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Analysis of the state and trends in the development of folk costume. Market for men's clothing. Marketing research Marketing research on the menswear market

The menswear market in Russia is this moment one of the most promising, rapidly developing and sufficiently studied markets. In Western markets, experts note a crisis of overproduction, which results in a decrease in customer loyalty to brands. The domestic market is becoming more and more competitive. Today it presents almost all the most famous world brands. Companies that previously worked in Russia through partners are beginning to take the initiative into their own hands and come to the country on their own. Domestic manufacturers, despite the increase in their activity to promote their products, still own only a fifth of the market.

According to market experts, from 2010 to 2015, sales of men's clothing in Russia increased by 15.5%, reaching 1,032,700 items. Imports of menswear to Russia have grown by 25% over the years. In the coming years, the growth trend in menswear sales will continue. And according to analysts, in 2017 sales volumes will grow to 1,290,600,00 units. China ranks first among clothing importers. The shares of other countries range from 3% (in in kind) up to 7% of total imports (in monetary terms) .

The share of Russian manufacturers in the total menswear market is about 13%. The production of clothing and other textile products in China is 20-30% cheaper than in Russia. The reason for this is the low cost of labor force. This explains the high demand for cheap Chinese goods in Russia. Russian-made clothing is almost completely sold on the domestic market. There is practically no export of clothing due to the fact that our products are much more expensive than foreign analogues.

Today, out of the 30 largest Russian brands (with a turnover of 150-180 billion rubles), only 2 are produced in Russia. Everything else comes from China. The price of clothes made in Russia is at least 25% higher than those brought from China. In addition, according to the expert, this is even if it is sewn from a cheap, "left" fabric. In the case of legitimate production, the difference is hundreds of percent.

According to experts, the Russian buyer sometimes does not even look at the clothes of their manufacturers. They themselves are to blame for this. Russian companies still pay insufficient attention to the range, they are not able to develop several areas at once, they try to occupy one fairly narrow segment. It would be more promising to enter the market with a wide assortment and interesting collections. Just as often manufacturers are left behind fashion trends and directions. And as a result, the collections turn out to be morally obsolete, because many consumers are interested in fashionable items, and not from the last season. It should be noted that foreign clothing brands, the main consumers of which are Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents, have begun to penetrate the Russian regions. The main strategy of Western manufacturers is a sharp advance into the outback of our country.

According to marketing research, the women's clothing segment occupies about 55% of the total market in monetary terms. The menswear segment accounts for 30% of the market, while childrenswear accounts for 15% of the market structure (for consumer purposes).

According to experts, in 2017 the Russian Federation will take the 8th place in the ranking of the most important international markets in the field of clothing trade. At the same time, the market volume will amount to 58 billion euros. Today, in the ranking of international markets, Russia ranks 9th after Canada. According to forecasts, the greatest chances to gain a foothold in Russian market from networks selling fashionable, high-quality, inexpensive clothes.

Since the Wild Cat men's branded clothing store is a young enterprise, it is necessary to develop a list of recommendations for the efficient and productive operation of the store. And also develop recommendations to increase sales and attract customers.

In the Wild Cat store, two of its tools are mainly used as a promotion complex - advertising and sales promotion.

Let's start with advertising. When choosing advertising media, the store uses advertising in magazines, on the radio, flyers, booklets, outdoor signs, branded packages - which show the company name, as well as the address and phone number of the store, business cards. Constantly played Gift certificates denomination. The Wild Cat store uses the following types of advertising, presented in Table 7.

Sales promotion uses loyalty programs for customers: discounts from 5 to 15%, depending on the amount of goods purchased. Deferred payment up to 5 days for organizational buyers, guarantees, encouragement of regular customers (discounts).

Activities aimed at the personnel of the enterprise:

Training paid by the organization;

cash prizes;

Organization corporate events;

Moral encouragement of employees (singling out the best employee).

In the activity of the Wild Cat store, both strengths and weaknesses can be noted. Strong - accumulated client base, the presence of regular and reliable customers, a wide range of products offered, qualified personnel, etc. Weak side is the lack of a promotion system.

Thus, for a more successful and efficient operation of the Wild Cat store, it is necessary to develop measures that will help promote the store in the Orsk market.

Having considered the events held in the Wild Cat store, we saw that the store does not use all promotional opportunities, not all tools are used. The methods of promotion used by the store cannot fully inform customers about the company. The Wild Cat store mainly uses advertising. For more effective promotion, a set of measures should be used. We propose to introduce new position advertising manager who will deal with the store promotion system.

2. Implementation of management, planning and coordination of work on carrying out advertising campaigns.

7. Organization of a regular line mailing list promotional materials to potential consumers, the work of the site and its promotion.

8. Studying the sales market and consumer demand in order to determine the best time and place for advertising, the scope and timing of advertising campaigns, the circle of people to whom advertising should be directed, focusing it on target groups by profession, age, purchasing power, gender.

9. Exercising control over the development of competition rules.

10. Organization of accounting for the flow of feedback from consumers, including the study of the opinions of buyers and their proposals for improving the quality of goods and related services, analysis of complaints and their impact on the brand image.

10. Management of subordinate employees.

We propose to introduce the following measures:

1. Creation of a website. Today, a very important point is the creation of your own website on the Internet. Creating your own website will help increase the level of awareness of potential consumers about our store, and will also contribute to the formation of a favorable image of the store. In addition, a similar way of applying for yourself

covers a wide audience of potential customers.

The purpose of the site was to promote the store in the men's clothing market in Orsk.

Website development tasks:

1. Increasing store knowledge;

2. Improving the image of the store among the target audience of consumers of goods;

3. Implementation information support clients and partners.

Target audience: men and women aged 25-60, with an average and high income. Terms of execution: 1 month.

