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6 organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer. Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer

T. E. Berezkina, A. A. Petrov

Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer

Textbook and workshop for bachelor's and master's degrees

higher education as a textbook for higher education students

educational institutions studying law

directions and specialties

Berezkina Tatyana Evgenevna- Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophical and Socio-Economic Disciplines of Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin;

Petrov Alexander Arsenievich- Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophical and Socio-Economic Disciplines of the Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin.


Daniltsev A. IN. - Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Trade Policy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics;

Yakushkin V. S.. - Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics and International Business of Moscow State Linguistic University.

Berezkina, T. E.

Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer: textbook and workshop for undergraduate and graduate students / T. E. Berezkina, A. A. Petrov. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2015. - 000 p. - Series: Bachelor and Master. Academic course.

ISBN 978-5-9916-4265-1

The textbook introduces readers to the basic concepts of organization theory and management theory, the features of the activities of a lawyer as an organizer, leader and manager. Questions about the content and conditions for the formation and development of organizational and managerial competencies among master's students in the direction of training 030900 "Jurisprudence", graduate students (adjuncts) in the direction of training highly qualified personnel 40.06.01 (40.07.01) "Jurisprudence", advanced training scientifically are considered - teaching staff of law faculties of universities. Specific directions for the implementation of these competencies as tools for working in the internal and external environment of the organization are shown.

Each chapter contains competencies and a workshop consisting of control questions, assignments and tests.

Corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of the third generation.

For students studying in bachelor's and master's programs, graduate students(adjuncts)and teachers of higher educational institutions, as well as practical workers of government and commercial organizations.

© Berezkina T. E., Petrov A. A., 2015

ISBN 978-5-9916-4265-1 © Urayt Publishing House LLC, 2015


Chapter 1. Introduction to organizational and management activities: concept and main subject areas

1.1. The concept of organizational and management activities

1.2. Management as an element of organizational and managerial activity

1.3. Organization as a mechanism and form of collective life

1.4. Leadership as a tool for managing collective activities

1.5. Features of organizational and managerial activities

1.6. Formation of organizational and managerial competencies in higher legal education

Control questions

Practical tasks



Chapter 2. Planning technologies in legal practice

2.1. Planning and its features in the field of legal services

2.2. Requirements for a strategic plan

2.3. Planning management

2.4. System of indicators of the plan

2.5. Strategic planning and SWOT analysis

2.6. Strategic planning and GAP analysis

2.7. Planning and time management

Control questions

Practical tasks



Chapter 3. Personnel management in legal practice

3.1. Features of a modern personnel management system

3.2. Systemic conditions for the formation of an effective team

3.2.1. The role of the company's organizational culture

3.2.2. The importance of corporate and professional culture

3.3. Professional conduct of a lawyer

3.4. Professional deformation of a lawyer

3.5. Current problems of personnel policy of a law firm

3.5.1. Adaptation (socialization) of personnel in the organization

3.5.2. Staff turnover

Control questions

Practical tasks



Chapter 4. Knowledge management in a legal organization (legal department)

4.1. Knowledge management system and its key elements

4.1.1. Features of knowledge as an object of management

4.1.2. Structure and classification of knowledge

4.1.3. Knowledge management as a function of organizational and management activities

4.2. Document flow as a knowledge management function

4.2.1. Document flow concept

4.2.2. Practice of document flow optimization

4.2.3. Regulation of organizational and management processes

4.3. System of corporate professional development

4.3.1. Concept and principles of corporate training

4.3.2. Basic forms and methods of corporate training

4.3.3. Organization of corporate training programs and their effectiveness

Control questions

Practical tasks



Chapter 5. Organizational and managerial competencies in the professional activities of a lawyer

5.1. General provisions on the professional activities of a lawyer

5.2. Personal and qualification requirements for the legal profession

5.3. Professionally important qualities of a lawyer

5.4. Professionalism and professional suitability

5.5. Professionogram and its purpose

5.6. The place of organizational and managerial competencies in a professional career

Control questions

Practical tasks


Annex 1.Types of communication structures

Appendix 2.Principles of management (according to A. Fayol)

Appendix 3.Federal state educational standards of higher professional education

Appendix 4.Boston Advisory Group (BCG) Matrix

Appendix 5. Matrix by Igor Ansoff

Appendix 6.Code of Judicial Ethics

Appendix 7. Code of Professional Ethics for Lawyers

Appendix 8. Memorandum on social responsibility of a Russian lawyer. Regulations on the procedure for joining the Memorandum “On the social responsibility of a Russian lawyer”

Appendix 9. Code of Ethics for Legal Consultants of NP "ZSPP"

Appendix 10. « Career Anchors. Methodology for diagnosing value orientations in a career (E. Shein)


The relevance of writing this textbook is due to the task of training competent lawyers who have both professional knowledge and skills, and the ability for organizational and managerial activities.

Organizational and managerial activities objectively complement the professional competence of a lawyer, since they have unique meta-professional functions aimed at the possibility of implementing additional competencies of the individual, ensuring the effective implementation of integrative actions, acting in the form of such specific private activities as planning and teamwork, making and implementing management decisions, establishing and maintaining internal and external communications, assessing and developing professional and career advancement.

Developing the readiness of graduates of master's and postgraduate studies of a law school for organizational and managerial activities, taking into account their professional specialization, occurs throughout the entire learning process, but requires the specification of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which are defined in the modern educational standard as organizational and managerial competencies. In particular, requires an appropriate explanation of what type of activity it is, what elements it consists of, what means and tools it uses, what objects it works with.

This relevance is reinforced by the almost complete absence in the country of textbooks on the organizational and managerial activities of lawyers, with the exception of departmental pedagogical literature of a special nature for law schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


· basic concepts of organization theory;

· basic concepts of control theory;

· features of the activities of the organizer, leader and manager;

· duties and responsibilities of a lawyer, taking into account the scope of organizational and managerial activities;

· the concept and purpose of a professiogram, have an idea of ​​its content and the procedure for drawing it up for a lawyer, taking into account different specializations;

be able to

· apply in practice tools and methods for solving organizational and management problems;

· assess, analyze and manage the situation when making decisions, take into account and calculate the consequences of options for implementing decisions made;

· apply organizational and managerial skills in establishing and developing communication connections and business relationships within the organization and with the external environment;

· use organizational and managerial skills of mobilizing the team, motivating and stimulating the activities of employees, developing their professional skills and career advancement;

have skills

· assessing the role and significance of specific organizational and managerial functions in the practice of effectively achieving the target result of the team’s work;

· work in a group, team; rational implementation of interaction with participants in joint activities when solving problems to achieve the goal;

· use of organizational and management tools for planning, coordinating and monitoring the activities of a team, group, or individual employees;

· self-organization and self-assessment when interacting in a work group;

· continuous self-learning and self-improvement, acquiring knowledge, building a professional career.

