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Reasoning the role of man on earth (School essays). Essay “Everything good on earth is from the sun, and everything good is from the hands of man Being a man on earth essay

Temerbolatova B. M.

KSU "Karatal basic school

Shal akyn district


In our difficult time, when everything is developing so rapidly that it is sometimes difficult to keep track of the changes taking place in the life of society, you often ask yourself questions: what should a person be like, has his outlook on life changed, should he adapt to the frantic pace of life?

Yes, our time is not easy, stormy, the time of new technologies, but each person needs to find his calling, because to establish himself in it is a source of happiness. What is the highest pleasure in life? In my opinion, in creative work, something approaching art. If a person is in love with his work, he strives to have something beautiful both in the process of work and in its results. As proof, one can cite the words of K. Stanislavsky, who said this: “... what is happiness on earth? In knowledge. You get to know nature, the life of the world, the meaning of life, you get to know the soul-talent! There is no greater happiness than this!”

And no matter what the times are, no matter how life changes, nevertheless, the main qualities for a person have always been and remain love for life, kindness to people, a sense of justice, camaraderie and honesty. These are the fundamental qualities with which a person goes through life. For me, L.N. Tolstoy has always been an example, who loved not only people, but also his literary heroes, lived a book life with them. One day he left his office in tears. When asked what happened, he answered with a wave of his hand: "Prince Bolkonsky has just died."

Not all people become famous, geniuses. But I think that just being a person, creating a strong family, raising children is also not easy, this is also a feat.

A person in the world is just a small grain of sand, but if he was born, if he lives on Earth, then the Earth needs him. A person must live and create in such a way as to be aware of every moment, to appreciate every minute allotted to him. And it depends on the person himself what kind of memory he will leave about himself - if not nationwide, then among relatives.

And how can one not recall N. Ostrovsky's statement that “Life is given to a person only once, and it must be lived in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years ...”.

The introductory part begins with questions that the author tries to answer in the main part of his work.

In the main part, the compositional integrity is traced, the parts of the statement are logically connected, the thought develops sequentially. The author expressed his individual position, arguing with an example from the life of L.N. Tolstoy and the statement of N. Ostrovsky.

The future belongs to professionals

Kovaleva O.S.

Shal akyn district

A man should do his job in such a way,

as if he had nowhere to look for help.

Halifax D.

And who is a professional? Probably, this is the person who knows his business perfectly and at the same time is sure that he knows absolutely nothing about it. I think that a professional should not only be well versed in his field, but also understand the importance of the work performed. After all, if there are many smart, qualified specialists in our society, then humanity will only move forward, it will progress ...

Of course, every country wants to see its population smart, promising, purposeful, versed in all spheres of life. For example, we can see the desire for this in the example of free education provided by our state. And I think that this is right, because the future of the whole world lies on the shoulders of smart and educated people who can be called professionals in their field. After all, if you just imagine the opposite picture: a doctor who is poorly or not at all versed in his field, an incompetent teacher, a narrow-minded engineer or an unprofessional police officer - the actions of these people can cause enormous harm to society, to a person ... Personally, one conclusion suggests itself to me: it is impossible to do without knowledge and without the pursuit of knowledge.

But what does a person need to do to be a professional? I firmly believe that it is necessary to have a clearly defined goal and achieve it, no matter how difficult it may be. Of course, you need to read a lot (no matter how trite it may sound), communicate with intelligent people, attend cultural events: exhibitions, museums, theater, cinema. After all, all this contributes to the expansion of horizons, intellectual development, and the acquisition of communication skills.

So, in order for a person to call himself a professional in the future, he must set a specific goal and achieve it by any means. Work every day and fight laziness, develop the best human qualities in yourself. Then we don't have to worry about our future...


The essay was written by a student of the 11th grade on the topic "The future belongs to professionals." The student coped with the volume. However, the topic is covered superficially, there are not enough arguments to prove the theses put forward. There is not enough logical connection in the work, there is not enough originality and imagery. However, the work is written correctly in terms of literacy: there are no spelling and punctuation errors.

You are a Human!

And, going through life, you must always remain it. And no matter what circumstances life puts you in,

Always remember this.

Sometimes these life circumstances become a wall in your way, sometimes they hurt like a sharp

Blade of a dagger.

But you always remember that you are a Human. And always be human!

I decided to build my essay as a reflection and conversation about myself. That's why I started it with an epigraph that I wrote myself.

