Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Principles of social partnership of an educational organization. Social partnership in education A factor of advanced development of the education system. Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation

according to the educational program of additional professional ABSTRACT education “Modern educational management. The principle of public and public management in education” “The phenomenon of “social partnership” in education” on the topic:

Table of Contents Table of Contents................................................... ........................................................ .............2 Introduction................................... ........................................................ ..........................3 1 Features of social partnership in education.................. ........................5 2 Types and essence of social partnership at school.................. .......................11 Conclusion......................... ........................................................ ..................................18 List of used literature................. ........................................................ .....19 2

Introduction The progressive school is increasingly becoming a full-fledged component of the social sphere of society. It now displays the characteristic indicators of modernity; broad abilities for the personal implementation of a person’s professional and other choices and needs; the growing role of the subject in ensuring their own interests and abilities, the diversity of activity models. The main task of the progressive school is the formation of a person’s worldview, a broad system of his views on the world of people and phenomena as the basis of external and internal culture. A worldview is formed not so much through the transfer of cultural skills from one generation to another, but through the acquisition of social and moral (diverse real) experience by a growing person. The solution to this problem depends on many reasons, namely on the development of the possibility of active sociocultural adaptation. When studying the development program, scientists were faced with the problem of a political and legal culture that had not been formed in children. Pedagogical practice shows that schoolchildren do not have a specific life position or skill in interacting with the outside world. When determining the goal of the program, it should be taken into account that we need to create a set of measures that will allow students to develop a value-based attitude to the world and social experience. The purpose of the work is to study the phenomenon of “social partnership” in the field of education, and in particular, schools. 3

Based on the foregoing, the following work objectives were set: to study the features of social partnership in education; analyze the types and essence of social partnership in school. The structure of the work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion and list of references. 4

1 Features of social partnership in education Modern trends in socio-economic development associated with the emergence of new labor markets, globalization of the economy, transformation of traditional formats of using labor resources, wider use of intellectual and information technologies, focus on the development of human capital, intensify the processes of creation and support in various areas of social partnership systems. This concept was initially used only in sociology and economics, describing the process of interaction between workers and employers; therefore, authorities, business representatives and trade union organizations were put forward as the main partners. Currently, increasingly, this phenomenon is being considered more broadly and is presented as a complex, multifaceted social process, where jointly distributed activities of social elements represented by representatives of various social groups are carried out, the result of which are positive effects accepted by all participants in this activity. In this logic, social partnership is a certain type of interaction of subjects united by common efforts, ways of solving pressing problems of joint life, aimed at maximum coordination and realization of the interests of all participants in this process. Partnership ensures that subjects overcome differences in their understanding of methods for solving common problems, harmonize social relations, prevent conflicts, harmonize and increase the effectiveness of actions. 5

Social partnership is a productive cooperation of all subjects of development of the territory for its sustainable socio-economic development and concomitant improvement in the quality of life of the population, improvement of social and industrial infrastructure, the system of municipal government and local self-government and personal freedom. By considering social partnership in a broader context, one can obtain a significant tool that allows one to design, test and install a new, modern education system that meets the requirements of the time. In the context of educational policy, “social partnership is interpreted as: a special type of interaction of educational institutions with subjects and institutions of the labor market, state and local, aimed at authorities, public organizations, maximum coordination and implementation of the interests of all participants in this process; a special type of joint activity between subjects of the educational process, characterized by trust, common goals and values, voluntariness and long-term relationships, as well as recognition of the mutual responsibility of the parties for the result of their cooperation and development. According to I.M. Remorenko, social partnership in relation to education should be understood as: partnership within the education system between social groups of a given professional community; a partnership into which education system workers enter into contact with representatives of other spheres of social reproduction; 6

a partnership that is initiated by the education system as a special sphere of social life that contributes to the formation of civil society. At the present turn, the role of education in Russia is determined by the tasks of its transition to a democratic and legal state, to a market economy. A developing society needs modernly educated, enterprising people who can independently take on serious decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their likely results, can discover a constructive solution to difficulties, are ready to work together, are distinguished by their mobility, and have a developed sense of responsibility for what is happening. In this regard, it is necessary to overcome pressing social and financial difficulties on the basis of the advanced development of education, considered as an investment in the future of the state, in which the state and society, companies and organizations, and residents all interested in quality education will take part. It is necessary to ensure a rapid increase in spending on education, a significant increase in wages for education staff and increased incentives for the quality and effectiveness of teaching work. Measures of state assistance to education will be combined with strengthening the role of state power and education management in providing, in combination with the population, a decent level of education on the basis of maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the timely and future needs of the person. Modernization of education should not and cannot be carried out as a departmental project. Active subjects of educational policy should be all residents of Russia, the family and parental community, federal and regional university authorities, local authorities 7

self-government, professional teaching community, scientific, cultural, commercial and public institutions. The task of modernizing education is to create an adaptation for the stable development of the education system. The main problem of finding a conceptual space arises from the difficult complex nature of social partnership, associated with various types of human activity and branches of scientific knowledge and drawing from there the components of a personal conceptual apparatus. Most often, public partnership is considered in the focus of social and labor relations. In this area, it is understood as a method and mechanism for regulating social and labor relations, resolving contradictions between employees and employers, as relations between representatives of business, trade unions and the state, as a complex social phenomenon, a versatile contradictory process. The role of the three parties in matters of resolving labor legislation and reconciling interests in the field of labor is a traditional form of public partnership. Major domestic studies of the problem of public partnership in the field of social and labor relations include the works of V.N. Kiselev, V.A. Mikheev. Gordon L.A., Klopova E.V., Vetrova A.V. In a number of economic works, public partnership is characterized as a legal form of organizing the joint financial activities of several individuals or legal entities; it is a transitional form between a private, family enterprise and a limited liability company. It is created on the basis of an agreement that regulates the rights and obligations of partners, participation in common costs, distribution of profits, and division of property. Exactly at this 8

At the moment, partnerships are common in the field of small business and services. If you look at it from a different angle, partnership is the actual form of joint work of firms and companies. The document confirming this relationship is traditionally a cooperative partnership agreement. Social partnership is a combination of actions of different public institutions, which is expressed in the self-actualization of participants in the educational process, seeking positive changes in the educational sphere, in other words, transferring possible forms of the education system to their important state. With all this, the degree and process of such self-actualization may be different in different social institutions. In educational institutions they are more focused, reasonable and professionally verified in nature, while other participants in partnership relationships are more characterized by elements of spontaneity, unforeseenness and, at the same time, specific alignments and decisions. The more the goals of public partners are harmonized, the more effective their practical influences become in solving educational problems. For effective social interaction, on the one hand, it is necessary to form a common “space of meaning” regarding the goals and possibilities of education; if you look at it from a different angle, in the course of the action itself there is a change in the “mentality” of individual social institutions, which are increasingly closer to understanding and comprehension problems of education, show readiness to contribute to their resolution and joint work in general. At the same time, social partnership in education, from our point of view, has a number of fresh features that reflect progressive social 9

economic and political features. Social partnership initiates the activity of professional pedagogical associations and promotes openness and rationality of financial flows in education. Social partnership is a means that is focused on transmitting positive, fruitful and promising ideas about education to the population. Consequently, social partnership in education implies the free expression of one’s own interests and the finding of mutually acceptable methods for their implementation by institutions, groups, and individuals. 10