The textbook consists of five chapters, each of which introduces students to specific objects of organizational and managerial activity. IN chapter 1 general theoretical issues of the concept of organizational and managerial activity and the main provisions of the theories of organization, management and leadership are outlined. The concept and features of competency-based higher professional education and the content of basic organizational and managerial competencies in the preparation of future lawyers are brought to the attention of students. Chapter 2 reveals the concept and basic technologies of planning in legal practice. Particular attention is paid to the use of strategic planning, which until recently was not widespread in the service sector. Chapter 3 reflects the features of a modern personnel management system and the construction of personnel policies, taking into account the specifics of a lawyer’s professional activity. Chapter 4 gives an idea of ​​one of the most complex areas of application of organizational and managerial competencies - knowledge management, including educational material not only of a theoretical nature, but also of practical application in such aspects as positioning and promotion of legal services, client order management system, corporate principles of staff development organizations. Chapter 5 specifies the concept and directions for the implementation of organizational and managerial competencies in the activities of a lawyer, including consideration of the professional profile and stages of career growth.

The purpose of this textbook is to promote the improvement of the quality and practical effectiveness of legal education based on the development and centralization of interdisciplinary knowledge and clarification of the content of organizational and managerial competencies formed on their basis. Readers' attention should be drawn to the fact that the textbook integrates material from a number of independent scientific and educational areas, focusing on key and significant points for the activities of a lawyer, i.e. is a kind of compass in the direction of further independent mastery of the tasks of achieving professionalism and success.

The publication introduces the reader to the basic concepts of organization theory and management theory, the features of the activities of a lawyer as an organizer, leader and manager. It gives an idea of ​​methods for solving organizational and managerial problems in the practice of effectively achieving the target result of a team’s work, and allows one to learn to evaluate the role and significance of specific organizational and managerial functions as tools for working in the internal and external environment of the organization. Combining theoretical material with examples from the practical activities of lawyers is certainly useful for preparing law school graduates. This textbook can also be used by novice lawyers for self-education, when organizing a new business, or to improve the efficiency of business legal practice.

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Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer.

Lecture 1.

Topic No. 1 Management as an element of organizational and managerial activity.

Topic No. 2 Organization as a management function.

Topic No. 3 Leadership and power as tools for managing collective activities.

Lecture 2.



Topic No. 4 Planning and its features in the field of legal services.

Topic No. 5 Planning management and plan indicator system.

Topic No. 6 Planning and time management.

Topic No. 7 Personnel management in legal practice.

Topic No. 8 Information and knowledge management in the professional activities of a lawyer.

Topic No. 10 Document flow in a legal organization.

Topic No. 11 Regulation of organizational and management processes.

Lecture 1.


Organizational and managerial activities- a special type of activity that began to be studied, described and standardized only in the second half of the 20th century. Until this time, management existed as a “skillful action” - the individual skill of a person or group of people.

It is significant that the identification of organizational and managerial activities as an independent type becomes necessary and possible in the context of the increasing complexity of the organizational management system, in which compliance with a certain order, rather orderliness, is of particular importance, with simultaneous dynamic changes in the internal and external conditions of professional activity. Consequently, the functions of organizer and manager fall on the professional manager and are combined into a certain organizational and managerial substructure of professional activity.

The orderliness of economic practice presupposes that the fundamental characteristics of organizational and managerial activities in different professional fields are the same. Therefore, in order to better understand the characteristics of the type of activity under consideration in legal practice, it is necessary to clarify the ways in which management activities exist.

Three ways of its existence (flow):

control how the activity is aimed at changing ongoing socio-economic processes and focuses on changing the vectors of activity of certain social groups;

organization how the activity focuses on creating an organizational structure (organization). Able to carry out the necessary activities leading to certain results;

management how activities are aimed directly at “people’s activities”, regulation, analysis, correction of human actions, allowing to achieve certain results.

These are independent types of activities that deal with different objects, use different tools and means and, accordingly, are used in different situations.

organization (represented by the structure category),

management (represented by activity category)

and management (represented by the process category).

At the same time, there is a clear relationship between the three modes of existence of organizational and managerial activities under consideration. In particular:

“Management is included in the Organization, and the Organization, in turn, is included in Management. This inclusion means that the meanings and goals of Organizational activities are determined by Management activities. And the meanings and goals of Management activities are determined by Organizational activities.”

Let us consider each of these methods of organizational and managerial activity in more detail.






determining the order in which employees perform certain actions. A certain ratio of control bodies interconnected by communication channels forms management structure.

Like any other activity, management is carried out in accordance with certain principles. The basic principles of management include the following:

scientific approach as a body of deep knowledge for timely and reliable decision-making;

focus as a set of methods used to achieve the goals of the organization in each period of activity;

subsequence as a set of sequential actions controlled in time and space, allowing to optimally achieve goals;

continuity, due to the corresponding nature of economic processes;

versatility in combination with specialization as a set of generally accepted approaches to management, taking into account the specific (individual) conditions of their application in different organizations and business processes;

combination of centralized regulation and self-government as a condition for the optimal implementation of assigned tasks by all departments of the organization;

ensuring the unity of rights and responsibilities of each management entity.

Management principles are implemented in the basic methods of management activities, which are developed scientifically, taking into account the practical experience of each organization.



and socio-psychological.

Administrative methods rely on the active intervention of managers in the activities of performers by formulating tasks and establishing indicators for their solution. They are used, as a rule, when solving fairly well-known (routine) and standard problems. In this approach, the initiative of performers is limited, and responsibility for results is placed on managers. A significant drawback of administrative methods is the focus of performers on achieving specified results in established ways. Lack of initiative does not allow the organization to develop.

Economic methods are based on the material interest of the performers in the optimal solution of the assigned tasks. Responsibility in this case is distributed between the manager and the performer in accordance with the principle of unity of rights and responsibilities of each management entity. Naturally, economic management methods allow not only to achieve results most efficiently, but also direct performers to more flexible consideration of a specific economic situation and, ultimately, to the development of professionalism.

However, economic management methods also have limitations that may manifest themselves in relation to workers for whom material interest is not the main one. For them, the process of activity, development, and interaction in the workforce is more important.

In this case, a special role is played socio-psychological methods management aimed at creating a favorable climate in the workforce, developing individual abilities and self-realization in the professional activities of each employee.

Modern management uses all of these methods. At the same time, special importance is attached to the legal side of their implementation. This is manifested in the organization’s use of relevant legal norms and rules that define the boundaries of independent actions of managers and performers.

The system of organization management is implemented in a certain management structure, which can be represented as an ordered set of connections between individual (functional) parts (divisions and (or) positions) that make up the organization as an object of management.

The management structure itself consists of certain management bodies (divisions, positions, services), which are in a certain subordination and interaction. At the head of such a structure is a manager, whose role and tasks will be discussed in paragraph 1.4.

The formation of a management structure is based on the process of division of work, powers and responsibilities, the depth of which depends on and at the same time affects the degree of autonomy of management units. In modern economic conditions, especially in small-sized organizations, there is a concentration of professional and managerial functions in the hands of the same subject of activity.

Interaction between the elements of the management structure is carried out using communication channels, which, depending on the tasks performed, can acquire different configurations.