The site will include the following sections:

1. About the store

2. Product catalog

3. Contacts

5. Driving directions

6. Feedback

Thus, for the successful functioning and development of the store, it is necessary to carry out a promotion complex. Properly organized promotion is effective and allows you to constantly increase sales volumes. Store promotion is an individual process, since each store will have its own combination of promotion types, determined by its features and competitive advantages.


As a result of the study, the main consumer preferences in the men's clothing market were identified.

The market has developed a favorable environment for the production of men's clothing. After all, the demand for men's clothing is growing year by year, the turnover is increasing, as well as production. Meanwhile, fashion does not stand still, because not only women, but also men want to dress beautifully, fashionably and stylishly, regardless of their age.

Every day, consumers make many decisions about what to buy. Most large companies research the buying decision process to find out what, where, how and why consumers buy. The main figure in business is the consumer. Understand who the consumer is, and who the consumer is for the enterprise - important question to develop the entire marketing program.

In this paper, the types of purchasing behavior were investigated, as well as the main models of purchasing behavior were identified. The stages of the consumer's decision to buy in the Wild Cat store were studied in detail. Also, a questionnaire and a mini-survey of customers of the Wild Cat men's branded clothing store were conducted to determine the satisfaction of visitors to our store. The results of the survey showed positive responses from customers, based on which we can conclude that the store is working effectively and prospectively. And also the demand and interest of customers is visible.

For the successful operation of the store, activities were developed to promote the store, in the form of advertising, creating a website, introducing a new position.

Thus, the main goals and objectives of this study were achieved.

As for the development and prospects of the men's clothing market in Russia, at the moment it is one of the most promising, rapidly developing and sufficiently studied markets.

Purpose of work: The purpose of this work is to analyze the men's clothing market in the city of Syktyvkar. For achievement next target required to perform the following tasks: theoretical aspects marketing in trade; consider the distinctive features of buyers - men; give a general description of the men's clothing market in Russia; identify the main players in the menswear market in Syktyvkar; analyze the factors influencing the choice of store; evaluate stores according to these factors; identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Ketroy store; The object of the study of this work was the buyers of the stores, and the subject was consumer preferences when choosing a store where a purchase will be made.

Marketing mix Trade marketing encompasses activities related to the wholesale resale and retail sale of goods to the final consumer. Trade marketing is the marketing of trade services, including the purchase of goods and the formation of a trade assortment in accordance with customer demand, the organization of trade processes and public service, the provision of information to consumers and in-store advertising, the provision of additional trade services, etc. Consider the features of the elements of the retail marketing complex. The traditional 4P marketing concept identifies the following components of the complex: product (product), price (price), place (place), promotion (promotion). Using the concrete application of this concept to the market of resellers, it is necessary to consider the transformation of these elements of the marketing mix. In addition to this, in relation to the field of trade marketing, we consider it necessary to add three additional factors of location, staff and design that affect marketing activities trade enterprises. First of all, we note that in trade marketing, a service acts as a product. Features of trade marketing are associated primarily with such properties of a trade service as its intangibility, inseparability from the manufacturer, perishability and variability of quality. The specificity of the quality of the service is explained by its instability, the inability to test it. Here it is advisable to talk about the level of quality expected by the consumer and actually received. Traders and their customers often have different ideas about the required level of service. The main task of trade enterprises is to provide the opportunity to purchase goods with the appropriate quality of trade services.

The following factors influence the choice of product design within a retail enterprise: store image, for example, all sizes of one product are presented at once, this creates a sense of order; packing by the piece, by weight, etc.; the nature of the product bottles (on the shelf), cosmetics (samples). There are the following methods of presenting goods in the store: the ideological presentation of goods is based on the image of the outlet, products are grouped to show options for their use; grouping by type and style organization by color scheme; price equalization (several products of the same category, sold at different prices, are displayed side by side); a vertical representation that takes into account the movement of the human eye; 3D view exhibiting a large amount of goods frontal view shows the most attractive side of the goods.

Consumer Behavior There are various theories that explain consumer behavior: Economic. Consumer behavior is always rational. He tries to get the maximum utility for his money; Psychological. Consumers do not have a clear idea of ​​their needs and act subconsciously; Sociological. Behavior is due to the influence of "reference" consumer groups; Anthropological. The behavior of an individual consumer depends on external norms of behavior and living conditions, etc.

Distinctive features of behavior of buyers - men Driving force of men superiority. The man prioritizes and the woman maximizes. Simplicity is what men like in advertising. Men resist external influences, especially from women and even more so in public. If in the women's world advice is regarded as a kind of help, then from the point of view of a man, following women's advice is too reminiscent of obedience to mother. Men make decisions based on their ideas and the existing set of criteria. Independence and the desire to win are not as important for women as they are for men. Men do not respond as actively to unconventional advertising approaches as they do to hackneyed, one-sided tricks. By using effective marketing tools for women, you increase customer satisfaction, both women and men, proven in practice. So, for example, marketers of global companies BMW, Merrill Lynch, conducting programs to improve the quality of services and brand loyalty, noticed that an increase in brand attractiveness among women also led to an increase in satisfaction among men. It is always worth remembering that even if our target client is a man and it is he who makes the purchase, very often it is the woman who can act as an agent of influence and have a significant impact on his decision.

