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Scriptonite house normal. Scryptonite - House with normal phenomena

Daniil Osipenko

“House with Normal Phenomena” is an album that fully justified the expectations placed on it. Moreover, the release was to the taste, even to those who did not expect anything from it at all.
For the first time in many years, a shot rang out in the cozy swamp of Russian-speaking rap. Loud and booming. Moreover, a shot from a real cannon, and not from a ridiculous bicycle dog, as in the case of a Jewish grime performer.
The walls shook. The game is over. Rap artists of all stripes unanimously sang praises to the shooter.
But is the release of the Kazakh successor Basta as good as it is praised? Let's figure it out.

The success of this release is so great due to several reasons:

The album is based on the formula beloved by Western rap artists:

Pussy (bitches) + Money (money) + weed (drugs) = Profit (profit)

The meaning of life rests on these three whales - the whole target audience genre.
The world will fucking collapse, disappear from the life of an ordinary listener all these three things.
Moreover, this formula works equally well, both for those who buy the release with money secretly dangled from their mother's wallet, and for those who donate their hard-earned money.
But this is only one third of the success.

The debut album of Scryptonite is such a rich range of sounds that it is impossible to convey in words. We must hear.
There's a hell of a lot of genres. Everything is here: from boombap to rock and roll, from crunk to G-funk. Take it, don't be shy.
Everything is very musical and beautiful. Hooks are firmly and permanently embedded in memory.
The beats persistently remind you that you can not only eat your head, but also shake it rhythmically. A daring flow of Scryptonite, just in time.

In my opinion, the most important thing about the album is its philosophy and atmosphere.
Almost any young person can easily draw a parallel between his life and what Adil shares with us on his record.
Everyone can find at least something on the release that intersects with the situations that he has experienced or is experiencing now.

Get in line. Fly in.

Do you dream of raising the dough, breaking out of poverty and repaying your sacred duty to your parents?

Then take “Papers” - a kind of anthem for all young people from the bottom, seasoned with philosophical reasoning.

Has depression been so tormented that you have to drown it with alcohol?

- “Cognac” - get it, sign it. the quintessence of loneliness and futility of being in one bottle.

Brother, do you have an unhealthy and destructive relationship with your young lady?

Take "Dance yourself."

And what is the result?

If not for the abundance of jargon and slurred diction (read: negligent attitude towards recording), then the release would have resonated with a wider mass of people.
Although it may not be needed at all.

In the bottom line, we get, probably, the album of the year, if not five years. And together we are waiting for the second album of Scriptonite, which will be released very soon.

Edik Dolgopolov

Wow, how Skripi turned everything upside down! Now the drunk rapper is cool again! For many years, rap tried to abstract away from propaganda (propaganda is a mention, and not just calls) harmful to the body of listeners, and when it finally began to work out, Skripi releases an album in which from cover to cover about booze and drugs and (drumroll) it is recognized as a breakthrough! All! All kinds of non-core publications from Rolling Stone to say that this is a new level of Russian rap, for which it is not a shame!

What is the secret of success?

Firstly attitude towards their music. It is painstaking, but not fanatical. You listen and understand that Adil raised each track like a child. With love, with full dedication. I fully share Pencil's surprise at how such music can be made. So far from the standards of building a hip-hop composition, no one has yet moved away. Even for Oksimiron Porchi, throughout the evening, he dismantled the entire production of this album by instruments. Profit.

Secondly, talent. The talent to idolize the image of an impartial bag with organs and a bottle of cognac in the stomach in the charismatic hero of Tarantino films. After all, alcohol does not make people as beautiful as in the video "Stash", but Scryptonite wants to believe in the image of a stale romantic without a doubt. Very rarely do I feel energy from an artist who pulls me by the hand with him into a free fall in a bottomless den, gasping with the last of his strength and telling about everything he sees in this strange, half-asleep and unconscious world. Or, when everything cleared up, he wearily thinks about the most sacred thing that can occasionally visit this hangover world - love. Such a one-sided dialogue, where I don't want to ask questions, I just want to listen further.

Do you need album reviews in 2015? Colleague Redkin confidently stated that no, they argued in the comments and explained that they were needed. Here I am, surprisingly, on the side of the commentators. Reviews are needed. At least for these albums. Large, important, all-consuming - with which they will later associate the year.

“House with normal phenomena” is an alcoholic waste and a guide to the life of Pavlodar. A city that seems gloomy, aggressive, assertive. Where, it seems, is easier to get a bottle of vodka for breakfast than a bag of Lipton. The bitch drags to the bottom, there are dens and trap huts around, in the hero - half a liter of vodka in proportion with marijuana, and only a plan cures problems in feelings. To describe the album in one word, "energy" would be the best.

There are doubts that a teetotaler could ever succeed in such an album. Drunken hysteria here is transferred from song to song, along with an anguish in the head and not always legible lyrics. And all this is only complemented by crazy production. Scryptonite, who has long established himself not only as a rapper, but also as a talented beatmaker, here boldly mixes hip-hop with, for example, blues and rock. As before, it was appropriate, for example, on the rap side project of The Black Keys, but not in Russian rap.