Communication channel- this is a real or imaginary line of communication, but through which messages move from the sender to the recipient of information. Varieties of communication structures make it possible to appropriately distribute management powers and responsibilities between individual departments and officials within the framework of performing relevant management tasks.

Over the entire period of development of management as an independent scientific type of human activity, three main approaches to management have emerged:



and process.

The main methodological approach to management is systems approach. Based on the well-known definition of a system as a unity consisting of interdependent parts, each of which brings something specific to the unique characteristics of the whole, one should consider the organization as a single whole of all its structural divisions and subsystems, with all the complex connections and relationships necessary to coordinate activities .

The systems approach requires the use of the principle of feedback between parts and the whole, the whole and the environment (i.e., the environment), as well as between the parts and the environment. This principle is a manifestation of the dialectic of interdependence between various properties.

When used by managers situational approach (its other name is “specific approach”) proceed from the fact that a specific situation is the basis for the application of possible management methods. At the same time, the most effective method is considered to be the one that best suits the given management situation.

The situational approach is the concept that the optimal solution is a function of environmental factors in the organization itself (internal variables) and in the environment (external variables). This approach concentrates the main provisions of well-known management schools by combining certain techniques. This concept allows you to more effectively achieve the organization’s goals, especially in conditions of dynamic development of the external environment.

Process approach is based on the concept that management is a continuous chain of management functions carried out as a result of performing interconnected actions.

Important in the process management scheme is the idea of ​​the “own energy” of ongoing processes - when these processes are supported by existing socio-economic mechanisms and people’s activity. It is the change in socio-economic mechanisms and vectors of human activity as a result of management influence that makes it possible to manage the processes of social, economic and cultural change.

For anyone who wants to succeed in the art of management, understanding the nature of decision making is extremely important.

Development of management solutions is an important process connecting the main management functions:





It is the decisions made by the leaders of any organization that determine not only the effectiveness of its activities, but also the possibility of sustainable development and survival in a rapidly changing world. Therefore, the study and organization of the decision-making process and their execution form the basis of management theory.

What is the solution? Usually, in the process of any activity, situations arise when a person or group of people is faced with the need to choose one of several possible options for action. The result of this choice will be the decision. These kinds of decisions are made by every person every day and repeatedly. It can be defined as choosing an alternative. However, in management activities, decisions acquire a special character, and a decision is called managerial if it is developed and implemented for a social system and is aimed at:

For strategic, tactical and operational planning;

Human resource management (productivity, activation of knowledge, skills, abilities);

Business management;

Formation of a company management system (methodology, mechanism);

Management of internal and external communications, etc.

An important feature of management decisions is their systemic nature, which manifests itself in various aspects of the subject under consideration. In particular, in management theory, management decision making is understood as a sequential technological process with specific content and mechanism. For example, each management function is associated with several general, vital decisions that require implementation. Some of them are listed in table. 1.1.

Table 1.1

Table 1.2

Lecture 2. (part 1).


Topic No. 4 Planning and its features in the field of legal services.

The role of planning in the life of society, its individual subsystems and elements is determined by the position that planning occupies in the management system. And in it planning is the central link.

Since planning, if you do not give it the character of total directiveness, carries a lot of positive things, it seems that the penetration of the plan into those areas of life that were not previously subject to it or experienced its influence to an insignificant extent. Legal practice is such an area. Planning, applicable to the latter, is underused, and at present we can say that its introduction into legal practice is necessary.

Let us clarify the concept of practice in the field of activity that interests us and recall that in the theory of state and law the following definition of practice is accepted: legal practice- this is the activity of issuing, interpreting and implementing legal regulations in unity with accumulated social and legal experience. Externally, legal experience represents a complex of samples of the most appropriate, competent and useful legal decisions.

To better understand the goals and objectives of planning, it is necessary to recall the basic elements of legal practice. These include:

1) an object legal practice is what the legal actions and actions of its subjects and participants are aimed at. They can be both material and intangible benefits, social relations and specific actions (or inaction) of people, other phenomena and objects included in the relevant legal process and designed to satisfy public and personal needs and interests;

2) subject legal practice is the main, leading carrier of legal relations (for example, the court in judicial practice);

3) participant practitioners – individuals (organizations) who in one way or another assist subjects of legal practice in performing legal actions and operations. Witnesses involved in a specific criminal case can act as participants in legal practice;

4) legal actions – actions that entail legal consequences for participants in legal relations. A set of interrelated legal actions is called legal operation;

5) legal facilities (methods) – an established way to achieve a planned goal (result) using certain means and in the presence of appropriate conditions and prerequisites for legal activity. Legal means, grouped according to a certain criterion, constitute legal methods of influence that underlie legal technology;

6) result - the result of legal operations that allows you to satisfy an individual or social need;

7) forms legal practice - ways of organizing, existence and external expression of legal practice (internal - procedural design of activities and external - documents accompanying the planned activity).

At the moment, there are a huge number of types and forms of legal practice, but among them we can highlight the main patterns of its development, which include planning. In a market economy, it is impossible to achieve constant success in your business activities if you do not plan your business specifically and effectively. You need to clearly understand the need to provide your business with material, financial, mental and labor resources. In the process of activity, you also need to constantly monitor the state of affairs in the target market, the state of affairs of competing firms and promptly review your capabilities and prospects.

Planning– an economic method of management, which is the process of designing the desired future, as well as effective ways to achieve it, based on the study of the principles and methods of scientifically based selection and rational use of all types of resources in practical activities.

Planning is a fundamental aspect of management. From this position, as many experts believe, planning is designed to answer three main questions.

1. Where is the company currently located? The economic position of the company, the main results and the current conditions of its activities are determined. Strengths and weaknesses in such important areas as finance, marketing, the content of the package of services provided, and the competence of personnel are assessed in order to determine what the company can realistically achieve.

2. Where do we want to go? By assessing competition, customers, laws, political facts, economic conditions, technology, supplies, etc., management determines what the organization's goals should be and what might interfere with their achievement.

3. How, using what resources, is the firm going to achieve its goals? The roles and responsibilities of employees are determined.

Thus, planning is based on actual normative data of the present or past, but seeks to establish the process of development of the enterprise in the future. Methodologically planning covers a set of theoretical conclusions, general patterns, modern requirements of the legal services market and methods for developing a plan. Technologically planning regulates the order, timing, content of sections of the plan and justification of the indicators of the interaction mechanism.

It should be borne in mind that any planning is based on incomplete data, which requires adjustments to the plan. This is due to objective (uncertainty of the market environment, imperfect legislation, costs of planning technology) and subjective (incompetence of managers and performers, errors in economic calculations) limitations in planning capabilities in organizations. For the practical implementation of planning, it is important to comply with its basic principles. Let's turn to the classics of the genre. It is known that A. Fayol identified four basic principles of planning, calling them the general features of a good program of action.

1. Unity principle suggests that planning in an organization should be systematic. A system means the existence of a set of interrelated elements and the presence of a single direction of their development, focused on common goals.

The elements of planning in an organization are the individual divisions that make up it and the individual parts of the planning process.

