Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Analysis of the activities of the enterprise LLC "McDonald's. Choose your "McDonald's McDonald's brief description

Short story McDonald's company.

It all started with the fact that Dick and Mac McDonald's had their own small restaurant in San Bernandino, California USA. In 1948, the doors of this restaurant were closed to customers in order to open a new restaurant in its place, already with a new concept. This concept was fast service, low prices and high turnover. And it was not unusual for a crowd of 150 shoppers to line up for penny burgers during rush hour.

In 1954, a cocktail machine salesman, Ray Kroc, saw the work of McDonald's for the first time. Ray was 52 years old, and he went to the restaurant to find out how they managed to sell 20,000 cocktails every month. He had an idea: “It can work anywhere! In any!"

On April 15, 1955, Ray Kroc opened his first restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, USA. This year marked the founding of McDonald's Corporation.

Characteristics of the organization.

The McDonald's restaurant is a limited liability company.

Societies with limited liability received the greatest distribution in Russia. This commercial organization created by one or more persons, authorized capital which is divided into shares of sizes determined by the constituent documents. Members of a limited liability company are not liable for its obligations, but bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of their contributions.

A participant in a limited liability company has the right to freely alienate his share or part of it to any other participant. However, such actions in relation to third parties are limited by the right of preemptive acquisition by other members of the company and may even be prohibited by the Articles of Association.

The management of the activities of a limited liability company is carried out by its supreme bodygeneral meeting participants and executive agency- collegial or sole.

A member of the company may withdraw from it at any time, regardless of the consent of the other members. In this case, he must be paid the value of the part of the property corresponding to his share in the authorized capital.

Educational practice took place at the McDonald's restaurant. McDonald's Restaurant Limited Liability Company is a chain of express restaurants serving hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, french fries, soft drinks, milkshakes and a variety of desserts. McDonald's Corporation is a huge company that serves more than 47 million customers daily around the world. More recently, salads and fruits have been added to the menu of McDonald's restaurants. Many restaurants are equipped with playgrounds, which attracts even more customers there. In addition, the designers of the corporation are constantly bringing something new to the design of restaurants, and therefore it is always cozy and comfortable there. Some McDonald's restaurants even have fireplaces and cozy armchairs to relax in. Income Corporation "McDonald's" is constantly increasing. According to statistics, by 2015, income increased by 27 percent and amounted to $22.8 billion. This corporation opened its restaurants in many countries of the world and thus became the most popular and famous company, which controls the activities of its branches anywhere in the world. The company takes care of the comfort and well-being of its customers, regardless of location.

Organizational structure of McDonald's management.

The management structure of LLC "McDonald's" belongs to the category of linear-functional structures. The maximum number of subordination levels is 3. (Picture 1)

Picture 1

The implementation of almost all the most important functions of management and management is closed to the first head of the LLC, which determines an extremely high degree of information load.

The current management system is a rigidly centralized management system. Such a structure works successfully in the mode of implementation of management decisions, but it is ineffective at the stage of their preparation. As a result, in most cases, the staff for the most part does not take a direct part in the preparation of decisions (at best, they receive instructions from the head and prepare the necessary information used to make decisions). In such a system, the goals of the staff rarely coincide with the goals of the manager.

Advantages of a linear-functional control system:

Firstly, it ensures the rapid implementation of actions on orders, instructions given by higher managers to lower ones, which is facilitated by the hierarchy of such a management structure.

Secondly, it involves the formation of functional units based on their optimization. Each of them performs strictly certain functions, and together - the whole range of functions that ensure the smooth operation of production.

Thirdly, the division of labor between functional units facilitates the work of improving business skills, contributes to the overall expansion of knowledge within each functional unit during the gradual accumulation of experience.

Fourthly, there is a rapid implementation of actions on the orders received, descended "from top to bottom", and feedback is implemented faster.

Fifth, an opportunity is created for quick maneuvering of production, labor and material resources, based on the tasks of top-level managers.

The disadvantages of such a control system are:

Lack of close relationships and interaction at a horizontal level between production departments.

An overly developed system of interaction along the vertical, namely, subordination along the management hierarchy.

The General Director is assisted in the development of specific issues and the preparation of relevant decisions, programs, plans special apparatus management, consisting of functional units. These divisions carry out their decisions through CEO, or (within special powers) directly bring them to specialized services or individual performers at a lower level. Functional divisions, as a rule, do not have the right to independently give orders to production divisions.

Functional Services ( financial department, logistics department) relieve line managers from planning financial settlements, accounting issues, etc.

