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"The sixth step" Sergei Nedorub. New Zone. Sixth step Sixth step download fb2

Sixth step Sergey Nedorub

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Title: sixth step

About the book "The Sixth Step" Sergey Nedorub

During the operation of the Center for Anomalous Phenomena to seize a cargo of missing artifacts, almost the entire group, consisting of experienced stalkers, perishes. Suspicion falls on the only survivor - Borland. Detective Viktor Korneev takes on the investigation, who should find out what happened at the facility and why Borland decided to destroy his team. However, Borland's former partner, Mark, believes his friend was set up. He teams up with Victor to clarify the circumstances, especially since dangerous goods already free. They have only one piece of evidence, and a very unusual one at that - a false note in the melody that sounded during the operation. Victor and Mark have a difficult task to solve in order to prevent a larger tragedy.

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Quotes from the book "The Sixth Step" by Sergey Nedorub

The guard returned the map to Vlad, not at all embarrassed.

“Destroy,” Emil said. “Just make sure there are no people there.

Sergei Nedorub

New Zone. Sixth step


The publishing house is grateful to Boris Natanovich Strugatsky for permission to use the name of the series "Stalker", as well as the ideas and images embodied in the work "Roadside Picnic" and the script for the film "Stalker" by A. Tarkovsky.

The Strugatsky brothers are a unique phenomenon in our culture. This is a whole world that has influenced not only literature and art in general, but also everyday life. We speak in the words of the heroes of the Strugatskys' works, the neologisms and concepts invented by them already live their own separate lives, like folklore or wandering plots.

Alena, hello.

Forgive me for not addressing you personally. You see, I'm done. Maybe I'm already in hell, or maybe I've always been there. I would love to write you a simple paper letter, but I can't. It’s even funny: I tried so many times to call you and didn’t do it, and now this is the only thing I want.

All I can now is turn to your image in my head. The Alpha radiation knocked me out of the world, but I don’t think the world will lose much from my disappearance.

I only have memory. In it, I boil in search of answers. And this cauldron is hot, you can trust me.

I regret to inform you that I am not the only one of your friends that you have lost. Although I'm not sure if you can call me a friend - after all, no matter how it sounds, I'm just a wanderer in your path. This is an objective fact.

If I could go back in time and change something in the world order, I would not hesitate to get myself out of your way. You have priority over me to move on.

My name is Alexey Vavilov. He is Borland.

Remember me like this.

Or forget.

Crime scene

The flashlight beam unceremoniously hit in the eyes.

“The passage is closed,” said the imperturbable guard.

The man driving the Fiat handed him a green card.

“Vlad,” he introduced himself.

- Nice. And the surname?

Slightly taken aback by such a turn, the owner of the card even turned off the ignition.

“Antonov,” he said impatiently. - Vlad Antonov, from CAI. As are you. You work for me. Let my car pass, please.

The guard returned the map to Vlad, not at all embarrassed.

“Go ahead,” he said. - At the entrance, turn right, you can stop there. The chief will explain everything to you.

Smiling, Vlad started the engine again.

“Only Miroslav is taller than me,” he reminded. What "main" are you talking about? Who is in charge here?

- Korneev.

Vlad frowned, remembering what Korneev was talking about. If this is not a janitor from the second floor, then, apparently, it means a detective hired six months ago. The one who worked in the shadows, under the patronage of Miroslav ... but what exactly was he working on, if he was already in charge of such a complex matter?

“Korneev,” Vlad repeated aloud, slowly driving past the withered bushes. - Yes, let's talk. Explain to me why seventeen people died at the Center today.

* * *

The mansion was really luxurious - the kind that rich people build for themselves as basic housing, where you can throw off all the masks and just be yourself. With a controversial design, designed for people who understand. The level of protection should have been appropriate - it was not for nothing that two groups of former stalkers were sent to storm the house today with the participation of the Center's own operatives. However, the sight of three ambulances and one truck, in addition to half a dozen specially equipped CAI vehicles, indicated that there were some problems. Maybe nothing went smoothly at all.

