Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Managing the business career of municipal employees. Improving the system of managing the business career of employees. This work is devoted to the development of a model for managing the career growth of state and municipal employees.

  • 4. Borrowing foreign experience in public administration: mechanisms, problems and prospects.
  • 5. The evolution of the form of government in the Russian Federation and the problem of constitutional reform
  • 6. Forms of government: general overview, specifics of Russia
  • Additionally (on the issue of employment)
  • 54. The formation of the system of state administration in the Muscovite state in the 15-16 centuries. The influence of this historical stage of development on the features of the modern model of Russian statehood.
  • 55. The evolution of Russian statehood in the 17th century. The influence of this historical stage of development on the features of the modern model of Russian statehood.
  • 56. Formation and evolution of the control system of the Russian Empire in the 18th century. The influence of this historical stage of development on the features of the modern model of Russian statehood.
  • 57. Bourgeois reforms of the second half of the 19th century: role in the development of Russian statehood
  • 58. Features of the Soviet system of recruiting managerial personnel, and its impact on the crisis and the collapse of the USSR.
  • 59. The influence of the features of the historical development of Russian statehood on the modern model of public administration
  • 60. Problems of training and retraining of personnel for public authorities and local self-government.
  • 61. Organization of work to comply with the requirements for official behavior and the settlement of conflicts of interest in public authorities.
  • 62. The problem of creating objective and transparent mechanisms for the competitive selection of candidates for the state (municipal) service.
  • 63. Business assessment of the activities of state (municipal) employees.
  • 64. Management by results: improving the system of motivation and incentives for civil servants, taking into account the effectiveness of their work.
  • 65. Formation of a personnel reserve and a reserve of managerial personnel in public authorities. Reserve efficiency.
  • 66. Career management of state (municipal) employees.
  • 67. Personnel policy and mechanisms for its implementation.
  • 68. The concept of an electronic document. Problems of using electronic documents in the activities of state authorities and local governments.
  • 69. Structure, principles of organization, directions of reforming the budgetary system of Russia.
  • 70.Content, principles of organization and innovations in the reform of interbudgetary relations in the Russian Federation.
  • Additionally
  • 71. Forms of financial support for the provision of state and municipal services.
  • 72. Tax powers of public law entities; elements; anchoring criteria; reform innovations.
  • 73. The main directions and instruments of state regional policy in modern Russia
  • 74. Problem regions: concept, types and mechanisms of rehabilitation
  • 75. Strategic priorities for regional socio-economic development
  • 76. The role of organizational culture in the functioning and development of state and municipal bodies
  • 77. Management by results in state and municipal organizations. Basic elements and problems of implementation.
  • 78. The main problems of documentary support of public administration, the practice of their solution.
  • 79. Types of decisions in executive government bodies and technologies for their development
  • 80. Strategic plans of municipalities: composition and role
  • 81. Program-target planning in state and municipal government
  • 82. The effectiveness of the activities of public authorities and local self-government. Regulatory Framework, Criteria and Assessment Practices
  • 83. The administration of the municipality as an organization: mission, resources, organizational management structures, performance results.
  • 84. Features of nepotism in Russian public administration.
  • 85. State and municipal socio-economic programs.
  • 86. Prospects and problems of Russia's accession to the WTO. Opportunities and threats for the Russian Federation associated with accession to the WTO.
  • 87. State policy in the field of defense: problems and prospects.
  • 88. Prospects for constitutional reform in modern Russia.
  • 89. Reforming the Russian bureaucracy: legal basis, implementation, problems.
  • 90. The main problems of pr in the system of activities of public authorities and local self-government. Perspectives for their resolution.
  • 66. Career management of state (municipal) employees.

    The main element in managing a GE's career is career development.

    Career development refers to the actions that an employee takes to implement his plan. Planning and managing career development requires additional efforts from the employee and from the authority, including:

    Providing the employee with opportunities for professional growth, ensuring a higher standard of living;

    A clearer definition of the employee's personal professional prospects;

    Possibility of purposeful preparation for future professional activity;

    Increasing the competitiveness of an employee in the labor market.

    The primary responsibility for planning and developing one's own career lies with the employee. The head of the authority and management acts as a mentor or sponsor of the employee. His support is necessary for the successful development of a career, since he manages the resources, manages the process of organizing all the activities of the workforce. The personnel department, personnel management services play the role of consultants and organizers of the career development process for employees. They seek to solve two main problems:

    To form the interest of employees in career development;

    Give them the tools to start managing their own careers.

