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Presentation "This amazing world around" - project, report. Presentation "this wonderful world" Presentation 1 class this wonderful world of fgos

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Presentation on theme: "This amazing the world" can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: The world around. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you interest your classmates or the audience. Use the player to view the content, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 17 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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In the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, where I was born and live, the people of Khanty and Mansi live. Once at the Feast of the North, I saw reindeer, I liked them very much. I wanted to know more about these treasures of the north and decided to spend research work on the theme "Reindeer". Object of study: reindeer. Subject of study: dependence of Khanty and Mansi on reindeer. Purpose: to study the features of the lifestyle of the reindeer and its significance in human life. Hypothesis: the reindeer is a unique animal, because it “gives” all of itself to a person.

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Appearance of the animal

Having studied the literature on the topic, I found out that the wild reindeer is the most numerous species of artiodactyl animals. This is a very peculiar deer. The reindeer has an elongated body and neck, relatively short legs. The body length is 150-210 cm from the tail to the tip of the muzzle, the height at the withers is 110-120 cm. The weight of the female is 60-100 kg, the male is 90-180 kg, and the weight of the newborn deer is 4-6 kg. The deer has a small tail 10-15 cm, for comparison, the ear is 9-12 cm. The life expectancy of a deer is 18-20 years.

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The muzzle and the space between the nostrils are covered with hair. This makes it easier for the deer to dig through the snow. The deer has the best developed sense of smell, which works even in severe frost. The animal smells reindeer moss even through a thick layer of snow. The structure of the legs is peculiar: the hooves of the thumbs form a kind of large spoon, convenient for raking snow when searching for reindeer moss. Lateral hooves, having 4 toes, are widely spaced forward, which increases the surface of the foot. Thanks to this, the reindeer easily passes through loose snow and swamps. Both males and females have large, annually shed horns. The males use them in the battle for the females, and the female to protect the deer and the place where she digs for food. The size and number of antler processes increase with age. Winter fur is long, a thick mane forms on the neck. The thick core of the hair is filled with air, so the hair is light, brittle, but the fur is very warm. Male reindeer have an inflatable leathery pouch around their neck that amplifies the sounds made by the reindeer during the rut.

Characteristic features of the reindeer

Slide 8

Reindeer nutrition and lifestyle

Reindeer are herbivores. They feed on whatever is available. plant food. In summer - berries (cloudberries, blueberries, lingonberries), grass, tree leaves, lichens, mushrooms (favorite delicacy). In winter they eat reindeer moss, digging it out from under the snow (do not eat it in summer, because it is dry). Willingly consume lemmings, bird eggs. They love salt. They live in fairly large herds. For communication use mooing and roaring. They migrate. In summer, deer move along the tundra to the seashore, where they drink salt water and take a break from midges and mosquitoes. In winter they go to the forests. The main enemy of the reindeer is the tundra wolf.

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Everyone is well aware of this Christmas motif - reindeer harnessed to Santa's sleigh. For many tribes, this deer has become an indispensable assistant. He plays the role vehicle, and is also a source of food and material for tailoring. “The deer is our father: he carries us, feeds and clothes us,” say the Khanty and Mansi. There is no such animal in nature that could be used by humanity in such a multifunctional way as the reindeer.

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A hundred years ago, the reindeer almost entirely ensured the possibility of human existence on Far North. I did a little research on what people “take” from a deer: The deer keeps the dwelling warm: the Khanty and Mansi cover their dwelling - chum - with deer skins. They hold heat well and do not let moisture through. Deer skins served as sheets, they were used to sew sleeping bags, they were used as “floor covering” - this is also for warmth. Clothing and footwear of the Khanty and Mansi were sewn from deer skins. Of course, any frosts are not terrible in such clothes and shoes, reindeer herders wear them even now. Women sewed clothes and shoes using threads spun from deer veins. Jewelry and amulets are made from bones and nails of hooves. Hooves and phalanxes served as toys for children. Deer fat - good remedy for colds, and blood helps with scurvy. Deer serve as food for people. Deer meat is clean, delicious. In the diet of the Khanty and Mansi, they use not only deer meat, but also milk. It is more saturated with fats, proteins, minerals than cow and even goat. From the skins taken from the legs, they make skins for skis and mittens.

Reindeer and man

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Reindeer were used as draft labor. The distances were long, it was difficult to walk. Children were also taken from the tundra to school on reindeer. There were also postal deer, they, under the guidance of an experienced reindeer herder-postman, brought mail. Today, many Khanty and Mansi take part in reindeer sleigh races. You can't harness every reindeer. They are being selected. Reindeer training for races begins long before the competition and requires a lot of time and patience.