Vlad stopped the Fiat right on the lawn. On his way out, just in case, he felt for the pistol in the holster under his jacket.

People were bustling at the entrance to the house. Vlad knew a couple of people by sight.

“Olga,” he called, slowly lighting a cigarette.

“Put out your cigarette, please,” the young woman demanded in response, coming up to him. “We do gas analysis.

Shrugging, Vlad obeyed.

- What's going on here? - he asked. - Where is Korneev?

“In the house,” Olga answered. - Studying the lock on the door.

What other castle?

"So you don't know?"

“Don’t take me for a fool,” Vlad grunted. - Take me to Korneev.

Olga turned away, pulled out a walkie-talkie, slowly said something. From the fact that they turned their backs on him, Vlad almost experienced rage. Angrily, he put the pack of cigarettes in his jacket pocket and waited.

“Victor will come right now,” Olga said. - With your permission.

Vlad nodded. Looking away, he considered how to seize the initiative in the upcoming conversation. Usually it was a non-committal professional habit, but not today. He had to show who was in charge here.

Did you decide to take a look? said a calm voice.

Vlad gave Korneev an authoritative look. He couldn't remember if he'd seen the detective at least once before in his life. Victor looked very tired, but collected nonetheless. On his forehead was a wide piece of plaster. Vlad, on principle, did not ask where the detective managed to get such a trace.

- What's going on here? he asked another question.

“Understood,” Victor replied. - As soon as we find out everything, the report will fall on Miroslav's table.

“Conflicts of this level are usually dealt with by my department,” Vlad said a little harder.

- Legal? What word should I laugh at?

Vlad looked at the detective for a while, but he didn't even blink. The bustle in the background served as a repulsive background, as if letting Vlad know that he was superfluous here. Anger began to boil within him.

“I'm your direct boss,” he said. – I work directly with Miroslav. Does this mean anything to you?

“Of course,” the detective smiled slightly. - Six months ago, I helped expose one of these "bosses" in Kyiv and kick him in the horns. His house still has traces of my bullets. Just like this mansion, by the way. If you have problems with Miroslav, then I am not able to eliminate them. I can only make it worse. Decide for yourself.

From such impudence, Vlad almost lost his balance. But something in the words of the detective alerted him.

“Just a second,” he said after Viktor, who was leaving. - What does the traces of your bullets mean? Are you involved in conflict today?

“Participated,” Victor confirmed. “You don’t even know that, then. Express claims to the one who deals with the levels of clearance.

The phone in his pocket hummed softly. Pulling out the receiver, Victor put it to his ear.

Tell him what everyone knows. But don't talk about what you've found out yourself. We'll discuss later.

“Okay,” Victor answered and put the phone back.

"Can we go into the house now?" Vlad asked impatiently.

- Do you want this? Well, let's. Hope you have a strong stomach.

- Not complaining.

They passed a truck loaded with large black bags. Vlad winced.

- Ours? he asked, looking at the truck.

- What are you about? Victor clarified. “About the bodies? No, not ours. This is home security.

- A lot of them something.

That's why they sent two groups.

- What are the two groups? All stalkers?

Victor was silent. Vlad seized on the idea he had born:

“Perhaps I should interrogate one of the survivors.

- No need.

- Why? I can't interrogate you.

The detective considered. Vlad chuckled in his heart. No matter how much Miroslav tries to keep the essence of the operation secret, a loophole can always be found.

“Let's do this,” Victor said, stopping on the steps. - We are working with you general organization. With the same success it can be said that we all live on the same planet. That is, it does not mean that all people are brothers. Accordingly, we are not even colleagues in this case. Moreover, I am a simple employee with no specific tasks, and you are in charge of the legal department. But no one invited you here. You come out of pure curiosity or other corporate problems that are not interesting to me, and prevent everyone from working. This is not a courtroom for you. This is a crime scene with two dozen dead, and my job is to find out what happened without leaking information. If you keep getting in my way like this, I'll just have you locked up in that truck. Or you, as a man, without irony, a great mind, just come with me and help. The choice is yours.

Completely speechless, Vlad began to nervously feel the pockets of his jacket.