Analysis of the men's clothing market in Russia In Western countries, men's clothing occupies about 40% of the market, and in Russia - no more than 20%. But the volume of sales of men's clothing annually increases in monetary terms, according to various estimates, by 20-30%. A significant part - up to 60% in physical terms - is occupied by economy class suits, in recent years, sales of suits in the middle price segment have increased. In terms of cost and degree of manufacturing complexity, experts classify casual as a lower level, and a business suit as an elite one. In Russia, men's casual wear today accounts for three-quarters of total sales. This sector is approximately 80% owned by Western manufacturers (Pierre Cardin, GFFerre, Armani, Pal Zileri) and they do not intend to reduce their expansion: and their turnover is growing by 4-5% annually. In the middle and high-price segments of this clothing, there is also a predominance of imported brands (Hugo Boss, MarcO`Polo, Ketroy). This was achieved through effective branding, sales techniques and sales organization. The fact is that well-known Western dealers (Lacoste, Faicone, Digel, 4you) entered the middle and high segments of this market, bringing with them customer experience and advanced sales technologies, immediately capturing significant market shares. The business suit market is 70% owned by domestic garment manufacturers (Estet, Slava Zaitcev, Valenti). Currently, domestic suits mainly occupy the lower and lower middle segments of the business clothing market. The leaders of the clothing industry (Onegin, SP-Fashion, Zip-art) are also entering the branded segments of the men's business suit market, that is, medium and expensive

Until recently, clothing manufacturers and sellers did not show much interest in the male part of the consumer audience. Now the situation is changing. Last year, clothing sales grew by 10-15%, while the share of the men's segment increased by 2-3%. The demand for classic suits is growing most dynamically. A corporate culture is being formed in Russia, and a dress code is being established in many offices. Business style is becoming more and more popular. In the domestic market of men's suits, experts distinguish three price categories. Approximately 60% falls on economy class goods ($ per suit). The lion's share of such products is sold outside of Moscow. Basically, these are nameless Russian or Asian things, made from cheap fabrics. The middle segment (up to $600 per suit) accounts for 30% of the market. The rest is occupied by premium and luxury presented by famous foreign brands(Francesco Smalto, Austin Reed, Bruno Saint Hilaire, Giorgio Armani). It is worth noting that Russian marketers include suits for both $ and $ in the premium segment. And there is no upper price limit in the luxury category. In our country, almost 200 enterprises sew men's suits, but the main share (about 45% of all products) is produced by 10 well-known factories (Peplos, St. Mackler - Moscow, Sudar - Kovrov, Yuri Gapochka - Kirov, Prestige 2 - Yekaterinburg). As a rule, everything domestic enterprises sew models according to the developments of leading foreign designers, using advanced technologies in cutting and production. Therefore, in terms of quality, Russian products differ little from inexpensive imported ones. Well-known and expensive European brands (SteilMANN, Guess, D&G) have appeared on the business suit market for quite a long time. However, the price factor played a role: the minimum price for an imported suit is $500, which is quite expensive even for the average buyer. In addition, the Russian consumer is unpretentious in relation to trademarks and is quite conservative. This provided a stable position for the main Russian manufacturers (Br Bellini, Alexander Gapchuk, Leonid Alexeev) of these products.

The main hopes of Russian participants in this market segment are related to entering more expensive price segments. Some domestic manufacturers have already begun to take the first steps in this direction (Vitaly Azarov, Sergey Teplov, V.Q.). A made-to-measure service has appeared on the market - manufacturing according to individual measurements, which the client sends to the tailor. True, this is no longer happening in workshops, but in small factories, but always with the use of manual labor. Over the past five years, Russian men have become more selective in their choice of costume. The economic situation has improved - the concept of good taste has appeared. The main trend is that products that meet high quality requirements are in the greatest demand. A modern suit should breathe, keep warm, and, in addition, almost not wrinkle. As before, the vast majority of consumers prefer clothing made from fabrics containing natural fibers. According to Fashion Consulting Group experts, approximately 70% of buyers of men's clothing stores become regular customers. If a man is satisfied with the service and assortment of the store in which he happened to be, he will come there again. A retail outlet that has created a base of 1,000 customers is provided with buyers for years to come. If the company operates in the middle price segment, it must give the buyer the opportunity to choose from a wide range of clothing. Manufacturers of business classics have to respond to the needs of buyers. According to experts, 60% of the domestic menswear market is accounted for by free style models. According to analysts' forecasts, Russian manufacturers will increase the output of men's clothing. According to experts, the re-equipment of clothing production costs millions, but such investments, with the skillful organization of production and sales, can pay off quite quickly. In connection with the growth of incomes of the population, the need for light industry goods in the next 3-4 years will increase by at least 10-12% per year.

Overview of the competitive situation in the market of men's clothing in the city of Syktyvkar Every day, when solving the issue of increasing sales and setting themselves various competitive tasks, specialists often analyze direct competitors. To do this, it is necessary to constantly study prices, the assortment of competing stores, their customer composition, monitor ongoing promotional activities and sales promotion activities. It is also necessary to visit the store to assess the appearance, condition of the trading floor and display. To monitor competitors, it is necessary to select comparison indicators. These indicators are: service, quality of goods, variety of assortment, traffic, recognition, innovation, marketing / sales of products, location in relation to the center, price category. The above indicators are presented in the questionnaire [Appendix 1]. Taking into account all these criteria, we carried out an observation by which we evaluated the existing competitors of the KETROY store. As it turned out according to the survey data, they are Egoist, Comandor, First, Lady & Gentlemen, Dominic, M-style, Bailiff & Gaffer, Zingal stores.

Marketing research is necessary for any company operating in any of the market segments. The clothing market is no exception.

At the beginning of the preparation of a marketing research of the clothing market, it is necessary to draw up a research plan and determine its parameters and sampling parameters, as well as draw up the geography of the future research and the socio-demographic portrait of the respondents selected for the study.