2. Participation principle is closely related to the principle of unity. This principle means that each member of the organization becomes a participant in planned activities, regardless of the position and function performed by him. That is, the planning process must involve all those who are directly affected by it. Planning based on the principle of participation is called participatory.

3. Continuity principle assumes that:

– the planning process at the enterprise must be carried out constantly within the established cycle;

– the developed plans must continuously replace each other (the second - to replace the first, the third - to replace the second, etc.).

The second of the conditions for planning continuity - constant follow-up of plans one after another - companies, as a rule, comply with. At the same time, there are frequent cases of interruption of the planning process: firms develop a plan during a certain part of the year, approve it and stop planning until the next period.

4. The principle of flexibility is associated with the principle of continuity and consists in giving plans and the planning process the ability to change their direction due to the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances.

To implement the principle of flexibility, plans must be drawn up so that changes can be made to them, linking them with changing internal and external conditions. Therefore, plans usually contain certain reserves in the form of framework calculations of indicators (“from” and “to”). This principle correlates with objective and subjective limitations on planning capabilities.

Planning in legal practice as a method of activity is part of its tactics and strategy. Due to its universality, planning can combine them and thereby create optimal conditions for the long-term development of the company. Considering the specifics of legal services, the question of the need for strategic planning among lawyers remains open. Today, having a development strategy for a law firm is rather an exception to practice. Considering that strategic planning is a special type of foreseeing the future of the company, and that the company has a clear and transparent development strategy in a highly competitive market is a necessity, it is worth paying special attention to it and assessing to what extent and to what extent strategic planning can be used in its activities legal companies.

Requirements for a strategic plan.

A plan is only a plan when it is recorded on paper, a plan in the head – this is “manilovism”. However, the presence of a strategy “on paper” does not always mean that it is implemented in activities.

This state of affairs is a consequence of a number of factors: the lack of interest among the management of the law firm in the development strategy, the lack of skills and experience in its implementation, the lack of need for this due to the constant change in the legal services market (in this case, managers are focused on managing operational activities).

The question of whether a law firm needs a development strategy should be correlated with the goals of the organization. If the situation of the law firm suits the owners, then it is possible to maintain the current state of the business by only slightly adjusting it and realizing short-term operational goals.

However, a modern law firm cannot rely solely on success in operational management. Regardless of efforts to optimize costs, maintain the current state and develop new services and products, standard business schemes are easily copied by competitors, which subsequently leads to a decrease in competitiveness. Strategy, i.e. a business model for development in the medium term, on the one hand, gives the company uniqueness, and on the other, helps its employees understand in what direction and how development is taking place.

How realistic is it to draw up a plan, especially for several years, for a small law firm that employs intellectuals - specialists of the highest category? For the owner-manager, it is important what will happen to the company after some time, what awaits it in the future. How important is the fate of the company for employees who are always in demand and can work individually or in other companies? Even if the company’s management does not see the point in developing a strategic plan or does not understand its necessity and meaning, then a business plan, even the most primitive one, is necessary: ​​it is necessary to outline new directions for the provision of legal services, allocate resources, find the necessary finances, establish new ones, strengthen and maintain existing partnerships and find new employees.

Strategic planning methods have been developed in detail and are constantly being improved to meet new requirements. Each individual company contributes to the strategic planning process itself, as well as to the strategic plan itself, based on its own vision of the role and significance of the plan, its resources and its own understanding of planning.

Of the existing strategic planning models, the choice quite often falls on the Boston matrix (see Appendix 4) and the Igor Ansoff method (see Appendix 5), which allow taking into account the individual characteristics and intentions of the company.

Strategic planning pursues certain goals and becomes meaningful if these goals are achieved. The purpose of the chosen strategy is to show the directions and methods of achieving the planned goals. Actually strategy is a method of achieving a goal.

Building a path to achieving a goal requires the use of certain research methods. One of the most common is forecasting. Let us pay special attention to the concept of “forecast”.

Forecast(from Greek prognosis – foresight, prediction) – a judgment about the state of a phenomenon in the future; now usually used in the sense of a probabilistic judgment about the future based on special scientific research.

Forecasting, forecast development(in a narrow sense) - a special scientific study of specific prospects for the development of a phenomenon. Forecasting serves to increase the validity of goals and decisions, including plans, programs, and projects.

Taking into account the specifics of the activity, it can be assumed that a significant, if not the main, place in the strategic planning of legal practice should be taken by determining the direction of development of legislation and the effectiveness of its application. This can be pivotal in determining the strategy and subsequent development of the company's current plans. Based on the forecast of the content and process (temporal) development of the subject of activity, strategic planning will be able to provide a comprehensive scientific justification for the problems that the company may face in the coming period, and on this basis, develop indicators of the company’s development for the planning period.

Strategic planning, like planning in general, is one of the functions of management. Strategic planning answers the question: "How to achieve the company's goals?" and allows management to outline the direction, determine the pace of development and structural changes in the company, predict general trends in market development, identify the competitive advantages of the company and the tools necessary for its effective development, and most importantly, realize the need to constantly take into account the experience of the past and predict the future.

Strategic planning adapts a company's activities to constantly changing external conditions in order to capitalize on new opportunities.

As part of strategic planning, the company must determine the list of legal services that it offers and can offer to the market.

Formation of a strategic plan for a law firm requires mandatory consideration of the following principles:

1) strategy development is the prerogative of the company’s management;

2) focus based on a meaningful forecast of the development of the subject area;

3) formation of a staff of lawyers of strictly required specialization in order to ensure readiness to implement the plan and reduce costs associated with advanced training;

4) integrity of planning based on comprehensive consideration of the sequence of development of the company’s internal and external environment for the entire planning period;

5) operational flexibility, allowing, if necessary, to adjust and reorient the direction of activity.

The implementation of these principles is carried out consistently at each stage of the development and implementation of the strategic plan.

1.Formation of a strategic vision for the company's development. When forming a strategic vision for the company’s development, it is very important that the owners come to a common opinion on how they see the law firm in about three to five years.

2. Setting strategic and financial goals. It is necessary to put specific ones, i.e. Measurable and time-achievable goals both for the company as a whole and for each legal practice.

Current market conditions and the dynamics of development of the legal services market show that an optimistic annual growth forecast could be 10–15% of revenue.

Building a strategy is the basis for the formation of planned financial indicators. Such indicators could be:

financial (quantitative ), for example, annual revenue, profit of the company as a whole and (or) profit per partner for a period of three to five years; financial indicators for each legal practice, including new ones; share of new customers in the company's revenue; change in average remuneration from clients, reasons and sequence of implementation of such change;

non-financial (qualitative ), such as customer satisfaction rates, return rates for each practice, and other key quality metrics the company wants to achieve.

3. Development of a strategy as a document. After determining the goals, it is necessary to analyze the strengths and weaknesses in the company's activities.

The results of the analysis become the basis for developing development strategies (business models). The most common business development strategies, verified by practice and widely covered in the literature, are usually called basic , or reference. They reflect four different approaches to firm growth and are associated with changes in the state of one or more of the following elements: product, market, industry, position of the firm within the industry, technology. Each of these five elements can be in one of two states: existing or new.