Sergei Nedorub

New Zone. Sixth step


The publishing house is grateful to Boris Natanovich Strugatsky for permission to use the name of the series "Stalker", as well as the ideas and images embodied in the work "Roadside Picnic" and the script for the film "Stalker" by A. Tarkovsky.

The Strugatsky brothers are a unique phenomenon in our culture. This is a whole world that has influenced not only literature and art in general, but also everyday life. We speak in the words of the heroes of the Strugatskys' works, the neologisms and concepts invented by them already live their own separate lives, like folklore or wandering plots.

Alena, hello.

Forgive me for not addressing you personally. You see, I'm done. Maybe I'm already in hell, or maybe I've always been there. I would love to write you a simple paper letter, but I can't. It’s even funny: I tried so many times to call you and didn’t do it, and now this is the only thing I want.

All I can now is turn to your image in my head. The Alpha radiation knocked me out of the world, but I don’t think the world will lose much from my disappearance.

I only have memory. In it, I boil in search of answers. And this cauldron is hot, you can trust me.

I regret to inform you that I am not the only one of your friends that you have lost. Although I'm not sure if you can call me a friend - after all, no matter how it sounds, I'm just a wanderer on your way. This is an objective fact.

If I could go back in time and change something in the world order, I would not hesitate to get myself out of your way. You have priority over me to move on.

My name is Alexey Vavilov. He is Borland.

Remember me like this.

Or forget.

Crime scene

The flashlight beam unceremoniously hit in the eyes.

The passage is closed, - said the imperturbable guard.

The man driving the Fiat handed him a green card.

Vlad, he introduced himself.

Nice. And the surname?

Slightly taken aback by such a turn, the owner of the card even turned off the ignition.

Antonov,” he said impatiently. - Vlad Antonov, from CAI. As are you. You work for me. Let my car pass, please.

The guard returned the map to Vlad, not at all embarrassed.

Move on, he said. - At the entrance, turn right, you can stop there. The chief will explain everything to you.

Smiling, Vlad started the engine again.

Only Miroslav is taller than me,” he reminded. What "main" are you talking about? Who is in charge here?


Vlad frowned, remembering what Korneev was talking about. If this is not a janitor from the second floor, then, apparently, it means a detective hired six months ago. The one who worked in the shadows, under the patronage of Miroslav ... but what exactly was he working on, if he was already in charge of such a complex matter?

Korneev, - Vlad repeated aloud, slowly driving past the withered bushes. - Yes, let's talk. Explain to me why seventeen people died at the Center today.

* * *

The mansion was really luxurious - the kind that rich people build for themselves as basic housing, where you can throw off all the masks and just be yourself. With a controversial design, designed for people who understand. The level of protection should have been appropriate - it was not for nothing that two groups of former stalkers were sent to storm the house today with the participation of the Center's own operatives. However, the sight of three ambulances and one truck, in addition to half a dozen specially equipped CAI vehicles, indicated that there were some problems. Maybe nothing went smoothly at all.

Vlad stopped the Fiat right on the lawn. On his way out, just in case, he felt for the pistol in the holster under his jacket.

People were bustling at the entrance to the house. Vlad knew a couple of people by sight.

Olga, - he called, slowly lighting a cigarette.

Put out your cigarette, please,” the young woman demanded in response, coming up to him. - We do gas analysis.

Shrugging, Vlad obeyed.

What's going on here? - he asked. - Where is Korneev?

In the house, - answered Olga. - Studying the lock on the door.

What other castle?

So you don't know?

Don't take me for a fool, - Vlad hissed. - Take me to Korneev.

Olga turned away, pulled out a walkie-talkie, slowly said something. From the fact that they turned their backs on him, Vlad almost experienced rage. Angrily, he put the pack of cigarettes in his jacket pocket and waited.

Victor will come right now, - said Olga. - With your permission.

Vlad nodded. Looking away, he considered how to seize the initiative in the upcoming conversation. Usually it was a non-committal professional habit, but not today. He had to show who was in charge here.

Decided to take a look? said a calm voice.

