Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Organization of the chef's workplace. Requirements for workplace organization. Organization of enterprise work Burnout is the opposite of involvement

Slave. place– an area equipped with technical equipment. Wed you for completing the work activity of people. The order of placement of technical equipment. Wed in the labor zone. activities people called a slave organization. places . Slave. the place is organized on the basis of optimization of the work process, taking into account ergonomics, sanitary, fire safety. and other requirements. Ergonomics included 4 main Requirements for organizing and working. places: management, habitability, habitability and maintenance. Required provision: pairs of slaves. zones, optimal size of control organs, reliable. communications between workers and equipment, lighting and climate, proper work schedule and rest, protection of workers. air is a dangerous and harmful fact. When planning work. places next exhaust base required: 1) for work. place d.b. everything is necessary for the implementation of technology. operations; 2) working dimensions. places should not limit the movement of the slave. and don’t add too much. movements and transitions; 3) we use accommodation for everyone. for work place of objects d.b. convenient so as not to have extra. dv-ny; 4) change the slave. when issuing operas, etc. the organization is closed. circuit without return changes; 5) to work place d.b. free access. Slave. places m.b. individual (assigned to one worker) and group (assigned to a group of workers). Any technol. operation m.b. organized in the presence of 3 components: subject of labor, instrument of labor and people.

The basic surfaces are created only in block blanks. For panel blanks. The bases are plastic and sawdust. edges. We get it. as a result of cutting blanks. them. wrong form. At the boards and drafts. zagot. observed transversely. and longitudinal warping. The saws for cutting are large with a large tooth pitch and do not give a smooth finish. For better processing of children. (cutting a thorn, selecting a nest, joining the edges of plots) required: correct. shape, exact size and smooth surface. Precise finishing is possible if finishing bases are available. To create them, I use a jointer. and surface planers. St-mi. Planing machines with manual single-sided feed: SFZ-Z- Thicknessing machines SR3-6- Machines with 4 sides. Planing Prepared according to the specifications. various track. Options for using installation bases and processing bases: 1. Installation. The base is on one side, but we are processing it. surface of the phenomenon counter-floor (thicknessing machines). 2. Installation. base and we get. pov coincidence (SF). 3.Installation base yavl. horizontal pl-ty, and the end surface is machined (planing machines). 4 Installation. the base is named for the end surface, bottom square and edge, and the design is carried out against the opposite ends. halfway or in the middle (drilling, drilling and grooving, tenoning machines) 5 Installation. bases of phenomena ends. again, and the product was produced by the rest (lathe).

40. Organization of workplaces when processing workpieces to size . Slave. place – zone, equipped. technical sr-mi for the final work activity of people. The order of placement of technical equipment. Wed in the labor zone. activities people called a slave organization. places . Slave. the place is organized on the basis of optimization of the work performance, taking into account ergonomics, sanitary, fire safety. and other requirements. Ergonomics included 4 main requirements for organizations and workers. places: controllability, adaptability, habitability and serviceability. In this case, it is necessary to ensure: pairs of slaves. zones, optimal size of control organs, reliable. communications m/d workers and equipment. for control of modes, lighting and climate, correct. work and rest schedule, worker protection. from exposure - I am dangerous. and harmful. factors. Basic har-kami slave places are within reach, cat sizes. stuck on the size of a person's body. and his position as a slave. place. The size of the zone depends on the importance of use and the frequency of required repetition for people. When planning work. places should be reduced. required: 1. for work. place d.b. everything is necessary for the implementation of technology. operations; 2 working sizes places should not limit the movement of the slave. and do not add unnecessary steps and transitions; 3. placement of all used for work. place of objects d.b. convenient so as not to have extra. dv-ny; 4.moving slave. when performing operations, they should be organized along a closed loop without return movements; 5.k slave place d.b. Free access. Slave. places m.b. individual. (assigned to one worker) and group (to a group of workers). Any technology. operation m.b. organized in the presence of 3 components: subject of labor, instrument of labor and people. The shaping of the bar blanks will be completed. shapes and sizes are produced by processing them on milling (planing) machines and subsequent trimming. Process workpieces to size according to thickness. and achieve opposite parity. sides on surface planers or 4 sides. machines. Basic assignment of 2 sides. flight machines – planing of panels, glued. from plots. High production when arranging blanks from 3-4 sides half on 4 sides. planer machines with fur. serving. Machines: SR3-6, SR8 - single-sided surface planer; C10-2-4-sided planer. Chipboard blanks are calibrated by thickness to ensure consistency of the specified value. size for all batches of blanks. Performed on single-sided thicknessing machines in 1 or 2 passes, on wide belt. grinding machines (coarse sandpaper). To give an accurate length and obtaining end plates equal. and located. perp-but or under the definition. angle to the sides. The edges of the part must be trimmed. We will use two-saw ring equalizers.

41. Organization of workplaces when processing finishing workpieces. Slave. place - an area equipped with technical equipment. Wed you for completing the work activity of people. The order of placement of technical equipment. Wed in the labor zone. activities people called a slave organization. places.Work the place is organized on the basis of optimizing the process of performing work, taking into account sanitary, fire and other requirements. Basic har-kami slave places are within reach, cat sizes. depend on the size of the person's body. and his position on the slave. place. The size of the zone depends on the importance of the performance and the frequency of the required repetition of the number of people.

When planning work. places should be reduced. required: 1. for work. place d.b. everything is necessary for the implementation of technology. operations; dimensions places should not limit the movement of the slave. and do not add unnecessary steps and transitions; 3. placement of all used for work. place of objects d.b. convenient, so as not to have extra dimensions; 4.moving slave. when performing operations, they should be organized along a closed loop without return movements;

5.k slave place d.b. Free access.

Slave. places m.b. individual. (assigned to one worker) and group (to a group of workers).

Any technol. operation m.b. organized in the presence of 3 components: subject of labor, instrument of labor and people. H earnest- blank, cat. The overall dimensions of the parts have been formed, i.e. child sizes The nominal and finishing dimensions of the workpiece are the same, taking into account tolerances. For processing finishing workpieces, milling, tenoning, drilling-filling, chain-slotting, turning, circular and grinding machines are used. Milling machines - for forming through and non-through profiles, curvilinear processing of the contours of parts and assemblies, making grooves, sockets, tenons. There are 3 types of milling machines used: universal general purpose (FS; FL); carousel (F1K); copying machines (VFK-1).

Tenoning machines- for forming frame and box tenons at the ends of timber and panel parts. Machines: SHOT one-sided for a rounded tenon; ShPA-40 - one-sided for straight box tenon. Drilling and chain forming machines Designed for making holes and grooves in panel and block parts. They use drilling and grooving machines with vertical (SVA-2) and horizontal (SVPG-1) spindles; multi-spindle fillers (SGVP-1); for drilling and sealing knots (SVSA-2); slotting (DCA-3). Lathes (TP40-1) and round rod (KPA20-1) are intended for cylindrical and shaped processing of wood parts by turning. Polished sections. machines - for processing surfaces with sanding belts on paper or fabric basis

I wrote this article at the request of Microsoft managers, who invited me to host a discussion club. The topic of burnout at work seemed most attractive to them, which is not surprising. When a person burns out, he most often solves the problem by quitting the company, but is it really possible to quit a company like Microsoft, which is number one in the labor market in many respects?

