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Igor Albin about cormorants. Pecked for cormorants: Igor Albin got in social networks for a "powerful beak". The man in charge of this nightmare is laughing in our face

"Cormorant" our Albin

Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin accused cormorants of roof leaks at a stadium worth 43 billion rubles - Zenit Arena. And said hello from cormorants!

St. Petersburg vice-governor Igor Albin, who oversees the construction of perhaps the most scandalous Russian stadium - the Zenit Arena - again gave the townspeople a reason to laugh. True, it was more like laughter through tears. The official the day before in an interview said that the leaks that occur every now and then at the brand new and more than expensive Zenit Arena stadium on Krestovsky Island are due to birds - cormorants, which supposedly make holes in the roof.

"When we talk about the culvert capacity, we can see a number of problems that were identified during the operation of the stadium. We are solving them. For example, a reflective film ... It can withstand an amazing load - up to 400 kg per square meter. It would seem that what difficulties could there be?

True, it is not entirely clear how many cormorants should make efforts to turn the roof of the stadium into a sieve so that it rains not only over the seats of the fans, but even in the catering area. The Internet is full of related videos.

Later, however, Mr. Vice-Governor found it necessary to say that his words about cormorants should not be taken seriously. "Friends, you shouldn't take everything too seriously. Be kinder. I'm glad if someone was amused. But, in every joke there is ... a share of a joke. Have a good evening and greetings from the cormorants!".

It turns out that the official, when asked quite a serious question about who should be responsible for the constant leaks of the Zenit Arena, simply laughed it off? By the way, it’s not funny at all, given the criminal cases of numerous facts of corruption revealed during the construction of the stadium on Krestovsky.

Recall that 43 billion rubles, into which the initial cost of the object (6.7 billion rubles) has turned over ten years, is the official cost of the stadium, announced by Albin himself. However, the experts of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, having summed up all state purchases for the Zenit Arena, calculated that the real cost of the stadium could exceed 48 billion rubles.

According to the fund, 30 billion rubles could have been “cut” during the construction of the stadium! True, how and under what circumstances budget funds disappeared, law enforcement officers will most likely have to find out for a long time.

The most high-profile criminal case of embezzlement at the St. Petersburg stadium, as the St. Petersburg stadium was tacitly called, "Raw-arena", is connected with the former vice-governor of the city Marat Oganesyan. The official was detained in November 2016. According to investigators, he illegally organized the transfer of 50 million rubles to TDM for the purchase of a scoreboard, but the company's management withdrew the funds through shell companies.

Marat Hovhannisyan

TASS cites data according to which Oganesyan insisted that the then general contractor Transstroy transfer 148 million rubles to TDM.

In addition, in May last year, the owner of another subcontractor of the arena, StroyElectroMontazh-5, Vasily Slivkin, was detained, who, according to the UK, could steal 74 million rubles and spend another 20 million rubles on bribes also to Oganesyan.

"Though spit in the eyes - and then God's dew?"

One gets the impression that the “Zenith Arena” still consists mainly of imperfections.

At one time, the walls of the stadium were "decorated" with mold and cracks on the walls, the roll-out field was springy so that at first FIFA recognized it as unsuitable for matches, there were problems with the retractable roof.

And even in August of this year, subscriptions to the Zenit Arena were sold with "duplicate" seats at the Petrovsky Stadium.

Perhaps all the same birds should have been suspected of the unsatisfactory quality of the football field in the arena. Petersburgers joke among themselves that the birds probably sneak past the watchful eye of Igor Albin, who at one time almost spent the night at the stadium under construction, and managed to trample the field, that it looked like this before the first match (Zenit - Ural) like this:

The quality of the coverage could not but "please" the fans

This spring, the Norwegian football magazine Josimar published an article about slaves from North Korea who allegedly worked on the construction site of the Zenit Arena. According to the publication, workers from the DPRK could live in inhuman conditions, and one of them was found dead - the man died as a result of a heart attack. FIFA promised to investigate the circumstances.

