Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Methods of economic analysis of economic activity. Express analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise What is the analysis of economic activity


1.1 The concept of PCD analysis.

1.2 Principles of PCD analysis.

1.3 Types of PCD analysis.

1.4 Method of PCD analysis.

2.1 General overview of the economic and financial situation of the organization.

2.1.1 Characteristics of the direction of the financial economic activity.

2.1.2 Analysis of the state of "sick" reporting items. Analysis of the integrated compacted net balance. Assessing property dynamics. Evaluation of formalized indicators of property status.

2.2.2 Assessment of the financial situation. Analysis of the firm's liquidity. Analysis financial stability.

2.2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of the organization. Business analysis. Profitability analysis.

2.3 Summary.





With the transition of Russia to a market economy, the analysis of the financial and economic activities of enterprises is becoming increasingly important.

In the conditions of competition and the desire of enterprises to maximize profits, the analysis of financial and economic activities is an integral function of management. This aspect of company management is becoming the most significant at the present time, since the practice of market functioning shows that without an analysis of financial and economic activity, an enterprise cannot function effectively.

At present, this need seems to be recognized in Russia, although in developed countries analysis is the norm entrepreneurial activity for quite a long time now.

This problem is well covered in the economic literature, especially in Lately. It is very positive that it is Russian economists who pay great attention to this, which determines the inclusion of Russian specifics in publications. Nevertheless, Western translated literature is also of great interest.

This work is devoted to the analysis of financial and economic activities. This is a very broad topic with numerous aspects. Its breadth is due to the versatility of the economic life of the company.

It is advisable to talk about the separation of the financial and economic aspects of the analysis. However, in my opinion, the integration of these aspects allows us to more fully characterize the activities of the company. In addition, these two aspects are closely related. In view of this, in this work, it was the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise that was carried out.

The first part of the work is devoted to theoretical issues of the analysis of FCD, namely the essence of the analysis, its principles and types.

A special place is given to the second, practical part of the course work, which analyzes the financial and economic activities of a really operating enterprise.

Thus, this paper considers a range of issues related to the analysis of financial and economic activities in general and in part. practical application analytical procedures.

§ 1. general characteristics analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

1.1 The concept of PCD analysis

Effective use of economic resources and the potential of society is impossible without studying the essence of the processes and phenomena occurring in the economy.

However, in view of the versatility and breadth of the economic life of society, the study of phenomena as a whole is extremely difficult. Significantly facilitate the study of economic processes allows the method of dividing the object of study into components - economic analysis.

Thus, economic analysis is a way of knowing objects and phenomena of the economic environment, based on the division of the whole into its constituent parts and the study of them in all the variety of connections and dependencies.

Economic analysis uses an abstract - logical method of studying economic phenomena, since here these phenomena are not of a material nature and their study is replaced by the power of abstraction, based on the analytical abilities of a person.

Necessity economic analysis arose objectively, in connection with the development productive forces and industrial relations. At present, analysis occupies a significant place in the knowledge system of society and is widely used to study the patterns of economic development.

There are general theoretical economic analysis, which studies economic processes and phenomena at the macro level, and specifically economic analysis at the micro level (analysis of economic activity, which is used to study the activities of economic entities).

In view of the specifics of this work, in the future it will be considered the analysis of financial and economic activities at the micro level.

1.2 Principles of PCD analysis

An analytical study of the financial and economic activities of enterprises is based on certain principles.

  1. 1. state approach.

When evaluating economic phenomena and processes, it is necessary to take into account their compliance with state economic, social, international policies and legislation.

  1. 2. scientific character.

The analysis should be based on the provisions of the dialectical theory of knowledge, taking into account the requirements of the economic laws of the development of production.

  1. 3. Complexity.

The analysis requires a comprehensive study of causal relationships in the economy of the enterprise.

  1. 4. Systems approach.

The analysis should be based on understanding the object of study as a complex dynamic system with a structure of elements.

  1. 5. objectivity and accuracy.

The information used for the analysis must be reliable and objectively reflect reality, and analytical conclusions must be justified by precise calculations.

  1. 6. Effectiveness.

The analysis must be effective, that is, actively influence the course of production and its results.

  1. 7. Planning.

For the effectiveness of analytical activities, the analysis must be carried out systematically.

  1. 8. Efficiency.

The effectiveness of the analysis greatly increases if it is carried out promptly and analytical information quickly affects the managerial decisions of managers.

  1. 9. Democracy.

It involves participation in the analysis of a wide range of workers and, consequently, a more complete identification of on-farm reserves.

  1. 10. Efficiency.

The analysis must be effective, i.e., the costs of its implementation must have a multiple effect.

1.3 Types of PCD analysis

The classification of business analysis is important for a correct understanding of its content and objectives and, therefore, for effective application in practice.

The analysis of economic activity is a multifaceted and wide phenomenon. It is classified:

by industry:

  • sectoral, the specificity of which takes into account the characteristics of individual sectors of the national economy (industry, Agriculture, transport, etc.)
  • intersectoral, which takes into account the interconnections and structure of economic sectors and is the methodological basis general analysis economic activity (AHD theory)

according to time:

  • preliminary (prospective), - carried out before the implementation of business transactions to justify management decisions
  • operational, carried out immediately after the completion of business transactions for the prompt identification of shortcomings in the process of financial and economic activity. Its purpose is to provide the function of management - regulation.
  • subsequent (retrospective, final), is carried out after the commission of economic acts. It is used to control the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

in terms of space:

  • on-farm, studies the activities of an economic entity and its structural divisions
  • inter-farm, analyzes the interaction of the enterprise with contractors, competitors, etc. and allows you to identify best practices in the industry, reserves and shortcomings of the organization.

by objects of management

  • technical - economic analysis, which studies the interaction of technological and economic processes and establishes their impact on the economic results of the enterprise.
  • financial and economic analysis, which pays special attention to the financial results of the enterprise, namely, the implementation financial plan, efficiency of use of own and borrowed capital, profitability indicators, etc.
  • socio - economic analysis, which studies the relationship of social and economic processes to improve the efficiency of use labor resources, labor productivity, etc.
  • economic - statistical analysis is used to study mass social - economic phenomena.
  • economic - environmental analysis explores the interaction of environmental and economic processes for a more rational and careful use of environmental resources.
  • marketing analysis, which is used to study the external environment of the enterprise, raw materials and sales markets, etc.

according to the method of studying objects:

  • comparative analysis, uses the method of comparing the results of financial and economic activities by periods of economic activity.
  • factor analysis is aimed at identifying the magnitude of the influence of factors on growth and the level of performance indicators.
  • diagnostic, aimed at identifying violations in the mechanism of the functioning of the organization by analyzing typical signs that are characteristic only for this violation.
  • marginal analysis is a method for evaluating and justifying the effectiveness of management decisions based on cause-and-effect relationships between sales volume, production cost and profit.
  • economic - mathematical analysis allows you to identify the most best option solving an economic problem with the help of mathematical modeling.
  • stochastic analysis is used to study stochastic dependencies between the studied phenomena and the processes of financial and economic activity of an enterprise.
  • functional - cost analysis is focused on optimizing the performance of functions that are performed at various stages life cycle products.

by subjects of analysis:

  • internal analysis, which is carried out by special structural divisions of the enterprise for the needs of management.
  • external analysis, which is performed government bodies, banks, shareholders, investors, contractors, audit firms on the basis of financial and statistical reporting enterprises.
  • complex analysis, in which the activities of the organization are studied comprehensively.
  • thematic analysis, in which certain aspects of the activity are studied, which are of the greatest interest in this moment time.

1.4 PCD analysis technique

The methodology for analyzing financial and economic activities is a set of analytical procedures used to determine the financial and economic condition of an enterprise.

Various experts in the field of analysis give different methods for determining the financial and economic condition of an enterprise. However, the basic principles and sequence of the procedural side of the analysis are almost the same with slight differences.

It should be noted that the detailing of the procedural side of the methodology for analyzing financial and economic activity depends on the goals set and various factors of information, methodological, personnel and technical support, as well as the analyst's vision of the task. Therefore, we can definitely say that there is no generally accepted methodology for analyzing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, however, in all significant aspects, the procedural aspects are similar.