Remember: the horse worked best on the collective farm. But nevertheless, she never became chairman...

  • 21 years old: lack of passion.
  • 23 years old: no development.
  • 28 years old: lack of energy.
  • Age 30: Getting to know the tools and managing your burnout.

At the age of 21, I went to work for hire (although I started receiving my first income at the age of 14, that is, by that time I already had work experience). My first job was at , the position was prestigious, but I did not enjoy the work at all. Moreover, I did not see a single job in this corporation that was interesting to me, and the only solution was to leave.

Then my career took off, I quickly rose through the ranks at an interesting company, but as my growth slowed, I began to feel signs of burnout. At the age of 28, I was faced with the fact that I did not have enough energy to work, since the intensity was extremely high, and there was no time for recovery. It was very difficult, I burned out and only when I was 30 did I find cures for burnout and began to apply them in my life. Now I’m 32, I have a job I love, which is well organized, and I know how to restore my energy.

Burnout is the opposite of engagement

Herbert Freudenberger described the phenomenon of burnout in his work “Personnel Burnout” in 1974. Initially, it was most often observed in representatives of such professions as social workers, nurses, teachers, lawyers, engineers, police officers, salesmen - professions with the highest emotional load. But now any employee is susceptible to burnout.

Later, in 1986, Kristina Maslach called burnout the opposite of engagement. Thus, we will consider burnout and involvement as two extreme poles. Anything that promotes engagement will reduce burnout, and vice versa.

According to the medical classification, burnout is associated with overwork and often manifests itself in the form of various diseases caused by psychosomatics. By the way, when was the last time you were sick at work and what was the reason?

It is important to be able to distinguish between normal and burnout. What's the difference? When you feel stressed, you become too involved in your work, and when you feel burnt out, you become indifferent to your work. Stress is accompanied by a storm of emotions, but burnout, on the contrary, is characterized by apathy. Stress is accompanied by physical exhaustion, and burnout is accompanied by emotional exhaustion.

How to become a happy owner of a job you love

1. Start by assessing your burnout.

The questionnaire developed by Christina Maslak allows you to determine the degree of burnout. I suggest you answer a few simple questions using numbers from 0 to 6.

Now let’s evaluate the test result.

Up to 17 points- Everything is fine with you. This happens to everyone at work.

From 18 to 29- you have started to burn out, you need a program to extinguish it.

From 30 points and above- you are in the deepest stage of burnout, urgent action is needed.

2. Understand the root cause of your burnout.

To eliminate burnout, it is extremely important to know the reasons for its occurrence.

While working on the topic, I studied various sources of information about burnout - from articles and Wikipedia to reading books on Amazon and tips on Quora. Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive description of the causes of burnout and its treatment. At best, the author addresses only one aspect of burnout - loss of energy or problems of self-determination.

I highlight the three main causes of burnout and below I give instructions that allow you to both determine the cause and work on eliminating it. In addition, I give some advice on how to deal with the consequences.

So, three reasons:

Dislike of work

It’s all very simple: if there is no basic love (interest, passion - whatever you want to call it), if you don’t want to run to work in the morning, then sooner or later burnout will come.

Poor work organization

There is a popular saying: “People come to work for a company, but leave the boss.” When the work is poorly organized, the boss has little or no managerial experience, when the company's business processes are disorganized, departments have no common goals, there is no strategy, there is a lot of politics - this leads to burnout of employees.

Lack of energy

Any work requires energy. Some more, some less. Working in large corporations, as a rule, requires a lot of energy, since the flow of information is enormous, there are many cross-requests, a wide range of employee interactions, strict deadlines, and so on.

Each of us has a certain container, which we first replenish and then empty. This capacity is different for everyone: some last longer, some last less. In addition, we replenish this capacity with different intensity and spend energy with different intensity.

If our energy capacity is small, work requires a lot of effort, which means we quickly empty it and then slowly fill it, then we begin to work to the limit and wear out. This is a direct path to burnout.

3. Understand the consequences of burnout

It is the awareness of the consequences of lack of treatment that forms the desire to be treated. Very often the first symptoms of the disease are so insignificant that we are ready to live with them. But only after realizing how the disease will develop and how the treatment will become more complicated, we find the strength (time, resources, money) to cure the disease at an early stage.

Burnout leads to professional death:

  1. Aggression.
  2. Dependencies.
  3. Constant illness.
  4. Career stop.
  5. Deep depression.

First, a person begins to behave aggressively (note that aggression can be either active or passive - in the form of indirect attacks) towards colleagues, and becomes a critic of everything that happens. In an attempt to restore his previous energy, he begins to drink a lot of coffee at work, alcohol after work, and smokes more (including to rest more often during the working day).

Against the background of burnout, career growth, as a rule, stops, since the manager is not interested in promoting an employee who can barely cope with his current job. Burnout usually results in deep depression.

Such a well-known phenomenon as burnout is also closely related to burnout.

This is the avoidance of completing a task that comes as a result of burnout. There are various causes of procrastination, and burnout is not the main source of it. But against the backdrop of burnout, procrastination appears more and more often, deadlines are missed, projects are not completed. The result is reprimands from management, deprivation of bonuses and even dismissal.

4. Remember the formula to avoid burnout

Now let's talk about how to avoid burnout, and if it has already begun, how to stop it. Reflecting on the topic of burnout, I came to the following formula that should solve this problem:

dream job + engagement + energy

Just three simple components allow you to avoid burnout forever: your dream job, engagement at work, and constant replenishment of energy a little more than what is expended.

Let's start with your dream job.

5. Start moving towards your dream job

A dream job is a combination of just three simple factors: love for work, the ability to do your job well, and a sufficient salary level.

If everything is usually more or less clear with the ability to do the job and wages, then few people pay attention to the love of their work.

6. Determine your burnout type

There are eight types of burnout that arise from this model and are associated specifically with internal causes. The absence of one, two or all three factors in a person's work leads to different types of burnout.

But even if all three factors are present (love of work, ability to do it and decent wages), burnout is still possible and has a certain character.

Please do not be offended by the names of the types of burnout that I chose to illustrate. They are needed here to add more drama to the situation.

Prisoner of Dreams- a person who loves his job very much, but is still weak at it and earns little. These are all novice specialists who have just started working. Burnout here occurs primarily due to low wages, but sometimes also due to negative feedback that a person receives against the backdrop of low professionalism.

Burnt out star- this is a person who, quite recently, everything was fine with work. She was loved, easy for him and with a high level of pay, but external factors came into play or energy was depleted, and burnout set in. This is a great example of how burnout happens even to those who have passion for their work.

Lost/Unemployed- this is a person whose career did not work out. No favorite job, low qualifications and low earnings. The highest risk group (cleaners, loaders).

Worker- loves his job and even does it well, but earns very little. A hard worker is born from a prisoner of dreams. The problems mostly lie outside of work, usually at home. The reason is low energy levels, which leads to burnout at work.

Poor guy- very similar to the lost one, but he is already doing his job well.

Golden handcuffs- a difficult situation when a person has established himself as a professional and has an excellent job, but has not liked his job for a long time, and maybe he didn’t like it in the first place. Burnout occurs due to dislike of work.

Grabbed luck by the tail- a rare situation when a person does not like work, does not know how to do it, but earns good money. This is either the result of family business or political decisions.

From dirt to Kings- and this is a very rare situation when a person loves his job, is not yet very good at it, but is already making great money. As a rule, the result of successful career decisions. In pursuit of advanced training, a person overloads himself with information, actions, tasks and burns out as a result of lack of energy.

7. Assess how much you love your job.

Understanding your current level of love for work helps you choose a further strategy: change your job completely or change something in your current job.

Now take a short test, rating the answer to each question on a five-point scale, where 1 means you do not agree with the statement at all, 3 means somewhere between agreeing and disagreeing, and 5 means you absolutely agree with the statement.

  1. I enjoy going to work every day.
  2. My work allows me to fully realize myself and my talents.
  3. I see meaning in what I do at my job.
  4. My type of activity corresponds to my life values ​​and priorities.
  5. I want to get better at what I do.

Now let's evaluate the results.

Above 20- you are lucky with your job, you love it.

15–19 - you have a good job. Not ideal, of course, but, most likely, this will not lead to rapid burnout. Think about what you can change in your work to get closer to 20 points.

10–14 - you don’t really like your job and most likely often experience burnout. Now is the time to think about changing jobs.

Less than 10- you don’t like your job, which means you are at risk and burnout has most likely already begun. It's time to actively start looking for a new job.

8. Describe your dream job

How to get your dream job? There are various trainings and career coaches that can help you find your dream job. I suggest you start with a simple exercise that will help you learn to understand what you like about your work and what you don’t.

Grab a pen and piece of paper or create a document on your computer. Make a table with three columns: “I don’t like this about my job,” “I love this about my job,” “I miss this about my job.”

In the first, we put everything that we don’t like about work and that we wouldn’t like to have in the future.

In the second - all the most interesting things about work that exist now (functions, tasks, colleagues, work schedule, office and its capabilities, etc.).

Thirdly, what are you missing in your work? Here, too, we are not limited to functional responsibilities alone.

9. Analyze how your work is organized

As I said earlier, in addition to internal factors (love of work), there are also external ones that also affect engagement. The world-famous Gallup Institute has developed a questionnaire called Q12. It contains 12 questions that allow you to assess how much the workplace allows for employee involvement. All 12 questions are based on four areas:

  • opportunity to grow at work;
  • teamwork;
  • management support;
  • satisfaction of basic needs to perform work.

These are the 12 questions. Answer simply “yes” or “no” and count the sum of the positive answers.

  1. Do you know what exactly is expected of you at work?
  2. Do you have all the materials and equipment needed to do the job well?
  3. Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day at work?
  4. Have you received praise or a reward for good work in the last week?
  5. Does your boss or any of your colleagues care about your personal development?
  6. Is there a staff member who encourages your professional development?
  7. Do your colleagues and management respect your professional opinion?
  8. Do you believe that your company's mission/purpose helps you understand the importance of your work?
  9. Are your colleagues committed to high standards of work excellence?
  10. Do you have a friend at work?
  11. Has anyone at work discussed your progress with you in the last six months?
  12. Have you had the opportunity to learn new things and grow professionally in the last year?

Now let's look at the results:

10 positive responses- everything is fine with your work, it has a high level of involvement.

7–9 - your work as a whole is quite engaging, but there is already a risk of burnout.

4–6 - your work doesn't involve you much. You are lucky if you love her and have enough energy.

3 or less- even against the backdrop of love for work and a sufficient supply of energy, the risk of burnout is high.

By the way, according to the same Gallup research, companies with a high level of employee engagement are more successful, so creating engaging work is beneficial not only for the employee, but also for the company itself.

In addition to the factors described above, there are several other factors that affect engagement.

10. Tell yourself honestly: do you work only for the salary?

Salary plays a big role in engagement and burnout. I have observed many people who, having an unloved job and not very good workplace organization, could travel a lot and engage in hobbies outside of work.

11. Look at your manager: maybe he is the reason for your burnout?

A manager can also both contribute to employee burnout and help avoid it. Basically, the difference lies not in who is better: a manager or a leader, but in how interested the manager is in the employee as an individual. To what extent does he pay attention to his emotions, condition, problems, interests.

Consider whether your manager is able to ensure engagement on all 12 issues described above? Maybe you can move to another boss within the company?

12. Focus on your zone of influence, not your zone of concern.

In his book Stephen Covey talks in detail about what proactivity is and also divides our work into two parts: the circle of concern and the circle of influence. The key idea is that you need to focus your attention on your circle of influence, and not on your circle of concerns, gradually expanding the first.

The circle of influence is something that a person can change, improve, and so on, and the circle of concern is external factors that affect work, but it is not yet possible to change them. Remember the stories about taxi drivers who are the best experts in politics and economics?

13. Develop your leadership, even if you are not a leader

Work in a matrix structure, when in addition to the direct functional manager, there is another manager who sets tasks, also has a great influence on burnout. Usually this is the head of a product, brand, or business line.

There is another side to working in a matrix structure: you often have to organize the work of employees who are not direct subordinates. The same fate awaits project and product managers. The problem is called the entrepreneurial gap. This is when an employee’s tasks are wider than the sphere of direct influence. As a result, he is forced to answer for what he cannot influence administratively or by order.

The only solution to the problems of working in a matrix structure and the entrepreneurial gap lies in the area of ​​leadership.

Leadership is the ability to influence people without administrative leverage.

This is the difference between a manager and a leader.

14. Slow down

An important factor in burnout is work speed. There are companies about which they say: “A year in two / three / five.” These are companies in which processes proceed many times faster than the industry average. This is a great place to quickly build a successful career, skyrocket your salary, and accelerate burnout.

If you feel that this is the type of company you work for, think about how you can slow down? Give up on non-essential projects and tasks? More employees? Automate and optimize work?

15. Assess your energy balance

Now let's talk about energy - the third factor influencing burnout, along with love of work and an engaging workplace.

Our energy balance is affected by:

  • Eco-friendly energy sources are those that are safe for our body.
  • Toxic energy sources are born from a lack of environmentally friendly ones, but have consequences in the future. Such energy sources are usually called "credit". A person receives energy here and now, but is forced to give it away for restoration in the future.
  • Energy stealers, or energy leakers. They reduce energy levels, but it is not wasted on work or life.
Eco-friendly energy sources
  1. I studied the issue of nutrition. I know what I eat and it benefits me.
  2. I exercise at least three times a week and walk a lot.
  3. I . Minimum eight hours a day.
  4. I treat people well, I treat myself well, and I have a close relationship with my loved one.
  5. I know how to relax and have a lazy time.

5 - Great! You have a lot of pure energy. No wonder you are happy and full of energy.

4 - Fine! If you wish, you can do it even better, because there is never too much energy these days.

3 - it's time to change something. There are still many sources of green energy that you have not tapped. Where do you start?

1–2 - changes are urgently needed. It appears that this situation requires surgical intervention. Choose the sources that will give you the most energy and start making changes for the better.

In fact, there are many more sources, but these are the main ones, according to various studies. We will consider a wider list below and create your own individual one.

Toxic Energy Sources
  1. I am often in a hurry, nervous, and irritated by events and/or other people.
  2. I often feel anxious. I am often driven.
  3. I often feel the pressure of deadlines to complete tasks.
  4. I often eat unhealthy foods, and I know it.
  5. I often drink alcohol, take drugs and smoke. I am ready to answer this question honestly.

We count the number of positive answers:

1–2 - Great! It sounds like you have minimal toxic energy. Keep it up!

3 - Fine! At the same time, there is room to grow. There are few toxins in your life. What will you do about it?

4 - it's time to change something. Most likely, you do not have enough strength for all your plans. Now the reason is clear. Start detoxifying.

5 - changes are urgently needed. Immediate detoxification is necessary. You have enormous opportunities to increase your own energy levels in a harmless way. Discuss your plan for change with your coach.

At first glance, many of these factors look not like a source of energy, but like an energy thief, but this is not so. Adrenaline, which accompanies haste and anxiety, is an excellent source of energy, but depletes the body and requires subsequent recovery.

Energy Thieves
  1. I weigh more than I would like. I'm definitely not happy (dissatisfied) with my weight.
  2. I am often surrounded by people who share negative thoughts and news, complain, and criticize others and/or me.
  3. I often feel remorse and do nothing to improve the situation.
  4. I am constantly surrounded by clutter (in my home, work, schedule), and this prevents me from being effective and enjoying life.
  5. There are people with whom I have not resolved conflicts, although I could have. It would do me good.

Now we count the number of positive answers:

1 - Great! It looks like there is minimal energy loss in your life. Keep it up!

2–3 - Fine! If you want to bring the situation to perfection, then you have the opportunity to do this. Ideas are in front of you.

4 - it's time to change something. Now it’s clear why we don’t always have enough strength to act. You have a lot of losses. Get rid of them and live a more energetic life.

5 - changes are urgently needed. It seems that the level of energy outflow is going through the roof, but there are some good sides to it. By eliminating waste, you can achieve much more. It's time to plan and implement serious changes for the better.

Think about your list of kidnappers. I recommend making a list of at least 10-15 items, and then asking yourself the question: “How can I get rid of these kidnappers?”

16. Create your list of energy sources

Sources of energy that restore its supply as quickly as possible:

  • meditation;
  • yoga;
  • religion;
  • sympathy;
  • love relationship;
  • pets you can pet (sorry, fish lovers);
  • volunteer activities (but not professions that require a lot of compassion);
  • laughter;
  • joy;
  • fun.

Now let's make your to-do list that helps you recover. The list is extremely personal. This can include anything: sports, travel, or any other device, reading articles and attending trainings, spending time with family, sauna with friends, reading books, shopping, washing the car, visiting the hairdresser, etc.

17. Find ways to save energy outside of work.

In addition, we spend a lot of energy at home performing routine activities necessary for life. But some of them are subject to automation and optimization. Here is a small list of what you can do to save 5 to 30% of your daily energy supply. I will omit the most obvious things that are already in every home, like a washing machine or a regular vacuum cleaner.

Robot vacuum cleaner. It is just gaining popularity, but has already proven itself to be excellent. It works automatically every day, thanks to the turbo brush and dust suction, it ensures cleanliness in the house. Completely replaces a conventional vacuum cleaner, which saves two to three hours a week.

Dishwasher. There are both built-in and free-standing (that is, you can buy it after purchasing the kitchen). In addition to saving water, it solves the problem of hand skin contact with toxic detergents. Savings - seven hours a week.

Multicooker. Helps to cook without being at the stove, as it eliminates the possibility that food will run away or burn due to boiling water. Savings greatly depend on the amount of home cooking and the sophistication of the menu, I think a minimum of five hours a week.

Electric clothes dryer(or a washer with dryer function). Allows you not to put the laundry in a basin, take it to the balcony, hang it on the dryer, then collect it from the dryer again into a basin and take it for ironing. Savings: two hours per week.

Electric meat grinder. Gave it as an example. There are also bread machines (which also make excellent jam), electric coffee makers with a built-in coffee grinder, and other equipment that makes the cooking process a little easier. Saving - one hour per week.

Cleaning lady for hire. Once every two weeks is usually enough, costs $60 per month and saves four hours per week. Not very widespread yet. When making a hiring decision, I recommend that you compare your income per hour with the cleaning lady’s hourly work ($4) and decide whether it’s worth investing this time in work tasks and receiving a reward, or doing the work yourself.

Food to take home. You don’t always need to cook food at home - you can often order delivery of pizza, sushi and any other dishes to your home. It doesn't cost as much as going to a restaurant and allows you to avoid cooking once or twice a week. Saving - one hour.

Microwave. It is extremely popular now, but few people use it specifically for, in 90% of cases - for warming up. Nevertheless, you can perfectly cook your porridge in the morning (if not in a slow cooker) and save one hour a week.

We calculate all the savings: 3 + 7 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 18 hours per week. And this is two working days, for example.

18. Reduce the number of decisions you make

Another interesting way to save energy is to keep life's problems and decisions to a minimum. An interesting case study is that of Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs and Barack Obama, who all said they wore the same clothes to avoid having to decide what to wear to work every morning.

19. Start going home at 7:00 pm or earlier.

Speaking about energy, it is important to note such a trend that is gaining popularity as. In fact, behind the beautiful name and abundant literature there is a simple truth: time spent at work and time spent outside of it must be balanced.

A lot can be said about this, but my experience shows only one thing: if you leave work after 19:00, then you have no balance. I don't write 18:00, because an article about professional burnout will most likely be of interest to career-focused people for whom leaving at 20:00 is already good. If you don't have enough time at work, come early. At 8:00, at 7:00, and maybe at 6:00. The main thing is to leave early.

In the morning at home before work you do not recover. You are not developing. So why waste the morning and then go home late?

20. Practice wellbeing

The concepts of wellbeing and happiness in life are increasingly gaining popularity. Wellbeing consists of five elements and helps avoid burnout:

  • Keep in touch. Strive to improve relationships with those people who are important to you.
  • Be active. Walk (if you work in a low building, it is often possible to resolve issues with a colleague while walking around the building), run, ride a bike. Move.
  • Watch. Behind what is happening around, behind the changing seasons. Enjoy every moment.
  • Keep learning. It doesn’t matter what: cooking new dishes, playing the guitar, English, driving a car or even extreme driving, speed reading, touch typing.
  • Give it away. Do something good for friends, family, thank and smile at others.

21. Focus on your happiness

Many companies are starting to focus on happiness. Happiness of employees, clients, players. For example, we all know the company, about which even a book has been written.

Happiness also helps you avoid burnout. Follow the principles of a happy life and work, and you won’t be afraid of burnout. The most famous model here is PERMA.

  • Positive emotions (I have already written about this as one of the main sources of renewed energy).
  • Engagement is both love of work and engagement in the workplace.
  • Relationships (mentioned this in the points about sources of energy and wellbeing).
  • The meaning of life is broader than the love of work. This is an understanding of your place in life.
  • Achievements are any results that give us a feeling of usefulness and significance.

22. Hire a coach

Another popular area is career coaching. There are more and more people who specialize in career counseling. These people usually know what goes into building a successful career and how to deal with burnout.

23. Take a sabbatical

It is still a rare phenomenon here, but already popular in the West - . Conscious leaving work for a period of 30 to 180 days, although in rare cases it can be for a whole year. This is analogous to leaving the company with the only difference that after some time the person returns to work and sees whether burnout has been completely cured. Sabbatical very often ends not with a return to exactly the same place, but with a transition to another position or direction within the company.

Why is sabbatical better than dismissal? It is very difficult to rest and recover, knowing that after this you will need to actively look for work. The uncertainty of the future creates a feeling of fear. Agree, it’s hard to recover when you’re afraid.

24. Read current articles

What else is interesting on the topic of burnout? On Quora, a popular platform today, people give the following advice:

  • Despite the workload and intensity of work, do not quit.
  • Take breaks from work as often as possible. Take advantage of opportunities to hold meetings outside the office, during walks, and organize team meetings outside the company.
  • Even a sabbatical lasting 30 days can help a lot.
  • Passion for work is the main vaccine against burnout.
  • The ability to react very quickly to the first signs of burnout is the best prevention.

25. Read a book about burnout

There are a fairly large number of books on the topic of burnout on Amazon, but, unfortunately, I have not found a comprehensive and holistic approach. At best - 50% of the material in this article, but a more detailed description can be found in total in these four books:

  1. Mission, vision, values, goals.
  2. Goals, development, relationships and support, contribution, leader, coach
  3. Sports, travel, games, articles and trainings, family, sauna, friends, books, shopping, car wash, barbershop.

I have determined for myself what my life mission is, what future I am going to, what is important to me along the way and what goals I want to achieve. Thanks to this, I have a love for my work.

At work, I set goals that are related to the goals of the company, maintain relationships with colleagues, constantly evaluate my contribution to the overall result, and communicate confidentially with my managers. In addition, I have a coach who helps me build my development. This all gives me a high level of engagement in the workplace.

I restore energy through exercise, I like to travel with my family, play computer games, and go to the sauna. I talk with friends almost every day and read books.

So, in fact, I told you about what burnout is and what its causes are. He talked about the formula for burnout, the importance of loving work, high-quality organization of the workplace and restoring energy. He shared his experience, as well as the best world sources.

10 Most Important Ideas to Fight Burnout

  • Determine if you are showing signs of burnout.
  • Find out what is causing your burnout.
  • Describe your dream job.
  • Analyze the quality of your work organization.
  • Assess your energy balance.
  • Make a list of energy sources for yourself.
  • Optimize your work at home.
  • Go home before 19:00.
  • Think about your happiness, watch your steps towards a happy life.
  • If you are already on the verge of complete burnout, take Sabbatical.

Surely each of us has a friend, acquaintance or colleague who sits across from us. He is clearly showing signs of burnout, and he will definitely be grateful if you send him a link to this article.

Managerial work requires a very careful approach to organizing work. Why is this necessary and how is it implemented? – Correct work organization allows you to rationally spend vital energy for the organization and have its reserves in order to enjoy life and take full advantage of the opportunities that come with financial success. What is proper organization of work?– The correct organization of work begins with the correct organization of the workplace and the culture of communication, the culture of negotiations, the ability to focus on the main thing, weed out the unnecessary and many more simple but important rules. And if you organize the work process correctly, you will work with pleasure, have the opportunity to fully relax, have diverse interests, but if you do not have the correct organization of work, then, most likely, due to the exorbitant burden of many unresolved problems, your limit dreams, there will be a desire to get to bed to relax and forget about a hard day at work.

Why so categorical? – To illustrate, let’s look at some examples from life, opinions and misconceptions about managers at all levels and how this relates to the proper organization of work. For example, workers who work physically are mostly confident that this work is very easy and simple - turn on the air conditioner, sit in a chair and answer calls. Some of them, having worked hard and received a higher education, switch to office work with such conviction, and if they do not have a systematic approach to organizing work, they will be deeply disappointed. If previously, working physically in the fresh air, strengthening their muscles and nervous system, they came home and felt only physical fatigue, but after the office “routine,” they felt empty and exhausted. This is evidenced by many who have replaced physical work with mental, office work, stating only a fact and not saying or not knowing what the reason is, and the reason for this is the incorrect organization of work.

What does a typical working day for a manager or top manager look like? – Constant phone calls, mail and messages with many problems, the need to make complex, quick decisions, a queue at the reception - partners with business proposals, subordinates - with problems. And also planning meetings, meetings, calls to the carpet. And if this process is left to chance, then without proper organization of work many problems will not receive proper resolution, and debts will accumulate in matters that will have to be resolved at the expense of personal time. Physical labor in production is regulated by many instructions, rules, laws, and is controlled by labor protection services, commissions, committees of all levels, i.e. Occupational health and safety is organized at the state level.

“And this is correct, and it cannot be otherwise,” as Michal Sergeich liked to say, what is wrong is that such an approach to mental work is practically absent. As a manager, your safety precautions are a systematic organization of work. Let's look at this with specific examples. Organization of work begins with the selection and arrangement of an office or workplace. What is the main criterion? – Creating the most comfortable working conditions, without frills or pretentiousness, because antiques, objects of art that require additional protection, careful handling, complicate your life, and reduce your concentration at work. Figuratively speaking, a set of exclusive furniture will in no way help you avoid a collapse in business, but you can earn millions sitting at the table produced by a local furniture artel.

Plan the location of your workplace in advance in order to eliminate as much as possible inconveniences that negatively affect your emotional state and reduce the ability to properly organize work. Here is a list of additional factors on which the effectiveness of work organization depends:

If you have the opportunity to independently decide on the layout of the office (at the stage of construction or reconstruction), make a list of the necessary equipment and furniture in advance (even for planned purchases), provide the necessary space for this, decide on the laying of communications, the arrangement and connection of equipment, the location of main and auxiliary premises;

High-quality lighting promotes comfort, and therefore you can approach the organization of work more carefully, but if the workplace is located next to a window, you must avoid direct sunlight, drafts, and if you do not have a window next to the workplace, hang bright curtains or a picture there with good scenery;

Avoid locating your office next to a toilet or near sources of noise.