    The next step is to develop a career development plan.

    A career plan is a document that presents a variant of professional development and promotion of a civil servant in an organization. The plan usually includes the stages of professional development of a civil servant and the names of positions where internships and temporary positions can be held, as well as the appointment and the necessary professional development activities for this.

    Necessary strictly implement the entire set of tools that ensure the successful implementation of the plan:

    The most important prerequisite for career advancement is the successful performance of official duties; cases of promotion of employees who do not cope with their duties are extremely rare;

    The employee must not only use all available means of professional development, but also demonstrate newly acquired skills, knowledge, and maturity;

    The implementation of a career development plan depends to a large extent on an effective partnership with the manager;

    For the successful promotion of an employee, the organization must be aware of his achievements and opportunities.

    67. Personnel policy and mechanisms for its implementation.

    Personnel policy- the strategic task that industrialized countries set themselves is to create conditions that are attractive to thinking, talented, professionally trained people. It is they who currently determine and will determine the solution of key problems in the high-tech economy, science, social sphere, and national security.

    State Personnel Policy (GKP) is to determine a strategy for working with personnel at the national level, the purpose of which is the formation, development and rational use of the country's labor resources.

    Implementation mechanisms state personnel policy is its instrumental and functional component, a complex social system designed to transform conceptual, theoretical ideas into real practice in the formation, development and ensuring the demand for human resources in society.

    As basic implementation mechanisms state personnel policy are:

    Regulatory and legal (by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the Federal Public Service were approved, the Council on Personnel Policy under the President of the Russian Federation, the Council on Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation were created.);

    Organizational (Organizational support for the implementation of the GKP also includes the use of modern domestic and foreign technologies for working with personnel, strengthening control over the activities of officials by constitutional authorities at all levels and direct democracy.);

    Scientific and informational (Development of the scientific basis and categorical apparatus of the GKP should be based on a system of indicators (indicators) of the human resources potential of the country, regions, federal and regional structures, technologies for predicting personnel changes.);

    Educational and methodological (should include all parts of training and retraining of personnel, improving their qualifications.).


    1. One of the main problems is that serious socio-economic changes in our country have led to the restructuring of not only the economic foundations of society, but also the value-semantic sphere, political thinking, etc. The views on labor collectives, the values ​​of life and work, life prospects, etc. have changed. Therefore, those value principles that served as guidelines in the formation of personnel policy in past years are being reviewed and supplemented.

    2. in the discrepancy between the demand of citizens for the freedom to choose their activities and the growing needs of employers and society in certain types of work.

    3. determination of the main goals and priority areas in the work with personnel.

    4. the problem of assessing the effectiveness of personnel policy, monitoring and analysis of the relations that are formed in society between the subjects and objects of personnel policy at all levels of its implementation.


    Professionalism is not only the development of abilities, but also deep knowledge of one's type of activity, non-standard thinking, strong and stable motivational charge for the implementation of specific activities and the achievement of high results in it.

    What is a career? What do you want to become? What do you want from life? Find your niche and stay there? Or keep growing? What do you prefer - to live and build a career, or just live for your own pleasure and not build anything? One excludes the other.

    In any case, you need to be clear about what you really want. Those who believe that you can just live and build a career on its own are deeply mistaken. If a person wants to make a career, he must do it all the time, all his life, starting from school, because a career is, first of all, self-realization. Although, on the other hand, if state and municipal employees work 10-15 hours a day, then this signals that employees are doing something wrong, you are placing the emphasis in your activities incorrectly, you are not able to delegate part of the load to others.

    For one person, success is the personification of power, for others, the concept of success includes money. Much money. For others, success and fame go hand in hand in life. Sometimes success requires a combination of several components, such as money and fame or power and money.

    In light of this, the term "career" has acquired a more significant meaning, a clearer outline. Russian employees have learned that the process of career advancement is subject to study, forecasting, and management. Opportunity to "make" a career has opened up.

    This work is devoted to the development of a model for managing the career growth of state and municipal employees.

    It deals with issues related to the problems of organization and career management; contains an overview of methods for managing the career of a state and municipal employee.

    The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the need to improve the process of managing the career of state and municipal employees, and therefore the new requirements that the system of state bodies, and the main executive power put forward to their employees and which must be met.

    The object of the study is the system of personnel motivation in state and municipal authorities.

    The subject of the research is the planning and management of the business career of state and municipal employees.