The information support of the analysis is important for a third-party analyst. This is due to the fact that, in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activities", "An enterprise may not provide information containing a commercial secret." But, as a rule, to accept strategic decisions potential partners of the company, it is sufficient to conduct an express analysis of financial and economic activities. Even to conduct a detailed analysis of financial and economic activities, information that is a trade secret is often not required, but the depth of detail may be less. To conduct a general detailed analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, information is required in accordance with established forms financial statements, namely:

q form No. 1 Balance sheet

q form No. 2 Profit and loss statement

q form No. 3 Statement of capital flows

q form No. 4 Movement report Money

q form No. 5 Appendix to the balance sheet

This information, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 5, 1991 No. 35 "On the list of information that cannot be a trade secret" cannot be a trade secret.

Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise is carried out in three stages.

At the first stage, a decision is made on the appropriateness of the analysis of financial statements and its readiness for reading is checked. The problem of the expediency of the analysis can be solved by familiarization with the audit report on these documents. If an unconditionally positive or conditionally positive audit opinion is drawn up on the company's financial statements, then the analysis is advisable and possible, since the reporting in all material aspects objectively reflects the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

If, however, a negative audit report is drawn up on the company's financial statements, this means that the documents do not accurately reflect the financial and economic activities of the enterprise or have significant errors, which makes the analysis impossible and irrational.

Checking the readiness of statements for reading is of a technical nature and is associated with a visual check of the availability of the necessary reporting forms, details and signatures on them, as well as the simplest accounting check of subtotals and balance sheet currency.

The purpose of the second stage is to familiarize yourself with the explanatory note to the balance sheet, this is necessary in order to assess the conditions for the functioning of the enterprise in this reporting period and take into account the analysis of the factors whose impact led to changes in the property and financial position of the organization and which are reflected in explanatory note.

The third stage is the main one in the analysis of economic activity. The purpose of this stage is to evaluate the results of economic activity and the financial condition of an economic entity. It should be noted that the degree of detail of the analysis of financial and economic activities may vary depending on the goals set.

At the beginning of the analysis, it is advisable to characterize the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, indicate industry affiliation and other distinguishing features.

Then, an analysis is made of the state of “sick reporting items”, namely loss items (form No. 1 - lines 310, 320, 390, form No. 2 lines - 110, 140, 170), long-term and short-term bank loans and loans outstanding on time ( form No. 5 lines 111, 121, 131, 141, 151) overdue receivables and payables (form No. 5 lines 211, 221, 231, 241) as well as overdue bills (form No. 5 line 265).

If there are amounts under these items, it is necessary to study the reasons for their occurrence. It is very likely that only further analysis can provide exhaustive information in this case, and the final conclusions on this matter will be reflected in the summary.

Analysis of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise can be divided into three main components:

  • Assessment of the property status of the organization
  • Assessment of the financial position of the organization
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of the organization.

It should be noted that these components are closely interconnected and their differentiation is necessary only for a clearer separation and understanding of the conclusions on the analytical procedures for analyzing the financial and economic activities of the organization as a whole.

Property assessment consists of the following components:

q Analysis of the integrated skewed balance - net

q Assessing property dynamics

q Analysis of formalized indicators of property status

Analysis of the integrated compacted balance sheet - net is based on the construction of a simplified balance sheet model, which integrates the absolute and relative (structural) indicators of articles. This achieves the integration of "horizontal" and "vertical" analysis of the balance sheet, which, in my opinion, allows you to more fully trace the dynamics of the balance sheet items. Many experts propose to carry out "vertical" and "horizontal" analysis separately. However, some of them recognize the expediency of conducting such an integrated analysis of balance sheet items.

At assessment of property dynamics the state of all property is traced as part of immobilized assets (balance sheet section I) and mobile assets (balance sheet section II - inventories, receivables, other current assets) at the beginning and end of the analyzed period, as well as the structure of their growth (decrease).

Analysis of formalized indicators of property status consists in the calculation and analysis of the following main indicators:

  • The amount of economic assets at the disposal of the enterprise

This indicator provides a summary valuation assets on the company's balance sheet.

  • Share of the active part of fixed assets

The active part of fixed assets should be understood as machines, machine tools, equipment, vehicles and so on. The growth of this indicator is qualified as a positive trend.

  • Wear factor

It characterizes the degree of depreciation of fixed assets as a percentage of the original cost. Its high value is an unfavorable factor. The addition of this indicator to 100% is suitability factor.

  • Refresh rate, - shows what part of the fixed assets available at the end of the period are new fixed assets.
  • Retirement rate, - shows what part of the fixed assets withdrew from the economic turnover for the reporting period due to dilapidation and other reasons.

The assessment of the financial position consists of two main components:

q Analysis of the firm's liquidity

q Analysis of financial stability.

Company liquidity analysis is an analytical procedure aimed at identifying the firm's ability to pay its obligations in full and on time.

When analyzing liquidity, the following main indicators are calculated:

At financial stability analysis the most important characteristic of the financial condition of an enterprise is studied - the stability of its activities in the long term. It is associated with general financial structure enterprises, the degree of its dependence on creditors and investors.

To analyze the financial stability of an enterprise, it is necessary to calculate the following key indicators:

  • Concentration factor equity. Characterizes the share of the owners of the enterprise in the total amount of funds advanced in its activities. The higher the value of this ratio, the more financially stable, stable and independent of external loans the enterprise. The recommended value for this indicator is 60%. In addition to this indicator up to 100% is concentration factor attracted (borrowed) capital.
  • Coefficient of financial dependence. It is the inverse of the equity concentration ratio. The growth of this indicator in dynamics means an increase in the share of borrowed funds in the financing of the enterprise. If its value is reduced to one (or 100%), this means that the owners fully finance their enterprise. Exceeding 100% shows the structural value of attracted funds.
  • Equity maneuverability ratio . Shows what part of equity is used to finance current activities, i.e. invested in working capital, and what part is capitalized. The value of this indicator can significantly vary depending on the capital structure and industry sector of the enterprise.
  • Coefficient of structure of long-term investments. The coefficient shows which part of fixed assets and other non-current assets is financed by external investors, and which part is financed by own funds.
  • The ratio of own and borrowed funds. This indicator gives the most general assessment of the financial stability of the enterprise and shows how many kopecks of borrowed funds invested in the assets of the enterprise account for 1 ruble of own funds. The growth of the indicator in dynamics indicates an increase in the dependence of the enterprise on external investors and creditors, i.e., a decrease in financial stability, and vice versa.

Business activity analysis characterizes the results and efficiency of the current main production activity of the company. Generalizing indicators for evaluating the efficiency of the use of enterprise resources and the dynamism of its development include the following indicators:

  • Resource productivity (turnover ratio of advanced capital). It characterizes the volume of sold products per ruble of funds invested in the activities of the enterprise. The growth of the indicator in dynamics is considered as a favorable trend.
  • Coefficient of sustainability of economic growth. Shows what average pace the company can develop in the future, without changing the already established ratio between various sources of financing, capital productivity, production profitability, dividend policy, etc.

Profitability analysis is essential part a general analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise and allows you to answer the question of how profitable the company is and how effectively it uses the invested capital. The main indicators of this block are return on advanced capital And profitability of own capital. The economic interpretation of these indicators is obvious - how many rubles of profit fall on one ruble of advanced (own) capital. Other similar indicators can also be calculated.

§ 2. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of CJSC Promsintez.

2.1 General overview of the economic and financial situation of the organization.

2.1.1 Characteristics of the direction of financial and economic activities.

Society with limited liability Promsintez(Promsintes) was established on December 7, 1991 and re-registered in ZAO Promsintez November 20, 1992 by Order of the Administration of the city of Pyatigorsk No. 6146r.

The Company has been assigned the following all-Russian classifiers:

  • According to OKONH 71211.63200.81200
  • According to KOPF 49
  • According to OKPO 22088662

TIN 2663007854

Legal address: Pyatigorsk, st. Pestova 22, tel. 79141.

Settlement account 00746761 in CB Pyatigorsk 700161533

BIC 040708733.

CJSC Promsintez aims to make a profit by carrying out the following activities:

Production of consumer goods

Commissioning, construction and installation and design work

Production and processing of agricultural products

Manufacture of products for industrial purposes

Commercial, trade, intermediary, trade and procurement activities

Foreign economic activity

Transport services

All activities are carried out in accordance with applicable law. The company starts activities subject to licensing upon receipt of a license.

