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How to create an adsense wallet. How to connect Rapida to receive payments from Google Adsense. How to personalize your Rapid account

This is one of the first high-quality advertising networks in which website owners from all over the world monetize sites through contextual advertising.

Difficulties with withdrawing money from Adsense have long been resolved, now you can easily withdraw money to Z-Payment, QIWI, Money@Mail, Yandex.Money and other payment systems.

How to withdraw from Adsense to an e-wallet? This is not at all difficult to do, just use the Rapid system and configure some parameters. We will tell you in detail how to set up withdrawals to electronic wallets from Adsense, after which you can always easily transfer money.

Withdrawal from Adsense via Rapida

To get started, go to the website and open your e-wallet. The registration procedure is standard, so there should not be any difficulties.

After registration, you will need to personalize your account; there are several ways to do this, for example, replenishing your balance through a post office. If you choose this method, data verification will take about a week.

When your status changes, go to the “Payment for services” section on Rapida, select the option you need from the list of payment systems:

The list is quite impressive, you can even choose a transfer to a bank card. When you go through one of the payment systems, a template opens with the help of which transfers will be made:

This example creates a template for a Webmoney wallet. As you can see, you just need to specify your phone number and WMR wallet to create a template. Next you will receive the number of the created template:

In parentheses opposite the number it says (for Google Adsense users), copy this number and go to your Adsense account. Here you will need to go to the Rapida connection:

All that remains is to complete the final step, fill out the Rapida connection form and indicate the number of the created template:

Save the changes, and now you can easily receive payments from Adsense to any electronic wallet (in our example, Webmoney).

How to withdraw from Adsense to the map?

Not everyone uses EPS; there are people who want to receive money directly to bank accounts and cards. The above describes how to withdraw money from Adsense to Webmoney and using similar instructions, you can create templates to send finances directly to the card.

To correctly create a withdrawal template from Adsense to a card, call the bank and ask what details to provide.

To do this, you will also need to go to your wallet and proceed to create a new template. From the list of proposed options, you must select the repayment of loans and borrowings:

In order not to search for the right bank, choose to create a template for transferring payments using free details:

Ignore the fact that the pattern is created through loan repayments. The main thing is that the money goes to the card and it’s convenient.

When creating a template, you will definitely need to fill out a large form where you indicate various information about the card. Enter any amount in the template, it will not affect anything.

How to personalize your Rapid account?

No Adsense withdrawal template will work until you pass the verification procedure. The requirement is mandatory, the payment system is not anonymous. To proceed to verification, you need to click on the inscription “Non-personalized”, under your name:

I would be grateful if you share this article on social networks:

The money comes immediately on the second day after payment from Google.

Why did I combine these two areas in one place: YouTube channel and advertising from blogs or websites?

The fact is that YouTube is owned by Google and that means all monetary transactions will take place in one place, namely Google AdSense.

This means that this information will be useful to those who have their own YouTube channel and those who have their own website or blog that makes money using advertising from Google Adsense.

First, let's figure out the channel, and then we'll start withdrawing money. If you are not interested in YouTube, then scroll a little lower, there you will find up-to-date information for 2018.

Connecting a YouTube channel to an affiliate program

First, go to the “Channel” menu and enable monetization.

Check all the boxes and click on “I Accept”. If you already have one, then click “login”, if not, then click “create”.

Then follow the simple prompts. Fill in all your information.

Do not under any circumstances try to cheat the system! Provide only your real data, otherwise you risk getting your account blocked.

Now your YouTube channel is linked to Google Adsense.

How to withdraw money from Google AdSense to a Sberbank card

In your Google Adsense account, find the Settings - Payments menu. If you have just connected to the system and you do not have any income yet, then you should wait and earn your first $100.

$100 is the minimum payment. Until you have money in your account, you will not be able to choose a payment method.

As soon as you reach the required amount, you will be able to add payment methods.

In the meantime, if you don’t yet have your own card from Sberbank, then go and order it. I use a VISA Classic card.

