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Protocols of winners 44. How to find out the results of the tender? Where is information about procurement winners published and how to find it? Analysts, marketers, call centers

The state customer places a purchase and undertakes to conclude a contract with the company that will offer Better conditions. Information about the selected candidate is entered into the protocol. This document is freely available on the website of the Unified Information System (UIS) and on the corresponding electronic platform. The exception is closed competitions, the subjects of which constitute a state secret.

Some companies are interested in information about tender winners, for example:

  1. Subcontractors. These are companies that, for various reasons, do not directly participate in bidding, but wish to join in the execution of the order.
  2. Distributors. Representatives of manufacturers receive a database of tender winners and offer them cooperation.
  3. Banks and brokers. Such organizations promote their Financial services: loans, guarantees, etc.
  4. Analytical and marketing agencies (for preparing ratings, reports, etc.).

Data about all tender winners is also contained in the databases of search services, for example, Awindex. Unlike the Unified Information System, they provide the ability to filter and sort such information. The results are produced taking into account the parameters of user requests.

Hello, dear colleague! IN Lately My support service often receives questions with the following content: “How can I find out the winner of the tender?”, “Where can I find the contacts of the winners of government procurement?” etc. Therefore, in this article we will talk in detail about the winners of tenders and government procurement, namely where and how to find information about such winners and their contact information. And since this topic is so interesting to many, I suggest you look into it in detail.

1. Tender winners. Who are they and what information can you find out about them?

Tender winner - supplier (bidder) who offered the Customer the best conditions for the execution of the contract.

Information about such winners is reflected in the relevant protocols, which in turn are posted by Customers (operators) on the websites and electronic platforms. The exception is tenders conducted by closed means, and information about which is a state secret.

If we talk about government (under 44-FZ) and corporate procurement (under 223-FZ), then in the final protocols you can find the following information about the winners:

  • Name;
  • Mailing address;

Below is a screenshot from the official EIS website.

Here only the name of the winner is publicly available. But the TIN and address of the winner can be found in the summing up protocol itself.

There are more than enough sites on the Internet that provide services for distributing tender winners. However, along with tables, online databases like are becoming increasingly popular, where it is possible to set up filters, search for additional contacts and combine several convenient functions directly online. For the most part, such databases contain information about the winners of state (under 44-FZ) and corporate (under 223-FZ) tenders. The collection of such data is automated and occurs using special programs - parsers. Parsing (i.e. collecting) information about the winners of commercial tenders is much more difficult. This is due to the fact that there are quite a lot of such resources, they have different interfaces, and the organizer of a commercial purchase is not obliged to publicly disclose information about the winner. Therefore, no one currently provides information about the winners of commercial tenders.

Mailings of tender winners can be either one-time or regular. Most often, such e-mail newsletters are sent in the morning at the beginning of the working day. The subscription period for the newsletter can be for 1, 3, 6 and 12 months.

Some services provide their clients with free mailing of tender winners during a trial period (1-3 days) to enable them to evaluate the relevance of the data and the ease of working with the database.

Also, these services allow you to more precisely configure the database according to parameters such as keywords, industry, region of announcement or delivery, Customers, law, etc.

How much does it cost to send out tender winners?

1 month— from 1500 to 12500 rubles;
3 months— from 3900 to 18500 rubles;
6 months— from 7200 to 24500 rubles;
12 months— from 12,600 to 34,500 rubles;
One-time mailing - from 300 to 700 rubles.

4. Conclusion

Information about tender winners is useful and necessary. In some cases, this information helps to conduct market analysis, and in others to find new clients or partners. However, you should understand that if you just want to analyze the market and your potential competitors, then you have no need to purchase ready-made databases. All the necessary information is on the website Of course, this will require some time from you, but it is absolutely free. If you want to speed up the process of collecting and analyzing such information, then you can use any paid search service with a built-in analytics module, for example tender plan.

But if you sell financial services (bank guarantees, loans, credits), or are a manufacturer or distributor of goods, then you simply need a ready-made database of tender winners. Imagine that several thousand purchases are carried out every day and manually monitoring the results of tenders is simply unrealistic. And by subscribing to the newsletter, every morning you will receive a letter with a fresh database, with which you can immediately start working (making calls or sending out commercial offers). Some services offer a half-hour service of sending out fresh databases, i.e. You will have the latest information in your hands, which your competitors will receive only the next day. In this case, even a few hours head start is a decisive moment.

That's all for me. If you still have questions, ask them below in the comments to this article.

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What database of counterparties is needed?

There are many information sources on the market that supply databases of tender winners. At the same time, we understand that among them there are many “gasket” companies that do not carry out their activities for their intended purpose. It is impossible to sell your goods and services to such “gaskets”. Of course, you can have a general database of counterparties as some kind of analytics and statistics for Russian companies as a whole. But still, for sales you need the right customer base, you see... living customers, workers in all respects.

Why do experienced companies choose a database of tender participants and winners to sell their goods, works and services?

Logical: a company that participates and wins tenders is a working company, not a dummy. Work company always ready to interact with other counterparties. Here everything depends on your ability to present and sell your product.

Who needs a database of tender winners? Why isn't there a better database of tender winners?

Most often, the database of tender winners is used by Agents, Banks and Customers. The second echelon is construction companies, cleaning companies, private security companies and other organizations that cold call their potential clients.

Why us?

First: We are professionally engaged in automation of agency business. The largest number of agents in our country have gathered on the site platform. More than 10 banks that have sales departments for bank guarantees also work on our platform. They trust us!. State patent No. 2018612872 dated March 01, 2018 Trademark No. 715218 dated June 7, 2019

Second: We regularly clean the database of tender winners from garbage, which means that by using our database of participants and winners for cold calling, the probability of getting through to the client is the highest in the database market! It’s no secret that procurement participants most often indicate inaccurate telephone numbers so that after the victory, when the protocol is published, agents from all over the country do not start calling them. That is why, when the winner’s protocol appears in our database, it is immediately supplemented with relevant contacts from other alternative sources, such as: Federal Tax Service, AZIPI, FEDRESOURS (bankruptcy reports), Commercial purchases(,, etc., USRPO, Sites for the sale of property, Sources of foreign trade (REC and PVI).

Third: We have 10 summer experience on the Russian tender market and have the most complete database of tender winners, which is updated every second. Just register and download the latest database every day for free.

The conditions for winning the tender depend on.

The customer compares proposals from suppliers admitted to the proposal comparison stage and ranks them in descending order of attractiveness. If the purchase is carried out by auction, then the so-called “auction bidding” is used for comparison - this is the stage at which auction participants, competing, submit their proposals for the price, gradually reducing it. If the procurement is carried out through a competition, then the customer opens the envelopes with the suppliers' proposals, and the competition commission ranks these proposals according to the criteria established by the competition documentation. If the procedure includes a rebidding stage, then after ranking, suppliers have the opportunity to increase the attractiveness of their offer by lowering their price requirement.

The winner of the procurement is the participant who offered the best terms for the execution of the contract and took first place in the final ranking. The best terms of the contract are determined based on the criteria published when announcing the purchase as part of the procurement documentation.

Commercial Director of B2B-Center Andrey Boyko in a short training video will tell you how and where to find suitable purchases, how to participate in tenders correctly, and what mistakes small and medium-sized businesses most often make. He reveals the secrets of “not losing” when participating in tenders - and “not losing” is already half the victory!

The winner of the auction in the competition is the person who offered Better conditions execution of the contract in accordance with the criteria and procedure for evaluating and comparing applications, which are established in the tender documentation on the basis of the procurement regulations, at the auction - the person who offered most low price agreement or, if during an auction the price of the contract is reduced to zero and the auction is held for the right to conclude a contract, the highest contract price. (Part 2 of Article 3 of Law No. 223-FZ)

A competition is a method of determining a supplier (contractor, performer), in which the winner is the procurement participant who offered the best terms for the execution of the contract. An auction is a method of determining a supplier (contractor, performer), in which the winner is the procurement participant who offered the lowest contract price. (Part 3 and Part 4 of Article 24 of the Law “On the Contract System”)

The winner of the request for quotation is the procurement participant who offered lowest contract price(Part 1 of Article 72 of the Law “On the Contract System”)

The winner of the request for proposals is the procurement participant who sent the final proposal, which best meets the customer’s requirements for a product, work or service. (Part 1 of Article 83 of the Law “On the Contract System”)

Declaring the winner of the participant who did not offer the best terms for the execution of the contract is illegal.

By general rule The contract is concluded with the winner of the purchase - i.e. with the one whose offer turned out to be the most attractive for the customer.

However in case of evasion of the winner from concluding a contract, such a contract can be concluded with the potential supplier who submitted second most attractive offer. For the customer, known insurance in case the winner evades signing the contract (or from attempts to impose an agreement on the customer on terms different from the procurement documentation and the winner’s proposal) is the application security tool. This could be insurance, deposit Money, bank guarantee or other similar instrument: if the winner of the purchase evades signing the contract, a pre-agreed amount is collected from him in favor of the customer, and this happens out of court.

The winner selection protocol is the final document of each purchase. However, if the winner is not selected, then the final document becomes a protocol declaring this purchase invalid.


  • Carefully study the companies' procurement plans for the next year, which are available in the United information system in the field of procurement (EIS). In the planned auctions, choose the ones most suitable for your work, based on the topic, make a calendar of interesting purchases.
  • Constantly look for new purchases. Use all the tools available to you to do this.
  • Fill out in detail the profile of your company's activities on the ETP. Set up mailings, fill out autosearch templates. This will allow you to more effectively search for suitable purchases.
  • Carefully study the customer's procurement documentation. Understand which criteria are the most important in this purchase (it doesn’t have to be price, it could be timing, warranty, etc.).
  • Do not miss the opportunity to re-bid or re-submit an application (purchase conditions are described in the supplier’s procurement regulations)
  • Don’t be afraid to communicate with the customer: communication with the customer through the ETP is anonymous for suppliers. The customer is obliged to respond; he is given no more than 3 days to do this.
  • Don't be lazy to participate in as many trades as possible. Even if you don't win at first, the experience you gain from participating in tenders will give you the opportunity to start winning over time.
  • Study and use: bank guarantee, tender loan, legal support and so on.