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ISO Certificate of Conformity. ISO certified turnkey. Your benefits from contacting Construction Consulting LLC

The ISO 9000 series of standards, which describe a quality management system model, are designed to help organizations consistently provide customers and other interested parties with products or services that can meet their requirements and expectations. This series of standards was created by a committee of the International Organization for Standardization - ISO; Based on these standards, national standardization organizations can develop national analogues, in particular, in Russia these are the GOST R ISO standards of the 9000 series.

The ISO 9000 standard defines the basic provisions and principles of quality management, which create the basis for the development and maintenance of a quality management system, the specific requirements for which are formulated in the ISO 9001 standard.

Organizations that seek recognition of their quality management system can use this standard to independent evaluation, they can also be used to demonstrate fulfillment of contractual requirements.

Organizations can receive an independent external assessment from a third party - a certification body - by undergoing an appropriate audit. More than a million organizations around the world have certified quality management systems, confirming the effectiveness ISO standard 9001 as one of the most common tools for building a control system.

The IS0 9000 series includes:

ISO 9000 Standard – Fundamentals and Vocabulary. The standard is intended to establish a common understanding of the terms and concepts used in the ISO 9000 series of standards.

ISO 9001 Standard - Requirements. The standard defines the requirements that organizations' quality management systems must meet. Being general and universal, the ISO 9001 standard can be applied to any business and is suitable for all organizations, regardless of their field of activity, size, form of ownership, or geographic location.

ISO 9004 - Guidelines for improving performance. The standard contains recommendations based on eight principles of quality management that were developed for managers to improve the organization's performance and meet the requirements of all stakeholders.

ISO standards are structured to be easily integrated into an organization's existing management system to meet and exceed customer requirements and expectations. Thanks to latest version standard, which came into force in 2015, was developed taking into account the so-called high-level structure that underlies all the most commonly used standards defining requirements for various systems management of organizations, ISO 9001 has become much more compatible with standards such as ISO 14001 (requirements for environmental management systems), ISO 45001 (requirements for occupational health and safety management systems), ISO 39001 (requirements for safety management systems traffic), ISO 27001 (requirements for management systems information security), ISO 20000 (requirements for an IT service management system) and others

Benefits from implementation and certification

  • increasing customer satisfaction by fulfilling their requirements;
  • increasing the efficiency of the organization’s internal processes;
  • continuous improvement of the organization's processes by identifying and eliminating losses in the implementation of activities;
  • improvement of internal communications, planning mechanism and distribution of material resources;
  • increasing staff motivation due to transparency and clarity of functional responsibilities;
  • enriching staff knowledge in the field of quality;
  • cost reduction by increasing productivity, improving the quality of manufactured products, services provided and reducing the level of defects;
  • continuous improvement of the organization's activities through the use of modern instruments quality management;
  • increasing the competitiveness of the organization in the Russian and global markets

ISO Certification- confirmation of compliance of the characteristics of goods, products, services with quality standards.
The document is valid for 3 years.
A scheduled inspection is carried out annually.

List of directions and standards

  1. GOST R ISO 9001:2015 (ISO 9001-2015) - quality management system. General requirements.
  2. GOST R ISO 14001:2012 (ISO 14000) - environmental management system.
  3. GOST R 51814.1-2009 (ISO TS 16949) - quality management system in the automotive industry.
  4. GOST R ISO 22000-2007 (ISO 22000:2005) - food safety management system.
  5. GOST ISO 13485:2011 (ISO 13485:2003) - quality management system for medical devices.
  6. GOST R 54934 -2012/OHSAS 18001:2007 - management system professional safety and health.
  7. GOST ISO/IEC 27001:2006 (ISO/IEC 27001:2005) - information security management system.
  8. SA 8000:2001 - social responsibility management system.
  9. GOST RV 0015-002-2012 - development and production system military equipment.
    GAZPROMSERT (QMS, works, services).
  10. Fire safety certificate.
  11. and fire risk calculation.
  12. Declaration of fire safety.
  13. Certificate of the Customs Union.
  14. Declaration of conformity with the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

You can check the cost of ISO certification for each of the above areas with an employee of our organization.

ISO certification objects:

  1. Products.
  2. Works (services).
  3. Management systems.
  4. Staff.

ISO Product Certification
A quality assurance procedure through which an organization independent of the manufacturer (seller, performer) and consumer (buyer) certifies in writing that the product meets the established requirements.

Certification of works (services)
Independent confirmation of compliance with approved requirements in order to comply with the “Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights” by the supplier of works and services in the Russian Federation.

Management systems certification
A procedure for confirming the degree of compliance and effectiveness of a specific management system with the requirements of the standard for a given management system.

