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What does fd mean on a check? What does "fiscal check" mean? Do I need a fiscal receipt when paying by card?

We suggest talking in this article about what a cashier's check is. It will be clearly explained what a fiscal and non-fiscal check is, as well as what the differences between them are. According to the current rules of the tax system, some organizations that sell certain objects are required to issue a receipt to the buyer as confirmation of the successful completion of the transaction. However, many individuals do not even think about the fact that checks are important documents that must be drawn up in a certain way and contain a range of data. With the help of a check, the consumer will be able to prove that he paid a certain amount of money for a particular product and protect his rights if its quality turns out to be inadequate.

Cash receipt

Buyers receive a huge number of checks every day and in most cases do not attach importance to documents of this nature, immediately throwing them away. Cash receipts are printed on white ribbon paper and are intended to document the purchase and sale transaction. Some cash register receipts can be used to identify the country in which they were printed, as well as the model of the cash register. This is done due to the presence of appropriate logos and symbols on the document. A receipt is an essential requisite for carrying out a process such as the return or exchange of goods, since it is it that acts as proof that the purchase was actually made.

There is a law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” Article 25 of which states that the procedure for returning low-quality goods can be carried out without a cash receipt. The absence of a document of this kind from the buyer does not cancel the opportunity associated with the implementation of the protection of consumer rights.

Fiscal receipt

Many people have heard about this type of document as a fiscal check, but not everyone knows what its features are. A fiscal document is a check on which a fiscal sign is displayed. In other words, all checks containing the letter “F” are fiscal. Documents of this kind can be printed not by any cash registers, but only by those registered with the tax service. All cash receipts are divided into categories of two types - fiscal and non-fiscal. Checks belonging to the first type differ from the second group of documents in that they contain slightly more information and details, namely:

  1. Taxpayer identification number. This is a special code consisting of a numerical combination, which is necessary for monitoring taxpayers located on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as for their accounting. In the case of fiscal receipts, this is an identification number assigned to a legal entity/individual, which is the organization issuing them (store, supermarket, and so on). On a fiscal type cash receipt, the consumer must, if necessary, find an identification number.
  2. Cash register number. A device designed to automate various cash transactions, as well as ensure control of all cash receipts, record transactions related to the purchase of goods, and print receipts, is called a cash register. Each such device is assigned its own unique registration number, which must be present on fiscal receipts.
  3. Fiscal sign. The fact that there is a fiscal sign on the check is indicated by the letter “F” affixed to it. A sign of this kind is generated on a document using a special device called a fiscal drive. Such signs are divided into several types, each of which can be read in more detail in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation under number 54.

Thus, it is quite easy to distinguish a fiscal receipt from a non-fiscal document. If an individual finds on a check a code combination of numbers, which is the taxpayer identification number, as well as the number of the cash register and the letter “F” (sometimes it can be in combination with other letters of the Russian alphabet), then this indicates that he is a fiscal . In some cases, only part of the listed documents may appear on the document. In such situations, this indicates that the check was drawn up without complying with the relevant legislative norms for documents directly related to merchandising.

It should be noted that the requirements for issuing non-fiscal checks are not so stringent. Such a document may contain only part of the listed characteristics, and in some cases even all. If a non-fiscal check contains the same details as a fiscal check, then it can only be distinguished thanks to the method by which it was printed. Fiscal receipts are generated through a cash register and are documents confirming the purchase of goods. Non-fiscal receipts are printed without the use of a special cash register and are not a document as such.