2 Types and essence of social partnership in school At the beginning of the 21st century, the need of man and society for consciously different information-emotional, mental and behavioral strategies, information and ethical behavior both at the level of a person’s own inner world and at the level of social relationships was quite clearly identified. Progressive trends in the formation of education are determined by the processes of configuration of key paradigms of perception of the world: instead of conditional stability, permanent changes, geographical distance is not a barrier to communication; local practices absorb global ones and give birth to the latest multicultural traditions. The term “partnership” in education represents an emphasis on the equality of participants in interaction. From this we can conclude that the single task of the activity does not infringe on the personal needs of its participants, but, on the contrary, fully reflects them. In other words, in order to enter into a partnership, the person interested in the partnership will need to assure the other that the proposed interaction will provide an opportunity to solve his difficulties and, moreover, in the absence of such interaction, they have no opportunity to be resolved. eleven

This means that we are talking about equal benefits of interaction, which is, from our point of view, a significant feature of social partnership in education. Taking into account the opinion of Gonchar M., social partnership is an intergroup form of interaction. And it arises in those cases when social categories understand the impossibility of achieving mass goals in the absence of cooperation with other societies. The main role in the partnership is played by the mutual support of the subjects. It can be assumed that social partnership is intergroup interaction for the implementation of jointly produced goals that unite the goals of the groups participating in the interaction at a new qualitative level. Consequently, since the classical interaction of the school with society was distinguished by a significant degree of directiveness, the presence of external ideological and political pressure, then social partnership is characterized, first of all, by voluntariness, the parity nature of the relationship, the balance of interests of institutions, groups, and individuals entering into partnership relationships. As a result, in the research process we will adhere to the position that social partnership in the field of education can be considered as voluntary and equally beneficial interactions and mutual support of various subjects, carried out on the basis of interdepartmental relationships that exclude departmental isolation and isolation. The structure of the fundamental social partnership strategy is extremely identical to the fundamental educational systems. Social partnership, built on the principles of mutual interest of the parties and the voluntary acceptance of responsibilities and responsibility for the outcome of work, is becoming an economically important area of ​​education. 12

A modern educational institution cannot successfully implement its activities and develop without broad cooperation with society at the level of social partnership. “Social partnership is an acceptable option for social actors to relate their needs, interests, and value guidelines, based on the principle of social justice.” In addition, the school and the governing council act as an active assistant to the family in providing a unified educational space “school-family-society”, which contributes to the high-quality preparation of the child for school, education, development of his individual capabilities and health improvement. A modern school is a center of social action, an open space for interaction with social institutions in the “child-teacher-family” system, for constructive, creative initiatives designed to develop the spiritual and intellectual potential of all participants in the pedagogical process. Currently, the basis for ensuring the quality of school education can be: interaction between participants in the educational process, which is the main component of the internal environment of a school educational institution; social partnership in the form of diverse sociocultural ties. The nature of interaction between school and society depends on the personal and professional qualities of teaching staff, the individual and age characteristics of children, and the pedagogical culture of parents. Unfortunately, in pedagogical practice, limiting interaction between teachers and parents prevails. 13

It is characterized by clear boundaries and formality of communication, which makes it difficult to develop relationships with family. Social partnership creates favorable conditions for the development and socialization of participants in the educational process at school. Such work helps to destroy the usual stereotype and public opinion about the work of a school institution only with the families of its students. Develops a positive public opinion about the institution, increases the demand for educational services for children, ensures the availability of quality educational services for families, and improves the preparation of children for easier adaptation to a new social environment. Social partnership in education is still too little developed, if you look at it from a different angle, various types have been in practice all the time. Among the different types of social interaction, they recognize such as charity, cooperation, investment, and partnership itself. All these concepts came into education from the socio-economic sphere and are increasingly occupying a place here. Areas of work with society include: charity, investment. sponsorship, cooperation (joint work), Charity voluntary free and selfless investment of labor or material and financial resources. Sponsorship differs from charity in the extent to which the parties participate. The sponsor transfers the very funds (labor, financial, material) that the educational institution requests for specific activities known to both parties. Unlike charity, which is usually one-time in nature, this interaction can be periodic and even regular. 14

Cooperation, in other words, joint work in the same or different, although interconnected, labor processes, translated from Latin means cooperation. The parties enter into cooperation by mutual consent. The possibility and extent of participation are determined by each party personally, determined by the extent of its interest and, in most cases, secured by oral agreement. Interaction is one-time or periodic, however, becoming systematic, it serves as the basis for subsequent partnerships. An investment is a contribution made by individuals or legal entities at their own discretion, in accordance with their vision and based on individual interests. An agreement or contract is a mandatory fundamental one. Nowadays, quite often, guardians become investors in an educational institution and create a fund, using the collected funds for the development of educational institutions. They decide to make the institution a progressive example, a specialized office, speech therapy and others. Social partnership in education is the path to its democratization and renewal. Nowadays, all types of social interaction are implemented in education, although it is undeniable that direct partnership gives the greatest result, since it implies the most absolute, interested and long-term involvement in solving social educational problems. which initiates the education system as a distinctive sphere of social life, allows you to change, Partnership, design, establish new socially important functions. Other types of work with society can also be very useful in a particular situation, although more locally. This is a technology of social partnership - the order of certain actions of partners, techniques of data influence and practice of social 15

partnerships in specific territories, as well as examination and assessment of the results and results of social partnerships. The philosophical and methodological foundations of social partnership are a methodology that combines, on the one hand, a systemic layout, and, if you look at it from a different angle, everything related to the theory of self-organization. The ideology of social partnership is a combination of the following principles. The principle of complementarity: people come together because each individual is insufficient, and then each does what he has the opportunity to do better. The principle of boundaries: the ability to work without the help of others, self-determination in one’s position, determination in the context of other positions. The principle of exchange of products of activity presented in one or another “commodity” form. Interaction occurs when there is something to exchange. When the question of partnership between partners is raised, the question arises: what whole are they part of? In whose name is this whole proclaimed? In what common context do they perform? A specific identification of the fundamentals from the perspective of which social partnership is considered allows us to move on to the most in-depth identification of the components of the social partnership system in education: goals, subjects, meanings, objects, mechanisms, implementation operations. The task of social partnership. The goal of social partnership is to create intersubjective interaction leading to positive changes that are predictable by all subjects. As follows from the importance of the concepts “interaction”, “subject-subject interaction”, “system of inter-subject interaction”, which are basic for defining SP. 16

