Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

How to write quality articles. How to learn to write interestingly on boring topics. Where to get inspiration

Hello, friends! In this article I want to tell you in detail how to write an article. You will learn what types of text are there, what you need to consider when writing and how to achieve High Quality material. I am sure my experience will be useful to you. You will learn not only new information for yourself, but you will also be able to build an acceptable work scheme. Adhering to which, you will prepare really cool materials that are popular.

Before delving into the analysis of the topic "How to write an article", let's talk about the types of texts. There are several of them. Let's briefly characterize each of them.

Watch the video for only 15 minutes and you will learn how to write an article correctly

1. Plagiarism

I doubted whether such materials should be included in the list at all. These articles include "stolen" from other sites. That is, the owner of the resource sat in search engine looking for what he needs. I picked up an article that I liked more than others, and simply published it on my website.

Shame on these people!

2. Rewrite

In fact, this is a presentation of the material read in your own words. An article is found on the desired topic and rewritten - other turns, phrases are used. The author formulates what was said in his own way.

This approach allows you to achieve the uniqueness of the text. We will talk about it in more detail below.

Note! The position of the site in the search results depends on the uniqueness. If you publish other people's texts, search robots will immediately notice this. They will not only lower the issuance, but they can impose sanctions and filters on the project.

3. How to write an article for publication: copyright

Its essence lies in the fact that the author does not rewrite someone else's text, but prepares new material. But based on multiple sources. Preliminary there is a deep study of the collected material. After which it is written new text. With its own structure.

4. Author's article

Material completely written from scratch and prepared by the author based on personal experience, skills, knowledge. Such materials include:

  • guides;
  • interview;
  • reviews;
  • description of cases, etc.

Note! When compared with rewriting and copyright, the author's text carries new information. The first two options are the processing of an existing one.

How to write an article for publication: do not forget about the terms of reference

The preparation of the article is carried out according to the TOR - terms of reference. Even if the article is prepared personally and for your own site. The following features of the future material are prescribed in the TOR:

  • subject matter;
  • volume (number of characters without spaces or number of words);
  • boundary level of uniqueness;
  • some others technical indicators, if necessary;
  • style;
  • keywords.

Be sure to specify in the TOR who the target audience is. The final level of expertise of the material will depend on this. If for experts in a particular industry - this is one thing. Such a text should be really expert, with numbers, technical specifications etc. If for ordinary people - a simple and understandable explanation of the work of certain technologies is enough.

The terms of reference should be written in as much detail as possible, focusing on all the features of the project.

How to write an article: 10 steps to great copy

In this section, I will explain in detail how to write an article for publication, describing all the sequential steps to achieve the desired result. This information will be useful, first of all, to the students of my course “How to make a website in 4 days”.

1. Choice of subject

Talking about how to write an article, I will give an example on the choice of topics. Immediately you need to remember - one article should reveal one topic.

Advice! If you are just starting to write articles and have never done anything like this before, choose topics that are familiar to you.

Do not try to cover different topics in one material. It won't lead to anything good.

2. Article format

The next step in the instructions on how to write an article correctly is to choose the appropriate format. It is important that it ideally fits the specific subject of the material.

Here is an example of several formats:

  • problem and solution - first a specific problem is stated, and then ways of solving it are described;
  • tool for ... - implies a description of a specific method intended for a specific niche;
  • question and answer - first one of the questions is stated, and then a detailed answer is given to it;
  • expert assessment - both for a specific subject, product, service, and a specific solution to the problem;
  • advice and recommendations - they should be practical, describing in detail the process of solving the problem.

It is extremely important that each article contains exactly practical, valuable and useful information. Articles about nothing filled with “water” are of no interest to anyone. They will not benefit the site.

3. Header selection

The title of the article determines whether the user wants to follow the link and read the entire article. It is important to feel the fine line between originality and banality.

Important point! The title must exactly match the text. In no case should you deceive readers. Having opened the article, but not finding what the headline is talking about, he will quickly leave the site. And he will no longer have confidence in the resource.

Don't make titles too long. Opt for a short title. And never add artificial emotionality by typing a few exclamation marks or question marks. Such a title will not be credible.

  • “How ...” - this article begins with this word, it allows you to be interested, but gives a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is said in the text;
  • “Quick guide how to…” or “Quick guide…”;
  • “A quick way ...” - for example, “A quick way to peel tangerines”;
  • "A simple solution…. "-" A simple solution in the fight against excess weight ";
  • “Now you can ...” - “Now you can achieve success”;
  • it is also good to use the words “free, unique, effective, reliable” in the title text - only they should correspond to the text of the article;
  • “Everyone should know this ...” - the title will attract the attention of users, motivate them to go to the article page;
  • if possible, try to include numbers in the name - "5 ways ...", "7 steps to ..." and so on.