    The purpose of the work is to develop proposals for planning and managing the career growth of state and municipal employees.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    study the literature on this topic;

    analyze the legislative framework for the professional development of state and municipal employees;

    prepare proposals for planning and managing a business career.

    Chapter 1. Business career, its stages and types

    1.1 Career definition

    In a general sense, a career is the promotion of a person through the steps of a production, property, social, administrative or other hierarchy. Career (from the French cariera) is defined as the successful advancement in a particular field.

    The nature, type and pace of a career are determined by the prevailing social relations, the objective opportunities provided by society for its implementation, the circumstances of the life of a particular individual, his personal abilities, purposefulness, marital status, state of health. Career implies the existence of mechanisms for social selection of the most capable people in the areas of education, training and advanced training in labor, socio-political, scientific activities.

    Only in the last few years, the topic of career has gained wide popularity among Russian scientists and practitioners, which is caused by the reform of all the main areas of our society, the formation of a market economy, which entailed a change in attitude towards many processes and phenomena that have so far remained out of sight due to their negative perception or low level of relevance. What was previously considered a deviation from the norm, a product of bourgeois society, capitalism, was identified with careerism, which is only an insignificant, and besides, deviant manifestation of a career, today it is elevated to the rank of an important indicator of human development in the system of social structure, an essential factor and condition for improvement. socio-psychological climate, increasing labor productivity in the organization of its competitiveness.

    Recently, a large number of researchers in various fields of activity have turned to career issues and have given rise to many definitions of the concept of "career".

    Career is a dynamic phenomenon, that is, a constantly changing and developing process. A career can be viewed in both a narrow and a broad sense. In a broad sense, the concept of "career" is defined as "the general sequence of stages of human development in the main areas of life (family labor leisure)". A career is not only promotion. You can talk about the career of housewives, mothers, students.

    Career is:

    1) individually conscious position of a person's behavior associated with his work experience and activities throughout his working life;

    2) the actual sequence of steps occupied (positions, jobs, positions) in the team.

    In a narrow sense, a career is associated with a person's work activity, with his professional life. Career is understood as purposeful official and professional growth, "progressive promotion through the ranks, changes in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the employee's activities." All this has to do with the organizational aspect of a career.

    The personal aspect involves the consideration of this phenomenon from the position of a person of personality, reveals the features of the vision of a career by its leader. Related to this is the expression by the individual of a subjective assessment (self-assessment) of the nature of the course of his career process, the intermediate results of the development of his career, personal feelings that are born on this occasion. "Career is an employee's subjectively conscious own judgments about his labor future, the expected ways of self-expression and job satisfaction", it is "an individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout a person's working life."

    Finally, we can single out the social aspect, ideas about a career from the point of view of society. Firstly, these are career routes worked out in the process of development of society, “beaten” paths to achieve certain heights (success) in one or another area of ​​professional activity, in one or another area of ​​public life. Secondly, these are well-established ideas about the nature of movement along these paths, associated with speed, swiftness, the trajectory of a career, the degree of its take-off, and the methods used. These developed general schemes for moving towards success, as well as the specifics of their implementation in life, influence society's assessment of the private careers of individuals, acting as a kind of benchmark for comparison.

    1.2 Stages of a business career

    At different stages of a career, a person satisfies different needs:

    The preliminary stage includes studying at school, secondary and higher education lasts up to 25 years. During this period, a person can change several different jobs in search of a type of activity that satisfies the needs and meets its capabilities. If he immediately finds this type of activity, the process of self-affirmation of his personality begins, he takes care of the safety of existence.

    Then comes the stage of formation, which lasts about five years from 25 to 30 years. During this period, the employee masters the chosen profession, acquires the necessary skills, his qualifications are formed, self-assertion takes place and there is a need to establish independence. He continues to be concerned about the safety of existence, concern for health. Usually at this age, families are created and formed, so there is a desire to receive wages, the level of which would be higher than the subsistence level.

    The promotion stage usually lasts from 30 to 45 years. During this period, there is a process of growth in qualifications, the employee moves up the career ladder. A wealth of practical experience is being accumulated, skills are being acquired, the need for self-affirmation, achieving a higher status and even greater independence is growing, the employee's self-expression as a person begins. During this period, much less attention is paid to meeting the need for security, the worker's efforts are focused on issues related to increasing wages and health care.

