Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Responsibilities and job descriptions of a construction foreman. Job responsibilities of a production foreman. Required knowledge and skills

1. General Provisions

1.1. Master of construction and installation works belongs to the category


1.2. For the position of foreman of construction and installation works

a person with a higher technical education is appointed without presenting

requirements for work experience or secondary specialized (technical)

education and work experience in construction organizations at least 3 years.

1.3. Appointment to the position of foreman of construction and installation works

and dismissal from office is carried out by order (instruction)

head of the organization.

1.4. A construction and installation master must know:

- resolutions, instructions, orders of higher authorities and others

guidance, methodological and regulatory materials on activities

construction sites

— profile, specialization and development prospects of the organization

— technology and organization construction production

— design and estimate documentation for facilities under construction

— technical regulations, construction norms and rules, technical

conditions for the production and acceptance of construction and installation works

— principles of site work planning

— the current regulations on remuneration of the organization’s employees

(standards and prices for work performed) and forms of material


— technical characteristics of the construction machines used,

mechanized tools, devices

— best practices in the field of construction

— basics of economics, organization of labor production and management

— basics of economic legislation

- basics labor legislation Russian Federation

— internal labor regulations

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions,

industrial sanitation and fire protection

— techniques and methods of providing pre-medical care

1.5. Master of construction and installation works in his activity

is guided by:

— the charter of the organization

- this job description

— _________________________________________________________________.

(other documents)

1.6. Master of construction and installation works directly

reports to the head of the organization.

1.7. During the absence of a construction and installation foreman

(business trip, vacation, illness, etc.) his job responsibilities

performed by an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who

acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for non-fulfillment

or improper performance of duties assigned to him in connection with


1.8. ______________________________________________________________.

2. Functions

2.1. Ensuring the implementation of the construction and installation work plan for

2.2. Organization of operational accounting of production performance

assignments and receipts building materials, designs, products.

2.3. Management of site workers.

2.4. Providing workers with tools, devices,

means of small-scale mechanization, transport, special clothing, protective


2.5. Monitoring employee compliance with safety regulations when

performing technological operations for production construction work.

3. Job responsibilities

The master of construction and installation works performs the following:


3.1. Ensures the implementation of the construction and installation work plan for

site in accordance with working drawings, work design,

production plan and regulatory documents.

3.2. Monitors compliance with the technological sequence

carrying out construction works and ensuring their proper quality.

3.3. If necessary, carries out alignment work, geodetic

control during technological operations and volume measurements

construction and installation works.

3.4. Organizes the acceptance of materials, structures, products, their

warehousing, accounting and reporting.

3.5. Ensures rational use on the site (facility)

construction machines, mechanisms, Vehicle, economical

consumption of materials.

3.6. Arranges teams and units not included in them

and individual workers on the site, establishes their production

assignments, provides on-the-job training.

3.7. Issues work orders, accepts completed work, issues work orders

prepares documents for work performed to record working hours,

production, downtime.

3.8. Organizes operational records of daily execution

production tasks and receipt of construction materials,

designs, products.

3.9. Provides conditions for employees to master and perform

established standards production.

3.10. Submits proposals for assignment to the manager for consideration

categories of employees, recruitment of quantitative and

professional and qualified composition of the teams.

3.11. Provides crews and workers with tools,

devices, small-scale mechanization, transport, workwear,

protective means.

3.12. Participates in the work of the workplace certification commission.

3.13. Conducts instructions on compliance with safety precautions when

production of work.

3.14. Ensures the maintenance of a log of employee training.

3.15. Ensures use as intended

technological equipment (scaffolding, scaffolding, protective devices,

fastening the walls of pits and trenches, struts, conductors and others

devices), construction machines, power plants, transport

means and means of protecting workers.

3.16. Monitors the provision of workplaces with safety signs,

warning signs and posters.

3.17. Does not allow presence at workplaces in

sanitary premises and unauthorized persons on the site.

3.18. Ensures cleanliness and order in work areas,

walkways and access roads, proper maintenance and operation

crane tracks.

3.19. Checks the state of safety equipment and takes measures to

eliminating identified deficiencies.

3.20. Participates in the work of the commission to investigate accidents

incidents at work and violations of safety regulations.

3.21. Monitors employee compliance with safety instructions

labor, production and labor discipline.

3.22. Organizes advanced training for employees.

3.23. _____________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

The master of construction and installation works has the right:

4.1. Participate in discussions of draft management decisions

organization on issues related to its activities.

4.2. Dispose of the funds and property entrusted to him with

compliance with the requirements determined by legislative and regulatory

legal acts, charter of the organization.

4.3. Sign and endorse documents within your


4.4. Initiate and conduct meetings on organizational and

financial and economic issues.

information, documents.

4.6. Conduct quality and timeliness checks


4.7. Demand cessation (suspension) of work (in case

violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance

established norms, rules, instructions, give instructions for correction

deficiencies and elimination of violations.

4.8. Submit submissions for consideration by the head of the organization

on the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees, on the encouragement of distinguished

employees and the application of disciplinary sanctions to employees,

violating labor discipline.

4.9. Require the organization's management to provide assistance in

performance of their official duties and rights.

4.10. _____________________________________________________________.

(other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The construction and installation work master is responsible for:

- for improper performance or failure to fulfill their duties

duties provided for in this job description - in

within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation


- for offenses committed in the course of exercising their

activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative and

criminal legislation of the Russian Federation

- for causing damage to the organization - within the limits established

current labor, civil and criminal legislation

Russian Federation.