Be sure to identify the main characteristics of consumer behavior and their preferences. It is important to note the following points here:

More and more shopping centers are opening and, accordingly, clothing stores, respectively, too. Therefore, they cannot be excluded from the study. It is also necessary to assess the loyalty of preferences in this area and find out exactly how a particular shopping center is chosen. Another factor that should be included in the marketing research of the clothing market is the influence of the shopping center itself and its advertising in general and stores in particular on the opinions of consumers and their preferences.

Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

It is also necessary to segment the clothing market according to the following criteria:

  • Outerwear, leather and fur clothing, down jackets, coats, short coats and jackets
  • Suits, jeans, trousers, jackets, shorts and capris
  • Dresses, shirts, t-shirts, blouses, skirts and pullovers

The following segmentation options will be: sports, children's, men's and women's clothing. As well as options for choosing clothes by style, color scheme, material quality, price, country of origin and brand.

Thus, it is very important to choose the right company that will conduct marketing research on the clothing market, since, from all of the above, it is clear that this kind of research is quite capacious and complex. The preparation and drawing up of a research plan will also play a big role, since a sufficiently large number of points will have to be taken into account, to determine the optimal segmentation of both the market itself and the consumers who most satisfied the direction of the study.

Not only consumer preferences must be taken into account in the study. It is important to conduct a study of the activities of competitive enterprises, their trends and prospects.

After the study is completed, the head of the customer company should be provided with a report with a detailed analysis of all the information received, as well as recommendations for minimizing the risks of promotion in the market and the prospective growth of the company's performance in the medium or long term.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation for 2016, the retail turnover of clothing in Russian Federation, excluding fur clothing, amounted to 1.58 trillion rubles or 23.6 billion dollars (at the weighted average dollar rate for 2016 according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation). Thus, for the period of 2016, the share of clothing retail turnover in overall structure retail trade turnover of the Russian Federation amounted to 5.6% (for the corresponding period of 2015 - 6.2%).

Compared to 2015, the clothing turnover in the Russian Federation decreased by 7.1% in ruble terms. If we take into account the change in the dollar exchange rate, then in dollar terms, the retail turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation at the end of 2016 is 15.8% lower compared to the results of 2015.

The retail turnover of clothing in Moscow in 2016 amounted to 459.7 billion rubles or 6.87 billion dollars. Compared to the results of 2015, the clothing turnover in Moscow decreased by 27% in ruble terms, and if we take into account the change in the dollar exchange rate, then in dollar terms, the retail clothing turnover in Moscow in 2016 was 34% lower compared to 2015.

According to official statistics, the share of Moscow in the all-Russian clothing turnover in 2016 amounted to 29% (in 2015, the share of Moscow was 37%).

The retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg in 2016 amounted to 54.5 billion rubles, or 3.5% of the all-Russian retail turnover of clothing (in 2015 - 3.3%).

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, in 2016, clothes were produced in Russia (including dressing and dyeing of fur) in the amount of about 129 billion rubles. rubles, which is 2.3% higher in ruble terms compared to 2015.

In the structure of Russian clothing production in monetary terms for 2016, 45% falls on the Central Federal District, 15% - on the Southern Federal District and 17% is produced in the Volga Federal District.

According to the Federal customs service the official volume of clothing imports in the Russian Federation for the first half of 2016 amounted to about 2.3 billion dollars, which is 2.5% less compared to the 1st half of 2015.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation for January-September 2016, the retail turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation, excluding fur clothes, amounted to 1.1 trillion rubles or 16.84 billion dollars (at the weighted average dollar rate for January-September 2016 according to TSB RF). Thus, for the period January-September 2106, the share of retail clothing turnover in the total structure of the retail trade turnover of the Russian Federation amounted to 3.8% (for the corresponding period of 2015 - 6.1%).

Compared to the corresponding period of 2015, the turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation increased by 1.9% in ruble terms, but if we take into account the change in the dollar exchange rate, then in dollar terms, the retail turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation in January-September 2016 is 9% lower compared to with the corresponding period of 2015.

The retail turnover of clothing in Moscow in January-September 2016 amounted to 328 billion rubles or 5.24 billion dollars. Compared to 9 months of 2015, the turnover of clothing in Moscow decreased by 10% in ruble terms, but if we take into account the change in the dollar exchange rate, then in dollar terms, the retail turnover of clothing in Moscow in January-September 2016 is 20% lower compared to the corresponding period of 2015.

According to official statistics, the share of Moscow in the all-Russian clothing turnover in January-September 2016 amounted to 31.1% (for January-September 2015 - 35.3%).

The retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg in January-September 2016 amounted to 35.8 billion rubles, or 3.4% of the total Russian retail turnover of clothing (for January-September 2015 - 3.2%).

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, in January-September 2016, clothes (including dressing and dyeing of fur) were produced in Russia in the amount of about 92.3 billion rubles, which is 1% less in ruble terms compared to the same period in 2015.

In the structure of Russian clothing production in monetary terms for the period January-September 2016, 47% falls on the Central Federal District, 16% - on the Southern Federal District and 16% is produced in the Volga Federal District.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation for 2015, the retail turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation, excluding fur clothing, amounted to 1.7 trillion rubles or 27.72 billion dollars (at the weighted average dollar rate for 2015 according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation). Thus, for the period of 2015, the share of clothing retail turnover in the total structure of the retail trade turnover of the Russian Federation amounted to 6.1% (in 2014 - 6.5%).

Compared to 2014, the turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation decreased by 1.2% in ruble terms, but if we take into account the change in the dollar, then in dollar terms, the retail turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation in 2015 is 38% lower compared to 2014.