    The conservation stage is characterized by actions to consolidate the results achieved and lasts from 45 to 60 years. There comes a peak in the improvement of qualifications and there is an increase in it as a result of vigorous activity and special training. The employee is interested in transferring his knowledge to young people. This period is characterized by creative self-expression, it is possible to rise to new service levels. A person reaches the heights of independence and self-expression. There is a well-deserved respect for oneself, for others who have reached their position through honest work, and for oneself from others. Although many of the needs of the employee during this period are satisfied, he continues to be interested in the level of remuneration, there is an increasing interest in other sources of income (for example, participation in profits, capital of his own and other organizations, purchase of shares, bonds).

    The completion stage lasts from 60 to 65 years. The employee begins to prepare for retirement. During this period, there is an active search for a worthy replacement and training of a candidate for a vacant position. Although this period is characterized by a career crisis (the employee receives less satisfaction from work and experiences a state of psychological and physiological discomfort), self-expression and respect for oneself and other similar people from his environment reach the highest point of the entire career period. The employee is interested in maintaining the level of wages. But seeks to increase other sources of income that would replace wages at retirement and would be a good addition to retirement benefits.

    At the last retirement stage, the career in this organization (type of activity) is completed. There is an opportunity for self-expression in other types of activities that were impossible during the period of work in the organization or acted as a hobby (painting, gardening, work in public organizations, etc.). Respect for oneself and fellow retirees stabilizes. But financial and health conditions can make you constantly worry about other sources of income and health.

    In order to manage a career, a more complete description of what happens to people at various stages of a career is required.

    Any person plans his future, based on his needs and taking into account the prevailing socio-economic conditions. It is not surprising that he wants to have detailed information about his career prospects and professional development opportunities in this organization, as well as the conditions that he must fulfill for this. Otherwise, the motivation of behavior becomes weak, the person does not work at full strength, does not strive to improve his skills and considers the organization as a place where you can wait for some time before moving on to a new, more promising job.

    When applying for a job, a person sets certain goals for himself, but since the organization, hiring him, also sets certain goals, the hired person needs to be able to realistically assess his business qualities. He must be able to correlate his business qualities with the requirements that the organization, his work puts before him. The success of his entire career depends on this.

    When applying for a job, a person must know the labor market. Without knowing the labor market, he may make the wrong choice of work. And then the search for a new job begins.

    1.3 Career types

    The diversity and complexity of the career phenomenon is also reflected in the diversity of its types, the variety of approaches to its typology. For the classification of career types, many different bases, features, and criteria can be distinguished. According to the environment of consideration, a career is traditionally divided into professional and intraorganizational.

    A professional career is characterized by the fact that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through various stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support for individual abilities, and finally retirement. A particular employee can go through these stages sequentially in different organizations.

    Along with a professional career, an intra-organizational career should be distinguished. It covers the successive change of stages of development of an employee within the same organization.

    Intraorganizational career is realized in three main directions:

    A career in power is associated either with the formal growth of influence in the organization by moving up the management hierarchy, or with the growth of the informal authority of the employee in the organization.

    A qualifying career involves professional growth, movement through the categories of the tariff scale of a particular profession.

    A status career is an increase in the status of an employee in an organization, expressed either by the assignment of the next rank for length of service, or an honorary title for an outstanding contribution to the development of the company.

    A monetary career is an increase in the level of remuneration of an employee, namely: the level of remuneration, the volume and quality of social benefits provided to him.

    As the basis for classification, the characteristics of the course of the career development process can be used.

    According to the nature of the flow, linear and non-linear types of career are distinguished. With the linear type, development occurs evenly and continuously, while the non-linear type characterizes the movement, which is carried out by jumps or breakthroughs. As a special case of these types, stagnation (stagnation, dead end) is distinguished, the stage of the absence of any significant changes in a career.

    According to the degree of stability, continuity, the division of a career into stable and unstable, intermittent and continuous, respectively, is justified.

    If possible, a career is divided into potential (personally built by a person working life path based on his plans, needs, abilities, goals) and real (what has been achieved over a certain period of time)

    According to the speed, the sequence of passing the steps of the career ladder, there are high-speed, normal super-adventurous, adventurous, typical, sequential-crisis and other types of career.

    In addition, career typology can be applied on the basis of belonging to a certain branch of professional activity, a certain profession. For example, the career of state and municipal employees, the career of a teacher, a lawyer, etc.

    The career of state and municipal employees in the light of the above is the most difficult type of career.

    Firstly, it covers all the listed types of career process, incorporates all the properties. Inherent in a career in general. It can be expressed both in the promotion of the service along the hierarchy levels, and in the improvement of its professionalism when employees move along the functional links of the organizational structure.