Sample fiscal document

A fiscal document is a check containing a certain kind of information, with the help of which you can resolve issues arising in connection with the purchase of goods of inadequate quality, as well as resolve all problems with the tax office. In some cases, the information displayed on the fiscal document, on the contrary, indicates that the legal entity violated tax legislation. However, in any case, the check, which is a fiscal document, must contain the following information:

  1. Seller's name. First of all, this is the name of the store where the purchase is made. Sometimes the name on the store sign and the one that is official may be different. However, one way or another, this detail must be present on the check in the upper part in the center. In addition, the document must contain information indicating which legal form the seller belongs to. For example, an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Date and time. Also, the document must contain the current date in the format day/month/year and the time of purchase. As for time, it should contain information not only about hours and minutes, but even about seconds. If the time printed on the check is not synchronized with the actual time, then this is a gross violation. In such situations, the operation of the cash register is stopped until the error is completely corrected.
  3. Cash transaction number/cashier information. Each operation that is carried out at the checkout is assigned its own serial number. This digital combination is unique and is necessary for tax authorities to carry out appropriate control. Also, the check must contain the cashier’s surname and initials, and in some cases, his personal signature, indicating the validity of the purchase and sale transaction.
  4. Name of goods/purchase price. The main purpose of any receipt is to display the names of the goods that were purchased, as well as their cost. If the buyer purchased several units of the same product, then its name is written down once, and the required quantity is put opposite. The exact cost of each product must also be present, and the total purchase amount must be indicated at the bottom of the document.

It should be noted that cash registers are issued by tax authorities. At the time of issuance, these services record the numbers assigned to a particular device, and thus control that sellers pay all tax contributions on time and in full.



New laws lead to new knowledge. Before delving into the intricacies of the processes of compliance with the law and the operation of systems, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with new terms and concepts:

1. KKT (KKM) – cash register equipment (machine).

These are electronic computers that ensure the formation, in accordance with the requirements of the law, and printing of a check confirming the receipt of funds. And also providing recording and storage of information (fiscal data) in the device’s memory (fiscal drive) and transfer of data through the fiscal data operator to the tax office.

3. FP is a fiscal sign.

This is reliable information generated using a fiscal drive and a fiscal attribute key to confirm the authenticity of fiscal data. Displayed on the receipt and serves as proof of authenticity.

4. FP key – key of the fiscal attribute.

This is the main document in the formation of a fiscal indicator, allowing you to safely transmit information electronically.

5. FD – fiscal data.

This is information generated by the cash register (with the help of the Federal Tax Service), transmitted to the fiscal data operator, processed by him and transmitted to the Federal Tax Service in a specific format (FFD). The transmitted information includes information about calculations, about the organization or individual entrepreneur and the cash register used in this case.

This is a cash receipt generated according to the format established by law (FFD) in paper or electronic form, protected by a fiscal sign.

7. OFD – operator of fiscal data.

This is a specialized organization that receives, processes, stores and transmits fiscal data from cash registers to the Federal Tax Service in a certain format of fiscal documents.

8. FDF – fiscal data format.

This is a standard, a set of rules for constructing fiscal documents, regulating the presence and location of information in them. Checks for transmitting fiscal data to the buyer and OFD differ, but are regulated by the same format.

9. EDS (EP, CEP) – electronic digital signature (electronic signature, qualified electronic signature).

This is a device for storing encrypted information about the details that identify the author, verify the integrity of the document and confirm the fact of its signing. The signature itself is created by a cryptographic program using a private key. It is considered qualified if the encryption program is approved by the Russian FSB. Legally, it is an analogue of a manual signature and is used, among other things, for registering a cash register with the Federal Tax Service.

Fiscal data transmission scheme

We propose to restore the complete scheme of cash register operation and transmission of fiscal data and feedback.

Description of processes:

    The check is generated in the cash register and recorded on the FN.

    The FN signs the check to the individual FI.

    The signed check is sent to the fiscal data operator, and he, in turn, transmits a signal to the cash register that the check has been accepted. A signed check is issued to the buyer.

  1. The OFD stores this check for 5 years and, if necessary, transfers it to the Federal Tax Service.
Number of impressions: 724

Each issued check is stored in the fiscal memory of the cash register, and the seller cannot change or reset its contents. Each device is sealed. They are used by the tax authorities to verify the correctness of cash transactions.

