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Create lettering in Photoshop. How to make a beautiful font in Photoshop (Photoshop). Work with text. Selection

How to install a font in Photoshop? Full-fledged fonts that can be used in various applications cannot be created in the Photoshop environment. There are other paid and free tools for this.
But it is quite possible to develop a unique font for a logo or company lettering.
1. Launch Photoshop. Create a new sheet by calling the commands File - New (File - New).

2. In the window "New" (New) you need to set the parameters: file name in the "Name" (Name) field, file type in the "Set" field - "Custom" (Custom), sheet dimensions (can be set in pixels or centimeters) , as well as the color mode and background color.

3. On the left panel, select the Horizontal Text tool by right-clicking on the "T" icon.

4. Stretch a rectangular shape on the sheet by holding down the left mouse button to enter text.

5. On the panel at the top, set the text input parameters: size, font, color and type of font.

7. On the right, select the menu "Layers" (Layers) and right-click on the layer with text to call the context menu.

8. Use the menu item "Convert to Shape".

9. Enlarge the text by pressing the key combination "Ctrl +" several times - this way you can conveniently make changes to each letter.

10. On the toolbar on the left, select the “Arrow” (Direct Selection Tool).

11. Circle any letter of the text. For example, "O".

12. Anchor points appeared on the contour of the letter "O".

13. Holding down the left mouse button, stretch the anchor points in any direction so that the contours of the letter acquire new outlines.

Photoshop can work not only with images, but also with texts. At the same time, the user has at his disposal the widest set of tools that allow you to conduct various experiments with text blocks. How to use them in practice? How to make a beautiful font in Photoshop - so that the text is especially effective?

We can consider relevant questions:

  • having studied how the Photoshop program is prepared for working with texts;
  • having explored the essence and methods of using popular Photoshop tools that can give text blocks the necessary effect.

Let's start with the first point.

Preparing Photoshop to work with texts

Photoshop is a powerful solution that includes a huge number of tools for working with pictures and texts. But even such self-sufficient software can require the installation of additional components. In particular, those that are necessary to ensure the full functioning of the modules for working with text.

A corresponding need may arise for a user if, for example, he is going to use rare Russian fonts or some exotic ones that are not preinstalled in Windows in his work.

Installing the required fonts - including key tasks in preparation for photoshop to work with texts. It can be solved in several ways.

The first involves placing files with fonts in the program folder. Most often, it is located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Fonts. Most versions of Photoshop will recognize fonts that are placed appropriately without any problems.

Another common way to solve this problem is to install fonts through the FontExpert program. You can download it here - You need to run the program, open the folder in which the fonts are located, and activate those that are supposed to be used in the work. Note: they are generally not installed anywhere. The peculiarity of FontExpert is that this software can use fonts temporarily. If the program is launched simultaneously with other applications, they acquire the ability to work with FontExpert-activated fonts.

FontExpert has huge amount options. But all we need is to make it work simultaneously with Photoshop so that we can use the necessary fonts.

The next aspect of the preparation of the program, about which in question, to text processing - Russification, or vice versa - translation of the interface into English language. On the one hand, the Russian font will look more harmonious with the interface in the user's native language. In addition, many online tutorials for working with Photoshop are focused on Russian localization. On the other hand, if a Photoshop lover receives information mainly from foreign sources, it may be more convenient for him to use the English interface.

In principle, modern versions of Photoshop, starting with CS6, support the Russian language. You can activate it by selecting the menu item Edit, then - Preferences, after - Interface and "Russian" in the list of languages.

When the main task- installation of the required fonts - solved, and the interface has been translated into a convenient language, you can study the tools for working with text that are present in Photoshop. It will be useful to consider both some theoretical aspects of using the relevant components of the program, and the practical nuances of their use.

Working with text in Photoshop: tools

The main tool of interest to us is "Text". In the English version - Type Tool. It is located in modern versions of Photoshop, in particular, CS6, on the toolbar on the left. It is presented most often in 4 versions:

  • for horizontal printing;
  • for vertical placement of text;
  • in the form of an additional tool "Text-Mask" (Type Mask Tool) - horizontal;
  • in the form of a vertical "Text-Mask".

If you select the tool in question in one or another modification, then the main window of the program interface will display various options for working with text - in particular, the type of font, its size, style, etc.

Photoshop also allows you to set almost any available font color - through the palette. With the help of this graphic editor, it is possible to carry out a wide variety of operations with text. So, for example, it can be aligned - right, center, left.