Doing business involves numerous business connections, contacts, and this direction requires a certain rigidity in organizing work to develop business cooperation. If you allow yourself to be drawn into considering dubious offers, you will lose a lot of time and nerves. And it all starts with a single polite answer. Develop a system and a reasoned response strategy, develop the habit of strictly adhering to it so as not to involve yourself in endless negotiations and meetings, i.e. learn to say a firm “no.”

Another obstacle to proper organization of work can be unproductive use of time. – Arrange a meeting or negotiation “after lunch, in the morning.” As a result, 5-6 hours pass in useless waiting, without benefit, introducing confusion and disorder into the process of organizing work. The recommendation is obvious - you need to negotiate “purely specifically”, indicating the exact time, without seconds :)

Let's take a closer look at one of the important components of proper organization of work, such as the culture of telephone conversations, because its low level results in a loss of working time at the level of 25-30%, and this is the largest indicator of all factors that reduce the efficiency of work organization. The inability to prepare for a telephone conversation, clearly formulate your thoughts, value your time and the time of your interlocutor also negatively affects your image and the reputation of your company. For example, in companies with high requirements for work organization, they will certainly fire an employee who is not able to solve problems or find an acceptable solution in 2-3 minutes of a telephone conversation. It follows that the telephone conversation should be brief.

Here are some rules for organizing work regarding telephone communication in the office:

Pick up the phone after the second or third beep - no one likes to wait;
After picking up the phone, introduce yourself; the person calling you has the right to know who he is talking to; in addition, this introduces an element of trust into the conversation. The words “Hello, I’m listening” are neutral, uninformative;
do not use scraps of paper or sheets of paper for notes - use a special notepad for this;
Make sure that your questions to your interlocutor do not turn into an interrogation: “Who is this, what do you need?”;
do not “football” the problem: “Not my question, this cannot be, you are mistaken.” Help a person figure it out and he will feel like a debtor, and this is an opportunity for new contacts and a more efficient organization of work.

Never answer a question with the phrase “I don’t know.” It is much more effective from the point of view of proper organization of work: “An interesting, unexpected question, let me clarify.” It's your job to know don't undermine your firm's credibility.

Don’t refuse a client or counterparty by “cutting them off” - they will go to a competitor; it is much more productive to take time to think about options for cooperation - your business will only benefit from this, confirming that there are no trifles in organizing work.

Never say the word “no” at the beginning of an answer - this makes solving the problem very difficult. To refuse something, when expressing disagreement, always try to choose a less conflicting option. For example: “We don’t have the opportunity..., but we are ready...” Your organization of work with this approach will be more productive.

If a client approaches you, avoid the wording: “You should...”, as a rule, he doesn’t owe you anything, so choose less categorical answers: “It would be more acceptable..., It suits you more...” - this will be more correct communication with the client in the context of proper organization of work in the office.

If you are having a personal conversation with one of the visitors, do not give preference to the caller on the phone unless the level of the problem or the essence of the issue significantly exceeds the essence of the conversation - this borders on disrespect. And if the organization of work in your company is at the proper level, then your secretary must have the qualifications to solve this problem independently.

It is correct that if the caller ends the conversation, the person receiving the call is not recommended to demonstrate his impatience, provided that this conversation does not go beyond the bounds of expediency, both in content and in duration. In order not to offend an overly talkative interlocutor and end the conversation delicately, develop and strictly adhere to a strategy for politely exiting an unwanted conversation. There are many options, but a universal recommendation could be this: in the first part of the phrase, you emphasize in every possible way the importance of this topic, the professionalism of the interlocutor, and the second is a great regret that you cannot continue such a meaningful conversation due to urgent matters, circumstances (there are many options ).

The organization of work and its effectiveness largely depend on your ability to correctly stop encroachments on your time. By and large, this is the most destructive type of theft, because... Money stolen from you can somehow be returned, but stolen time can never be returned. Remember this. For example, I experience something similar to physical discomfort when they try to drag me into empty chatter or state the essence of the question, prefacing it with a phrase like this: “When mammoths still walked the Earth..., I physically feel that minutes, seconds, they are simply erased from life, so I ask leading questions, politely, unobtrusively move on to the topic that interests me - as a rule, the interlocutor remembers that he also has similar interests. We agree with understanding and without offense.

Organization of work is impossible without planning it. This also applies to telephone communication. Never pick up the phone without thinking it through in detail, and in especially important, difficult cases, without drawing up a thesis plan for the upcoming conversation.

The statement that a daily work plan is an essential component of effective work organization may seem controversial - there are people for whom this is supposedly completely unsuitable, circumstances and situations often change, etc. Unfortunately, a compromise is impossible on this issue - there must be a plan for organizing work for the day if you want to avoid unproductive waste of time and unnecessary work. A daily work plan is not a rigid structure that does not allow you to adequately respond to changes in external and internal factors. On the contrary, a plan for organizing work for the day is a way that makes it possible to navigate the trends and directions of changing events and circumstances.

The plan for organizing work for the day must be in writing (on paper, notepad, laptop). Be sure to review it regularly throughout the day. This will take a few minutes, but you will have the opportunity to control, manage the work process, correctly determine priorities, not forget anything, and make the necessary adjustments. You must make a work organization plan for the day taking into account the priority of each new task, for which you need to evaluate each task in terms of urgency and importance. Based on personal experience, I can recommend the following gradation of priority tasks:

1.) Important and urgent.
2.) Important, not urgent.
3.) Urgent, not important.

4.) Not urgent, not important.

Effective organization of work is the ability to highlight the main directions and tasks, concentrating maximum efforts on them, instead of scattering them across many ordinary tasks. This recommendation follows from the Pareto rule, which states that 80% of successful results are produced by 20% of the effort.

Now let's look at a systematic approach that will help you cope with large amounts of information, avoid stress and reduce the efficiency of your work. The key to this is proper organization of work with documents. First of all, it is necessary to divide incoming information by level of value, for example: important, urgent, additional. The correct organization of work in this case is to ensure that your efforts are focused on the main directions. Instruct the secretary or assistant to review all documents and not transmit to you those that can be reviewed in the usual manner by your subordinates. Do not give out your business cards unreasonably, in order to reduce the flow of “waste paper”, exclude yourself from the mailing list of internal documents that are not related to your responsibilities, but reduce the efficiency of work organization.

Decision making is a creative process for every manager and in practical terms, its completion means that this is just the beginning of organizing work to implement the decision made. To make a decision, you need to decide on the answers to the following questions: why is this particular decision being made, what goals do I want to achieve, do I have the necessary information to make it and organize the implementation work, what are the costs of money and time, what are the options for the decision to be made?