You can check with your bank which card is best for you. And be sure to activate the Sberbank Online service for convenience.

If you already have something to output, then let’s proceed with the necessary settings.

In the picture above you can see that I already have a card linked and on January 12 a payment of 100 dollars and 10 cents was made to it.

Click on “Add a payment method” and select “Set up payment by bank transfer”.

I won’t even consider the other two methods, because that’s just a “hemorrhoid.” Just forget about them.

So, in total we will need to fill in 7 fields.

1. Account holder name

We write your first and last name in Latin letters exactly as indicated on your bank card.

2. Bank name/SWIFT/BIC

We go to the Yandex or Google search engine and enter the following phrase into the search bar without quotes: “SWIFT codes of Sberbank of Russia branches.” In the first place you will find a link with a pdf file. Download it, open it and find your region in this file.

In my case, this is “Kirov region”, which is in the 4th column. Now copy the name of the Sberbank branch from the 1st column (necessarily in English) and paste it into the second field. From here we copy the SWIFT code and paste it into the field number 4.

3. BIK/Account number

When you received the card, you should have been given all the payment details. If you have lost them, then go to your Sberbank Online personal account. Remember I told you that it needs to be connected? On the main page you will see your card. Now click on Main - Card Information.

Click on Transfer details to the card account and you will see all the necessary information. Find the BIC and paste this number into the field number 3. Find your account number, copy it and paste it into the field 5 and 6.

Check again that everything is filled out correctly and click on the “Save” button.

I couldn’t do this the first time because of the name of the bank. The name of my bank: Sberbank ( Volgo–Vyatsky Head Office). In order for the form to be successfully saved, I had to remove the dash. It turned out: Sberbank ( Volgo Vyatsky Head Office).

This did not affect the receipt of money in any way. All money arrived on time and without any questions asked.

Now click on the button and select the added method as the main one.

Congratulations! Now you can withdraw your money from YouTube and Google Adsense and spend it for your own pleasure!

You may encounter the following message in your account:
“Your payments are currently suspended. Renewal requires action on your part.” And next to it there will be a “Status” button, when you click on it nothing will happen.

Do not worry. After you add your payment method, this message will disappear after 1-2 days.


This withdrawal method is by far the most convenient. As your income grows, it will be better to think about opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC in order to pay taxes and sleep peacefully.

How much will I lose on commission?

I'll show you with my own example. Google paid me an amount of $100.10. Convert to rubles. 100.10 * 59.50 = 5955.95 rub. I received on the card: 5819.81 rubles.

Total: 5955.95 - 5819.81 = 136.14 rubles.

The commission for 100 dollars was 136.14 rubles. Whether it is a lot or a little - everyone will decide for themselves.

I hope the article was useful to you, if so, then subscribe to my useful newsletter on online earnings!

Hello, friends! Many advertisers are concerned about the question of how to withdraw money from Google Adsense to a bank card. After all, most bloggers and information businessmen believe that withdrawing money earned from advertising on Google is possible only through the Rapida system.

Difficulty withdrawing money fromGoogle Adsebse

I’ve been wanting to write an article on the topic of how to withdraw money from Google Adsense to a bank card for a long time. First, I had to get the result myself and make sure that everything worked. I'm convinced that everything works. Later there were other topics and somehow the topic of withdrawing money from Google Adsense was forgotten. But recently I had a conversation with colleagues who do not want to monetize their videos through YouTube, but are looking for other, alternative opportunities.

The main reason for the refusal, the guys cite difficulties with withdrawing money, difficulties and “problems” with withdrawing money through the Rapida system. So I remembered that you can withdraw money from Google Adsense through regular bank cards from Sberbank. It turns out that not everyone in Russia knows about this opportunity, which means that some people do not monetize blogs and YouTube channels. But in vain, because this is additional income. Since I have a Visa card, I think you can use such cards from any well-known banks - you need to check.