There is such a point of view: a literary hero can be considered a protagonist when he goes some way in the course of a work. When the events of history directly affect him. The main character of this album is rather the city of Pavlodar - with its screaming depression and eternal melancholy: "We did not become impoverished, we were beggars at the very beginning." Earlier, by the way, Dirty Louie conveyed such moods better than others. And now - here, the artist of the label "Gazgolder".

Out of the context of the album, Scriptonite turns into a superhero. Which distributes style, pushes the boundaries of the genre and brings something new to it. Records knocking down songs and immediately falls in love with a neutral listener.

I caught myself thinking: the previous paragraph is like an enthusiastic press release that comes in batches to our mail. Behind them, however, are albums that we forget about in five minutes. About the “House” it is impossible to forget even after a month.

What is important: it continues to open up from new sides. There are killer songs here that conquer from the first listening. And there are those who take a little later. During this month, ten album tracks managed to stay in the status of a favorite song. Probably the turn of the rest will come a little later. And now I listen to “Cognac” and “Dreams” more often than others.

“House with Normal Phenomena” is the best album of 2015. Because he pushed the boundaries like no other. Because it continues to open up from new sides. Because in these songs you want not only to dig and look for new meanings, but also just listen. Because “Dance yourself”, “This is love” and “Style”.

The latter was handed out so much here that even those who, well, don’t care at all about it, should finally be imbued. And reach for Scriptonite. These are the albums that motivate you to move forward. These need to be compared. “House with Normal Phenomena” does not reverse the game, but shows how to switch to next level taking a firm step forward.

Therefore, the album of the year was recorded by Scriptonite.

This project is dedicated to the key Russian-language rap records of the current decade, which turned out to be the most important for the genre, changing its context, igniting new heroes and worthy of being included in a kind of golden fund of Russian rap. Project materials They come out once a week on Mondays.


“House with Normal Phenomena” is the debut album by Adil Zhalelov, released on November 23, 2015 on the label “Gazgolder”.


In December 2013, Scryptonite released the video “VBVVCTND” (another name is “Choice without options”), attracted the attention of Basta, and after a couple of months he already became an artist of “Gasholder”. True, the circumstances were a little different, Scryptonite on the “Gas” might not have been:

“I did not expect that there would be such a resonance [from the clip]! And Kolya, the manager of Gazgolder, contacted me, he asked, they say, "Are you going to release the album?" Well, everything, a week later it was forgotten. Then the Soyuz studio appeared, they offered a contract for the release of the album. We discussed all this for a long time, my brains were already boiling. I don’t understand this ..... (nothing) - I want to write rap, I don’t want to participate in this. And then Kolya calls again, “How are you?” - he says. I told him about the Soyuz, he: “How? What? Why? We are interested in the album!”. Well, they sorted it all out somehow.” This is from an interview with Scriptonite three years ago..

The catchy trap, which many expected after the first singles of Scryptonite on “Gazgolder”, has not gone away. Another thing was surprising: Scryptonite equally easily jumped from trap beats to slow, almost blues numbers, and then at the finish gave out an amazing code “This is love”.

The listener could not fully understand individual words, but as if enchanted, he returned to each song on the album and continued to delve into the stories of Pavlodar's life.

Top Tracks


“We did not become impoverished, we were beggars at the very beginning” - an icy song about the life of Pavlodar without embellishment. “We love him not because he is handsome. Or it smells good. You love your romanticized periods of life in it. For some kind of dirt, for a reality that is not in other cities, ”- this is how Scryptonite describes his hometown in one of his last interviews.


The song is a summary of the entire album. It is no coincidence that a frame from the clip “Stash” became its cover.

"Dance by yourself"

Drunken frenzy here is combined with the theme of love and relationships - this is one of the most memorable numbers of the album.


The first version of "Style" everyone heard back in the spring of 2015, when a crazy video with powered vocals came out. The album version did without vocal effects and was enriched with ATL's verse - the only guest of the album, in addition to Scryptonite's associates in Jillzay.


The final number of the album, which, I have a feeling, multiplied the number of girls at Scryptonite concerts several times. Illustrative comment: “Adil once sent me one verse, I listened to him a million times, probably. And he regretted that he had not written such a song himself, ”Vasily Vakulenko described Love in this way.


The guys liked the “House with Normal Phenomena” for its straightforwardness. The girls rehearsed “Dance by yourself” and “This is love” with all their might. Music snobs grudgingly admitted that yes, they did not expect this. Admirers of the early work of Scryptonite shook their heads under “Lam” and “Style”. Finding a dissatisfied listener at Dom is an almost impossible task.

It's the same story with critics who competed in superlative epithets. Music journalist Alexander Gorbachev picked up the definition of “genre-forming record” - and a year and a half after the release, it actually seems that nothing more powerful and cooler has happened. And only the album from the next, final chapter of our series can compete with “Dom”.

“A House with Normal Phenomena” showed that the genre framework is an empty convention. And the music of Scriptonite expanded this framework several times. And from the first call, she gave our scene a new hero.

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Is the Scryptonite album "House with Normal Phenomena" included in the top 20 rap albums of the 2010s?