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Reindeer in medicine

There have been legends about deer since ancient times. It was believed that antlers (young deer horns) bring a person healing from all diseases and eternal youth. Modern medicine has confirmed the healing properties of antlers. Currently, two drugs pantocrine and velcornin have been developed from antlers.

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Khanty and Mansi carried legends, fairy tales, riddles and proverbs about the reindeer through the centuries. The deer is an image of kindness in folklore. In fairy tales, a deer is called a “good old man”, “strong young man”, an important woman is called a “beautiful girl”. The deer is often found in proverbs and sayings. For example, where two deer pass, there is a great road for us; a fool takes a horse for a deer. “The deer teaches” - a saying means that in life it does not always work out as planned. Most of the riddles are closely related to reindeer herding: fur in summer, birch bark in winter (deer antlers); the one who writes does not have time to write down, the one who counts does not have time to count (Traces of deer); not a tree, but a knotty (Deer).

Deer in folklore

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Burdukh is a soup made from venison and wild berries. Vazhenka - a female deer, deer. Girvas - male deer, leader deer. Kegora is an elevated place with reindeer pasture. Kerezha - a sleigh for riding reindeer in the form of a narrow boat or trough with a sharp nose. Malitsa - clothes made of deer skins with a hood. Go - deer herd. Fawn - deer. Toborg - work shoes made of deer skin. Yagel is the main food for reindeer in winter. Yaras are boots with long tops.

Dictionary of "deer" words

slide 15


Working on this topic, I found out that the reindeer is really a unique animal - a treasure of the North. But like any treasure, it must be protected and multiplied. Unfortunately, in our time, poaching is widespread, the number of deer is becoming smaller. But this is wrong. Man must take care of everything that nature has created.

slide 16

Brem A.S. Animal life: in 3 volumes. Volume 1: Mammals. - M.: Terra, 1992. Chaika E.S. My first encyclopedia - Minsk: Hatvest, 2010. Bazhanov A. The sun over the tundra. Collection of poems, 1983 "In the world wildlife": International Masters Publications LLC, 2009 Puzzles. Ed. Astakhova A.M., Bazanov V.G., Putilov B.N. - "Science" Leningrad 1968. Electronic resources: the World Wide Web.


Slide 17

Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 1 Habitat……………………………………………………… ……… 5 Reindeer: appearance, lifestyle, nutrition………………… 6 Reindeer and man………………………………………………….. 9 Use of reindeer in medicine…………………… …………… 12 Deer in folklore………………………………………………………….. 13 Dictionary of “deer” words………………………………… ………………… 14 Conclusion………………………………………………………………….. 15 Literature…………………………………… ……………………………... sixteen

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  • Author's development on the subject "World around" (UMK " elementary School XXI century", Grade 1). Lesson No. 1 "This wonderful world". In the presentation with animation, textbook materials and additional material on this topic,

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    "Presentation for the lesson "This Wonderful World" ("Primary School of the 21st Century", Grade 1)"

    Hello Earthlings!

    We are glad to see you on our planet of Green men.

    What does your planet look like? What does it have on it?

    What's the beautiful!

    What an amazing world surrounds you!





    Everything that surrounds us belongs to nature:

    sun, air, water, rivers and lakes, mountains and forests, plants, animals and man himself.

    Nature is everything that surrounds us and is not made by human hands.

    1. are born; 2. have a lifespan - they grow;

    3. eat; 4. breathe;

    5. move around; 6. give offspring

    7. die

    1. All the guys stood up together

    (straighten up)

    2. And they walked on the spot.

    (Walking in place.)

    3. Stretched on toes.

    (Bend back, put your hands behind your head.)

    4. Like springs we sat down

    (Sit down.)

    5. And quietly sat down at once.

    (Stand up and sit down.)







    Come visit us when you learn something new about your planet!

    LOOK UP!

    Thank you guys for an interesting story about your planet. It was very interesting.

    - I am satisfied with my work

    - I made mistakes in my work, but I managed

    - I'm not happy with my job, I need help.

    MBOU "School No. 33", Ryazan This wonderful world Author: Nikishova Svetlana Nikolaevna teacher primary school 1 qualification category Today you will learn about the most unusual trees that appeared many centuries ago UNUSUAL TREES There are about 100,000 various kinds trees, including a quarter of all living plant species on Earth. But among the billions of trees around the world, there are completely unique and amazing representatives. Let's get acquainted with some of them. METHUSELAH

    Until 2013, the Methuselah tree, discovered by botanist Edmund Schulman in 1953, was considered the oldest single tree on Earth. Its age is 4846 years. This tree is native to the White Mountains of California ( North America) and belongs to the species spiny pine intermountain

    angel oak

    In the USA, in the state of South Carolina, an oak has been growing for 1500 years, which is called the Angel Oak. The approximate height of this giant is 20 meters, the trunk is 2.7 meters in diameter, and the longest branch is 27 meters. It is located in a remote wooded area of ​​John's Island.

