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Volunteer work. The history of the development of social volunteering and charity in Russia and abroad Development of volunteering and volunteering in the Russian Federation

From a brief excursion into the historical past of Russia, one can recall the forms of volunteer movement familiar to all: the services of the sisters of mercy, the Timurov and Pioneer movements (they worked free of charge), virgin lands and BAM conquerors from among the Komsomol members - voluntarily went at the call of their hearts to difficult climatic conditions to build new cities , vital strategic facilities, raising and developing the power and economy of the country, but receiving a salary for their work, with which the state compensated for their difficult living conditions, etc.

Since there was never any legislative act on the topic of volunteering in the former union state that fixed the concept of “volunteer” or “volunteer”, it was customary to consider volunteers or volunteers to be anyone who consciously and voluntarily worked for the benefit of others (because money does not were the main motive of the work, but, by no means, were not excluded). Therefore, in the context of volunteering, one can also consider the usual work on subbotniks, harvesting or patronage work, which, however, were often closely associated with obligation and some kind of coercion.

Since the mid-80s, volunteering in that form familiar to everyone has been practically forgotten, and only in connection with the growing number of social problems, in solving which, under the current economic situation, volunteers have become indispensable, the volunteer movement began to develop. People have appeared who are willing to voluntarily spend their time and energy for the benefit of society or a particular person, uniting in public organizations.

The first legislative act appeared - the Federal Law of July 7, 1995 "On charitable activities and charitable organizations", which for the first time defined a "volunteer" (but not a volunteer) in modern Russia: volunteers- individuals those carrying out charitable activities in the form of gratuitous performance of work, provision of services (volunteer activities).

"In life" volunteers are called community assistants, freelance volunteers, assistants, intermediaries.

Since it is generally accepted that volunteering is an unpaid, conscious, voluntary activity for the benefit of others, then anyone who consciously and selflessly works for the benefit of others can be called a volunteer. But modern practice dictates the need to adopt a legislative act on volunteering (or volunteerism) in order to uniformly apply approaches in the interaction of all parties to this activity and form a single legal space on the territory of modern Russia.

Now volunteer initiatives extend to almost any sphere of human activity (peacekeeping, education, culture, environmental protection, sports, politics, etc.). But still, this activity is most in demand in work with socially unprotected segments of the population (disabled people, the elderly, people without a fixed place of residence, orphans).

Based on the generally accepted understanding, everyone can be a volunteer: regardless of age, education, material status, etc. principles volunteer work are:

voluntariness (no one can be forced to act as a volunteer),

conscientiousness (a volunteer who has committed himself to perform this or that work must complete it),

gratuitousness (volunteer work is not paid, however, expenses associated with his activities can be compensated: travel expenses, transport costs, etc.),

legality (volunteer activity should not contradict the law).

Realizing the need to involve volunteers in the social protection sphere, the Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region adopted the order РВ-50 “On approval of the Regulations on the organization of support for socially oriented non-profit organizations, philanthropists and volunteers operating in the field of social service in the Moscow Region” and work is underway to implement it.

The purpose of organizing work to involve citizens in voluntary (volunteer) activities in the Moscow region is to create conditions for the systematic involvement of citizens in social practice in the following main areas:

a) social patronage of orphanages, social service organizations of the Moscow region and the elderly;

b) medical care (mercy services in hospitals, social service organizations of the Moscow region);

c) pedagogical support (support for children, adolescents and the elderly);

d) socio-psychological and legal support (youth psychological and legal services);

e) intellectual development (organization and holding of intellectual contests, events);

f) sports, tourism activities;

and) creative development(organization of creative events, competitions, holidays);

h) leisure activities (organization of free time for children, adolescents, youth and the elderly);

i) labor assistance (labor teams);

j) other charitable activities aimed at helping children, the disabled, the elderly and other socially unprotected groups of citizens.

We have defined the following forms volunteer (volunteer) activities in the field of social services:

a) one-time events and promotions;

b) the implementation of charitable assistance on a permanent basis.

In order to organize the placement of information about volunteers, the Ministry is forming a register of volunteers, which, as of December 31, 2016, included 5,353 people.

Now in the Moscow region in the system of social protection of the population to talk about the volunteer movement as about the phenomenon already possible and there are many examples of this.

Yes, in Boarding house "Noginsky" has been cooperating with charitable organizations, foundations and volunteer movements for many years. Volunteer organizations: help in organizing leisure and cultural events, participate in subbotniks, hold various charitable and thematic events. Volunteer organizations include:

· "Good deed" - 15 people.

· "Young Guard" - 20 people.

· Center for support of social and public initiatives - 13 people.

· Movement "Many of us!"

· Volunteers of the Noginsk Polytechnic College - 20 people.

· Volunteers from the Noginsk Medical School - 15 people.

· Volunteers from the Noginsk Pedagogical School - 25 people.

Also, charitable foundations assist in strengthening the material and technical base of the institution, participate in the cultural life of the boarding house. Among them:

Old age is a joy

Fund "Sofia"

Foundation "Memory of Generations"

Fund "System"

The Seventh Petal Foundation

Fund "More Life!"

Assistance is also provided by other organizations that help in the decoration of the recipients' living rooms. social services, boarding house halls, pantry rooms, corridors. These are the organizations:

Noginsk House of Artists

Noginsk art school

Noginskaya art school

Children's Art School of the City District Elektrogorsk

other activities aimed at helping children, the disabled, the elderly and other socially vulnerable groups of citizens - 1,272.

In addition, subordinate social service institutions, together with the territorial structural divisions of the Ministry, are working to attract charitable assistance to develop the material and technical base of institutions, as well as to provide additional services institution clients.

Thus, in 2016, the amount of material assistance provided in monetary form exceeded 5 million rubles, including the funds transferred as part of the Day of Charitable Labor (486,295.34 rubles were sent to the GBSUSO MO "Pension Noginsky" by the Main Directorate of State Administrative and Technical Supervision of the Moscow Region). These funds were spent on the purchase of rehabilitation equipment, office equipment, improvement of institutions.

The main volume of charitable assistance provided in 2016 fell on in-kind assistance in the form of donating property and amounted to more than 30 million rubles. So:

GBUSO MO "Bronnitsky KTSSO" Care "was donated equipment for the sensory room: a large air-bubble column "Stella", a transforming chair, a tablet for drawing with sand 50x70 cm, a decorative fountain, a salt lamp, a CD-MP3 radio, carpet for a total amount of RUB 47,360.00;

Zvenigorod PNI was given a dry corner pool, a light table for sand painting, a floor mat (2 pcs), a pear chair (2 pcs), a set of lightproof curtains (2 pcs);

GKUSO MO "Solnechnogorsk SRTSN "Forget-me-not" donated a car CHEVROLET COBALT;

computers were donated to other institutions (including sets with a monitor, keyboard, etc.) - 45 pcs.; tablets, laptops - 19 pcs.; printers, projectors, copiers, other office equipment - 66 pcs.; TVs - 37 pcs.; refrigerators - 10 pcs.; sports and rehabilitation simulators - 50 pcs.; medical equipment - 90 pcs.; video cameras - 6 pcs.; new Year gifts, grocery sets - more than 15,000 pieces; bicycles and scooters - 56 pcs.; sleds - 54 pcs.; clothing and footwear (more than 2.5 thousand service recipients provided); toys, board games, constructors, etc. - more than 2.5 thousand units; stationery(for 44 institutions); household goods, household chemicals(32 institutions); medicines (9 institutions); electrical equipment for the canteen, for cooking (54 institutions); in the amount of more than 2.5 million rubles.

Charitable assistance in 2016 was also provided in the form of services. So, for the clients of the GKUSO MO "Sergiev Posad Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities" Optimist "treatment courses of hippotherapy were held (visiting an equestrian club, 2900 sessions for the amount of 860 thousand rubles).

Along with this, at the expense of charitable funds, clients of subordinate social service institutions have become recipients of the following services:

household services (hairdressing, shoe repair, watch repair, bath and laundry, etc.) - 26,098 people;

medical services - 268 people;

visits to exhibitions, museums, excursions - 7,378 people;

visiting the theater, concert - 5,439 people;

transport services - 2,319 people;

organization of events (prizes, a table, souvenirs, etc.) - 1,516 events were held;

services for the repair and improvement of the premises of institutions, the adjacent territory (more than 50 institutions were provided).