Table 1. Job structure at McDonald's

Conclusion: in general, the current organizational and functional management structure of McDonald's LLC is a vertically managed production and economic complex. Functional organizational structures personnel management allow top management to focus on strategic issues, create favorable conditions for achieving high efficiency through specialization. Their disadvantages include the fact that they contribute to the emergence of a kind of organizational partitions between grouped works.

1.2 Characteristics of the activity financial accounting

The main working documents of the organization are:

Order on the accounting policy of the enterprise;

Forms of primary accounting documents approved by the head;

Workflow charts;

Chart of accounts approved by the head accounting;

Forms of internal reporting approved by the head.

The formation of the choice of accounting policy is one of the first necessary conditions to start the operation of the enterprise and directly affects financial condition enterprises. It lays down the procedure and methods (methods) for conducting financial accounting. Therefore, depending on the chosen accounting policy, it develops economic activity economic entity at the present level.

Accounting and financial reporting in market conditions is based on a number of principles that make it a fairly effective tool financial management. A principle is the starting position of any theory or doctrine.

The basic principles of financial accounting involve the use of certain assumptions, rules and requirements.

Accounting rules are presented in the law "On Accounting" as the main requirements for accounting:

-accounting financial accounting of property, liabilities and business operations of organizations is carried out in foreign currency Russian Federation- in rubles;

- property owned by an organization is accounted for separately from the property of other legal entities owned by this organization;

-accounting financial records are kept by the organization continuously from the moment of its registration as a legal entity until reorganization or liquidation;

- the organization maintains financial accounting of property, liabilities and business transactions by double entry on interrelated financial accounting accounts included in the working chart of financial accounting accounts;

- analytical accounting data must correspond to the turnover and balances of synthetic accounting accounts;

- all business transactions and inventory results are subject to timely registration on financial accounting accounts without any omissions or exceptions;

- in the financial accounting of organizations, current production costs and capital investments are accounted for separately.

Analysis of the activities of the enterprise LLC "McDonald's"

Brief description of McDonald's LLC

It all started when two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald's, had their own little restaurant in San Bernandino, California, USA. In 1948, the doors of this restaurant were closed to customers in order for a new restaurant to open in its place, already with a new concept. This concept was fast service, low prices and high turnover.

Today, McDonald's serves millions of customers every day in 25,000 restaurants located in more than 110 countries and is largest company in area fast food in the world.

At the same time, McDonald's employs more than seven hundred and fifty thousand people who serve restaurant visitors.

Working at McDonald's opens the door to a world of opportunity for both people who already work for the company and outsiders. For example, more than half of middle and senior managers started their careers in a restaurant. In fact, one-eighth of America's working-age population worked at McDonald's at various times.

McDonald's values different people. In addition to the fact that people of different cultures and nationalities work in restaurants, the company does not put obstacles in hiring people with physical disabilities. McDonald's accepts both older people who have already retired and young people who work for the first time in their lives.

Starting his career at McDonald's, any person first becomes an employee with the position of "restaurant crew member". By working better and gradually gaining new skills, a worker can rise to the position of instructor. The next step is the swing manager. This is a lower-level manager working in one of the positions - counter manager or kitchen manager. To be in control throughout your shift production department restaurant, you must reach the level of Suite Manager. The next stage of professional growth is the position of the second assistant, then the first, and in the end you can become the director of the restaurant. We will consider the functions of management on the example of the functioning of one restaurant.

Consider some aspects of the policy of the corporation "McDonald's".

1. Policy against discrimination and harassment.

2. Policy of non-conflict of interest. This policy is designed to protect customers from distractions from visiting McDonald's and to enable employees to work effectively.

3. Policy "3 K: contact, cooperation, coordination".

The contact is that people working on the site, who are properly managed, should always know what to do. Thanks to the contact they know what is going on in the restaurant in this moment what the situation may be and how it will affect their work.

Cooperation. The site manager is the person who creates the spirit of teamwork. He knows that work will be successful if workers help each other automatically to get the job done right.

Coordination is the ability to organize people, products and equipment before a shift and to control it all during a shift.

Thus, McDonald's Corporation is one of the most successful corporations in the world today.

It all started when two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald's, had their own little restaurant in San Bernandino, California, USA. In 1948, the doors of this restaurant were closed to customers in order for a new restaurant to open in its place, already with a new concept. This concept was fast service, low prices and high turnover.

Today, McDonald's serves millions of customers every day in 25,000 restaurants located in more than 110 countries and is the largest fast food company in the world.

