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What is the difference between utilities and housing services? Utilities: what is included in the payment for utility services Types of utilities in an apartment building

Every citizen is guaranteed the right to housing. According to statistics, the main type of housing for Russians is a separate apartment, where about 68% of citizens live. Each dwelling is provided with conditions for comfortable living, such as electricity, water supply, heating in the winter and a host of other services that are invisible in everyday life.

The common name for these comfort factors is utilities, for which a certain monthly fee is charged. What do utility bills include?

The housing policy of the state is aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for the life of people in houses of any form of ownership, providing them with all the necessary benefits. The supply of resource support to the dwelling is accompanied by monetary costs for the extraction of these resources, processing and their high-quality delivery to the consumer. Each citizen who is provided with the necessary services, which includes the following types, takes a share in these costs:

  1. Payment for the maintenance and operation of the housing stock.
  2. Payment for utilities.

The obligation to bear the costs under these items is granted to citizens on the basis of the amount of payments is determined based on the square meters of housing used and the readings of meters installed on utilities in housing. In the absence of metering devices for consumed resources, the calculation is made according to the standards calculated according to the state methodology in each region separately.

What does housing maintenance include?

This part of payment in payments is the most incomprehensible, since, including a large list of works, it is enclosed in the concept of “content” without disclosing the essence of the issue. According to the content of the residential building is as follows:

  • maintenance of the common property of MKD. It includes premises that are not related to apartments, that is, stairwells, landings, attics and basements;
  • maintenance of load-bearing structures of the building and roof;
  • maintenance of pipes of engineering communications and electrical wiring passing outside the apartments;
  • maintenance of the ventilation and smoke removal system of combustion products in the presence of gas water heaters in the apartment;
  • deratization and disinsection of the basement and common areas of the first floors;
  • payments for electricity in stairwells and basements;
  • cleaning of the adjacent territory and entrances;
  • maintenance of sports and children's equipment in the local area;
  • for homeowners - contributions for major repairs;
  • for persons living in a municipal apartment - deductions for renting housing.

High-quality housing maintenance prolongs the normal functioning of the entire house. Each part developed in the list of housing stock maintenance has its own frequency of implementation and recommended volume. To comply with all the specified periods and fulfill the prescribed volumes, 100% payment for housing services is required. Therefore, this expense item can be presented as a feasible contribution to the safety of the housing stock and maintaining comfort in the home.

What does utility bills include?

These services combined the use of natural resources in the form of the following provision:

The tariffs for each service are calculated according to the guidelines developed by the Government of the Russian Federation, but taking into account the specifics of the region. Each federal district participates in the formation of reasonable tariffs for the population, taking into account the realities of life.

The formation of the tariff includes the costs of extracting the resource, its processing and delivery to the consumer, taking into account the production and overhead costs of the supplier. At the same time, the quality of the service is controlled at the state level and must be in accordance with existing standards.

Factors affecting the calculation of utility bills

The following data influence the formation of the amount payable for a communal apartment:

  • the total area of ​​housing - to pay for the maintenance of the housing stock and heating;
  • the number of persons registered in the apartment - to pay for the services provided according to the standard in the absence of metering devices;
  • category of housing - payment in an elite MKD differs from expenses for;
  • the amount of consumed resources according to the readings of metering devices;
  • other special conditions under an agreement between the owner of the premises and the production service.

The amount of utility payments can be changed downwards in cases provided for by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. They consist of the following:

  1. State assistance in the form of benefits and subsidies for payment of utility bills.
  2. Poor-quality provision of services by contractors should be compensated in recalculations for payments made. But for this it is necessary to show personal initiative and exercise control over the quality of the service provided.

The consumer receives it ready-made, indicating the tariffs and the total cost payable, but it is better to keep a home account of utility bills and meter readings to control their own costs and the correctness of the calculation by the performing companies. By performing such accounting, it is always possible to reconcile accruals and payments in the created city EiRC, designed for the convenience of citizens.

Housing and communal services is a combination of different types of activities, the common goal of which is the resource supply of residential buildings, ensuring the functionality and serviceability of their technical components and resolving other issues related to comfortable living.

What services are provided and how are they regulated by law?

Utilities are those services that cannot be provided without the participation of monopoly organizations that provide housing with energy and natural resources.

At the same time, residents also pay for the energy spent in common areas (attics, basements, elevators, corridors, etc.).

At the same time, payment for the total energy consumed takes place according to established standards..

According to the laws in force, when supplying electricity to the final consumer, the permitted interruption cannot last more than two hours per month in the presence of two independent energy sources and no more than a day - in the presence of one source.

In addition, voltage drops during the supply of electricity are unacceptable.

