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An angry letter to the boss. An angry letter from a mother to her daughter's father, who was never there. Options for letter writing techniques

The letter appeared in one of the public pages.

“Vladimir Vladimirych Putin, who was once deeply respected by me, is now, by hook or by crook, trying to force the Donbass back into Ukraine. But not the pre-war Ukraine, where, although the Russian language was oppressed, they were not beaten for it in the streets. Where the number of Russian schools was steadily declining, but they still continued to exist on the entire left bank of the Dnieper,” the Donetsk resident allegedly wrote.

He complained about Russophobia and “brutal hatred” towards Russia on the part of Ukraine.

“On this matter, I would like to ask the most influential president in the world:

“Vladimir Vladimirych, is this the kind of Ukraine you are trying to bring two million Russian people into? People who believed your calls and promises? People who have been living in war for three years, many of whom have lost loved ones and relatives, many of whom have lost a roof over their heads and everything they acquired during their difficult Donetsk life,” writes a Donetsk resident.

“Do you want to force us to live in the same country again with the people who killed Donetsk and Lugansk children? Do you want to drive people into fascist Ukraine who were forced to leave the war in the Russian Federation and there, feeling the close “care and attention” of your minions and accomplices, experienced the full hostility of the Russians, overwhelmed by your lies and propaganda? If the Russian Federation has such an attitude towards the residents of Donbass, what can we expect in Ukraine?!” - he added.

The man also demanded that Putin return the Ukraine that existed before the Maidan.

“Bring her back with Professor Yanyk - we’ll be patient. Bring her back with Crimea, where we allowed ourselves to go, although not often. Rewind that time so that grievances and strife are forgotten, so that families who have quarreled to smithereens over the years can become friends again. Give us back the opportunity to visit our relatives on the territory of Ukraine and not hide the fact that you are a Donetsk citizen because yesterday there, in Ukraine, there was a funeral for another cyborg, who used to be a simple guy, and now his brothers and friends are ready to lynch any Donetsk citizen out of an understandable sense of revenge.” ,” he turned to Putin.

“Can you? If yes, then we will discuss it. And, most likely, we will agree, having eaten our fill of the “Russian world” in your interpretation. Let’s throw the tricolor flags into the latrine and again become Donbass crests, to whom no one promised anything. But first, put it all back! Everything you have done with your incompetent policies. Everything you did here and didn’t do when you needed to!” - he summed up.

Now I will tell you about a psychological technique that is so safe and universal that psychologists recommend it as “homework” to their clients. It will help you let go of some feelings and emotions that make you uncomfortable, respond to them and become aware of them. This technique is effective for losses, breakups, resentments, guilt and other “social” feelings.

It can be used whenever you think you need it.

Letter writing technique

You need at least 15 minutes of free time. At this time, no one should tug or disturb you. Dedicate this time exclusively to yourself and this exercise.

Have a few blank sheets of paper and a pen ready. It is best to write by hand rather than typing on a computer. This way the effect is better.

Focus on your feelings and who is “to blame” for them. On the person they are associated with. Stay in this for a while.

Now start writing. Contact this person and write everything you want to tell him right now. the main task- express your feelings. The less censorship and control there is in your writing, the better. Swearing, ultimatums, accusations, angry reproaches, and name-calling are acceptable and encouraged. Whatever you want to say right now, even if you don't usually say anything like that in life. Remember that this is not just a letter, but a psychological technique. The more you open up, the better it will work.

Phrases like “you should have” or “I demand that”, “you owe me”, “I hate you” and so on are welcome.

Focus on treating the person. Don’t go into lengthy thoughts about “how” or “about what”. For example, if the reason for writing a letter is betrayal, you should not argue that “cheating undermines trust in couples and, according to research, blah blah blah.” Write “you are a goat, I believed you, and you are a male!”

It is important to address the letter to a person. Address your statements to the person. Tell him how you feel. What he should have done, what he should do now. Call him all the words you want. It is important to “breathe out” the letter. And a good exhalation is one that lasts until the end.