During the period under review (1996), CJSC Promsintez was mainly engaged in the production of water treatment plants and commissioning work on their installation, as well as construction and installation work for their own needs.

2.1.2 Analysis of the state of "sick" reporting items

As a result of the analysis of the financial statements of Promsintez CJSC, namely, losses (form No. 1 - lines 310, 320, 390, form No. 2 lines - 110, 140, 170), long-term and short-term bank loans and loans outstanding on time (form No. 5 lines 111, 121, 131, 141, 151) overdue receivables and payables (form No. 5 lines 211, 221, 231, 241) as well as overdue bills (form No. 5 line 265) no amounts were found on these items, which, in general, indicates the profitability of the enterprise, as well as its ability to normally pay off its creditors and receive money from debtors on time.

It should be noted that the company fully used the profit of the reporting year (48988 thousand rubles). This is due to the fact that significant specific gravity in the company's expenses are the costs of construction production shop, own store and office.

2.2 Analysis of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise.

2.2.1 Assessment of property status.

The assessment of the property status of the organization should be carried out in three stages:

  • Analysis of the integrated compacted net balance
  • Analysis of property dynamics
  • Analysis of property indicators

Table 1 Integrated compacted net balance


Absolute indicators

Relative (structural) indicators

At the beginning, thousand rubles

At the end, thousand rubles

Absolute change, thousand rubles

Relative change,%

At the beginning, %

Finally, %

Change, %


1. Non-current assets

1.1 Intangible assets

1.2 Fixed assets

1.3 Construction in progress

1.4 Long-term financial investments

1.5 Other non-current assets

Section 1 Total

2. Current assets

2.1 Stocks and costs, incl. VAT

2.2 Accounts receivable

2.3 Cash and cash equivalents

2.4 Other current assets

Section 2 total

Total assets


1. Equity

1.1 Authorized and additional capital

1.2 Funds and reserves

Section 1 Total

2. Raised capital

2.1 Long-term liabilities

Section 2 total

Total liabilities

As a result of the analysis of the condensed net balance, the following conclusions can be drawn:

q Fixed assets decreased from 139437 thousand rubles. up to 107400 thousand rubles. (by 23%), which can be characterized as a negative trend

q Construction in progress increased from 74896 thousand rubles. to 183,560 thousand rubles, which compensates for the decrease in fixed assets, since these facilities under construction (stamping shop, shop and office) will be included in fixed assets.

Thus, non-current assets increased from 214333 thousand rubles. up to 327833 thousand rubles. (by 53%), which indicates an increase in production fixed assets in the future.

Current assets increased from 46,095 thousand rubles. up to 114894 thousand rubles. which can be assessed as a favorable trend.

Thus, the balance sheet increased from 260428 thousand rubles. up to 442,727 thousand rubles. which generally characterizes the increase in the production potential of CJSC Promsintez.

Of particular note is the growth of the company's short-term liabilities (from 66,975 thousand rubles to 248,672 thousand rubles - by 271%), which can definitely be regarded as a negative trend.

In general, the structural indicators of the balance sheet reflect the above dynamics - if, in the assets of the balance sheet, the structure of articles remained practically the same, then in liabilities, one can note a clear increase in the share of short-term liabilities (from 26% at the beginning of the analyzed period to 56% at the end) due to a corresponding decrease in the share of long-term liabilities, which is also a negative point. Assessing property dynamics

Table 2. Assessing property dynamics


Back to top



thousand roubles.

Immobilized assets

Mobile assets, incl.

Accounts receivable


Other current assets

Total property

When assessing the dynamics of the property of CJSC Promsintez, the following results were revealed:

q Immobilized assets increased from 214333 thousand rubles. up to 327833 thousand rubles. (by 53%)

q Mobile assets increased from 46,095 thousand rubles. up to 114894 thousand rubles. (by 149%). The growth of mobile assets is due to the increase in inventories (from 45,604 to 114,631 thousand rubles - by 151%). It seems inappropriate to analyze the dynamics of receivables and cash, since these values ​​are rather small compared to the balance sheet. It can only be noted that a small amount of "fast" cash (on the account and at the cash desk), which may interfere with the normal procedure for settlements.

The total amount of property increased from 260428 thousand rubles. up to 442,727 thousand rubles. (by 70%), which, ceteris paribus, positively characterizes the property position of CJSC Promsintez. Evaluation of formalized indicators of property status.

For a more complete and qualitative analysis of the property status, it is advisable to calculate analytical indicators.

Table 3 Summary of analytical indicators of the group of property status



Norm. meaning

Back to top




1.6 Refresh rate

1.7 Dropout rate


The analysis of indicators of the group of property status allows us to draw the following conclusions:

  • The amount of economic assets at the disposal of the enterprise increased from 260428 thousand rubles. up to 442,727 thousand rubles. which can be assessed as a positive trend
  • The share of fixed assets in assets decreased (from 0.57 to 0.24), which indicates a decrease in the production potential of the organization
  • As part of fixed assets, a significant amount is occupied by their active part (almost 100%), which is a positive point
  • The depreciation coefficient of the active part of fixed assets decreased from 0.85 to 0.3. This dynamics can be assessed as very positive, as there was a significant renewal of fixed assets
  • The renewal rate was 0.88, and the retirement rate was 0.64, which indicates a favorable trend in the renewal of fixed assets.

2.2.2 Assessment of the financial situation Analyzing the firm's liquidity

To analyze the liquidity of Promsintez JSC, we calculate analytical indicators.

Table 3 Summary of analytical indicators of the liquidity group



Norm. meaning

Back to top


2.1 The amount of own working capital

2.2 Maneuverability of own working capital

2.3 Current ratio

2.4 Quick liquidity ratio

2.5 Absolute liquidity ratio

2.6 Share of working capital in assets

2.7 The share of own working capital in their total amount

2.8 Share of inventories in current assets

2.9 Share of own working capital in covering stocks

2.10 Reserve coverage ratio

An analysis of liquidity indicators allows us to conclude that the company is absolutely illiquid both at the beginning and at the end of the analyzed period.

So the indicator of the value of own working capital amounted to -133,778 thousand rubles, which indicates that 133,778 thousand rubles. non-current assets are financed by short-term debt (other than current assets).

The current liquidity ratio decreased from 0.69 to 0.46 (at the rate of 2), which indicates the extreme illiquidity of the company.

There is no need to even talk about more stringent liquidity ratios.

This condition is partly due to the high share of stocks in the structure of current assets (almost 100%). On the other hand, such dynamics takes place due to the high level of accounts payable.

It should be noted that this state can be partly justified by the high level of liquidity of inventories and the fact that the organization seeks to keep its assets in inventories due to the possibility of inflation. Financial sustainability analysis

To conduct an analysis of financial stability, it is necessary to calculate analytical indicators.

Table 4 Summary of analytical indicators of the financial stability group



Norm. meaning

Back to top


3.1 Equity concentration ratio

3.2 Financial dependency ratio

3.3 Equity flexibility ratio

3.4 Debt concentration ratio


3.5 Long-term investment structure ratio

3.6 Long-term leverage ratio

3.7 Debt structure ratio

3.8 Debt to Equity Ratio


After analyzing the financial stability of Promsintez JSC, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • The equity concentration ratio decreased from 0.74 to 0.44 (the company's assets were financed by its own capital at the end of the year by 44%), which is a negative trend, as it reduces the company's financial stability.
  • Accordingly, the coefficient of financial dependence increased (from 1.35 to 2.28)
  • An increase in the debt capital concentration ratio (0.26 to 0.56) can be noted, which indicates a similar trend.
  • The company does not use long-term borrowed capital, which is a negative point, since financing activities through short-term debt is fraught with the risk of non-repayment of funds to creditors on time. This is evidenced by the dynamics of indicators 3.5, 3.6, 3.7. (at the beginning and end of the analyzed period they are equal to zero).
  • The ratio of borrowed and own funds increased, which also indicates a decrease in the financial stability of the enterprise over the analyzed period.

Thus, having studied the dynamics of the indicators of this group, we can conclude that the financial stability of Promsintez JSC is declining.