Naturally, I brought far from complete list templates. And it's not always necessary to use them. But they will help you if you can't come up with anything worthwhile yourself. Although with experience, you will no longer have problems creating cool headlines.

4. Plan preparation

Plan - a sequence of points on which the article will be written. It is a kind of material concept. Telling how to write an article, I will also give an example of a plan for you:

  • Name;
  • Introduction;
  • Main part (subheadings can be used here, dividing the article into logical blocks);
  • Conclusions.

Making a plan is much easier. It turns out to build a harmonious and logical structure. Important and valuable information will not be missed.

5. Introduction

The introduction consists of two or three short paragraphs. This is often enough to bring the reader up to date, lead to the disclosure of the topic. Of course, there are exceptions, but they don't happen very often.

In the introduction, you need to briefly identify the issue and show what target audience oriented material.

6. How to write an article: the main part

Most copywriters are assholes. Even if you make a detailed TOR, tell in detail what to write about and what you want to see, you still risk getting a terrible text. Instead of good and interesting material, the scribbler will give out something completely different. Therefore, sometimes it is easier to do everything yourself.

If you are not a writer at all (or a beginner) and you suddenly want to file a bomb article, but it is not being written - read on, there will be examples, algorithms, explanations on how to write an article correctly and that's it. There will be no magic formulas backed by research and A / B testing here, only personal experience from which you can draw something for yourself. If you are a beginner blogger, read on too, because a blog is not a drain hole where you can pour a stream of consciousness. This is a platform for interesting and good content. And you want to do just that anyway.

Article writing algorithm

You gathered your thoughts, created a file in Word and are ready to start. And then you have an existential crisis - you do not understand what to do with your future article: what and how to write about, what method of presentation to choose, where to start. This happens because you started from the wrong place. First you need to prepare. Let's see how to do it.


The first rule of writing an article: work with the text begins even before you write the first line. First you need to analyze everything: decide why and for whom you are writing material, what result you want to achieve and how you are going to do it. Answering these questions means cutting off all unnecessary and starting to work on the target audience.

So you will understand in what style to write and whether professional terms can be used. After that, you can sketch out the future structure, decide on the pitch and do a lot of other useful things.

Examples of analysis when writing an article

We are writing an article for the blog of a brokerage company.

For whom:potential customers who understand the topic at a basic level; professional brokers, analysts and sympathizers.

For what:talk about current trends in the market and how to use them for your own selfish purposes.

Result:confirm expertise; prove that the employees of the company can be trusted with their money.

How we achieve the goal:we give arguments and analytical calculations; we advise you to contact professionals if knowledge and experience are not enough; we use basic professional terms, more complex ones are explained separately.

Let's go through each item

First, we define our target audience. It consists of two large segments: professional colleagues and potential clients of the company. The first will appreciate the material only if it is useful and relevant. They want to get new knowledge that will be useful in everyday work. The latter are unlikely to follow the instructions from the article on their own, they will simply understand that you understand the issue and will be more willing to trust you with their money. Let's move on to the next point.

First, we determine the “reader value” of the material - what will be received by those who click on the link and spend some of their time on the article. This is important because no one will read a text written for its own sake. People need something useful: advice, examples, theory, in general, something that they use in their own life and work.

Next, we define the purpose of the company. It can be anything: increase the number of hits, brand awareness, confirm expertise. The main thing is that she was. Readers don't need useless text, but neither does the company. What is the point of spending money on writing articles if the output from them is zero?

The last block brings everything together and helps you decide on the tools. We have already identified the target audience and set goals. Now we need to understand how to achieve these goals. In our case, we need to do two things: prove expertise to colleagues, and advise clients to turn to professionals. To achieve the first goal, we need to find fresh, relevant and useful information. To achieve the second, you need to present this information in an understandable and convenient way, because potential customers have different levels of economic literacy and this must be taken into account.

If there are complex things in the article, they should be explained separately on the fingers. What is obvious to a professional is completely incomprehensible to a beginner. At the same time, you should not completely abandon the terms, you just need to apply them carefully and with care for the reader. Example: “...volatility has increased – the difference between the highest and lowest price of assets. Their cost fluctuated within 7%.

All these things are easily transferred to any topic. If you are writing an article for a cosmetics store blog, target a female audience of almost all ages. Review new products, or detailed instructions with screenshots and videos. Mention products sold in your store, but without fake advertising. Do not use English words if you can not do it. Make the article understandable and interesting for everyone and don't forget to have fun - your audience doesn't want to read textbooks.

An important point: it is better to write everything down. If you keep all the analytical calculations in your head, it is easy to miss something. And you can always return to the entry at the beginning of the document to check if you have gone astray. Even better - write everything down on a piece of paper in beautiful handwriting. This helps to remember everything at once - the effect is the same as from the abstract. If the student did not stick to the phone during the class, then he remembers the content of the lecture for at least a couple of hours after it ends.