Among the organizations and individuals that provided charitable assistance to social service institutions in 2016 are the following: 21 banking organizations, 157 manufacturing enterprises, 177 service enterprises, 174 non-profit organizations (public, foundations, etc.), 52 local governments, 39 executive power Moscow region (ministries, main departments, members of the government), 2255 individuals.

Employees of the Ministry and territorial structural divisions they themselves are volunteers and all are included in the register of volunteers of the Moscow region (3457 people out of 5353 included in the register, or 64.6%). As part of the Day of Charitable Labor, which takes place annually in the Moscow Region, held this year on April 4, the funds raised are planned to be sent to:

10% - to strengthen the material and technical base of Denezhnikovsky PNI,

40% - for the restoration of the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery,

50% - for equipping a resource center to support non-profit organizations (created on the basis of the State Autonomous Institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Moscow Region "Social and Health Center "Lesnaya Polyana".

Thus, the volunteer movement in the Moscow region in general and in the field of social services in particular is developing. However, due to many social stereotypes, volunteering in Russia is difficult to take root and often does not enjoy approval or is perceived with some apprehension by the majority of the population. It seems that the tasks of modern public and charitable organizations, government agencies that have experience working with volunteers should include the popularization of volunteerism, the promotion of volunteering ideas and the creation of a positive image of a volunteer. But for uniform approaches, for streamlining this process, for developing unified requirements to volunteers and the formation of a single legal space on the territory of modern Russia, modern practice dictates the need to adopt a legislative act on volunteering (or volunteering).

“. We give answers to different questions about volunteering. You can trust our answers! Experienced volunteers working today, coordinators of volunteer groups, specialists and experts share their knowledge, thoughts and experience.

About the work of the Union of Volunteer Organizations and Movements
in the field of social services

V. Khromov, Director of the Association of Non-Commercial Organizations "Union of Volunteer Organizations and Movements", member of the Public Chamber of Moscow

Currently, in Moscow and other subjects of the Russian Federation, there is a wide practice of volunteers / volunteers in institutions of social services for the population. Volunteers / volunteers visit children in orphanages and boarding schools, organize leisure and material support for the elderly in boarding schools and nursing homes, provide assistance to people with disabilities in social service centers, etc.

For example, volunteers/volunteers of NGO members of our Association as of 12/31/2013. operated in 412 social service institutions in Moscow and regions . Types of assistance provided by our volunteers/volunteers:

  • Organization of leisure and creativity;
  • Moral support for people in difficult life situations
  • Organizational support (in various forms)
  • Assistance in the social adaptation of children and adolescents left without parental care
  • Working with crisis families
  • Support for foster families and adoptive parents
  • Social rehabilitation of people with disabilities
  • Support and social rehabilitation of homeless people
  • Other types of assistance

In addition, very often NGOs that organize the activities of volunteers also provide charitable assistance to people in social institutions.

The organized activity of volunteers brings undoubted benefits both to people in difficult life situations and to the state. It is expedient to develop the practice of volunteering as widely as possible in institutions of social service to the population.

The legal status of a volunteer is enshrined in federal law dated August 11, 1995 N 135-FZ “On charitable activities and charitable organizations” (Article 5 - definition of the concept of “volunteer” in the context of charitable activities; types of such activities - Article 2). in detail legal framework activities of volunteers/volunteers are described in the relevant . In 2013-2014, the need for the adoption at the federal level of a law regulating the activities of volunteers in general was actively discussed. Some senators of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation developed and submitted for the first reading to the State Duma a bill “On Volunteering/Volunteering in the Russian Federation”, the text of which caused a lot of negative feedback in the public and non-profit sector, since it not only did not correspond to the realities of the work of NGOs in organizing activities volunteers, but also imposed an additional financial burden on both the non-profit sector and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Our Association actively participated in the discussion of this bill and advocated its conceptual revision or cancellation. As a result, the bill did not pass the first reading in the State Duma, its discussion was not resumed.