5.2. The master of construction and installation works bears personal


— for the results and efficiency of production activities

the area he leads

- for the consequences of his unjustified decision, which resulted in

constitutes a violation of the safety of property, its unlawful use

or other damage to the organization.

5.3. ______________________________________________________________.

Now in every city there is active construction shopping centers, multi-storey buildings, sports grounds, and a busy construction of cottages has been noticed in the private sector. This indicates the rapid development of construction production. Of course, the demand for specialists is increasing with the increase in construction sites, but not everyone is able to devote themselves to this industry.
The construction of new public and residential structures, the reconstruction of old buildings, the arrangement of communications, the repair of bridges and the laying of roads require high professionalism and certain skills.

Master of construction and installation works

Both the strength of the object and the safety of people - both the builders themselves and ordinary civilians for whom the work is being carried out - will depend on the quality of these parameters.

Composition of construction and installation works

A set of sequential actions and means of execution aimed at the construction or reconstruction of production and non-production facilities, installation of various types of equipment is included in the concept of construction and installation work.

A carefully planned construction process allows you to avoid shortcomings and errors, prevent alterations and corrections and, as a result, correctly calculate the cost of construction and installation services ( There is no clear distinction between construction and installation work, since in fact these two areas are inextricably interconnected and tend to flow into each other.

Conventionally, there are 4 types of construction and installation work:

General construction. Cover the largest volume of work. These include: engineering preparation of the construction site; earthworks, piles, stone works; construction and installation of all types of structures; carpentry, roofing and painting work; building cladding; landscaping.

Special. These construction works involve the use of special materials or the installation of individual systems and devices. For example, applying anti-corrosion coatings, laying structured cable networks, constructing mine shafts, installing elevators, sanitary systems, etc.

Transport. Delivery to the construction site is implied. necessary materials, finished products, construction equipment, parts and accessories.

Loading and unloading. This includes the transportation of materials construction site using lifting and transport equipment or live work force. For example, transportation of soil, concrete mixture, steel, wood, reinforced concrete products, etc.

Who provides the construction process?

Management of construction and installation works and ensuring a continuous process of their production is entrusted to specialists who:

  • have appropriate education;
  • have a high degree of qualifications and responsibility;
  • have sufficient experience in a specific field;
  • show interest in the development of technology and production.

If there is insufficient experience in construction work, developers attract more competent persons as part of general contracting organizations. Highly specialized specialists organize the construction process in accordance with current regulations and standards. Their competence includes strict control and optimization of construction and installation work in all respects. General contractors provide planned construction based on an existing project approved by the customer.

Job description for construction and installation work foreman

It is quite difficult to learn the profession of a general construction work master, but it is quite possible. To do this, you just need to become a skilled worker, capable of performing any simple actions, from masonry, furnace, electric welding work to installation of structures, concrete and loading and unloading operations. In addition, the master must be able to manually dismantle foundations, destroy brickwork and other monumental structures, while following safety instructions.

How to become a master of general work on a construction site

Most construction trades are taught in colleges. Future masters of general construction work learn the basics of their specialty at their desks, in laboratories and in practical classes under the guidance of experienced teachers and practicing teachers. When entering the school, young people are interviewed to identify the applicants’ characteristics that a future master of general construction work should have, namely:

Upon completion of studies, the specialist must know:

  • What are the main types of materials;
  • How to prepare high-quality cement mortar;
  • Technological process of brick laying;
  • How to care for fixtures, tools and equipment;
  • The basics of working as a slinger, electric and gas welder and stove maker.

Only in this case in work book young specialist The first entry will appear: 270802.09 “Master of general construction works.”

The specialty of a general construction works master has the following qualifications:

  • fitter;
  • Concrete worker;
  • Mason;
  • Stove maker;
  • Slinger;
  • Manual welder;
  • Installer for installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures.

Read more about what a general construction foreman can do below.

What are the responsibilities of a reinforced concrete installer?

Where to study as a master of general construction works is clear, but where to acquire the specialty of an installer of steel and reinforced concrete structures?

Naturally, in one of the many colleges, and also during short courses and while communicating with colleagues on a construction site. In the process of working and improving his skills, the installer participates in the construction of buildings from brought blocks and levels the joints of the panels with cement mortar. Using tools, he levels the blocks and lifts the panels, giving them a certain position. Having secured the panels, the reinforced concrete worker welds them with their neighbors, fills the seams with mortar, and then proceeds to install the next element.

To the installer for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures increased requirements are imposed:

  • Endurance and remarkable strength;
  • No problems with the vestibular apparatus;
  • Spatial orientation;
  • No fear of heights;
  • Coordination;
  • Excellent eye;
  • Caution.

Functions of a mason

The specialty vocational training master of general construction works requires the qualifications of a mason - a worker who plays an important role in the construction, operation and repair of residential buildings, industrial facilities, bridges and other structures. To be a mason, you must have endurance combined with body mobility, lack of fear of heights, an eye, spatial imagination, mathematical thinking, visual memory and sustained attention.

Mason performs the following types works:

  1. Installs floors, reinforced concrete beams, slabs and other prefabricated elements in brick houses;
  2. Fills seams in prefabricated reinforced concrete structures;
  3. Installs/dismantles all types of stone vaults;
  4. Restores brick walls and changes the foundation of buildings;
  5. Installs ventilation units.

At the same time, he successfully uses both manual and mechanized devices in his daily activities.

Concrete worker working at a construction site

Only a concrete specialist is able to concrete prefabricated and monolithic structures; only he can produce floors, panels, flights of stairs, slabs, etc. with millimeter precision. A concrete worker will not be able to become a real specialist if there are medical contraindications, such as:

  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Decreased auditory and visual sensitivity;
  • Chronic inflammatory processes;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • Changes in the musculoskeletal system;
  • Brain and nervous diseases.