Making the structure

We have decided what to write about, now we will figure out how to write. To make it clear and convenient for the reader, you need to carefully pack your thoughts into blocks and paragraphs - this way the text is easier to read. This will help put everything in order in your own head and the head of the reader. Come on and look necessary information it's easier that way too.

The structure of the text is not subject to rules and formulas, only to common sense. If the format allows, go from the general to the specific. Let's analyze an example of developing a structure when writing an article: let's try to outline a material plan about neural networks.

Article plan

  • Introduction.
  • What are neural networks?
  • How do they work?
  • What are and where are they used?
  • How will they be used in the future?
  • Conclusion.

In my opinion, everything is logical: we start with general concept and gradually delve into the topic. Use headings for each separate semantic block, do not combine them if you can do without it. Let's look at the example above: you can talk about what neural networks are and how they work in two different blocks. But with classification and application, this cannot be done - these things are tightly tied to each other.

If you are writing instructional material, describe the actions in chronological order, one after the other. At the same time, try to make each item independent of each other so that a person can return to it and not get confused.

If this is a selection article, then everything is even easier. Blocks are almost always independent of each other, so arrange them however you like. If this is not your case, first write about the important, and then about everything else.


In general, the main thing is logic and common sense.

We write

After you understand the structure, write. Write as you spell it, but keep a couple of important things in mind:

  • One paragraph, one thought.It's the same principle as with blocks. Don't try to cram everything into one poor little paragraph at once. He will feel bad - he will swell up and will feverishly explain to the reader something incomprehensible. The latter will definitely not appreciate this.
  • Cling thoughts to each other. The end of the previous thought is the beginning of the next. Here it is easier to give an example: “... the most popular type of automatic transmission is a torque converter. The torque converter transmits torque with the help of an oil flow that rotates the turbine and the reactor wheel ... ".
  • Don't sit too long. Try to write well right away, but do not sit for an hour on one sentence. If you don't get it right the first time, move on. Everything will be fine in the next step.

You have finished writing the text, but it is not ready yet. Now the material needs to be sanded and polished.


It's even more difficult than writing material. It is necessary to correct errors and inaccuracies, clear the text of unnecessary elements, bring it to a readable form and add everything that was missed. Let's take a look at each point:

  • Mistakes. Everything is clear here - you can trust yourself or use verification services. Most of all I like"Spelling" but it is paid. For 0 rubles, the verification service helps to do the same.
  • Superfluous. The first edition of the text is always a stream of consciousness that needs to be streamlined. To do this, we proofread the text and ask ourselves how it can be shortened without compromising the meaning. An abstract but illustrative example: "the application performs system configuration" is shortened to "the application configures the system." The meaning is not lost, but it became easier to read. Many advise to drive the text into the Glavred service, but if you are not a professional text writer, it will only confuse you and make you hate the whole world. So just trust your intuition. You also need to remove duplicate information, and make vague wording clear and sharp.
  • Structure. Once again we go through the structure: we check the division into paragraphs, insert additional headings, if appropriate.
  • Lost. The first time it is difficult to give out all the necessary information at once. Something is forgotten, and something is invented later. These losses must be compensated. Example: you are proofreading a text and suddenly remember a thought that insidiously eluded you, or you come up with a new cool example. All this needs to be added.


Now the text is finished. It remains to place the material on the site, add photos, graphs, tables or videos.

A few words about optimization

“Okay, but how, for example, to write an SEO article? What to do if you need to keep track of spamming, water content and uniqueness of the text? What if you need to enter completely wild requests? - ask those who want traffic (everyone). Do all the same. Yes, it will take more time, but it is a completely doable task.

Any text should be optimized for search engines. Because quality content can bring you a lot of traffic and customers. If you really want to, you can generally write articles "based on real events" - search queries. We at SEMANTICA call this "".

  • Always think about the reader. Do not write difficult, you are not a writer. Don't write text for text's sake, make it useful. Use personal experience, but do not turn the article into an “expensive diary”: instead of the material about “how I went out with Andryukha and visited 15 bars in a night,” write “15 bars in district X: an overview and amazing stories.”
  • Use examples. Everything is simple here - abstract concepts are difficult to try on. If you are writing about something, tell us how it is used in real life: “the power of the XX Watt heater is enough to warm a standard room of XX m 2".
  • Be original. Do not mow under someone. Write as you spell it, all of these guidelines leave plenty of room for creativity. The main thing is not to go too far and do not make your Opus Magnum about everything in the world out of an article in a blog. First useful information, then everything else.


It was difficult, but we figured out how to write an article, found out the basic rules for writing interesting material and looked at how everything works with examples. The main thing is to think over the future opus to the smallest detail, optimize the text and double-check it ten times. Analyze the target audience, decide why you are writing at all, think over the structure and edit the finished article. Ideally, you will good stuff which is interesting to read. And if you optimize the text correctly, you will get traffic.