Tax services closely monitor the issuance of fiscal checks, because all incoming cash is included in the taxable base, and income tax or a single tax is paid from it.

Fiscal check sample

Unlike non-fiscal ones, the issuance of fiscal checks is mandatory for all individual entrepreneurs and companies that use OSNO or simplified tax system. They all use the cash method of revenue recognition. Such checks are classified as strict reporting documents, and for selling goods without a fiscal receipt a fine of up to 350 minimum wages may be imposed.

Registration procedure

Attention, TODAY only!

A cash receipt is a fiscal document that is printed using a cash register (CCM) and serves to confirm the fact of purchase of a product or service. The moment of issuing a cash receipt (or sales receipt) to the buyer, in accordance with Art. 493 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is considered the moment of completion of a purchase and sale transaction between the parties. Based on this, a cash receipt is one of the conditions for the return (replacement) of purchased goods.

In the cash receipt, in accordance with clause 4 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1993.

What is the difference between a fiscal check and a non-fiscal one? Fiscal receipt

No. 745, the following information should be displayed:

name and identification number of the organization that issued it;

  • KKM serial number;
  • document serial number;
  • date and time of its issue (purchase, service provision);
  • cost of purchased goods (services);
  • sign of the fiscal regime (letters F, FP or PFP).

In some cases, a cash register receipt contains information about the amount of the discount, cumulative bonuses, etc. To verify cash register receipts, a PDA (cryptographic verification code) is used, which is printed at the end of the document and allows you to recognize it for authenticity.

Article 5 of the Federal Law “On the activities of accepting payments from individuals carried out by paying agents,” which entered into force on April 1, 2010, states that a cash receipt issued by a paying agent must contain the following details:

  • name of the document (cash receipt) and the product (service) paid for by the buyer;
  • the total amount of funds accepted by the agent;
  • the amount of remuneration paid by the payer if it is collected;
  • date and time of payment, number of cash receipt and cash register;
  • the address at which funds were accepted for payment;
  • name and location of the paying agent, his tax identification number, taxpayer number;
  • contact numbers of the supplier and payment acceptance operator, as well as the payment subagent if the funds were accepted by him.

Forgery or failure to issue a cash receipt is a violation of current legislation and entails a fine: in the case of an individual entrepreneur - from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles, for officials - from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles, for legal entities - from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles.

A cash receipt is a type of receipt that is printed by a cash register on a special tape. There are two types of checks - fiscal and non-fiscal.

Distinctive features of fiscal and non-fiscal checks

At first glance, there are no differences between fiscal and non-fiscal checks. Sellers issue both checks to the buyer when selling goods and paying in cash or by credit card.

Meanwhile, a fiscal receipt is a receipt officially posted through the seller’s cash desk. A non-fiscal check is an ordinary piece of paper; it does not serve as confirmation of your payment. But non-fiscal checks are completely legal if the seller uses UTII. In this case, he does not have to report to the tax authorities about the income coming to him, and his tax base does not depend on the actual amount of income. By law, he can only issue sales receipts to his customers. However, many consumers are very distrustful of sales receipts, so sellers often issue cash receipts in addition to them.

The main difference between a fiscal check is the presence of a fiscal sign. It is issued only by a cash register registered with the tax authorities. Such a check contains a number of mandatory details - this is an INN, a cash register registration number (KKM), a fiscal sign.

Each issued check is stored in the fiscal memory of the cash register, and the seller cannot change or reset its contents.

Classification of cash receipts and the characteristics by which they are distinguished

Each device is sealed. They are used by the tax authorities to verify the correctness of cash transactions.

Tax services closely monitor the issuance of fiscal checks, because all incoming cash is included in the taxable base, and income tax or a single tax is paid from it. Unlike non-fiscal ones, the issuance of fiscal checks is mandatory for all individual entrepreneurs and companies that use OSNO or simplified tax system. They all use the cash method of revenue recognition. Such checks are classified as strict reporting documents, and for selling goods without a fiscal receipt a fine of up to 350 minimum wages may be imposed.

Registration procedure

Cash registers are designed for registering purchases and printing cash receipts. All over the world they are used to simplify sales accounting and control by the seller. The specificity of Russia is that the cash register here serves as a tool for state control over the completeness of revenue accounting and the timely receipt of goods.

Before using, all cash registers must be registered with the tax office at the place of registration of the company. To do this, you must submit an application in the prescribed form containing the owner’s details, cash register number, hologram numbers, etc. In addition to the application, you must provide a cash register service agreement, a technical passport, a cashier-operator’s log, a lease agreement for the premises where the cash register will be installed, etc.

Attention, TODAY only!

The fiscal drive (or FN) is a replacement for the EKLZ (Electronic control tape protected - used for the uncorrectable accumulation of information about all payment documents issued on the cash register and shift closing reports). All cash register equipment must be equipped with this device.

The main task of the FN is to sign the generated check with a fiscal sign and control the sending of the check to the fiscal data operator. 30-day storage is provided in case of any problems with the transfer of checks to the fiscal data operator (for example, communication problems).

The fiscal drive performs two main functions:

  • Stores all cash receipts
  • Encrypts data and generates a special code to verify it

Models of fiscal drives used on the territory of the Russian Federation are listed in the state register of fiscal drives. You can check that your personal income tax is included in this list on the tax service website. The main service life of the FN is 13 and 36 months, depending on the model. Sometimes the validity period is 15 months. For more detailed information about the models of fiscal drives, go to the article

Models of fiscal drives. Upon expiration of the service life of the FN, it must be replaced, and the cash register itself must be re-registered.

Brief algorithm for replacing FN

What needs to be done to replace the FN? First of all, replacement of the FN occurs not only due to the expiration of the validity period, but also when the memory of the FN is full. In any of these cases, you must follow this algorithm.

  1. Complete the transfer of all documents to the OFD
    This must be done, because otherwise all the data stored on the fiscal drive will be lost forever and will not be transferred to the Federal Tax Service. Check that the shift is closed and there are no unsent documents on the CCP.
  2. Generate a “Report on closing the fiscal drive”
    This can be done at your online checkout.

    Do I need a fiscal receipt when paying by card?

    You will need the data from this report to re-register your cash register on the Federal Tax Service website.

  3. Install a new fiscal drive
    You can install the fiscal drive yourself or contact a specialist. Instructions for replacing the FN are in the documents provided by the manufacturer of your CCP.
  4. Re-register the cash register on the Federal Tax Service website
    In case of replacement of the Federal Tax Service, it is necessary to re-register the cash register on the Federal Tax Service website.

    To do this, you will need a qualified electronic signature (CES). You can obtain it from an accredited certification center. For more detailed information, refer to the article EDS - a tool for working with OFD. Detailed instructions for re-registering a cash register on the Federal Tax Service website are available at the link: Re-registration of a cash register on the Federal Tax Service website





Non-fiscal check





Most enterprises in Ukraine and Russia that are on a simplified taxation system must use cash registers to reflect financial transactions. After making a purchase, the seller must issue a fiscal receipt.

What is the difference between a fiscal check and a non-fiscal one?

The buyer, in turn, takes it automatically, sometimes without even thinking that it is a kind of document. Like any strict reporting document, a cash receipt must reflect certain information.

Existing types of cash receipts

If we talk about cash receipts, it is worth noting that there are two types of them:

  1. Fiscal checks
  2. Not fiscal checks

If you delve deeper into the concepts, the difference between them will be visible even to a person far from accounting. A fiscal receipt is a document of a certain type, which was necessarily passed through a cash register. It reflects information about the company, the amount received from the buyer, the cash register number and a number of other important information. A non-fiscal receipt may contain all the same information, with the only difference being that the transaction was not carried out through a cash register. And if a fiscal cash receipt is a document confirming the purchase of goods or payment for a particular service, then a non-fiscal receipt, in fact, is not a document.

The peculiarity of fiscal receipts is that they are necessarily stored in the memory of the cash register.

This is precisely what the fiscal memory of the cash register serves for. All receipts saved in the fiscal memory are printed at the end of the working day in order to calculate the amount and compare the resulting value with the amount in the cash register.

What are the requirements for checks?

A check is a document whose contents are specified by law. Not only the purchase amount and change are indicated here, but also the company details, cashier number and much more. We list the data that must be reflected in any fiscal receipt:

  • Cash register number issued by the tax authority when registering it;
  • Date and time of the operation. Incorrectly specified data serves as a basis for prohibiting work on the cash register until the inaccuracy is eliminated;
  • Total purchase amount;
  • Information about the cashier, including his signature;
  • The serial number of the cash transaction. It serves for control by tax authorities.

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From July 1, the second stage of cash reform will be implemented. Small businesses that have previously worked without cash registers will gain new experience. Among other things, they will have to familiarize themselves with fiscal documents. Many people know that a cash receipt is one of these. But the list of fiscal documents does not end there.

Fiscal document - what is it?

Fiscal documents are documents that are generated by a cash register. In accordance with law 54-FZ, which regulates the use of cash register equipment, all fiscal documents are now being transferred to the Tax Service. The scheme is as follows: the document is sent by the online cash register to the fiscal data operator - confirmation of its successful transmission is received in response - the OFD sends the document to the Federal Tax Service. The exchange of fiscal documents takes just a few minutes and occurs automatically.

CCP registration report

The very first fiscal document that will need to be generated is a cash register registration report. It is compiled once at primary.

The registration report reflects information about the taxpayer, the selected cash register model, the location of its installation, operating mode and fiscal data operator. In addition, the report contains information required to indicate in your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website:

  • fiscal sign of the document;
  • Document Number;
  • date and time of receipt of the fiscal sign.

Important! You can use the cash register only after the Federal Tax Service has generated a cash register card. This information is available in your personal account on the website

Shift opening report

So, the cash register is registered - you can start working. First of all you need open a shift. This is a daily operation, and it is accompanied by the generation of a report on the opening of the shift. Only after this will it be possible to accept payment at the checkout. The report reflects:

  • shift number;
  • Full name of the cashier who opened it;
  • opening date and time.

Example of a shift opening report

In addition to the report, information about the start of the shift is reflected in the user’s personal section on his OFD website. There you can also find a lot of other information - the amounts received from customers and returned to them, the size of the average check, and more. This information will allow you to more effectively monitor the store and generate various reports.

Cash receipt and its equivalent - BSO

Cash receipt- a well-known fiscal document, the creation of which accompanies every cash and bank card payment in a store. Receipts are generated not only when goods are sold, but also when they are returned, and in some other cases.

In accordance with the current version of Law 54-FZ, a cash receipt must have many different details, which are listed in paragraph 1 of Article 4.7 of this law.

A substitute for a cash receipt for some taxpayers may be strict reporting form (SSR). The form must contain the same mandatory details as a cash receipt. Organizations and entrepreneurs that provide services to the public are allowed to use BSO instead of a cash register check.

It is impossible to generate BSO on a computer - they are created using special automated systems. You can purchase them at printing houses or create them online for a small fee, and then print them on a regular printer.

From July 1, 2019, it will be possible to form a BSO exclusively using special systems - BSO-KKT.

Shift closing report

A cash register shift cannot last more than 24 hours. At the very end, it is necessary to generate a report on the closure of the shift. It contains information about the shift number, the date and time it was closed, as well as how many checks were issued.

If for some reason during the shift Not all fiscal documents were transferred to the OFD, the closing report contains their number, as well as the date and time of formation of the first of them. If the cash register stops transferring receipts to the OFD, it means something went wrong - the Internet was lost, some problems occurred in the machine itself, and so on. From the moment the fact of non-transfer of the first fiscal document is recorded, the report will begin 30 day period. During this time, “stuck” documents must be sent to the Federal Tax Service. If this does not happen, the fiscal drive (memory module of the online cash register) will be blocked and will not be able to conduct sales.

When it’s time to replace the fiscal drive, the cash register will notify you about it. This information is also reflected in the shift closing report. Such messages will begin to appear when there are 30 days left until the expiration date of the fiscal storage device or if the cash register memory is filled to 99%.

In addition, the shift close report may contain some sales data, for example, the total amount of revenue, including cash and electronic means. This information is not a required part of the report, so it may not appear. If necessary, they can be obtained from your personal account on the OFD website.

Correction check

A variation of a cash receipt is a correction check. It breaks through when when CCP was not applied in a timely manner. For example, during the payment process the cash register broke down or the electricity went out. Another example is that the cashier made a payment at the acquiring terminal, but did not issue a receipt.

A correction check allows you to avoid liability under the article 14.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for not using cash register equipment, therefore the tax authorities pay special attention to this fiscal document. You should also be prepared for the fact that inspectors may ask for clarification regarding the generation of such a check.

The adjustment procedure is as follows:

  1. Drawing up a foundation document- act or memo. It should indicate the number and date of compilation, note the time at which the cash register was not applied, and state the reason for this.
  2. Generating a correction check. It records the amount that was not punched out at the cash register in a timely manner, and indicates the date, number and name of the document from paragraph 1.
  3. Tax notice. A free-form application is drawn up in which the taxpayer reports the fact that the cash register has not been used and that it has been corrected using a correction check.

Note! If it was knocked out at the checkout incorrect amount, then there is no need to draw up a correction check. In this case, it is enough to carry out the reverse operation and then punch the correct check. For example, if a cashier incorrectly indicated the purchase amount on a sales receipt, he should generate a receipt with the attribute "return of receipt" for the wrong amount, and then issue a “receipt” check, in which you indicate the correct purchase price.

Example of a correction check

Settlement Status Report

The fiscal document mentioned in the title can be generated at any time. It contains information about documents that were not included in the OFD, as well as about the time of termination of the transfer of fiscal data.

Registration settings change report

When registering a cash register with the Federal Tax Service, the owner provides various information about himself, the cash register, and the fiscal drive. Sometimes there is a change in this data. For example, the cash register was moved from one office to another, the time came, or the store began to sell cigarettes, alcohol or other excisable goods.

In all these and many other cases it is necessary change the settings on the cash register itself and re-register it. During this process, you will need to generate a report on changes in the CCP registration parameters. It indicates the reason for re-registration of the cash register and all registration parameters. Data that is subject to change is indicated in an updated form.

Note! Re-registration of the cash register will be completed after the user provides the data from this report in his personal account on the Tax Service website.

Financial Fund closing report

Throughout the article we have repeatedly mentioned fiscal storage- this is the memory of the online cash register. It encrypts, stores and transmits fiscal documents over the Internet. , after which it should be replaced. There are also other reasons for replacing it, for example, the cash register is deregistered or the storage capacity of the drive runs out.

Before generating a report on closing a financial fund, you should make sure that there are no untransferred documents left in it. This information can be obtained from the shift closing report.

If everything is in order, you can form report on the closure of the financial fund. It will contain the parameters necessary to re-register the cash register in connection with replacing the drive or to deregister it. This is a fiscal sign, the date and time of its receipt and the number of the fiscal document. The same information will be reflected.

A short video about correction checks:

In modern market realities, to regulate the process of trade turnover between sellers and buyers, requirements for conducting business activities are established.

The main requirement when selling goods, works or services is receipt confirmation of the transaction.

Every day we receive a large number of checks, but without giving them any importance, we often throw them into the trash. However, a check is not just a useless piece of paper, it is a payment document.

Checks can be printed in different forms and have different names. The most popular on the market is the fiscal check. Let's try to figure out what a fiscal check is.