These deviations can affect the physical fitness, endurance, color vision, eye, spatial imagination, concentration and attention of the concrete worker, without which it is impossible to achieve the highest ranks in his profession.

What is the job of a stove maker?

Laying stoves, fireplaces, kitchen stoves, exhaust pipes and fireplace hearths for various purposes, lining products, lining fireboxes with refractory bricks, installing and replacing stove control devices - all these are the functions of a stove mason. In addition, the stove maker is engaged in:

  • Finishing of vaults in boilers of fire-tube and water-tube systems;
  • Repair of fireplaces, stoves and exhaust pipes;
  • Replacing tiles;
  • Conversion of wood stoves to gas supply;
  • Preparation of clay solutions.

For a stove maker, fundamental knowledge of classical school subjects and the possession of primary labor skills - carpentry, plumbing and construction - are very important. You also need information from materials science, heat engineering, and natural history, not to mention the ability to install and disassemble stoves, select tiles, check the quality of bricks and the consistency of mortars.

What are the tasks of a fitter?

Reinforcement worker is the common name for the profession of a manufacturer of reinforcing mesh and frames. The master is engaged in the manufacture of frames for reinforced concrete structures, welds and/or binds product elements using special seaming machines operating in automatic or semi-automatic modes. The specialist also adjusts these units and monitors the serviceability of welding devices.

When preparing for independent work, the fitter accumulates a lot of knowledge, which sooner or later he will need when working on a construction site:

  • Steel grades and properties;
  • Areas of application of steel products;
  • Reading drawings for the production of reinforcing mesh;
  • Basics of Electrical Engineering;
  • Schematic drawings of welding units;
  • Types of welded joints;
  • Methods of performing electric arc welding;
  • Methods for testing and monitoring connections.

What is interesting about the work of a slinger?

The specialty of a civil works master also includes mastering the skills of a slinger. If necessary, the general construction foreman, without compromising the activities of the entire construction team, can replace the slinger and begin securing loads transported to heights by lifting mechanisms. The concept of “sling” (loop) came into Russian from maritime affairs, where it was a device for hanging various loads on traverses and hooks. A construction slinger is busy tying loads, hooking them to the hooks of cranes and monitoring the position of the load during transfer, after which, upon arrival at the site, he unhooks it along with the slings.

The slinger bears a great responsibility, because a poorly secured load can fall on the heads of workers and even overturn the lifting device. This is especially true for large-area cargo. They have a large windage, and therefore a strong wind can tear them off or swing them violently. Moving machines and parts of mechanisms are no less dangerous. These and other nuances of the slingers’ work became the reason for the necessary annual recertification.


September 2013 - present (4 years and 9 months)

Entrepreneur – Individual Entrepreneurship

Provision of services.

Construction, electrical welding work, welding of plastic pipes.

Construction and installation master - Tribute of Ryazan

Construction. Supervised by 20 people

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Construction and reconstruction of bridges in Moscow. Construction of housing stock in Ryazan.

Construction and installation master – SGK-Automation

Construction. Supervised by 16 people

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Construction of the Synya gas station. Maintaining technical documentation.
Construction of foundations in accordance with POR, installation of MK and reinforced concrete structures in accordance with POR.

Brigadier of construction and installation works. Master of construction and installation works. — SevZapSpetsStroyMontazh

Construction. Supervised by 30 people

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Electrical construction substations in Volokolamsk from zero cycle to start-up. Reconstruction of the electrical substation in Kolpino. Maintaining technical documentation. Construction of foundations in accordance with the POR, installation of MK (including assembly and installation of MK power transmission line supports) and reinforced concrete structures in accordance with POR. Construction of roads at the electrical substation.

Work under contract - OJSC "SevZapElectroSetStroy"

Construction. Supervised by 5 people

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Reconstruction of electrical substations in Moscow. Maintaining technical documentation.
Construction of foundations in accordance with POR, installation of MK and reinforced concrete structures in accordance with POR.

Construction and installation foreman – SeverStroyMontazh-NN

Construction. Supervised by 28 people

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Construction of a workshop at a metallurgical plant in Cherepovets. Construction of a GPS station in Gryazovets. Reconstruction of the GPS in Vuktyl. Maintaining technical documentation.
Construction of foundations in accordance with POR, installation of MK and reinforced concrete structures in accordance with POR.

Cement equipment repairman – Mordovian Cement Plant


Job Descriptions

Supervised by 18 people

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Repair of mechanical equipment at a cement plant. Maintaining technical documentation.

Mechanic. Head of the section. Deputy head of the workshop - VTsZ-Vorkuta Cement Plant

Production. Supervised by 32 people

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Repair of mechanical equipment at a cement plant.

Maintaining technical documentation.

Repairman, gas cutter, electric and gas welder – VTsZ-Vorkuta Cement Plant

1.1. The master of construction and installation works belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. A person who has a higher technical education without requirements for work experience or a secondary specialized (technical) education and work experience in construction organizations of at least 3 years is accepted for the position of construction and installation work foreman.

1.3. A construction and installation master must know:

Resolutions, instructions, orders of higher authorities and other guidance, methodological and regulatory materials on the activities of construction sites;

Profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the organization, prospects for its development;

Technology and organization of construction production;

Design and estimate documentation for facilities under construction;

Technical regulations, construction norms and rules, technical specifications for the production and acceptance of construction and installation works;

Principles of site work planning;

Regulations on remuneration of employees of the organization (standards and prices for work performed);

Technical characteristics of used construction machines, power tools, devices;

Best practices in construction;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Fundamentals of environmental legislation;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

- ______________________________________________________________________.

