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Distributed automated control systems for the Navy. Abstract: Military-technical problems of creating and developing a modern naval command and control system and ways to solve them. Operating principles of the Navy automated control system

Modern automated control systems and telecommunications facilities of the Navy

NPO "Mars" is an active participant in military-technical cooperation

Vladimir MAKLAEV

Over almost half a century of history, scientists and employees of NPO "Mars" have developed and put into service three generations of information and control systems (such as "Alley", "Lumberjack", etc.) for surface ships of various projects in service with the Navy, and two generation of automated control system (ACS) of the Navy. Currently, for modern surface ships of the Russian Navy, the enterprise has created new generation control systems such as “Sigma”, “Diez”, “Trassa”, integrated bridge systems, etc.

In addition, in recent years, NPO Mars has been carrying out targeted and intensive work in collaboration with military science to determine the appearance of integrated combat control systems (ICCS) of promising Russian ships. A highly reliable and efficient modern automated control system for the Russian Navy is being developed, integrating the functions of command and control of forces and weapons, all types of operational, technical and logistical support. The system interacts on the basis of a single protected information space with automated control systems of the Armed Forces, as well as with automated control systems of other troops and military formations of ministries and departments of the Russian Federation in peacetime, threatened periods and wartime.

NPO "Mars" is an active participant in military-technical cooperation. Today, the navies of the countries of Southeast Asia, BRIC, North Africa and other regions successfully operate a number of export samples of the company’s products. Their technical and operational characteristics are appreciated by the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) and foreign customers. Thus, for the development and production of the Sigma-E-956EM complex, the enterprise team, headed by the general director, was awarded the first National Golden Idea Award.

The company constantly strives to strengthen and expand its position in the foreign market. Currently, the development and production of the automated combat control system (ACCS) "Lesorub-E" for the aircraft carrier of project 11430, the automated mine action control system (ACS PMD) "Diez-E" for sea minesweepers of various projects, the integrated bridge system (IMS) is underway. and the combat information and control system (CIUS) “Sigma-E” for ships of various projects.

Based on samples of automation systems (ASS) created for the Russian Navy, the company offers for export a number of combat equipment that ensure the creation of complex systems for monitoring, security and defense not only of maritime areas, but also of the entire maritime space of the foreign customer’s state.

The main military equipment offered by the company for export are:

1. Coastal modular operations center (BOC) “83t170-E”, providing automation of the functional activities of operational personnel, officials of command posts (CP) and headquarters of all levels of command of the Navy to ensure the automated implementation of processes for managing the forces (troops) of the Navy and types of support for them actions.

2. Coastal modular operational point (OP) “83t611-E”, which ensures integration of monitoring equipment, coastal, ship-based and air-based weapon systems into an integrated management system, as well as information and technical interaction with government authorities and interested departments.

3. The regional tactical data exchange system is designed to distribute and communicate information about combat command and control of forces, troops and ensure information interaction between all elements of the naval command and control system.

4. Ship automated systems that provide control of the ship and ship groups (detachments) under the command of the command post of associations (formations), including:

ASBU "Lesorub-E" is designed to control a ship and a tactical formation of ships. The main difference from the ship's BIUS is the predominance in the ASBU of aviation control tasks based on an aircraft carrier and ships of a controlled formation. ASBU is an “open” distributed computing system operating in real time. It ensures the integration of a ship's weapons systems into a single integrated complex, a high degree of automation of the activities of the command staff of a ship and a group of ships at the stages of preparation and conduct of combat operations;

BIUS "Sigma-E" is designed to receive and process information from radio-electronic weapons (REW) of a ship that has different types of external interfaces, forming a generalized tactical situation for displaying automated workstations (AWS) on control panels and solving problems of controlling combat assets of a ship and a tactical group . The number of automated workstations and tasks to be solved for various projects of ships of foreign customers may change taking into account the required degree of automation of the activities of officials of the command control complex and the possibility of placing automated workstation consoles in command posts and ship posts;

ACS PMD "Diez-E", along with automation of the processes of combat control of radio-electronic weapons of a minesweeper and a ship's minesweeping group, when performing mine action by solving a number of basic functional tasks, includes navigation and ship navigation subsystems, motion and positioning control and information support for the fight for the survivability of the ship .