2.2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of the organization Business analysis

Table 5 Summary of analytical indicators of the business group



Norm. meaning

Back to top


4.1 Sales proceeds

4.2 Net income

4.3 Labor productivity

4.4 Return on assets

4.5 Turnover of funds in settlements (in turnover)

4.6 Turnover of funds in settlements (in days)

4.7 Inventory turnover (in turnovers)

4.8 Inventory turnover (in days)

4.9 Accounts payable turnover (in days)

4.10 Operating cycle time

4.11 Length of financial cycle

4.12 Collection ratio of receivables

4.13 Equity turnover

4.14 Total capital turnover

4.15 Sustainability Ratio of Economic Growth Cost-benefit analysis

To analyze the profitability of Promsintez JSC, it is necessary to calculate the following analytical indicators.

Table 6 Summary of analytical indicators of the profitability group



Norm. meaning

Back to top


5.1 Net income

5.2 Profitability of products

5.3 Profitability of core business

5.4 Return on total capital

5.5 Return on equity

5.6 Payback period of equity


As a result of the profitability analysis, we can conclude that Promsintez JSC is profitable as a whole.

This is evidenced by the dynamics of the following indicators:

  • Net profit increased from 23,038 thousand rubles. up to 31842 thousand rubles. (by 38%)
  • Product profitability remains at the level of 20%, which is an acceptable indicator.
  • The profitability of the main activity also has a normal value (25%).
  • Return on equity increased from 12% to 16%, which is a favorable trend.
  • Reflecting the dynamics of the previous indicators, the payback period for equity capital has decreased (from 8.4 years to 6 years).

2.3 Summary


In conclusion, the following should be noted.

Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the company in a market economy is becoming increasingly important.

Analysis is a management function aimed at finding out the real state of the functioning of the company. Depending on the goals set, the emphasis can be placed on various aspects of the organization's activities.

The analysis of financial and economic activity is based on the analysis methodology, which determines the form of analytical research and analytical procedures. Detailing of the procedural aspect of PCD analysis depends on information support and selected areas of analysis.

Analysis of financial and economic activities allows you to:

  • Assess the financial and economic condition of the company and its compliance with the goals.
  • Reveal the economic potential of the economic entity.
  • Determine the effectiveness of financial and economic activities.
  • Develop measures to improve the efficiency of production and management, and much more.

Thus, the analysis of financial and economic activities is an integral part of enterprise management. It is an effective tool for influencing the economic life of the company, allows you to control current situation, determine development prospects and much more.

The analysis of financial and economic activity is beginning to take an increasing place in the management of Russian enterprises, and it is obvious that its wider application will significantly improve production efficiency and ensure economic growth.


Table 7 The system of indicators for assessing the financial and economic situation of the organization

Name of indicator

Calculation formula

Reporting form

Line numbers(s), count(r.)

1.1 The amount of economic funds at the disposal of the organization

Net balance result


1.2 Share of fixed assets in assets

Cost of fixed assets

Net balance total


1.3 Share of the active part of fixed assets

The cost of the active part of fixed assets

Cost of fixed assets

1.4 Depreciation rate of fixed assets

Depreciation of fixed assets

Initial cost of fixed assets

1.5 Depreciation coefficient of the active part of fixed assets

Depreciation of the active part of fixed assets

The initial cost of the active part of fixed assets


1.6 Refresh rate

The initial cost of fixed assets received for the period

The initial cost of fixed assets at the end of the period

The role and tasks of the economic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise

Economic analysis is a scientific method of understanding the essence of economic phenomena and processes, based on dividing them into their constituent parts and on studying all the variety of connections and dependencies.

There are macroeconomic analysis, which studies economic phenomena and processes at the level of the world and national economy and its individual sectors, and microeconomic analysis, which studies these processes and phenomena at the level of individual business entities, which is called the economic analysis of economic activity.

Comprehensive economic analysis of production and financial activities occupies a central place in the enterprise management system. Based on it, management decisions are developed and justified.

Underestimation of the role of analysis, errors in plans and management actions in modern conditions bring tangible losses. On the contrary, those enterprises in which the analysis is properly organized have good results of economic efficiency.

An important role of analysis is in the preparation of information for planning and forecasting performance and assessment of the quality and validity of planned indicators, in the verification and objective evaluation of their implementation. The development of plans for the enterprise, in fact, also represents the adoption of decisions that ensure development in the future planning period. At the same time, they take into account the results of activities for previous periods, study the trends in the development of the enterprise's economy, identify and calculate additional production reserves.

Economic analysis of economic activity is not only a means of substantiating plans, but also monitoring their implementation. in order to identify shortcomings, errors and operational impact on economic processes, adjust plans and management decisions. Planning begins and ends with an analysis of the results of the enterprise. Analysis allows you to increase the level of planning, to make it scientifically sound.

Of great importance is the economic analysis of the use of reserves to improve the efficiency of the enterprise in competitive environment based on the use of achievements scientific and technological progress and excellence.

To survive in competition and strengthen its market position, each enterprise must constantly look for reserves to improve the efficiency of its activities. The analysis contributes to the economical use of resources, the identification and implementation of best practices, the scientific organization of labor, the use of new equipment and technologies for production, and the prevention of extra costs, all kinds of shortcomings in work, etc. As a result, the economy of the enterprise is strengthened, the efficiency of its activities is increased.

Consequently, the economic analysis of economic activity is an important element in the production management system, an effective means of identifying on-farm reserves, the basis for developing scientifically based forecast plans and management decisions and monitoring their implementation in order to improve the efficiency of enterprises.

Successful implementation of these functions is provided by solving the following problems of analysis:

study of the mechanism of action of economic laws, determination of patterns and trends of economic phenomena and processes in the specific conditions of the enterprise;

· monitoring the implementation of plans, forecasts, management decisions, the effective use of the economic potential of the enterprise;

study of the influence of objective and subjective, external and internal factors on the results of economic activity, which allows you to objectively evaluate the work of the enterprise, correctly diagnose the state of the enterprise and predict development in the future, identify the main areas for searching for reserves to increase its efficiency

search for reserves to improve production efficiency based on the study of best practices and achievements of science and practice;

assessment of the degree of financial and operational risks and the development of internal mechanisms for managing them in order to strengthen the market position of the enterprise and increase the profitability of the business;

assessment of the results of the enterprise's activities in fulfilling plans for the achieved level of economic development, using available opportunities and diagnosing its position in the market for goods and services, which contributes to the development of a more effective business process management policy

development of a draft management decision to eliminate the identified shortcomings and the development of reserves to improve the efficiency of economic activity

Thus, the economic analysis of economic activity as a science is a system of special knowledge related to the study of trends economic development, with the scientific substantiation of plans, with managerial decisions, with monitoring their implementation, with determining the degree of influence of factors and entrepreneurial risks, with an assessment of the results achieved, with the search, measurement and justification of the volume of economic reserves for increasing production efficiency.

object studies of economic analysis are the results of economic activity of the enterprise.

Subject its study is the cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies of economic phenomena and processes that form the results of the enterprise.

An analytical study, its results and use in production management must comply with certain methodological principles.

The most important ones are:

1 The analysis must be scientific, those. be based on the provisions of the dialectical theory of knowledge, take into account the requirements of the economic laws of the development of production, use the achievements of scientific and technical progress and best practices, the latest methods of economic research.

2 The analysis must be comprehensive. The complexity of the study requires coverage of all links and all aspects of activity and a comprehensive study of causal dependencies in the economy of the enterprise.

3 One of the requirements for analysis is to provide a systematic approach a, in which each object under study is considered as a complex dynamic system, the elements of which are connected in a certain way with each other and with external environment The study of each object should be carried out taking into account all internal and external relations, interdependence and subordination of its individual elements.

4 The analysis must be objective, specific, accurate. It should be based on reliable, verified information that really reflects objective reality, and its conclusions should be substantiated by accurate and analytical calculations. From this requirement follows the need for continuous improvement of the organization of accounting, internal and external audit, as well as methods of analysis in order to improve the accuracy and reliability of calculations.

5 The analysis should be effective, actively influence the achievement of the set goals. It is necessary to inform the management of the enterprise in a timely manner about the identified shortcomings, miscalculations and omissions in the work. From this principle follows the need for the practical use of analysis materials for enterprise management, for the development of specific measures, substantiation, adjustment and clarification of planned data. Otherwise, the purpose of the analysis will not be achieved.

6 Analysis should be carried out according to a plan, systematically, and not on a case-by-case basis. From this requirement follows the need to plan analytical work at enterprises, distribute responsibilities for its implementation between performers and control over its implementation.