Today, we are increasingly feeling tired from the information flow entering the brain. The more valuable are people who can explain in an accessible, original and vivid way. Tell in such a way that the reader cannot tear himself away from the text.

How to write good, interesting texts? We offer 19 tips for beginners and "continuing" editors, copywriters, bloggers - in general, for everyone who influences the course of events with a word.


State the topic in two simple sentences. Why such a limitation? Because this is the natural length of an intelligible answer to the verbal question “What did you want to talk about?”

If you can't frame your topic in two sentences that grab the reader's attention, then something is wrong. A two-sentence limit will help sharpen your thoughts, determine which lines and episodes are important and which are secondary. Repeat this technique for each chapter. It really helps to build the thought, plot and structure of the text on a segment of any length.


When researching a topic, try to keep a fresh look at things. Yes, you have read a thousand books on the subject, you are already a bit of an expert, but remain an alien, a child who wonders what adults have come to terms with and does not hesitate to ask questions.


There are details and there are details, but they are not the same thing. Details are the signs of a hero, an episode, telling something important about a person, a landscape, a scene. And the details are malicious, unimportant clarifications that could be dispensed with.

Example: “In 2013, the daily milk yield per cow was at around 20 liters, and in 2014 it increased to 40 liters.” Why this jumble of numbers, if you can simply write "cows began to give twice as much milk"?



You should not immediately give up trump cards: it is better to hold back the most amazing episode, and start a little from afar, in the first sentences to confuse the reader a little, but to interest (even in articles, sometimes you can present the main character not immediately).


On the Internet, you can find, patiently googling, at least 20 ways to deal with procrastination. But, as practice shows, only two work properly.

Method A is to calculate in advance how many thousand characters you need to write today - and, when procrastination entangles you, start writing as boringly as you like, but detailed plan. Through force, stubbornly - and at the same time without literary processing, just write what you think about this.

Method B - talk to yourself, say aloud in a free form a detailed speech in response to the question "what do I want to say in this piece." Having talked, we, as a rule, find successful formulations or moves for the beginning of this or that piece, and even the entire text. If after a few minutes you realize that today it is easier for you to speak, turn on the pre-prepared voice recorder.


Extra words are the most terrible enemies. After writing a phrase, look at it and discard half of the words. Does not work? Change the wording to make it work.


Do not use constructions of three verbs or adjectives in a row.


It is unacceptable for a clerk like "carried out scheduled repairs." Much better it looks like "refurbished".


Each time you look at a complex description of a complex phenomenon, try to fit it into a capacious phrase of four or five words.

Set yourself a number that you can't go beyond.

Example: if "N. has pessimistic forecasts regarding the development of the oil industry”, then we can formulate briefly: “N. doesn't believe in oil."


One of the main misconceptions is that it is necessary to express yourself in a literary way, not to write dryly, to pour water, to expand the text due to the abundance of words, descriptions, and complex structures.

Everything is the opposite.

If you fully expressed a thought or situation and showed all its complexity in three paragraphs, great. May it be so. If, for example, you were asked to write an article in a certain magazine and its editor said “at least 6000 characters”, and you have no more than 3000, then expand your thought, plot, look for shades that it would be great to talk about, remember others situations and describe them. But in general, a smart editor will also accept 3000 - if the author has captured his attention in this short period.


The shorter the better. Imagine that our text contains a very long sentence. Somewhere in the middle, the reader will get lost in it, not following the logic. But as soon as a long sentence is broken into several short ones, attention and positive perception are activated again.


Different sentence lengths make the text dynamic, easier and more fun to read, gradually mastering each line.


If you are writing informational or commercial text, keep in mind the law of high readability: the shorter the word, the higher the readability. In Russian, a word containing four or more syllables is considered long; in a professional environment, there is even a special designation “words 4+”. And when it is necessary to reveal the readability of the text, the following gradation is used:

  1. high readability - up to 10% of long words;
  2. average readability - 10–30% of long words;
  3. low readability - over 30%.



Connect your own experience - both positive and negative. Best Stories- these are your personal adventures (the reader can learn about them only from you).


Use visualization words: imagine, look, remember, etc.


Write in aphorisms.


At school, you were the best at writing essays, and the queue of classmates thirsty for help with chocolates as a reward to your desk never decreased? Are you drawn to beautiful word designs? Are you delighted with the ability of writers and journalists to influence the souls and minds of contemporaries and descendants with a word? Or maybe you are solving a practical problem - creating your own website, which requires good quality texts? Do you know how to learn to write articles? In the article, we will just talk about how to write articles for publication and much more!

In all these cases, we can advise the following: master the art of copywriting. Your life will become fuller and more interesting, and besides, you can earn good money. So where to start?