It is customary to distinguish four main groups of strategies:

1) concentrated growth strategies – are associated with changes in the product and market and do not affect the other three elements. It can be:

– access to the global market by joining the international network (“Unicon/MS” in BDO International);

– entry into the CIS markets and subsequent merger of companies (EPAP and Magisters);

– development and (or) acquisition of individual practices to strengthen the company’s position, etc.;

2) integrated growth strategies – involve expanding the company by adding new structures.

A company can achieve integrated growth by establishing a strong position in the business, both through acquisitions and expansion from within. In both cases, there is a change in the position of the company within the industry;

3) reduction strategies – are associated with the need to regroup forces after a long period of growth or with the task of increasing efficiency in certain circumstances, or as the only possible strategies for business renewal. An option for a reduction strategy is survival strategy – maximum cost reduction;

4) combined strategy – consisting of all the others. In practice, a company can simultaneously implement several strategies. This is especially common among diversified companies, which include legal ones due to the variety of practices they carry out. Can be produced by the company and a certain sequence in the implementation of strategies.

Each of the business models possible for implementation is described through its corresponding positioning and functional strategies:

– positioning a company in the industry market requires the use of marketing technologies and the organization of sales channels. In particular, a vision of how the company will maintain its competitive advantage, how it will retain existing customers and look for new ones, what are the key marketing tools for promoting the company and its response to new markets and new competitive conditions, etc.;

– growth strategy (determining what and how the company will grow). A growth strategy can be effective after deciding whether diversification, expansion or reduction of services, narrow specialization or a range of services are needed; the company’s regional development strategy is important; implementation of strategic development requires appropriate approaches in terms of organizing work processes (standards, technologies, project management, quality of services) and personnel management (professional composition, development and training, assessment and motivation).

4. Implementation of strategy. Includes the following steps:

Formalization of goals and strategic priorities in specific indicators (balanced scorecard) and determination of target values ​​for legal practices;

Development of measures to achieve these key indicators;

Determination of powers and areas of responsibility to ensure the implementation of strategic initiatives;

Formation of a calendar plan for assigned tasks;

Optimization of internal communications and implementation of technological innovations;

Lecture topics

Seminar topics

No. Topic name Number of hours Mastery level
- will introduce
- productive
- reproductive
- productive
- productive

Independent work

No. Topic name Number of hours Mastery level
- will introduce
- productive
- reproductive
- productive
Organizational and managerial competencies in the professional activities of a lawyer - productive

1 introductory

2 reproductive

3 productive

Teaching methods

Point distribution

* Points are distributed either for each topic or for the discipline as a whole.

Informational resources

1. Code of Professional Ethics for Lawyers: adopted by the First All-Russian Congress of Lawyers on January 31, 2003 //

2. Memorandum on the social responsibility of a Russian lawyer: Approved at a meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Lawyers Association on September 30, 2008 // https: // www.

3. Code of Judicial Ethics: approved by the VI All-Russian Congress of Judges on December 2, 2004 //

4. Code of Ethics for Legal Consultants NP "ZSPP":

A special feature of the discipline “Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer” is its innovative nature with a maximum practical component.

As part of the study of this discipline, undergraduates must study the basic concepts and categories of organization theory and management theory; features of the activities of the organizer, leader and manager; duties and responsibilities of a lawyer, taking into account the scope of organizational and managerial activities. And also, students need to master the skills of assessing, analyzing and managing the situation when making decisions, the ability to calculate and take into account the consequences of options for implementing decisions, learn to apply organizational and managerial skills in establishing and developing communication connections and business relationships within the organization and with the external environment, and also use organizational and managerial skills to mobilize the team, motivate and stimulate the activities of employees, develop their professional skills and advance their careers.

When studying this educational discipline, undergraduates should pay attention to the basic planning technologies that can be used in legal practice as management functions. Particular consideration should be given to the use of strategic planning, which until recently was not widespread in the service sector.

Also, when studying the training course “Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer,” students need to analyze the features of the modern personnel management system and the construction of personnel policies, taking into account

specifics of a lawyer’s professional activity and study the directions of implementation of organizational and managerial competencies in the activity of a lawyer, including consideration of the professional profile and stages of career growth.

During the seminar, the topic is discussed in a free, creative form. Students discuss with the teacher not only the questions formulated in the educational and methodological complex, but also ask questions that arose in their preparation for the seminar, and argue their own position on a particular problematic issue.

Students are recommended to complete assignments for practical classes in a separate notebook. Preparation for the lesson involves studying theoretical material, regulations and solving problems. When solving problems, it is recommended to comprehensively analyze the conditions, formulate the solution clearly and competently, giving references to the relevant legal norms. In order to more fully assimilate the material and better prepare for future professional activities, it is necessary to strive to change the conditions of the task in order to choose the best option for resolving a specific life situation.

It is important to keep in mind that in order to master the material of the training course “Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer,” the information contained in the course program can play a large supporting role. However, in order to make the most effective use of the educational information available in the program, the student must become familiar with its content in advance. It is advisable to view each section of the program simultaneously with studying the corresponding lecture and educational material. After all, it fixes not only the structure of the course, but also lists the main categories and concepts, highlighting their main features and characteristics, classification series, etc.

Topic: Basic concepts and categories of organizational and management activities.

1. The concept and essence of organizational and management activities.

2. Management as an element of organizational and managerial activity.

3. Organization as a mechanism and form of life of a team.

4. Leadership and power as tools for managing collective activities.

5. Signs of organizational and managerial activities.

6. Formation of organizational and managerial competencies in higher legal education.

Seminar 2. (2 hours)

Topic: Planning and other management functions in legal practice.

1. Concept, types and general characteristics of management functions.

2. Planning as a management function and its features in the field of legal services.

3. Strategic planning: requirements, essence of content.

4. Planning management, plan indicator system.

5. Strategic planning and SWOT analysis.

6. Strategic planning and GAP analysis.

7. Planning and time management.

Seminar 3. (2 hours)



(code and name of the discipline according to the curriculum)

in the area of ​​training

40.04.01 jurisprudence

(code and name of the area of ​​training according to the Federal State Educational Standard)

graduate qualification (degree) " master"

Faculty of Law

Simferopol - 2014

Work program “Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer” for students in the field of study 40.04.01 jurisprudence

The program is compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education No. ___ dated ___ _____________ 201__ and the KFU curriculum for full-time (correspondence) education

from ___ __________ 20___

“____”________, 20___ _____ p.

Romanyuk Lyudmila Valerievna, Associate Professor of the Department of Business and Environmental Law, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

The work program was approved at a meeting of the department


Protocol dated “____”________________20__ No. ___

And about. Head of the Department Ph.D. Elkin S.V.

_____________________ (S.V. Elkin)

(signature) (full name)

“_____”___________________ 20___

Agreed with the methodological commission of the faculty ________________________________

Protocol dated “____”________________20___ No. ___

“_____”__________ 20___ Chairman ________________ (________________)

(signature) (full name)

Description of the academic discipline

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the main educational program of the master's degree in the field of preparation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education??? “Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer” 04/40/01 jurisprudence.