7 Analysis must be prompt. Efficiency means the ability to quickly and accurately analyze, make management decisions and implement them.

8 One of the principles of analysis is its democracy, allows participation in the analysis of a wide range of employees of the enterprise and ensures a more complete identification of best practices and the use of available on-farm reserves.

9 The analysis should be based on the state approach to the assessment of economic phenomena, processes, results of management. In other words, when evaluating certain manifestations of economic life, it is necessary to take into account the conformity of their state economic, social, environmental, international policies and legislation.

10 Analysis must be effective those. the costs of its implementation should have a multiple effect.

Methods of economic analysis of economic activity

The analysis methodology is understood as a certain sequence of operations, techniques, actions and rules for the expedient performance of analytical work. Economic analysis consists of the following steps:

At the first stage, the objects, purpose and tasks of the analysis are specified, a plan of analytical work is drawn up;

At the second stage, a system of synthetic and analytical indicators is developed, with the help of which the object of analysis is characterized;

At the third stage, the necessary information is collected and prepared for analysis (they check its accuracy, bring it to a comparable form, etc.);

At the fourth stage, the actual results of management are compared with the indicators of the plan of the study period, with the actual data of past periods, with the indicators of leading enterprises, with averages in the region, etc.;

At the fifth stage, the factors are studied and their influence on the performance of the enterprise is determined;

At the sixth stage, unused and promising reserves for increasing production efficiency are identified;

At the seventh stage, they evaluate the results of management, taking into account the action of various factors and the identified unused reserves, develop measures for use;

The most important element techniques are techniques and methods of analysis (analysis tools) (fig 11)

Among them are traditional logical ways which are widely used in other disciplines for processing and studying information (comparison, graphic, balance, average and relative values, analytical groupings, heuristic methods for solving economic problems based on intuition, past experience, expert assessments of specialists, etc.).

To study the influence of factors on the results of management and calculation of reserves The analysis uses methods such as chain substitutions, absolute and relative differences, integral, correlation, component methods, methods of linear, convex programming, queuing theory, game theory, operations research, etc. The use of certain methods depends on the purpose and depth of the analysis, the object of study, the technical capabilities of performing calculations etc.

The term " analysis”has its origin from the Greek language, where the word “analysis” means dismemberment, fragmentation of an object or phenomenon into separate elements in order to study this object or phenomenon in detail. The opposite is the concept synthesis" (it comes from the Greek word "synthesis"). Synthesis is a combination of individual constituent parts any object or phenomenon into a coherent whole. Analysis and synthesis are two interrelated aspects of the process of studying any objects and phenomena.

Economic Sciences, including economic analysis, belong to the totality of the humanities, and the object of their research is economic processes and phenomena.

Economic analysis is included in a group of interrelated specific economic disciplines, which, in addition to it, includes control, audit, micro-and, and other sciences. They study the economic activity of organizations, but each from a certain point of view, characteristic only for it. Therefore, each of these sciences has its own, independent subject.

Economic analysis and its role in the management of the organization

Economic analysis(otherwise -) plays an important role in increasing the economic efficiency of organizations, in strengthening their financial condition. It is an economic science that studies economics of organizations, their activities in terms of assessing their work on the implementation of business plans, assessing their property and financial condition and in order to identify untapped reserves to improve the efficiency of organizations.

The subject of economic analysis is the property and financial condition and the current economic activity of organizations, studied in terms of its compliance with the tasks of business plans and in order to identify unused reserves to improve the efficiency of the organization.

Economic analysis is subdivided on interior And external depending on the subjects of the analysis, that is, on the bodies that carry it out. The most complete and comprehensive is the internal analysis carried out by the functional departments and services of the organization. The external analysis carried out by debtors and creditors and others, as a rule, is limited to establishing the degree of stability of the financial condition of the analyzed organization, its liquidity, both at reporting dates and in the future.

Objects of economic analysis are the property and financial position of the organization, its production, supply and marketing, financial activities, the work of individual structural divisions of the organization (shops, production sites, teams).

Economic analysis as a science, as a branch of economic knowledge, and finally, as an academic discipline is closely interconnected with other specific economic sciences.

Laughter number 1. The relationship of economic analysis with various economic sciences

Economic analysis is a complex science that uses, along with its own, also the apparatus inherent in a number of other economic sciences. Economic analysis, like other economic sciences, studies the economics of individual objects, but from an angle peculiar only to it. It gives an assessment of the state of the economy of a given object, as well as its current economic activity.

Principles of economic analysis:

  • Scientific. Analysis must comply with the requirements of economic laws, use the achievements of science and technology.
  • Systems approach. Economic analysis must be carried out taking into account all the laws of the developing system, that is, to study the phenomena in their interconnection and interdependence.
  • Complexity. In the study, it is necessary to take into account the impact on the economic activity of the enterprise of many factors.
  • Research in dynamics. In the process of analysis, all phenomena should be considered in their development, which allows not only to understand them, but also to find out the causes of changes.
  • Highlighting the main goal. An important point in the analysis is the formulation of the research problem and the identification of the most important reasons that hinder production or hinder the achievement of the goal.
  • Concreteness and practical usefulness. The results of the analysis must necessarily have a numerical expression, and the reasons for the change in indicators must be specific, indicating the places of their occurrence and ways to eliminate them.

Method of economic analysis

The word "method" came into our language from the Greek language. In translation, it means "the path to something." Therefore, the method is, as it were, a way to achieve the goal. In relation to any science, a method is a way of studying the subject of this science. The methods of any sciences basically have a dialectical approach to the study of the objects and phenomena they consider. Economic analysis is no exception here.

The dialectical approach means that all processes and phenomena taking place in nature and society should be considered in their constant development, interconnection and interdependence. So economic analysis studies the indicators characterizing the activities of any organizations, comparing them over several reporting periods (in dynamics), as well as in their change. Further. Economic analysis considers various aspects of the organization's activities in unity and interconnection, as elements of a single process. So, for example, the volume of sales of products depends on its output, and the fulfillment of the planned target for profit depends mainly on

The method of economic analysis is determined by its subject and the challenges ahead.

Methods and techniques, used in , are subdivided into traditional, statistical And . They are discussed in detail in the relevant sections of the site.

In order to practically implement the use of the method of economic analysis, certain techniques have been developed. They are a set of methods and techniques used to optimally solve analytical problems.

The techniques used in economic analysis at individual stages of analytical work involve the use of various techniques and methods.

The key moment of the method of economic analysis is the calculation of the influence of individual factors on economic indicators. The relationship of economic phenomena is a joint change in two or more of these phenomena. Exist various forms interconnections of economic phenomena. The most significant among them is the causal relationship. Its essence lies in the fact that a change in one economic phenomenon is caused by a change in another economic phenomenon. Such a relationship is called deterministic, otherwise - a causal relationship. If two economic phenomena are connected by such a relationship, then the economic phenomenon, the change of which causes a change in the other, is called the cause, and the phenomenon that changes under the influence of the first is called the effect.

In economic analysis, those signs that characterize the cause are called factorial, independent. The same signs that characterize the consequence are usually called resultant, dependent.

See below:

So, in this paragraph, we examined the concept of the method of economic analysis, as well as the most important methods (methods, techniques) used in the analysis of the organization's activities. We will consider these methods and the order of their use in more detail in special sections of the site.

Tasks, sequence of conducting and procedure for processing the results of economic analysis

The most complete and deep is the internal (intraeconomic) analysis, carried out, as a rule, by the functional departments and services of a given organization. Therefore, internal analysis faces much more numerous tasks than external analysis.

The main tasks of the internal analysis of the organization's activities should be considered:

  1. verification of the validity of the tasks of business plans and various standards;
  2. determination of the degree of fulfillment of tasks of business plans and compliance with established standards;
  3. calculation of the influence of individual on the magnitude of the deviation of the actual values economic indicators from basic
  4. finding on-farm reserves to further improve the efficiency of the organization and ways of mobilization, that is, the use of these reserves;

Of the listed tasks of internal economic analysis main task is to identify reserves in the organization.

Before external analysis, in essence, there is only one task - to assess the degree both at a certain reporting date and in the future.

The results of the analysis carried out are the basis for the development and implementation of optimal ones that improve the efficiency of organizations.