In order to insert text into the area of ​​the edited image, you need to select the tool in question, move the mouse cursor to the place where the words should begin, and left-click. When the cursor starts blinking, you can enter text. The corresponding block inserted into the workspace will be fixed by Photoshop as a new layer.

The text placed on the image can be freely moved from one place to another. To do this, you need to move the mouse cursor a certain distance from the text block and wait until it changes its appearance to the corresponding “Move” tool. After that, by holding down the left button, the user is able to change the position of the element in question.

Deleting the text and the corresponding layer is done by pressing the Esc key.

The tool in question can also be used to place a large amount of text in the Photoshop workspace. The fact is that by default the corresponding program component enters words one after another without hyphenation. And if there are too many of them, they will simply be displayed by Photoshop outside the workspace.

In order for the user to be able to enter large text into the program, the corresponding tool must be used in a slightly different way. You need to select it, move the mouse cursor to the desired location, then press the left button and, without releasing it, “draw” a small diagonal on the screen. This will cause Photoshop to open a "modified" area for large text input. It can also be moved around the program workspace. It is permissible to set the desired font for the text located in the "modified" area, change its color, size and other properties.

So, the main tool that will help us use beautiful fonts in Photoshop is Text. Let us now study some practical nuances of its application.

Practice using the Text tool

There are 2 main approaches to working with text blocks in Photoshop.

First, you can perform the necessary operations with fonts, and then rasterize them - that is, turn them into a graphic object. Editing the text in the corresponding block after that will be unavailable.

Secondly, you can use the option that involves turning the text into a smart object. This action does not imply rasterization - and therefore the corresponding block, even taking into account the effects that the user applies, can be subsequently edited.

Many Photoshop enthusiasts are especially attracted to the second scenario of using the program's capabilities. This is quite understandable: not always the text, once placed in the picture, is necessarily preserved until the project is handed over in the original version.

In order to convert text into a smart object, you need to go to the layers panel, select the text one, right-click on it, and then select the "Convert to Smart Object" (or Convert to Smart Object) option.

Thanks to the ability of Photoshop to edit text without rasterization, the user is able to use the widest range of effects for the corresponding blocks. Among the most common:

  • letter smoothing;
  • text stroke;
  • applying a gradient to letters;
  • placement of an image inside the text;
  • writing text in a circle or "wave".

Let's study these effects in more detail.

Letter smoothing

Text smoothing helps to improve its perception, to make the picture on which the corresponding block is placed more aesthetic. Photoshop allows you to use this effect in several ways at once. You can select the one you need in the list that opens in the lower right part of the text options window on the "Symbol" tab. A good option- stop at "smooth" anti-aliasing or adapted for Windows users.


Stroke text can be done in different ways. Let's consider the simplest one.

First, create a new workspace, preferably on a white background. After that, select the “Text” tool and use it to place a word on the picture. Then you need to right-click on the layer corresponding to the text block and select Blending Options (in the English interface - Blending Options). In the window that opens, check the "Stroke" (or Stroke) item, then click on the corresponding tab with the left button.

A menu of stroke options will open. Here you can set its width, set the position, fill type, etc. After the desired parameters are selected, click OK. On the text that is placed in the working area of ​​Photoshop, a stroke will appear corresponding to the selected effects.

Overlay gradient on letters

In this case, the work will not begin with the text, but with creating a background for it. It is necessary to form a new document in Photoshop, and then fill its background with a gradient - using the appropriate tool located just below the "File" menu item. Let it be in the range from dark gray to light gray.

After that, you can enter the text - using the appropriate tool. Then select the "Symbol" tab, in which we specify the font color - preferably much lighter than the background, but not snow-white. After that, you can open the properties of the layer corresponding to the text block, and in the window that appears, experiment with the options in the "Gradient overlay" and "Shadow" tabs - so that appearance text best matched the background.

Placing an image inside text

This effect is among the most impressive. It allows you to superimpose an image on the text so that it is visible through it.

In order to use this effect, you must first find a suitable image and open it in Photoshop. It is desirable that this be beautiful picture- for aesthetics. Then you need to open a new background layer, which should be a copy of the original one. The easiest way to do this is by pressing the Ctrl + J key combination.

The next step is placing another one between two identical layers. This time it's empty. To place it under the second - a copy of the first, you need to make it active, press the Ctrl key, then click on the button to form a new layer. As a result, it will be placed where it is needed - between the first and its copy.