Man... Everyone puts their own meaning into this concept. And for me, not everyone can be a Human. I can't call everyone that. For me, Man is, first of all, one who can understand another, for whom the misfortune and pain of another become his own pain. Such a Person will be able to make the life of others more joyful and happy, and he himself will never get tired of this life.

I don't like fatal outcome

I never get tired of life.

I don't like any season

In which I do not sing songs!

And the one who lives only for himself, only for his narrow interests, for there are no problems other than his own, I cannot call a Man. For me, it's just a being. And such a person really does not live, but exists, because he does not receive real joy from life. Only such people are capable of hurting another, only such, in my opinion, are capable of baseness and meanness.

I don't like open cynicism!

I do not believe in enthusiasm, and yet,

When a stranger reads my letters,

Looking over my shoulder!

For each of us, there is a difficult path ahead, a difficult road. And this road is life. And life will show who is who. The main thing is to walk this road and not let yourself be broken, not succumb to the obstacles and difficulties that we will face. As they say, it is easy to fall into the mud, but to wash yourself off this mud... And not everyone who falls manages to wash himself off. Not everyone remains human to the end. And from those who do not remain, most often you can expect, as Vladimir wrote, a shot in the back.

I don't like it when half

Or when they interrupted the conversation /

I don't like being shot in the back!

I am also against point blank shot!

Personally, I do not like four qualities in people: lies, greed, cowardice, and, most importantly, the ability to inflict mental pain on others or, as Vysotsky said, to get into the soul and spit in it.

I don't like myself when I'm afraid!

It annoys me when the innocent are beaten!

I do not like it when they climb into my soul!

Especially when they spit on it!

I don't like arenas and arenas!

They change a million rubles for them

Let there be big changes ahead.

I will never love it!

And indeed, you need to go through life as a real person! Gotta stay human capital letter to end! It is real, good people who leave a mark on the Earth. And only about real people remains a good memory. And what kind of memory will remain about us will be judged by how we go through our life path and what mark we leave on Earth.

One of the forms of extracurricular and academic work students is writing an essay. This form of work allows students to reveal their vision of the problem, teaches them to analyze the material and present it in a short form.



Rogatneva M.A., KGB POU Khabarovsk industrial and economic technical College


"Man on Earth".

It is believed that if we imagine the entire history of the Earth in one year, then a person will appear in just twenty minutes before the new year, and industry in just a second! Despite this, man managed to leave his imprint on what was formed over billions of years. Behind Lately the view of the planet from space has greatly changed. Desertification, species extinction, air and water pollution, resource depletion are all the work of man.

Given the trends in the development of society and production, it can be noted with bitterness that our planet is slowly turning into a garbage dump. This applies not only to land, but also to water. For example, the dirtiest river in the world flows near Jakarta. Water from it cannot be used even for technical purposes. Local residents do nothing but collect garbage, forgetting that there was once a fish in this river. In principle, developed countries do not lag behind in pollution.

“What do we care about other countries? They themselves are to blame! The main thing is that we are clean!” - you think. Unfortunately, it is not. We live on a planet where everything is built on the principle of cycles. And if there is an ecological disaster somewhere, then this cannot but affect the ecological situation elsewhere. So, after a storm in the Sea of ​​Japan, garbage from Japan and China ends up on the Russian coast, and they have ours. Today the problem of pollution environment This is a global problem and we must solve it all together.

What other “victories” has man achieved while existing on planet Earth. Due to the development of industry and transport, the air is not as clean as we would like. It is filled with toxic substances. As emissions - half of the periodic table! All this enters our body, causing various pathologies and malignant formations.

Do not forget about our smaller brothers! Due to human intervention in the animal world, thousands of animal species are on the verge of extinction in their habitat. And how many animals have already died out! Dodo, thylacine, baiji, marsupial wolf, moa, tour… The list is endless!

Do not forget about the consequences of deforestation: soil erosion, desertification, shallowing of rivers, disruption of the planet's gas balance. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm: deforestation is accelerating. West Africa, South America, Madagascar are depleted of forests. The most terrible thing is that tropical forests cannot be restored, being, in fact, a unique and very valuable ecosystem.

Nothing is given for nothing, for everything a person pays a certain price. For "cheap" electricity HPP pays with flooding of land and forest land, a change in river flow.Thermal power plants worsen the ecological situation with emissions into the atmosphere, and when using nuclear power plants, there are problems with waste disposal nuclear fuel. Sometimes the damage to nature is much higher than the efficiency of some types of power plants.

Modern man can no longer live without those benefits of civilization that he has created, and most importantly, he needs more and more of these benefits. At what price are they given to a person - he destroys the world in which he lives. But from industry, transport and Agriculture cannot be refused. What to do? We need to look further and simply introduce more science into production, find safe ways to dispose of waste, use secondary resources. And we, in turn, can economically use what we take from nature.

“Nature “knows” better” is an unspoken law of ecology. We cannot and should not interfere with the mechanisms of nature, which have been formed over millennia. Learning from nature, living in harmony with nature, using natural resources rationally - these are the basic principles by which economic activity man, and then he will live on planet Earth for a long time.

What is the function of man on earth? Why was he born, why does he live? This question is asked by philosophers who reflect on the role human life in the universe, poets have thought about this question in all ages, but also ordinary people who are not indifferent to their place in life, the answer to this question is also interesting.

Man is an unusual, unique creature, possessing tremendous inner strength, which is much higher than physical strength. And this force can be directed in different directions: both for creation and destruction, for bringing good to people or sowing evil. Each person chooses his own path, often this choice is influenced by circumstances, but the choice still remains with the person.

When choosing in the direction of evil and destruction, a person goes against his nature. Initially, it does not contain negative qualities, a person comes into this world as an innocent child who cannot harm anyone. Where do people come from who are literally saturated with hatred, envy, thirst for strife? At first, everything depends on the upbringing and the environment in which the child grows up, but then, when he becomes an adult, he has the right to decide for himself which side to take: to be kind and happy or evil and sow evil around him, giving rise to hatred.

The struggle with oneself is the most difficult struggle, but everyone can do it, because a person has a unique ability to develop and improve himself. As the proverb says: the whole world will be subject to the one who conquers himself.

Only the person himself can change himself for the better, for this you just need to want to change, and then life itself will suggest steps to improvement. You just need to remember the law of life - a person's life is in his hands, he can command it, kind and happy people bring good to the world, which means that there are more and more such people.

Updated: 2012-06-17

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Intellectual - creative essay
"An excellent position is to be a man on earth"