In terms of mastering the main type(s) of professional activity: lawmaking; law enforcement; law enforcement; expert-consulting; organizational and managerial; scientific research; pedagogical.

  1. The purpose and objectives of the academic discipline.

The purpose of studying the discipline: teaching the basics of the managerial activities of a lawyer, studying the basic concepts of the theory of organization and management theory, the characteristics of the activities of a lawyer as an organizer, leader and manager.
And also, the formation of the student’s understanding of methods for solving organizational and managerial problems in the practice of effectively achieving the target result of the team’s work, learning the ability to evaluate the role and significance of specific organizational and managerial functions as tools for working in the internal and external environment of the organization.

Course objectives:

Assimilation of knowledge from students about management activities, its organizational function, organizational work and scientific organization of work in the field of jurisprudence;

Formation of students’ professional skills in managing small teams, scientific organization of their own work;

Teaching students office management skills.

In order to master the specified type(s) of professional activity and acquire the corresponding competence(s), during the course of mastering the academic discipline, the student must:

Competency code competence know be able to
OK-1 general cultural: ability for abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis basic concepts and features of management activities work with sources of legislation, operate with legal concepts and categories
OK-2 general cultural: readiness to act in non-standard situations, bear social and ethical responsibility for decisions made possible ways to resolve conflict situations in the professional activities of a lawyer apply moral norms and rules of conduct in specific situations; Confidently discuss current issues
OK-3 general cultural: readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of creative potential features of the functioning of knowledge in modern society, spiritual values, their significance in the life of society independently master new research methods, change the profile of your professional activity
OK-4 general cultural: ability to freely use Russian and foreign languages ​​as a means of business communication lexical and grammatical minimum required for working with foreign legal texts, lexical and grammatical features of Russian and foreign languages read, understand and translate foreign language legal texts, use general and special dictionaries, extract the necessary information from text read in a foreign language
OPK-1 general professional: awareness of the social significance of one’s future profession, manifestation of intolerance towards corrupt behavior, respect for the law and the law, possession of a sufficient level of professional legal awareness features of personality socialization; norms and sanctions as elements of social control; main types of deviations; comparative criteria of political culture of society, group and individual analyze the conditions of joint activities; exercise forms of social control in small and large groups; reinforce through personal attitude and example the importance of public and individual legal values
OPK-2 general professional: the ability to conscientiously perform professional duties, adherence to the principles of legal ethics basic ethical concepts and categories, content and features of professional ethics in legal activity; evaluate facts and phenomena of professional activity from an ethical point of view;
OPK-3 general professional: the ability to use acquired skills in practice in organizing research work directions and methods of studying the theory of public administration, management theory; theoretical and practical foundations of management and legal psychology, the content of the works of authors conducting research in the field of organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer identify the special goals and interests of political and social groups, lobbying groups, political parties and movements; analyze domestic and international political events, predict them in line with Russian interests
OPK-4 general professional: readiness to lead a team in the field of their professional activity rules of behavior and participation in discussion (discussion) form your own position on the issues under discussion, compare it with the position of other members of the group (team), develop a common position with group members
PC-1 professional: ability to develop normative legal acts legal sources regulating the organization of management in government bodies, their relationship in legal force correctly determine the legal acts to be applied in the field of legal regulation of public relations in the field of organizational and managerial activities
PC-2 professional: the ability to skillfully apply normative legal acts in specific areas of legal activity, to implement the norms of substantive and procedural law in professional activities the content of the basic concepts of management theory, organizational and managerial competence of a lawyer; analyze, interpret and correctly apply legal norms, perform legal actions in accordance with the law; analyze judicial practice
PK-6 professional: ability to identify, assess and help curb corrupt behavior concept of corruption and corruption crimes, anti-corruption measures plan and implement activities to combat corruption crimes
PK-7 professional: the ability to competently interpret regulatory legal acts The Constitution of the Russian Federation, main legal acts, decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, judicial practice at the federal and regional levels analyze the effectiveness of legal regulation of social relations arising in the process of a lawyer’s implementation of management activities
PK-8 professional: the ability to take part in the legal examination of draft regulatory legal acts, including in order to identify provisions in them that contribute to the creation of conditions for corruption, to provide qualified legal opinions and advice in specific areas of legal activity the essence and content of a lawyer’s organizational and managerial activities, basic concepts and categories in the field of organizational and managerial activities; carry out legal examination of regulations; carry out effective management of the team’s activities; provide qualified legal opinions and advice;
PK-9 professional: ability to make optimal management decisions the nature and essence of the management decision-making process develop and set goals; study problems; select and justify performance criteria and possible consequences of decisions made; consider solutions; select and finalize a decision; to make decisions; bring the decision to the executors; exercise control over the implementation of the decision.
PK-10 professional: the ability to perceive, analyze and implement management innovations in professional activities ways to introduce management innovations: personnel training (training, joint discussion of current problems, creation of necessary working conditions); stimulation of activity (material and moral); financial, organizational and psychological support for creative activity and initiative from management; using conflict resolution techniques create a normal socio-psychological climate in the team, improve the working and living conditions of workers, overcome socio-psychological barriers that impede innovation
PC-11 professional: ability to competently conduct scientific research in the field of law modern problems of this branch of knowledge; the history of the development of a specific scientific problem, its role and place in the scientific direction being studied; main stages of solving scientific problems select the necessary research methods, modify existing ones and develop new methods, based on the objectives of a particular study; process the results obtained, analyze and comprehend them taking into account the available literature data; conduct bibliographic work using modern information technologies; present the results of the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles, designed in accordance with existing requirements, using modern editing and printing tools
PC-12 professional: ability to teach legal disciplines at a high theoretical and methodological level theoretical foundations of legal disciplines studied during preparation for the specialty “Jurisprudence”, patterns and stages of the pedagogical process, functions of a teacher, fundamentals of methods of teaching legal disciplines apply pedagogical technologies in a professional environment, present in the teaching process the main provisions of legal disciplines at the required theoretical and methodological level
PC-13 professional: the ability to manage students’ independent work basics of managing the cognitive work of students in the process of independent work organize independent work of students using the necessary teaching materials
PK-15 professional: the ability to effectively carry out legal education patterns and principles of legal education, criteria for assessing the effectiveness of legal education apply knowledge of the basics of legal education in professional activities

The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the educational program.

The discipline “Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer” belongs to the professional cycle of professional training.

The academic discipline “Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer” is in a logical, content-methodological connection with other disciplines of the educational program. Organizational and managerial activities objectively complement the professional competence of a lawyer, since they have unique professional functions aimed at the possibility of implementing additional competencies of the individual, ensuring the effective implementation of integrative actions, appearing in the form of such specific private activities as planning and teamwork, adoption and implementation of management decisions, establishment and maintenance of internal and external communications, assessment and development of professional and career advancement.

