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ECD "Travel to outer space" presentation for a lesson on the world around us (preparatory group) on the topic. Presentation "a trip to space" Presentation a trip to the country of astronautics

  • Prepared and carried out
  • Shaveleva Olga Alexandrovna,
  • primary school teacher at Podozersk secondary school, Ivanovo region, Komsomolsky district
  • Since ancient times, the mysterious world of planets and stars has attracted the attention of people, attracting them with its mystery and beauty.
  • Astronomers have proven that the Earth flies in space, revolving around the Sun, making one revolution around its axis per year.
  • “Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer the entire solar space.”
  • Tsiolkovsky K.E.
  • And now... Start! The rocket rises up, leaving the cosmic harbor of the Universe - Baikonur.
  • TSIOLKOVSKY Konstantin Eduardovich (1857-1935), Russian scientist and inventor, founder of modern cosmonautics. As a child, I almost completely lost my hearing and studied independently from the age of 14; in 1879 he passed the exam for the title of teacher as an external student, and taught physics and mathematics all his life.
  • KOROLEV Sergei Pavlovich (1906/07-1966), Russian scientist and designer. Under Korolev’s leadership, rockets, the first artificial Earth satellites, and the Vostok and Voskhod spaceships were created, which were the first in history to carry out a human space flight and a human spacewalk.
  • On October 4, 1957, the beginning of the space age, the first artificial Earth satellite (PS-1) was launched.
  • November 3, 1957 - the second artificial satellite was launched, in its cabin was the dog Laika, equipped with everything necessary for life.
  • The self-propelled vehicle that traveled on the surface of the Moon is the “Lunokhod” - an automatic or controlled device for working and moving on the surface of the Moon.
  • On September 12, 1959, Luna-2, an automatic station, reached the surface of the Moon, and the Earth-Moon route was laid for the first time.
  • On August 20, 1960, the spacecraft was launched
  • on board are dogs Strelka and Belka.
  • Such a capsule contained animals during the flights of the first satellites.
  • February 12, 1961 - Venera 1, spacecraft, and then Mars.
  • April 12, 1961 is the day of the flight of the world's first cosmonaut, Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin.
  • GAGARIN Yuri Alekseevich (1934-68), Russian cosmonaut, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (1961), flew into space on the Vostok spacecraft. Participated in the education and training of astronaut crews. Died during a training flight on an airplane.
  • "East"
  • Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,
  • How he swept through people's hearts!
  • It seemed as if the world had involuntarily become kinder,
  • I was shocked by my victory.
  • What kind of universal music he thundered,
  • That holiday, in the colorful flames of banners,
  • When the unknown son of the land of Smolensk
  • Was adopted by the Earth-planet.
  • Resident of the Earth, this heroic fellow
  • In your space vessel,
  • In a circular pattern, forever unprecedented,
  • In the depths of the sky he waved above her...
  • (Alexander Tvardovsky)
  • Having completed a full revolution around the planet in 108 minutes on the ship, Gagarin safely returned to Earth on the same day.
  • There was no end to the rejoicing of the people. They perceived this event as a joyful holiday.
  • April 12, 1961 on the streets of Moscow. The first manned flight into space became a true holiday for the entire Soviet people.
  • Moscow solemnly welcomed the first conqueror of the Universe.
  • Distant nebulae swirling,
  • All the extraordinary beauty
  • The universe was looking at you
  • And you looked into the face of the Universe.
  • From the coal-cold blackness,
  • From milky blizzards
  • Were warmed to the people
  • Soviet man, you are back,
  • Without turning gray from stardust.
  • And the Motherland greets you,
  • And humanity stands and applauds,
  • And the unruly back humps,
  • The universe bowed its shoulders to you.
  • (Stepan Shchipachev).
  • The first people on the moon. Who are they? Neil Armstrong is the first man to walk on the moon. Edwin Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon.
  • Of the 40,000 professions that exist on Earth, the profession of an astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. This is quite a feat. The feat is scientific, technical, organizational, but above all - purely human.
  • Sculptural portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin in Kaluga. Monument to the founder of cosmonautics K.E. Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga.
  • The Cosmonaut Alley complex was opened on October 4, 1967 in Moscow in honor of the 10th anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. Busts of heroic cosmonauts were installed on the Alley.
  • since 2006-2008
  • Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2007
  • Gilberg L.A., Eremenko A.A. Cosmonautics of the USSR. Moscow. Mechanical engineering. Planet. 1987


into the space

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 87"

Vasilyeva N.V.

Journey into space

Space debris

Flights into space

Space alphabet


Big Dipper

Sizes of planets compared to the Sun












15 satellites

Belka and Strelka

  • Born in the village of Klutino in the Smolensk region
  • Graduated from an industrial technical school, then from the Military Aviation School
  • April 12, 1961. first to fly into space
  • Made a complete revolution around the Earth in 108 minutes


Space alphabet



It protects the astronaut from exposure to sunlight, and protects him from freezing, as the temperature in space fluctuates from plus or minus several hundred degrees.

Each suit is made individually for each astronaut, taking into account all his dimensions (shoe size, height, body proportions, etc.). This complex invention is rightfully a scientific achievement, although its use is limited to 10 spacewalks.

Porthole This

a round glazed window on a spaceship or airplane, sea vessel.

Mission Control Center-

a place on Earth from which satellites, spacecraft are controlled

fields and interplanetary stations.

Orbit- this is the path along which a planet moves or a satellite flies.

Cosmodrome– this is the place where space rockets, satellites, and ships are prepared and launched from.

Orbital station is a space house that is constantly located in space and where astronauts can work for many months.

Launch vehicle is a space rocket that launches a spacecraft into orbit.




Classification of space garbage

Space debris in near-Earth space

Small objects

Medium objects

Large objects

Spent satellites

Last stages of launch vehicles

Paint particles

Protective shells

Space probes

Operational waste

  • - controlled reentry
  • - spacecraft are removed from orbit using special ships
  • -creation and launch of special garbage collectors into space
  • - moving “dead” satellites to less occupied points or orbits

The solar battery of the Mir station received significant damage

from space debris. October 1997

Valentina Umnikova
Presentation “Journey into Space” for children of senior preschool age

The presentation reveals the unknown depths of space for preschoolers, makes them closer and clearer in the story about explorers cosmic depths.

1- slide- People have always dreamed of space, they were attracted by distant spaces, stars, they wanted to know if there is life on other planets, to visit space distances. Do you want to go on a trip? We start counting 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. start!

2-slide - Today we will talk about traveling to space. What do you think space is?

3 slide- Secrets of space ( Black holes, parade of planets, comet tail).

4 slide- What can you see from the ground?

5 slide - In space space no air

And there are nine different ones circling there planets.

And the Sun - star at the very center of the system,

And we are all connected by attraction.

The sun shines like a volcano,

Seething like a boiling cauldron, incessantly,

Prominences fly up like a fountain,

He gives life and warmth to everyone tirelessly.

Sun- star huge ball

The light radiates like a fire.

Well, the planets reflect that light,

They love the sunshine!

A lot of planets fly around the sun.

Maybe people live on them?

Come on, in rocket we will sit with you,

Let's rush from the Sun in the blue darkness!

solar system

Meets solar storms first

Elusive, small Mercury.

The second one flies after him Venus

With a heavy, dense atmosphere.

And the third, the carousel spins,

Earthly our cradle.

Fourth - Mars, the planet is rusty,

With its orbit asteroids.

Fifth- Jupiter, very big

It is clearly visible in the starry sky.

Sixth - Saturn, in chic

rings, charming, under the rays of the sun.

Seventh – Uranus, lay down like a couch potato,

After all, his long path is difficult.

Eighth – Neptune, fourth

gas giant

A dandy in a beautiful blue shirt.

Pluto, Charon, ninth in the system,

In the darkness, a duet while away the time Mercury

6 slide - Artificial satellites Earth. These are automatic ships that are launched by missiles to orbit Earth. Tell the right or left to be first satellite land? First satellite was launched in 1957 in Russia. The aircraft weighed 83.6 kilograms, had the shape of a ball and flew for 92 days, making 1440 revolutions around the Earth.

7 slide- A riddle for you. Miracle - a bird with a scarlet tail, flew into a flock stars?

8 slide- August 19, 1960 - the first orbital mission in history was completed flight V space living beings with a successful return to Earth. What animals have been to space? The flight was made by dogs Squirrel And Arrow. To the dog Laike, who was the first to go into space, a monument was erected.

Slide 9-Who flies in space on rockets? Guess the riddle.

10 slide- Name it first cosmonaut land?

11 slide- What is the name of rocket, on which Gagarin made his first flight.

12 slide- Which of astronauts was the first to go into outer space?

Slide 13- Satellites in space serve to transmit telephone conversations, television broadcasts, and weather information around the world. By signals satellite The captain determines where the ship should sail. They help to study Earth, Sun, planets, stars.

14 slide - on the slide you see pictures that relate to the space theme. Find the picture that is missing.

15 slide- Now answer my questions. Our journey has come to an end, it’s time to return to kindergarten. We start counting 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. start!

Publications on the topic:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 6". Summary of direct educational activities.

Summary of an educational event on speech development for children of senior preschool age with TNR “Cosmos” Synopsis of the educational activity on speech development for children of senior preschool age “Journey into Space.”

Summary of the lesson on FEMP for children of senior preschool age “Journey into space” Goal: to consolidate the acquired knowledge on FEMP Tasks: - to consolidate children’s knowledge about space, - to contribute to the formation of search and research.

Quest for senior preschool children “Space is a mystery” Goal: developing children's interest in space and the people who have conquered its vastness. Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge that they live on the planet.

Direct educational activities with children with FFDD of senior preschool age “Travel to Space”(1 slide) Tasks: - automate the sound L in syllables and words; - activate the vocabulary on the topic “Space”; - consolidate children's knowledge about the planets.

"Animal protection" Presentation for children of senior preschool age Video The Red Book consists of colored pages. Black pages are lists of those animals that we will never see again. All that's left of them is.

Slide 2

Space is an infinitely large space around the Earth. In space there are:

Slide 3

A star is a huge, hot, glowing ball of gas. The stars themselves glow and illuminate the planets. These are very large celestial bodies.

Slide 4

The stars occupy a certain position in the sky. For convenience, people conventionally divide the sky into areas - constellations. Constellations are areas of the starry sky that bear the names of mythical heroes, animals or objects that they resemble.

Slide 5

The most famous constellations are Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Dragon, Swan, Cassiopeia and the 12 constellations of the zodiac.

Slide 6

The sun is also a star. It shines and illuminates the planets.

Slide 7

Planets, like stars, are spherical in shape. They are constantly moving around the Sun. Remember the names of the planets in the solar system. Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Slide 8

Planet Earth. It differs from all other planets in that only it has life. The Earth is illuminated by the Sun. When it is day on the illuminated side of the Earth, it is night on the other side.

Slide 9

The Moon is a satellite of the Earth and moves around it. The diameter of the moon is almost 4 times smaller than the Earth.

Slide 10

Slide 11

Yu.A. Gagarin went into space on the single-seat Vostok spacecraft. Then the Voskhod and Soyuz spacecraft were created.

Slide 12

Spacecraft in Earth orbit Mir orbital station

Slide 13

3 - pressurized cosmonaut cabin From here the cosmonauts control the spacecraft and communicate with the Earth via radio.

Slide 14

In the spacecraft, food is stored in tubes. They are similar to toothpaste tubes, only larger in size. Food is squeezed out of them.

Slide 15

There is another living compartment on the Soyuz ship. It's called orbital. From their cabin, the astronauts enter it through a hatch. Here astronauts relax and conduct scientific experiments. Through the orbital compartment, astronauts can go into outer space.

Slide 16

orbital compartment entrance hatch rest area cosmonaut cabin cosmonaut workplace instrument compartment solar panels

Slide 17

To free astronauts from unnecessary work, the spacecraft is sometimes controlled by radio from Earth from the Mission Control Center.

Slide 18

The orbital compartment and the instrument compartment burn up in the atmosphere. The sealed compartment with the astronauts continues its descent to Earth. At an altitude of several kilometers from the Earth, a parachute opens. Thus, the flight into space ends.

Slide 19

A tired shepherd walked behind a countless flock at night. And when the rooster crowed, the sheep and the shepherd disappeared. I offer riddles to everyone. But think, guys! And give me the answer to the cosmic secret: He is not a pilot, not a pilot, He is not flying a plane, But a huge rocket, Children, who, tell me, is this? This bird has no wings, But one cannot help but marvel: As soon as the bird spreads its tail, And it rises to the stars. In the blue village there is a red-faced girl. She can’t sleep at night - she looks in the mirror. Sparks burn through the sky, but do not reach us. A painter walks across the sky without brushes. He paints people with brown paint.

Slide 20


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