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A unique opportunity to prepare for an interview in English via Skype. Skype interview: turned on, saw, convinced! Interview Techniques

To save on company expenses, recruiters conduct an initial interview via Skype. As a rule, the company is represented by an employee of the HR department and Technical Specialist. The impression the candidate makes on the people on the other side of the screen determines his further participation in the selection.
In addition, a number of international companies are focused on remote collaboration. In this case Skype interview in English is the main method of selection of specialists. Many IT companies in Russia operate as subsidiaries of international corporations, and if a specialist gets a job, say, in Yekaterinburg, part of his team, led by superiors, may work in the US or Europe. Therefore, in addition to communicating with HR specialists in Russia, the candidate will have to pass an interview in English with future colleagues from other countries.

Features of an online interview

Modern technologies quite qualitatively replace personal communication. The webcam broadcasts high-resolution video, and headphones with a microphone will provide comfortable conditions not only for the interviewer, but also for the candidate. To feel confident during a fateful conversation, it is recommended to practice interviewing online. For this you can find an english teacher, which at the same time will check the level of knowledge of the language.
Despite the specific communication channel, the Skype interview is no different from the usual one. It is conducted by a trained employee who asks the candidate exactly the same questions as in a personal meeting. In any case, the applicant is expected to adequately business conduct and communication style.

Interview Techniques

In addition to the traditional competency interview, HR specialists can also conduct a behavioral interview. It will allow you to find out the character traits of the candidate that affect his behavior in different situations. The HR professional may ask about past conflicts in the workplace and how to resolve them. Interview methodology by competence suggests that the applicant will be asked questions about previous jobs, achievements, professional experience, education, family and hobbies.
When the interview takes place in English, the candidate should be prepared to answer the usual factual questions. In addition, he may be asked to talk about various work situations. When preparing, it is recommended to make an approximate list of questions and answers to them.

Technical preparation for an online interview

Before a Skype interview, be sure to check:
Connection quality. Make a few test calls, check the sound volume, video quality. Adjust the camera and microphone as needed.
Environment. You need to make sure that the room is quiet enough, and nothing extra gets into the frame. It is worth asking the household not to disturb the candidate during the conversation and not to make noise.

Cloth. Appearance must match the occasion

Sign language. It is recommended that you practice looking at the camera rather than staring at your image on the screen. This will help create the illusion of a face-to-face conversation. In addition, you must try not to gesticulate with your hands, as they may not get into the frame. Close gestures should also be avoided.

Who does not agree that knowledge of the English language opens up wide prospects for us. It is considered the leading language in the world, which is spoken by millions of people, regardless of nationality. In addition, the most important decisions of world importance are made on English language. Therefore, in order to prepare for the interview and achieve the desired goal, it is important to make special efforts. A unique opportunity is Skype interview preparation courses.

Reliable help from professionals

Passing a successful interview is not an easy task for any person. After all, it is important to appear before the employer in the best possible way and leave a good impression. This is especially difficult to do in a foreign language.

Even if you are an exceptional master of your craft, but you cannot competently answer questions, this will not help. Understanding professional vocabulary, as well as turnovers business speech plays an important role in decision making.

Often, those who want Good work V international company do not reach the desired goal. The reason is errors in writing resumes in English. As well as the inability to conduct a conversation at an interview and present yourself correctly.

To avoid disappointment and failure, one should diligently prepare for such a decisive event. The best way to do this is with a qualified teacher. Without leaving your home, you can take special courses via Skype. Together with the teacher, you will learn how to correctly write a resume in English. It will help to rehearse in advance the answers to the tricky questions that arose during the interview. Gives guidance on how to properly compose accompanying document In the original language. In addition, an experienced teacher will conduct a test interview with you to give you confidence before an important test.

Positive aspects of the courses

Many are familiar with the saying that it is hard to learn something, but easy to apply in combat. In fact, courses to prepare for an interview in English are not only theory, but also practice.

Working with the teacher on the answers and questions that may arise during the dialogue, you will be able to see the real picture. This will undoubtedly help to gain confidence when meeting with the employer in person.

The courses provide the service of studying business vocabulary, as well as special terms that are practiced in this company.

Personal attention of a specialist in the preparation of documents necessary for admission to work. In competent English, you can write a resume or an accompanying document.