In the interaction of people, there is and remains activity on both sides, although the extent of its manifestation is different. Social and labor practice should be a component of a democratic school and a democratic way of life, introduced as an independent educational field, an independent educational space. Social practice not only guarantees that students master the social environment, that they gain real practical skills in social activities, including work to help the elderly, veterans, and the disabled, but also certainly causes an increase in students’ self-awareness, their self-determination in the social sense of the word. Joint activities of the team - plans, promotions, games, holidays - all that has recently gained recognition as the key activities of the school. With all this, schoolchildren must certainly be involved in the planning and preparation of such events (creation of organizing committees, distribution of responsibilities, etc.). By uniting with common goals and common action different age educational categories, classes, clubs, circles, scientific and other societies, the main school affairs give a distinctive character to the relationships in the team, forming its independent, humane, tolerant way of life - an invaluable source of real democratic experience and democratic practice for children and teenagers The school is truly being transformed into a living social organism, whose full-blooded, activity-intensive life pulsates, obeying its own internal rhythms, providing almost limitless abilities for the self-development of students, their mastery of social and civic positions. The bearer of the way of school life is, first of all, the teacher, therefore the possibility of its implementation depends on his attitude to this idea. 17

The result of the teacher’s assignment of the latest professional values ​​is personal variability and flexibility. Thus, the above principles of interaction contribute to the formation of motivational readiness of teachers and school administration to expand the circle of partnership subjects, thanks to which schoolchildren can maximize their own abilities of self-realization, and also improve the organization of training of teaching staff to solve the problems of individual socialization based on the ideas of social partnership in education . Conclusion Education has at all times been an enduring value, because it is the basis of the economic development of society, one of the reasons for social stability, a source of growth in the intellectual resource and spiritual and moral potential of the population. The educational needs of the population are growing, the number of candidates for higher, special, and additional professional education is increasing. Achieving high quality education implies an organic combination of educational traditions and innovative directions that have received recognition in world and domestic practice, creatively 18

meaningful in comparison with domestic pedagogical reality and strategic goals of the sociocultural development of society. Partnership relations can be considered in the form of intersubjective interactions, the effectiveness of which is determined by the common value-target aspirations of all its participants, their mutual enrichment, in other words, the joint formation of a value system. List of used literature 1. The concept of civic education. Project // Civic education in Russian school / Comp. T.I. Tyulyaeva. M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: ACT Publishing House LLC, 2013. 605 p. 2. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010. // Civic education in Russian school / Comp. T.I. Tyulyaeva. M.: 000 “Astrel Publishing House”: LLC “ACT Publishing House”, 2013. 605 p. 19

3. Korovkin V.Yu. The joint activities of the school and parents as a state and public management condition for education. Abstract of Ph.D. Dissertation. St. Petersburg, 2012. formation 4. Korovkin D.V. Pedagogical conditions for including a teacher in school management. Abstract of Ph.D. Diss. St. Petersburg, 2011. 162 5. Korsunov A.V., Litvinova N.P., Safina Z.N. Social partnership in adult education. Veliky Novgorod St. Petersburg Kazan, 2012. 188 p. 6. Nikitin M.V. Modernization of management of the development of educational organizations: monograph. M., 2011 7. Piskunova E.V., Kondrakova I.E., Soloveikina M.P. and others. Technologies of social partnership in the field of education: Educational and methodological complex. SPb.: Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, 2008 8. Remorenko I.M. “Social partnership” in education: concept and activity // New City: education to change the quality of life. M.; St. Petersburg: Yugorsk, 2013 20

Social partnership in education is a sign of new times. A modern school is in conditions where it is impossible to survive and develop without establishing a mutually beneficial social partnership. An educational institution should become an open system, expanding cooperation with various social institutions. Children need adults to share responsibility for their education and upbringing.



Performed: course participant

“Social and pedagogical partnership

In solving current problems of education"

Mesyats Yulia Vasilievna

Course curator: associate professor of the department


APPO Education

St. Petersburg

Stepikhova Valentina Anatolevna

Saint Petersburg


Social partnership as one of the tools for ensuring the socialization of students

Yulia Vasilyevna Mesyats, Deputy Director for HR

GBOU school No. 600 with in-depth study of English in Primorsky

district of St. Petersburg


The Federal Law "On Education", the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government Decree and the relevant instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science assigned schools the task of building a social partnership between the state and the local community in supporting and developing general secondary education.
Social partnership in education is a sign of new times. A modern school is in conditions where it is impossible to survive and develop without establishing a mutually beneficial social partnership. An educational institution should become an open system, expanding cooperation with various social institutions. Children need adults to share responsibility for their education and upbringing.

The purpose of social partnership

Formation in students of a worldview, an idea of ​​the world as an integral system of interconnected relationships, actions and deeds.

The main objectives of social partnership:

Improving relations between subjects of the educational space;
- Creating conditions for attracting investment funds to an educational institution;
- Formation of an active life position of the student;
- Socialization of the individual.

Principles of social partnership:

Voluntary recognition by partners of each other as participants in social relations;
- Confidence;
- Mutual responsibility of partners for a common cause;
- Mandatory fulfillment of one’s obligations in accordance with the agreements reached;
- Mutual interest of the parties;
- Equality of participants in choosing ways and means to achieve a common goal;
- Maintaining a spirit of equal opportunity, selflessness and solidarity.

The main areas of work of our school within the framework of social partnership:

Implementation of continuity of education.
- Joint (collective) activities.
- Cooperation between school and society on mutually beneficial terms.
- Formation of an active life position and social intelligence.
- Building mechanisms for targeted social assistance, using charity resources.

There are three stages in building partnerships between our school:

The first stage is Acquaintance.
- Second stage - Joint activities.
- The third stage - Partnership.

The main types of joint activities of our school and social partners are:



Discussion of strategy and tactics of social partnership

Drawing up and signing contracts

Designing Collaborative Activities

Making plans for collaboration

Implementation of joint activities

Carrying out joint events

Mutual support

Psychological comfort of partners

In the process of joint activities, the presence of feedback and openness of communication channels become particularly important. This means that it is necessary to regularly study the opinions of potential partners about the quality and results of this activity.
The main result of the second stage should be the ability of potential partners to participate in joint activities, i.e. their certain competence based on trust in each other. Trust, in turn, gives rise to the desire to continue cooperation in those forms that are acceptable to specific partners.

GBOU school No. 600 has quite a lot of experience in interaction and cooperation in the local community in such areas as

Development of trusteeship activities;

Development of self-government through the Council of High School Students;

Expanding social partnership with parents of students, interested adults (institutions of additional education CI "Edelweiss", children's creative forum "Kitizh Plus", center for social assistance to families and children "Family", KDN, universities of St. Petersburg.)

In this work I would like to dwell a little more on the latter direction.

Traditionally, much attention is paid to social partnership with parents and the educational potential of the family. To cultivate a positive attitude towards school among students and parents through the inclusion of parents in the social life of the school (in terms of the educational work of the school - the participation of parents in class, school-wide events, joint hikes, competitions, career guidance excursions) Implementation of the “Smoking-free Classrooms” program together with PPMS by the center of the Primorsky district (also by our social partners) is impossible without the active help of parents. For a number of years, students in grades 6-7 at our school have been taking part in this program.

The year 2010-2011 was very productive for us. Among 17 schools in the district, we took 2nd place, and the creative work of a student of grade 6 “b” Alekseev A. “Family is the territory of health” took first place in the city!!!