A fiscal receipt is a document printed on a cash register, issued by the seller to the buyer as confirmation of the purchase of a product or service.

A cash register issuing fiscal receipts is subject to mandatory registration with the tax authority.

In order to register a cash register, you need to contact the tax service. The fiscal regime in the cash register is established only by the tax inspector. After installation, the inspector must check the device by printing a test receipt on it.

The check verifies special details and cash reports. If the device works without problems, the inspector registers it in the general tax system and puts it into circulation.

The seller uses fiscal checks to maintain accounting or tax records at the enterprise, and the buyer can use the check to return the product if it is not suitable for him.

A receipt is a document that confirms the fact of purchasing goods for a certain amount on a certain date.

Since the check is an official document registered with the tax office, regulatory requirements are imposed on its appearance, namely, it must contain fiscal data. What is the fiscal data in the check?

So, the fiscal receipt must contain the following details:

The fiscal mark looks different on different cash registers. As a rule, an indication of a fiscal receipt looks like the following designations: FR, F, FP, KKM with FP, Fiscal, Fiscal document.

Sample fiscal receipt

In the most general version, a fiscal receipt of a legal entity in 2019 may look like this:


Cashier: Sergeeva Olga

KKM 01189090 #8909

INN 1145765565098

EKLZ 6785467345

05/30/18 21:09 SIS.

Drywall 10X12

Acrylic paint Hidler 7l


CASH =1600.00


00006789# 049005

Having defined the concept of a fiscal check, you need to understand what the concept of non-fiscal payment documents means.

A non-fiscal receipt is a receipt printed on paper and is not a confirmation of the purchase or sale of goods.

If in tax relations a legal entity is in the UTII (single tax on imputed income) regime, then the company has every right to use non-fiscal checks.

The main distinguishing features of fiscal checks from non-fiscal ones are the following:

Unlike non-fiscal checks, fiscal checks are mandatory for legal entities in the form of individual entrepreneurs and business entities under the simplified taxation system and OSNO tax regimes.

For carrying out activities without a fiscal receipt, a legal entity may be punished with a fine of up to 350 minimum wages.

In order for fiscal receipts to meet established requirements, you first need to correctly register cash register equipment.

In 2016, the law established a mandatory requirement for all enterprises to maintain an online cash register. Its presence greatly facilitated contact between the seller and control and supervisory authorities, which began to receive all the necessary information about tax agents via the Internet.

To register a cash register, you must submit a package of documents to the tax authority at the location of the company.

The package of documents must include: an agreement with a third-party organization for servicing the cash register, an application in the established form indicating the cash register number and details of the legal entity, a technical passport of the device, a lease agreement if the premises are not owned, etc.

As part of the new federal law regulating online cash registers, on July 1, 2017, the Federal Tax Service launched a project to verify fiscal receipts.

The check can be carried out by anyone who downloads the “Cash Receipt Check” mobile application from the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation to their phone.

The application allows you to check the legality of checks, store them electronically and, if signs of violation of the law are detected, promptly report them to the tax service.

After installing this application, you will need to register in it, indicating your personal data. This is done so that when making a purchase you can present the barcode to the cashier and receive a receipt using it, not to mention your data.

Having a receipt in hand, the user can send a request to verify the transfer of information about the purchase to the Federal Tax Service. To do this, you need to scan a QR code or manually enter the data from the receipt.

The application provides the opportunity to send a message to the Federal Tax Service in the following cases:

  • The tax authorities have no information about the transaction;
  • No printed or electronic receipt was issued by the seller;
  • A check was issued with errors in the details.

Now many third-party unofficial sites also have services for checking the legality of checks.

Running a business is a great responsibility and high risks. Tax authorities maintain endless and total control over the process of deduction of tax payments, without missing a single fact of violation.

Competent payment document flow and control over cash accounting will save your business from unscheduled inspections and penalties for failure to issue fiscal receipts.