    Secondly, the very profession "civil servant" or "municipal employee", meaning the type of leader focused on activities in a market economy, is a complex education, in order to master it, you must have the most highly organized of personal qualities and abilities, have the most complex of practical skills, and all this has a great influence on the characteristics of a career in this professional activity

    Thirdly, being an important figure in the organization, the employee with his professional growth largely determines the growth of the organization as a whole, and the characteristics of the organization are largely interdependent on the characteristics of the personality of the employee, which also leaves a strong imprint on the nature of the career. As guides to the life of programs to achieve the goals of the organization, responsible for the success of their implementation, state and municipal employees, in fact, personify the organization itself, being carriers of its culture and image.

    Fourthly, a state or municipal employee, being to a greater or lesser extent (everything depends on his position in the hierarchy) being both the creator and the consumer of the career movement system. He creates a social context, the meaning of work within the organization and for subordinates and for himself.

    Thus, the career of a state and municipal employee as a subject of research is a complex, complex, multifaceted phenomenon, and for the most complete, adequate study of it, it is necessary to rely on the listed principles, rules and requirements for the implementation of career research in general, taking into account the peculiarities of the career of employees in particular.

    Chapter 2. Legislative framework for the professional development of state and municipal employees

    2.1 Professional development of municipal employees

    One of the main laws relating to municipal employees is the Federal Law "On municipal service in the Russian Federation" (dated March 2, 2007 No. 25-FZ).

    In this law, the subject of regulation are relations related to the entry into the municipal service of citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of foreign states - parties to international treaties of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which foreign citizens have the right to be in the municipal service, the passage and termination of municipal service, as well as with determination of the legal status of municipal employees.

    The impetus for the creation of this regulatory legal act (see above) was preceded by the Federal Law "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation" (dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ), in which, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it establishes general legal, territorial, organizational and economic principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation, determines the state guarantees for its implementation.

    In order to improve professional training, it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of training, retraining and advanced training programs, to revise the content of training courses and programs in order to make them more practical. Determining the elements necessary for the training of state and municipal employees, in addition to those that they have in basic education. Certification of a municipal employee replacing a municipal position of a municipal service should be carried out in order to improve the activities of local governments, improve the selection and placement of personnel, assess the professional, business and personal qualities of municipal employees and the compliance with the municipal position being occupied, stimulate the growth of qualifications and promotion, assignment qualification grades.

    Attestation of municipal employees holding positions in local self-government bodies is carried out at least once every 4 years by an attestation commission in the manner prescribed by a regulatory act of a local self-government body.

    Certification is carried out in three stages:

    1) pre-certification period;

    It lasts about one month. At this stage, an attestation commission is formed, specific dates for the attestation are determined, lists of municipal employees subject to attestation are compiled, a schedule for attestation is approved, and attestation sheets are prepared.

    2) certification;

    Municipal employees are certified at a meeting of the certification commission, which includes the chairman of the commission, co-chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission, as well as the head of the relevant local government body (or his deputy), representatives of the personnel and legal services of the local government body. Certification is carried out at a strictly appointed time in the presence of a municipal employee and the immediate head of the unit in which the person being certified works. The certification commission is presented with a certification sheet, a review of the head and a sheet for an analytical assessment of the professional qualities of a municipal employee, as well as a certification sheet with the data of the previous certification. Evaluation of the performance of a municipal employee is based on his compliance with the qualification requirements for the position being replaced, determining his participation in solving the tasks assigned to the relevant unit, the complexity of the work performed, and its effectiveness.

    As a result of attestation, a municipal employee is given one of the following assessments:

    corresponds to the position held;

    corresponds to the occupied state position of the municipal service, subject to the implementation of the recommendations of the attestation commission on his official activities;

    does not match the position.

    The results of the attestation are recorded in the attestation sheet, which is signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission;

    3) post-certification period.

    The results of the attestation are reported to the head of the local self-government body, who, taking into account the assessments and recommendations of the attestation commission, must decide:

    about promotion;

    on the assignment of a qualification category;

    about changing the allowance for special conditions of service;

    on inclusion in the reserve for promotion to a higher position;

    about demotion;

    on direction for advanced training, retraining;

    on dismissal from office.

    As a result, after certification or passing the qualification exam, municipal employees are assigned qualification categories. Qualification categories, the procedure for their assignment and retention upon transfer or admission of municipal employees to other municipal positions of the municipal service or state positions of the public service of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as upon dismissal of municipal employees from the municipal service, are established by the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws.