The main management systems requiring certification by the ISO center:
1. Quality management system (certified for compliance with the requirements of the GOST ISO 9001-2015 standard).
2. Environmental management system (certified for compliance with the requirements of the GOST R ISO 14001-2007 standard).
3. Health and safety management system (certified for compliance with the requirements of the GOST R 54934-2012/OHSAS 18001:2007 standard).
4. Information security management system (certified for compliance with the requirements of the GOST R ISO / IEC 27001-2006 standard).
5. Food safety management system (certified for compliance with the requirements of the GOST R ISO 22000-2007 standard).

ISO quality certification: varieties

Certification can be mandatory or voluntary.
The object of mandatory certification can only be products released into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 1, Article 23 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”).
The list of products subject to mandatory certification is regulated by Government Decree No. 982 dated 01.12.2009 “On Approval of a Single List of Products Subject to Mandatory Certification and a Single List of Products Conformity Confirmation of Which Is Carried Out in the Form of a Declaration of Conformity”.
The objects of voluntary certification may be products (including those subject to mandatory certification), works (services), management systems, personnel. Voluntary certification of ISO products subject to mandatory certification does not cancel its mandatory certification.

Why should you contact an ISO certification center?

The availability of certified quality management systems is a prerequisite for organizations issuing various permits or participating in tenders of government customers.
1. Registration of SRO permits for work at especially dangerous, technically complex and unique production facilities - GOST ISO 9001-2015, GOST R ISO 14001-2007, GOST R 54934-2012 / OHSAS 18001:2007, etc.
2. Registration of a license from Rostekhnadzor for the right to work at nuclear facilities - GOST ISO 9001-2015.
3. Registration of licenses of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the right to conduct activities for the production, testing, installation, assembly, maintenance, repair, disposal and sale of weapons and military equipment - GOST RV 15.002-2003.
4. Performance of work, provision of services at the facilities of PJSC Gazprom, as well as the production and testing of equipment for the needs of Gazprom - the Gazpromcert system.

Our service “ISO Certification”: cost and other nuances

Construction Consulting LLC has the necessary resources to provide you with comprehensive support in carrying out ISO certification of products and services, as well as in implementing quality management systems according to the standards you need. We are always open to cooperation and act promptly: the average document processing time is 2 days.
The cost of ISO certification is from 10,000 rubles. The exact amount is calculated individually and depends on the specifics of your business.

In addition, as a bonus, everyone who ordered this service can take advantage of our promotions and special offers.

Your benefits from contacting Construction Consulting LLC

We employ professionals with many years of experience who constantly improve their skills. This is a guarantee that you will get the desired result.
A personal manager will work with you, who will explain to you the procedure for applying to an ISO certification center, and in the process of completing it will assist you in making a decision. organizational issues and answer all your questions.
If necessary, you can use our help even after the document is drawn up - subsequent support and advice are guaranteed.

In order to find out in more detail how our cooperation with you will proceed and to get answers to your questions, please contact a representative of our organization.

The ISO 9001 certificate is a document indicating the presence of a quality management system at the enterprise, implemented in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the international standard ISO 9001-2015. The certification procedure is carried out on a voluntary basis.

This matrix of standards is denoted by the abbreviation ISO (International Organization for Standardization), which means International Organization for Standardization.

In Russia there is a Russian-language analogue of the standard - this is GOST R ISO 9001-2015 “Quality management systems. Requirements". Therefore, accredited in Russian system authorized bodies draw up documents according to the national standard.

The content of these standards is absolutely no different, as it contains completely identical guidelines and recommendations for implementing a QMS for organizations. From a legal point of view, certificates issued in the Russian structure of technical regulation are not inferior to analogues issued by foreign certification bodies.

Cost and procedure

The cost of the GOST ISO 9001 certificate is 12,000 rubles
Processing time - 3 days
Validity period - 3 years
Free delivery within the Russian Federation

Required documents

Card of details of the applicant’s organization;
Copies of TIN, OGRN certificates.

How to obtain an ISO 9001 certificate of conformity

The algorithm for obtaining an ISO 9001 certificate is quite simple and looks like this:
  • Submitting an application for certification and copies of the applicant’s registration documentation;

  • Signing a contract for work, paying the invoice;

  • Next, a layout (draft) is sent to you for checking and approval;

  • After approval of the layout, the original certificate is issued, information about which is entered into the system register;

  • Ready documents can be obtained from our office: Moscow, st. Nikoloyamskaya, house 29, building 1. Also provided free shipping courier service.

ISO 9001 certification. Who needs it and why?