Developing the readiness of law school graduates for organizational and managerial activities, taking into account their professional specialization, occurs throughout the entire learning process, but requires the specification of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which are defined in the modern educational standard as organizational and managerial competencies. In particular, it requires an appropriate explanation of what type of activity it is, what elements it consists of, what means and instruments it uses, what objects it works with.

It should be noted that the complexity of this training course necessitates the need to refer, when studying it, to the norms of administrative, labor, financial and other branches of law, as well as to such sciences as management theory, fundamentals of management and legal psychology. The “input” knowledge and skills required when mastering the discipline “Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer” and acquired as a result of mastering previous disciplines are: mastery of legal terminology, concepts and categories of administrative, labor, financial, law, management theory and legal psychology, ability analyze legal norms and the practice of their implementation, mastery of methods and methods for obtaining information, the ability to legally correctly qualify facts and circumstances, give qualified legal opinions, the ability to use the basic provisions and methods of the social, humanities and economic sciences when solving professional problems, awareness of the social significance of one’s future profession, possessing a sufficient level of professional legal awareness.

The training course “Organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer” is based on such basic disciplines as management theory, legal psychology, constitutional law, administrative law, and is designed to deepen and concretize the knowledge acquired by students in the course of studying the mentioned disciplines in relation to the regulation of relations in the field of implementation organizational and managerial activities of a lawyer and the implementation of his competence.

3. Structure of the academic discipline

Names of content modules and topics Number of hours
Full-time extramural
Total including Total including
l P lab ind myself l P lab ind myself
Topic 1. Basic concepts and categories of organizational and management activities - - - - - - - -
Topic 2. Planning and other management functions in legal practice - - - - - - - - -
Topic 3. Fundamentals of personnel management in legal practice - - - - - - - -
Topic 4. Basics of knowledge management in a legal organization - - - - - - - - -
Topic 5. Organizational and managerial competencies in the professional activities of a lawyer - - - - - - - - -
Total hours - - - - - -

Lecture topics

Seminar topics

No. Topic name Number of hours Mastery level
Basic concepts and categories of organizational and management activities - will introduce
Planning and other management functions in legal practice - productive
Fundamentals of personnel management in legal practice - reproductive
Fundamentals of knowledge management in a legal organization - productive
- productive

Independent work

No. Topic name Number of hours Mastery level
Basic concepts and categories of organizational and management activities - will introduce
Planning and other management functions in legal practice - productive
Fundamentals of personnel management in legal practice - reproductive
Fundamentals of knowledge management in a legal organization - productive
Organizational and managerial competencies in the professional activities of a lawyer - productive

To characterize the level of mastery of educational material, the following designations are used:

1 introductory(recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2 reproductive(performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance);

3 productive(planning and independent implementation of activities, solving problematic problems).

Teaching methods

Verbal methods: narrative-explanation, conversation, lecture, discussion.

Visual methods: video presentation, diagrams, diagrams.

Practical methods: scientific reports, communications, problem solving, abstracts, drawing up concepts, developing lectures.

Minimum logistics requirements

The implementation of the academic discipline requires the presence of lecture rooms 1; specialized audiences 1.

Lecture room equipment: In order to prepare classrooms for conducting classes in this academic discipline, standardly equipped lecture rooms (blackboard, markers for the board), multimedia equipment and computer classes with Internet access are required.

Technical teaching aids: Multimedia software for displaying PowerPoint presentations, as well as Shara Point.

PLACE OF AN ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE MASTER'S PROGRAM n n Refers to the general scientific cycle (elective discipline) Participates in the formation of OK-3, OK-5, PC-9, PC-10, PC-13, PC-14, PC-15 PC-10 , n Total labor intensity – 2 hours. e. (72 hours) n Form Ap - test VZ/FO Full-time Part-time Part-time Correspondence Lectures 2 2 2 PZ 6 2 2 SR 64 68 68 Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 2

PZ 1: Full-time training 1. 2. 3. Client order management system. Personnel management in legal practice Knowledge management in a legal organization. Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 3

PP 2: Full-time education n Positioning of legal services The concept and features of legal services as a product n Marketing strategies of legal services n The process of promoting legal services n Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 4

PP 3: Full-time education n Organizational and managerial competencies in the professional activities of a lawyer n Profesiogram of legal activities n Development of a professional career Tatyana Evgenievna Berezkina 5

Berezkina T. E., Petrov A. A. ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY OF A LAWYER TEXTBOOK AND PRACTICUM M.: Yurait Publishing House, 2016. 392 p. Berezkina Tatyana Evgenevna

for reference: n n When preparing essays and professional notes, references to sources of information are required! Send prepared materials for evaluation to the address: tb-17@mail. ru Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna n Consultations – Tuesday from 17:00 to 18:30 room - 755 Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 7

Introduction to organizational and management activities. Concept and main subject areas n n n 1. Organization. Control. Management. 2. Content of organizational and managerial competencies. 3. Forms of practical implementation of organizational and managerial competencies in the professional activities of a lawyer. Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 8

The relationship of the concepts “organization” “management” “management” n n Management is included in the Organization, the Organization, in turn, is included in Management. Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 9

continuation The specified inclusion means: n the meanings and goals of Organizational activities are determined by Management activities; n the meanings and goals of the Management’s activities are determined by the Organizational activities Tatyana Evgenievna Berezkina 10

Three ways of existence of management n management, as an activity, is aimed at changing ongoing socio-economic processes and focuses on changing the vectors of activity of certain social groups Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 11

Basic functions of management n n n U 1 - Planning U 2 – Organization of work U 3 – Stimulation and motivation U 4 – Control of work (using feedback) U 5 Coordination of work Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 13

Management functions show what a manager must do, Economic Methods: to manage an organization. ü assignment to a structural unit Organizational and administrative methods: resources necessary for its economic n To the question “how should a manager ü create an organizational structure of activities; manage the organization? » management; provision to the unit promptly. Socio-psychological methods: methods of management of economic independence meet by ü regulating and rationing all the endowment of its management with relevant types of activities; n ü moral encouragement In management, three groups of powers are used; ü orders and instructions; ü planning employee career growth; management methods: ü granting the unit the right n ü persuasion and suggestion; ü briefings, etc. use a pre-agreed part n personal example of the manager; 1) economic; ü arrived at your own discretion; ü regulation of interpersonal and intergroup n 2) organizational and administrative; ü application of penalties for relations in a team; n failure of the unit to fulfill its 3) socio-psychological. ü creation and maintenance of positive obligations, etc., moral climate in the team, etc. Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 14

Three ways of existence of management n organization, as an activity, focuses on creating an organizational structure (organization). Able to carry out the necessary activities leading to certain results Tatyana Evgenievna Berezkina 15

In management (administration), the term “organization” is used in two meanings: 1) organization as an object or system (enterprise, firm, company, etc.); 2) organization as a process or function (activities to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of joint activities of people). Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 17

Fundamental features of an organization n n n Presence of a goal Presence of a minimum number of participants Existence of an internal coordination center/centers Self-regulation Isolation Organizational culture Tatyana Evgenievna Berezkina 18