"Mediazona" wrote that the head of FIFA, Gianni Infantino, recognized the use of workers from the DPRK in the construction of the stadium on Krestovsky and called their working conditions "terrible."

If this really turned out to be true, wouldn't it give the impression that the leadership of the city, represented by the same Albin, tacitly encourages the use of slave labor? Or is it worth considering as "savings"?

It looks like the officials also saved on the city's social expenses. When once again the cost of the Zenit Arena grew by 2.8 billion rubles, the budget for the construction of kindergartens, schools and clinics was cut by exactly the same amount.

Even in Moscow, the St. Petersburg stadium was called the most problematic. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was even harsher, saying "it's a shame."

Some visitors to the lobbies of the Smolny expected that the constant stream of corruption scandals and imperfections at the Zenit Arena, which Igor Albin seemed to be skillfully joking, would lead to the resignation of the vice-governor. But instead, rumors appeared that the official was aiming not lower, but higher - allegedly for the place of Governor Georgy Poltavchenko!

But what kind of mayor would Petersburgers get in this case can be judged by the bright career of Igor Nikolayevich.


Igor Albin came to St. Petersburg in November 2014 as a vice-governor, having previously changed his surname. In the Kostroma region, as well as in the Ministry of Regional Development, abolished due to inefficiency, which the official managed to manage, he was known under the name Slyunyaev.

In the northern capital, Albin-Slyunyaev was responsible for the housing and communal services sector. And when unexpectedly, apparently only for Smolny, in January 2015 the city was covered with snow, in response to the dissatisfied Petersburgers, the vice-governor advised them to pick up shovels and clear the city of snow on their own. The answer was a petition, within the framework of which signatures were collected for the resignation of Mr. Slyunyaev.

And Boris Vishnevsky, deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, found discrepancies between the number of snowplows purchased by the city and the number of vehicles ready to clear snow on the streets. Here Albin's envious people suggested off the record that the theft of state property could have occurred, which, if it took place, happened already under Albin-Slyunyaev.

At the beginning of 2013, Slyunyaev, then head of the Ministry of Regional Development, reported to Vladimir Putin on the growth of tariffs for housing and communal services in the regions, citing crazy figures: in the Murmansk region and Altai, tariffs immediately jumped by 225%! For which the minister, according to rumors, received a "reprimand" from the head of state.

One of Igor Slyunyaev's deputies was imprisoned for 6.5 years in 2015 on charges of embezzlement of funds allocated for the preparation of the APEC summit. The investigation then believed that Roman Panov, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Regional Development, could steal 39.2 million rubles and encroach on the theft of another 60 million rubles.

Surprisingly, the question remained unanswered: could Slyunyaev know about the “tricks” of his subordinate, and could Panov himself deal with the bosses with “booty”?

The "achievements" of Albin-Slyunyaev in the Kostroma region, which he headed in 2007, seem no less doubtful. During the reign of Igor Nikolayevich, the state debt of the region has almost tripled, reaching almost 10 billion rubles and almost equaling the region's own income, Kommersant wrote.

But during his governorship, Slyunyaev actively spent the region's budget money on all kinds of entertainment for the people: the Romanov Festival, the Star of Bethlehem, and at the same time erected a monument to the philosopher Alexander Zinoviev.

In 2012, Slyunyaev own will resigned as head of the region. However, rumors do not exclude that Igor Nikolayevich had his own desire after a corresponding call from the Kremlin.

Needless to say, the ministry regional development, at the head of which Slyunyaev is already showing his talents, was dissolved in 2014. Sources explained that the decision was made in view of the inefficiency of the department. However, it is possible that the peak of this inefficiency could have occurred during the period when Igor Slyunyaev occupied the ministerial chair.

And now such a person, if, again, to believe the rumors, can lead the second largest city in Russia? But won't the whole of St. Petersburg turn into a solid "Raw-arena"?