The third layer is desirable to fill with something. Let it be white.

The next step is the location on the workspace of the text in which the picture is to be placed. What tool needs to be used for this, we know. The text should form another layer. It needs to be moved in the list of layers so that it is under the one on top.

The next step is the most important in terms of creating the effect in question. It is necessary to "clipping" the text outline so that the image is placed inside it. Photoshop experts recommend doing it like this:

  • you need to press the Alt key and, without releasing it, move the mouse cursor over the border between the first and second layers;
  • after waiting for the cursor to change view, release the mouse button.

After that, a text will appear in the workspace of Photoshop, in which the picture will be placed.

Writing text in a circle or "wave"

This effect is one of the most sought after. It happens that the specifics of the project require the text to be placed not strictly horizontally, but in a “wave”, in an arc or in a circle.

The main tool that is used to solve such a problem is the Pen. It is located most often in a separate panel - under the "File" item. If the corresponding icon is not displayed, Photoshop experts recommend pressing the P key and waiting for the additional panel to appear on the screen.

With the pen tool, you can draw a wavy line - in the desired configuration. The text will follow its outlines. Now, in fact, it needs to be placed on the Photoshop workspace. We take the appropriate tool and place the mouse cursor at the very beginning of the wavy line. If you start typing, it will be displayed in a "wave".

In order for the text to be written in a circle, we need an additional tool - an ellipse. It is located on the panel, which is activated by pressing the U key. The principle of solving the problem here is the same as in the previous case: first draw an ellipse or circle, then place the cursor on it with the Text tool activated. We enter the necessary words.

22.07.2010 27.01.2018

Take a few minutes of your time and create a beautiful text effect in Photoshop. You can write any text.

Font is 90% of the success of a beautiful effect.

Font used:

In that interesting lesson reveals some secrets and techniques for creating a beautiful poster with beautifully designed text. A lesson for those who are interested in text effects in Photoshop.

Create a new document

In the layers window (layers) select Gradient

Make the following settings

Click on the rectangle opposite the word "Gradient" and set:

It should turn out like this

We take brush tool and expose:
Color: #ccffff
Hardness: 0%

Create a new layer, set this layer Opacity - 60%. And brush tool click on the center, you should get something like this:

Download Splatter Brushes from Bittbox.
Create a new layer and use brush tool (#77e5e4) do the same as the author.

Duplicate the splash layer. Click Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the parameter Radius on the 3px. Set this layer Blending Mode - Color Dodge.

Move the splash layer (the one without blur) to the top and give it Blending Mode - Linear Dodge.

In the same way, add more splashes at your discretion, the author uses color #e577d2.

We take text tool and write "design".

Double click on the text layer (“design”) and do as in the pictures below:

Colors - #1b2f2f / #231d1d

Here is what should come out in the end:

We save our work in .psd format.
Press Alt + F9, the Actions window will open. Download Photoshop Actions Set. The folder will appear and outside is the Actions Set recorded by the author.

Select the desired result from 12 options and click the play button.
The author chose this one:

Let's add some effects.
Filter > Render > Lighting Effects and do as shown below.

Click Filter > Render > Lens Flare.

Repeat Filter > Render > Lighting Effects.

Let's add Filter > Render > Lens Flare.

1 vote

Good day, new designers. If you believe the professionals, then after two years in in social networks and the Internet as a whole will be left with very little text. All of it will be in the pictures. It is understandable, because we all love drawings since childhood. We can safely not pay attention to the article, but we will read the phrases from the picture immediately, without even thinking. Such is our psychology and advertisers cannot ignore it!

Today we will talk about how to write text on a photo in Photoshop and make it beautiful. I'll show you some variations.

The technical side is important, we will get to that. It's pretty easy to deal with this question, but I also wish you didn't make the common mistakes that come up here and there.

Do you think everything is so simple? Take a look at two photos. Both have the same word written on them: "Dream." The first one was done well. Not too bad, but not exactly great either.

And the second one makes me want to gouge my eyes out.

Pay attention to learning the basics and rules. Try to learn the basic mistakes and you will be fine. We will talk a little about the main ones in this article, do not turn off.

Eternal classic or how to make a photo that everyone will like

Let's play idiots. I will tell you now, and you will pretend that this is new information for you. Photoshop can be found in the online version: , download a hacked one on your computer or buy a licensed version.