It is obvious that the already existing scale of volunteer/volunteer activities in social service institutions require the formation of rules for the interaction of NGOs organizing the work of volunteers/volunteers and social institutions. These rules should be enshrined in the relevant regulatory documents of the Ministry of Labor and social protection and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is important that these rules and regulations are developed jointly with the most professional NGOs that organize the work of volunteers/volunteers, which will ensure that they can be actively applied in practice.

And there is an extremely successful precedent for such rules. The Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow (Head of the Department of the Minister of the Government of Moscow V.A. Petrosyan), in cooperation with NGOs, developed the “ government organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow with non-governmental, socially oriented non-profit, public and volunteer organizations ”dated April 2, 2014 No. 376.

This Regulation defines and fixes:

– the procedure and principles of interaction between organizations for orphans and NGOs in the implementation of charitable activities by NGOs for the benefit of organizations for orphans, pupils and graduates of these organizations

– goals and objectives of such interaction

– the procedure for passing a medical examination of volunteers / volunteers and a list of tests they undergo for admission to social service institutions

– rights and obligations of non-profit organizations and social service institutions

– the standard format of the Agreement on joint activities social service institutions and non-profit organizations

- other necessary details

In addition, the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow, by its orders, directly obliged the heads of social institutions to cooperate with NGOs in the development of volunteering / volunteering, and also takes into account the results of such cooperation as one of the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the work of heads of subordinate social institutions.

These measures made it possible to create rules of interaction that are practically applicable and convenient for everyone, which provides significant support for the development of volunteering/volunteering in Moscow.

In our opinion, there is no need for centralized accounting (registration) of volunteers/volunteers employed in the field of social services. Such accounting is maintained by non-profit organizations independently. An attempt to introduce mandatory centralized registration (for example, by creating some kind of general federal or regional register) immediately repels a fairly large part of people from volunteering, and, in addition, will lead to the appearance of "dead souls", that is, volunteers / volunteers that exist only in the register, and not operational in practice.

Education and training of volunteers/volunteers is currently carried out by each NPO independently. This practice is associated with the presence of clear specifics in the activities of each NPO, even if it deals with topics related to those of colleagues in the sector. At the same time, there are a lot of programs for mutual training of leaders and coordinators of NGOs in the methodology of working with categories of the population in a crisis situation, including those funded by grant programs of the Ministry economic development RF, Presidential Grants, subsidies of regional executive authorities.

Create universal system training volunteers/volunteers does not seem to be appropriate, since they acquire the most valuable skills directly in the process of working "in the field". But it seems appropriate and possible to develop an industry standard for organizing a system for working with volunteers / volunteers, since the existence of such a standard (recommendatory) will significantly raise the bar for the quality of NPO activities in this area. Our Association has developments on this standard, and we are ready to join in its development under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

On participation in the provision of social services in accordance with the Federal Law No. 442 of December 28, 2013. it should be said that NCO members of the SVOD do not provide paid social services. The technology for organizing the work of volunteers within the framework of the provision of free social services is formed by each NGO member of the Association independently. In general, there are several enlarged stages of organizing the activities of volunteers:

  1. attraction
  2. Filling out the questionnaire, analyzing its content
  3. Interview with the coordinator, screening, selection of suitable volunteers for areas of activity
  4. Introductory training
  5. Specialized training (if necessary)
  6. Inclusion in activities with the support of a mentor (coordinator)
  7. Motivation, prevention of emotional burnout
  8. Upgrading skills, enabling volunteers to grow and implement their ideas
  9. Participation of the most “advanced” volunteers in making managerial decisions by a non-profit organization

Such organization of volunteers' activities allows increasing their motivation and professionalism, as well as reducing the turnover of people in the volunteer community.

NPO members of the Association do not engage in sports events and promotional volunteering, the scope of our activity is to help people in difficult life situations.

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Volunteer (voluntary) activity in solving social problems

Traditionally, the terms "volunteering" and "volunteering" are used interchangeably. From the law "On charitable activities ..." it follows that volunteers are individuals engaged in charitable activities in the form of gratuitous performance of work, provision of services (voluntary activities).

In the draft law on volunteering (volunteering) an attempt was made to define the principles, goals, objectives and types of volunteering.

According to this project, voluntary (volunteer) activity is determined by the following principles:

  • - gratuitousness, voluntariness, equality and legality of volunteer activities;
  • - freedom in defining goals, forms, types and methods in choosing volunteer activities;
  • - publicity and public accessibility of information about volunteering;
  • - humanity, observance of human rights and freedoms in the implementation of volunteer activities;
  • - equality of all, regardless of gender, religion, nationality, language, social status, age, in the right to volunteer;
  • - solidarity, integrity and cooperation of volunteers;
  • - safety for your life and the lives of others;

equality and mutually beneficial international cooperation in this

The goals of voluntary (volunteer) activity are defined as:

  • - provision of gratuitous assistance to people who need it;
  • - gratuitous participation in socially significant events with the consent of their organizers;

formation of civic position, self-organization, feelings social responsibility, solidarity, mutual assistance and mercy in society.

The tasks of voluntary (volunteer) activities include:

  • - assistance to the state in solving its social problems;
  • - assistance to citizens in mastering the skills of first aid, the basics of life safety, environmental protection, social work with different target groups and categories of the population, promotion of vocational guidance;
  • - acquisition by citizens of skills of self-realization and self-organization for solving social problems;
  • - preparation of a personnel reserve of volunteers;

formation of mechanisms for involving citizens in a diverse social activities aimed at improving the quality of life of the population;

development and support of youth initiatives aimed at organizing youth volunteer work.

Volunteer (volunteer) activity can be carried out in the form of: individual voluntary activity; volunteering as part of an unregistered association or group; volunteering through a volunteer organization.

The main types of voluntary (volunteer) activities in the draft law are proposed, in particular, to be considered:

  • 1) providing assistance to persons affected by natural disasters, environmental, man-made and other disasters, social conflicts, accidents, victims of crime, refugees and internally displaced persons, as well as other categories and groups of persons in need of outside assistance and support, including including in healthcare, education and social protection institutions;
  • 2) participation in warning the population about natural disasters, environmental, man-made and other disasters, in overcoming their consequences;
  • 3) participation in protection and protection environment, improvement of territories;
  • 4) participation in the creation of opportunities for creative self-expression and the disclosure of the creative potential of everyone, the preservation of cultural heritage and the historical and cultural environment, monuments of history and culture;
  • 5) participation in the development of education, science, popularization of knowledge, development of innovations;
  • 6) participation in the development and popularization physical education, sports and active leisure;
  • 7) propaganda healthy lifestyle life, organization and conduct preventive work to counteract the spread of socially significant diseases;
  • 8) participation in the organization and holding of mass cultural, sports and other entertainment and social events.

Volunteer any person who decides to participate in activities that benefit society as a whole or specific people in need can become.

Volunteers (volunteers) can act independently or unite in groups, participate in the activities of charitable organizations. Volunteering can also be corporate, when participation in charitable activities is supported by the employer company.

Corporate charity is the allocation of resources (funds) for charitable purposes, and corporate volunteering is the voluntary activity of company employees to participate in charitable projects (for example, holding holidays in orphanages or hospitals, organizing excursions, giving gifts).

Most often, business organizations "take patronage" of orphanages, hospitals or nursing homes; large companies are often regular partners of various charitable foundations. Yes, partners charitable foundation Vera hospices are assisted by the Skolkovo Business School, Management Company Alfa Capital, Eksmo publishing house, Maly Theatre, Lenkom, Sovremennik Theater and many other companies and organizations. The partners of the "Children's Hearts" Charitable Foundation are Transaero Airlines, chain stores " The Snow Queen» and IKEA, operator cellular communication"Beeline", the cultural center "Pokrovsky Gates", the portal "", search system"Yandex" and others.

Individual and corporate volunteering is widespread in all countries of the world and is a significant resource for social development.

The scope of volunteer work can be different. It is customary to distinguish such types of volunteering as cultural, environmental, event and social.

Ecological volunteering- this is cleaning of parks, forests, banks of rivers and reservoirs, patrolling territories during a fire hazard period, planting trees; projects for separate waste disposal, fundraising for the cleaning of water bodies and other natural areas; caring for animals and birds (developing homeless animals, supporting shelters, raising funds for the treatment of animals and food for them). The environmental direction is becoming more and more popular among young people and students, many types of environmental volunteering are also available for school-age children.