Hot and cold water

Cold water supply services assume that the end user will receive cold water purified from pathogenic bacteria (hepatitis, dysentery, cholera).

Also, water should not contain harmful chemical compounds (salts of heavy metals, arsenic, etc.).

A break in the supply of cold water is possible for one month. not exceeding a total of 8 hours or 24 hours in the event of a major accident.

For the supply of hot water, the law provides for similar possible interruptions.

At the same time, the temperature of the water is also specified. If she makes below +40 degrees, then payment for it should be charged as for cold water. Maximum water temperature should not exceed +75 degrees.

Water supply services are paid according to regionally established norms of water consumption per capita, that is, the number of residents registered in the apartment is taken into account, and the total amount of the resource used is displayed.

Each region is different, depending on the situation.


In accordance with established standards, the temperature of the air space in a residential area can be at least +18. An interval in the supply of heat up to 24 hours per month as a whole is considered acceptable.

One-time breaks in the supply of heat can last:

Payment for heating services is charged based on the total area of ​​the premises based on regional regulations. At the same time, the cost of heating the residential premises includes the payment for heating the common areas.

Garbage removal

Disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW), colloquially, garbage collection, also refers to housing and communal services and is provided as part of the repair work and maintenance of the dwelling.

In accordance with the law, payment for garbage collection is carried out based on living space. This causes a lot of controversy.

According to the opinion of many consumers of the service, garbage collection should be paid based on the number of residents, that is, according to consumption standards like utilities.


In relation to a residential building, the sewerage service is water drainage. Sewerage is an integral part of the water supply system and is designed to remove waste and household water.

The proper condition of sewer systems largely determines the sanitary and epidemiological situation in a particular region.

Payment for sewerage services is made according to the established regional tariff. In this case, the total amount of used hot and cold water is taken as the volume of water disposal.

Payment for ODPU

The main drawback of the current order can be called payment according to the standards, and not for the volume actually received.

In this regard, measures are being taken to provide all residential premises with metering devices.

In accordance with Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of payment for the provided utilities is calculated based on specific meter readings.

If this is not available, then the amount of payment is calculated based on the norms of resource consumption per person, and when paying for heat supply, based on the rate of heat consumption per square meter.

Law No. 261 “On Housing and Communal Services” adopted in 2009 obliges to install common house meters() all residents of apartment buildings. This contributes to a more accurate calculation of the amount of water, heat and electricity consumed.

The following calculation algorithm is used when paying under the ODPU:

  • according to the readings of an individual meter, payment for utilities is charged in each individual apartment;
  • a part of the amount spent on general house needs is added to the individual amount, which is calculated according to the indications of the ODPU.

Thus, when paying for the ODPU, payment is made for all the resources spent.

Is it possible to refuse certain types of services?

The ever-increasing tariffs for utilities have added urgency to the issue of the possibility of waiving some utilities. How realistic is this in principle?

You can opt out of utilities by submitting an application to the management company (MC, Housing Office, LCD, etc.). Another thing is that it is impossible to refuse all services at once.

Some utilities cannot be excluded for purely technical reasons. For example, it will not be possible to refuse heating, since heat is supplied through a common system.

You can opt out of services such as:

Refusal of some types of utilities can be controversial. So each tenant is obliged to pay for the elevator and the garbage chute, because they belong to common areas.

But it's another matter if they are faulty. In this case, it is necessary to file either the management company, and if this does not help, then go to court with the presentation of photographs of the non-functioning elevator and garbage chute and other evidence.

You can even demand, which, in theory, were not provided.

In order to pay for utilities according to the amount consumed, and not on the basis of accepted standards, it is desirable to install an individual meter. This will allow you to control the process of resource consumption and not overpay for lost services.

In some cases, the process of abandoning utilities can be quite complicated, which is understandable, because no resource-providing organization is interested in losing customers.

But it must be borne in mind that in the matter of refusing unnecessary housing and communal services, on the side of the end user, Law on Consumer Protection". And if there was a conflict with the managing organization, you can safely go to court, provided that your claims are substantiated.

Video: What does a receipt for housing and communal services consist of?

The video talks about what utilities are provided to citizens and what they have to pay for on a monthly basis.

The procedure for calculating certain types of utility bills is explained and advice is given on what to do in case of disagreement with the amount in the receipt for payment.

Regardless of where a person lives: in his own housing construction, in an apartment building or a room in a communal building, he must pay bills not only for living space, but also for services that ensure comfortable living. Utilities are a set of works, thanks to which we obtain acceptable living conditions. It is worth considering in more detail what these payments include.

Basic provisions

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011, utilities represent the implementation by the service provider of activities to provide consumers with utility resources. This legislative act clearly stipulates what is included in the latter concept.