Types of texts (Seo texts, Lsi words selling articles) and their parameters

First of all, it is necessary to understand the variety of types of texts that are in demand today. It:

  • informational articles;
  • selling articles.

The first ones are easier to create, since no special knowledge is required here. A copywriter should only be well versed in the topic (or have a great desire to understand) and have elementary literacy.

The second one can also be mastered. But you have to dig a little into the theory, because you need to clearly understand what the concepts mean:

  • tags (text markup elements);
  • keys or keywords ("reference" words or phrases formed on the basis of search queries);
  • title (the title of the article displayed in the search results and in the browser window);
  • description ( short description the content of the article that the user sees in the browser window when the results found for the query appear);
  • brief (conditions terms of reference containing the requirements for this text).

This is not the whole list. However, a copywriter does not always have to prescribe a title, and tags are rarely mentioned at all in terms of reference. A more common option is to work with a very “truncated” list of concepts, even when creating selling texts.

How to write LSI words in texts?

Sellers include seo and lsi texts. lsi are important for search robots. A computer program, reading such a text, must make sure that it contains relevant, reliable information that is useful to people. This provision of information includes:

  • clarity of wording;
  • conciseness;
  • rhythm (alternating long and short sentences to facilitate perception);
  • lists, tables.

Robots evaluate the relevance of the text, that is, compliance with search queries. It is important that lsi words are present in the text. Let's say a person is looking for drugs to treat herpes. Then the text should contain words and phrases:

  • herpes;
  • 1 and 2 type;
  • virus;
  • funds;
  • drugs;
  • treat;
  • help;
  • immunity

etc. – i.e. words that "push" to this article.

How to write seo texts?

  • product;
  • service;
  • website.

Mainly advertising texts. They are created for a specific request and contain key phrases based on it. The keys fit evenly, it is possible to add exact and diluted keys. An example of an exact match: " Mom washed the frame". Dilution: " Mom had to wash the frame twice. Mother with soap soap frame».

Why do we need Seo texts and why does everyone want them?

For example, you wrote a wonderful text that professionally and efficiently considers any issue. Indeed, any reader will tell you that the text is expert and gives a lot of useful information. BUT! You write in a professional language, Internet users are not always professionals and ask the search engine in a simple, philistine way. And here the question arises: How can a user find your, of course, high-quality text in Yandex? Yandex is a robot. So the robot needs help. You need to let him know that the text is written about this. And SEO specialists, understanding this, optimize the text. Namely: they enter into the text in the exact or dilute occurrence the keywords that users just request. Thus satisfying the search engine as it can now correctly rank the text, among others. And satisfying the user, because now they can find your expert text by simple search queries.

How and where to write or place texts for sale?

There is a separate category of Google "journalism" - articles for sale. They can be both informative and selling. You write the text (preferably with the keys, so there are more chances that it will be bought) and put it up on a special platform on any copywriting exchange. And wait to buy. More details about this are written below in the section “How and where to sell articles?”

Troubleshooting: what needs to be checked. The concept of nausea, water

Any of the texts requires careful checking. There are services that allow you to check the article for:

  • academic nausea of ​​the document (the ratio of repetitions of frequently occurring words to the total number of words, in percent);
  • word nausea (frequency of repetition of a word or phrase);
  • water content (frequency of use of conjunctions, prepositions and other auxiliary parts of speech);
  • spamming (an abundance of unnecessary information that is not relevant to the case);
  • uniqueness (absence of exactly copied phrases from other texts).

The most popular ones are, perhaps, seo on TEXT.RU and ADVEGO. Most often, a check for nausea is required (general (academic) is allowed up to 9%, by key - up to 3%) and uniqueness (the norm is within 95-100%, for technical and highly specialized articles the norm is reduced to 85%).

The written material must be checked and the parameters set in the brief must be achieved. Be sure to pay attention to literacy - it is easy to check it with the word program.

Rewriting or copywriting: what is the difference, what to choose?

If you are just starting to work with texts, try rewriting first. It is similar to school presentations: you need to carefully study 1-2 sources and retell them so that not a single thought is lost. In this case, the final text should be unique! Therefore, to perform high-quality rewriting, the writer must have a good vocabulary. For example, given the text:

« Every cultural institution in the cityN must hold subbotniks on its territory every month, since the mayor's office considers the maintenance of janitors unprofitable».

“Pay attention to how happily every month the workers clean the surrounding area municipal institutions city ​​N - palaces of culture, schools of arts, circus. The reason is simple: the mayor’s office fired the janitors because there is not enough money to pay them.”

Copywriting is a little more difficult. A copywriter needs to work through several sources, select fragments that most fully reveal the topic you have been given, add their knowledge and only after that create the text.

Subject given: How to cook semolina porridge without lumps". We are looking for various recipes on the Internet, removing all the “husks” from them (tips on choosing semolina, a story about the immense benefits of semolina), leaving only recipes. We remember how they themselves cooked porridge for a child - did it turn out the way he did not spit at nursing relatives? If yes, then feel free to add your own recipe and form an article.