Cultural volunteering- this is assistance in the restoration of architectural monuments, cultural objects; work to replenish the exposition funds of museums; organization of excursions, lectures, celebrations and other sports and cultural events.

Event volunteering - this is a “one-time” participation in volunteer projects (charitable programs) aimed at solving a specific problem associated with a specific event. These can be sports and cultural events, mass fundraising, charity events (concerts, festivals, fairs). Event volunteering also includes participation in helping victims of natural disasters or other extreme situations that require serious mass assistance.

Social volunteering- this is voluntary participation in the implementation of projects to help vulnerable groups of the population.

The most common type of social volunteering is helping orphans (raising funds for various needs of institutions for orphans - pupils and graduates of orphanages; holding holidays, concerts, excursions; organizing summer and winter holidays, as well as assistance in the treatment and education of children) .

One of the very first mass volunteer communities in Russia is the interregional public organization volunteers "Club of Volunteers" existing since 2004. Over 3,000 people annually participate in the activities of this organization.

The "Club of Volunteers" is a community of like-minded people united by the desire to support the pupils of state orphanages and boarding schools who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Volunteers conduct classes aimed at the formation of everyday skills, the upbringing of culture, the development of educational, creative, mental, musical, technical and physical abilities of children. The "Club of Volunteers" regularly supports more than 30 orphanages and boarding schools in the regions of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. The main attention is paid to children's institutions located in villages, towns and cities. small towns on the periphery of the regions.

Other activities of volunteers include helping the elderly, the homeless and prisoners, as well as supporting people with disabilities who are long-term and seriously ill.

One of the most famous charitable organizations is the foundation for helping children with oncohematological and other serious diseases. Gift a life". Volunteers of the foundation work in hospitals where children need help with self-care (washing, dressing, eating), walking, learning (doing school homework), organizing circles and master classes, holding matinees and holidays, but most importantly - requires moral support.

In addition to organizing assistance in hospitals, volunteers participate in various mass events (charity concerts, exhibitions, holidays, etc.) to raise funds for the treatment of children. Meeting and serving guests, transport assistance, duty near the donation boxes, distribution of booklets - typical job volunteers for these events. For example, one of the projects of the Podari Zhizn Foundation is called Show Moscow. The main goal of the project is to acquaint children undergoing treatment for serious illnesses with the sights of the capital of Russia. The vast majority of young patients come from small towns and villages and have never been to museums or theaters. Children who are allowed by doctors to leave the hospital are happy to go with volunteers on excursions around Moscow, to museums or to exhibitions.

The Foundation's specialists attach great importance to optimizing the work of volunteers.

Introductory meetings are held monthly for all those wishing to become volunteers in the hospital. At the meeting, potential volunteers are told about the directions of the foundation's work and the specifics of volunteer assistance. You can become an active volunteer only after a special individual interview and passing a medical examination. Beginning hospital volunteers work under the guidance of experienced mentors.

Not all charities have such a strict selection of volunteers, but today most foundations pay a lot of attention to the organization of volunteer activities: they conduct introductory interviews, educational seminars and psychological trainings.

In conclusion, let us say a few words about the motivation for volunteering. Usually, we are talking about the need to help other people out of compassion, a sense of civic responsibility, out of a desire to change life and the world around them for the better. Volunteers often have religious motives, as well as a desire to “pay back” for previously received charitable or volunteer assistance. A volunteer may strive to feel his need, belonging to a great common cause, gain new life experience, find friends and like-minded people.

Volunteering as a range of activities, including traditional forms of mutual aid and self-help, formal service provision and other forms of civic participation. Volunteering as a social phenomenon, its evolution, legal aspects, forms of interaction.

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    December 4, 2019 , General issues of the implementation of national projects An autonomous non-profit organization"National Priorities" Orders dated November 30, 2019 No. 2880-r, dated December 3, 2019 No. 2913-r. The purpose of the ANO "National Priorities" is to raise awareness of citizens about the possibilities and results of national projects (programs), to expand the participation of citizens in their implementation.