Let us leave behind the scenes loud statements that product competitiveness and growth depend on the ISO 9001 quality management system certificate economic indicators companies. Let's move away from tired templates and list the real motives.

Typically, enterprises undertake ISO 9001 certification to participate in the tender. According to our observations, this moment is the most popular motivating factor. Often tender documentation, among other conditions, contains a clause on the mandatory presence of a QMS. This requirement is due to the desire to obtain an additional guarantee from the proposed supplier. If you are ready to accept the conditions imposed on participants, then you need to proceed with registration.

Cooperation with foreign companies

If you plan to export products abroad, then the provided regulatory documentation for the product may not be enough. Why? The point is the difference in standardization formats operating in the Russian Federation and, for example, in European countries. ISO is a unique international standard, that is, understandable to all participants in the trading arena. By providing an argument that your partners understand, the likelihood of cooperation increases. Certificates of compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001 in Russia can be issued in Russian or English language, however, the price and registration procedure do not change.

Raising status and marketing component

1. Large corporations prefer to carry out certification not only to maintain status, but also to actually improve business processes. Many companies obtain ISO 9001 from various international bodies, although the format and implementation procedure are the same. This once again speaks to the popularity of standardization. Start-up companies can also express themselves in this context.

2. The buyer, when purchasing a product, wants to familiarize himself with quality characteristics and information whether the product is certified. This data contains the product passport or trade label. In addition to characteristics and data on origin, the packaging displays signs informing the buyer of compliance with current standards. After implementing a quality system, the manufacturer or importer has the right to additionally mark the product with a conformity mark.

Registration of licenses and other permitting documentation

A quality certificate according to ISO 9001-2015 must be issued upon joining self-regulatory organizations or passing declaration and mandatory certification according to the technical regulations of the Customs Union. The presence of an implemented QMS has a positive effect on licensing certain types services. For example, in aviation industry, construction, design.

The above diagram reflects the results of a survey of more than three hundred respondents who completed the certification procedure.

About the unified register

Bye unified register ISO does not exist in Russia. Each certification body maintains an internal register where the numbers of issued documents are entered. Many people believe that QMS certificates are checked on the Rosakcreditation website. While data is accumulated there only on mandatory, from the point of view of legislation, documents issued for goods or equipment, it is not conducted on voluntary ones.

Benefits of implementing a quality system

Enterprises that have managed to obtain a certificate of conformity with ISO 9001 have the following advantages:
  • An effective product sales platform that complies with European standards.

  • Profitability of processes due to a structured quality control chain and regular modernization of production.

  • A high level of partners' confidence in products and services due to additional guarantees due to the presence of a quality system that meets the international standard.

  • Prospects for supplies abroad.

  • Loyal requirements for licensing various types of activities.

  • A sustainable image of a civilized, developing company.
In conclusion, I would like to note that the Rospromtest certification center is located in Moscow, but we are successfully working with the regions. Our activity has no territorial boundaries, we will be glad to see you among our partners. All information about the procedure for interaction can be obtained from managers.

(ISO), or Quality Certificate is a set of documents confirming the fact compliance goods or services quality standards, formed by the International Organization for Standardization.>Obtaining a certificate is necessary if a company creates or modernizes its resource management system, which will provide internal quality control production process or service provision. Certification according to the ISO standard in the Russian Federation - procedure voluntary and it is carried out by an independent expert. Validity set of certification documents - 3 years. And they are checked annually. In Russia, an ISO certificate is GOST R, the documents indicate How n.p. GOST R ISO 9001-2011.

CenterConsult is certified center for consulting from 08/05/2013 - this is confirmed by an official entry in register No. ROSS RU.З2002.04ЦРБ0. For more than 6 years, CenterConsult has been providing services for quality certification in various areas. We are ready not only design certificate within a few hours, but also provide you with necessary knowledge standards-based, so you can build and develop a successful and reliable system management. CenterConsult experts in their work take into account the specifics of the activities and traditions of the client's company.

What does an ISO certificate consist of?

A legitimate Certificate of Quality includes several documents. First: the certificate itself. Second: a group of attached permits confirming the right to use it. Third: a list of works to which the quality management system (QMS) applies. Fourth: a certificate for three auditors working in the company.

Often, customers request documentation from an ISO certified company that confirms the fact of its implementation. This set of documents includes:

    official orders from management;


    a set of general goals and principles of doing business for the company;

    features of interaction between structural divisions;

    management and procedure for implementing the QMS;

    product management methods;

    requirements for control of goods/services;

    procurement methods;

    personnel training system;

    working with suppliers, etc.