1.4. The master of construction and installation works is guided in his activities by:

Charter (Regulations) ________________________________________________;

(name of company)

This job description;

1.5. The master of construction and installation works reports directly to


(name of manager's position)

1.6. During the absence of a construction and installation foreman (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy (an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement) .

1.7. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Functions

2.1. Ensuring the implementation of the plan for construction and installation work on the site.

2.2. Organization of operational accounting of the fulfillment of production tasks and the receipt of building materials, structures, and products.

2.3. Monitoring workers' compliance with safety regulations when performing technological operations for construction work.

3. Job responsibilities

The construction and installation works master performs the following duties:

3.1. Ensures the implementation of the construction and installation work plan on the site in accordance with the working drawings, work design, production plan and regulatory documents.

3.2. Monitors compliance with the technological sequence of construction work and ensures its proper quality.

3.3. If necessary, carries out alignment work, geodetic control during technological operations and measurements of the volume of construction and installation work.

3.4. Organizes the acceptance of materials, structures, products, their storage, accounting and reporting.

3.5. Ensures rational use of construction machines, mechanisms, vehicles on the site (facility), and economical use of materials.

3.6. Arranges teams and non-member units and individual workers on the site, sets their production tasks, and provides production instructions.

3.7. Issues orders, accepts completed work, issues orders for work performed; prepares documents for recording working hours, production, and downtime.

3.8. Organizes operational accounting of the daily fulfillment of production tasks and the receipt of building materials, structures, and products.

3.9. Provides conditions for employees to master and fulfill established production standards.

3.10. Submits proposals for the manager's consideration on assigning categories to employees, assembling the quantitative and professional composition of teams.

3.11. Provides teams and workers with tools, devices, small-scale mechanization, transport, special clothing, and protective equipment.

3.12. Participates in the work of the workplace certification commission.

3.13. Provides training on safe work practices.

3.14. Ensures the maintenance of a log of employee training.

3.15. Ensures the use in accordance with the intended purpose of technological equipment (scaffolding, scaffolding, protective devices, fastening the walls of pits and trenches, struts, conductors and other devices), construction machines, power plants, vehicles and protective equipment for workers.

3.16. Monitors the provision of workplaces with safety signs, warning notices and posters.

3.17. Does not allow the presence of unauthorized persons at workplaces, sanitary premises and on the territory of the site.

3.18. Ensures cleanliness and order in workplaces, aisles and access roads, proper maintenance and operation of crane tracks.

3.19. Checks the state of safety equipment and takes measures to eliminate identified deficiencies.

3.20. Participates in the work of the commission to investigate industrial accidents and violations of safety regulations.

3.21. Monitors employees' compliance with labor protection instructions, production and labor discipline.

3.22. Organizes advanced training for employees.

3.23. ________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

4. Rights

The master of construction and installation works has the right:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management.

4.2. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

4.3. Initiate and conduct meetings on production, economic and financial-economic issues.

4.5. Conduct quality checks and timely execution of orders.

4.6. Demand cessation (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance with established norms, rules, instructions; give instructions to correct deficiencies and eliminate violations.

4.7. Submit for consideration by the organization's management proposals on the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees, on the encouragement of distinguished employees and on the application of disciplinary sanctions to employees who violate labor and production discipline.

4.8. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4.9. _________________________________________________________________.

(other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The master of construction and installation works is held accountable:

For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

For violation of the Charter (Regulations) of the organization;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ___________________________________________________________________.

The site foreman is the person who manages production division. This specialist can have a variety of categories: foreman of the housing and communal services section, foreman of the workshop, etc. About the features of this important profession and will be discussed later in the article.

Job responsibilities of the site foreman

Job description The site foreman prescribes that a person who has the appropriate education (higher or secondary vocational) and sufficient work experience (at least a year) can obtain the profession in question.

The site foreman is appointed directly by the head of the organization. The specialist himself is obliged, like any other employee, to know labor legislation, job descriptions, and other rules and regulations established by the enterprise. What responsibilities do the job description of the site foreman prescribe? Of course, everything here will depend on the category. However, the general functions look something like this:

  • management of the site;
  • performing tasks in accordance with standards;
  • timely preparation of production;
  • ensuring everyone necessary conditions for workers;
  • records management;

Thus, the responsibilities of the site foreman are quite extensive. It is worth noting that the functions of a specialist will also vary depending on the category. For example, an electrical installation foreman, a repair foreman, etc.

About the responsibility and rights of the site foreman

Like any other employee, the site foreman has a number of professional rights.

What exactly are the rights assigned to the specialist in question by the job description of the site foreman?

  • Giving orders to employees.
  • Participation in recruitment and placement of personnel.
  • Presentation of requirements and wishes to management to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
  • Request from management the necessary documentation.
  • Participation in meetings regarding the work activities of the site foreman.
  • Passing the certification.
  • Training.

What can you say about the responsibility of the specialist in question? After all, the responsibilities of the site foreman are incredibly extensive, and therefore his responsibility is high. The job description prescribes the following points for which he must be responsible:

  • for the high-quality performance of the duties assigned to him;
  • for carrying out orders;
  • for the distribution of resources;
  • for maintaining order;
  • for maintaining documentation;
  • for labor discipline.

In case of violations, the master may be subject to liability - from disciplinary to criminal.

Who is a senior site foreman?

To become a senior master, you need to have quite a lot of work experience. The specialist is subordinate to the site manager.

And the general director appoints and dismisses him.

The senior site foreman supervises turners, drillers, various rotary turners, milling operators and machine adjusters. If the senior foreman is temporarily unable to perform his duties, he is replaced by another specialist appointed by the head of the site.