Civic passivity, the dependency of some of the parents, their consumerist attitude towards school can be overcome by developing social partnership, first with a group of parents, developing voluntary social work and charity.

Traditionally, social partnership is carried out with out-of-school institutions of additional education.

In 2011-2012, we entered into an agreement with the Family Center on cooperation to implement the “Healthy Family – Healthy Future” project. Students from grades 10-11 took part in the project.

The goal of the project: to provide professional assistance to adolescents on the formation of healthy relationships in the family between spouses.

Professional psychologists worked with the students: a man with boys, a woman with girls. The guys were able to ask all the personal questions they were interested in and, according to reviews, the meeting was very productive. The results of testing and surveys showed that 90% of students are interested in the topic raised and want to follow the advice of experts in order to create a full-fledged family in the future.

Cooperation with the “Family” center is very long-standing; the following jointly held events have become traditional: “Adaptation of primary school students upon transition to primary school”, consultations with psychologists for parents of problem students, social patrolling of families who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Developing a system of continuous education (preschool institution-school-university), GBOU school No. 600cooperates with the city’s kindergartens, secondary educational institutions and universities in the city to create a system focused on the individualization and socialization of students. At the third stage of general education, we are developing a system of specialized training taking into account the real needs of the labor market, the requests of parents, developing a flexible system of profiles and cooperation with higher education institutions.

Opportunities for socialization of students are expanded, continuity between general and vocational education is ensured, and it becomes possible to more effectively prepare school graduates for mastering higher vocational education programs.

As part of pre-university education, a social partnership is carried out with a number of universities in St. Petersburg: ENZHEKON, Mining University, Finek, LETI.

Involving students in socially active activities, in interaction with the public, creates conditions for adaptation, socialization and development of the student’s personality. Joint cooperation between the school and the public allows it to become an open system.

(From the experience of the teaching staff Municipal educational institution "School No. 3 of Dokuchaevsk")

It is an immutable fact that education has at all times been considered an enduring value, because it is the basis of the economic development of society, one of the factors of social stability, a source of growth in the intellectual resource and spiritual and moral potential of the population, the key to the successful development of any state, the absolute personification of the famous proverb "What goes around comes around". However, recently, rational and balanced arguments have been increasingly heard in favor of the fact that the school is not the only subject of the educational mission. In light of the tasks determined by the doctrine of educational development, as well as in view of the modernization of modern education, there is a natural need to ensure the openness of the education system to various influences from the family, society, state and, moreover, their involvement in resolving issues of educational tactics and strategy. It would be useful to recall that the school has never laid claim to an absolute monopoly in the provision of educational and educational services, and the so-called “patronage relationships”, so popular in the 70-80s of the last century, are absolute confirmation of this. Along with the positive results, namely: provision of material and other assistance in the renovation of the school, the purchase of educational literature and teaching materials, provision of nutrition and health improvement for children, patronage relationships were only episodic, unsystematic in nature and were not based on the dialogical attitude of the subjects and, as a result, , did not ensure permanent unity, harmonization of relationships and the development of a joint strategy for common actions. In other words, a kind of manipulation occurred when either one of the parties unknowingly performed the actions necessary for the other party, or one of the parties was used only as an element of raising the status of the activity without its conscious inclusion and involvement in the educational process. The so-called level worked subordinate inclusion, which involves the voluntary inclusion of one party as a passive performer accepting the given framework of activity. Such one-sided, and sometimes only symbolic participation in the life of the school, of course, had nothing to do with the subject of our conversation today, but it was precisely it that served as the germ of what is now commonly called social partnership in the field of education. And it is social partnership, excluding subordinate inclusion accomplices in the process of education and upbringing, offers other types inclusions, more constructive, allowing you to feel not just involved, but involved in the educational system, see the results of your participation, and show sincere interest in discussing and solving problems of educational development.

The term “social partnership” came into pedagogy from other spheres of society, where it is interpreted as a mechanism for regulating relationships between the state and various social groups. Social-pedagogical partnership is the unification of joint efforts of individuals or educational institutions to achieve common goals; streamlining the coordination interaction of educational systems and social institutions within the limits of their mutual interest, with the aim of introducing national, national aspects of education and upbringing, on the basis of which representatives of different property entities, population groups, organizations and institutions achieve the desired consensus, organize joint activities, coordinate them in direction of achieving public consent in educational policy. And this joint activity is based on:

*agreed inclusion, built taking into account the joint discussion of the initiative of one side, with its further development and possible adjustment;

*initiating switching on characterized by high activity of one party, with advisory and coordinating activities of the other party;

*independent mutual inclusion, where the initiative for joint activities can be put forward by any party with bilateral support of the idea, its development and implementation through joint efforts, as well as mutual responsibility for the success of the achieved result.

Level selection inclusion in the implementation of joint activities is determined both by the situation and the results that the parties, called social partners, strive to achieve.

Social partners become individual and collective subjects who share the values ​​of modern education, are interested in developing a unified educational policy, and are able to effectively support education in solving real problems of the formation and development of its system. Achieving high quality education presupposes an organic combination of educational traditions and innovative trends that have received recognition in world and domestic practice, creatively comprehended in relation to the domestic pedagogical reality and the strategic goals of the socio-cultural development of society. However, social partnership should not imply direct copying of foreign experience. It is far from universal, and even its partial application requires a deeper social, historical and comparative analysis. Therefore, we must agree that social partnership in our country should be based on the realities and needs of our lives. Partnerships can be considered as intersubjective interactions, the effectiveness of which is determined by the common value-target aspirations of all its participants, their mutual enrichment, that is, as the joint development of a system of values ​​that prevail in our society and are a criterion for assessing the level of education and upbringing of a person.

However, everyone also knows that society is heterogeneous, and, therefore, partnerships are not always possible between education and various sectors of society. But the term “partnership” is understood very broadly, and the most common understanding of partnership is the joining of efforts of individuals or organizations to solve common goals or to achieve a goal that is significant for everyone. A modern approach to the issue of partnership in education shows that the development of education is a concern not only of the state in general and the educational institution in particular. The state, represented by the ministry and regional departments of education, is responsible for ensuring a unified educational space in and providing the education system with the necessary resources and therefore, for obvious reasons, cannot cover the complexity of the tasks, needs and conditions of specific communities. In addition, a school is a living education that has continuous dynamics and a tendency to change, and that is why variability in the forms of implementation of social partnership is allowed. Education, as one of the social institutions, has always been characterized by close relationships and their interdependence with all the main spheres of society - the economy, social structure, politics and culture. These are the four fundamental stones on which a school can rely in fulfilling its main purpose - to educate and educate. And it is on the interaction of these four subjects of cooperation that it depends whether the entire education system as a whole and each educational institution in particular will be able to build a new partnership system to replace the well-known old practice of patronage relations. Now we can say with confidence that the social maturity of society and local communities is a prerequisite and indicator of the possibility and even necessity of social partnership in education. The idea of ​​social partnership in education is that solving problems in this socially significant area requires the efforts and concrete actions of the entire society, and not just one of its components. Of course, it is necessary to first monitor the situation in a particular city or locality in order to determine the availability of grounds for mutually beneficial cooperation, that is, partnerships between education, individual public and charitable organizations, specific people, and government agencies. It is necessary to thoroughly study and work out the question: what opportunities does partnership represent for education and vice versa, what technologies must be possessed for effective partnership, what mutually beneficial results can be achieved in the case of a successful partnership.

