry are less transportable compared to semi-finished products. For example, it is more profitable to supply pressed raw cotton than cotton fabrics.

The consumer factor has a huge impact on the location of enterprises in the industry. The industry's products are consumed everywhere, and the mass nature of production helps bring industry enterprises closer to the population. In addition, many types of finished products (knitwear, shoes) are difficult to transport and their transportation over long distances is more expensive than transportation of raw materials.

The factor of labor resources, providing for their significant size and qualifications, since all sectors of light industry are labor-intensive. Historically, light industry uses predominantly female labor, so it is necessary to take into account the possibility of using both female and male labor in the regions (i.e., develop light industry in areas where heavy industry is concentrated, create appropriate production in regions where light industry is concentrated) .

I take the water factor into account when locating the production of fabrics and knitwear, where the dyeing and finishing processes require a significant amount of water.

The raw material base of Russia's light industry is quite developed; it provides a significant part of the enterprises' needs for flax fiber, wool, chemical fibers and threads, fur and leather raw materials.

Providing the population with fabrics, clothing, shoes and other consumer goods. Light industry is closely related to agriculture, especially at the stage of primary processing of raw materials. Industry has a very wide geography, as it gravitates towards areas where raw materials are produced and towards consumers, as well as labor resources. It is represented in every economic region.

Light industry sectors can be divided into three groups according to the characteristics of their location:

  • 1. Orientation towards raw materials includes, for example, the flax industry;
  • 2. Consumer-oriented include, for example, footwear and clothing;
  • 3. Focusing on both factors include, for example, cotton, silk, knitwear.

The main industry in terms of production volume and number of employees is textiles.

The level of development of light industry is insufficient. This is due to the fact that supplies of raw materials from the Central Asian republics (where cotton is grown) have been reduced; the industry's products cannot withstand competition with imported goods that have poured into Russia from abroad in recent years; almost 40%

Light industry is a complex industry that includes three main groups: textiles, clothing, and leather. The main factors for the location of light industry enterprises: raw materials, population, consumer, labor factor. Light industry can be divided according to the characteristics of their location into placement with a focus on raw materials, on the consumer, and with a focus on both factors.

In the complex, light industry occupies not the last place. This industry specializes in the production of fabric, clothing, shoes, etc. In addition to ready-to-use products, light industry produces semi-finished products, blanks and materials for other enterprises. For example, these could be tires, steel rope cores.

Those existing in Russia are located in different cities. There are several large centers of such production. Scientific developments are constantly underway here, and numerous new sub-sectors are emerging.

general characteristics

Modern light industry is an industry, which ensures the production of goods for mass consumption. This sphere of human activity includes the full production cycle of products. It begins with the extraction of raw materials and ends with the sale of ready-to-use products.

This industry operates to ensure the required level of indicators for the supply of products that are massively consumed by the people. The number of finished products must fully satisfy the population's demand for them.

All sectors that are part of light industry can be divided into 3 groups. The first of these includes enterprises for the production of raw materials. The second group includes industries that produce blanks and semi-finished products. They operate to provide their products to both light industry enterprises and other industries. The third group includes the production of final products.

Commodities light industry in Russia carry out processing of hides, extraction of cotton, and semi-finished production includes spinning and textile work. The final product manufacturing industries specialize in the production of shoes, clothing, carpets, etc. Enterprises in this group occupy the majority of all light industry production.


They occupy the lion's share in the production of consumer goods. They have a significant impact on the entire economy of the country.

Light industry has a number of features. Its production facilities of the first group, which specialize in the extraction of raw materials, are located close to the centers of their concentration. During the manufacturing process of the final product, individual stages of the cycle can occur in different factories. Full-cycle enterprises are rare here.

Much attention is paid to finishing processes. The appearance of the product plays an important role. Therefore, appropriate requirements are imposed on the selection of personnel (for example, the presence of taste).

Enterprises in this field of activity are usually small in size. They work dynamically, constantly changing their range. This is due to constant changes in fashion and consumer preferences. These industries predominantly employ women. The end consumer is predominantly individuals. These features are taken into account in the process of organizing production cycles.

Prospects for investment

Our country has great potential for investment. This is due to the presence of a large amount of unused production capacity. It is also profitable for investors to invest their funds in such productions due to the high turnover of investments and their rapid return. In addition, the presented industries do not require significant capital investments. It is possible to complete more than two complete rotation cycles per year. This also indicates benefits when investing.

The equipment can be installed in just a few months. Therefore, in the first year of operation, such enterprises can make a profit. Investors can invest their temporarily free funds in more than 30 different sub-sectors. Many of them are quite new and very promising.