    December 4, 2019 , State policy in the field of research and development Prizes of the Government of Russia in the field of science and technology for 2019 were awarded Order dated November 29, 2019 No. 2846-r. 131 applicants became laureates of awards in 2019. Prizes were awarded for works in the field of medicine, energy, geology, production technologies, materials science, mechanical engineering, transport, information technologies, ecology and agriculture.

    December 4, 2019 , A decision was made to transform the Stolby State Nature Reserve (Krasnoyarsk Territory) into national park"Krasnoyarsk Pillars" Decree of November 28, 2019 No. 1527. The reserve is a place of recreation and sports for residents of Krasnoyarsk, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and other regions. Currently, the flow of tourists is about 700 thousand people a year, and part of the territory of the reserve is actually used as a national park. The adopted decision will create legal grounds for ensuring the regime of special protection of natural complexes and objects included in the boundaries of the national park.

    December 3, 2019 , General issues of development of the Far Eastern Federal District The procedure for the import into the territory of Russia of used Vehicle residents of the Far Eastern Federal District Order dated December 3, 2019 No. 2895-r. For residents of the Far Eastern Federal District, the possibility of importing into Russia one used car with a right-hand drive without equipping emergency call devices is established.

    December 3, 2019 , Nature Conservancy. Reserves, national parks The procedure for state supervision in the field of treatment of animals has been established Decree of November 30, 2019 No. 1560. The rules for the organization and implementation of state supervision in the field of handling animals define the tasks and subject of state supervision, delineate issues that fall within the competence of Rosprirodnadzor and Rosselkhoznadzor. The tasks of state supervision in this area include prevention, detection and suppression of violations of established requirements.

    December 3, 2019 , 45 billion rubles is directed to the subjects of the Federation that have achieved the best indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and regional executive authorities Order dated November 30, 2019 No. 2875-r. Grants are distributed among the subjects of the Federation on the basis of their final rating according to the summary value of assessing the achievement by the region of the values ​​of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and executive authorities of the subjects of the Federation. Grants are provided to the subjects of the Federation, ranked from 1st to 50th place in the rating, from among the regions participating in the distribution of grants.

    December 3, 2019 , Quality of regional and municipal government The procedure for encouraging the subjects of the Federation for achieving the values ​​of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and regional executive authorities has been established Decree of November 29, 2019 No. 1537. Grants will be distributed among the constituent entities of the Federation on the basis of their final rating according to the composite value of assessing the achievement by the region of the values ​​of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation.

    December 3, 2019 , Development of individual territories, cities and facilities of the Far Eastern Federal District (except for Sakhalin and the Kuriles) The plan for the implementation of the Concept for the Development of Russky Island was approved Order dated November 23, 2019 No. 2797-r. The plan, in particular, provides for the creation of conditions for attracting private investment, the infrastructure development of Russky Island, the development of a scientific and educational cluster, the development of tourist and recreational potential, and the creation of conditions for a comfortable life.

    December 2, 2019 , Organization of the health system. Health insurance The plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the development of the sanatorium-resort complex was approved Order dated November 29, 2019 No. 2852-r. The plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the development of the sanatorium-resort complex, in particular, provides for the improvement of the system state regulation development of the sanatorium and resort complex in Russia and organization of the work of sanatorium and resort organizations, including the development of human resources, the development of an information support system for the sanatorium and resort complex, as well as increasing its investment attractiveness and infrastructure development.

    December 2, 2019 , Federal infrastructure projects The procedure for assessing the socio-economic effects from the implementation of infrastructure projects in the transport sector has been established with state support Decree of November 26, 2019 No. 1512. As a result of applying the approved methodology, it will be possible to calculate the socio-economic effect from the implementation of each infrastructure project, in particular, the increase in gross domestic product, as well as the budget effect. This toolkit will allow evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of infrastructure projects in the transport sector, as well as using the resulting calculations to rank such projects.

    November 29, 2019 , Public finance management tools A procedure has been established for the subjects of the Federation to conduct pilot testing of social impact projects in 2019-2024 Decree of November 21, 2019 No. 1491. Decisions made aimed at creating modern mechanisms and technologies of work in social sphere requiring less expenditures from budgets of all levels while achieving comparable and even more significant social effects. Pilot approbation by the subjects of the Federation of social impact projects is expected in the areas of education, sports, social protection and employment.