How does partnership in education help improve the learning process of schoolchildren, what results does it help achieve, what mistakes does it help to avoid, how can it enrich the routine educational process, does it have the right to life in general and what is the ultimate goal of this difficult and very labor-intensive task?

An assessment of the experience of interaction showed that social partnership helps to direct school resources to the development of joint activities of any educational institution, its social self-organization and self-government, regardless of its type and type. It attracts the resources of society for the development of the educational sphere, without saving the resources of the school itself, but enriching them. It helps to accumulate and transfer life experience of both the educational community and its partners to form among community members the ability for long-term survival in the educational services market. Social partnership allows you to act effectively and successfully, keeping in mind a priority perspective common to all partners, effectively coordinating joint activities with a clear understanding of your responsibilities. These activities provide the most effective and cost-effective way to help needy community members involved in the partnership, while remaining different and recognizing the differences of individuals and organizations.

Effective social partnership in education presupposes:

    a) the presence of a social need to be involved in the implementation of the values ​​of education;

    b) the school’s readiness for such cooperation;

    c) school needs;

    d) school initiative;

    e) initiative of the non-state sector.

The presence of all the above conditions will ensure that the partnership will help direct the school’s resources to the development of the community, social self-organization and self-government. It will attract community resources to support education at school and will contribute to the cultivation of traditions and practices of civic engagement, charity, and voluntariness in the community. Already today, social partnership is creating real structures of civil society at the local level, trying to guarantee their sustainable development.

Opportunities for the development of education through partnerships are built on the following mechanisms:

- openness and cooperation;

- emphasis on development, communication and exchange of ideas;

-developed educational philosophy and approach to community development;

- the opportunity to implement sustainable ideas for local residents;

- establishment of socially active schools;

- identifying the desire of local organizations to become active partners in solving problems in education and the community;

- providing parents with the opportunity to participate in the learning process and school life of their children;

- collaboration with volunteers to increase the number of services provided in the community.

A large number of factors guarantee successful cooperation between educational institutions. But the most important are the development of a culture of charity, the formed strategy of organizations entering into cooperation, proximity to those in need, professionalism in the services provided, the degree of development of the partner’s organizational culture, the humanitarian component of the partner’s human factor, the control system, the established financing system and the philosophy of its development, information support , regulation of the organization, mechanism of self-development of the partner organization.

Models of social partnership in education and organizational forms of partnership that have a “registration” in Dokuchaevskaya secondary school No. 3, the stages of implementation of the model of social partnership give the right to declare the existing specifics of relationships, established technologies and evaluate the components of success in this new matter for a developing civil society. Yes, social partnership in education is a sign of the new times. But a modern school is in conditions where it is impossible to survive and develop without establishing a mutually beneficial social partnership. An educational institution should become an open system, expanding cooperation with various social institutions. Children need adults to share responsibility for their education and upbringing.

Today, schools are faced with a social order to form the child’s personality, which is characterized not only by awareness in various fields of science, but also communication skills , tolerance, modern type of thinking, responsibility for decision making .

Therefore, in the conditions of a modern approach to training, education, development and socialization, a school graduate must build harmonious relationships with the outside world, adequately adapt to the conditions of modern society, its social, professional, spiritual and moral values.

Changing value orientations in accordance with sociocultural changes in society, the emergence of the idea of ​​lifelong education as lifelong education, places the individual with his interests and capabilities at the center of the new sociocultural paradigm of education. Based on the understanding that The education system has significant potential for human socialization, it becomes clear that in modern conditions the education system should prepare a person for the future life. It is no coincidence that among the priority tasks of modernization of the educational sphere is the development of education as an open state-social system. It is emphasized that strategic goals of education can only be achieved through continuous interaction of the school with representatives of science, culture, healthcare, all interested departments and public organizations, as well as parents.

Today, in Dokuchaevskaya secondary school No. 3, a certain system of work on social partnership has developed, which contributes to the creation of a “social development situation” for students. The school is an open social and pedagogical system that closely interacts with all types of educational institutions of the city, republic, public organizations, and families of students. The market for additional educational services in our city is quite saturated and competition between institutions is high. Clubs of the House of Culture, children's music and sports schools, the House of Children's and Youth Creativity, and private forms of additional education for children operate successfully in the city. All of them, to one degree or another, provide variable, different-level education, and with skillful involvement in partnership, they provide invaluable assistance to the school. Currently, the teaching staff of our school cooperates with more than twenty different organizations in our city. Involving the public in partnerships in the field of education is a task, the implementation of which will help create a qualitatively new level of relations and interaction to solve problems of education development by an alliance of interested parties capable of reaching a constructive agreement and developing a unified educational policy. We are looking for opportunities to attract social partners who have the resources to organize joint activities of the school as a resource center.


Between social groups of the education system:


Other city schools;

Continuing education institutions:

School of Music,

sport school,

mining and trade technical schools;

Intra-school connections at the level of interdisciplinary integrated relationships;

Between social groups outside the education system:


Palace of Culture;


Local Internet resources;


Fire station;

Medical institutions;

Public organizations;

Many of the above organizations already have long-standing partnerships built on a contractual basis. We are still just paving the way to some of them in the field of mutual cooperation and partnership. And, since the benefits from joint coordinated actions of both the school and all subjects of society are obvious - it is becoming easier and easier to establish contacts with those who are really interested in the versatility of the learning process, in its multi-vector nature and depth.

Social partnership in Dokuchaevskaya secondary school No. 3 is carried out in several areas:

1. Social and pedagogical direction:



Institutions of additional education;

2. Civil-patriotic direction:


Veterans Council;

Museum of Local Lore;

Society of Afghan Veterans;

Union of liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

3.Spiritual direction:


Sunday School;

4. Physical education and health direction:


4. Preventive direction:

Social services for youth work;

Local Internet resources;


5. Career guidance:

Mining and trade technical schools;

City Employment Center;

Developing a system of continuous education (preschool institution-school-technical school (HEI)), Dokuchaevskaya secondary school No. 3 cooperates with city kindergartens and city technical schools to create a system focused on the individualization and socialization of students. At the third stage of general education, we are developing a system of specialized training taking into account the real needs of the labor market, the requests of parents, developing a flexible system of profiles and cooperation with higher education institutions. Opportunities for socialization of students are expanded, continuity between general and vocational education is ensured, and it becomes possible to more effectively prepare school graduates for mastering higher vocational education programs. Social partners should jointly take an active part in compulsory vocational guidance and counseling for students in the secondary education system. Work not only with graduating students, who for the most part have already made their choice, but also among junior students through organizations and conversations with the best workers, tours of enterprises, and holding open days in vocational educational institutions.

Let's consider several areas of modern partnership in the field of education.

Social and pedagogical direction:

Parents are the main social partners of the school.

Much attention is paid to social partnership with parents, supporting the educational potential of the family. To cultivate a positive attitude towards school among students and parents through the inclusion of parents in the social life of the school (in terms of the educational work of the school - the participation of parents in class, school-wide events, joint trips, competitions, career guidance excursions to parents’ places of work is impossible without the active assistance of parents. Civil society passivity, dependency of some of the parents, their consumerist attitude towards the school can be overcome by developing social partnership first with a group of parents, voluntary social work, charity... We try to make parents our allies, because only through joint efforts, complementing and supporting each other, parents and school can achieve the desired results in the education and upbringing of children. The parent community today proposes to build relations between the family and the educational institution at the level of social partnership. These are educational services that comply with the social order for the education of children. We conduct monitoring among parents throughout the year. We analyze the composition and structure of families of studying children. It turns out that the overwhelming majority are interested in children receiving quality education, upbringing and development, and further continuing their education in educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education. The importance of such cooperation in the context of the implementation of a new educational concept with modern tasks of developmental education and socialization during the transition to a competency-based approach in organizing the educational process cannot be overestimated! And therefore, the teaching staff of our school today is looking for any opportunities and means to help the family, provide psychological and pedagogical assistance, and teach how to raise a child. To educate without the appropriate knowledge, guided only by blind instinct, means risking the future of a growing person. Therefore, teachers study themselves and share their knowledge with parents. After all, no matter what parents do, no matter what their specialty is, they are always educators of their children.

It is important for us to achieve an active life position of parents, to make them want to get to know their child, to evaluate their relationship with him. And we use many forms and ways that have been tested by practice and time. These include parent meetings, which take place in the form of “Let’s Think Together” gatherings and conversations, and parent-teacher consultations; trainings, discussions, round tables. Parents discuss at parent-teacher meetings, participate with their children in socially significant activities such as improving the building, collecting research material, etc.

Main areas of work with parents:

    formation of an active life position of parents in relation to school;

    organization of parental education;

    interaction between the school’s social and psychological service and parents;

    involvement in school government;

    using the hobbies of individual parents for extracurricular activities with children;

    holding joint events, holidays, hikes, excursions, weekend clubs;

In order to intensify all of the above areas of work with parents, the school has developed and operates the “Social Partners: School and Family” program, which is implemented through:

* usage traditional forms of working with families, organizing joint leisure and research activities, creating a bank of family holidays and other forms of joint events: “For health - the whole family”, “Grandma’s chest”, “My mother’s hobby”, “Looking through an old photo album”, “Songs” my childhood”, “Adults for children” and others;

* development and supporting the interest of children and adults in the history of the family and city: “My pedigree”, “Feast of the family tree”, “My family’s contribution to the history of the city, country”, “Defender of the Fatherland in my family”, “School graduate in my family” and others ;

* Creation in the school museum of family albums, one-day exhibitions; compiling a report about interesting families on the local Internet resource “Typical Dokuchaevsk” and the website of school No. 3.

* involvement parents in strengthening the material and technical base of the school: equipment and repair of classrooms, participation of parents in school repairs and participation in school-wide cleanup days.

School – preschool institutions.

The school-kindergarten system of work has long been established. Elementary school teachers know in advance which children will come to them in first grade, since under the agreement on joint activities they attend preparatory group classes and parent-teacher meetings. Kindergarten teachers are invited to the school for pedagogical consultations on issues of readiness for the learning process, as well as the adaptation of children at school (to see how their former pupils feel here). This system of work allows children to quickly get used to a change in their usual environment and activities, new teachers, and helps to avoid a difficult period of painful adaptation. Holidays held for kindergarten students by our students have become traditional: open lessons for children to familiarize themselves with the lesson as such, New Year trees, days of getting to know the school and others.

School – House of Children and Youth Creativity.

For many years, the school has been cooperating with this institution of additional out-of-school education. It is especially valuable for us that for many years now the “Lacemaker” club has been led by Natalya Andreevna Pyzhova, a methodologist at the Children’s Youth and Youth School. In her classes, she introduces children to the basics of clothing design, teaches them crocheting, and making traditional folk dolls. She designed the traveling exhibitions in the corner of the school museum.

Physical education and health direction.

School – “Youth Sports School” SC “Dolomit”.

The sports school provides its facilities for conducting classes for students. Many school students attend sections taught by trainers - teachers of the Children's and Youth Sports School. Students show the results of this work by winning competitions at different levels. However, coaches also provide invaluable assistance to the school in developing self-discipline among students, and sometimes even working on school subjects and improving the quality of knowledge.

Preventive direction.

The school’s activities in this area are carried out through interaction with social services for working with youth, the public organization “Young Republic”, as well as the police. Representatives of the above organizations are frequent guests at our school. Conversations, quizzes, speeches by propaganda teams, and joint events help teachers in the difficult process of forming a student’s personality. In this direction, a social partnership is also being implemented for the implementation of additional education: representatives of the public movement “Young Republic” offer children to engage in various types of social activities on a volunteer basis, sports, and an active lifestyle.

Information direction.

The role of the educational institution is great in organizing the information that bombards the child from the media: radio, television, the Internet. By organizing work to shape the aspirations and interests of children, interacting with local press organs, local television, we effectively solve the problems of educating the general culture of young citizens, their attitude to the world, to themselves, and the results of their creative activity. Teachers and students of our school actively use thematic pages of the newspaper “Dokuchaevskie Vesti”, the websites “Typical Dokuchaevsk”, “Osh No. 3”. As a positive trend, it can be noted that teachers themselves began to actively promote their experience of working with children and look for new forms of cooperation with the media. Thus, the city is forming an effective system of informing citizens about the life of the school, about problems in the children's and youth environment. This allows you not only to solve the problems of education and socialization of students, but also to actively promote your “product” in the educational services market, solve the image problems of school No. 3 and attract new partners for cooperation.

Career guidance direction.

Our school has been cooperating with Dokuchaevsky Mining and Trade Colleges for many years. We understand this educational partnership as cooperation between absolutely equal partner institutions and as a constructive unification of teachers around one big cause - creating conditions for graduates to acquire a profession, making an informed choice with a sense of conscious responsibility, realistically assessing their potential and prospects for social and professional integration in modern society.

We can talk endlessly about the need for social partnership in modern education; its importance is difficult to overestimate. One thing is obvious: it is precisely this that allows everyone to take a fresh look at the process of education, as an integral component of the entire life of society, each member of which, to one degree or another, can influence its course, direction and effectiveness. Today's practice of social partnership is filled with new content: special attention is paid to the use of technologies for search and research activities of students in working with students, building the social infrastructure of the school, which allows creating conditions for the inclusion of students in the process of developing and implementing social projects, mutual penetration of school subjects, full-scale integration of all actions carried out by the school educational institution. And, since all of the above partnership schemes are rather one-time and unsystematic (since working with schoolchildren is not the main activity for police officers, medical workers, or representatives of other services), the implementation of modern partnerships in our school I would like to demonstrate precisely by the example of interdisciplinary connections, by the joint coordinated actions of all school employees, by the implementation of such partnerships through integrated lessons. Based on my teaching specialty, my own experience and existing models of partnership in teaching children, I would like to focus on the school subject called “English Language”. We present to your attention two presentations based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience on the topic “Modern partnership in the field of education (achievements and prospects) and “Modern partnership in teaching children English”.
Prepared material for participation in the Virtual Exhibition and Presentation “Modern Education in the Donetsk People’s Republic 2016” - Pisanets N.G., English language teacher at the Municipal Educational Institution “School No. 3 of Dokuchaevsk”, teacher of the highest qualification category, senior teacher.

, based on similar principles of interaction between the parties, in a number of aspects differs significantly from social partnership carried out in the world of work. Let's look at what makes it remarkable.

The idea of ​​social partnership in education

Social partnership in any sphere of life is based on voluntary and mutually beneficial cooperation aimed at achieving some common social goals by its participants. Its rules for interaction on issues of labor relations are sufficiently outlined by law (Section II of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and relate to the “employee-employer” relationship with the possibility of participation of government bodies in them.

Social partnership in education, which basically has the same idea (voluntary mutually beneficial cooperation to solve common problems), does not have a similar legislative framework and, although based on similar principles of interaction between the parties, uses only those of them that are sufficient to achieve the set goals:

  • equality of participants;
  • mutual respect;
  • interest in results;
  • freedom to discuss issues of interest;
  • voluntariness of accepting obligations;
  • responsibility.

The composition of partners in the field of education is formed depending on the level of the educational institution and the tasks to be solved, and therefore cannot be unambiguously regulated. It always involves the educational institution and the student himself; at the preschool and school level, this circle usually also includes the student’s parents. A higher level of an educational institution is determined by a wider circle of people interested in social cooperation with it. As the level increases, the emphasis may shift in determining the initiator of the partnership:

  • in a preschool educational institution (DOU), it usually becomes the institution itself;
  • in relations with a school, which is an intermediate step between a preschool educational institution and an educational institution providing vocational education, it can be both the school and both educational institutions bordering it;
  • In partnerships with a vocational education institution, government agencies, employers, employment services, and schools become interested, and they can become their initiator.

Objectives of social partnership in education

For any educational institution, the main task of social partnership will be to improve the quality and efficiency of education, that is, to improve the performance indicators for which they were created. However, at each level of the educational process, priority will be given to its own range of tasks to be solved. social partnership in education:

  • in preschool educational institutions, the main attention is paid to the issues of child adaptation in a team, the development of communication abilities, awakening curiosity, and identifying special abilities;
  • the school gives the student the basic knowledge necessary for further professional training, helps in career guidance, develops horizons, abilities for communication, organization, self-organization, leadership, and creativity;
  • Vocational education institutions prepare future workers with the necessary knowledge and initial experience in relevant professions that will be in demand on the labor market.

There is a fairly close interaction between these levels, thanks to which a less painful and more purposeful transition of students from one level to another occurs. Vocational educational institutions, in addition, are to a certain extent interested in the further employment of their graduates, since the further demand for the acquired professions and the requirements for the degree of preparedness of specialists depend on this.

At the present stage, coordinated partnerships between schools and vocational education institutions, on the one hand, government bodies, employers and other partners interested in specialists, on the other hand, make it possible, based on the possession of up-to-date information about the need for professional personnel, to quickly resolve issues such as:

  • reorientation to training people in more in-demand professions;
  • changing the requirements for the level of professional knowledge, allowing to increase the quality of training of specialists and the degree of their competitiveness;
  • development in future employees of certain moral and business qualities that determine their responsible attitude to work and the successful performance of their functions.

Types of social partnership in the field of education

Partnerships in education can take many different forms. Their range, obviously, will be wider than with partnership in the sphere of labor, since not only is it not limited to anything, but it also leads to the emergence of new effective forms.

The basis for the types of interaction between partners will be the exchange of information (predictive or current) that allows managing the education process. At the preschool and school level, partnership most often takes on the character of cooperation that is not formalized by contractual relations, while in social interaction with a vocational education institution, a contract (agreement) becomes the most important form of relationship. Contractual relations may take place in the following areas:

  • targeted transfer of students from preschool educational institutions to certain schools, from schools to certain vocational education institutions, from a vocational training institution to a specific employer;
  • training the necessary specialists with sustainable practical skills acquired during the training process through the supervision of this process by specific employers.

In partnerships in education, the role of government bodies that perform the functions of collecting, systematizing data by region, analyzing and forecasting situations regarding economic development and the demand for specialists, and adopting the necessary legislative acts to regulate the situation turns out to be quite significant.

Social partnership in preschool educational institutions

The preschool educational institution, along with the child’s family, forms in him those basic personality characteristics that subsequently determine for him many life attitudes and, in particular, his outlook, choice of profession, the possibility of professional growth, and the comfort of existence in a team.

Social partnership in preschool educational institutions can occur:

  • within the preschool educational institution with the involvement of parents, the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution, teaching staff of schools, and specialists in any specific fields;
  • at the regional level with the participation of organizations from other fields of activity (health care, culture, sports, social protection).

The forms of social partnership are:

  • various joint events (concerts, holidays, performances, competitions) both in the preschool educational institution and beyond;
  • lessons, meetings, educational trips;
  • open days;
  • general parent meetings;
  • individual work with families;
  • consultations with parents, conducting seminars and trainings;
  • individual preparation of children for school.

Social partnership at school

At school, social partnership becomes important in such aspects as:

  • development of communication and adaptation skills in a team;
  • civic-patriotic education;
  • maintaining and promoting health;
  • obtaining knowledge that complements the school curriculum;
  • acquaintance with the professions and places of work of parents;
  • assistance in finding employment during school holidays;
  • cooperation with preschool educational institutions to prepare children for entering school and with vocational educational institutions in terms of career guidance.

At this level, partnership is never limited to internal events of the educational institution and is often extended beyond the school either by holding events outside it (olympiads, competitions, trips, hikes, lectures), or by involving third parties and organizations in work on the school premises (staging performances, intensive study of a foreign language, special lecture courses).

Social partnership in vocational education institutions

These institutions, in terms of meeting the needs of students and employers, are most susceptible to changes arising in the labor market, which forces them to quickly respond to these changes, i.e., leads to the need for constant self-improvement.

Information about changes is based on:

  • on forecast data on the demand for certain professions and long-term plans for the development of territories received from government bodies;
  • employers' requests;
  • current employment service data;
  • requests of students for certain professions.

The optimal relationship between the state of the labor market and the employment opportunities for newly trained specialists is determined by a timely and thorough analysis of the identified trends. The absence of such an analysis, when focusing only on students’ requests for future professions, can create a situation in which graduated specialists will be unclaimed, and the labor market will have unfilled vacancies in other specialties. Therefore, it is at this level that the role of the state in creating and managing a flexible education system becomes particularly important.