At the same time, McDonald's employs more than seven hundred and fifty thousand people who serve restaurant visitors.

Working at McDonald's opens the door to a world of opportunity for both people who already work for the company and outsiders. For example, more than half of middle and senior managers started their careers in a restaurant. In fact, one-eighth of America's working-age population worked at McDonald's at various times.

McDonald's values ​​all sorts of people. In addition to the fact that people of different cultures and nationalities work in restaurants, the company does not put obstacles in hiring people with physical disabilities. McDonald's accepts both older people who have already retired and young people who work for the first time in their lives.

Starting his career at McDonald's, any person first becomes an employee with the position of "restaurant crew member". By working better and gradually gaining new skills, a worker can rise to the position of instructor. The next step is the swing manager. This is a lower-level manager working in one of the positions - counter manager or kitchen manager. To be able to manage the production department of a restaurant throughout your shift, you must reach the level of suite manager. The next stage of professional growth is the position of the second assistant, then the first, and in the end you can become the director of the restaurant. We will consider the functions of management on the example of the functioning of one restaurant.

Consider some aspects of the policy of the corporation "McDonald's".

1. Policy against discrimination and harassment.

2. Policy of non-conflict of interest. This policy is designed to protect customers from distractions from visiting McDonald's and to enable employees to work effectively.

Policy "3 K: contact, cooperation, coordination".

The contact is that people working on the site, who are properly managed, should always know what to do. Thanks to the contact, they know what is happening in the restaurant at the moment, what the situation may be and how it will affect their work.

Cooperation. The site manager is the person who creates the spirit of teamwork. He knows that work will be successful if workers help each other automatically to get the job done right.

Coordination is the ability to organize people, products and equipment before a shift and to control it all during a shift.

Thus, McDonald's Corporation is one of the most successful corporations in the world today.

Improving the development strategy of the enterprise (on the example of Uyut LLC)
INTRODUCTION Today, enterprise development strategies are the fundamental core in enterprise management, which should ensure sustainable economic development of the enterprise ...

Characteristics of the activities of McDonald's LLC

General information about the activities of the enterprise

The McDonald's brand immortalized the names of the brothers Dick and Mac McDonald, who were the first in the world to propose a new restaurant concept: high quality, low prices, fast service.

They opened their first restaurant, equipped according to this concept, in December 1948. And it immediately became clear that they had managed to capture the spirit of the time, one of the main distinguishing features of which was the ever-increasing pace of life. However, the true father of the McDonald's brand was 52-year-old milkshake machine salesman Ray Kroc. It was he who came up with the idea to make the McDonald brothers system work wherever a restaurant could be built. On March 2, 1955, he founded a franchise company called McDonald's Sistem Inc., which began the brand's triumphal march around the globe.

McDonald's is the largest restaurant company in the world. It includes more than 30 thousand restaurants, which serve 46 million people in 110 countries in just one day. IN annual ratings of the most expensive brands held by Interbrand, McDonald's traditionally ranks in the top ten. Authoritative international magazine Global Finance Magazine called McDonald's "one of the best global companies."

McDonald's came to Russia thanks to another enterprising and enterprising person - George Cohon, who at that time headed the company in Canada. The idea to open a restaurant in Moscow came to him in 1976, during the Olympic Games in Montreal. It took a long 12 years to "break through" the idea in various Soviet institutions, until in 1988 an agreement was signed between McDonald's in Canada and the government of Moscow. It took two years to build the largest production and distribution center in Eastern Europe, Makkompleks ", build and equip the first McDonald's restaurant, train staff. Finally, on January 31, 1990, McDonald's on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow opened its doors to visitors.

As of March 1, 2010, there are 235 McDonald's restaurants in Russia.

McDonald's LLC was established in 2002 as a Limited Liability Company to provide services in the field of Catering.

The founding document of the Society is the Charter.

This enterprise is legal entity with the moment of it state registration, has separate property, has an independent balance sheet, current account, round seal, trademark and other details.

The company was established with the aim of making a profit from economic activity, which is aimed at meeting the demand of the population in public catering, and on the basis of profit-making, the social and economic interests of the founders and members of the Society.

LLC "McDonald's" is obliged in accordance with the Charter:

fulfill the obligations arising from the legislation of the Russian Federation and the agreements concluded by it,

conclude employment contracts,

fully and on time to pay the employees of the enterprise for wages and social benefits,

carry out all types of compulsory insurance,

submit income tax returns and financial statements in a timely manner,

pay taxes in accordance with tax laws.