On social networks, they are ironic about the statement of Vice Governor Igor Albin that cormorants are pecking at the roof of the stadium on Krestovsky. The story of the birds pecking at the stadium has already been the subject of several poems, a couple of lines on Wikipedia, and many jokes.

The stadium on Krestovsky Island managed to become a favorite object for ridicule of Russians long before the end of construction. At first, the sports facility was ironically called "our long-term construction" and was called "a monument to corruption", then, when the stadium, despite everything, was completed and handed over, the townspeople had new reasons for jokes - the cost, the non-rolling roll-out field and the leaking roof.

Almost after every leak, I had to explain why it happened again, although the last (and the year before) they promised to fix everything. New reasons for another problem were explained by the vice-governor in an interview with the newspaper "Sport Day After Day". So, it turned out that now "cormorants with a powerful beak" are pecking at the roof of the stadium. The durable coating, they say, can withstand loads up to 400 kg, but surrenders to this powerful beak, so the stadium now needs a full-fledged bird protection project - like at airports, no less. Later, on his Facebook page, the official asked not to take everything too seriously and be kinder, also noting that he was glad if he made someone laugh.

Petersburgers really did not take the story with cormorants too seriously - Igor Albin's statement became another reason for bullying, but not everyone turned out to be kinder. Some townspeople were merciless in their attempts to be ironic over the roof of the stadium, pecked with birds. First of all, for the stadium, which the people managed to nickname, including the "Raw-arena", they invented new names, in which they did not do without mentioning cormorants.

They managed to wonder on the Web how there are so many cormorants in the city in general to harm the stadium: many remembered that they had not seen a single such bird in St. Petersburg at all. Ornithologists also talk about the same - they say, it happens that some stray cormorant will visit the city during the migration period, but such cases are rare.

The theme of the roof pecked with birds was devoted to many poetic works - previously such an honor was awarded only with her famous statement about icicles, which are supposed to shoot down with a laser.

What is Igor Albin trying to divert attention from?

“There is such a famous bird - a cormorant, which with its powerful beak destroys the integrity of the reflective film. Cormorants pierce the film with their beak. In this case, a full-fledged bird protection project is needed, by analogy with airports.”

No, this is not an excerpt from a joke, not a quote from the testimony of a patient in a psychiatric hospital, not the delirium of an alcoholic twisted by morning tremors. These are the words of the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin (formerly known as Slyunyaev and manager of the stadium for more than two years), who apparently found new culprits for the disaster happening with the Zenit Arena stadium.

The man in charge of this nightmare is laughing in our face

In a normal civilized professional community, after such words, officials either resign of their own accord, or they are fired. Because there is nothing worse and more shameful than for the thousandth time to blame for your mistakes and failures on anyone - this time on birds in general (apparently, people and negligent contractors have run out), which you can’t meet in St. Petersburg. But Albin not only continues to work in the city hall, but also seriously dreams, as is commonly believed in St. Petersburg, to take the chair of the governor. This political phenomenon, of course, must have some logical explanation. But he is not.

The stadium, the cost of which has long exceeded 43 billion rubles, but at the same time its roof is leaking, and the fans who bought season tickets, having come to the match, may not find their seats, because they are simply not built, and the object itself has become almost a symbol of theft, corruption and unprofessionalism of the city authorities. But the man responsible for this whole nightmare is laughing in our faces. Or not laughing?

It can, of course, be assumed that Albin-Slyunyaev at that wonderful moment, when he was enlightened in the form of a flock of birds destroying the roof of the stadium, was in a state of alcoholic bewilderment (which, it seems, is not uncommon), but then it’s even worse - an unhealthy person works as vice-governor in St. Petersburg.

In addition, with obvious cormorant dependence. Take a look at his signature. As a matter of fact, Albin has a cormorant drawn on each document: nose, carcass, tail. Probably trained for a long time. Handwriting experts believe that an autograph is a secret reflection of the inner self - a visualization of character, a hidden image. Cormorant, in a word.