Blog monetization withGoogle Adsense, making money on a blog

So, if you have a blog, then you need to make sure that it generates income. One option is to monetize your blog through advertising from Google Adsense. The fact is that advertising from Yandex Direct is opened only to those bloggers whose regular traffic is above 500 visitors per day, otherwise the moderators will not let you through. Agree, most blogs cannot handle this condition.

Ads from Google Adsense can be installed on blogs with dozens of times less traffic. I haven’t checked it now, but previously an attendance of 30 people per day was enough. For this reason, I started making money from advertising back in 2013.

How to withdraw money fromGoogle Adsenseto a bank card

My first experience with withdrawing money was negative. I started connecting the Rapida system, but it didn’t work out for me (probably I wasn’t persistent), so I gave up on this idea and decided to arrange a withdrawal of money from Google Adsense via a bank check. Everything is fine, advertising on the blog is working, money is flowing in. Finally, a letter was brought home from America, from California, and they handed me a check for $102.89. But as it turned out later, the question turned out to be not so simple. Of course, if you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then there are no difficulties. The question arose again of how to withdraw money from Google Adsense. Of course, options can always be found, but the decision was made to look for another way.

This is what a check looks like when sent from Los Angeles

This method was found, this is the withdrawal of money from Google Adsense to a Sberbank bank card. But we had to try, to make sure that the money would come. And so it happened, the money arrived, and I received it on the card the next day after it was sent from California. I was sent $158.54 (according to the Google report), and received 11,828 rubles on the card, that is, at the rate of 74.609 rubles per dollar. I don’t know the size of the commission, I just wasn’t interested, but I think it’s a little.

This is how it turned out to be easy and simple to get money from Google Adsense - you don’t have to go anywhere. Now for YouTube skeptics - in your Google Adsense personal account there is an integration function with YouTube, that is, payments from advertising on the blog and advertising on YouTube will be transferred to the same bank card - I will not show it, everything is visible there.

Now let's move on to the practical question of how to withdraw money from Google Adsense to a bank card. We assume that you already have an account with Google Adsense. The help information contains information on how to set up a bank transfer, but it is written a little in official language and not everything can be understood.

So, first, in your Google Adsense account, you need to click on the gear and select “Payments”. Now, on the left, click the “Set up payments” button (see the video for details). Select and click the “Add a new payment method” button, now you need to select “Bank transfer”. A table opens in front of you where we need to fill in the fields.

Since “CITIBANK” is located in California, in the USA, all details must be filled out in English, and not at your own discretion, but as they are written in the world.

For correct spelling, there are so-called SWIFT codes. You can get them on the Internet. To do this, enter “swift code of Sberbank” in the Yandex search bar and the first PDF document will be the document you need (the document is shown in the attached video and on the screenshot). Now in the “Account Holder Name” field, write your first and last name in English as it is written on your bank card.

Now from the PDF document “SWIFT codes” you need to copy the name of the Sberbank branch (the city where you live), as shown in the video and paste it into the “Bank name” field, then copy the SWIFT code of Sberbank (third column) and paste it into the SWIFT/ field BIC.

All that remains is to insert our bank account number and BIC. This data can be obtained from your online banking account. To do this, go to your Sberbank online account, click on the bank card to which you want to transfer money and select “Card Information”. The account number, consisting of 20 digits, is displayed at the bottom, copy it and paste it into the “Account number” field (Google Adsense), duplicate it again in the adjacent field.

Now we return to the bank online and click the “Transfer details to card account” button (of the same bank card), copy the BIC from there and paste it into the appropriate field on the Google Adsense page. That’s it, the fields are filled in, go to the bottom of the page, you need to check the “Select as main” checkbox and click the “Save” button. The work is finished, now you can wait for the money earned to be paid.

If you do not have an online bank connected to your home, then you can take all the data from your local Sberbank branch, they will issue you a statement. If you filled out everything correctly, without errors, the money is guaranteed to come to your card, keep an eye on the statistics on the Google Adsense page.