When you feel that there is nothing more to say, put down the pen. Now re-read letter. Re-read as many times as you see fit. Live through the emotions that have spilled out until they lose their power. And then destroy the letter. Two methods of destruction are recommended:

  • Burn. (Remember about fire safety);
  • tear into small pieces and flush down the toilet (remember the wrath of the plumber).

The methods are equivalent - choose any. The main thing is never, under any circumstances, do not give this letter to the addressee! This is very fraught. If you really need it, then it’s better to tell him the contents later. The letter itself is solely an expression of your emotions, and not a personal message for communication. You need to understand this.

Options for letter writing techniques

Various techniques for writing such letters are usually based on narrowing the field of possibilities and focusing on some aspect.

For example, you can write a letter of 40 sentences, each of which begins with the phrase “I am grateful to you for...”.

Phrases may be different. For example, “You should...”, “I miss...” or similar.

An important condition in this case is the limitation on quantity. It is important to type the required number of sentences, but also not to write more than required (it is better to repeat the technique a little later). Focus on the number 40. I don’t know why, you can use .

Of course, after writing a letter, it must also be destroyed. Even if it's a thank you note. Believe me, it's better this way.

You can write such letters at any time. Then when you have something to say. I know that in critical moments, some people are capable of writing several such letters a day. Which proves that it gives them relief.

Technique use case

Some people "don't trust paper." That is, they still try to decorate it more beautifully, despite the fact that no one will see or recognize it. Some people simply find it difficult to entrust the flow of emotions to paper.

For such people, you can do the same technique, but in a reciting version.

  1. Give yourself peace of mind. Without outside interference, without distractions. It is important that no one sees or hears you.
  2. Place a toy, photograph or object on the chair in front of you.
  3. Imagine that this toy is the person with whom you want to end the situation.
  4. Speak with your voice the way you want.

For some people this option is better.


To the manager of the Tambov branch
OJSC JSCB "********-Bank"
********** *. *.
From the Victim ********** ********* *********
Tambov, st. ************, house **, apt.**

Dear Olga Yurievna!

Yesterday, August 30, 2006, having finished a hard day at work, I headed to the ATM on Oktyabrskaya Street, 1. On the way, I sang “money, money, rubbish” and clearly imagined how I was converting despicable pieces of paper for an evening with a wonderful acquaintance in some a nearby cafe. Suspecting nothing, I went to the ATM, inserted the card, entered the PIN code and decided that 1500 (one thousand five hundred) rubles was quite a suitable amount (and you won’t go hungry and the toad won’t choke you later), I pressed “Enter”. Well, since a strict paper saving regime has been introduced in our office, I responded with a decisive refusal to the machine’s offer to print a check. After all, after all, you and I are one holding company, and therefore we are doing a common cause and should help each other save, even on bank checks.

While waiting for the money, I thought and vividly imagined a cold mug of foamy Krušovica. hot Bavarian sausages with mustard, which only took a couple of minutes from the squalling frying pan, an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, cheerful friends and pretty girlfriends. Some 20 minutes separated me from the celebration of life, where there is no place for bosses and subordinates, behind-the-scenes intrigues and behind-the-scenes struggles... And at that moment I looked at the hole in the ATM, where bills are usually dispensed from. They were already lying there and waiting for me to take possession of them, my hard-earned 1,500 rubles. But as soon as I reached out my hand for them, something creaked, buzzed, and as if in the blink of a magic wand, the money was pulled back into the ATM. The world collapsed - that was the first thing I thought at that moment. But out loud he only uttered a word reflecting brief description a notorious girl, which I cannot cite here due to my good upbringing.

Hoping for the best, I checked my balance, but it turned out that the money had already been debited from my account. And here. the evening that seemed so pleasant instantly changed. The prospects of meeting lovers of Krusovica and Bavarian sausages, warmth and comfort to boot, have also disappeared. I stood at the soulless ATM and asked questions:
1. Why is everything so wrong in this world and where is universal justice?
2. Why can everything be achieved only by deception and lies?
3. Why do good people live short lives, and bad people live long?
4. Why do people coordinate their actions based only on personal gain?
5. How can you enjoy beer, sausages and the company of a wonderful acquaintance without money?