    Mendocino Tree

    The highest tree on the planet. Between December 1996 and August 2000, it was the tallest tree in the world, it was discovered in the city of Montgomery Woods.

    Thule - the thickest tree in the world Yew - the oldest tree in Europe The age of the yew growing in the cemetery of the village of Llangerny in North Wales is also estimated to be at least 4000 years old. The tree was able to survive for so long because it constantly put out new shoots. It is difficult to determine the thickness of the tree, because it consists of several trunks, and the tree reaches a height of 10.75 m. The rainbow eucalyptus is the brightest tree on the planet The rainbow eucalyptus is the only eucalyptus species that grows in the northern hemisphere. In addition to the fact that eucalyptus grows up to 70 meters in height, it also shines with all the colors of the rainbow: its bark can be colored yellow, green, orange and even purple Wisteria is the most beautiful tree in the world An ancient and extremely beautiful plant... Wisterias as a whole are a series of large woody deciduous vines. Most often, wisteria is called the type of Wisteria sinensis, which grows in Japan, and some other species. A well-developed perennial plant has a height of up to 15-18 m, with drooping liana branches, pinnate leaves up to 30 cm long, with 7-13 leaves. It blooms in spring at the end of March - purple fragrant flowers are formed, collected in overhanging brushes. Wisteria, or wisteria, is one of the most beautiful climbing plants, which is a large deciduous vine with a hard lignified trunk. Wisteria flowers, which have a delicate sweetish aroma, are collected in large hanging brushes of various colors: white, blue, purple, violet-blue, lilac, pink or purple. Wisteria, or wisteria, is one of the most beautiful climbing plants, which is a large deciduous vine with a hard lignified trunk. Wisteria flowers, which have a delicate sweetish aroma, are collected in large hanging brushes of various colors: white, blue, purple, violet-blue, lilac, pink or purple. The height of this plant reaches 15 meters, which allows you to create huge frames to support the vines. Sequoia Trees, were so named after the leader of the Cherokee Sequoia tribe. This tribe formerly occupied the lands of the state of California, considering the huge thick trunks of trees to be the dwellings of tree spirits. Indeed, looking at the trunks of sequoias, it is easy to imagine how someone lives inside - they are very voluminous. Their height is more than 100 meters, and some trees are thousands of years old! The trees were named after the leader of the Cherokee Sequoia tribe. This tribe formerly occupied the lands of the state of California, considering the huge thick trunks of trees to be the dwellings of tree spirits. Indeed, looking at the trunks of sequoias, it is easy to imagine how someone lives inside - they are very voluminous. Their height is more than 100 meters, and some trees are thousands of years old! Peach palm This tree is inherent in Central and South America , although its homeland is Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The peach palm is armed with rows of black sharp thorns, which are arranged in rings along the entire trunk from the roots to the top of the tree. Usually these palms grow up to about 20 meters. Leaves reach 3 meters in length. Native Americans used to eat the fruits of this palm after they fermented. The fermented fruit of the peach palm remains a popular delicacy to this day. Bottle Tree The Namibian bottle tree is one of the deadliest trees on earth. The milky sap of the plant is highly poisonous and was used in the past by Bushmen as a poison for arrowheads. It was so named because of the shape of its trunk, in addition, this tree usually grows in the mountainous regions of the deserts of Namibia, which makes its resemblance to a bottle simply amazing. The flowers of the Bottle Tree have been described as "beautiful". The flowers are usually pink or white, fading to dark red towards the center. Jaboticaba This plant belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is called jaboticaba, or Brazilian grape tree. It is fruitful and cultivated in tropical latitudes. The plant has small leaves that are distinguished by a myrtle aroma. It can grow up to 12 meters, but on plantations it does not exceed five. Their fruits do not appear at the ends of the branches, but on the trunk itself. - Walking trees Near Lake Baikal there are also unusual plants that are among the sights of this area. These are ordinary larches and pines, which differ in their roots. They protrude from the sandy soil. Over the years, the wind has blown away the sand, and the roots have been exposed for several meters. But a complex root system helps the tree to stay on the surface. From the outside it looks like the plants are standing on stilts. The most famous grove of "walking trees" grows in Peschanaya Bay. At this point, the roots go out more than two meters. Bombucks These trees are very hard to find and there is only one specific place to see them when traveling through southeast Asia. Trees are the most distinctive feature of Ta Prohm temple. Bombax roots entwine the ancient temple, and the trees themselves grow to impressive heights. Blood of the Dragon BAOBAB These magnificent trees growing in Madagascar are over 1000 years old. The baobab is an endangered tree species. Many trees of this species reach over 80 meters in height, and their trunks grow up to 25 meters in girth. The swollen trunks of the baobabs are a source of water, supplying it during the dry season. Baobab flowers are in bloom for only 24 hours. "Underwater" mangrove tree