The raw material base for light industry in our country is well developed. It fully satisfies the needs of enterprises for wool, flax, chemical threads and fibers, leather and fur. Raw materials are supplied by agricultural and chemical industry enterprises. Its price is reasonable. This allows us to produce products that are affordable to different categories of consumers.

provides a number of opportunities for investors. Doing business in this direction is promising.


Main branches of light industry include more than 30 different sub-sectors. They are conditionally divided into 3 main groups. The first of these is the textile industry. This group includes cotton and linen production. This also includes enterprises in the wool, knitting and silk sub-sectors. Enterprises of this group specialize in the primary processing of raw materials and the production of various types of materials (woven, non-woven).

Belongs to the second group of industries. It specializes in processing fabrics and other materials from the textile industry, leather, fur, etc. This category includes both enterprises with a stable assortment (production of workwear) and more complex, dynamic production (tailoring of designer clothes). This is a rather heterogeneous group. Its enterprises are very diverse and have different principles of location.

The third group includes the fur, leather, and footwear sub-industries. Production facilities in this area closely cooperate with each other.

Features of accommodation

They do not have a clearly defined specialization in territorial terms. In almost all regions there are certain industries of this group. However, in the textile industry it is still possible to identify the main areas of concentration of enterprises.

Thus, the Tver and Ivanovo regions produce a fairly large number of products from cotton fabric. If we consider the Central Economic Region, we can draw conclusions about the concentration of these industries here.

More than 55% of all cotton fabrics are produced in the Ivanovo region. Significantly fewer such industries are concentrated in the Moscow (11%) and Vladimir regions (7%). 6% of all cotton fabrics in this region are produced directly in Moscow.

Basic factors for the location of light industry sectors practically no different from other areas of activity. They most often complement the complex of the national economy, and also satisfy the needs within the regions.

Placement factors

There is no unanimous opinion on the location of production in the represented industry. However, there are three main groups of factors influencing this process. can be located taking into account the concentration of raw materials, consumers or labor resources. Previously, enterprises in this sector of the national economy were highly dependent on the location of energy enterprises. Today, thanks to the availability of this resource, this factor has become secondary.

The consumer factor influences raw material production enterprises. Their products are sometimes difficult to transport over long distances. Therefore, such enterprises are concentrated near raw material processing factories.

Also, primary processing enterprises are located near cotton production centers, livestock farms, etc. This significantly reduces production costs and increases its profitability.

Labor resources are also an important factor in the location of enterprises. The overwhelming majority of such industries are women. Therefore, it is advisable to build factories of the presented specialization in areas with heavy industry enterprises. They predominantly employ male labor. This allows for the most efficient use of the region’s labor resources.

Textile industry

Textile production is largest light industry sector. It specializes in the production of fabrics for the population and other industries (footwear, clothing, food industry, mechanical engineering, etc.).

The leading sub-sector here is the cotton industry. It is focused on imported natural raw materials (supplied by the countries of Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Syria).

The flax industry is also an important component of the textile industry. In its structure, the production of technical fabrics is more important than the production of household products.

The first place in the textile industry in terms of gross production is occupied by wool processing enterprises. This is due to the high cost of raw materials. The cost of fixed assets is higher only in the cotton industry. Such enterprises produce both threads, fabrics and finished products.

The silk industry consists of ¾ mills. They specialize in cocoon winding, weaving, spinning and finishing operations. Fabrics and threads can be made from natural, artificial fiber, or a mixture of different types of threads.

Garment industry

Garment light industry It is considered one of the most material-intensive industries. Raw material costs here can be up to 80%. Here, further processing of fabrics, linens, knitwear, artificial leather and fur takes place.

This industry processes about 4/5 of all materials for household consumption. This is a heterogeneous industry. Its structure includes simple industries, the range of which does not change for a long time. They specialize in the production of workwear. More complex industries are concentrated in large cities. Their range is constantly changing under the influence of fashion trends.

In recent years, enterprises of the domestic clothing industry have been cooperating with foreign companies. A high level of professional training and low labor costs help attract foreign manufacturers. Domestic production improves the quality of their own products. By adopting the experience of global manufacturers, clothing factories began to produce competitive products that can be supplied to the world market.

Industries are distributed evenly throughout Russia. They are defined in almost every region. Such products usually provide for clothing and other products.

Leather and footwear industry

Light industry products would be incomplete without leather, footwear and fur products. Here, natural and artificial leather, fur, sheepskin, and film materials are processed. They produce shoes, leather goods, clothing, etc.

In terms of the number of products produced, our country ranks 8th in the world. This figure has decreased slightly in recent years. Fur production has no analogues in the world. It is export oriented.

Leather finishing also plays a leading role in the industry. Also in this area of ​​​​economics, artificial materials are used. The North-Western and Central economic regions are leading in this direction of production. The largest enterprises in the sub-industry are concentrated here. The largest number of them are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The footwear industry is characterized by high material and labor intensity. It is important for this sub-industry to strengthen its own raw material base. The cost of imported semi-finished products and materials is constantly increasing. This entails the production of expensive products that are uncompetitive on the world market.