Vlad gave Korneev an authoritative look. He couldn't remember if he'd seen the detective at least once before in his life. Victor looked very tired, but collected nonetheless. On his forehead was a wide piece of plaster. Vlad, on principle, did not ask where the detective managed to get such a trace.

What's going on here? he asked another question.

We understand, - Victor answered. - As soon as we find out everything, the report will fall on Miroslav's table.

My department usually deals with conflicts of this level,” Vlad said a little harder.

Legal? What word should I laugh at?

Vlad looked at the detective for a while, but he didn't even blink. The bustle in the background served as a repulsive background, as if letting Vlad know that he was superfluous here. Anger began to boil within him.

I'm your direct boss, - he rapped out. - I work directly with Miroslav. Does this mean anything to you?

Of course, - slightly smiled detective. - Six months ago, I helped expose one of these "bosses" in Kyiv and kick him in the horns. His house still has traces of my bullets. Just like this mansion, by the way. If you have problems with Miroslav, then I am not able to eliminate them. I can only make it worse. Decide for yourself.

From such impudence, Vlad almost lost his balance. But something in the words of the detective alerted him.

A second, - he said after the departing was Victor. What do your bullet marks mean? Are you involved in conflict today?

Participated, - confirmed Victor. “You don’t even know that, then. Express claims to the one who deals with the levels of clearance.

The phone in his pocket hummed softly. Pulling out the receiver, Victor put it to his ear.

Tell him what everyone knows. But don't talk about what you've found out yourself. We'll discuss later.

Good, - Victor answered and put the phone back.

Can we go into the house now? Vlad asked impatiently.

Do you want this? Well, let's. Hope you have a strong stomach.

Not complaining.

They passed a truck loaded with large black bags. Vlad winced.

Our? he asked, looking at the truck.

What are you talking about? - said Victor. - About the bodies? No, not ours. This is home security.

A lot of them something.

That's why they sent two groups.

What are the two groups? All stalkers?

Victor was silent. Vlad seized on the idea he had born:

I should probably interrogate one of the survivors.

No need.

Why? I can't interrogate you.

The detective considered. Vlad chuckled in his heart. No matter how much Miroslav tries to keep the essence of the operation secret, a loophole can always be found.

Let's do this, - said Victor, stopping on the steps. - We are working for a common organization. With the same success it can be said that we all live on the same planet. That is, it does not mean that all people are brothers. Accordingly, we are not even colleagues in this case. Moreover, I am a simple employee with no specific tasks, and you are in charge of the legal department. But no one invited you here. You come out of pure curiosity or other corporate problems that are not interesting to me, and prevent everyone from working. This is not a courtroom for you. This is a crime scene with two dozen dead, and it's my job to find out what happened without leaking information. If you keep getting in my way like this, I'll just have you locked up in that truck. Or you, as a man, without irony, a great mind, just come with me and help. The choice is yours.

Completely speechless, Vlad began to nervously feel the pockets of his jacket.

Tactfully clearing his throat, Vlad silently followed Viktor to the porch.

The entrance to the house was like a gateway. The outer double doors were almost luxurious, tall oak gates with beautiful brass handles. But what Vlad saw behind them looked very strange. She and Victor found themselves in a brightly lit space the size of a small room, the opposite wall of which had a massive door in the center. Now it remained ajar. Muffled voices could be heard from inside the house, interspersed with the sounds of a flashlight.

Not a bad entrance, - praised Vlad. You can't even see holes in the walls. But how to fill the compartment with gas in which case?

No, just imagine. And there aren't even machine guns in the walls. But I wanted to show something else. Take a look at the castle.

Vlad carefully looked at the door from the outside. His attention was drawn to the panel with a number of white and black keys. Slightly higher was an extinct screen.

What's this? - he asked. - Piano?

Nearly. Music castle. To open you need to type a sequence of notes.

Vlad whistled.

Looks like you opened it,” he remarked.

Yes, they opened. True, it cost us dearly. Let's go inside.

Victor let Vlad go ahead, and the lawyer experienced a much stronger shock.

What the hell is this? he asked, looking at the white corridor going down steeply.