    Mangroves are trees that grow in the sea. Rather, on the verge between the coast and the sea.

    WOOD - BASKET This is one of the most famous copies of Axel Erlandson's Tree Circus. Born in 1884, Axel was the son of Swedish immigrants who settled in Canada and lived by growing legumes and grains. They say that it was this activity, or rather, the intricate appearance of intertwining flexible stems, that inspired Erlandson to experiment with trees. 40 fruit tree This amazing project by Sam van Eyken will delight any fruit lover. On one tree, an artist from New York managed to grow 40 different types of stone fruits. In the spring, the tree blooms in various shades of pink, crimson and white, and bears fruit in the summer. This amazing project by Sam van Eyken will delight any fruit lover. On one tree, an artist from New York managed to grow 40 different types of stone fruits. In the spring, the tree blooms in various shades of pink, crimson and white, and bears fruit in the summer. Bamboo forest in Japan We never cease to admire the beauty of trees on our planet. But not only it attracts us to these amazing creations of nature. Trees are among the longest living organisms on Earth and they play a very important role in the planet's ecosystem. They purify the air and produce oxygen. Remember this kids! Take care of the trees! Source Photos taken from Internet resources

    To create conditions for expanding the knowledge of students, fostering a sense of responsibility and care in relation to our smaller brothers, developing interest in the study of zoology.
    - formation of mental actions
    - activation of the intellectual activity of students through the use of the technological triad of personality-oriented education task - dialogue - game based on personal experience;
    - development of variability of thinking, creativity, imagination and constructive skills;
    - formation of cognitive interest, strengthening of positive motivation for learning;
    - development of reflection skills;
    - expanding horizons in subject educational areas;
    - development of speech (the ability to justify one's beliefs, build simple conclusions);
    - environmental education.
    Rules of the game
    There is a struggle for personal superiority. To get into the teremok, you need to solve the tasks proposed by the animals. For each correct answer, 1 ohm is given out, the one who scores the most ohms wins.
    1 slide:
    Hello guys, dear guests.
    Ah, what a huge world!
    It's full of different animals!
    Leopards, tigers, lions
    And giraffes and elephants
    Zebras, bison and lemurs,
    Crocodiles in thick skins
    Monkeys and raccoons,
    Manatees, hippos.
    There are animals in the forest.
    You will find a fox there
    Hare, squirrel, badger,
    Wolf - "Gray sides".
    Let's dive into the sea with you.
    We will swim with the whales.
    We will meet jellyfish, squid
    Among the most wonderful corals.
    Birds sing in the sky -
    These are swallows, tits,
    Larks, sparrows
    And starlings, and nightingales,
    Quails and cuckoos -
    Everyone has gathered at the edge!
    Impossible to enumerate
    The world of those living on Earth.
    We need to save it
    And you, my friend, and me!
    2 slide: The theme of our today's event is "This wonderful world of animals."
    One day, while walking through the forest, I saw a tower in a clearing. He is not low, not high. The animals live there and the children are waiting for their guests. And in order to get into the teremok, you need to complete the tasks of the little mouse, the frog frog, the runaway bunny, the sister fox and the gray wolf. For each correct answer, I will give you 1 OM (the world around)
    3 slide: The first test is mouse riddles.
    4 slide: What animal sleeps upside down all winter (Bat)
    5 slide: This cat is the king of beasts. Name her soon. (Lion)
    6 slide: Sleeps in winter - stirs hives in summer. (Bear)
    7 slide: Who trades milk for hay? (Cow)
    8 slide: What forest animal dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)
    9 slide:
    He looks like a sheepdog.
    Every tooth is a sharp knife!
    He runs, baring his mouth,
    Ready to attack the sheep. (Wolf)
    10 slide:
    In the summer a ball rolls