The list of basic services provided by the enterprise includes the following items:

service of solemn events,

catering services,

organization of cultural leisure of the population.

Such type of activity as public catering services serves not only for catering and leisure activities of the population, but is also closely related to its health and safety. Indeed, a poorly prepared dish can not only spoil a person’s mood, but also affect his health, and sometimes even life.

Quality, Service Culture, Cleanliness and Availability are the key components of McDonald's success in Russia. These concepts include thorough training of employees, and the organization of a network of reliable and high-quality suppliers, and the efficiency and creativity of managers, and the award-winning architecture of restaurants, as well as the contribution that McDonald's makes to social life society. In Russia, all this, it can be said without exaggeration, started from scratch.

The friendly team has become the key to the success and popularity of McDonald's restaurants. People are the backbone of a company. This is what makes McDonald's special. McDonald's strictly follows Russian labor laws and builds its own personnel policy solely on the basis of Russian laws.

McDonald's provides equal and fair opportunities for everyone: employees and everyone who wants to get a job, as well as equal opportunities for career development, increase wages regardless of gender, marital status, religion, nationality and age.

To work in McDonald's restaurants, as a rule, they accept from the age of 18. Further, age does not matter. The main thing is that they are energetic, sociable people. The average age of restaurant employees is 22 years. A flexible work schedule, set depending on the desire and capabilities of the employees themselves and providing for work in the evening or in the morning, as well as on weekends, allows students to successfully combine work and study, and young parents to take care of their children.

McDonald's has a strict health and safety policy that focuses primarily on maintaining a healthy and safe work environment. All workplaces in restaurants and at McComplex meet safety requirements, sanitary standards and kept clean. Resting places, locker rooms, showers have everything necessary equipment. The state of equipment, workplaces, as well as utility rooms is constantly monitored.

In working with people, the company is guided by an open door policy and cares about the moral climate in the workplace. All new employees go through a special orientation program, which helps to overcome the difficulties that arise in the first days of work. All McDonald's employees can contact the manager or the local personnel department (each restaurant, as well as McComplex, has its own personnel departments) with any question and. after stating the problems, get support from a human resources development specialist.

McDonald's has a well-developed training system, both for beginners and for management team. The training system allows people to acquire professional skills that can be used throughout labor activity. I. Note that all training is completely free. About 90 employees have been trained at the Hamburger Institute in Oak Brook, USA. All McDonald's employees have the opportunity to reach the restaurant manager level or higher.

At McDonald's, all employees get a real opportunity for career growth and achieving the highest positions in the company. This is the focus of an intensive development program for employees at all levels.

Wages in the company are paid strictly in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation. The system of remuneration - hourly and salaries. Employees of the restaurants "McDonald's" and "McComplex" are on hourly pay labor, which increases depending on the assessment of performance indicators.

Office workers and managers receive a salary that depends on the position they hold, and may increase based on performance evaluation.

All McDonald's employees enjoy the following benefits:

Discounted lunches

To the break set labor law Russia, McDonald's adds paid breaks

Well-equipped lounge - with TV, VCR, adapted for lunch breaks

Employee events - discos, picnics, sweet days, parenting days, Thanksgiving and special events that encourage great work

KVN team and football team

Employees' children are provided with free tickets to New Year's performances, as well as free vouchers to a summer health camp.

Competitions are regularly held for employees, as a result of which the winners are awarded with prizes and gifts.

Program " Best Worker months." Based on the results of the evaluation of performance indicators in each restaurant, the best employee of the month is selected, who receives a gift from the company.

A performance appraisal program encourages an increase in hourly rate or salary.

Long Service Awards: for 1, 3 and 5 years of work, all employees of the company are awarded badges with McDonald's symbols, and for 10 years of work - a gold ring with a diamond.

The Education Support Program is an opportunity to receive a personal McDonald's scholarship for the successful combination of study and work.

In 2001, at the food processing and distribution center"Makkompleks" introduced a program to support large families: the payment of targeted material assistance, special events for children, the purchase of all school supplies by September 1st.

To develop the network, McDonald's plans to open 500 restaurants by 2031. Annually, 25 new points are rented. 75-80% of the business is still concentrated in Moscow. With the growth of prosperity in the regions, the ratio is likely to change.

There is also an active implementation of the McCafe network. Its concept was born in Australia. The coffee house is part of McDonald's and is located inside the restaurant with a different interior and menu. People come here primarily to communicate. At present time is running horizontal development. There are now 25 coffee houses in Moscow, and 7 in St. Petersburg.

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