The retail turnover of clothing in Moscow in 2015 amounted to 629 billion rubles or 10.3 billion dollars. Compared to 2014, clothing turnover in Moscow decreased by 5.3% in ruble terms, but if we take into account the change in the dollar exchange rate, then in dollar terms retail clothing turnover in Moscow in 2015 is 40% lower than in 2014.

According to official statistics, the share of Moscow in the all-Russian clothing turnover amounted to 37.2% in 2015 (38.8% in 2014).

The retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg in 2015 amounted to 50 billion rubles, or 3% of the nationwide retail turnover of clothing.

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia in January-November 2015, products were shipped in Russia textile production in the amount of about 131.6 billion rubles, which is 27% more than in the same period in 2014. In the structure of Russian clothing production in monetary terms for the period January-November 2015, 55% falls on the Central Federal District, 11% - on the North-Western Federal District and 18% is produced in the Volga Federal District.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation for the period January-September 2015, the retail trade turnover in the Russian Federation amounted to 19,973,312.4 million rubles, which is 6.5% higher compared to the same period last year in ruble terms.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation for the period January - September 2015, the retail turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation, excluding fur clothing, amounted to 1,193 billion rubles or 20.13 billion dollars (at the weighted average dollar rate for January - September 2015, according to the Central Bank RF). Thus, for the period January-September 2015, the share of retail clothing turnover in the total structure of the retail trade turnover of the Russian Federation amounted to 6% (for the same period in 2014 - 6.2%).

Compared to the corresponding period last year, the turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation increased by 3% in ruble terms, but if we take into account the change in the dollar, then in dollar terms, the retail turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation for the period January-September 2015 is 38% lower compared to January -September 2014.

The retail turnover of clothing in Moscow for the period January-September 2015 amounted to 469 billion rubles or 7.91 billion dollars. Compared to the corresponding period last year, clothing turnover in Moscow increased by 1.2% in ruble terms, but if we take into account the change in the dollar exchange rate, then in dollar terms retail clothing turnover in Moscow for 9 months of 2015 is 40% lower compared to the same period of 2014.

According to official statistics, the share of Moscow in the all-Russian clothing turnover amounted to 40% in the first 9 months of 2015, unchanged compared to the same period in 2014.

The retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg in January-September 2015 amounted to 36 billion rubles, or 3% of the nationwide retail turnover of clothing.

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, in January-September 2015, manufactured clothing was shipped in Russia in the amount of about 93 billion rubles, a decrease of 3% compared to the same period in 2014. In the structure of Russian clothing production in monetary terms for the period January-September 2015, 40% falls on the Central Federal District, 19% - on the North-Western Federal District and 18% is produced in the Volga Federal District.

According to the State Customs Service, for the period January-September 2015, clothes were imported to Russia in the amount of 4 billion dollars, which is 36% lower compared to the same period in 2014.

According to the State Statistics Committee, in the 1st half of 2015, clothes were produced in Russia (including dressing and dyeing of fur) for 55.6 trillion rubles, which is 1.7% less in current prices compared to the 1st half of 2014. In total, in the first half of 2015, Russian enterprises shipped 7.6 trillion pieces of clothing, which is 73% less than in the first half of 2014.

For the 1st half of 2015, clothes were imported to Russia in the amount of about 2.3 trillion dollars, which is 36% less compared to the 1st half of 2014.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation for the 1st quarter of 2015, the retail turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation, excluding fur clothes, amounted to 365 billion rubles or 5.8 billion dollars (at the weighted average dollar rate for the 1st quarter of 2015). Compared to the corresponding period last year, the clothing turnover in the Russian Federation increased by 3.5% in ruble terms, but if we take into account the change in the dollar exchange rate, then in dollar terms, the retail clothing turnover in the Russian Federation for the 1st quarter of 2015 is 42% lower compared to 1 quarter of 2014.

The retail turnover of clothing in Moscow for the 1st quarter of 2015 amounted to 140.5 billion rubles or 2.26 billion dollars. Compared to the corresponding period last year, clothing turnover in Moscow increased by 6% in ruble terms, but if we take into account the change in the dollar exchange rate, then in dollar terms, clothing retail turnover in Moscow for the 1st quarter of 2015 is 40% lower compared to the 1st quarter of 2014 of the year.

According to official statistics, the share of Moscow in the overall Russian clothing turnover amounted to 38.5% in the 1st quarter of 2015, unchanged compared to the 1st quarter of 2014.

According to the results of the 1st quarter of 2015, the retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg amounted to 11 billion rubles, or 3% of the all-Russian retail turnover of clothing.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, for the period from January to September 2014, the retail turnover of clothing in the Russian Federation, excluding fur clothing, amounted to 31.3 billion dollars, which is 9.5% lower compared to the same period in 2013 (in the respective prices). The retail turnover of clothing in Moscow for the period from January to September 2014 amounted to 12.4 billion dollars, which is 9.5% lower compared to the same period in 2013 (in corresponding prices). Thus, according to official statistics, the share of Moscow in the all-Russian clothing turnover amounted to about 40% in the first three quarters of 2014 (for the same period in 2013, Moscow's share was 39%). At the same time, the retail turnover of clothes in St. Petersburg in the first three quarters of 2014 amounted to only about 944 million dollars (10% higher compared to the same period in 2013) or 3% of the nationwide retail turnover of clothes (for the same period 2013, the share of St. Petersburg was 2.5% of the total Russian trade).