Types of organizations in accordance with the attitude towards their participants Artificial (primary): Is an external reality Has its own goals Has priority over the participants Endows them with resources Governmental institution Natural (secondary): created by the participants themselves Serves their goals Endowed with resources by them Corporate Has temporary priority over its participants JSC Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna Associative Does not have priority over participants Association 19

Three ways of existence of management n management, as an activity, is aimed directly at “people’s activities”, regulation, analysis, correction of human actions, allowing to achieve certain results Tatyana Evgenievna Berezkina 20

Main functions of management n n n P 1 – Defining the goals of the organization P 2 – Defining the values ​​of the organization P 3 – Defining the culture of the organization P 4 – Creating and implementing a leadership model in the organization P 5 – Ensuring the responsibility of management (management) P 6 – Ensuring consistency in the work of the organization Tatyana Berezkina Evgenievna 22

Leadership is not management: these are completely different things and they occur at different levels of activity. Management belongs to the lower level and solves the question: HOW is it better to accomplish certain tasks? While management deals with the top level - it determines WHAT exactly needs to be done. The old adage says that to lead is to do the right things, to manage is to do things right. “Management is the art of climbing the ladder of success; leadership - the ability to determine whether the ladder is placed against the right wall. Tatyana Evgenievna Berezkina.” Peter Drucker 23

Managerial power (leadership) Power is the ability of a person (manager) to influence the behavior of people (subordinates) in order to subordinate them to his will and n control their actions n direct these actions in the direction of the interests of the organization n encourage employees to work more efficiently n prevent conflicts arising in the team Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 24

Fundamentals of power Formal Managerial power Real Fundamentals of power Administrative subordination (based on the law) Voluntary subordination Traditional Charismatic By conviction Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna Ownership of resources Material Informational Hierarchical 25

Leadership models Leader Energy Understanding of the goal Community of people (followers) Energy, trust Community of people Desires Energy, effort Leader Setting goals Coordination of efforts Goal Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 26

Managerial leader Power of legal authority: n Define n Structure n Control n Force n Encourage n Punish Power of personal authority n n n Encourage Captivate Convince Encourage Motivate Unite Tatyana Evgenievna Berezkina 27

1. The theory of “great people” n n To occupy a leading position, especially in a competitive environment, you need outstanding qualities, the set of which varies depending on the circumstances. It is impossible to create a universal model of leadership qualities Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 28

2. Behavioral concept of leadership n The main role is played not by the personal qualities of a person, but by the manner of relationships with others Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 29

3. The concept of situational factors n A person becomes a leader under the conditions of one or another specific combination of his personal qualities, the nature of his work, the characteristics of the external environment, etc. Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 30

The main qualities of a leader 1) 2) 3) Personal and business (what should it be?) Qualification (what should it know?) Functional (what should it do?) What does the concept of “leadership capital” mean? Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 31

n Is it possible to make managerial power absolute? n On whom (at a minimum) does the leader depend? n From your superiors The most important part of the environment n From subordinates of the manager of the environment n From colleagues It is necessary to have the ability to foresee the consequences of the exercise of power * Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 32

n Maintaining the relationship between two types of dependencies: n Subordinates from the leader n Manager from subordinates In what situations do subordinates have power over the leader? Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 33

Knowledge management is a combination of individual aspects of personnel management, innovation and communication management, as well as the use of new information technologies in organizational management. (Gaponenko) Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 34

ESSENCE AND CONTENT OF KNOWLEDGE AS AN OBJECT OF MANAGEMENT Knowledge is any form of representation of parts of the real and supposed world on some medium (F. Machlup, 1984). Features of knowledge as an object of management: n Knowledge is both a resource and a result of activity; n They manifest themselves both at the “input” and at the “output” of the organization’s management system; n They can be considered both “raw materials” and “finished product”; n The bearer of knowledge in a market economy is the employee. Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 35

An example of knowledge classification n “I know that” know-what n “I know why” know-why n “I know how” know-how n “I know who” know-who 02.16.2018 36

Knowledge is an information resource. Differences between an information resource and a traditional one Traditional Information Material flows and stocks Decreases in the process of use Private good Intangible flows and stocks Increases in the process of use Public good Limited Unlimited Replicated at high costs Replicated at low costs 02/16/2018 37

Problems of defining the concept of “knowledge” Wisdom is the ability to competently apply knowledge “when” Knowledge Information Data 02/16/2018 Knowledge is information that an individual or organization can “how” transform into actions Information is data that has meaning for an individual or organization. Storage, processing, extracting new meaning from the received data, etc. “why” Data is coding, calculations, transmission, accumulation of facts, etc. “what” 38

continued n Information is a stream of messages and, although knowledge is created from this stream, it is dependent on the opinions and beliefs of its owner. n Knowledge is highly related to human activity. n Information influences knowledge, clarifies, modifies it. 16.02.2018 39

Properties of information that determine its quality: 1) relevance - compliance of information with consumer needs and the current management situation. Irrelevant information often represents “information garbage”, clogging communication flows and preventing the adoption of correct management decisions; 2) completeness - the property of information to exhaustively characterize the object, process, or event of interest. The use of incomplete information in management can lead to a distortion of its meaning and a decrease in the quality of work; Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 40

3) timeliness - compliance with consumer information requests at the right time. In some cases, information may be out of date or received too early (ahead of decisions). Making management decisions based on untimely information can also significantly reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization. At the same time, the ability to realize the value of “advanced” information is an important quality of an effective manager; 4) reliability - the absence of hidden errors. Making management decisions based on unreliable information increases the risk of erroneous actions and losses for the company. However, sometimes managers have to make emergency decisions “at their own peril and risk”, without being able to increase the reliability of information by increasing its quantity and processing accuracy; Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 41

5) accessibility - the ability of a given consumer to obtain information. The necessary information must be timely and fully available to those managers who make management decisions on its basis. Often the reason for a decrease in the efficiency of a company is the inability to obtain the necessary data on time; 6) security - the impossibility of unauthorized access to information or its modification. The task of protecting information in organizations, as a rule, is assigned to special services; Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 42

7) ergonomics - convenience of the form and volume of information from the point of view of a given user. Ergonomic information is ensured by the use of modern hardware and software for receiving, processing and storing information Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 43

Organizational and managerial competencies n n n Project - analysis, planning, modeling, experimentation Organizational - organization, coordination, control of activities Communicative - formation and development of business relationships within the organization and with the external environment Constructive - compositional development and optimal implementation of management decisions Reflexive - motivation, self-esteem, self-development Tatyana Evgenievna Berezkina 45

n n Objects of O-U activity are functional subsystems of the organization, within which economic processes take place: n planning and forecasting n internal and external communications, including marketing n production of services, in particular legal services n interaction with clients n personnel management n knowledge management and etc. Metafunctions (strategy, innovation and information) are common and are used in all management subsystems Berezkina Tatyana Evgenievna 46

Levels of development of professional competence n n 1) Adaptive 2) Reproductive 3) Heuristic 4) Creative That is, what professional actions an employee is able to perform when achieving goals in his activities and the goals of the entire organization Tatyana Evgenievna Berezkina 47