Leather goods are presented in the form of bags, gloves, cases, as well as balls and other products.

Industry problems

Has several limiting factors. Despite the fact that the dynamics of production growth is positive, the products of domestic enterprises account for only 20% of the total turnover. This is due to several factors.

Remuneration for qualified specialists is quite low. This entails a loss of interest among young people in professions in the industry. As a result, the quality of the final product decreases, which becomes uncompetitive even in the domestic market.

In the structure of fixed assets, more than 50% is obsolete equipment. It has been in operation for over 10 years, which does not allow increasing product turnover or producing modern products. In developed countries, the rate of obsolescence of fixed assets does not exceed 15%.

Lack of investment does not allow enterprises in the industry to expand and develop new technologies. These are most often small factories that produce products for a small number of consumers.

In almost every significant light industry there is monopolization. It is extremely difficult for new businesses to deal with them. Without proper government support, the development of light industry in our country is extremely problematic. It is necessary to allocate subsidies and subsidies to new enterprises and prevent the emergence of a monopoly in all sub-sectors. Increased investment will contribute to updating equipment and manufacturing technologies. This will help domestic enterprises enter the world market and produce competitive products.

Having considered the main light industry, as well as their features, we can draw conclusions about the development of this sphere of national production. Existing problems and constraining factors must be eliminated legislatively and by attracting investment capital from domestic and foreign investors.

Under easy industry refers to a set of industries producing consumer goods. Light industry provides a full cycle of goods, starting from work on the extraction of primary raw materials and ending with the sale of finished products. The main task of the light industry is to ensure such a supply of consumer products that could satisfy the growing demand for them.

Sectoral composition of light industry

The following groups of industries are usually classified as light industry:

Thus, raw material production includes, for example, cotton mining and hide processing, semi-product production includes textile and spinning work, and final product production includes the production of carpets, shoes, and other things. Currently, there is a clearly noticeable emphasis on the latter group (this is especially true in the clothing and footwear industries), since the sale of finished products brings in much more than the extraction of raw materials for it.

Features of light industry

Light industry has a number of specific features:

  1. 1. Enterprises of the first category (production of raw materials) must be located in close proximity to the source of raw materials.
  1. 2. Each stage of a product can go through different enterprises - one factory, as a rule, does not transform raw materials into a finished product (that is, implement the full cycle).
  1. 3. Finishing stages are of utmost importance - for light industry products, appearance is of great importance.
  1. 4. The workforce has special requirements, such as taste.
  1. 5. Light industry enterprises are usually small, and most of them are women.

Regarding the light industry, it should be noted that they are dynamic - the range of final products changes very quickly and is determined by fashion and consumer tastes.

Factors for locating light industry enterprises

Experts do not have a unanimous opinion regarding the factors for locating light industry enterprises, however, among the wide variety, the following main ones can be identified:

  1. 1. Raw materials. This factor is related to the first of the features listed above. Light industry must be able to provide itself with raw materials, so geographic location is important for such organizations. For example, leather processing factories are located next to meat processing plants.
  1. 2. Population (aka consumer). The enterprise must be located in the geographical area where there will be demand for its products.
  1. 3. Labor resources. The enterprise must provide Where it will source labor with the required qualifications before selecting a location.

Light industry in Russia, its weaknesses

A quantitative analysis of the state of the light industry in Russia can be carried out using such an indicator as the contribution of pharmaceutical products to Russia’s GDP. A very rapid decline in light industry was evident in the 1990s, when international, and therefore cheap, opened up for the country. Domestic manufacturers turned out to be uncompetitive compared to foreign ones (in particular, China). Thus, during the 90s, the contribution to GDP fell from 11.9% to 1.4%.

The dynamics of the overall development of light industry can be reflected by the growth dynamics of the systemically important industry, namely textile production:

Despite the fact that the dynamics are positive, the fact that the products of domestic producers in the total turnover of light industry in Russia is only 20% (according to Rosstat) should cause concern. The factors hindering the development of domestic light industry are the following:

  1. 1. Low wages, unattractive to young professionals.
  1. 2. High proportion of outdated equipment. At the moment, more than 50% of all equipment used in the domestic light industry has been in operation for over 10 years. It is worth emulating developed countries, where this figure does not rise above 15%.
  1. 3. Lack of funds. Light industry enterprises are mainly small provincial factories that simply do not have the funds for development and expansion.
  1. 4. . In each of the main sectors of light industry there is a strong player that occupies a market share of more than ¼ - it is not advisable for new players to fight it. In the clothing industry, such a company is Gloria Jeans, in the textile industry - Russian Textile.

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