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, in January-November 2014 in Russia, manufactured clothing was shipped in the amount of about 3.3 billion dollars, which is 4.5% lower compared to the same period in 2013 (in corresponding prices). In the structure of Russian clothing production in monetary terms for the period January-November 2014, 32% falls on the Central Federal District and 30% is produced in the North-Western Federal District. According to the State Customs Service, for the period January-November 2014, clothes were imported to Russia in the amount of 7.24 trillion dollars, which is 4% lower compared to the same period in 2013.

According to the State Statistics Committee, in Russia for the period from January to November 2014, 182.5 million units of clothing (not including professional) were produced, which is 4.8% more compared to the same period in 2013. In the structure of clothing production for the period January-November 2014, 24% are suits, 24% - trousers and overalls, 13% - T-shirts.

What is the potential of the Russian clothing market and is there any way for it to move with the already existing volume of 2 trillion rubles, why you can’t sell European fashion in Russia and how the tastes of residents differ different countries, said in an interview with RIA Novosti CEO of the Modny Continent company, which owns the INCITY and DESEO brands, Artur Kontrabaev.

- What are your expectations for 2015?

- Since the beginning of the year, equipment sellers in Russia say that sales in their sector have dipped by 20% this year, but what about the figures in clothing sales?

Inflation hit all areas of consumption, including clothing and footwear, but in general, sales in our industry decreased by no more than 10-15%. By the end of 2015, a further decline in sales is predicted, but due to the redistribution of market shares among industry leaders against the backdrop of an outflow of buyers from the middle segment to the more economical one, we expect to maintain and even increase the number of our customers. In May, we recorded a positive trend in traffic to revive demand compared to February 2015.

- Have you changed your pricing policy due to changes in the exchange rate?

The competitive advantage of INCITY and DESEO in comparison with key competitors, including foreign players, is an affordable price offer. The company plans to maintain the price positioning of brands.

- And how much has the price of your products increased since the depreciation of the ruble?

In March of this year, the prices of competing companies increased by 30%. The increase in the price of our products is insignificant and amounted to no more than 10-15%. Despite the fact that a significant part of the goods is purchased for dollars, we try to keep prices at the level that our consumer is used to.

- You said that you make purchases of finished goods abroad. Is this the fundamental position of the company? Are you considering moving production to Russia?

In terms of production, we cooperate with those markets, the conditions of which are most beneficial for us. If we talk about the speed of production, then it is more profitable to deliver part of the collection from Europe, since in China the production cycle takes 4-6 months, and in Europe you can get a batch of goods to our warehouse in the Moscow region in a month. Therefore, at the moment we are considering options for cooperation with both Russian companies, and with European ones to shorten the production cycle. Savings in terms of delivery of goods and a high level of quality of services provided are the main advantages of developing this direction.

- What percentage of production are you ready to transfer to the Russian segment?

We are approaching the issue of partial transfer and are ready to consider no more than 5-10% of our total production in China. If a strong manufacturer appears in Russia, ready to provide us with the necessary volumes and high quality, then, of course, we will support him: logistics is cheaper, and developing our own market is always the right thing to do.

- Have you considered the development of your production?

We do not consider launching our own production, since huge investments in its development are needed. Of course, we are interested in cooperation if a company appears in Russia that is ready to start production and provide quality services at prices comparable to other markets.

- Is organizing such a production profitable for an investor?

The organization of such production is quite complicated for the manufacturer. This process immediately runs into cost due to the need for manual labor in some production processes. And the cost of manual labor in our market is not competitive in comparison with the same China.

- How do you assess the company's half-year results?

Retail indicators over the past two months indicate a positive trend. May and June showed high traffic - an increase of 2% and almost 10%, respectively, as well as a significant increase in revenue. We are working on pricing, making sure that the price is relevant to the expectations of our consumer. This is such manual labor in order to show the result in this volatile period.

- What is the potential of the Russian clothing market?

The Russian clothing market over the past five years has been one of the most dynamically developing industries. Despite the fact that the growth rate of the clothing market in Russia since 2014 has significantly decreased compared to previous years, they still remained at a high level. The future of fashion retail in Russia is associated primarily with the regional development of network players and the introduction of new retail formats.

- What is the size of the clothing market in Russia?

According to experts, in 2014 the clothing market amounted to about 2 trillion rubles.

- And at the same time, you say that the sales market still has room to grow?

It is worth going outside and looking at people, how much their attitude to everyday style and approach to choosing a wardrobe has changed. Among the basic needs of Russians, according to recent surveys, the need for food and clothing has been recognized, and clothing has become even more important. Of course, there is room to grow.

- How do you deal with customer acquisition?

We conduct market research on an ongoing basis and analyze the preferences of our customers, we are in constant contact with them through social media and our website. We are working to maximize customer satisfaction by increasing the attractiveness of the product offer and the full presentation of the brand concept in stores: women's, men's and children's collections. We have created a new concept of INCITY stores, which we presented at the beginning of 2015 in two flagship stores in Moscow: in the Rechnoy and Columbus shopping centers.

A lot of work has been done to increase the functionality of space zoning and the introduction of modern equipment. This is a completely different service approach, with which we want to create a unique atmosphere in our stores, where the consumer would like to return again and again.

- What has changed in the casual fashion industry in recent years?

The presence of democratic brands on the market has made fashion accessible to everyone. People have the opportunity to look stylish at minimal cost. Our main mission is to show people that fashion and style can and should be accessible.

- Is there a difference in the tastes of Russian and European buyers?

There is definitely a difference. The European consumer is characterized by a craving for complex color schemes and textures, free silhouettes and cuts. The Russian customer prefers feminine silhouettes, which is why INCITY dresses are so popular, and according to a survey of our consumers, the brand is associated with this particular category of clothing. We analyze our bestsellers on a regular basis, and we have our own understandable statistics. The task of our company is to predict the bestsellers of the upcoming season in order to always have them in stock.