This specialist can be guided in his profession by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by the acts and rules of the enterprise.

Responsibilities of the senior site foreman

The senior site foreman is endowed with much greater functions and responsibilities than a simple foreman.

The typical specialist in question prescribes the following functions:

  • fulfillment of production tasks in accordance with standards and established time;
  • inspection at the beginning of the working day of the elements necessary for work;
  • control over the work of specialists with lower qualifications;
  • checking the quality of manufactured products;
  • ensuring competent and correct operation of equipment;
  • control over workers;
  • familiarizing workers with certain rules and processes;
  • records management;
  • analysis of production results;
  • organizing the necessary conditions for improving the skills of employees;
  • independent timely confirmation or improvement of qualifications;
  • compliance with safety regulations.

Thus, the responsibilities of the senior site foreman are quite extensive, because the work is very responsible and important. Supervising workers is a very complex activity. It all depends on the category, be it a master construction site, workshop area, etc.

On the responsibilities and rights of the senior site foreman

Typical production instructions The specialist in question prescribes that the senior site foreman must be responsible for:

Thus, he bears quite a lot of responsibility for performing his job functions. And this is absolutely fair: after all, the position in question is very important. The job description also prescribes the following rights for a representative of the profession in question:

  • make various suggestions and proposals to the management to improve the efficiency of the enterprise;
  • get acquainted with innovations that in one way or another relate to the work of the senior site foreman;
  • interact with superiors;
  • conduct documentation within your competence;
  • stop work in case of equipment malfunction;
  • give various instructions to workers within their competence.

Requirements for a senior site foreman

The job description of the senior site foreman has an extremely important section: requirements for the employee.

It is worth citing the most important points from this section. So, the senior master should know well:

  • all necessary regulatory and legislative acts, Labor Code RF;
  • technical data and characteristics of the equipment with which work is carried out;
  • production planning methods;
  • labor standards;
  • provisions on income, wages;
  • fundamentals of economic knowledge;
  • production rules;
  • safety precautions and some other things.

Thus, slightly greater demands are placed on the senior foreman than on any other worker with lower qualifications.

Production site foreman - who is he?

Job description of the master production site prescribes that the specialist in question is a person engaged in the implementation of the production plan in accordance with given standards, as well as using and developing various ways management, ensuring order in the team, production calculations, etc.

If production foremen are included in the composition integrated teams, then these specialists become their leaders. It is also worth noting that they are subordinate to the head of the site.

Only a person with sufficient work experience can get this job.

About the responsibilities of the production site foreman

This specialist has a fairly wide range of powers and functions.

Here are just the most basic of those indicated in the job description:

  • ensuring the fulfillment of all necessary tasks prescribed or specified in the plan;
  • ensuring proper operation of equipment and its elements;
  • development production plans;
  • provision of necessary materials in accordance with the established time frames;
  • confirmation and advanced training;
  • control over documentation;
  • providing training for workers with lower qualifications;
  • control over various types technological processes what is carried out by workers with lower qualifications;
  • ensuring labor discipline;
  • ensuring safety precautions.

A large number of rights also gives rise to high responsibility. This is exactly what will be discussed further.

On the responsibilities and rights of the production site foreman

So, what rights are assigned to the specialist in question? Here are just a few of them:

  • the right to nominate highly distinguished workers for bonuses;
  • the right to submit to penalties and fines employees who violated discipline rules;
  • the right not to allow specialists with lower qualifications to work if there is a malfunction work equipment or its elements;
  • the right to remove specialists from work, not knowledgeable instructions and rules, and other rights similar to those listed above.

What about responsibilities? The job description for a production site foreman does not have a large number of subclauses here. It is necessary to know first of all that responsibility rests with this specialist in case of failure or improper performance of his professional duties.

Master of construction and installation works is required staffing unit in all construction companies. For proper organization and efficient work it is required to draw up a job description that will be correct and legally certified. The master's job description answers in detail the question of what a specialist does. It is compiled for workers carrying out activities on a professional basis. The document is based on the United qualification directory positions, which determines the worker’s responsibilities.

The job description is legal act. The main purpose of the document is to regulate the working status. It allows the employee to determine his activities and regularly improve them. The construction and installation foreman belongs to the management unit. A person must not only participate in the construction process of the facility under construction, provide the necessary materials, but also monitor the work of other workers and compliance with safety regulations.

The work of a foreman on a construction site has negative aspects. The employee must regularly undergo medical examinations to avoid negative impacts harmful factors. These include high or low operating temperature in the workplace, increased noise, etc.

The employer has certain requirements for the candidate. In addition to education and work experience, personal qualities and professional skills are important. An exact list should also be in the job description.

What a master should know

An installation and construction foreman has a varied list of responsibilities. Specialists have ranks, taking into account which the distribution of powers occurs. However, regardless of qualifications, the master must have certain skills, abilities and knowledge. These may include:

  • basics of production organization;
  • be aware of the orders and resolutions of the commanding staff;
  • understand methodological materials on professional activities on construction sites;
  • know the rules and features of budgeting, project documentation For construction projects;
  • understand organizational structure production and prospects for its modernization;
  • calculation basics wages;
  • be aware of technical condition the technology used;
  • principles of workplace organization.

The legislation provides for mandatory knowledge of the Labor and Environmental Code, internal labor documentation of the organization and the fundamentals of economics and management.

Requirements for a specialist

The job description should contain a list of conditions that the candidate must meet. One of the main requirements is education. To obtain the position in question, you must have professional skills and knowledge, which can only be given by a higher education educational institution. But some organizations lower the bar of requirements and hire specialists with secondary vocational education.