Social partnership here can take place in such forms as:

  • development of training programs and qualification requirements for specialists;
  • conducting practical training at certain enterprises;
  • labor market monitoring;
  • conducting retraining of specialists according to agreed programs;
  • internship for teachers at partner enterprises;
  • creation of joint advisory bodies;
  • implementation of joint projects;
  • attracting funds from partners to finance the reform of the educational process;
  • government subsidies or tax breaks for enterprises involved in the process of training specialists.


Social partnership in education carried out according to its own special rules, allowing it to attract a fairly wide range of people. As the level at which a partnership arises increases, the share of participation in it by third-party organizations and government bodies increases.

Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers
Russian Federation







Moscow 2006

Edited by the Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union

and Secretary of the Central Committee Yudin

, Ponkratova partnership in education. Tutorial. Moscow, MGOU Publishing House, 2006. 60 p.

The manual reveals the legal and organizational foundations of social partnership in the field of education, including in educational institutions. The role of the trade union organization and its elected trade union bodies in the preparation and conclusion of agreements and collective bargaining agreements in an educational institution in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation is shown.

Particular attention is paid to the practice of social partnership and generalization of the experience of trade union organizations.

The textbook is intended to help trade union committees of educational institutions in their work to develop social partnership.


1. The role of social dialogue in the practice of trade union work…………………………………………………………..

2. The practice of contractual regulation of social and labor relations in the field of education.


3.1. Approximate structure of a collective agreement of an educational institution………………

In such conditions, the sectoral Trade Union, starting from 1991, began to implement its main statutory goals and objectives in protecting the social and labor rights and professional interests of educators and students, primarily through social partnership mechanisms.

Today we can state that the industry has developed a system for concluding agreements and collective agreements at the federal (Industry Tariff Agreement), regional, territorial and local levels (collective agreements in educational institutions of all types and types), which is becoming increasingly developed.

Since 1997, 211 regional agreements have been registered with the Trade Union Central Committee together with the line ministry, including. This year, 75 registered regional agreements (96.0%) are in force.

The practice of concluding territorial agreements at the municipal level is expanding (89%), and in 26 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, agreements of this level have been concluded in all municipalities. In 2005, on average, 88% of educational institutions had collective agreements.

As part of the implementation of regional, territorial agreements and collective agreements, in recent years it has been possible to increase wages to a certain extent, mainly through the formation of a super-tariff fund, including through extra-budgetary funds, which has led to some stabilization of the work of educational institutions; Over the years, more than 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation have managed to increase the level of material support for employees of educational institutions by establishing various types of additional payments and allowances, including for young teachers.

In recent years, issues of social partnership have been discussed at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Trade Union, the All-Russian meeting of chairmen of territorial committees of the Trade Union and heads of educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union.

The close attention of the Trade Union Central Committee to the problem of developing social partnership in the industry is due to the following.

Firstly, in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force on February 1, 2002, the legislator seriously increased the role of social partnership. For the first time, an entire section appeared entirely devoted to social partnership; for the first time, the code defines social partnership as a system that includes all types of interaction between employees (their representatives), employers (their representatives) and state authorities or local governments, including and informal, non-legal.

The goal of social partnership is to harmonize the interests of workers and employers, i.e., to make decisions that equally take into account the need to ensure the effective operation of organizations and create a system of guarantees of labor rights of workers at the federal, regional, territorial and local levels.

More than a hundred articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation refer to a collective agreement as a legal act regulating social and labor relations in an institution.

Secondly, there is an increasing tendency on the part of the federal authorities to transfer powers to ensure social and labor guarantees and provide benefits from the federal level to the regional and even municipal levels (in establishing the levels of rates and salaries, bonuses for education workers, in providing utility benefits to teaching staff in rural areas) locality, in determining the procedure for certification of teaching staff, etc.).

In such conditions, it seems necessary to intensify the work of territorial organizations of the Trade Union on collective agreement regulation in order to prepare trade union activists to professionally and competently defend the social and labor rights and professional interests of educators at the regional, territorial and local levels.

It should be noted that the current state of contractual regulation of labor relations in the industry is still largely characterized by declarative nature and insufficient content of agreements and collective agreements, their non-binding nature and the absence of necessary sanctions for non-compliance.

This is due to the fact that federal and regional government bodies often shirk responsibility for implementing constitutional guarantees of citizens’ rights in the field of education, for ensuring stable funding for schools and their obligations under agreements and collective agreements.

In such conditions, the Trade Union repeatedly had to use such extreme forms of struggle for the social and labor rights and professional interests of educators as all-Russian protests, rallies, pickets and strikes.

In addition, limiting factors for the development of the process of social partnership in the field of education are also:

The slow development of representative bodies of employers in the industry (for example, the Federal Law “On Associations of Employers” adopted in 2002 does not establish the specifics of the status of an employer in the public sector, despite the fact that the Central Committee of the Trade Union has repeatedly given its comments and proposals to consolidate this specificity in the law);

Unresolved problems of restoring state responsibility in the field of education, delimitation of powers and responsibilities of state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in ensuring stable financing of industry institutions;

Extremely low financial security for the provisions of collective agreements and agreements at all levels;

Lack of a systematic approach to the formation of personnel policy in the industry;

Underdevelopment of the teaching labor market, lack of relationship between planning professional training, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff and labor market requirements

In addition, in the protocol, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Trade Union committed themselves to creating an Industry Commission for the regulation of social and labor relations, which was instructed to prepare and submit for approval by the Parties a draft action plan for 2005 to implement the Industry Agreement for the years and to begin developing a draft of a new industry agreement for years.

On June 9, 2005, a meeting of the Industry Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, created by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 1, 2001, took place. At the meeting, the Industry Commission approved a draft action plan for 2005 for the implementation of the Industry Agreement for the institutions of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for years, decisions were made on organizing work to prepare a draft industry agreement for years, indicating specific stages of work, and a working group was formed for preparing a draft of a new industry agreement.

2.3. Increasing the effectiveness of social partnership in order to strengthen the protection of social and labor rights and professional interests of industry workers, including professional growth and increasing wages for education workers

Increasing the efficiency of social partnership at the federal level is largely related to the progress of implementation of the Industry Agreement. As the analysis has shown, social dialogue at the federal level is currently characterized by instability and inconsistency, primarily due to the unresolved issue of legislatively establishing an authorized and responsible representative of the employer in the budgetary sphere, as well as the ongoing administrative reform of federal executive authorities.

At the same time, despite the existing difficulties of an objective nature, it should be noted that the implementation of the Industry Agreement on institutions of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for 2004 - 2006 in 2005 continues. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Trade Union of Education have prepared and approved an Action Plan for the implementation of the Industry Agreement, which provides for a set of measures in the following main areas:

Continuation of joint registration and analysis of regional agreements and collective agreements of universities, including through automated analysis of the Industry Laboratory on the basis of the Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy;

Preparation by the parties of recommendations to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities to clarify the methodology for the formation of subventions to local budgets from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to finance expenses for the implementation of basic general education programs, including additional education, in terms of expenses for remuneration of employees of educational institutions, expenses for teaching aids , technical training aids, etc.;

Development by the parties of recommendations to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities on the model for calculating budgetary financing standards for the implementation of basic educational programs for additional education of children;