In order to ensure the interaction of all of the above types of satellites with each other and with mobile means (surface ships and vessels, submarines, aviation in the air), the enterprise in cooperation offers the use of communication systems such as:

State telecommunication networks;

Main digital radio relay lines;

Space communication systems;

Radio networks of DV-, HF-, VHF-, microwave ranges.

It is proposed to use the following monitoring tools:

Over-the-horizon radars;

Two- or three-dimensional radars;

Passive radars;

Stationary hydroacoustic systems;

Unmanned aerial vehicles;

Manned radar patrol aircraft;

HF and VHF radio reconnaissance equipment;

Video surveillance equipment.

The totality of the proposed KSA, communication and monitoring equipment constitutes the “Comprehensive system for monitoring, protection and defense of the sea coast”, which, together with mobile sea and coastal weapons systems, provides a solution to all problems.

The products developed and offered by the company have proven themselves well in everyday and combat situations. In 2008, the Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy awarded NPO Mars with a Certificate of Honor “For achievements in the creation of telecommunications and automated control systems for the Navy, which ensured the successful implementation of the tasks set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation.”

We are ready to consider proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation, find new reliable partners, and also accept orders for the supply of our products.

Vladimir MAKLAEV

Over 50 years of production activity, scientists, designers, and engineering and technical workers of the enterprise have created and transferred dozens of different automated control systems to the Russian Navy and foreign navies; hundreds of automatic control systems have been manufactured and delivered to customer facilities, the majority of which are currently being effectively operated.

Over the half-century history of FSPC JSC NPO Mars, four generations of information and control systems have been developed and put into service for all aircraft carriers and surface ships of various projects (types, classes) in service with the Russian Navy and foreign navies, and two generations of coastal automated control systems by the Navy.

In 2010, the company completed the development of the third generation of the system - the integrated automated control system (IACS) for the Navy and is launching serial production of the automated control system. It is planned to complete the equipping of naval headquarters and command posts of all levels and purposes with these satellites by 2015. The company has the production and personnel capabilities to ensure the implementation of this task.

As a result of the introduction of IAS systems into operation, users (the Russian Navy and the navies of foreign states) receive:

A single information space based on the integration of data of general use and their descriptions by type of functional activity at all levels of management;

Joint awareness services (in accordance with access rights) about all types of situations and implementation on this basis of distributed planning of the use of forces (troops);

Guaranteed information security by means of identification, authentication and authorization of user access to the resources of a single information space;

Information support for the processes of functional activities of operational, command and technical personnel of all management bodies;

Integration into the Navy's IASU of all types of existing and new types of surface ships, submarines, naval aviation and coastal missile systems;

High-speed and reliable exchange of all types of information via modern digital networks and communication channels.

As part of ensuring integration into the IASU of the Navy, the formation and maintenance of a unified information field (UIF) of a ship and the integration of the UIF of a ship into the unified information space of the Navy, the enterprise has developed, manufactured and installed on ships of projects 20380, 21630, 11540, 02668, 11661, etc. . modern complexes of new generation automation equipment, including those that solve the following problems:

Information support for the processes of preparation and decision-making by ship officials, setting tasks and communicating commands;

Ensuring information and logical interaction between the ship’s B and VT complexes in the interests of the effective use of combat contours;

Automation of the activities of officials of the command control complex at command posts and combat posts of the ship, etc.

Based on samples of automation equipment complexes created for the Russian Navy, the enterprise, within the framework of military-technical cooperation, offers for export a number of military equipment that ensure the creation of complex systems for monitoring, security and defense of maritime areas and the entire maritime space of the foreign customer’s state. The main military equipment offered by the company for export are:

1. Coastal modular operations center (BOC) “83t170-E”;

2. Onshore modular operating point (OP) “83t611-E”;

3. Regional tactical data exchange system;

4. Ship automated systems (combat information and control system “Sigma-E”, automated combat control system “Lesorub-E” and automated mine action control system “Diez-E”).

Integrated automation systems with the participation of Russian enterprises include the manufacture and supply of advanced radar stations, stationary hydroacoustic systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, electronic reconnaissance and video surveillance equipment using modern communication systems.

Other areas of the enterprise's activities related to testing, development, manufacturing and installation of products at user sites with subsequent technical support for the entire period of operation have also been developed.