– There is always a temptation to consider the most attractive option at first glance and your attention is fixed only on it, to the detriment of other possibilities. Take your time, analyze all the options, so as not to make adjustments at the stage of organizing work to implement the decision. Even the most brilliant decisions can fail if you do not convey your conviction to the implementers. The basic principles of organizing the work of effective persuasion, attracting supporters, is that you must do this taking into account the point of view of the audience, establishing an atmosphere of trust by presenting an analysis and a clear plan for implementing the solution, especially emphasizing the benefits of future results.

Much has been said and written about meetings that are convened for any reason without bringing any visible effect, and the loss of time is enormous. Much has been said and written, and if there is a loss of time, then there are opportunities to improve the organization of work. Why are some people very willing to attend meetings? – This is supposedly a kind of recognition of their importance, involvement with the “top level”, this is an opportunity to impress management, colleagues, meetings seem to protect you from accumulated problems, phone calls, i.e. meetings are an atmosphere of relative inaccessibility. What do we get from meetings? – Exchange of information, opinions, analysis and promotion of various ideas, the need to motivate employees.

When considering the prospect of convening a meeting, always try to answer the question - what will be the end result? – After all, more effective methods of organizing work to convey information and exchange opinions have long been known, and at meetings, as a rule, everyone listens, and the top people speak. Creative meetings and brainstorming are also not always more effective than individual creativity - this is evidenced by recent research. Meetings on targeted team motivation often fail when the focus is on individual mentoring and training.

Why is clear organization of office work so necessary? – It makes it possible to reclaim 2-3 hours from routine and chaos for creative work, self-development, relaxation, i.e., figuratively speaking, your day will not have 24 hours, but 26-27 hours.

Do not take this article as ready-made instructions for organizing office work. This is just material that outlines the essence of the problem, its individual directions, and solutions. The variety and scope of your knowledge of this topic is enormous and they depend on your personal experience, level of knowledge in many areas, from management to psychology.

Organization of work- This is a function that all managers, regardless of rank, must perform, but the decision to choose the structure of the organization as a whole is almost always made by senior managers.

The elements of organization design are (Figure 7):

    Division of labor and specialization;

    Departmentalization and cooperation;

    Communications between parts and coordination;

    Scale of manageability and control;

    Hierarchy of the organization and its links;

    Distribution of rights and responsibilities;

    Centralization and decentralization;

    Differentiation and integration.

Centralization or decentralization


Differentiation and Integration

Figure 7: Design Elements of an Organizational Building

The efficient and productive functioning of an organization cannot be achieved if one of its members or one of its parts does everything that the organization does, or if all its members or parts do the same thing. Therefore, in any organization there is division of labor between its members or parts, which occurs in two directions:

    Stage-by-stage division of work in an organization, starting with the entry of resources into it and ending with the exit of products or services (supply, planning, production, sales). This division of work is called horizontal specialization;

    Division of work across hierarchy levels in the organization, both as a whole and in its individual parts. This specialization path has vertical form.

The growth of specialization of individual work in an organization is limited by the ability to coordinate it. This problem can be resolved if we start grouping similar works and their performers, i.e. begin to implement a certain organizational separation of performers of similar work. This process of organizational separation is called departmentalization.

In other words, departmentalization- this is the division of the entire organization into separate blocks, which can be called departments, divisions or sectors.

In an organization consisting of many parts, their activities must be coordinated in a certain way. This coordination is the basis of the organization’s structure, which is usually defined as a set of sustainable connections In the organisation.

Connection- This is an expression of a relationship, not some kind of action. Connections differ not in what is done within their framework, but in how coordination relations are implemented, which in turn is determined by what relationships underlie the connections. Through connections in the organization, coordination of roles and activities is carried out.

The most frequently analyzed pairs of links are:

    Vertical and horizontal;

    Linear and functional;

    Direct and indirect;

    Formal and informal.

Vertical connections connect hierarchical levels in the organization and its parts.

Horizontal connections- these are connections between two or more parts or members of an organization that are equal in position in the hierarchy or status.

Linear connections- this is a relationship in which the boss exercises his power rights and exercises direct leadership of his subordinates.

Nature functional connections(they are often called headquarters) - deliberative, and is implemented through these information support for coordination.

Direct connections characterized by direct relations between the leader and the subordinate.

Indirect connections usually limited to answering the “how” question, sometimes to the “when” question, and less often to the “where” or “who” questions.

Formal connections are the coordination links governed by the organization's established or accepted goals, policies and procedures.

At the core informal connections The relationships lie not between established positions, but between specific individuals.

When designing an organization, people and work are grouped according to some principle or based on some criterion. During grouping, there comes a stage when it is necessary to make a decision as to how many people or jobs directly can be effectively combined under a single leadership. There are two types scale (range) of controllability :

Narrow controllability scale characterized by a minimum number of subordinates per manager. As a result, the number of hierarchical levels increases in order to connect the lower echelons of the organization with the higher echelons.

Wide range of controllability has characteristics opposite to narrow: the maximum possible number of subordinates per manager and the minimum number of hierarchy levels.

Hierarchy in general terms means the arrangement of parts of a whole in order from highest to lowest, but for an organization it is simply a power structure, or linkage.

The number of levels in an organization is determined by the size of the organization, the tasks solved by this organization, as well as the specifics of its work. Regardless of the levels, leaders are divided into 3 categories, in terms of the functions they perform in the organization (Figure 8):

    Technical level– these are the persons involved in daily operations and activities for effective work without disruption;

    Management level– these are persons involved in management and organization, coordination of various forms of activities and efforts of various divisions of the organization;

    Institutional level- these are persons involved in developing long-term plans, formulating goals, and adapting the organization to various kinds of changes. Managing the relationship between the organization and the external environment.

A more simplified way of describing control levels is to highlight:

    Lower level managers;

    Middle managers;

    Senior managers.

    Senior managers.


senior management



middle management




Figure 8: Ways to represent levels of control

Lower level managers First-line managers, operational managers (foreman, foreman, shift supervisor) are the technical level of management located directly above workers or other non-managerial employees.

    Monitoring the implementation of production tasks;

    Continuous provision of information on the correctness of tasks;

    Responsibility for the direct use of resources.

frequent transitions from one task to another. The tasks are short, the implementation period is no more than 2 months. More than half of the time they are in communication with people (with subordinates, with colleagues, with senior management).

Middle managers (head of a workshop, head of a department, head of a department) coordinate the work of junior managers (operational managers) and control it. The link is quite significant in number, therefore it is divided into sublevels:

    Upper middle management;

    Lower middle management.

The functions of managers of this level include:

    Making decisions;

    Definition of the problem;

    Start of discussions;

    Development of innovative, creative proposals;

    Preparation of information for decision-making by senior management;

    Responsibility for the human factor;

    Responsibility for safety.

The work of managers at this level is characterized variety.

Senior managers (director, president, rector, minister) - this is the highest organizational level, which is much smaller than others. Even in the largest organizations, there are only one or two senior managers. Strong senior leaders imprint their personality on the entire image of the company.

The functions of managers of this level include:

    Responsibility for making important decisions for the organization as a whole and for its main parts.

The work of managers at this level is characterized because it does not have a clear conclusion, which causes an intense pace and a huge amount of work. The manager can never be sure of the successful completion of the matter, because... If the organization continues to operate and the external environment continues to change, there is a risk of failure. The working week of such a manager is 60-80 hours.

In management practice in organizations, two systems are used distribution of rights and responsibilities or powers by hierarchy levels (Figure 9).

First system built on the principle of unity of subordination (an employee must receive orders related to the work performed from only one superior), its scheme is somewhat similar to herringbone. This system is structured in such a way that the rights and responsibilities of a superior manager absorb only part of the rights and responsibilities of a subordinate manager.

Second system– system of double or multiple subordination ( "matryoshka") is structured in such a way that the rights and responsibilities of a superior manager completely absorb the rights and responsibilities of all subordinate managers.

4- Director

3- Head of workshop

2- Section Head

1- Brigadier

Herringbone system Matryoshka system

Figure 9: Distribution of rights and responsibilities in the organization

In a small organization, all decisions can be made by its leader. However, with an increase in the size of the organization, the scale and complexity of the work, a situation may arise when the manager will be overloaded with making decisions, even if this is all he will do.

Centralization - this is the concentration of decision-making rights, the concentration of power at the top level of the organization’s management.

Decentralization - this is the transfer or delegation of responsibility for a number of key decisions, and therefore the transfer of rights corresponding to this responsibility to the lower levels of management of the organization.

The concepts of “centralization” and “decentralization” are not mutually exclusive. They act only as different ways of solving the problem of distortion of information when moving it from level to level, ways of solving this problem through different degrees of distribution of rights and responsibilities along the “vertical” of management.

An important place in the design of an organization is occupied by the problem of establishing the required relationships between parts or divisions of the organization.

Differentiation means the division of work in an organization between its parts or divisions in such a way that each of the works receives a certain degree of completion within a given unit.

Integration refers to the level of cooperation that exists between parts of an organization to achieve their goals within the framework of the requirements imposed by the external environment.

The organization of workplaces at the enterprise must be carried out competently and correctly so that employees can perform their duties efficiently with the least amount of time.

The workplace is that part of the production area where a person performs his functions using the tools he needs for this. The equipment and design of the space he needs depends on a person’s activities and his responsibilities.

Characteristics of the chef's workplace

The reputation of food establishments largely depends on the work of the chef. In cafes and restaurants, with high-quality prepared and beautifully presented dishes, the number of visitors will only increase. In order for a chef to perform his duties well, he must have an efficiently equipped workplace.

Chef job evaluation

All work must be paid fairly. To do this, a job assessment is carried out, which determines the employee’s salary. Evaluated:

  • The complexity of the functions performed.
  • Personal responsibility in the workplace.
  • Having the necessary knowledge and skills for the job.

These three main criteria consist of many smaller items that are also assessed. It is important that the assessment of jobs does not have subjectivity, but occurs from an objective point of view.

Microclimate of the chef's working area

In order for a person to perform his duties efficiently, it is necessary to create decent working conditions for him. Microclimate is the main parameter that ensures a comfortable stay in the work area.

The organization of the chef's workplace should be carried out taking into account the principle of creating maximum comfort for the employee. If the cook experiences discomfort while performing his duties, then it is necessary to carry out a full range of technological, sanitary, and organizational measures to bring the microclimate of the room back to normal.


  • Adjust the ventilation system.
  • Insulate surfaces that emit thermal radiation.
  • Replace old equipment with modern ones.
  • Use collective protective equipment.

Using local exhaust

When cooking food, the air is saturated with its aromas, and if a lot of food is cooked, and often different foods, then a “mixed” smell is constantly present. At the same time, not only it appears in the air, but also oil particles, remaining water vapor, and soot. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide also mix with air.

These odors can be controlled by using a ventilation system for the space. It is quite difficult to assess the excess level of odors and gases, because a person who has been in such a room for some time has a dull sense of smell, which is why the assessment will be subjective.

To get rid of excess odors and improve the air, local hoods are installed in the kitchen. They will "intercept" the aromas above the stove and release them into the ventilation system. Hoods must be of high quality and powerful, then this will help cope with the problem of air purification in the kitchen.

High-quality equipment is the key to the establishment’s reputation

Organizing a chef's workplace implies the presence of the necessary attributes - tools. They are needed to cook food quickly and efficiently. Therefore, the tool must be of high quality, as well as easy to use and, ideally, perform several functions, that is, be multifunctional.

Food establishments must have professional equipment so that the cook can prepare food without any time delays. Such equipment will pay for itself by serving for many years without breaking down or requiring repairs.

The presence of multifunctional equipment will reduce the production stage to a minimum. However, the equipment present must be placed organically and not interfere with the cook's duties.

In the photo below the workplace is presented in this form.

Required work area

An optimally equipped chef's workplace includes a triangle, that is, three key positions: stove, sink and refrigerator. At the same time, everything should be placed conveniently and not too far from each other, so that the cook does not have to walk long distances when preparing food. However, it is not recommended to place it too close, since movements should not be constrained.

Chef work clothes

While at his workplace, the cook must be dressed in special changeable clothes, which are put on directly in production. This is done to prevent street dust, which is present on ordinary everyday clothing, from getting on food.

The sanitary clothing set consists of the following mandatory items:

  • Jacket.
  • Cap.
  • Apron.
  • Neck scarf.
  • Towel.
  • Pants or skirt.
  • Replaceable special shoes.

Organizing a chef's workplace includes the provision of high-quality work clothes. The chef's overalls follow modern trends. If previously a robe was a necessary attribute of the uniform, now trousers (or a skirt) and a jacket are used. This more “military” name characterizes the shirt’s features: stand-up collar, double-breasted fastener, reliefs with piping. The jacket may have various buttons that will add style; they may also have the establishment’s logo. The previously obligatory neckerchief, intended to wipe away sweat, is now present more as a complementary element of clothing design.

Since the cook is constantly exposed to steam and heat, the best shoe option is a clog made of genuine leather with an orthopedic insole. The use of such insoles will allow you to correctly distribute the load on your legs - they will get less tired.

Clothing must provide the necessary freedom of movement, while always being clean and ironed.

Rules for using work clothes

Storing and wearing spare clothes complies with the following rules:

  • Clothes should always be clean.
  • Pins cannot be used.
  • Changes of clothing should be stored separately from permanent ones.
  • Do not go outside in sanitary clothing.
  • Change when dirty.

At his workplace, the chef always looks neat, which only adds positive feedback to the establishment’s reputation.


Proper organization of the chef's workplace is the key to the success of the establishment. Because, being in comfortable conditions, the cook will be able to perform his duties efficiently and with pleasure. At the same time, its appearance must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards for work in production.

Stylish design, high-quality tools, equipment and their organic arrangement in the work area will make the cook’s work comfortable and productive.