In the process of conducting economic analysis, methods of induction and deduction.

Induction method(from particular to general) suggests that the study of economic phenomena begins with individual facts, situations and proceeds to the study of the economic process as a whole. Method same deduction(from general to particular) is characterized, on the contrary, by the transition from general indicators to particular ones, in particular, to the analysis of the influence of individual ones on generalizing ones.

The most important in conducting economic analysis is, of course, the deduction method, since the sequence of analysis usually involves the transition from the whole to its constituent elements, from synthetic, generalizing indicators of the organization's activities to analytical, factor indicators.

When an economic analysis is carried out, all aspects of the organization's activities, all the processes that make up the production and commercial cycle of the organization, are examined in their interconnection, interdependence and interdependence. Such a study is the key moment of the analysis. It bears the name.

After the end of the analysis, its results should be formalized in a certain way. For these purposes, explanatory notes to annual reports, as well as certificates or conclusions based on the results of the analysis are used.

Explanatory notes intended for external users of analytical information. Consider what should be the content of these notes.

They should reflect the level of development of the organization, the conditions in which its activities take place, it should be characterized, on it, data on product sales markets, etc. Information should also be provided on the stage at which each type of product is on the market. (These include stages of introduction, growth and development, maturity, saturation and decline). In addition, it is necessary to provide information about the competitors of this organization.

Then, data on the main economic indicators should be presented for several periods.

Those factors that influenced the organization's activities and its results should be indicated. one should also cite those measures that are planned to eliminate shortcomings in the organization's activities, as well as to increase the efficiency of this activity.

References, as well as conclusions based on the results of the economic analysis, may have more detailed content compared to explanatory notes. As a rule, references and conclusions do not contain generalized characteristics of the organization and the conditions for its functioning. The main emphasis here is on describing reserves and how to use them.

The results of the study can also be presented in non-textual form. In this case, the analytical documents contain only a set of analytical tables and there is no text characterizing the economic activity of the organization. This form of registration of the results of the conducted economic analysis is now being used more and more widely.

In addition to the considered forms of processing the results of the analysis, the introduction of the most important of them into certain sections will also be applied. economic passport of the organization.

These are the main forms of generalization and presentation of the results of the economic analysis. It should be borne in mind that the presentation of the material in explanatory notes, as well as in other analytical documents, should be clear, simple and concise, and should also be linked to analytical tables.

Types of economic analysis and their role in the management of the organization

Financial and managerial economic analysis

Economic analysis can be subdivided into different types according to certain criteria.

First of all, economic analysis is usually divided into two main types - the financial analysis And managerial analysis- depending on the content of the analysis, the functions it performs and the tasks facing it.

The financial analysis, in turn can be subdivided into external and internal. The first one is held statistical authorities, superior organizations, suppliers, buyers, shareholders, audit firms, etc. Main the task of external financial analysis is , its and. It is carried out at the organization itself by the forces of its accounting department, financial department, planning department, other functional services. Internal financial analysis solves a much wider range of tasks compared to the external one. Internal analysis studies the effectiveness of the use of equity and borrowed capital, explores, identifies reserves for the growth of the latter and strengthening the financial condition of the organization. Internal financial analysis, therefore, is aimed at developing and implementing optimal ones that contribute to improving the financial performance of a given organization.

Management analysis, as opposed to financial is internal. It is carried out by the services and departments of this organization. He studies issues related to the organizational and technical level and other conditions of production, using certain types production resources ( , ), analyzes , its .

Types of economic analysis depending on the functions and tasks of the analysis

Depending on the content, functions and tasks of the analysis, there are also the following types analysis: socio-economic, economic-statistical, economic-ecological, marketing, investment, functional-cost (FSA), etc.

Socio-economic analysis examines the relationship and interdependence between social and economic phenomena.

Economic and statistical analysis used to study mass socio-economic phenomena. Economic-ecological analysis studies the relationship and interaction between the state of ecology and economic phenomena.

Marketing Analysis aims to study the markets for raw materials and materials, as well as sales markets finished products, ratios , for this product, the products of this organization, the level of prices for products, etc.

Investment analysis is aimed at choosing the most effective options for the investment activities of organizations.

Functional cost analysis(FSA) is a method of systematic study of the functions of a product, or any production and economic process, or a certain level of management. This method aims to minimize the cost of designing, mastering production, selling products, as well as industrial and domestic consumption of these products under the conditions of their High Quality, maximum utility (including durability).

Depending on the aspects of the study, there are two main types (directions) of analysis of economic activity:
  • financial and economic analysis;
  • technical and economic analysis.

The first type of analysis studies the influence of economic factors on the implementation of business plans in terms of financial indicators.

A feasibility study examines the impact of engineering, technology and production organization factors on economic performance.

Depending on the completeness of coverage of the organization's activities, two types of analysis of economic activity can be distinguished: full (complex) and thematic (partial) analysis. The first type of analysis covers all aspects of the financial and economic activities of the organization. Thematic analysis studies the effectiveness of certain aspects of the organization's activities. Economic analysis can also be divided according to the objects of study. Microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis. Microeconomic analysis studies the activities of individual economic units. It can be divided into three main types: intrashop, shop and factory analysis.

Macroeconomic it can be sectoral, that is, study the functioning of a particular sector of the economy or industry, territorial, which analyzes the economy of individual regions, and, finally, intersectoral, which studies the functioning of the economy as a whole.

a separate feature classification of types of economic analysis is a division of the latter by subjects of analysis. They are understood as those bodies and persons who carry out the analysis.

The subjects of economic analysis can be divided into two groups.
  1. Directly interested in the activities of the organization. This group may include the owners of the organization's funds, tax authorities, banks, suppliers, buyers, management of the organization, individual functional services of the organization being analyzed.
  2. Subjects of analysis indirectly interested in the activities of the organization. These include legal organizations, audit firms, consulting firms, trade union bodies, etc.

Economic analysis depending on the timing

Depending on the time of the analysis (in other words, on the frequency of its implementation), there are: preliminary, operational, final and prospective analysis.

preliminary analysis allows you to assess the state of this object when developing a business plan. For example, it is estimated productive capacity organization, whether it is able to provide the planned volume of production.

Operational(otherwise current) analysis is carried out on a daily basis, directly in the course of the current activities of the organization.

final(subsequent, or retrospective) analysis examines the effectiveness of the economic activities of organizations for the past period.

Perspective analysis is used to determine expected results in the coming period.

Forward-looking analysis is critical to ensure the success of the organization in the future. This type of analysis examines possible options for the development of the organization and outlines ways to achieve optimal results.

Types of economic analysis depending on the research methodology

Depending on the methodology used to study objects in the economic literature, it is customary to subdivide the analysis of economic activity into the following types: quantitative, qualitative, express analysis, fundamental, marginal, economic and mathematical.

Quantitative(otherwise) analysis is based on quantitative comparisons, measurement, comparison of indicators and the study of the influence of individual factors on economic indicators.

Qualitative Analysis uses qualitative comparative assessments, characteristics, as well as expert assessments of the analyzed economic phenomena.

Express analysis- this is a way to assess the economic and financial condition of the organization on the basis of certain signs that express certain economic phenomena. Fundamental analysis is based on a comprehensive, detailed study of economic phenomena, usually based on the use of economic-statistical and economic-mathematical research methods.

Margin Analysis explores ways to optimize the amount of profit received as a result of sales of products, works, services. Economic and mathematical analysis is based on the use of a complex mathematical apparatus, with the help of which the optimal solution for any economic and mathematical model is established.

Dynamic and static economic analysis

According to its nature, economic analysis can be divided into two following: dynamic and static. The first type of analysis is based on the study of economic indicators taken in their dynamics, that is, in the process of their change, development over time, for several reporting periods. In the process of dynamic analysis, indicators of absolute growth, growth rate, growth rate, absolute value of one percent growth are determined and analyzed, and dynamic series are constructed and analyzed. Static analysis assumes that the studied economic indicators are static, that is, unchanged.

According to the spatial basis, economic analysis can be divided into the following two types: internal (on-farm) and inter-farm (comparative). The first one studies the activities of this organization and its structural divisions. In the second type, the economic indicators of two or more organizations are compared (the analyzed organization with others).

According to the methods of studying the object of analysis, it is divided into the following types: complex, system analysis, continuous analysis, selective analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, etc. The most important is a comprehensive final analysis of the activities of organizations, comprehensively studying their work for the reporting period; the results of this analysis are used for both short-term and long-term forecasting.

Operational economic analysis

Operational economic analysis applied at all levels of government. The share of operational analysis in making optimal management decisions increases with approach to individual organizations and their structural divisions.

The most important feature of operational analysis is that it is as close as possible in time to the implementation of individual phases of the production and commercial cycle of a given organization. operational analysis promptly establishes the causes of existing shortcomings and their perpetrators, reveals reserves and promotes their timely use.

Final economic analysis

plays a very important role in the development of optimal final, subsequent analysis. The most important source of information for such an analysis is the reporting of the organization.

Final Analysis gives a refined assessment of the organization's activities and its results for a certain period, ensures the identification of reasonable values ​​​​of reserves to increase the efficiency of the organization's activities, seeks ways to mobilize, that is, use these reserves. The results of the final analysis carried out by the organization itself are reflected in the explanatory note to the annual report.

The final analysis is the most complete type of analysis of the economic activities of the organization.

Economic activity of the enterprise is the production of products, the provision of services, the performance of work. Economic activity is aimed at making a profit in order to satisfy the economic and social interests of the owners and labor collective enterprises. Economic activity includes the following stages:

  • scientific research and development work;
  • production;
  • auxiliary production;
  • maintenance of production and sales, marketing;
  • sales and after-sales support.

Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise

Makes the FinEkAnalysis program.

Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise this is a scientific way of understanding economic phenomena and processes, based on the division into component parts and the study of the variety of connections and dependencies. This is an enterprise management function. Analysis precedes decisions and actions, justifies scientific management production, increases objectivity and efficiency.

Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise consists of the following areas:

  • The financial analysis
    • Solvency analysis, %20%20%D0%B8%20 financial stability,
  • Management analysis
    • Assessment of the company's place in the market this product,
    • Analysis of the use of the main factors of production: means of labor, objects of labor and labor resources,
    • Evaluation of the results of production and sales of products,
    • Making decisions on the range and product quality,
    • Development of a strategy for managing production costs,
    • Determination of the pricing policy,

Indicators of economic activity of the enterprise

The analyst, according to the specified criteria, selects indicators, forms a system from them, and makes an analysis. The complexity of the analysis requires the use of systems, rather than individual indicators. The indicators of economic activity of the enterprise are divided into:

1. value and natural, - depending on the underlying meters. Cost indicators - the most common type of economic indicators. They generalize heterogeneous economic phenomena. If an enterprise uses more than one type of raw materials and materials, then only cost indicators can provide information on the generalized amounts of receipts, expenditures, and the balance of these items of labor.

natural indicators are primary, and cost - secondary, since the latter are calculated on the basis of the former. Economic phenomena such as production costs, distribution costs, profit (loss) and some other indicators are measured only in cost terms.

2. quantitative and qualitative, - depending on which side of phenomena, operations, processes is measured. For results that can be quantified, use quantitative indicators. The values ​​of such indicators are expressed as some real number that has a physical or economic meaning. These include:

1. All financial indicators:

  • revenue,
  • net profit,
  • fixed and variable costs,
  • profitability,
  • turnover,
  • liquidity, etc.

2. Market indicators:

  • volume of sales,
  • market share,
  • size/height client base etc.

3. Indicators characterizing the efficiency of business processes and activities for training and development of the enterprise:

  • labor productivity,
  • production cycle,
  • lead time,
  • staff turnover,
  • number of employees trained, etc.

Most of the characteristics and results of the work of the organization, departments and employees are not amenable to strict quantitative measurement. They are used to evaluate qualitative indicators. Qualitative indicators are measured with the help of expert assessments, by monitoring the process and results of work. These include, for example, indicators such as:

  • relative competitive position of the company,
  • customer satisfaction index,
  • staff satisfaction index,
  • command at work
  • the level of labor and performance discipline,
  • quality and timeliness of submission of documents,
  • compliance with standards and regulations,
  • execution of orders of the head and many others.

Qualitative indicators, as a rule, are leading, as they affect the final results of the organization's work and "warn" about possible deviations of quantitative indicators.

3. Volumetric and specific- depending on the application of individual indicators or their ratios. So, for example, the volume of output, sales volume, production cost, profit are volume indicators. They characterize the volume of this economic phenomenon. Volumetric indicators are primary, and specific indicators are secondary.

Specific indicators calculated on the basis of volume indicators. For example, the cost of production and its cost are volume indicators, and the ratio of the first indicator to the second, that is, the cost per ruble of marketable products, is a specific indicator.

Results of economic activity of the enterprise

Profit and income- the main indicators of the financial results of the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

Income is the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) minus material costs. He is monetary form net production of the enterprise, i.e. includes wages and profits.

Income characterizes the amount of funds that the company receives for the period, and minus taxes is used for consumption and investment. Income is sometimes subject to taxation. In this case, after tax is deducted, it is subdivided into consumption, investment and insurance funds. The consumption fund is used for remuneration of personnel and payments based on the results of work for the period, for a share in the authorized property (dividends), material assistance, etc.

Profit- part of the proceeds remaining after reimbursement of production and marketing costs. In a market economy, profit is the source of:

  • replenishment of the revenue part of the state and local budgets,
  • enterprise development, investment and innovation activities,
  • satisfaction of the material interests of the members of the labor collective and the owner of the enterprise.

The amount of profit and income is influenced by the volume of products, assortment, quality, cost, improvement of pricing and other factors. In turn, profit affects the profitability, solvency of the enterprise and others. The value of the gross profit of the enterprise consists of three parts:

  • profit from the sale of products - as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (excluding VAT and excise duty) and its full cost;
  • profit for sale material assets and other property (this is the difference between the sale price and the cost of acquiring and selling). Profit from the sale of fixed assets is the difference between the proceeds from the sale, the residual value and the costs of dismantling and selling;
  • profit from non-sales operations, i.e. operations not directly related to the main activity (income from securities, from equity participation in joint ventures, leasing property, excess of the amount of fines received over those paid, etc.).

Unlike profit, which shows the absolute effect of activity, profitability - relative indicator efficiency of the enterprise. IN general view it is calculated as the ratio of profit to costs and is expressed as a percentage. The term is derived from the word "rent" (income).

Profitability indicators are used for a comparative assessment of the performance of individual enterprises and industries that produce different volumes and types of products. These indicators characterize the profit received in relation to the spent production resources. Product profitability and production profitability are often used. There are the following types of profitability:

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  10. Formation of the authorized capital on the example of a manufacturing enterprise To carry out business activities, the enterprise has the necessary property - these are buildings, structures, stocks of raw materials, equipment, materials, finished
  11. Development of methods for economic analysis of working capital A set of indicators of economic activity of an enterprise includes indicators of a direct or indirect time factor, the period of repayment of accounts receivable and accounts payable.
  12. Gross income The solution of this problem ensures the self-sufficiency of the current economic activity of the enterprise. A certain part of the gross income of the enterprise is a source of profit formation, due to which
  13. Methodology of sectoral trend analysis in assessing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise
  14. Methods of regression analysis in planning and forecasting the need for working capital economic category for the economic activity of the enterprise The advanced nature of working capital the need to invest costs in them until economic
  15. Comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the use of intangible assets The current trend suggests that a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the use of intangible assets should be integral part complex analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise The study showed that the methodological framework for analyzing the efficiency of the use of intangible
  16. The policy of anti-crisis financial management They are based on the consistent definition of models of management decisions chosen in accordance with the specifics of the economic activity of the enterprise and the scale of crisis phenomena in its development. financial management
  17. Features of the marginal analysis of profit and determination of the break-even point at enterprises of heavy engineering Volkova ON Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise M TK Velby 2006. 424 p 5. Savitskaya GV Analysis of economic
  18. The role of fixed assets in the economic activity of an enterprise Annotation The article discusses theoretical aspects the role of fixed assets and their use on the economic activity of the enterprise The indicators of the use of fixed assets production assets In modern economic conditions, the effective functioning
  19. Financial results of the enterprise Financial results economic activity of the enterprise is expressed in a change in the value of its own capital and develops gradually over
  20. Analysis of FCD to identify signs of deliberate bankruptcy K1 - characterizes the overall security of the enterprise working capital for conducting business activities and timely repayment of urgent obligations of the enterprise

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

East Kazakhstan State Technical University

them. D. Serikbaeva

Economic analysis of economic activity of enterprises

Working programm, tasks and guidelines

on course work for students of the specialty 070640 "Finance and credit"

Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2003

UDC 658.1: 338.3 (075.8)

Ekeyeva Z.Zh., Sadykova A.E. Economic analysis of economic activities of enterprises: Work program, assignments and guidelines for the implementation of course work for students of the specialty 070640 (SPO) "Finance and Credit" correspondence course / EKSTU. - Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2003. - 31 p.