What is the limit of theft?

And if we assume that Albin is sober and still healthy, then maybe he originally had such a plan - to divert everyone's attention from something really important to some cormorants pecking at the roof? If so, then the focus was successful. All St. Petersburg media began to seriously discuss the flora and fauna of the region, and ornithologists began to seriously comment on the words of the official.

“In this case, the vice-governor simply showed his ignorance and transferred the problems with the roof to the unfortunate birds. We have a Zoological Institute where world-famous ornithologists work - let him talk to them, ”Tatyana Mednik, methodologist of the scientific department of the Leningrad Zoo, commented on Albina’s words.

And here is an associate professor at St. Petersburg State University, a member of the permanent environmental commission of the Russian geographical society Rustam Sagitov, it seems, guessed: “The birds will not just peck at some surface, why do they need it? If only they bring their food there - pecking, they can accidentally touch the coating a little. So don't blame the birds. I think it's something else…” Of course, it's something else.

“What is the limit of theft? How much can be stolen? - Albina-Slyunyaev was asked by the great Russian writer Daniil Granin, to whom the official was brought by his retinue as part of another PR campaign. At that moment, the official lowered his gaze, examining the carpet and his socks. By the way, Albin loves PR very much, he really wants to go down in history, it is important for him to become a hero. And this meeting with the symbol of Leningrad, a front-line hero and an outstanding writer, so necessary for Albin and absolutely unnecessary for Daniil Granin, was conceived as a dialogue between two titans, two eras, two different St. Petersburg intellectual elites. Alas, it didn't work out...

“Now even governors are being arrested, who have been stealing, and now they are instantly losing their reputation acquired over the years,” the intelligent Daniil Granin, having not received answers to his first two questions, seems to have decided to gently hint to his interlocutor about his likely administrative prospects. To which Albin-Slyunyaev suddenly quoted the French philosopher Denis Diderot out of place, who characterized the situation in Russia in two words: “they drink and steal.” Quoting Diderot, Vice-Governor Albin for some reason chuckled disgustingly. Joker. Granin smiled indulgently. He was ashamed. Watch this recording, it is available on Youtube (, where Albin's PR people posted it as a document of the modern era. Yes, this is a document.

As for the arrests and searches, as St. Petersburg journalists Viktor Ovsyukov, Maria Karpenko and Ksenia Klochkova write in their Rotonda telegram channel (@rotondamariinski), “a few months ago, security officers studied staffing apparatus of the vice-governors of St. Petersburg. Attention was drawn to the bloated staff of the former Minister of Regional Development Igor Albin (Slyunyaev). At the beginning of the summer, they came to the head of his apparatus, Alexei Zolotov, with searches, and then a criminal case was opened ...

A criminal case was initiated against the ex-director of the state autonomous institution "Center state expertise» Vladislav Eremin. According to the investigation, from 2013 to 2015, he fictitiously hired employees and paid them salaries without the purpose of embezzlement. In fact, these people did not appear at the workplace, but worked in other institutions, in which it is not specified. After the start of investigative actions, Zolotov went on vacation and still has not appeared at his workplace ... "

A stupid joke takes on the features of a tragicomedy

Criminal news is also part of the very reputation of Igor Albin-Slyunyaev, about which the wise Granin tried to tell him. But is it possible to lose something that never existed? By the way, the history of the construction of the Zenith Arena, which he personally oversaw for more than two years, is, of course, also the story that in modern Russia there is still no concept of "reputation". After all, Albin finally lost it after he called the whole story with cormorants ... a joke.

Now he claims that he was just joking about birds: “Glad if someone was amused,” writes the lieutenant governor (or those people who run his Facebook page). And Albin was amused, according to the journalists of the Life holding, except perhaps the managers of the stadium, who had already ordered the installation of bird repellers GRAD A-16 at a high price. A stupid joke about cormorants takes on the features of a tragicomedy - it is in this genre that the history of the most expensive stadium in the world is written. But it's impossible to joke around forever...