The second criterion will be experience in the relevant field. For leadership position Long work experience required.

Additionally, you will need organizational skills that will allow you to organize a team and find mutual language with workers, competently explaining the tasks given.

A detailed list of requirements is specified in the ESKD. The listed requirements must be in the job description.

Main responsibilities

The document must clearly state the authority of the construction and installation foreman. The main task is the organization and management of economic activities in production. In his work, the master must be guided by special technical documentation, which must be issued by higher management.

The assigned tasks must be completed within the approved time frame, and records of the work performed must be kept. Completed objects must be handed in in the presence and under the supervision of a master. Working documentation is transferred to the commanding staff of the site.

The site must comply with occupational health and safety regulations. The employee is obliged to competently manage the entrusted material and technical resources.

The main functions include:

  1. Possession of information on the entrusted object and related legal acts.
  2. Know and apply the rules for charging and calculating workers' wages.
  3. To provide conditions for meeting the set costs with minimal labor costs and raw material costs. Monitor workers' availability of equipment and materials.
  4. Planning the work of entrusted employees and performing tasks assigned by management.
  5. Monitoring the work of installers and builders, eliminating defects.
  6. Engaged in preparation for future production.
  7. Monitors compliance with technical processes and eliminates errors in work.
  8. Reception, accounting and storage of necessary materials and structures.
  9. Organization of conditions for high-quality work and high productivity.
  10. Distribute responsibilities, keep track of expenses, accept results after work.
  11. Monitor the implementation of labor discipline and labor safety. Before starting work, check safety precautions and take all possible measures to eliminate problems. Ensure that there are no strangers on the construction site.
  12. Introduction of new ideas to optimize installation and construction work.
  13. Keep records of work performed and their compliance with the planned schedule.
  14. Generate and endorse documents.
  15. Monitor the rational use of workplaces.
  16. Monitor the qualifications and wages of workers.

Interaction with employees

The collection of building codes spells out the responsibilities of the foreman. The main professional function is the timely execution of plans and construction work. Workers need to receive serial work plans for certain objects. All subsequent work must occur in accordance with it.

Special attention is paid to the study of design estimates and construction site maintenance. This includes various certificates and documents with data on the timing, price and features of the work performed. If any deviations are detected, management must be informed.

The foreman is obliged to efficiently manage construction teams. Occupational safety will be an important issue.

For any malfunctions and downtime, responsibility falls on the technician.

Operational planning and production

The master has certain functions in operational planning:

  • Formation of monthly projects with suppliers and site manager. This will help meet production needs for mechanisms, machines and other components. All projects must be agreed upon with subcontractors.
  • Creation of weekly and daily production schedules (start and completion of construction, commissioning of the facility).
  • Notifying subcontractors about monthly plans when new employees appear.
  • Issue work orders to workers in accordance with existing plans.
  • Monitor the quality of the work received at the entrusted facility, ensure the cleanliness of the site, provide instructions and promptly issue work clothing to workers.

Acceptance of work

Among the responsibilities of the foreman are work with reporting and implementation of acceptance of completed work. He is obliged:

  • Participate in inventory. Be aware of balances at the end of the month. The master must report to technical department enterprises. Sometimes an accounting journal is compiled and work orders are prepared for the work performed.

Accounting for balances is carried out in monetary terms. The data will be transmitted to the construction site.

  • Inspect completed work together with the site manager. Check their compliance with the drawings, accepted standards and regulations.
  • Periodically, the master is obliged to improve and confirm his professional level. If this condition is not met, the opportunity to occupy the position is lost.


When planning, the master must rely on the directive schedule. Taking into account its data, calendar plans should be drawn up. The entered schedules must apply to all types of work: liquidation, repair, commissioning, construction, etc.

The construction schedule must contain deadlines linked to general and special work. When compiling it, the features of the facility, the movement of workers, and the timing of delivery of raw materials are taken into account.

Entering an object

The entry procedure is regulated by the Town Planning Code. An important point is clause 55, which specifies the mandatory obtaining of permission from the competent authorities. The company must obtain it from the same authority where it issued the construction permit.

To apply, you will need an application and a strictly regulated portfolio of documents: regulations, information about deadlines, certificates about the technologies used, etc. At the next stage, various examinations are organized. If there are no violations, the developer will be issued a permit.

The article specifies the following requirements to obtain a positive decision from the commission:

  • positive decision on construction;
  • availability of title documents for the site;
  • detailed construction/reconstruction scheme;
  • conclusion of the state control body;
  • acceptance certificate;
  • confirmation of compliance of the constructed facility with accepted standards.

Only if the above points are observed will it be possible to obtain permission.


In addition to duties, the instructions must specify powers. The transferred rights must allow for professional activities:

  • Timely review of documentation and the ability to sign it. He must be informed when changes are made to the project.
  • Interact with organizational structures for fruitful work.
  • Making proposals to management for modernizing activities, improving technological processes.
  • Stop labor activity when identifying a malfunction of the equipment used.
  • Suspension of work in the presence of substandard material or inadequate instructions. But it is worth remembering that the master must immediately notify his superiors.

In addition, the foreman has a wide range of rights in relation to workers. For example, make proposals for financial incentives.


The installation and construction master is responsible for poor performance of duties or failure to perform them. For violations, criminal, administrative and disciplinary liability may be imposed. The degree of punishment will depend on the severity of the offense.