    It has a prickly side.
    He hunts at night
    For bugs and mice. (Hedgehog)
    11 slide:
    This beast with two fangs
    With very powerful legs
    And with a tortilla on the nose.
    He digs the ground in the forest. (Boar)
    12 slide:
    He has a big ears.
    He is obedient to his master.
    And although it is small,
    But it drives like a truck. (Donkey)
    13 slide:
    What a miracle Here is a miracle:
    Dish on top, dish on bottom.
    There is a miracle on the way
    The head sticks out and the legs. (Turtle)
    14 slide:
    To complete the second challenge, first listen to the fox stories.
    15 slide:
    The world is set great amount monuments to animals. Probably the most famous monument to a dog is set in Paris, on the river. Seine. This is a monument to St. Bernard Barry - a statue of a dog with a child clinging to it. The inscription reads: "Barry, who saved forty people and was killed forty-first."
    16 slide:
    The Kazan cat breed was widely known in the 17th - 18th centuries. She became famous for her large size and extraordinary dexterity. There was such fame about cats that in 1745 Empress Elizabeth ordered to catch the largest representatives of this kind and bring them to St. Petersburg. Pussies have become not only a decoration of the house, but also excellent rescuers from rodents. Their descendants are still "working" in the Hermitage. And in late XIX century, 45 individuals of this noble family were bought and taken out to protect the Louvre. Alas, there is not a single representative of the Kazan breed left in Kazan. But there is a monument to the Kazan cat.
    17 slide:
    Monument in Berdyansk "Goby-breadwinner", a fish that saved the inhabitants of the city from starvation in hard times.
    18 slide:
    A monument to a leech is installed on the territory International Center medical leech in Udelnaya for her great contribution to the fight for human health.
    19 slide:
    Honored with a monument and an ordinary sparrow. In Boston, USA, a monument to this bird was erected in gratitude for saving orchards and crops from the invasion of caterpillars. There is also a sparrow monument in Belarus in the city of Baranovichi and in St. Petersburg - the famous hero of the song Chizhik-Pyzhik.
    20 slide:
    And now I suggest that you be sculptors and erect monuments to the animals I proposed. Your task is to justify why you are building a monument to the animal. The one with the most complete answer will win this challenge.
    1st monument - kangaroo
    2nd - peacock
    3rd - cock
    21 slide:
    To pass the third test, you need to carefully listen to the wolf facts.
    22 slide:
    A starfish can turn its stomach inside out
    23 slide:
    The animal that is the longest
    can not drink - rat
    24 slide:
    A mole can dig a tunnel 76 meters long in one night
    25 slide:
    A snail has about 25,000 teeth
    26 slide:
    Hummingbirds can't walk
    27 slide:
    Crocodiles swallow rocks to dive deeper.
    28 slide:
    Despite the hump, the camel's spine is straight.
    29 slide:
    It takes 40 minutes to hard boil an ostrich egg.
    30 slide:
    Grasshopper has white blood
    31 slide:
    Now, answer the questions to find out who has a rectangular pupil.
    How many minutes does it take to boil an ostrich egg?
    Who can go without drinking the longest?
    - Who can dig a tunnel 76 meters long in one night?
    - Who swallows rocks to dive deeper?
    - Who has about 25,000 teeth?
    What color is a grasshopper's blood?
    - Who can turn his stomach out
    inside out?
    What bird can't walk?
    Who has a rectangular pupil? (At the octopus)
    32 slide:
    I offer you the fourth test - "Zaikin's lessons." You need to listen to the verses and say whether it is possible to do this or not and why.
    33 slide:
    The chick fell out of the nest
    we can't touch it! (Right)

    We will find an anthill
    watch and leave. (Right)

    We saw a hedgehog
    and they took him home. (Not properly)

    If we catch small fish,
    then we throw it to the cat. (Not properly)

    34 slide:
    We saw a nest in the grass
    and played with the chicks. (Not properly)

    We will take dogs into the forest,
    the birds will be calmer in it! (Not properly)

    We collect flowers
    we chase butterflies with a net. (Not properly)

    We protect snails
    we don't hate buggers. (Right)

    Slides 35-36:
    And the last test _ "Frog ears". You need to find out who owns this or that voice. (1-owl, 2-horse, 3-sheep, 4-bee, fly, 5-donkey, 6-monkey, 7-wolf)
    Slide 37:
    So, we got into the teremok, and while you watch the slide show about animals, the jury will determine who has more ohms.
    Slide 38:
    You are the owner.
    We argue with you
    we don't want to and we can't.
    But without us
    you imagine! -
    Will it be earth
    Thank you all for your attention, take care of our little brothers!
    Information sources:
    1. V. Bulvanker "From the whale to the cat"


    Ohms to be awarded for correct answers:

