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Satellite communications operator AltegroSky. About Altegro Altegrosky Login to your personal account

Connecting to a secure satellite Internet system (VSAT technology)

The cost of Altegro's design work

permits for VSAT-terminals

* as of 03/01/2009 - from 6400 to 12400 rubles (for Moscow - 13400 rubles, for VSAT-terminals located closer than 150 km from the state border of the Russian Federation - 19000 rubles).

SIP telephony services*

Tariff name


Cost min., (rub.) incl. VAT for the Subscriber


Countries of the former USSR

Far Abroad

"Own Edge"

Moscow and Far Eastern Federal District

Countries of the former USSR

Far Abroad

* More details on directions in the user's personal account or upon request.



Subscription fee,

including VAT,

per month


Max download speed in maximum comfort mode / soft limit mode / hard limit mode


Max amount of information downloaded during the period of maximum comfort / period of soft limitation, MB

The rate of increase in the balance of the limit, kbps (duration of the period until the initial level is restored, hours)

Max amount of traffic that can be downloaded per month, GB

5 kbps (22.7)

10 kbps (22.7)

20 kbps (22.7)

50 kbps (22.7)

100 kbps (22.7)

100 kbps (22.7)

* It is not possible to provide telephony services on these tariff plans.



Access to the Internet

The service is provided at the rates below on the terms of prepayment in the on-line billing mode (tariffs with prepayment).

Tariff plans with payment by traffic

Tariff for satellite "Yamal-200"

Tariff plan

Subscription fee,


per month)

The maximum amount of prepaid traffic,

(MB per month,

when working during the period)

The cost of traffic, in excess of the prepaid

(rubles per MB)





Tariff plans with a fixed monthly payment.
Tariff plans "Kachok"

The Kachok family of tariff plans works according to the following algorithm:

A fixed amount of traffic per week is provided, 80% of which the user downloads in a comfortable mode
after sampling this volume, the speed drops to the hard limit speed
comfort mode speed is 3 times the speed during busy hours*.

* peak hours of the CHNN network: 06.00–18.00 Moscow time. The duration of the CNN is 12 hours (for the AM3 satellite - according to Khabarovsk time). Tariff plans are designed for users who want to download files at a time when the operator's network is free (not in a busy hour).

Tariff for Yamal-200 satellite

Tariff name

Price, (rub/month)

Volume per week, MB

Comfort mode speed (night, kbps)


Tariff plans "Web-Surfer"

Tariff plans designed for users who use the Internet for web surfing, Email and internet communications. The volume of traffic provided in a specific period is less than in the Kachok tariff plans.

The "Web-Surfer" tariff plan family works according to the following algorithm:

A fixed amount of traffic per day is provided, 80% of which the user downloads or transfers in a comfortable mode
after sampling this volume, the speed drops to a hard limit speed, allowing you to view ordinary news sites without multimedia content,
comfortable web surfing speed does not depend on network load time.

Tariffs for Yamal-200 satellite

Tariff name

Price, (rub/month)

Volume per day, MB

Comfort mode speed (kbps)

Hard limit rate, (kbps)*

Surfer. Optim
Surfer. Premium

* Through a slash (/) the speeds of the reverse channels are indicated.

Additional service "Turbo"

The "Turbo" service is designed for a user working on any SKD (Public Access System) tariff, who needs to quickly and one-time download a large file or amount of data. Is additional opportunity to other tariff plans.

Action time - 24 hours from the moment of activation, regardless of the time of day.

The Turbo service works in the following order:

A fixed amount of traffic per day is provided, 80% of which the user downloads in a comfortable mode
after sampling this volume, the speed drops to the soft limit speed
after sampling the full amount of traffic, the speed drops to 30 kbps.

Tariff for Yamal-200 satellite

Payment methods for AltegroHome services

Payment for the "AltegroHome" service can be made by one of the following methods of payment for services:

By using mobile phone(Beeline, MTS and Megafon)
through the network of payment terminals OSPM (QIWI), Cyberplat (Cyberplat) and Comepay
"Altegro" payment card
by using bank cards
Bank transaction

Replenishment procedure personal account using a mobile phone
To make a payment, you must send an SMS from your cell phone indicating the word Altegro, your personal account number in Altegro (10 digits) and the payment amount. SMS is sent to service number Operator cellular communication– 8499. In this case, exactly the amount indicated in the message will be debited from the Subscriber's mobile account. There are no additional commissions. The payment will be credited to the personal account in "Altegro" within 3-5 minutes.
Example: when sending an SMS to number 8499 with the text "Altegro 1234567890 500", a payment in the amount of 500 rubles will be credited to the Personal account No. 1234567890 of the Subscriber "Altegro".

The procedure for replenishing the Personal Account through the network of OSMP payment terminals (QIWI) and CyberPlate
Currently, such terminals are installed everywhere - at gas stations, in shops, and other public institutions.
To pay through the network of Payment terminals, the Subscriber must:
in the section "Payment for services" on the title page of the terminal, select "Internet and IP-telephony", then find and press the button with the logo "Altegro"
enter the number of the personal account specified in the offer agreement and deposit the required amount
press the "Pay" button (follow the instructions of the payment terminal)

The payment will be credited to the Subscriber's personal account in Altegro within 3-5 minutes.

The procedure for replenishing the Personal Account using the Altegro Express Payment Card
To replenish the Personal Account using the Altegro Express Payment Card, the Subscriber needs to enter the section of the Personal Account "Top up balance" on - "Altegro Payment Card". Then proceed according to the given instructions.
The payment will be credited to the personal account in "Altegro" within 3-5 minutes.
Express payment cards can be purchased by the Subscriber at Altegro branches, from Altegro Partners, as well as at Management company administrative entity in which the Subscriber resides.