After smoking and thinking about the vanity of life, I decided that if I think carefully, then in principle, well, purely theoretically, I can allocate another amount equivalent to 1,500 rubles. for this evening. And without much enthusiasm, I again trudged to the ATM. Again, out of habit, I inserted the card and entered the PIN code, and began to wait for the coveted compensation from colored pieces of paper. But this time only a check came out, although I didn’t ask for it, and a card. On the check there was an inscription indicating a complete fiasco, as well as the fact that I would fall asleep today hungry, sober and alone, namely: “Sorry, the ATM ran out of bills” (I saved this check in case you also have paper saving and you have to print out new receipts for back side old And I can give it to you on occasion).

P.S. I ask you to credit the amount of 1,500 rubles that was forcibly taken from me by an ATM. to my plastic card account.

What would you say to a man who refused to participate in raising your common child, but decided to return to his life when he became an adult?

You would probably be bitter and offended... Because raising a child alone, without the support of a father, is doubly difficult. Because all children dream of a complete family and miss the parent who is not around. It just so happens that if a family breaks up, then it is the father who disappears from the child’s life. Sometimes he decides to completely cut himself out of the lives of his children, depriving them of any support...

And a woman has to go through her entire parental journey alone, overcome all the difficulties of growing up, uncomfortable questions, and solve financial problems.

Why did you remember about your daughter only when she grew up?

Prom, wedding, birth of a child - all these are the happiest moments for any parent. But now I'm filled with anger. Anger - because only now, when our daughter is already an adult and all the difficulties associated with her upbringing are behind, you suddenly wanted to enter her life - you, who had never been with her in difficult times.

She was five when we divorced and you decided to cut her out of your life. I know that you were hurt by my decision to break up with you, but why was my daughter to blame? You took revenge by depriving her of financial support. There were times when I didn’t even have enough money for food and heating, and I denied myself everything so that the girl could live warm and eat enough. I understand perfectly well that you didn’t owe me anything, but no one canceled your debt towards your daughter.

She missed you so much. I remember that at the age of eight she really wanted to meet you, and we, not knowing your address or telephone number, still managed to find you. She begged you to come see her, and you met her twice. And then you came to our house when my daughter was at school and demanded that I explain to her that you would not be able to see her. I asked you to wait for her return and tell her about it yourself. But you weren't ready for even that little.

You waited for us outside and told her: “We won’t see each other for a while. You and I have nothing in common yet. I’ll come when you’re 12 and you can already talk about something.” You turned and left, and we both returned home in tears. Finally, she turned 12, but you didn’t show up, didn’t wish her a happy birthday or a Merry Christmas. No cards, no gifts. It was as if she didn't exist. On her 13th birthday, she asked: “Do you think dad remembers my birthday?” What was my answer? I was simply crushed.

She grew up, and I helped her survive all the inevitable difficulties, teenage frustrations, and failures. You weren't there. Now that we have a wonderful granddaughter, I have no one to share my pride with, no one to say: “Just look at our creation!” Because you have nothing to do with it. I did everything myself.

Now all the difficulties are over, the time has come to reap the wonderful rewards, and you want to bask in the glory. You intend to walk your daughter down the aisle and give a solemn “father’s speech” at the wedding. Although there is not a single funny incident from her childhood that you witnessed, and until recently you also knew nothing about her adult life. I'm sick of this hypocrisy. I cannot deprive my daughter of the joy of seeing her father at her wedding. That's why I'll have to agree to have you there. But it is not you who will lead her to the crown. I don't know who she will choose for this role. But it definitely won't be you.

I taught my daughter love and compassion, which is why she wanted to communicate with you again, despite the fact that you rejected her, cutting off all ties with her for many years. If so, I will accept her decision, but keep in mind that your place is somewhere in the background. Maybe our daughter is able to forgive you. I will never forgive.
