Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Scientific journals. Scientific journals Popular social policy journals monthly

The Journal of Social Policy Research publishes articles on the theory, history and methodology of social policy, the results of empirical research and experiments in the field of social policy both in Russia and abroad; teaching materials for teachers of social policy as an academic discipline; bibliographic reviews and reviews.

The journal publishes only original manuscripts. By submitting the manuscript to the editorial office, the author confirms that the text in this form has not been previously published and is not under consideration in another publication.

All incoming manuscripts are anonymously reviewed. Publications in the journal are free for authors.

The editors accept reviews for publication, and are also ready to accept for review books that thematically coincide with the priorities of the Journal of Social Policy Research.

(and in publications in the Social Policy Research Library series)

The editors review manuscripts as they are received. Terms of consideration of manuscripts by the editors and reviewers depend on the amount of work. If the manuscript as a whole satisfies the requirements and corresponds to the format of the journal, it is sent for anonymous peer review. After the author receives the comments and recommendations of the reviewer, it is necessary to send two files to the editorial office - the revised article and the responses to the comments of the reviewers in a tabular form or in a list. After receiving the corrected article, the editors continue to work on the text and formulate their comments and recommendations for further editing. The finished manuscript may be published in one of the following issues.

The Journal uses a system of references to sources, in which the text mentions the authors and the year of publication, and the full bibliographic description is in the List of sources beyond the text. Sources in the list are not numbered. The list of sources is compiled in alphabetical order, first from A to Z, and then from A to Z. The second list of sources with transliterated Latin letters and descriptions of Russian-language publications translated into English is compiled in a new order from A to Z. Works by the same author different years arranged in order from newest to oldest.

Source Design Examples


Mokin K.S. (2006) Group Strategies for the Integration of Ethnic Migratory Communities. Saratov: Scientific book.

Leonard P. (1997) Postmodern Welfare. London: Sage.

Collection edited by

Romanov P., Yarskaya-Smirnova E. (ed.) (2005) Need and Order: A History social work in Russia, XX century. Saratov: Scientific book.

Kuhlmann E., Annandale E. (eds.) (2012) The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Healthcare. Basingstock: Palgrave Macmillan.

Magazine article

Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R. (2001) Professionalization of social work in Russia. sociological research , 26(5): 86–95.

Noordegraaf M. (2011) Remaking Professionals? How Associations and Professional Education Connect Professionalism and Organizations. Current Sociology, 59(4): 465–488.

Article from the collection edited by

Berdysheva E. (2011) The market and profession in dentistry: the logic of pricing in private clinics. P.V. Romanov, E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova (ed.) Anthropology of professions, or Outsiders are allowed to enter. Moscow: Option: 188–216.

Bertilsson M. (1990) The Welfare State, the Professions and Citizens. R. Torstendahl, M. Burrage (eds.) The Formation of Professions Knowledge, State and Strategy. London: Sage: 114–133.

Registration of Internet sources

WHO (2012) Stop tobacco industry interference. Available at: (accessed 03 April 2013).

Rosstat (2011). Available at: (accessed 15 October 2013).

Conference presentations

Bayzoev A. (2012) An integrated approach to the problem, an individual approach to everyone. Inclusive education, Dushanbe, November 21, 2012

Legislative documents, laws

Level of law or Authority that adopted the document (YEAR) Title in italics Number Date of adoption.

Federal law (1995) About the basics social service population in Russian Federation No. 195-FZ of December 10, 1995

Registration of the list of references for the transliterated block of the article in accordance with the requirements of Scopus

If the article contains sources in Russian, then it is necessary to draw up a second list of sources, in which all Russian-language bibliographic data will be transliterated and translated into English. The list is drawn up according to the same rules, but in a new order due to the presence of a single alphabet - in alphabetical order from A to Z.

The surnames of foreign authors when transliterating references to translations of their works into Russian (for example, Weber, Durkheim, Foucault) or proper names mentioned in the titles of sources must be indicated in their original spelling, and not in simple transliteration. The same applies to the established spellings of the names of Russian authors, if they are known.

When translating the titles of Russian journals, articles and books, you must use the official translation indicated on the journal's website or in the book. GISP uses British English spelling, but in the case of official English-language titles of books and magazines, this rule is ignored.

Examples of transliteration and translations of Russian-language sources:

Mokin K.S. (2006) Gruppovye strategii integratsii etnicheskikh migratsionnykh soobshhestv. Saratov: Scientific book.

Romanov P., Iarskaja-Smirnova E. (eds.) (2005) Nuzhda i poryadok: istoriya sotsial "noy raboty v Rossii, XX v. . Saratov: CSPGS, Nauchnaja book.

Iarskaia-Smirnova E.R. (2001) Professionalizatsiya social "noy raboty v Rossii . Sotsiological studies , 26(5): 86–95.

Berdysheva E. (2011) Rynok i professija v stomatologii: logika tsenoobrazovaniya v chastnykh klinikakh. P.V. Romanov, E.R. Iarskaia-Smirnova (eds.) Antropologiya professiy, or Postoronnim vkhod razreshen. Moscow: Variant: 188–216.