- Maybe you can somehow gradually change the taste of Russian buyers?

We are currently developing the following strategy: we take European hits to work, involve our designers and create clothes at the intersection of the preferences and characteristics of the Russian market and world bestsellers, which will be hits both in the international sense and in local markets. We want to test this principle in the fall, and if it works, we will apply it.

- Is it possible to influence the taste of the consumer?

Our task as a representative of the fashion segment is to represent the key global trends in the Russian market and provide our consumers with the opportunity to look conventionally like on the streets of Paris and Milan, without spending huge money on clothes and overpaying for labels.

- How would you describe the quality of modern clothing?

Of course, products made from quality materials are more expensive. But at the same time, things that are more democratic in price often also do not lose their original appearance for a long time. Thus, it becomes unimportant how much you bought the item. Most likely, there is no direct correlation for how long you will wear it. As for our segment - the mass market, everyone knows that goods in the price range up to 10 thousand rubles (per item - ed.) Are sewn in the same places. Therefore, I would not say that there is a fundamental difference in quality between a T-shirt for 300 rubles and a T-shirt for 4 thousand rubles. We, in turn, place great demands on the quality of our goods and regularly test materials for wear resistance, constantly refine designs and monitor the quality of fit of products, taking into account the characteristics of various types of figures. Special attention we pay attention to the quality of materials and introduce new technologies for sewing children's clothing.

- And in conclusion, I would like to ask you, do you plan to somehow change the company's development strategy during the crisis?

Article dated 07/31/2015 from the site

Familia network to the end2015 will complete restyling, hoping to increase traffic in stores by 10%. A year ago, in order to simply maintain a share in the fashion retail market, it was necessary to increase sales by 20%. Then Familia coped with this task, prudently increasing the number of stores by a quarter. Now the number of points in the network will grow by another 10-20%. And, since the rapid growth of the market is not to be expected, Familia makes a serious bid for increasing market share.

Fashion retailer Familia will complete the restyling of stores by the end of the year, which has affected all elements of corporate identity: logo, corporate identity, website design. 65 stores have already been updated, 30 more outlets are preparing to enter the autumn season in new corporate colors. The company plans to complete this project by the end of 2015.

Global changes have affected corporate identity brand. Purple and olive became the main colors of the retailer instead of green and blue; IN trading floor elements of the new Familia corporate identity have also appeared, for example, the letter "a" from the logo is used as the main element of communications. The new brand book for the retailer was developed by the British branding agency Campbellrigg.

Renovation of stores has become a natural step in the development of the company, Yulia Danilina, marketing director of the Familia retail chain, told Retailer.RU. "We are constantly studying the experience of world leaders in off-price retail and introducing interesting practices, at a certain moment it came to the understanding that the network had outgrown the existing visual identity system, which was outdated and began to work against us."

According to Yulia Danilina, the change in corporate identity caused an increase in traffic in the chain's stores by an average of 10%. At the same time, in outlets located in the Moscow region, the effect of changing the appearance is 2-3 times more noticeable in comparison with St. Petersburg and other regions, the company notes.

Simultaneously with the restyling, the company plans to significantly increase the network. Depending on how many quality sites can be found, Familia expects to open 10-20 new stores by the end of the year. A week ago, a new point in Samara (the third in a row) was launched, and by the end of August, the launch of the fourth chain store in Yekaterinburg is expected.

The last major growth of the network occurred in 2013, when the number of points increased from about 80 to 100. The expansion then had a good effect on the network's revenue - growth in 2014 was about 20%. True, then this was only enough to keep its share in the segment.

The extent to which the increase in traffic will affect the growth of revenue, the company is not yet ready to discuss - revenue forecasts for 2015 will be made public only in the fall. At the same time, the non-food retail industry as a whole is in a deep crisis: in June 2015, the turnover of all players fell by 8.7% compared to June 2014. These are Rosstat data in comparable prices, excluding inflation (consumer prices for non-grocery goods increased by 14.2% over the year.

Summary Marketing research contains up-to-date information on the state and prospects of the Russian market for men's suits in 2018.

During the course of the study, following blocks issues: the volume and dynamics of domestic production, export-import operations, sales of men's suit products and producer prices. The characteristics of the current market conditions are given and a forecast of its development for the medium term is made. Particular emphasis is placed on factors that have a significant impact on the state of the industry - its drivers and stop factors.

A separate block of the extended version of the study contains a competitive analysis of the largest participants in the men's suit market: manufacturers, exporters, importers and trading companies. In this section, for each of the considered companies (where possible), information is provided on the volume of production and / or import / export, market share, promising projects, as well as reference data from official financial statements (company card, balance sheet, income statement etc.).

Research geography: Russia.

Period: statistics from 2013 to 2018, forecast until 2025

The study will help you answer the following questions:
What changes were observed in the volume of production of men's suit products in 2018
What is the presence of foreign products on the Russian market
Which regions dominate production and consumption
Who acts as the main manufacturers in the Russian market
How has the price level changed in the market?
How the market will change in the medium term

Research methodology:
Analysis of materials from open sources
Collection and analysis of secondary market information
Analysis of materials received from market participants
Studying the financial and economic activities of market participants
Desk work of IndexBox specialists
Expert survey of market participants (only for the extended version of the report) Content 1. SUMMARY



4.1. Apparent consumption in 2013-2018
Forecast for 2018-2025
4.2. Market structure: production, export, import, consumption
4.3. Structure of consumption by federal districts in 2013-2018
4.4. Balance of production and consumption
4.5 Average per capita consumption in 2013-2018

5.1. Production volume in 2013-2018
5.2. Structure of production by federal districts in 2013-2018
5.3. Investment projects industry by 2025