    2.2 Professional development of civil servants

    The presented federal law, Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" No. 79-FZ dated July 27, 2004, became the subject of regulation of which are relations related to entering the state civil service, its passage and termination, as well as determining the legal status (status ) of a public civil servant is of great importance. It is the public civil service as a type of public service, in the light of the reform of the public service, that requires each employee to rethink his place and role in the district management system, make managerial decisions, provide public services to citizens and organizations, and indicators of the effectiveness and efficiency of the professional performance of each employee.

    The implementation of the law, in conjunction with the program of reforming the civil service, requires us to have such an organization of state administration, which should be assessed by the individual, household, and business as effective and efficient.

    All this together requires us to have a new vision and understanding of the state civil service, capable of ensuring the reform of the civil service of the district, administrative reform, and reform of local self-government.

    The professional service activities of a civil servant are carried out in accordance with the official regulations, the official regulations are an integral part of the administrative regulations of the state body.

    The job regulations include: qualification requirements for the level and nature of knowledge and skills for a civil servant who replaces the corresponding civil service position. And also to education, length of service in the civil service (public service of other types) or length of service (experience) in the specialty. Official duties, rights and liability of a civil servant for failure to perform (improper performance) of official duties are also included in the regulations.

    The tasks and functions of the structural unit of the state body and the functional features of the position of the civil service occupied in it; a list of issues on which a civil servant is entitled or obliged to independently make managerial and other decisions. A list of issues on which a civil servant is entitled or obliged to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions.

    Terms and procedures for the preparation, consideration of draft management and other decisions, the procedure for agreeing and adopting these decisions; the procedure for official interaction of a civil servant in connection with the performance of his official duties with civil servants of the same state body, civil servants of other state bodies, other citizens, as well as with organizations; a list of public services provided to citizens and organizations in accordance with the administrative regulations of the state body; indicators of the effectiveness and efficiency of the professional performance of a civil servant.

    The provisions of the official regulations are taken into account when carrying out:

    competition for a vacant position in the civil service;


    qualification exam;

    planning the professional performance of a civil servant.

    The results of the execution of official regulations by civil servants are taken into account:

    when holding a competition for filling a vacant civil service position or including a civil servant in the personnel reserve;

    assessment of his professional performance during certification, qualification exam or promotion of a civil servant. Exemplary job regulations are approved by the relevant public service management body.

    Certification of a civil servant is carried out in order to determine his compliance with the civil service position to be occupied. When carrying out certification, the immediate supervisor of a civil servant shall submit a reasoned review on the performance by a civil servant of official duties for the certification period.

    The reasoned response is accompanied by information on the assignments performed by the civil servant during the attestation period and the draft documents prepared by him, contained in the annual reports on the professional performance of the civil servant, and, if necessary, an explanatory note by the civil servant on the recall of the immediate supervisor.

    Certification is not subject to civil servants who replace civil service positions of the categories "heads" and "assistants (advisers)", if a fixed-term service contract is concluded with the indicated civil servants.

    Certification of a civil servant is carried out once every three years. Earlier than the period specified in paragraph 4 of this article, an extraordinary certification of a civil servant may be carried out after a decision is made in the prescribed manner.

    On the reduction of civil service positions in a state body; on changing the conditions of remuneration of civil servants.

    By agreement of the parties to the service contract, taking into account the results of the annual report on the professional performance of a civil servant, an extraordinary attestation of a civil servant may also be carried out.

    When carrying out certification, the observance by civil servants of restrictions, the absence of violations of prohibitions, the fulfillment of the requirements for official conduct and obligations established by this Federal Law are taken into account.

    A civil servant who is on maternity leave or parental leave until he reaches the age of three years shall be certified not earlier than one year after leaving the leave.

    For the certification of civil servants, a certification commission is formed by a legal act of a state body.

    The composition of the certification committee includes:

    a representative of the employer and (or) civil servants authorized by him (including from the division for public service and personnel, the legal (legal) division and the division in which the civil servant subject to certification replaces the position of the civil service),

    a representative of the relevant civil service management body, as well as representatives of scientific and educational institutions, other organizations invited by the civil service management body at the request of the employer's representative as independent experts - specialists on issues related to the civil service, without specifying the personal data of experts.

    The number of independent experts must be at least one quarter of the total number of members of the attestation commission.