Rotunda journalists talk about this in plain text: “Petersburg has been wondering for several days why the smart vice-governor Igor Albin blew a joke about cormorants pecking at the roof of the stadium on Krestovsky. At the same time, more and more new rumors arise almost daily around the person of the vice-governor that he is about to leave, and his apparatchiks will be arrested. No one will argue: it’s better about cormorants than about dismissal and arrest.”

By the way, citizen Albin should know that the “cormorant” on the criminal hair dryer is a “hooligan”. Moreover, according to forensic philologists, this word has a contemptuous connotation - it is not customary to call authoritative, respected prisoners, even those convicted of hooliganism, cormorants. This must be remembered. Would it come in handy?


“I learned a very interesting idea from Gandhi: at first they did not notice us, then they laughed at us, then they fought with us, and in the end we won. We won, so St. Petersburg has a wonderful stadium, the St. Petersburg Arena,” Albin-Slyunyaev said recently at a press conference. It's funny that an official reads Gandhi (actually, of course, no) and even draws something there, but he is definitely mistaken in his assessments. Albin himself went through only two stages of the aforementioned philosophical path: at first they did not notice him (which was good for him, of course), but then they began to laugh at him. With what he went down in history. And the elections are coming soon, and how can a vice-governor with such a reputation now campaign for someone? Of course not, it's better now (before it's too late) to remove it somewhere. Otherwise, after all, something will blurt out again and disrupt the elections. And the worst thing that can happen is that the topic of cormorants will arise again and the elections will turn into a laughing stock (fans have already learned the chant “Cormorant is power!”).

Igor Smirnov

Ornithologist Rustam Sagitov, associate professor at St Petersburg University, member of the permanent environmental commission of the Russian Geographical Society, and Tatyana Mednik, methodologist at the scientific department of the Leningrad Zoo, commented on the information about the danger of cormorants for the Krestovsky stadium.

“Theoretically, there may be cormorants in St. Petersburg, because over the past few decades their numbers in the Baltic, and in particular in the Gulf of Finland, have greatly increased. But they nest on the islands of the central part of the Gulf of Finland, and they can hardly fly into the city en masse - only single individuals.

But the corvids (in particular, the gray crow), gray and silver gulls use the roofs of buildings with great pleasure. For example, our herring gull nested on the roof of the spit of Vasilyevsky Island near the university.

Harm from birds can be associated with caustic faecal matter. Because the end product of protein metabolism in them is not urea, as in mammals, but uric acid. And if there are a lot of birds on any structure, this may not have a very good effect. However, cases of significant damage to buildings and structures in St. Petersburg are unknown to me.

Just like that, birds will not peck at some surface, why would they? If only they bring their food there - pecking, they can accidentally touch the coating a little. So don't blame the birds. I think it's something else," Sagitov said.

“Cormorants in our area, if they are found, then on islets or floodplains. For the city, this is a rare and fickle bird. It does not nest with us, and even more so does not occupy the roof of the stadium.

We do not have any birds that can destroy the roof of the stadium - neither a crow, nor a seagull, nor even a dumb cormorant (this is a bird of a very low level of intelligence) will not do this. Here, unlike Australia, there are no parrots - only they have a beak that can gnaw. All our birds use their beaks to get food.

I think he meant herring gull, not cormorant. The stadium was built near a large water surface - the dominant attracts birds for spending the night. They rest there, clean themselves and then fly further to feeding places. But even in gulls, the beak is not adapted to sit and have nothing to do to dismantle the roof. They don't need it, it's inedible.

In this case, the vice-governor simply showed his ignorance and transferred the problems with the roof to the unfortunate birds. We have the Zoological Institute, where world-famous ornithologists work - let him talk to them.

The only harm from birds in the city: they crap, and the metal begins to corrode. Not so long ago, I went to Yaroslavl and noticed that sharp pins were installed on the crosses in local cathedrals. They explained to me that this is protection from birds.

At our zoo, they somehow repaired the roof - they redid it three times, but it keeps leaking and leaking. We ask: "Why?" They say: "The roof is good, it just rained." It's probably the same with the stadium," Mednik said.

“There is such a famous bird - a cormorant, which with its powerful beak destroys the integrity of the reflective film. Cormorants pierce the film with their beak. In this case, a full-fledged bird protection project is needed, by analogy with airports.”

No, this is not an excerpt from a joke, not a quote from the testimony of a patient in a psychiatric hospital, not the delirium of an alcoholic twisted by morning tremors. These are the words of the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin (formerly known as Slyunyaev and manager of the stadium for more than two years), who apparently found new culprits for the disaster happening with the Zenit Arena stadium.

The man in charge of this nightmare is laughing in our face

In a normal civilized professional community, after such words, officials either resign of their own accord, or they are fired. Because there is nothing worse and more shameful than for the thousandth time to blame for your mistakes and failures on anyone - this time on birds in general (apparently, people and negligent contractors have run out), which you can’t meet in St. Petersburg. But Albin not only continues to work in the city hall, but also seriously dreams, as is commonly believed in St. Petersburg, to take the chair of the governor. This political phenomenon, of course, must have some logical explanation. But he is not.

The stadium, the cost of which has long exceeded 43 billion rubles, but at the same time its roof is leaking, and the fans who bought season tickets, having come to the match, may not find their seats, because they are simply not built, and the object itself has become almost a symbol of theft, corruption and unprofessionalism of the city authorities. But the man responsible for this whole nightmare is laughing in our faces. Or not laughing?

It can, of course, be assumed that Albin-Slyunyaev at that wonderful moment, when he was enlightened in the form of a flock of birds destroying the roof of the stadium, was in a state of alcoholic bewilderment (which, it seems, is not uncommon), but then it’s even worse - an unhealthy person works as vice-governor in St. Petersburg.

In addition, with obvious cormorant dependence. Take a look at his signature. As a matter of fact, Albin has a cormorant drawn on each document: nose, carcass, tail. Probably trained for a long time. Handwriting experts believe that an autograph is a secret reflection of the inner self - a visualization of character, a hidden image. Cormorant, in a word.

What is the limit of theft?

And if we assume that Albin is sober and still healthy, then maybe he originally had such a plan - to divert everyone's attention from something really important to some cormorants pecking at the roof? If so, then the focus was successful. All St. Petersburg media began to seriously discuss the flora and fauna of the region, and ornithologists began to seriously comment on the words of the official.

“In this case, the vice-governor simply showed his ignorance and transferred the problems with the roof to the unfortunate birds. We have a Zoological Institute where world-famous ornithologists work - let him talk to them, ”Tatyana Mednik, methodologist of the scientific department of the Leningrad Zoo, commented on Albina’s words.

But Rustam Sagitov, an associate professor at St Petersburg University, a member of the permanent environmental commission of the Russian Geographical Society, seems to have guessed: “Birds won’t just peck at some surface, why would they? If only they bring their food there - pecking, they can accidentally touch the coating a little. So don't blame the birds. I think it's something else…” Of course, it's something else.

“What is the limit of theft? How much can be stolen? - Albina-Slyunyaev was asked by the great Russian writer Daniil Granin, to whom the official was brought by his retinue as part of another PR campaign. At that moment, the official lowered his gaze, examining the carpet and his socks. By the way, Albin loves PR very much, he really wants to go down in history, it is important for him to become a hero. And this meeting with the symbol of Leningrad, a front-line hero and an outstanding writer, so necessary for Albin and absolutely unnecessary for Daniil Granin, was conceived as a dialogue between two titans, two eras, two different St. Petersburg intellectual elites. Alas, it didn't work out...