The guidelines contain the necessary provisions for the organization of course work and theoretical information on the main methods of economic analysis.

The goals of studying the discipline

The transition to a market economy requires enterprises to increase the efficiency of production, the competitiveness of products and services based on the introduction of scientific and technological progress, effective forms of management and production management.

An important role in the implementation of this task is assigned to the economic analysis of the activities of business entities. With its help, a strategy and tactics for the development of an enterprise are developed, plans and management decisions are substantiated, control over their implementation is carried out, reserves for increasing production efficiency are identified, and the performance of the enterprise, its divisions and employees is evaluated.

A qualified economist, financier, accountant, auditor must be proficient in modern methods economic research, the methodology of systemic, integrated economic analysis, the skill of accurate, timely, comprehensive analysis of the results of economic activity.

Tasks of the discipline

The tasks of the analysis of economic activity as a scientific discipline arise primarily from the functions that it performs in the system of other applied economic sciences. Thus, one of the main functions of the analysis are.

1.2.1 The study of the nature of the operation of economic laws, the establishment of patterns and trends in economic phenomena and processes in the specific conditions of the enterprise.

1.2.2 Scientific rationale current and long-term plans.

1.2.3 Control over the implementation of plans and management decisions, over the economical use of resources.

1.2.4 Search for reserves to improve production efficiency based on the study of best practices and achievements of science and practice.

1.2.5 Evaluation of the results of the enterprise's activities, the implementation of plans, the achieved level of economic development, the use of existing opportunities.

1.2.6 Development of measures for the use of identified reserves.

2.1 Method and methodology for a comprehensive economic analysis of the economic activity of enterprises. The concept of AHD. Analysis and synthesis as features of human thinking. Types of AHD, its role. AHD as a control function. The content of AHD as a science aimed at solving certain problems. Analysis functions. System approach in AHD, the main features of the system approach. Characteristic features of the AHD method. AHD method. The sequence of the complex AHD. AHD methods, their classification. The role of indicators in complex analysis, characterization of the content of subsystems. Relationships between individual subsystems. Development of a system of analytical indicators, their classification.

2.2 Ways of processing economic information in AHD. Methods of comparison in AHD. Essence of comparison, types of comparisons and their purpose. Multivariate comparisons in AHD. Tasks, possibilities and directions of using multidimensional comparisons in AHD. Algorithm for multidimensional comparisons. Ways to bring indicators into a comparable form. Conditions for comparability of indicators. Neutralization of the influence of cost, volume, quality and structural factors. The use of relative and average values ​​in the practice of economic and analytical work. Ways to group information. Algorithm for constructing analytical groupings. Using the balance method in AHD. Using graphical and tabular methods.

2.3 Methodology factor analysis. The relationship of economic phenomena. Introduction to factor analysis. Types of factor analysis, its main tasks. The value of the classification of factors. Main types of factors. The concept and difference between different types of factors in AHD. Necessity and importance of systematization of factors. The main ways of systematizing factors in deterministic and stochastic analysis. Essence and value of modeling, requirements to it. The main types of factorial deterministic models. Methods for transforming factor models. Modeling rules.

2.4 Method of functional cost analysis (FSA). The history of the development of the FSA. The essence of the functional approach to the analysis of the object. Types of consumer functions of the object. FSA algorithm. Features and tasks of the FSA. Early diagnosis, prioritization, optimal detailing, allocation of the leading link are the main principles of the FSA. Other FSA principles. Stages of FSA research. Features of the organization of research on the FSA in the CIS and leading Western countries. Problems of further development of research on the methodology and organization of the FSA.

2.5 Methodology for substantiating management decisions based on marginal analysis. The concept of marginal analysis, its capabilities, main stages and conditions for conducting. Methods for determining the sum of constants and variable costs. The concept and meaning of indicators of break-even sales volume and the security zone of the enterprise. The concept and procedure for determining the critical value of fixed costs and the price level. The procedure for substantiating the volume of sales, which gives the same profit for different options for management decisions. Analytical evaluation of the decision to accept an additional order at a price below the cost of production. Justification of the price option for a new product. Justification of the decision to "make or buy". Choice of production technology option. Choice of the decision taking into account restrictions on resources.

3. Purpose, objectives of the course work

The purpose of the course work is to gain skills in the analysis of the production and economic activities of the company (enterprise).

The main objectives of the course work are:

consolidation and deepening of students' knowledge in the course "Economic analysis of economic activity of enterprises".

acquisition of practical skills in the calculation of the main economic indicators of the enterprise.

the use of computers for processing economic information.

acquisition of practical skills and abilities when using educational, reference and normative literature.

Course work consists of the following tasks:

Task one - correlation and regression analysis to determine the impact of factor indicators on the performance indicator.

Task two - analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise:

analysis of production and sale of industrial products.

analysis of the use of enterprise resources.

analysis of profit and profitability.

4. The order of the course work

Course work on the course "Economic analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise" is an independently performed by the student and submitted in writing settlement work.

Course work consists, as a rule, of an introduction, a settlement part, a conclusion, a list of references.

In the introduction, it is necessary to show the role of the analysis of economic activity, as one of the main functions of enterprise management.

The calculation part consists of two separate tasks, for each of which it is necessary to select the initial data according to the appropriate methodology (clauses 4.1 and 4.2). When performing tasks, you must be guided by the following requirements:

at the beginning of the work, the number of the task option must be indicated

source data must be provided

calculations should be detailed, they should be accompanied by the necessary formulas and brief explanations. If there are several methods of calculation, it is necessary to apply the most rational of them.

in the process of completing tasks, it is necessary to check the calculations made, using the relationship between the calculated indicators and paying attention to economic content recent

all calculations must be accompanied by conclusions, which is the result of analytical work

in conclusion, brief conclusions are given on the results of calculations of tasks 1 and 2, as well as proposals based on these calculations.

4.1 Choice of option for task 1

The student receives the initial data on the options from table 1. The data of column No. 2 changes due to the addition of the last digit of the record book number to the initial number.

Table 1 - Initial data for task 1

company number Profit from sales, thousand tenge Sales volume, million tenge The volume of gross output million tenge. The average annual cost of the main and revolving funds, million tenge The cost of all marketable products million tenge. Fund of wages of workers, thousand tenge. Costs per 1 tenge. Commercial products yew. tg.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 41 1,7 1,66 0,27 1,5 285,3 97,7
2 75 2,2 2,2 0,55 2,1 275,6 97,3
3 82 1,3 1,4 0,47 1,1 253,3 94,6
4 106 18,9 19,9 4,96 18,7 3673,2 99,0
5 181 8,8 8,9 1,63 8,6 1224,0 97,7
6 215 3,9 4,0 0,91 3,6 734,9 94,6
7 254 4,3 4,2 0,74 4,0 753,2 93,7
8 262 1,6 1,7 0, 19 1,1 267,4 82,0
9 395 11,7 11,8 1,61 11,3 1675,6 96,0
10 512 2,2 2,2 0,49 1,7 299,3 77,5
11 526 4,8 4,9 1,12 4,3 956,3 89,5
12 558 6,5 6,6 2,18 5,7 1438,8 90,3
13 575 14,9 15,0 2,43 14,3 2000,9 85,3
14 602 9,5 9,6 1,78 8,8 1056,6 93,2
15 664 5,9 5,9 0,56 5,1 495,8 88,7
16 789 16,0 16,7 0,78 15,2 1383,3 94,7
17 902 22,3 22,1 2,72 19,2 2805,0 95,7
18 909 8,0 7,9 2,60 7,1 1202,0 90,4
19 967 26,0 26,1 7,00 24,8 4161,8 96,2
20 998 7,5 7,5 0,30 6,4 633,2 86,2

4.2 Choosing an option for task 2.