The construction site foreman is responsible for:

  • in accordance with labor legislation - for failure to fulfill the duties listed in the job description;
  • according to the criminal and administrative codes - violations during the performance of their work duties.
  • Among the most common violations are:
  • non-compliance with labor discipline by facility employees;
  • submission of distorted data about ongoing work and plans;
  • violation of labor protection and safety regulations;
  • incorrect document management, lack of signatures;
  • disclosure of commercial information;
  • harm to the organization.

In most cases, the employee is reprimanded, and for larger violations, a fine and dismissal.

Drawing up a job description

The job description is internal documentation in which:

  • the employee's place in general structure;
  • its status is described;
  • duties and responsibilities are clearly defined;
  • qualification criteria and required knowledge are indicated;
  • the possible liability to which an employee can be held when violations in work are identified is listed.

The instruction will be a tool that will help resolve possible disagreements that arise between management and an employee due to an incorrect interpretation of the rights and responsibilities of the position held.

The procedure for drawing up a job description:

  1. The document is drawn up by an employee of the HR department or the head of a subordinate structure.
  2. Coordination with legal services.
  3. Approval by the head of the company or authorized person.
  4. Before taking up the position, it is given to the employee for familiarization against signature.

Legal approval is not required, but is advisable. If disagreements arise and the issue is resolved in court, the dispute is resolved in favor of the specialist.

When developing instructions, the following should be taken into account:

  • ESKD.
  • Profstandart.
  • Internal documentation of the enterprise.

The document should have 4 main sections:

  1. General provisions. In this part, compulsory education and experience, skills and knowledge, tools used, the procedure for enrollment and removal from office, and subordination are mandatory. The candidate must have higher education and a year of work in the relevant field or secondary education and 3 years of experience. It is important to have extensive knowledge, focus on legislation and approved instructions, understanding technical characteristics the equipment used.
  2. Responsibilities and tasks. There should be a detailed listing of the work performed and tasks to be solved. A detailed list is given in the ESKD.
  3. Rights. The section provides a detailed list of powers that will allow you to perform the previously listed functions. As a rule, they provide for the possibility of discussing issues that have arisen with senior management, the use of property, financial support site, obtaining various documentation, monitoring workers, suspending work when certain conditions, transfer of workers between sites.
  4. Responsibility. It lists in detail the violations of the master, for which various types of liability are provided.

You can additionally add several points to the instructions for interacting with different structures companies.

When drawing up a job description, you can use a standard one, which is used at other construction enterprises. But at the same time, the specifics of the organization and current regulations should be taken into account.

Sample instructions

  • General provisions

The installation and construction site foreman is classified as a manager.

The master can be a person:

  1. having secondary vocational education (to undergo training for mid-level specialists and additional programs - advanced training, retraining), having advanced training in the field in question every 5 years;

with a certain amount of work experience:

  1. more than 5 years for vocational training;
  2. from 3 years with average vocational education by profile in the area under consideration;
  3. over 1 year with a higher specialized education;
  4. from 3 years with non-core secondary education, but assigned qualifications in professional activity.

The master must have the following knowledge:

  1. regulatory requirements for performing the same type of work;
  2. requirements of standards for logistics when performing the same type of work;
  3. requirements of design and technical documentation and standards for the quality of work performed;
  4. requirements for the content of operational control of production operations and construction processes;
  5. types and properties of materials and structures used in construction;
  6. characteristics and types construction equipment;
  7. rules for transportation and storage of components and materials;
  8. basics of organizing production teams and units;
  9. formation and approval of production plans and assignments;
  10. production technology;
  11. the procedure for calculating the necessary material, technical and labor resources;
  12. the procedure for arranging construction sites in accordance with technical documentation;
  13. features of maintenance and use of construction equipment;
  14. principles for drawing up reporting documentation for used material values;
  15. technical documentation requirements for the implementation and technology of construction work;
  16. operational planning production;
  17. operational quality control methods;
  18. methods of instrumental quality control;
  19. features of reporting on quality control results;
  20. methods and means of detecting production defects and eliminating them;
  21. efficiency calculation economic activity;
  22. dangerous and harmful production factors;
  23. criteria for analyzing economic activity;
  24. types of negative impacts on the environment and methods for reducing them;
  25. factors for increasing work efficiency;
  26. principles of accounting and executive documentation;
  27. requirements for workplace organization, assessment of working conditions;
  28. standards for the number of workers and their qualifications;
  29. management basics labor collective;
  30. organization of normative control;
  31. organization of vocational training in the production process;
  32. ways to reward and punish employees;
  33. administrative and criminal liability for violation of laws;
  34. rights and obligations of employees;
  35. inner order rules;
  36. fire safety and labor protection rules;
  37. security requirements environment.

The master must be able to:

  1. assess the volume of production tasks and schedules;
  2. plan and mark out the site;
  3. determine the volume and composition of auxiliary work for equipment of the site;
  4. calculate the required amount of material, equipment and determine the required nomenclature;
  5. organize visual and instrumental quality control;
  6. maintain documentary records of resources;
  7. draw up and monitor compliance with production plans and schedules;
  8. calculate the complexity and volume of production tasks, taking into account the qualifications of workers;
  9. compare the results of work with technology, standards and technical conditions;
  10. organize documentary support of production;
  11. monitor compliance with technical regimes and maps;
  12. compare the results of operational control and technical requirements;
  13. carry out instrumental and visual control quality of work;
  14. compare work results with the requirements of design and technical documentation;
  15. documentary support of operational control;
  16. carrying out technical and economic analysis;
  17. determining the economic effect of modernization;
  18. identification of harmful production factors;
  19. specifying a list to ensure safety;
  20. determination of worker protection means;
  21. determination of venues special assessment working conditions;
  22. keeping training logs;
  23. calculation of the required number of workers;
  24. assign the optimal distribution of workers;
  25. assessment of employee performance and quality of work;
  26. analyze the professional qualifications of workers;
  27. standard control of work performed;

The employee must manage:

  1. the constituent document of the enterprise - .... (specify);
  2. job description;
  3. provision on structural unit;
  4. local regulations.
  5. The master of construction and installation production is directly subordinate to.... (specify).
  6. The master supervises... (specify department).
  7. During the employee’s absence, his duties will be performed by a deputy, who will become responsible for improper performance of duties.
  • Labor functions

Organization of production:

  1. site preparation;
  2. operational production management;
  3. logistics;
  4. quality control;
  5. increasing production efficiency;
  6. ensuring growth in the efficiency of production activities;
  7. compliance with labor protection standards and industrial safety regulations;
  8. managing the work of subordinate employees.
  • Job responsibilities.