“Now even governors are being arrested, who have been stealing, and now they are instantly losing their reputation acquired over the years,” the intelligent Daniil Granin, having not received answers to his first two questions, seems to have decided to gently hint to his interlocutor about his likely administrative prospects. To which Albin-Slyunyaev suddenly quoted the French philosopher Denis Diderot out of place, who characterized the situation in Russia in two words: “they drink and steal.” Quoting Diderot, Vice-Governor Albin for some reason chuckled disgustingly. Joker. Granin smiled indulgently. He was ashamed. Watch this recording, it is available on Youtube (, where Albin's PR people posted it as a document of the modern era. Yes, this is a document.

As for the arrests and searches, as St. Petersburg journalists Viktor Ovsyukov, Maria Karpenko and Ksenia Klochkova write in their Rotonda telegram channel (@rotondamariinski), “a few months ago, the Chekists studied the staffing of the vice-governors of St. Petersburg. Attention was drawn to the bloated staff of the former Minister of Regional Development Igor Albin (Slyunyaev). At the beginning of the summer, they came to the head of his apparatus, Alexei Zolotov, with searches, and then a criminal case was opened ...

A criminal case has been opened against Vladislav Eremin, ex-director of the State Autonomous Institution Center for State Expertise. According to the investigation, from 2013 to 2015, he fictitiously hired employees and paid them salaries without the purpose of embezzlement. In fact, these people did not appear at the workplace, but worked in other institutions, in which it is not specified. After the start of investigative actions, Zolotov went on vacation and still has not appeared at his workplace ... "

A stupid joke takes on the features of a tragicomedy

Criminal news is also part of the very reputation of Igor Albin-Slyunyaev, about which the wise Granin tried to tell him. But is it possible to lose something that never existed? By the way, the history of the construction of the Zenith Arena, which he personally supervised for more than two years, is, of course, also the story that in modern Russia there is still no concept of "reputation". After all, Albin finally lost it after he called the whole story with cormorants ... a joke.

Now he claims that he was just joking about birds: “Glad if someone was amused,” writes the lieutenant governor (or those people who run his Facebook page). And Albin was amused, according to the journalists of the Life holding, except perhaps the managers of the stadium, who had already ordered the installation of bird repellers GRAD A-16 at a high price. A stupid joke about cormorants takes on the features of a tragicomedy - it is in this genre that the history of the most expensive stadium in the world is written. But it's impossible to joke around forever...

Rotunda journalists talk about this in plain text: “Petersburg has been wondering for several days why the smart vice-governor Igor Albin blew a joke about cormorants pecking at the roof of the stadium on Krestovsky. At the same time, more and more new rumors arise almost daily around the person of the vice-governor that he is about to leave, and his apparatchiks will be arrested. No one will argue: it’s better about cormorants than about dismissal and arrest.”

By the way, citizen Albin should know that the “cormorant” on the criminal hair dryer is a “hooligan”. Moreover, according to forensic philologists, this word has a contemptuous connotation - it is not customary to call authoritative, respected prisoners, even those convicted of hooliganism, cormorants. This must be remembered. Would it come in handy?


“I learned a very interesting idea from Gandhi: at first they did not notice us, then they laughed at us, then they fought with us, and in the end we won. We won, so St. Petersburg has a wonderful stadium, the St. Petersburg Arena,” Albin-Slyunyaev said recently at a press conference. It's funny that an official reads Gandhi (actually, of course, no) and even draws something there, but he is definitely mistaken in his assessments. Albin himself went through only two stages of the aforementioned philosophical path: at first they did not notice him (which was good for him, of course), but then they began to laugh at him. With what he went down in history.

And elections are coming soon, and how can a vice-governor with such a reputation now campaign for someone? Of course not, it's better now (before it's too late) to remove it somewhere. Otherwise, after all, something will blurt out again and disrupt the elections. And the worst thing that can happen is that the topic of cormorants will arise again and the elections will turn into a laughing stock (fans have already learned the chant “Cormorant is power!”).

Based on media materials