In addition, the courses have the following advantages:

  1. Convenient training times. Due to the fact that prestigious job not lying on the road, it is important to quickly respond to vacancies. Our courses allow you to choose the duration of training, and the teacher - the right material. Thus, in a short time, you can masterfully show yourself at the interview. Knowledge of English vocabulary business style can be your ticket to a successful future.
  2. Personal teacher. The best understanding of foreign speech is achieved with an individual lesson. This approach will allow the teacher to give full attention to you personally. Any questions that arose during the training are resolved immediately. The first free lesson will allow the teacher to select the appropriate material on an individual basis. Studying with a personal teacher is a great opportunity to go to the cherished goal.
  3. Operational organization of training periods. Living in this world, we realize the importance of doing everything on time. Therefore, we understand that you are often tied to a designated number. Given this fact, in just 12 hours a teacher is selected for you, a package required material and training periods. This saves time and effort. Skype online lessons will help you prepare for an interview in English in time.

As can be seen from the above, the courses are designed for serious and business people who are ready to achieve their goals. Using our services, you will be able to behave confidently at the interview, speaking fluently in English.

Skype interviews are becoming more and more popular every day. They are especially relevant for the primary selection of candidates for a position. For example, companies and universities conduct interviews for potential employees and students. Today I will talk about my experience of interviewing online and share some tips.


About my experience

I had to go through two different interviews in English via Skype. I prepared for these interviews, so in both cases the result was positive. I want to note that people from different countries different pronunciation. The English language of people from African countries will be very different from the pronunciation of Spaniards, Russians, Germans, etc.

But if you communicate for a while with a person or people from a certain country, you begin to understand their pronunciation and the meaning of sentences quite easily. For example, I talked a lot with guys from African countries: Tanzania, Ethiopia and South Africa, they all had about the same pronunciation.

Now, even after some time without communication, I will understand the speech of people from these African countries and some other countries thanks to my previous experience. Here are some of my tips for preparing for an online interview.

If you need to be interviewed in English, I recommend watching videos of people with the pronunciation you need on the service in advance YouTube to get used to and understand their speech in advance.

If you have a friend or acquaintance who knows English well and has good conversational practice, you can ask him to help you. The meaning of help is as follows, your friend sits in the same room as you and listens to your conversation. If you do not understand the question that you were asked or some phrase, ask her to repeat, for example:

  • Please repeat your question (Please repeat your question) .
  • I'm having communication problems. Please repeat your question. (I have a problem with my Internet connection. Please repeat your question).

During the time while you are being repeated a question or a phrase, your friend sends you a translation of the question in a few words in Russian, for example, a message on a social network. You receive a message on your monitor in a separate window, read it and are ready to continue to communicate :). You don't even have to turn your head or listen to your friend's clues :).


I will be glad if my advice is useful to someone. Somehow I already wrote an article in which I talk about different services and ways to improve the English language. If anyone hasn't seen it yet, be sure to read it.

Best wishes!

Working with a teacher on answers to recruiter questions and self-presentation to a potential employer, you do not just play the most typical questions and answers, but find yourself in real situations that can happen SPECIFICALLY with YOU when passing an interview for the position YOU want. You learn specific vocabulary that is used in the field of activity of the company in which you will be interviewing, as well as learn how to speak in a business style. Also, the teacher will help you write (adjust) a resume and a cover letter.

  • Convenient course length

    Our short-term interview preparation course in English via Skype is designed for the shortest possible time, because the dream job will not wait long. You yourself choose a convenient number of lessons for full preparation for the interview, and the teacher selects materials and workload for the lesson for you.

  • Personal teacher

    In our School, you will take a course of preparation for an interview in English via Skype with a personal teacher who will devote all the time of the lesson only to you. He, just like you, is interested in fast and high-quality preparation, and will worry about you and keep his fingers crossed on the day of the interview. And he will be glad if you tell him personally about the results. In a free trial lesson, you will tell the teacher what industry you are going to work in and when you will be interviewed. Knowing this information, the teacher will be able to prepare the necessary vocabulary and teaching materials, as well as develop the pace of learning and the load in the lesson.

  • Fast process organization

    We understand that preparing for an interview in English should take place as soon as possible, because you are tied to a specific date. We take into account your needs and select a teacher for you within 12 hours, after which you can immediately start classes. This is the advantage of an online course, because ordinary courses foreign language they don’t have such a speed, and live lessons with a tutor will cost 2–3.5 times more than online lessons.

  • It is no secret that it is much more profitable to work abroad. And it's no secret that foreign employers are quite willing to hire Ukrainian specialists. In principle, finding a job abroad is not so difficult if you have the necessary skills and knowledge, have sufficient work experience, and so on. But finding the right job isn't everything. Ahead is one of the most difficult stages: an interview with a potential employer. In English, as a rule.

    According to statistics, more than half of the interviews with foreign job seekers are conducted by Western employers via Skype. This is not surprising, since the Skype interview, although it differs from the real one, is not much, and allows you to fully evaluate the applicant, at least make the first, most important impression about him.

    Yes, such an interview is an important stage, and you need to pass it with dignity. How to pass a job interview via Skype? We'll talk about this.

    Secrets of a Successful Skype Interview

    1. Environment, your appearance.

    Yes, you need to pay attention to all this. It is unlikely that your interlocutor will be delighted with your appearance in home clothes, household members or pets flickering in the background, or, excuse me, the mess in the background. You are going through an interview, the severity is exactly the same as in the office. Therefore, make sure that the environment resembles the office environment as much as possible. Minimum parts per background, strict, albeit not office clothes, a neat hairstyle - all this will be a plus. Like silence, the absence of distracting sounds (turn off other instant messengers, phone, music, and so on), the absence of strangers in the room. In short, imagine that you are in an office.

    2. Technical support.

    The battery charge of the laptop must be full, the webcam - giving quality image and sound. Take care of a respectable Skype login, frivolous, vulgar or "gaming" logins will definitely not work. By the way, it will not be superfluous to look for yourself on the Internet, to evaluate your image. It concerns social networks, photos and other things - all the information that search engines give out.

    If there is any problem, don't panic. Equanimity and calmness is your plus in the eyes of the interlocutor, therefore, if there is a problem with communication, say or write that you will call back in a couple of minutes. It's a lot the best option than panic, confusion in the eyes and attempts to fix problems right during the interview.

    Do not forget about the time difference - if you have a white day outside your window, your employer may have a deep night. Therefore, determine the time of the interview in advance, and at the same time, specify who should call whom.

    3. Behavior during the interview.

    Skype-interview has its own nuances. First of all, it is the direction of your gaze. Do not look into the eyes of the interlocutor - the camera is above the level of his eyes, look into it. Otherwise, the interlocutor will see you with lowered eyes, this is not the best angle. If you are not used to communicating like this, practice beforehand. Or, somehow fix the camera so that you look into it without difficulty.

    You should not get too close to the camera, but also move away too - the interlocutor should see you in much the same way as he would see you at a real interview sitting at the table.

    During the interview, everything you need should be at your fingertips, but out of the line of sight of the interlocutor.

    Your behavior should be calm, friendly, in every sense positive, confident. Do not answer questions instantly - it is worth a little, literally for a second, to delay with the answer.

    And most importantly: the interview will be conducted in English. And you must be ready for this.

    Passing a Skype interview in English: how to prepare for this?

    Of course, you need to know English. At what level? But here it all depends on the position for which you are applying. If you are a specialist in a certain field, whose work will not involve serious negotiations or writing kilometer-long texts, the Intermediate level is enough for you. If you are applying for a position related to working with people, you need a higher level, Special attention focus on spoken English. And the accent - Russian or Ukrainian, a pronounced accent always cuts the ear, so train your pronunciation.

    If your position is related to finance, analytics, law, medicine, and other "narrow" areas, then you should place more emphasis on business or technical English.

    It is clear that you need to learn the language, train with listening and learn specific terms before you have an interview in English. This will help you online - you can start at the level you need, and for quite short term make great progress in language proficiency. A large selection of online courses allows you to quickly find exactly the one that suits you best - business English, a specialized course or a general English course. In any case, you will be satisfied with the result of the training, which means that your potential employer will be satisfied with you during the interview. At least in terms of English proficiency.

    But knowing English is not everything. It is worth preparing for the interview itself, again, with the help of specialists. The fact is that typical questions are often found in interviews, but the answer to them is not typical. Tell us about your professional experience. Why do you want to work for our company? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Familiar questions, they are often asked here as well. But this does not mean that you should answer such questions in a standard way. The best option will compile a list of typical questions, and as an answer to them, write a short “essay” - under the guidance of a teacher, preferably a native speaker. In this case, you will be confident in yourself at the interview, and this is important.