Think of it as a feature of the local architecture. The entrance does not lead to the house itself, but to the underground floor. It is quite logical that it makes no sense to put a titanium door where there are ordinary glasses in the windows.

Vlad thought with annoyance that he could have guessed this himself. Actually, the house could hardly interest anyone so much as to send two groups of specialists. And here's what's under the house...

Why was the castle so strange? - he asked. - Did you find out?

No, but why does it seem strange? Quite a working cipher. Hacking is as difficult as picking up a digital code. And it is completely impossible to convey to another, unless both are familiar with musical notation.

It was possible to number each key and write it down as a sequence of numbers.

And you begin to understand, - Victor smiled weakly. - It was details like these that caused the mass shootout.

By the way, who was the owner of the house?

You are asking good questions. Rectilinear. I would even say almost suggestive.

Realizing that he would not hear an answer, Vlad fell silent.

The lower floor was a simple underground garage. With the difference that there was no exit for cars. Vlad again suppressed an exclamation of surprise. Who could design this place and why?

As you already understood, this house is two different objects nested in each other, - Victor explained. - From the outside, it's just a residential estate. Inside - a non-linear bunker, partially penetrating the upper level. At the highest point there is an observation window adjacent to the second floor window. The Mona group got into the house just through it.

Mona group?

Yes. I was in the Lisa group, waiting at the door until we were given the music code. Maybe that's why I'm alive.

Victor spoke dispassionately, striding across the cold floor. Vlad tried to keep up with him. Soon he smelled gunpowder.

Here,” Victor said, opening the metal door. - Welcome.

Vlad roughly imagined what he would see outside the door, but he definitely did not expect this. The room was long and narrow, with high shelving along the walls. It was cold in here, like a morgue. As if to confirm his thoughts, bodies were piled on the floor.

Seventeen dead, - said Vlad.

Sixteen, - corrected Viktor. - One survived.

Under the supervision of doctors.

Is he hurt?

Yes. But in a somewhat unusual way.

What does it mean? Vlad didn't understand.

Victor pointed to the shelves with open drawers, in which empty recesses could be seen.

Familiar cases? - he asked.

Familiar. Containers for artifacts.

Exactly. There was a warehouse of some ... things. The closest comparison for them is deafening bombs.

Some kind of weapon?

We also have to find out. But these things worked as weapons, no doubt.

Then where are they all? - Vlad looked for at least one artifact. - Did you take them out?

No. They detonated. Every single one.

And the Mona group fell under the distribution?

It looks like it.

Vlad leaned over one of the bodies.

Wait, this guy has a bullet hole in his head,” he remarked. - Does the artifact really work like that?

I'm not even surprised by your question, - Victor answered. - For half a year in the Center I managed to read not so much. But no, the artifacts of the Zone have not yet learned how to shoot. This man was killed with a snowman. Like everyone else.

What snowman?

A weapon that shoots some kind of ice bullets. Don't take it too literally, this is the closest comparison. The Snowman is powered by anomalous technology. At Monet, everyone had these things.

Did they shoot each other?

Unfortunately not known. The ammunition of the "snowmen" does not lend itself to ballistic examinations. It is impossible to understand who shot whom. I hope the survivor will clarify something as soon as we manage to get through to him.

What's the problem?

Viktor was silent for a bit.

Come on, I'll show you," he said. You will understand that there is a problem. And big.

Leaving the house, Victor went to the ambulance. In fact, it was a CAI transport, which had a completely different filling, although it was still of a medical nature. A guard with a machine gun stood at the rear doors.

Who is the patient protected from? - asked Vlad. - There shouldn't be strangers here.

They are protecting us from the patient, - Victor answered, making a sign to the fighter to step aside. - Now you yourself will see everything.

Just in case, Vlad checked the gun for the fifth time that evening. With an air of indifference, he opened the door.

What does it mean? - he asked.

Have you heard of Borland? the detective chuckled. - He's in front of you now.

Vlad did not take his eyes off the heavily built man sitting in front of him. Borland seemed completely normal. He breathed steadily and looked around, as if admiring the equipment of the van. A bracelet of handcuffs glittered on his right wrist, the other end of which wrapped around the handle of a folding bunk.