Where can articles be posted?

Articles that were born from the pen of a particular author may suffer a different fate. They can be placed:

  • website or blog
  • in a magazine or newspaper;
  • nowhere - i.e. stay on the table.

To prevent the third option from happening, it is necessary before writing an article to clearly know why you are writing - for what purpose. Is the article written for a site that provides information to tourists about the beauties of the cities of the Yaroslavl region? It should be designed in an informational style, perhaps with elements of scientific and journalistic, with a slight advertising bias: “Today Rostov the Great is a small provincial town with about 30 thousand inhabitants. Its former grandeur is reminiscent of magnificent temples and the Kremlin, built in the 17th century. Metropolitan Iona Sysoevich.

The blog article is written in a lighter, conversational style, with an appeal to the reader: “Do you want to plunge into the atmosphere of an old Russian city for a day? Buy a train ticket and go to Rostov the Great - a real paradise. By the way, this town of 30,000 is the former capital of Russia!”

In order for an article to get into a magazine or newspaper, you need to master several styles and take your work seriously. In addition, it should be "peppered" - some kind of news, something unusual and interesting.


Any article should have a clear structure. This makes it easier for the reader to understand the material. Required:

  • title;
  • announcement;
  • introduction;
  • description;
  • conclusion.

Short text example:

Title: " Asteroid XXXL could kill Earth

Announcement: " A young astronomer, a high school student from the Moscow region, managed to recognize a small planet today dangerously close to the earth's orbit».

Introduction: " Google is periodically full of news about possible space disasters awaiting our Earth. And here is another one: the astroid XXXL is nearby».

Description (text itself): " The morning of this first of September turned out to be alarming for astronomers around the world. Moscow eleventh-grader Misha Petrov discovered an unknown object with dimensionsX onY, rapidly approaching the Earth. Giant alien ship? minor planet? It is necessary to understand how serious the situation is. In the meantime, Mikhail proposes to cancel classes in schools until the circumstances are clarified.

Conclusion: " An astroid or alien ship is approaching us. The authorities decided to introduce a state of emergency, but it was decided to continue the lessons in schools until the situation becomes more certain.».


Before you start working on an article, write a plan. Before you should be a clear task: to open a topic such and such. To do this, you need to explain in detail such and such moments.

Let's say your topic is: How to earn the respect of your grown child". Write a plan. It can be like this:

Introduction(a couple of general phrases, or even better, write intrigue (so that you want to read the whole text) in the introduction, an appeal to the reader who is faced with a problem: “Children grow up, and sooner or later parents feel that they are losing authority in the eyes of their teenage child. You can Is it possible to change the situation or is it just necessary to wait until the teenager grows up?

  1. Features of the psyche of children different ages (here you write briefly about the differences in the psychology of children and adolescents).
  2. Main features adolescence (describe why teenagers are changing, why the opinion of their parents is no longer of paramount importance to them, as it was before).
  3. How to behave(write what to do to maintain the respect of the child: listen to his opinion, provide independence, teach less, act more by personal example, and so on).

Conclusion(Summarize the main ideas of your opus).

We collect material on a specific request, which we ask Google or Yandex - any chosen search engine. We sweep away everything superfluous - we leave only the core. Water, reasoning, assumptions, walks "around the bush" of the topic - these are all "lyrics" that prevent the reader from getting to the point and annoy him. In short, brevity is the sister of talent.

Collection of material should be directed strictly to the side desired topic. If the article is about “Chinese” apple jam, remove everything you find about apple varieties, about growing, about apple jam from “white filling” and fruit salads from apples and pears. We are only interested in Chinese jam. It is advisable to take sites from the first 10-15 that the system issued: they are the most relevant to the request. In addition, pay attention to literacy, to how freely the author navigates the topic, whether he makes obvious factual errors. Check out Wikipedia.

Where to get inspiration?

What to write about? Start by writing about what you are good at. The original literate text from a professional will always be popular and easily sold. Are you growing onions? Write about varieties of onions. Do you knit socks? Describe 33 ways to tie your heel beautifully. Are you an accounting specialist? Talk about the intricacies of relationships with tax office. Here we come to the question of inspiration. Is the topic familiar? Inspiration will come by itself - just stop! If, after listening to your feelings, you understand that you don’t want to do anything, try this method of “calling the muse”.

  1. Accumulate as much information on the topic as possible.
  2. Imagine that you have a whole class of children sitting in front of you who are very interested in the topic you touched on. It is necessary to tell them so that they understand everything and they have no questions left.
  3. Imagine that you receive a wonderful fee for your article. Think in detail how to dispose of them - this is usually very inspiring!

By the way, to the question of speed. If you wish, learn the touch typing method - this will help a lot in your work.