    The composition of the certification commission for the certification of civil servants replacing civil service positions, the performance of official duties for which is associated with the use of information constituting a state secret, is formed taking into account the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

    The composition of the attestation commission is formed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of conflicts of interest that could affect the decisions made by the attestation commission.

    For the period of attestation of a civil servant who is a member of the attestation commission, his membership in this commission is suspended.

    In the event that a civil servant fails to appear for attestation without good reason or the civil servant refuses to be attested, the civil servant is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with Article 56 of this Federal Law, and the attestation is postponed.

    Based on the results of the certification of a civil servant, the certification commission makes one of the following decisions:

    corresponds to the civil service position to be replaced;

    corresponds to the position to be filled in the civil service and is recommended for inclusion in the established manner in the personnel reserve for filling a vacant position in the civil service in the order of promotion;

    corresponds to the position to be occupied in the civil service, subject to successful completion of professional retraining or advanced training;

    does not correspond to the replaced position of the civil service.

    Within one month after the certification, based on its results, a legal act of the state body is issued stating that the civil servant:

    1. To be included in the established order in the personnel reserve to fill a vacant position in the civil service in the order of promotion;

    3. Demotion in the civil service.

    If a civil servant refuses from professional retraining, advanced training or transfer to another position in the civil service, the representative of the employer has the right to release the civil servant from the position to be replaced and dismiss him from the civil service in accordance with this Federal Law.

    A civil servant has the right to appeal the results of certification in accordance with this Federal Law.

    In order to improve the professional training of civil servants, it is necessary to conduct a qualification examination.

    The qualification exam is taken by civil servants who fill civil service positions of the "specialists" and "providing specialists" categories without limitation of the term of office, and in cases determined by the President of the Russian Federation - civil service positions of the "leaders" category.

    A qualification exam is held when deciding on the assignment of a civil service class rank to a civil servant in a civil service position to be substituted as necessary, but not more than once a year and not less than once every three years.

    Earlier than the deadline specified in paragraph 2 of this article, an extraordinary qualification exam may be held at the initiative of a civil servant no later than three months after the date of submission of a written application for the assignment of a civil service class rank.

    The qualification exam is conducted in the prescribed form in order to assess the knowledge, skills and abilities (professional level) of a civil servant by a competitive or attestation commission.

    A civil servant has the right to appeal the results of the qualification exam in accordance with this Federal Law.

    The regulation on the procedure for passing a qualification exam by a civil servant of the Russian Federation and the procedure for assessing his knowledge, skills and abilities (professional level) is approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

    In accordance with the Federal Program of State Support for Local Self-Government, the creation of a system for training civil servants is a nationwide task. In this regard, it is expedient to legislatively provide for the inclusion in the local budget of the cost of training for the professional training of personnel for the civil service.

    Professional training of personnel for the civil service is carried out in educational institutions of higher professional and secondary professional education in accordance with federal law.

    The conclusion of an agreement for training between a state body and a citizen with the obligation to subsequently pass the civil service after graduation within a certain period is carried out on a competitive basis in the manner established, respectively, by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of this agreement, as well as by agreement of the educational institution of vocational education with the state body, practice and internships for students are carried out in this state body.

    The coordination of personnel training for the civil service is carried out by the relevant public service management body.

    In order for the head of the highest and middle rank in the system of state and municipal service to learn to think correctly and reason reasonably, courses in logic and even philosophy, penetration into the deep principles of law, economics, psychology, etc. are necessary.

    Professional retraining is also useful for narrowly focused training, and in this regard, the main task is to select students when forming groups according to the nature of the activity (close or interacting), and the curriculum should provide for the study of practical experience - i.e. introduction of an internship system.

    Additional professional education of a civil servant includes professional retraining, advanced training and internships.

    An internship is both an independent type of additional professional education for a civil servant, and a part of his professional retraining or advanced training.

    Professional retraining, advanced training and internship of a civil servant are carried out during the entire period of his civil service.

    The grounds for sending a civil servant for professional retraining, advanced training or internship are:

    1) appointment of a civil servant to another civil service position in the order of promotion on a competitive basis;

    2) the inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve on a competitive basis;

    3) the results of attestation of a civil servant.

    The advanced training of a civil servant is carried out as necessary, but at least once every three years of a civil servant.

    Professional retraining and advanced training of a civil servant is carried out in state-accredited educational institutions of higher professional and secondary professional education.

    The internship of a civil servant is carried out directly in state bodies and other organizations.