Communal resources, for the supply of which we pay according to utility bills, are:

  • cold water;
  • hot water;
  • Electric Energy;
  • natural gas of gas supply systems or bottled gas;
  • thermal energy;
  • sewer inlets (water disposal service).

The municipal service also considers the removal of solid household waste.

The provision of services for the supply (or disposal, as in the case of solid waste and sewage) of resources from this list is carried out by various specialized utility structures.

Cold water supply

The supply of cold water includes the maintenance of pumping stations that create pressure in the water supply networks, water treatment works, the repair of existing networks, the construction of new routes - water pipes to feed the system, the laying of larger diameter pipelines, etc.

Water treatment is the first stage in the creation of a “drinking input” resource. Preparatory work includes a filtration system, where mechanical impurities are removed, as well as chemical water treatment. Cleaning quality control is carried out in laboratory conditions.

Hot water supply and centralized heating

These are two different services provided by one company - heating hot water for hot water supply and heat carrier supplied to heating devices in apartments in apartment buildings and in public institutions.

The heating circuit is closed, hot water circulates in it in the following order: the coolant leaves the boiler, where it is heated to the specified parameters depending on the outdoor temperature, goes through the pipeline system to consumers, where it gives off heat through heating radiators, and then returns through the return system. pipelines to the boiler room, where it is heated again.

Hot water for hot water supply enters the internal networks of buildings, hot water risers, and then to consumers, where it is parsed through “hot” taps. The system is fed in the boiler room from cold water pipes.

The complex of works for the provision of services also includes the maintenance of boiler houses, their periodic repairs (in the summer, when heating is not required).

Electricity supply

To provide consumers with uninterrupted mains voltage of 220 V, from which household electrical appliances operate, a set of works is being carried out. Power supply enterprises serve transformer substations (city, district, etc.), power lines of various voltages.

Gas supply

Gas is used for heating (in private houses and apartments with autonomous boilers), hot water supply (if gas water heaters are available) and for cooking needs. Enterprises supplying gas to homes maintain gas pressure control points, gas pipeline routes of various pressure categories.

Wastewater and solid waste disposal

These services are different, but have the same principle and meaning. Wastewater is discharged into sewer networks and then, thanks to the work of the sewage pumping station, is transported to processing and disposal points. Solid domestic waste is also centrally removed to the city dumps.

On the video about paying for utilities

etc.) the cost per unit is set individually.

What does the rent consist of?

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Housing and communal services structure:

Once you get your hands on it, you can understand exactly what resources are provided to you.

Video: what the rent consists of. Public utilities

However, MCs do not always display everything on receipts. Often, only the total amount is indicated in the payment document.

In this case, you can seek clarification either in your own or in the Unified Settlement Center of your city.

Amount formation

The total amount of the receipt always consists of the product of consumption indicators and the existing tariff for this service.

The difference lies in how the amount of consumption for the reporting period is revealed.

If there are metering devices - according to the meter indicators, in case of their absence - according to the standards or on the basis of data from common house metering devices.

When calculating consumption rates, the following is taken into account:

How are utility bills calculated?

Additional components are taken into account:

The calculation of all these components is monthly presented in the payment receipt sent to the address of the payer.

Meters data

In metering devices you can pay:

  • water;
  • electricity;
  • heat (meters for this utility product are only being introduced to the general public and are not yet available to everyone).

The main requirement for meters is preliminary verification and installation by licensed specialists.

Also, before installation, it is necessary to notify the management company so that they change the data in the information about the owner, and also properly record the presence of a meter in a separate apartment.

With such a calculation system, it does not matter at all what living area the owner of the apartment owns, how many people are registered or what complex devices are available.

Norms per person

There is a certain percentage of the total housing stock in which utility meters are not installed.

In such houses, when calculating the rent, specialized standards are applied.

With such an accrual system, it does not matter how much water or electricity is actually spent per month.

It is important how many people live in the apartment and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving space.

For example, when calculating water supply in an apartment where four people live:

If no one is registered?

After all, in case of their absence, you will have to pay for housing and communal services, based on the standards.

But even if no one lives in the apartment, the owner will still have to pay the costs of:

  1. Home repairs.
  2. Garbage removal.
  3. Correct operation of the elevator and so on.

In a communal apartment

There are two options:

  • in proportion to the area occupied;
  • depending on the number of residents.

Having decided on the form of payment, the tenants must draw up an agreement in writing between the parties, in which everyone must put their signature.

Registration of a subsidy

This is a form of state support for those whose income does not match the cost of housing and communal services.

If a citizen or a Russian family is forced to pay from 15 to 22% of their total budget for utility bills every month, they can qualify for financial support from the state.