IMPORTANT: If a high-quality text is written for a long time and this question worries you a lot, you think that it would be better to write 2 simple texts than this one, then you should know:

Quality text is:

  1. Reputation. You can add to your portfolio
  2. Text written 1 time. It doesn't need to be rewritten.
  3. Education. Since everything is hard the first time, then it will be faster
  4. Expertise. Learn more and become an expert
  5. Money. You can sell it for a price
  6. Going beyond. Difficult topics won't stop you

A few beginner tips:

  1. Structure the text (hit blocks, create tables, write headings).
  2. Check the text for grammatical and spelling errors.
  3. Alternate long and short phrases.
  4. Learn from others.
  5. Read a lot.
  6. Think about articles in any suitable (and not so) setting (on the train, on the minibus, in the subway, at a planning meeting - when something is being discussed that is not relevant ...).
  7. By force of will sometimes rest, switch.

So, let's assume that you have already gained some experience in writing articles. What's next?

To be continued: where to get themes?

Nowadays, it’s not enough just to write well. You need to work quickly and be able to switch from one stream of information to another.

In order to get a quality text, you need to master several topics. Only those who have the opportunity to understand should be taken into work.

It is advisable to periodically check by search queries what information is of greatest interest today. To do this, you can, for example, look at statistics on the subject of articles or scroll through the order feed on some copywriting exchange. There are "eternal" themes, in particular:

  • Health and Medicines;
  • Consumer goods;
  • Questions financial plan(for example, how to make money).

Specialists who own highly specialized topics will have a little more difficulty, but if they find “their” reader, they will literally “attack the golden niche”.

Mastering the ability to quickly work with the material

  • Learn to read "diagonally";
  • Master the technique of speed reading.

Each article should be read several times. First - check for errors, then for tautology, then make sure that the thought is not interrupted anywhere, so that the article is logical from beginning to end.

“Continuing”, who have already gained some experience, cannot “rest on their laurels”: there will be others, those who better navigate the flow of information, whose vocabulary is larger, who writes easier and easier. Don't stop there.

Keep improving:

  1. Read, expand your vocabulary, stay up to date with the news (not only on "your" topics, generally follow the news in the world).
  2. Develop fine motor skills (knit, sew, self-massage with special balls). Click expander. All this, oddly enough, contributes to the thought process. Tested by many experience.
  3. Switch periodically (wrote an article - washed the floor). Not only the head should work, but everything else. This way you avoid burnout syndrome.
  4. Communicate with children - they sometimes suggest surprisingly fresh ideas.
  5. Get involved in everything you can, talk more often with professionals in any field of activity.
  6. After writing the first version of the text, re-read it and ruthlessly discard everything superfluous.
  7. Write in such a way that the reader does not have any questions. For example, you mentioned that apples are high in antioxidants. Do not leave the reader confused about what antioxidants are and what they are for. Explain: “These are substances that prevent aging and fight atypical cells. Their lack contributes to the protracted course of diseases, weakens the body.

By the way, in the field of writing texts, perhaps they will inspire you to win in copywriting.

How and where to sell articles?

Let's say you've been hard at work learning the basics of copywriting, then completed an advanced course (remembering to get information from well-known copywriting gurus), and are now ready to sell your creations. Where to find a buyer?

The first option (the most reliable, but not bringing big income) - copywriting exchanges. Register on ETXT, Advego or TEXT.RU. The rules are about the same everywhere, but the first exchange in the list is good because even a beginner can get a job here. On the other two, it’s more difficult for a newcomer to “break through”, but there prices are higher. In a word, to each his own.

The second way is to work directly with customers. Customers leave their job offers - search the net by simply typing, for example, "copywriter vacancy." The rates are much more attractive, but there is a danger that you will simply not be paid. And where will you then look for the unscrupulous buyer who has sunk into oblivion (along with the text you have suffered through?

There is a third option - to find an agency with a good reputation in your city. It is ideal for a copywriter: the money is not bad, and there is no risk of being deceived.


In all three cases, it doesn't hurt to have a portfolio. How to create it? To do this, ask customers to send you links to your articles after they are published. Without their permission, you will not be able to post links, as sold articles become the property of the buyer.

Is it possible, by working with texts in this way, to learn how to write books? Can. But here there is already little superficial information: you need to know the chosen topic thoroughly and compose the text so that you still have material in stock that does not fit in the book. In this case, you will have something to answer questions from readers.


You can learn how to write articles and get a good income from it if you set yourself a specific goal. But you need to remember: in order for this activity to get from the “Entertainment” category to the “Real Business” category, you need to devote a lot of time to it and not “rest on your laurels” when something starts to turn out, but continue to work, try new tricks, change tactics , something to supplement, something to improve. Once the leader of the world proletariat and the instigator of the October Revolution V.I. Lenin said: "Study, study and study again." Perhaps every copywriter should listen to his precepts!