So, friends, from this article you learned how to easily withdraw money from Google Adsense directly to your bank card. You don’t need to go anywhere, the money will come from the USA within a day, in a maximum of two, it will be automatically converted into rubles at the exchange rate and there will be no hassle with a check or Rapid. In addition, you can integrate earnings from Google on YouTube with earnings on your blog, as they say, in one pocket. Use this method and you will like it. Good luck to you!

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Some statistics on my account:

Throughout my time using Google Adsense, I have identified several important points. They will be useful to you if you are just starting to work with it or have been working with it recently.


Setting up Google Adsense ad units

It's the most important! The number of clicks and your income depend on how you place your advertising blocks on the site. The second fundamental factor is the size of the blocks. This can be a horizontal or vertical block, with a fixed size or adaptive, which changes size depending on the screen resolution of the site visitor and the type of device from which he came (for example: mobile or tablet). And given that there are more and more people accessing the network from gadgets, dimension is a key factor.

By placement: only three blocks per page are allowed. If you bet more you will be banned without payments. And you yourself won’t like the look of a site with a bunch of advertising – like a link dump.

I tried all the options - adaptive, horizontal and vertical, large and small skyscrapers, square and recommended blocks.

Why are blocks called recommended?! They give better results according to Google statistics. Among the recommended advertising blocks there is the largest number of advertisers, which means that it is easier for the system to select a relevant request for each visitor.

The three most profitable blocks during the reshuffles:

Impression statistics:

Clicks for the most cunning webmasters.

When I first installed Google Adsense, I read a lot about the system’s scam. People wrote about the ban before paying the first $100. From my own experience, I will say that if all the rules are followed, no one will ban anyone.

The clear conclusion is that you can’t click on your ad! And the trick with a ban before payment is a favorite topic not only among Google services, it is among many, so that others would be discouraged!

Website traffic does not equal income.

What many people think about. Attendance 100 people, average income 50 cents per day. This means that if there are a thousand visits, it will be $5 per day. I thought so too, everything seems logical. I made plans for hundreds of dollars. Oh, how I missed the slap on the head of reality! In reality, you need to take into account the CTR; the cost per click is made up of it. That is, each ad has its own price, and it changes constantly.

Today you earned 28 cents for clicking on the top block, and tomorrow you will be given five cents for it. Why?! For example, one day there were six clicks per 1,000 impressions, and two on another. This means that the cost per click has changed and become lower. You can compare it with efficiency: the more people click, the higher the price!

I had times and 3000 impressions a day, but the maximum earnings were more than five dollars a day, and sometimes less than a dollar. There are several reasons for this. If the bulk of traffic to your blog is new visitors, then the click-through rate will always be different.

Firstly, many people don’t click on ads on principle, especially webmasters!)) Others have an old browser that displays the site incorrectly, or there is a ban on displaying ads (many people use this in Google Chrome), that is, they don’t see your blocks at all. Today 10% of people like this came, and tomorrow 80 of them may come. That’s how income jumps!

By the way, the maximum I earned per month was $37.

Filter fromGoogleAdsense as a gift for dummies

The presence of any restrictions on search results and the application of sanctions to young sites with context has not been officially confirmed by Google. I’m just telling you rumors that are circulating among bloggers.

If your resource has 10 visitors, the site is young, still in the sandbox, and you are already installing a contextual advertising system. Google may consider that the site was not created for benefit, not for people. And exclusively for earning money!

Why is such a resource in search results? In general, these are just rumors, but there is no smoke without fire. You shouldn’t place ads on young sites for at least two or three months. But it's up to you.


I think Google Adsense is a good help for webmasters, it is profitable to work with it and besides, it is passive income.

However, what is described above is my experience, my results. Yours may be higher! Do not agree? We can discuss in the comments.

I would also like to share what I saw at one of the conferences. Once upon a time there was a talk by a young man who made SFGA (sites for Google Adsense). His best result was $8,000 from the site in 9 months. The point is that he limited the visitor's choice to only two actions. A unique person coming to the site could either close it or follow the Edsense link further. That's it in a nutshell. So your success is limited only by your imagination.