Site preparation:

  1. coordination of production volumes and plans;
  2. preparation, equipment of the site.


  1. determine production needs;
  2. control the volume and quality of resources used;
  3. apply for, accept, store and allocate resources.

Operational management:

  1. operational planning and production control;
  2. distribution of tasks among subordinates;
  3. control over compliance with technology;
  4. elimination of deviations from technology;
  5. maintaining documentation of work performed.

Quality control:

  1. operational control of individual operations;
  2. monitoring current results;
  3. identifying the reasons for deviations from the norms and eliminating them.

Increasing the efficiency of production activities:

  1. production efficiency assessment;
  2. optimization of resource use;
  3. increased automation;
  4. use of sustainable production methods.

Compliance with fire safety and labor protection rules and regulations:

  1. preparation of the site according to existing rules and regulations;
  2. regular training of workers;
  3. control over compliance with rules and regulations;
  4. preparing a place for an adequate assessment of working conditions.

Management of production site workers:

  1. determine production needs;
  2. placement of workers at sites;
  3. distribution of tasks and control over their implementation;
  4. monitoring compliance with internal regulations by site workers;
  5. increasing the classification of workers;
  6. submitting proposals to management for incentives or penalties from the employee.

Management of subordinate workers:

  1. distribution of functions and tasks;
  2. advise employees, explain tasks and labor functions;
  3. ensure compliance labor standards;
  4. resolving conflict situations;
  5. make proposals for the hiring, dismissal or relocation of employees;

Performing labor functions:

  1. carry out assigned tasks and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
  2. undergo mandatory medical examinations.
  • Rights.
  1. Take part in the discussion production work and planning.
  2. Manage received materials.
  3. Sign... (list).
  4. Convene and conduct meetings to resolve production issues.
  5. Request important information from the employee.
  6. Organize quality control and execution of orders.
  7. Require work stoppage when violations are detected.
  8. Get acquainted with the decisions of managers related to production.
  9. Participate in discussions to resolve official issues.
  10. Demand that your managers perform their official duties.
  • Responsibility.

The master will be held accountable for:

  1. for crimes and offenses in the process of production activities in criminal, administrative and civil code;
  2. for failure to fulfill or improper performance of duties under labor legislation;
  3. causing damage to the company under labor law.
  • Final position.
  1. These instructions are based on the Professional Standard.
  2. The employee must familiarize himself with it before signing employment contract. The fact of familiarization is confirmed by a signature.

The job description must be detailed and well-written to ensure organized and smooth operation of the construction site. A well-thought-out document will be the key to timely completion of assigned tasks and receipt of planned profits. The construction and installation site foreman will influence the quality and productivity of construction workers.

This must be a person with more than 15 years of experience and personal leadership qualities. Sometimes young specialists, with the right explanation and approach, are able to organize the work of a site well. An important criterion for choosing a master is the desire to develop and focus on results.

Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (USC), 2019
Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of nuclear energy organizations”
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2009 N 977

Master of construction and installation works

Job responsibilities. Ensures the implementation of the construction and installation work plan at the site headed. Monitors compliance with work technology. Implements measures to prevent defects and improve the quality of work, using reserves to increase labor productivity. Performs the necessary alignment work, geodetic control during technological operations and measurements of the volume of construction and installation work. Organizes the acceptance of materials, structures, products, their storage, accounting and reporting. Ensures rational use of construction machinery, equipment and vehicles on site, and economical use of materials. Creates conditions for employees to master and comply with current production standards. Arranges teams, units and individual workers on the site, sets production tasks for them, and provides production instructions. Issues work orders, accepts completed work, draws up documents for recording working hours, output, and downtime. Monitors the provision of teams and individual workers with tools, devices, small-scale mechanization, transport, special clothing, and protective equipment. Ensures the use, in accordance with the intended purpose, of technological equipment (scaffolding, scaffolding, protective devices, fastening the walls of pits and trenches, struts and other devices), construction machines, power plants, vehicles and worker protective equipment. Monitors the provision of workplaces with safety signs, warning notices and posters. Ensures cleanliness and order in workplaces, sanitary facilities, aisles and access roads, proper maintenance and operation of crane runways. Monitors employees' compliance with production and labor discipline and labor safety rules.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of construction sites; technology for the production of construction and installation works; principles of planning work in the area headed; technical characteristics of used construction machines, power tools, devices, basic geodetic instruments; standards and prices for work performed; wage regulations; basics of organizing construction production; design and estimate documentation for facilities under construction; building codes and regulations, technical conditions for the production and acceptance of construction and installation works; requirements for secrecy, preservation of official, commercial and state secrets, non-disclosure of confidential information; fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; basics of labor legislation; environmental regulations; labor protection and fire safety regulations; internal labor regulations.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational (technical) education and work experience in the field of professional activity for at least 1 year or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the field of professional activity for at least 3 years.