On the right side of the screen we find the letter "T" - horizontal text. Click on it. A menu will appear at the top that allows you to work with text. Here and the choice of font, and size, alignment. Nothing new. You can work with these indicators in advance, to your taste and color, or edit when the phrase appears in the picture.

Next comes the color. You are provided with two ideal colors: black (active since it is on top) and white. With a small double-sided arrow in the corner, you can switch these colors, and if you want to use another one, just click on the active bar and select from the spectrum.

Be careful with flowers. Black and white are almost always winning. Poor understanding of combinations - use them, do not try to pervert with purple, red and gray-brown-goat.

The text is beautiful in contrast. Black looks better on a white or light background, white on a dark background. I know smart people who believe that someone will peer into the image in order to find out what the author wanted to say. Wake up, this will never happen. You are fighting for the attention of the reader, and he is free to choose from 1000 sentences. You are obliged to provide him with comfort and convenience if you want him to fall in love with your site or project.

In addition to the color, you can immediately choose the font.

I urge you, if you are not good at design and do not consider yourself a super professional, then you should not play with fonts. Use standard Times New Roman or Arial. Elms, serifs and other “interesting” chips should be used with extreme caution, only real specialists or people with incredible taste should do this. Not all designers have adequate self-esteem. In most cases, all these options look rustic.

If you are not confident in yourself, then standard fonts and schemes will do just fine. They always look stylish and will appeal to more people than third grader coloring books. Show yourself as an expert in everything, especially if you are not. The less gag, the better.

When the preliminary work is done, you can click on any free space in the picture. A blinking vertical stick will appear. The height of the letters directly depends on the size of the photo. Sometimes the picture is small and 12 pt will look great, but on the other, very large and 300 pt, only small letters. You can't guess here. We'll have to act according to the situation and choose the best. You can do it right away or fix it later. Immediately after that, you can enter text from the keyboard and it will appear on the image.

To exit Type mode, I usually just click on the Layer button.

Now the word needs to be moved. There is a special button in Photoshop for this. Use a space that is not cluttered with an image. The text should look harmonious. If there is an empty space, be sure to write on it.

To edit the image now, simply click on the "T" again. Make sure that the layer you are working with is highlighted in the menu on the right.

Work with text. Selection

One of the most useful skills is the ability to stroke. The photo may be too light, dark or colorful. The stroke perfectly highlights the text, and making it is not a problem. Right-click on the text layer and select Blending Options from the menu that appears.

Select "Outer Stroke".

In my case, I need to change the color to black.

And play with the boldness of the lines. Just enter any value and look at the result. It is immediately shown in the illustration.

We agree with the changes.

This is what the image looks like with the stroke.

And so without her.

In my opinion, the choice is obvious.

And for dessert… a very nice text overlay technique

And now I will teach you another very simple, but beautiful reception. Let's make the text transparent. To do this, you need to insert text and make a stroke. You already know how.

Please note that the layer you are working with should be highlighted. Set the fill to zero.

See, the background has disappeared, and you have learned how to make the text colorless.

What would you like to say in the end? If you are interested in the Photoshop program, then this is a very profitable hobby! The better you know how to work in it, the more chances and opportunities open up. In it, you can easily draw websites, advertising banners, book covers and much more. Clients are willing to pay a lot for such work.

Talent is not required for this, sometimes it even gets in the way. It is best to study traditions, basics, rules and work on skills. Design should work, people should like it, make them take action. A famous writer once said that it is much easier to write a thousand books than one selling text. It's the same with pictures. Beauty is not the most important thing.

Knowledge of human psychology has been collected over the years. Even now, big corporations are spending millions on marketing research hoping to find out what people really like.

In order to make money, you need a little talent, which is easily replaced by experience and knowledge of the technical and practical parts. For this you will have to try. The fastest way is not to surf the Internet, bit by bit collecting useful lessons one by one, but to purchase a video course developed by what is called "From A to Z" . If you are currently reading this article and learned a lot from it, then these lessons will definitely come in handy.

At the same time, keep in mind that not only the technological part is collected here, but also a bunch of examples.

Think you can learn everything just by surfing the web? Of course you can. But how long will it take. We tend to value only what we pay for. The rest of the time is often not enough. Learn everything in the shortest possible time and never be out of work.

Change your life by choosing a new path to achieve your goal.

Brief video instruction

Good luck and see you again. Subscribe to my blog newsletter and learn more about the work of designers on the Internet.