In the following articles of my blog on the site, I will share other results on making money on teasers and the nolix line. These will also be detailed reports that may be useful to you for monetizing your resource.

That's all for this! I hope my material was useful to you!

Income from Google Adsense was $952, but I want more! My results.

If you need to radically change the recipient of AdSense payments in Rapida, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Create a new PS Rapida wallet for a new user;
  2. Personalize your Rapid wallet;
  3. Change data in your AdSense account;
  4. Receive a personal payment code at PS Rapida;
  5. Change Rapid payment code in AdSense payments.

Steps to change the recipient of AdSense payments in Rapida

Step 1. Create a new PS Rapida wallet for a new user

  • On the “Electronic Wallet” page in the Rapida system, without entering the Rapida system, click “Create wallet”;
  • Fill out the registration form, indicating your phone number and password for authorization. The specified telephone number must not be registered in the system;
  • Don't forget to remember your password.

Step 2. Personalize your Rapid wallet

1. After registration, log into your Rapid “Electronic Wallet” account. The created account is and is called “non-personalized” (it is highlighted in red) and to change the recipient of AdSense payments through Rapid, you need to go through personification. 2. To personalize your Rapid account, you need your passport and the number of the created wallet (phone number). A service code may be required: RAPI, which may need to be provided to the operator. Today, personalization of a Rapid account requires your personal presence. 3. Here ( find the nearest “CONTACT money transfer systems” item. It is in CONTACT that you need to personalize your Rapid account. 4. Next, go to this CONTACT transfer point with the documents listed above and 250 rubles.

Important! Before visiting CONTACT, make a follow-up call to this location, clearly tell them what you need to do. There is a high probability of no communication at this point at the time of contact. It is also difficult to find CONTACT points without additional landmarks.

To personalize you need to indicate:

  • payment code: RAPI (in practice not necessary),
  • purpose of payment: personalization of Rapid account,
  • your phone number to which your Rapid wallet is registered.

Payment for personalization costs 250 rubles. From 250 rubles, 100 rubles will actually be credited to your Rapid e-wallet.

The transfer should take place almost instantly. After the transfer, check your account, it should become personalized.

Important! To complete personalization, you must present a Russian passport. In theory, the operator should verify your identity with your passport. In practice I didn't notice this.

Bottom line. After personalization, log into your Rapid account and see under your wallet a green “personalized” link.

Step 3. Get a personal payment code at PS Rapida

The goal of this step is to get the code for AdSense. To do this in the Rapid wallet, we take the following steps:

  • Button: Create template
  • Link: Repayment of loans and borrowings
  • Link: Repaying a loan or topping up a bank account
  • In the window that opens, fill in all the required fields and click the “Save as template” button

We look at the native PDF instructions.

Note:“Fill in all fields” means indicate the details of the bank and your account where you plan to withdraw money from Rapid. Some fields will be filled in automatically based on your personalization data. You will find out the bank's BIC at the bank. For a Sberbank card, BIC bank, find out here or read the article:. Specify any amount, but not less than that indicated in the form (Minimum payment: 0.01 rubles. Commission: 1%, minimum 50 RUR.).

  • After clicking the “Save as template” button, you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code. After entering the confirmation code, click the “Confirm payment” button
  • Go to the “Templates” tab and open the created template
  • Copy the unique number.

This number must be entered into AdSense.

Step 4. Change information in your AdSense account

Rapid's wallet has been created and personalized. This must be reported in your AdSense account.

First, we change the owner of the AdSense account. For this:

  • Log in to the AdSense system;
  • In the menu, go to the “Payments” tab;
  • We change the owner’s contact information through the editor icon, “Personal Data” tab;
  • Let's save.

Step 5. Change Rapid payment code in AdSense payments

  • In your AdSense account, go to the “Payments” tab;

  • Select “Rapida” payments;

  • We change the unique payment number taken from Rapida.