Nikurova Miroslava Andreevna,
9th grade student
Panaev boarding school

Nomination: Intellectual - creative essay

Head: Romanova Olga Petrovna

With. Panaevsk, 2016

When I was in the sixth grade, at the Russian language lesson we discussed the topic “What do I want to become?”. Naturally, my classmates, just like myself, dreamed of a good profession: teacher, doctor, engineer. Andrei from our class generally wanted to become president. We made grandiose plans for the future. Each of us wanted to be a leader.
I am currently in ninth grade. And again, in the Russian language lesson, we are discussing the topic of the essay “Who do I want to become?”. Most of us confidently say, “We haven’t quite decided on our future profession, but we are sure of one thing - first of all, we want to become
people." In my opinion, this is very important and the right profession- to be human on earth.
The main feature of a person is the ability to think and reason. In order to be able to fully develop these skills, it is necessary to read books in order to obtain new information, to fulfill oneself in certain types of activities, to discover new opportunities for oneself. In my opinion, it is these components that help us in understanding actions, life situations, thanks to them we make right choice. The main feature of a person is the ability to think about his behavior, actions and make the right decision.
I believe that a person is not just a biological being that has its own needs and instincts. Definitely, every person, along with physiological needs, also has spiritual needs. That's what it is inner world person. And in order to rightfully be called a human being, we need to cultivate worthy and noble qualities in ourselves: understanding, empathy, love, care. There are situations when people especially need support, we must learn not to be indifferent to someone else's misfortune. Being human is a big responsibility.
Man, as a rational and sane being, is rightfully a great mystery of nature. Many writers and poets were interested in the inner world of a person, his actions, behavior, as well as his way of life.
It was typical for Maxim Gorky to refer to the essence of human existence. In his works, Gorky wrote about the people of the era of the collapse of the old and the beginning of a new world. It was important for the writer to predict what a person would look like decades later. According to Gorky, a person is an honorable mission, which, unfortunately, few people living on earth have been awarded. The title of a person with a capital letter must be earned, it is not just awarded. Spiritual freedom, unshakable internal position, freedom of thought, perseverance, pride - components characteristic of Gorky's understanding of the essence of man. In the works of the writer, a person appears before us as a feeling, possessing the ability to live in the full sense of the word.
According to M. Gorky, in order for a person to fully live his life, he needs to have a specific goal. It is then that life on earth will seem like a great pleasure. The works of the writer are a clear confirmation of the fact that there is always a place for a feat in life.
I would like to turn to Gorky's Chelkash. The main characters of the story - Gregory and Gavrila - are antipodes. In describing the appearance of Chelkash, the writer uses such epithets as "evil smile", "predatory face", "sharp and piercing gaze". The protagonist is a thin and pale man of high stature. By nature, Gregory was a freedom-loving person, and he enjoyed his freedom to the best of his ability. For Chelkash, money was of no particular value, he could spend it aimlessly. In his speech, Gregory, as a rule, used rude words, imbued with rejection of the people around him.
In fact, main character He was a free man with human dignity. It should be noted that Chelkash could "present" his person as if he were higher in rank and class of the people around him.
A completely opposite person is Gavrila, who becomes an unwitting victim of the circumstances. By nature, Gavrila is a trusting and good-natured person who needs money. Fair-haired, broad-shouldered, tanned, blue-eyed guy. If Chelkash really was a free man, without attachments, then Gavrila only dreamed of freedom. And, as it turned out, he was not ready to live freely. I wanted to, but I couldn't! Gavrila remains attached to his home, mother, life.
It is undeniable that Chelkash treats Gavrila with contempt, distrust, misunderstanding, but at the same time, Grigory sympathizes with the guy.
The attitude of Chelkash to Gavrila is peculiar: the broad-shouldered stocky guy had a home, an old mother, a small household. Gavrila had somewhere to go, they were waiting for him, he was needed. I think that Chelkash to some extent even envied this guy, because Grigory had neither a family nor a home. All this was only in his memories. Chelkash chose freedom, independence. And he was proud of it.
Grigory and Gavrila are two opposite personalities living on opposite sides of the barricade, each of them has different goals in life. Chelkash revels in power over Gavrila, his obedient submission delights Gregory. Soon Chelkash wakes up with a feeling of pity for the guy, he wants to take care of Gavrila, take care of him. At its core, Gregory is a person with a controversial character: he can be rude and at the same time caring. The protagonist of the story is a smart, lucky man who successfully trades in theft, but under no circumstances loses his dignity. In the tavern, Grigory behaves quite relaxedly, like the owner, which Gavrila is very surprised at. The guy at that moment begins to respect Chelkash.
Two polar characters with different views on life, different characters could not live in an idyll, their clash was obvious. Gavrila is a money-hungry person. Chelkash is a spender in life, money means little to him. The appearance of money in the hands of Gregory provoked Gavrila: initially the guy wanted to kill Chelkash and take away his banknotes. But Gavrila was a weak spirit and a conscientious person, this saved him from a rash act. The guy decides to humiliate himself, throw himself at Grigory's feet and ask him for money. Then an unexpected event occurs - Gavrila throws a rather weighty stone at Chelkash's head. Gregory falls unconscious. Gavrila's conscience does not allow her to take the money and run away. He returns to Chelkash and asks for forgiveness. Grigory at that moment experiences conflicting feelings: he is confused, amazed, but, nevertheless, feels sorry for the guy and gives him the money.
In my opinion, the main character of the story by M. Gorky is still morally more stable and “higher” than the broad-shouldered stocky guy Gavrila. Due to the circumstances, Chelkash was a thief and the life he lives does not allow him to develop fully. Elements of nobility appear in this man: he forces Gavrila to take money and advises him to live the way the guy wants.
According to M. Gorky, a person should strive for a lofty, great goal. I fully agree with the position of the author: in life, every person should have a certain goal that justifies his existence. And this goal must be pursued, despite the obstacles.
Chelkash had a goal - freedom and independence. It is very costly.
In my opinion, the writer sympathizes with the main character, despite his shortcomings.
It should be noted that in the work of M. Gorky one can trace genuine love for a person, admiration for his originality. The writer clearly emphasizes that life is unpredictable, cruel, but despite this, a person does not lose his best qualities, does not resemble an animal, remains a rational being capable of performing deliberate noble deeds.
M. Gorky wrote: “Everything is in a person, everything is for a person! .. Only Man exists, everything else is the work of his hand and brain. Human! It's great! It sounds… proud!”.
I believe that each person independently creates ideals and forms his personality. We voluntarily choose what we should be - understanding and compassionate or malevolent and withdrawn, how to achieve our goals. It is we who are responsible for our actions.
What should be a person to justify his proud title? It is not necessary to reach the top in any activity, it is enough to show your best qualities - empathy, a desire to help others, good nature, justice, understanding.
Undoubtedly, it is difficult to go through life as a real person. We need to strive for this! In my opinion, real people leave their mark on the Earth. There is also a fond memory of them. All in our hands! If we pass our life path with dignity, a bright memory will remain about us too!