Rosstat (2011) Chislo religioznykh organizatsiy, zaregistrirovannykh v Rossiyskoy Federatsii on January 1, 2011. Available at:–13.htm

Making quotes from the interview and links to the informant

All quotations from official documents, articles in the media, and other publications should be in plain type only. Quotes from the informant's direct speech are written in italics and in quotation marks if they take up no more than two lines, and in a separate paragraph in roman type with small indents on both sides if the quote takes more than three or four lines. Quotations longer than five lines are requested only if the author conducts a detailed analysis of the interview fragment. Please do not quote two or more quotes in a row. After the end of the quotation, information about the informant is indicated in brackets: usually this is gender, age, year and place of data collection, professional status, etc. A dot is placed after the parenthesis.

Description of field data

This section is placed at the end of the article before the list of sources, is used if the reference to the informant contains insufficient data, for example:

Interview 6. Male, 50 years old, combatant in Afghanistan in 1985-1987, now lives in Moscow.


The Journal uses special spelling rules for some terms:

institutional, institutionalization
conventional, conventionality
feminine, femininity

The exception is cases of bibliographic description of sources, the title of which uses a different spelling of these terms.

Information for Potential Guest Editors

The guest editor for the special issue of GISP is expected to perform certain tasks:

  • Submitting an application with summary purpose and intended topics of the special issue, calendar plan, summary of the guest editor.
  • Communication with authors and reviewers.
  • Ensuring anonymous peer review of all articles in the special issue.
  • Making decisions regarding the publication of special issue materials, coordinating these decisions with the editors.
  • Guaranteed submission of manuscripts in accordance with the agreed calendar plan, a total of approximately eight articles and a review or review of the corresponding volume (see below). If articles were sent for publication in a thematic issue that could not be published due to lack of space, these articles can be considered for future issues of the journal by decision of the editor-in-chief. However, guest editors cannot promise authors guaranteed publication in other issues of GISP.
  • Reviewing the layout, writing an introductory note "From the Editor" for the special issue, agreeing to cooperate on all issues and at all stages of the preparation of the special issue.
  • The guest editor will receive all necessary advice and support throughout the preparation of the special issue.

July 5, 2007 The editors of the Journal of Social Policy Research have created Livejournal to expand communication between readers and authors. We will be glad to see here your comments on the design of the magazine, comments on published materials, ideas for new thematic issues, any suggestions that can help us improve the quality of publications and the publication as a whole. In addition, we invite you to comment on topical issues in the study of social policy, the development of the methodology of such studies, new publications in periodicals, monographs and teaching aids. The editors are interested in finding new authors, including authors of critical reviews and reviews. We invite specialists in the field of sociology, economics, history, social work, philosophy and representatives of other disciplines interested in the development of social policy as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge to cooperate. Journal of Social Policy Research

Volume 5, No. 2, 2007Contents

From the editor. Social policy in the countryside

ArticlesChris Hann Property Relations in Post-Socialist Societies

Lev Nikiforov, Tamara Kuznetsova City and countryside: features of integration in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods

Galina RodionovaRural poverty in Tajikistan and development projects

Konstantin PoleshchukKinship networks and institutional changes in the village of the Central Chernozemnoye region

Peter the GreatSocial policy in the countryside: new challenges, old restrictions

Socio-economic problems of the countryside in China and Russia (Agrarian seminar of the Intercenter, MHSES)

ReviewsNefedova T.G., Pallot D. Unknown agriculture, or Why do you need a nakorov? M.: New publishing house, 2006. 320 p. ISBN 5-98379-060-9. ANNA TURCHIK

Fitzgerald D.K. Every farm is a factory: the industrial ideal in the American agriculture. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2003. 242 p. ISBN: 0-300-08813-2.

ALEXANDER NIKULINGGender for Dummies / T. Barchunova, E. Zhidkova, E. Zdravomyslova, O. Zdravomyslova, L. Popkova, E. Omelchenko, L. Samorukova, L. Semenova, I. Tartakovskaya, A. Temkina; ed. I. Tartakovskaya, L. Popkova. M.: Fondim. Heinrich Böll: educational and publishing center "Links", 2006. 262 S. ISBN 5787000978.

ELENA NIKOLAEVA Business as a subject of social policy: debtor, benefactor, partner? / A.E. Chirikova, N. Yu. Lapina, L. S. Shilova, S. V. Shishkin (Ed.). Independent Institute for Social Policy. M.: GU - VSHE, 2005. 232 C. ISBN5759803697.

VICTORIA YAKOVLEVA Summaries Volume 5, No. 2, 2007


editorial. Rural Social Policy

Chris Hann Property relations in post socialist societies

Lev Nikiforov, Tamara Kyznetsova A city and a village: features of integration in soviet and post sovietperiod

Galina Rodionova Rural poverty in Tajikistan and development projects

Konstantin Poleshuk Kinship Net and Institutional Changes in the Village of Central-Chernozemrayon

Piotr VelikySocial policy in a rural area: new challenges, old limits

Socio-economical village problems in China and Russia (Agrarian Intercentre seminar, MSSES)

Nefedova T., Pallot D. Unknown agrarian sector, or Why are you need a cow? Moscow: Novoe Publishing House, 2006. 320 p. ISBN 5-98379-060-9.ANNA TURCHIK