6.1. Average producer prices in 2013-2018
6.2. Average export price in 2013-2018
6.3. Average import price in 2013-2018

7.1. Volumes of foreign trade operations in 2013-2018
7.2. Trade balance in 2013-2018

8.1. Product import volume in 2013-2018
8.2. Producing countries, leading deliveries to the territory of the Russian Federation in 2018

9.1. Product export volume in 2013-2018
9.2. Recipient countries of Russian exports of the product in 2018

10.1. Factors affecting the development of the market
10.2. Scenarios for the development of the Russian economy
10.3. Scenarios for the development of the product market until 2025

11.1. Russian manufacturers and their output volumes and market shares in 2018.
11.2. Russian exporters and their export deliveries in 2018
11.3. Foreign manufacturers and their volumes of deliveries to the Russian Federation in 2018
11.4. Russian importers and their supply volumes in 2018
11.5. Comparative competitive analysis of key market players
11.6. Profiles of leading market participants List of tables Table 1. Key indicators in the men's suit market in 2013 - 2018
Table 2. Classification of men's suit products according to OKPD
Table 3. Classification of men's suit products according to FEACN
Table 4. The volume and dynamics of the market for men's suit products in 2013-2018 and forecast up to 2025 (under the base development scenario)
Table 5. The balance of production and consumption in the men's suit market in 2013-2018 and forecast until 2025
Table 6. Manufacture of men's suit products in 2013-2018
Table 7. The volume of production of men's suit products by type in 2013-2018
Table 8. Manufacture of men's suit products by federal districts in 2013 - 2018
Table 9. Investment projects in the industry in 2018-2025
Table 10. Average prices of manufacturers of men's suit products in the Russian Federation in 2013 - 2018
Table 11. The volume of imports of men's suit products by country of origin in 2018, units rev.
Table 12. The volume of imports of men's suit products by country of origin in 2018, thousand US dollars
Table 13. The volume of Russian exports of men's suit products by countries of receipt in 2018, units rev.
Table 14. The volume of Russian exports of men's suit products by countries of receipt in 2018, thousand US dollars
Table 15. Dynamics of the resident population in 2010-2018, million people

Table 1. The structure of the production of men's suit products by manufacturing companies in 2018 in physical terms and in % of the total production volume in the Russian Federation
Table 2. The volume of Russian exports of men's suit products by manufacturing companies in 2018 in physical terms
Table 3. The volume of Russian exports of men's suit products by manufacturing companies in 2018 in value terms
Table 4. The volume of imports of men's suit products by manufacturing companies in 2018 in physical terms
Table 5. The volume of imports of men's suit products by manufacturing companies in 2018 in value terms
Table 6. The volume of imports of men's suit products in the Russian Federation by recipient companies in 2018 in physical terms
Table 7. The volume of imports of men's suit products in the Russian Federation by recipient companies in 2018 in value terms
Table 8. Comparative competitive analysis of key market players
List of drawings Figure 1. The volume and dynamics of apparent consumption of men's suits in 2013-2018 in physical terms and forecast up to 2025 (under the base development scenario)
Figure 2. The volume of apparent consumption of men's suit products in value terms, 2013-2018 and forecast up to 2025 (under the base development scenario)
Figure 3. Dynamics and structure of the men's suit market in 2013-2018
Figure 4. Market structure of men's suit products by origin in 2018
Figure 5. Structure of consumption by federal districts in 2013-2018
Figure 6. Dynamics of per capita consumption of men's suit products in 2013-2018
Figure 7. Annual production of men's suits in 2013 - 2018
Figure 8. Manufacture of men's suit products in 2015 - 2018 by months
Figure 9. The structure of the production of men's suits in 2018 by type in physical and value terms
Figure 10. The structure of the production of men's suits by federal districts in 2013-2018, in kind
Figure 11. Average import prices in 2013-2018
Figure 12. Average export prices in 2013-2018
Figure 13. Comparison of average prices of manufacturers of men's suit products by federal districts in 2018
Figure 14. Annual dynamics of imports of men's suits in the Russian Federation in 2013-2018
Figure 15. Annual dynamics of Russian exports of men's suits in 2013-2018
Figure 16. The volume of foreign trade operations in the men's suit market in 2013-2018
Figure 17. Trade balance in 2013-2018
Figure 18. The structure of imports of men's suits in the Russian Federation by country of origin in 2018, in physical and value terms
Figure 19. The structure of exports of men's suits by countries of origin in 2018, in physical and value terms
Figure 20. The structure of Russian exports of men's suits by countries of receipt in 2018, in physical and value terms
Figure 21. Dynamics of the physical volume of GDP in market prices in the Russian Federation in 2010 - 2018, in % of the previous year
Figure 22. Dynamics of real disposable money income of the population in the Russian Federation in 2013-2018, in % to the previous year of the previous year
Figure 23. Dynamics of nominal and real wages of the population of the Russian Federation in 2010 - 2018
Figure 24. The structure of the population of the Russian Federation by income level in 2018, in % of the total
Figure 25. Dynamics of nominal and real retail trade turnover in the Russian Federation in 2010 – 2018, billion rubles
Figure 26. Structure of retail trade turnover by type of product in 2010-2018, in value terms
Figure 27. Forecast of consumption of men's suit products in the Russian Federation in real terms under the baseline scenario in 2018-2025
Figure 28. Forecast of consumption of men's suit products in the Russian Federation in real terms under the optimistic scenario in 2018-2025

Figure 1. The structure of the production of men's suit products by manufacturers in 2018 in % of total production in Russia
Figure 2. Market structure of men's suit products by key players in 2018