The high performance and reliability characteristics of the control systems supplied to the Russian Navy allowed NPO Mars to become a leading enterprise in the military-scientific and scientific-technical fields. The company pays great attention to issues of innovative development. In order to further increase the efficiency of management on the principles of “network-centric warfare” and combat operations in a single information and functional space, the enterprise has developed a concept of innovative development, according to which, at the expense of federal and own funds, it is planned to develop new technologies for the development and testing of software and hardware, necessary to create complex systems for the Russian Navy and Armed Forces as a whole.

The result of this activity was the attraction of investments for the implementation of innovative projects for the modernization and re-equipment of the technological base of the enterprise and its provision with the following federal target programs (FTP):

- “Development of the military-industrial complex for 2007-2010”;

- “Development of civil marine equipment for 2009-2016”;

- “Development of electronic component base and radio electronics for 2008-2015”;

- “Development of the military-industrial complex for 2011-2020.”

Successful solution of the problems of innovative development allows us to create competitive products in the domestic and foreign markets, significantly expand the scope of application of the enterprise’s products, which gives the employees of NPO “Mars” grounds to look confidently into the future.

We are ready to consider proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation with Russian and foreign companies, find new reliable partners, and also accept orders for the supply of our products.

The principles of operation of the Navy ACS noted above presuppose a hierarchical structure for its construction. When implementing the hierarchical structure of constructing an automated control system, it is necessary to be guided by a number of scientific provisions and principles listed below:

The structure of the automated control system must have the minimum possible number of hierarchical levels, comply with management goals and ensure the maximization of efficiency criteria;

The automated control system must be adaptive, i.e. capable of changing the structure within certain limits, in accordance with changes in general and specific management goals, efficiency criteria, conditions in which management is carried out, the quality of individual elements of the automated control system and the accumulation of operating experience;

The structure of the automated control system should ensure an optimal degree of centralization of management (which creates conditions for rational specialization and more efficient use of hardware and software);

The structure of the automated control system must provide the shortest paths for all types of information, taking into account selective service, the degree of completeness and reliability of the transmitted information;


The principle of creating a unified information field at all levels of management (NC, TG, GDS), which consists in the possibility of receiving, transmitting, processing, storing and using common unified types of messages, common protocols and forms;

The principle of collective use of ACS computing resources, based on distributed processing and storage of information;

The principle of unification and standardization of tools, as well as the modularity of the construction of automated control systems, providing the ability to integrate a rational composition, build up and replace modules with more modern ones;

The principle of integrating weapons, technical means and ship control automation into a single combat system.

Rice. 3. Combat system - Navy, formation, formation, ship.

In accordance with the last principle, the combat system (Fig. 3) includes four subsystems: strike, control, support and service. In turn, each subsystem includes a number of elements.

For example, the strike subsystem includes the combat contours of air defense (air defense), anti-submarine defense (ASD), guided missile weapons (URD), etc. The control subsystem includes subsystems for controlling combat circuits and functional complexes, as well as a set of automation tools for the ship commander (compounds). The supporting subsystem includes functional complexes of navigation, surveillance, (Navigation hydrographic and hydrometeorological support (NHMS), electronic warfare (EW) and radio reconnaissance (RR), communications and information exchange, etc. The servicing subsystem includes means of ensuring the vital activity of personnel and the functioning of technical funds.

In Fig. Figure 4 shows the place of the ACS (control subsystem) in the combat system (without a service subsystem).

Based on the above approach, we can give another definitiontion of ACS.

ACS - this is an organizational and technical formation that includes a complex of automation equipment (CAS) of the commander (commander), an information and control subsystem, subsystems for controlling combat circuits and functional complexes, united technically and informationally through a data exchange system (DIS).

Rice. 4. The role and place of the ACS (control subsystem) in the ship’s combat system (compound, association).

MILITARY THOUGHT No. 10.2005 (pp. 18-22)


Captain 2nd rank Sy. KONDAKOV

Retired captain 1st rank N.G. NIKITIN

THE CURRENT state of automation of management activities of the command and officials of the Navy is characterized by the multifaceted use of modern information technologies (basic, functional, communication), implemented using computer and communication means. The Navy has come a long way in developing and introducing information technologies into the practice of military command and control bodies (MCB). In time it can be divided into three periods, namely:

1958-1975 - commissioning of autonomous general-purpose computers at fleet facilities, formation of information and computing centers at the General Staff of the Navy and fleet headquarters;

1975-1990 - creation and adoption of the first automated information and calculation systems, local automated information systems, combat control systems, automated data exchange systems between stationary control objects, an automated data exchange subsystem with submarines and surface ships at sea, etc.;

With1990 to present - the period of mass introduction into the management activities of officials of the military command of the military forces of automated workstations, integrated into local computer networks, the deployment of complex automation of naval management processes through the integration of existing and developed automated systems (complexes of automation tools), automated systems based on unified complexes of automation tools, united by automated telecommunications and communication systems.

Half a century ago, the leading role in the development and implementation of management information technologies in the military command and control bodies of the Navy was assigned to the Computer Center No. 2 of the USSR Ministry of Defense (currently 24 Central Research Institutes of the RF Ministry of Defense). Over its half-century history, the institute’s staff has carried out extensive and complex work to create and improve the scientific and methodological apparatus for solving system-technical, mathematical, information and organizational issues in the design of automated control systems for the Navy and their implementation V operational practice of the Navy's command and control department. Particularly noteworthy is the development, implementation and maintenance of special mathematical, software and information and linguistic support in the Navy automation systems in the interests of automating the processes of managing forces, weapons and technical means of the fleet.

On first stage Fundamental research was carried out to identify directions and set priorities for automating the management activities of the command and officials of the military unit. They were carried out as part of comprehensive research work (co-executors: the Naval Academy, the National Research University of the Navy and fleet headquarters).

The study and analysis of the practice of management activities in the fleets and in the central command bodies of the Navy made it possible to identify in this process the main components that are subject to automation, namely: providing the command and officials of the military unit with information about the operational situation in the ocean and sea theaters of military operations, the state and actions of their forces, naval forces of the potential enemy and the environment; development, decision-making, development of plans for achieving assigned tasks and the formation of proposals for their implementation; organizing the implementation of assigned tasks in accordance with developed force action plans; assigning tasks to controlled forces, issuing commands, instructions and orders; monitoring the implementation of plans, activities, and actions of forces; correction of plans, course of action of forces and activities; reporting and informing higher command about the implementation of assigned tasks.

To solve the problems of automation of control processes, the 24th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, the Naval Academy and the National Research University of the Navy launched work in the following areas: development of information and calculation tasks for implementation on universal computers implemented at Navy facilities (at the headquarters of the fleets and the General Staff of the Navy); preparation of information and linguistic support for solving information and calculation problems on autonomous computers and in promising automated systems; a comprehensive, thorough study of the methodology and technology for creating information and calculation problems; justification and development of methods and models for interfacing universal and specialized computers with communication channels and information sources (radio equipment).

Research staff of the institute and other research institutions Navy in close connection with the operational staff of the General Staff of the Navy and fleet headquarters, a whole range of information and calculation problems and mathematical models on collecting and processing information about the operational situation in the ocean and sea theaters of military operations (including about the space, radio-electronic, radiation, bacteriological and chemical situation, nuclear and chemical strikes), about the elements of logistical, special and technical support for forces; to take into account the tactical and technical characteristics, combat potential and standards for the use of forces, weapons and technical equipment of the Navy and Navy of foreign states; on collecting, processing and assessing physical-geographical, climatic and weather conditions in areas of operations (combat operations), as well as other factors influencing the performance of combat missions; on automation of control processes for special-purpose missile submarines; to assess the situation and develop proposals for the plan and decision of commanders (commanders) to conduct operations (combat actions).

Information and calculation tasks that received positive ratings from users and underwent trial operation were included for widespread use in the “Library of Navy Methods” at the 24th Central Research Institute of Defense. Already by 1968, it contained more than 100 full-fledged information and calculation tasks in relation to computers being implemented at Navy facilities. These scientific and methodological materials were widely used in daily activities by officials of the General Staff of the Navy and fleet headquarters in advance planning of operations (combat actions of forces), in the organization and direct control of combat service and combat duty forces, as well as in operational training events (command staff exercises ). In order to ensure the effective use of the “Library of Methods” Navy" and facilitating the work of the operational staff of management bodies in the 24 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense were created system for automated distribution of source data and a unified calculation automation system (EUAR).

At the same time, at this stage at 24 Central Research Institute The Ministry of Defense carried out work to create unified information and linguistic support (supporting the solution of the mentioned tasks) for automated control systems of the Navy. In this case, the main attention was paid to the development of information languages ​​for presenting the contents of combat and administrative documents, as well as recording data in computer storage devices. Syntax, semantics, classifiers and coding dictionaries, methods of formalizing documents, key phrases for formalizing the contents of operational and intelligence reports were developed - such as forms, questionnaires, tabular and others, which are still used today. Work began on the creation of a “unified information field for Navy data” - a prototype of a modern unified information resource for providing solutions to the problems of the “Navy Methodology Library”. Proposals for the development of standard software for the implementation of information tasks in computers were substantiated, which subsequently became the basis for automated information retrieval systems of documentary and factual types, as well as modern database management systems.

A revolutionary turn in the field of application of information technology in management was the introduction (since January 1975) of the automated system MVU-B2 (MVU-B2M) in the headquarters of the fleets and PP of the Navy and the first in the fleet in relation to a computer of the BESM type, a unique multifunctional operational factographic information system (OFFICE). This system is a joint domestic development of specialists from the Central Research Institute of Integrated Automation (Moscow) and the 24th Central Research Institute of Moscow Region (B.T. Schreiber, S.I. Vainshtein, L.L. Buber, N.G. Nikitin, Yu.G. Khrabrov).

OFFICE software performed the functions of tools for creating information systems, as well as information retrieval systems of factual and documentary types. In addition, with its help, the following was carried out: the formation and maintenance of up-to-date and consistent documentary and factual databases; processing of incoming documents (messages and requests), formalized by the mentioned methods in Russian (for requests); search and delivery to operators in the required form (tabular, text, questionnaire) of information about the real situation on indicator devices from databases according to the specified attributes and V form on visual display devices (screens And tablets) MVU-B2 systems; search and display of information in ESAR for solving calculation problems from the “Library of Methods” Navy", why based on OFFICE V the MVU-B2 system created and kept up to date a database on the forces, weapons and equipment of the Navy and Navy of a potential enemy, hydrometeorological conditions in ocean and sea theaters of military operations, coastal facilities, command posts and control systems, combat potentials and standards for the use of forces and weapons; ensuring and controlling user access to databases; differentiation of access to various sections of databases and specific records about objects and their elements; administration of the information processing process and control of the functioning of its components.

OFFICE software was presented in the form of many separate procedures at different levels, which were automatically integrated to carry out the tasks outlined in messages or requests. The OFFICE was designed as a “multilingual system” capable of processing and issuing factual information in several languages. This was achieved through the use of a unified system for coding dictionary terms.

With the help of OFFICE, the classic version of operation was already implemented in the MVU-B2 system information and settlement system(Fig.), implementing information management technologies.

With the introduction of the MVU-B2 system, its modification (MVU-B2M system), an automated subsystem for data exchange with submarines and surface ships at sea, the second phase application of management information technologies. During this period, at the 24th Central Research Institute of Moscow Region, a Center for the development of special mathematical and software for automated systems of the Navy, ensuring the implementation of information technologies in the fleet's command and control department. As a result of the joint activities of specialists from the center, the Naval Academy, the National Research University of the Navy, the General Staff of the Navy, the headquarters of fleets and industry, during this period the automation of processing information about the operational situation in the ocean and sea theaters of military operations in the General Staff of the Navy, fleet headquarters, and flotilla headquarters was practically carried out. heterogeneous forces and naval bases. At the same time, automation of the formation and submission to the command of urgent time reports (operational and reconnaissance reports, documents on the composition and state of the combat readiness forces of naval formations, documents on the composition and state of weapons in the warehouses and arsenals of the fleet is being carried out), “machine-to-machine” exchange of information is being implemented between automated systems of objects management at various levels, as well as automated delivery of command and reference information to ships at sea. At the same time, an automated set of tasks for planning and monitoring combat service and combat duty is being developed and implemented into the practice of the operational staff of the central command post of the Navy and fleet command posts. In addition to existing tasks and methods, sets of tasks are being developed to justify options for the combat use of forces in naval operations (combat operations), various types of operational, logistics and technical support, for planning and combat use of reconnaissance, communications, electronic warfare, air defense forces in fleet operations (combat). At the same time, a set of tasks to automate control processes and ensure the combat stability of strategic missile submarines is being comprehensively improved.

In addition, the Navy command makes a decision to create a Central (at the 24th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense) and regional (at the General Staff of the Navy, fleet headquarters) funds of algorithms and programs. Under development target programcreation of special mathematical and software provision forautomated systemsNavy until 2020.

A notable feature of this period was the development by specialists of the institute (Vice Admiral B.S. Babiy, captains 1st rank: T.S. Chervatyuk, B.P. Bichaev, Yu.P. Gushchin) concepts for creating a mathematical model for simulating bilateral combat operations in the interests of assessing the effectiveness of decisions made by the command to conduct operations (combat actions), as well as for conducting operational-tactical training of officials of military command and control agencies. Subsequently, this mathematical model was developed in several modifications (responsible executors A.B. Chevalyuk, A.V. Ulanov, I.S. Kudinova), successfully passed tests at the Naval Academy, the operational department of the General Staff of the Navy, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and It is currently successfully used at operational training events and is constantly being improved based on user suggestions.

Since 1990, comprehensive automation of Navy control processes has begun based on existing automation systems, newly developed automated control systems through the mass introduction of personal computers and local area networks, and modern automated telecommunications and communication systems. Today this work is being carried out as part of the creation unified integrated automated control system (IACS) of the Navy. Management information technologies and the unified information resource (single information space) created in the Naval Automated Control System are the main components of the design of functional systems and subsystems of the Navy.

24 Central Research Institute of Defense has developed a methodology for substantiating the composition and content of information technologies and the required information resource for the implementation of functional systems and subsystems in the IASU of the Navy. It is based on a system analysis of the functional, system and technical architectures of the designed functional system (subsystem) and the automated control system as a whole. At the same time, work is underway to create a unique software package, adaptable in the language of a high-level operator for the implementation of functional technologies. Together with industry, modern basic information technologies are being introduced in automated systems, and first of all: e-mail, Web technology (including the creation, maintenance and maintenance of databases and information repositories), geoinformation system, information security systems, organizations solving functional problems.

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Our steps to save Military Education.

I bring it up for discussion.

In November 2013 in Moscow we will organize a Scientific and Practical Conference on the state of Military Education in the Russian Federation and, in particular, on the training of military specialists in Combat Command and Control Systems for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Namely, MANAGEMENT is the main dominant of the art of war and the key to Victory in war.It is VVMURE named after. A.S. Popov and trained military engineers in Combat Control Systems for the Navy, as well as for the Armed Forces of our State.

Graduates of our school on RPKSN, on aircraft carriers, in the General Staff of the Navy and at fleet headquarters carried out combat watches and duty on the most complex ship radio-electronic systems, on the coastal computer centers of the Navy.

Thus, for the aircraft carriers Minsk and Kyiv, the Alley-2 automated control system was developed, which provided control of both the aircraft carrier itself and battle management.ALL the latest achievements of the scientific potential of the USSR were concentrated in "Alley -2".

At the Naval Academy, at the Department of Naval Automated Control Systems, we studied the Alley-2 automated control system and I am still delighted with this system.

In 1979, the KSBU ACS "Tsentr" was adopted by the USSR Armed Forces. (Command System of Combat Control of the Automated Control System "Center".)I was a member of the State Commission for the acceptance of the Global Combat Management System from the industry.

State tests revealed many shortcomings, especially in the Navy.And one of the shortcomings that I personally included in the State Commission Act was the lack of specialists in the Navy for the operation of the KSBU ACS "Center" and it was recommended to expand EXACTLY the VVMRE named after. A.S. Popov and organize a number of additional faculties, which was done later.But a serious mistake was made.

The basic radio communications department of the school was transferred to Kaliningrad.This faculty should be returned to Petrodvorets, to VVMURE named after. A.S.Popova.After all, until 1958 there was a Higher Military and Naval School of Communications in Petrodvorets.

Serdyukov was expelled from the Ministers of Defense, the Harem threw him out of the General Staff.All these bitches and whores are either in jail or have fled abroad.It was these bitches and whores that the admirals grumbledly obeyed and carried out the women’s instructions for the collapse of the Military Education, for the collapse of the Navy.

The Navy Communications Directorate was destroyed.
The Radio Engineering Directorate of the Navy was destroyed.
And there is no one to stand up for VVMURE named after. A.S. Popov, except for naval veteran organizations.

No step back!

Kresik A.F.

Graduate of VVMURE named after A.S. Popov, 1967, Faculty of Radio Communications.

First appointed commander of warhead 4 of the Volga floating base (1967 - 1969).

Commander of warhead -4 RPK SN "K -210" of the Northern Fleet (t1969 - 1975), 5 Combat services with nuclear missiles.

Student of the Military Medical Academy, Department of Automated Control Systems (1975 - 1977)

Main Headquarters of the Navy (1975 - 1992). Leading specialist in the management of the Navy.