How's life, brother? - asked Vlad.

Do not try, - said Victor. - He can't hear you.

But does he see?

No. He's not here. Forget about talking to him. After the effect of the artifact, the victim is closed on itself. She completely ceases to perceive the world. Vision, hearing, taste, tactile sensations, the center of balance stop working. In a word, all channels of communication with a person are cut off.

Something I do not remember we have such a development.

To some extent it was not, - the detective said evasively. - The Center tried to create something similar. The idea, by the way, is quite simple. An excellent humane weapon - if, of course, you find opposition to return the victim to a normal state. But we couldn't do it.

So the artifact got into the house straight from the Zone?

In such quantities? Have you seen the warehouse? There were hundreds of them.

Victor looked at Borland one last time and closed the door.

Borland could tell what happened, he said. However, he is no longer with us. And no one knows how to get it back.

Olga approached them.

We're done, she said.

Okay, Victor nodded. - Turn around. The results of all analyzes are on my desk immediately upon receipt.

What a relief. - Vlad impatiently pulled out cigarettes. - Now you can smoke in peace. Want to?

Thanks to.

Exhaling the smoke, Vlad relaxed slightly.

You asked me if I had heard of Borland, he said. - Yes, I heard. Two anecdotes, a proverb and one obscene song. I also read a report about a scuffle with his participation that happened in the dining room.

Well, things happen. The guys did not share the last glass of cherry compote.

And such people work for us? I wonder who?

Victor shrugged.

When, he replied. - For half a year I crossed paths with Borland only a few times.

Did you come here together?

Not together. Just at the same time.

And did you know each other before?

Yes. Victor didn't look away. - Moreover, the acquaintance also took place by chance. I can’t say that my life has been greatly enriched from this.

Clear. Or maybe Borland himself shot everyone?

Victor didn't let himself be confused.

Out of the question, he replied. - If only because one of his friends was among the dead.

Does it change anything?

For former stalkers - changes. Borland could not shoot an old comrade.

Does the old friend have a name?

Operational alias only. But you still don't know any of them.

Does not matter. I'll read the dossier later.

Victor threw away his freshly lit cigarette.

Whatever, he didn't object. - Search for "Farmer". If you convince me that Borland could have killed him, then I myself will carry you cherry compote until the end of time.

It's clear. - Vlad pulled out his phone. - I need to call, I'm sorry.

Victor stepped aside, watching the bodies of the Center fighters being loaded into the car. After talking with Vlad, he again felt the events of a nightmarish evening pile on him.

Victor, - he heard a quiet whisper nearby.

Yes, the detective said. - What's happened?

Olga showed him an oblong object wrapped in black cellophane.

What to do with this? she asked.

Viktor hurriedly covered the object with his palms.

Hide the Sustain somewhere and take it home,” he said. - I'll pick it up later. Do not write anything about him in the report. Vlad especially. Take your own prints, although they are unlikely to be. Do your best, but find me whatever little things you can. Will you?

Thanks. Now go.

Olga slipped the item into the camera case. Victor rejoiced at her prudence. If you want to hide something - put it in front of everyone.

Vlad just approached him with a slightly playful expression on his face.

You on the phone, he said. - Miroslav.

Taking the device, the detective held it to his ear.

Korneev on the wire.

Are you sure?

The pause was long.

Do you doubt my words? Miroslav asked.

During the operation of the Center for Anomalous Phenomena to seize a cargo of missing artifacts, almost the entire group, consisting of experienced stalkers, perishes. Suspicion falls on the only survivor - Borland. Detective Viktor Korneev takes on the investigation, who should find out what happened at the facility and why Borland decided to destroy his team. However, Borland's former partner, Mark, believes his friend was set up. He teams up with Victor to clarify the circumstances, especially since the dangerous cargo is already at large. They have only one piece of evidence, and a very unusual one at that - a false note in the melody that sounded during the operation. Victor and Mark have a difficult task to solve in order to prevent a larger tragedy.

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