When starting to perform a particular task, the copywriter must first collect and analyze information about the customer's business in a short time, for which a brief is often used. But the most interesting thing begins when this brief is filled out and you need to proceed directly to writing the article. Here the problem arises, how to write an interesting, informative and selling article on a boring and long-weary topic. The situation is especially complicated if you need to create a whole series of articles on one topic, and by the 10th article, new ideas simply don’t come to mind.

We offer a number of tips to help you write a unique article on any difficult or boring topic, as well as help you find interesting ideas for a series of articles on the same topic.

Tip #1: Focus on Your Audience and Solving Their Problems

Analyze the desires of your audience and the problems they can solve with your product or service.

For example, if you need to write an article about plastic windows, this can be done in several ways. The easiest and least effective option is to write a hundredth article with a product description, the same as on many other sites. Boring? Of course! But you can approach the issue more creatively, pre-study the forums, find out the issues that are of most interest to the public. Perhaps users are interested in learning how to replace fittings on their own or how to check the strength of a window. And therefore, you should disclose this topic in your article.

To make your content really in demand, write about what is interesting to the audience, not to you. Look for questions that your users have and give answers to them on your site. Your reader has problems, and you can create text that will not only be read and forgotten by them, but will help the reader make their life easier.

Tip #2: Tell stories and give real-life examples

If you need to write enough difficult topic and at the same time to attract the attention of readers, try to present it in the form of examples from real life. Here you can write your personal story, the story of your acquaintances, or use a story from a book or magazine. The main thing is that the story hooks the reader and makes him delve deeper into the essence of the issue. At the same time, the information should be as complete and of high quality as possible.

Tip #3: Write eye-catching headlines

Before you start writing an article, come up with several options for bright headlines for it. As an example, you can use catchy titles from other niches and interpret them for your topic. Thus, you can look at the question from a different angle, which will surely give you new ideas.

Fourth Tip: Build Associations

In order to find new ways to creatively explore your key topic, it is sometimes helpful to build an associative chain around it. The formation of such a chain helps a lot in generating new ideas.

Tip #5: Write in conversational language

To make the text interesting and easy to understand, remove from it all words that may not be known to the reader. There is no need to use pompous language or professional vocabulary. Just write the way you speak: clearly, understandably, and to the point.

Method 6: Surprise

To attract and hold the attention of the audience, a technique called "pattern break" works well. Take a look at ordinary things and metaphors familiar to everyone, turning them inside out, describe the situation from this point of view.

Tip #7: Use Humor

Humor is a great way to grab a reader's attention. Even the most useful and informative text can gradually bore the reader. And to prevent this from happening, the monotonous narrative can be diluted with small jokes or even sarcastic expressions. The main thing here is not to overdo it and use humor appropriately, realizing that the jokes in the article, for example, about the drug treatment center, will be completely off topic.

Tip #8: Write about something completely new

Try to find the most up-to-date information on this topic, analyze foreign sources where new items appear first, and add it to your article. Also, do reviews of new services, devices and methods yourself, and share your experience with your audience. And if you are the first to reveal this issue, then all the main traffic will come to your site.

Tip 9: Challenge Known Facts

If the subject allows, question or give a refutation of generally accepted facts. Such phrases used to the point will surely attract the reader's attention, make him think, get indignant or smile, enter into a discussion with the author, leave comments and share what he has read with friends.

And finally: imagination training exercise

When you need to write an article on a certain topic, and your imagination is stubbornly silent, we offer an exercise that will help awaken your imagination.

1. First, write down the topic of the site for which you want to write an article on a piece of paper.

3. And now we come up with at least five ideas about which we can write an article with these two concepts.

For example, let's take the topic "Website promotion", and a random word - "quality". With these words, you can come up with such ideas for articles:

  • How to improve website promotion?
  • Website promotion: does quality play a role?
  • Ability to effectively promote a website important quality optimizer.
  • How to qualitatively promote the site in a short time?
  • 5 quality criteria that should be controlled when promoting a site.

With the help of such an exercise, you can actively develop your imagination and find unusual topics even for revealing the most complex problems.

Those whose work is related to writing texts often have to write on all kinds of and far from the most interesting topics. But there is in this positive side, because if on this topic no one has written before and it is poorly disclosed, then you will have where to turn around. Of course, this is not easy to do, but if you manage to captivate the audience of an unpopular niche, then you will become the first among the bearers of expert knowledge.

Practice regularly, hone your writing skills daily. Write about anything, on the most distant topics for you, about different things. Write for a while, form your author's style, including in articles not only facts, but also your own impressions and emotions. Write in an accessible language, learn to combine creativity and cliches. Supplement text content with bright pictures and videos. And remember, there are no boring topics, there are boring authors, because if you wish and have the appropriate skills, even the most banal topic can be presented outstandingly. So inspiration to you and creative success!