Clients who contact CenterConsult to obtain a certification document independently decide whether they want to implement the proposed standards or not. And even if ISO is not applied, only its presence will significantly improve the image of the organization, increase customer loyalty, the number of orders, and therefore the company’s profit.

Why do you need a certificate?

ISO certificates are acquired in order to be in trend and increase your competitiveness and create certain advantages:

    Increased efficiency in creating a product or service for consumers.

    A management system based on motivation.

    Increase in the quality of products/services, as well as their prices.

    Extension client base- federal level customers: Russian Railways, Gazprom, ministries, etc.

    Opportunity to take part in tenders and work on special facilities.

    Reducing losses and defects in production.

    The opportunity to introduce products/services not only to the Russian, but also to the Western European market.

A company that operates on the basis of standards is perceived positively by investors and is viewed favorably by consumers. And this helps expansion into sales markets. Neither the customer nor the official will have any questions about a certified company. And its cost will increase by 15-20%.

Types of ISO certificates

ISO certificates are universal. They are a guarantee that all requirements and standards that improve the quality of company management will be met. People most often order from CenterConsult the following types ISO standards:

    9001 - basic document for organizations supplying products/services. The standards apply to all stages of the activity of any company: development, design, production, delivery, installation, service.

    13485 - for medical products and related services.

    14001 - for environmental management. Rationing and standardization of resource management involved in the implementation of the environmental program.

    OHSAS 18001 - for the management of occupational safety and health systems.

    HACCP 22000:2005 - for the food industry. Safety regulation. Formation of a management model that mitigates risks.

    26000 - for business liability.

    27001 - for information security of the company.

    50001 - for the energy industry.

CenterConsult's clients are companies from different fields: construction, architectural design, engineering surveys, private security. Also training, cleaning, cargo transportation, production (wholesale/retail) of food, drinks, including alcoholic drinks, manufacturing of furniture, their sale. And also the IT sector, consulting, industry, pharmaceuticals, transportation, processing, waste disposal.

Required documents for certification

Before receiving a certificate, you need to write an application according to the established template and prepare the following package of documents:

    Charter of the applicant company and its details.

    Description of the company structure in the form of a detailed diagram, as well as characteristics functional responsibilities divisions

    Information about employees, their qualifications.

    Licenses and other permits that confirm the company’s right to carry out its activities.

    Regulatory and technical documentation of the company.

CenterConsult helps the customer in collecting and preparing the necessary documents. This way you will save time and avoid errors during collection and registration.

Obtaining an ISO certificate using CenterConsult

CenterConsult received the official status of a certification center from authorized body - Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology (Rosstandart). We are authorized to issue ISO certificates to clients involved in various types activities.

In order to buy an ISO certificate, leave an online application in a special form on the website or call the contact number. After consultation - personal or remote - we begin registration. Next, we develop documentation based on standards - focusing on the company’s core business. Your ISO certificate will be ready within a day.

Cooperation with CenterConsult is beneficial for 4 reasons:

  1. We work quickly, harmoniously and professionally. We guarantee an individual approach.
  2. We will consult in detail in advance. We answer questions that the client has during the process.
  3. We help the customer select GOST standards and codes.
  4. You don’t have to come to the CenterConsult office - our employees will do the work remotely. Submit the documentation by courier or mail.
  5. In case of force majeure, we guarantee a 100% refund.

Our experts guarantee to receive the requested certificate within 3-5 hours. Your company will pass any inspection - CenterConsult issues an ISO certification document legally.

Get ISO certification

We will call you back in 8 seconds

A company that expects to develop successfully must be able to prove its superiority over its competitors. To do this it is necessary to devote Special attention quality control and compliance with safety regulations. How to demonstrate to potential clients, business partners and regulatory organizations the quality of your services? This is why you need a certificate.

Expert Legal Bureau LLC does everything to ensure that the obtaining process is simple and fast. The work is carried out taking into account the specifics of the activities of a particular company. The organization has all the necessary permits and is accredited by Gosstandart.

Types of certificates

Expert Legal Bureau LLC will help you obtain documents that will demonstrate to your clients and partners a decent attitude towards business. As part of further cooperation, it is possible to provide assistance in passing inspections, making changes or additions to certificates, and responding to requests received from supervisory organizations.

ISO Obtaining Process

To obtain a document, you do not have to make any special efforts. As a result of a few simple steps, a certificate will be issued confirming compliance with international quality standards.

The company that ordered the corresponding service can receive any required document: on ecology, labor protection, quality certificate and much more. They provide an opportunity to expand the scope of activities and increase competitiveness.

Package of certification documents

Documents for obtaining ISO certificate

To apply for certification, download and fill out the appropriate document. Send the completed document to us by email:
