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Russian Academy of Education Institute of Productive Education Pegasus. Literature competition "Pegasus". List of recommended literature. Documents for organizers

in literature " title="International competition
on literature">!}

Participating in the organization of the “Pegasus” competition are: the State Hermitage Museum, the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House), the publishing house “Vita Nova” and the Innovative Institute of Productive Training of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Academy of Education and the Educational and Methodological Center “Rakurs” (Krasnodar).

The competition is part of the “Productive Game Competitions” program, which is part of the coordination activity plan of the Innovative Institute for Productive Learning of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Academy of Education.

The goals and objectives of the competition are:

  • developing students’ interest in literature, increasing their general cultural level, developing creative activity;
  • intensification of extracurricular and extracurricular work on literature;
  • assistance to teachers in organizing meaningful extracurricular and extracurricular work on literature

For the 2019-2020 academic year the topic is:"Fluctuat nec mergitur"
Mutual influence of Russian and French literature)
The competition tasks will be related to a variety of aspects of the mutual influence of Russian and French literature. We will try to look at the familiar works of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Griboyedov and others from this side. In addition, let us pay attention to authors whose life path was connected with France. Most of the works that we invite you to get acquainted with in preparation for the competition belong to domestic writers. But we are pleased to present French authors as well - both well-known and, perhaps, still unfamiliar to you.

Procedure for holding the competition

If the number of competition participants in a school is less than 10 and the organizer cannot independently pick up the materials at the office of the regional organizing committee, then they are sent by registered mail by Russian Post, subject to payment of the registration fee increased to 100 rubles. per participant.

The competition tasks are designed for four age groups (grades 2, grades 3-4, grades 5-6, grades 7-8, grades 9-11) and cover various aspects of the school literature course.

75 minutes are allotted to complete the tasks.

Each participant receives a sheet with competition tasks and an answer form for computer processing.

Documents for organizers

Technical documentation:

Instructions for holding a competition for teachers.

2017−2018 academic year
Grade 2: Assignments
Grades 3-4: Assignments
Grades 5-6: Assignments
Grades 7-8: Assignments
Grades 9-11: Assignments
Set of correct answers

2016−2017 academic year
2 classes:

In the 2017/2018 academic year, the game competition in literature “Pegasus” will be held February 7 2018.

To participate in the competition, the school organizer must submit an application and a copy of the paid receipt before December 15 2017 to the regional organizing committee at the address: st. Z. Kosmodemyanskaya, 4a, room. 1 (sample application).

Payment is made by bank transfer, transferred to the account of the Municipal Educational Institution “GTSRO” (receipt). When transferring, be sure to indicate the school number.

All questions and preliminary applications should be sent by email. address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone numbers for inquiries – 73-02-50, 72-57-64
Shirmanova Valentina Valerievna, methodologist of the Municipal Educational Institution "GRCRO"

The Institute of Productive Education (IPE), together with the Educational and Consulting Center "Rakurs", with the support of the Russian Academy of Education, is holding the sixth international gaming competition in literature "Pegasus". The date of the competition is February 7, 2018.

The competition is part of the “Productive Game Competitions” and “Artist and Book” programs of the Russian Academy of Education. The tasks of the competition from previous years can be found on the website:

The competition is held directly at the educational institution. Participation in the competition is voluntary. The competition is held in the same format as other competitions organized by IPO: “Kangaroo”, “British Bulldog”, “Man and Nature”, “WHALE”.

The theme of the Pegasus competition in 2018 is “DE RERUM NATURA: “Not what you think, nature...”.



International gaming competition in literature


Administration of the educational organization,

literature teachers

Dear Colleagues!

The Institute of Productive Education (IPE), together with the educational and consulting center "Rakurs", with the support of the Russian Academy of Education, is holding the fifth international gaming competition in literature "Pegasus". The date of the competition is 2017.

The competition is part of the “Productive Game Competitions” and “Artist and Book” programs, which are part of the coordination activity plan of the Institute of Productive Learning and is held with the support of the Russian Academy of Education.

The competition is held directly at the educational institution. Participation in the competition is voluntary. Registration costs 65 rubles for each participant (orphans and children without parental care are exempt from the registration fee).

The theme of the Pegasus competition in 2017 is “LIBERTAS: We are free birds...”. The competition tasks will be devoted to the theme of freedom and liberty in literary works. Freedom-loving lyrics, heroic deeds, a world of discoveries and adventures are united by one thing - an extraordinary uplift of the human spirit for the sake of achieving freedom of existence and creativity. The questions for the game competition are based on works, school curriculum and books that are part of the world cultural heritage.

In 2017, the game will be held in five age groups: 2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades.

To ensure that teachers are interested in holding the competition, like last year, the first 10 questions for participants from 3 to 3 will be devoted to one pre-announced literary work, which is studied in the literature course in the corresponding class. A list of these works, along with a general list of recommended literature for preparing for the game, is published on the competition website www. konkurs-pegas. ru in the “Getting ready for the competition” section.

Based on the results of the competition, the place in the school, district, region is determined for the participants, as well as the percentage of participants in the all-Russian list who scored fewer points; for second-graders, only their place among the participants in their school is indicated. School and regional winners are awarded diplomas and prizes with the symbols of the competition, winners in Russia are awarded diplomas and prizes from the Central Committee.

Participating in organizing the competition are: the State Hermitage Museum, the Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House), the Vita Nova publishing house, and the Dostoevsky Museum.

The results of the competition are sent to the school by e-mail in the form of a module that allows you to print a summary report with the results of the participants, fill out certificates of participants and diplomas for school winners.

To participate in the competition, an educational institution submits an application to the regional organizing committee within the time limits established by the competition schedule.

Materials from previous competitions and regulatory documentation can be found in detail on the website of the Central Organizing Committee: www. konkurs-pegas. ru and the Interregional Organizing Committee http://schoolplus. ru.

Regional organizing committee