The procedure for replenishing the Personal Account using International Visa and International MasterCard bank cards
To replenish the Personal Account using bank cards, the Subscriber must enter the section of the Personal Account "Top up the balance" on - "Payment by bank and credit cards". Then proceed according to the given instructions.

AltegroSky (Altegrosky)- a group of satellite operators of the VSAT class, providing communication services in Russia and the CIS countries. Under the brand name AltegroSky, CJSC "Race Telecom" and CJSC "Setelecom" provide communication services AltegroSky Group of Companies provides services high speed access to the Internet, building corporate networks for data transmission, videoconferencing, intracorporate telephony, telemetry, multicasting (broadcasting information), business TV, organizing communications based on mobile VSAT terminals (AltegroMobile), leasing teleport resources, etc. The range of services of this operator is constantly being improved and expanded. AltegroSky networks are being built on four Russian communication satellites Yamal-402 (55° E), Yamal-200 (90°E), Express-AM22 (53°E), Express-AM3 (140°E) and two European communication satellites Ka-Sat ” (9 ° E) and “Eutelsat 172A” (172 ° E). This provides guaranteed, full coverage and the highest level of service throughout our country and the CIS countries. CJSC Settelcom is the official distributor of Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Hughes, USA), C-Com Satellite Systems Inc. (iNetVu, Canada), Corinex Communications Corp. (Corinex, Canada), Istar (EASTAR, Russia). As of December 2012, more than 10,000 satellite subscribers are served under the AltegroSky brand. According to the results of 2012, AltegroSky Group became the winner in the nomination "The largest operator of fixed satellite communications" according to COMNEWS AWARDS.

Advantages of AltegroSky:

1) Professionalism. Today it is the largest operator of fixed satellite communications with 10 years of experience in providing satellite communications services throughout Russia.

2) Complete independence from ground infrastructure. Providing Internet access or building corporate communication networks anywhere in Russia, regardless of the absence or presence of terrestrial communication channels.

3) Flexible tariff policy. Diverse tariff plans for all groups of Clients, including unlimited tariffs to satellite internet.

4) Reliability. The use of several satellites, allowing full network redundancy; satellite
equipment from industry leaders American companies Hughes and ViaSat.

5) Service throughout the Russian Federation.

6) Efficiency of connection and service.

7) Customer focus. Variety of forms feedback, Personal Area subscriber, a variety of payment options, round-the-clock technical support, annual monitoring of customer satisfaction and much more.

The Altegro group of companies was established in 2003 and today is a successful telecommunications holding providing a full range of services in the field of information technologies. The central office of the Altegro group is located in Moscow, and regional offices are open in the largest Russian cities: Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Khabarovsk. The staff of all companies of the group employs more than 200 qualified employees, and the partner network includes more than 600 specialized companies and is widely represented in every subject of the Russian Federation.

The Altegro Group develops and promotes innovative services for both corporate customers and retail market. Popular among individual clients are services such as A-Fon VoIP telephony, satellite Internet services for individuals IndiVSAT, shared Internet access AltegroHome and organization WiFi networks based on the AltegroHotSpot service. The presence of its own network of service and installation divisions allows for centralized control and management of the network technical support in all regions of presence and provide high-quality technical service at customer connection points.

Company divisions

AltegroSky LLC is one of the largest VSAT satellite communications operators in Russia and Eastern Europe. The AltegroSky group includes satellite operators CJSC Race Telecom, CJSC Settelecom, LLC Astra-Internet and CJSC Moscow Teleport. Thanks to this, AltegroSky provides reliable access to the Internet and forms virtual corporate networks throughout Russia. As of January 2014, more than 13.5 thousand subscriber satellite terminals are served under the AltegroSky brand and more than 700 certified partner companies operate in the Russian Federation.

NextTell LLC provides customers with VoIP telephony, virtual office services, as well as a range of SaaS services and web communication tools. Services for the organization of closed corporate telephony on satellite and other IP networks can be supplemented by the possibility of creating a unified communication platform for the customer (integration with MS Outlook, CRM, web space. AltegroFon's video conferencing service (VCS) allows you to conduct full-featured video conferencing sessions without special video conferencing terminals .

LLC "Demo" specialized company, which provides access to a broadband data transmission network in more than 500 cities of Russia. The company's clients are both individuals and large corporations. At the same time, AltegroNet ensures the integration of information environments and the creation of a closed corporate network based on connected segments.

Responsible for the development and support of the hardware and software complex of the billing processing center (BPC). Thanks to BPC, transparent interaction between billing systems and processing companies of the Altegro group is ensured. This makes it possible to offer customers a huge number of payment methods for telecommunications services, including Altegro payment cards. Altegro Group acts as a single operator of the Altegro group's IT infrastructure, servicing corporate information resources and ensuring a holistic and integrated interaction of all companies with customers.
The Altegro group of companies acts as a single contractor and performs on a turnkey basis the entire cycle of works on building and maintaining the customer's infocommunication environment on projects of any complexity. For us, there are no barriers in the form of a lack of communication channels or insufficient expertise: Altegro successfully solves the business problems of customers using a modern technological approach. Key clients of Altefro: Russian Railways, Transneft, Sberbank of Russia, Vneshtorgbank, Euroset, TNK-BP, ALROSA, Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation, Federal Reserve Agency, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Pension Fund RF, RosReserve and others. The company is a reliable technological partner of leading Russian operators communications, such as GlobalTeleport, Synterra, Uralsvyazinform, Beeline Business.