    A civil servant may also receive additional professional education outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Professional retraining, advanced training and internship of a civil servant are carried out with a break, with a partial break or without a break from the civil service.

    The type, form and duration of additional professional education are established by the representative of the employer, depending on the group and category of the civil service position occupied by a civil servant, in the manner determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

    The passage of professional retraining, advanced training or internship by a civil servant is confirmed by the relevant document of the state standard and is the primary reason for including a civil servant in the personnel reserve on a competitive basis or continuing to fill civil service positions with a civil servant.

    A civil servant undergoing professional retraining, advanced training or internship is provided with conditions for mastering an educational program of additional professional education by a representative of the employer, an educational institution of vocational education, a state body or other organization.

    Employee development is not an end in itself. It makes no sense to develop staff if employees do not have the opportunity to realize their increased abilities. It must be remembered that abilities are likely to be put into practice only when there are real opportunities for this. Each program for the development of human resources of the state and municipal service, including the development of abilities and changes in activities and needs, should be focused on a measurable improvement in specific performance indicators of the organization. No change can be made unless it is clear that it will bring about an improvement, a shift that will make the activity more efficient, more purposeful, more satisfying to those involved.

    Personnel development issues cannot be resolved at the amateur level, as has been done so far. These issues need to be approached strictly professionally. Until managers recognize the need for knowledge in the field of professional development of personnel, they will continue to face both economic problems and psychological difficulties, and often cause them unintentionally.

    In order to move forward, it is necessary to give the heads of state and municipal services knowledge about the possibilities of increasing the value of human capital in their unit, organization, to form their skills of effective cooperation with HR managers in the field of personnel development.

    The development of the federal civil service and the civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is ensured, respectively, by federal programs for the development of the federal civil service and programs for the development of the civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    In order to improve the efficiency of the activities of the apparatuses (central offices) of federal state bodies and the apparatuses of state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the professional performance of civil servants in a separate state body or in its independent structural unit, experiments can be carried out within the framework of the relevant programs for the development of the civil service.

    The procedure, conditions and terms for conducting the experiment within the framework of the relevant programs for the development of the civil service are established:

    1) in a separate federal state body or in its independent structural subdivision or in its territorial body by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation;

    2) in a separate state body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or in its independent structural unit by law or other regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    Chapter 3

    3.1 Planning

    The main task of career planning and implementation is to ensure the interaction of professional and intra-organizational careers. This interaction involves the implementation of a number of tasks, namely: achieving the relationship between the goals of the organization and the individual employee; ensuring that career planning is focused on a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs and situations; ensuring the openness of the career management process; elimination of "career dead ends", in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development; improving the quality of the career planning process; formation of visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions; studying the career potential of employees; providing a reasonable assessment of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations; determination of career paths, the use of which will satisfy the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel at the right time and in the right place.

    Planning and control of the business career of state and municipal employees lies in the fact that from the moment an employee is accepted into the service and until the proposed dismissal, it is necessary to organize a systematic horizontal and vertical promotion of employees through the system of positions or jobs. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

    3.2 Career development

    Career development refers to the actions that an employee takes to implement his plan.

    Planning and managing career development requires additional efforts from the employee and from the authority, including:

    providing the employee with opportunities for professional growth, ensuring a higher standard of living;

    a clearer definition of the employee's personal professional prospects;

    the possibility of purposeful preparation for future professional activities;

    increasing the competitiveness of the employee in the labor market.

    The primary responsibility for planning and developing one's own career lies with the employee. The head of the authority and management acts as a mentor or sponsor of the employee. His support is necessary for successful career development, since he manages the resources, manages the process of organizing all the activities of the workforce. The personnel management services play the role of consultants and organizers of the career development process of employees. They seek to form the interest of employees in career development.

    Employee self-organization plays an important role in career management.

    For successful career development, not only the successful work of management bodies is important, but also the personal initiative of the employee. Knowing your interests, your abilities and capabilities is the starting point in a career.

    A survey conducted in the Administration of the urban-type settlement Igrim revealed the reasons that hinder the effective management of the career of state and municipal employees:

    1. The absence of a targeted policy of strategic and tactical planning for career growth.

    2. Lack of a career management information support system, including data from internal and external marketing research:

    insufficient funding for advanced training of state and municipal employees;

    insufficient use of methods of active training of state and municipal employees, especially young professionals.

    These factors hinder the development of state and municipal employees, slow down professional growth, and lead to their creative and intellectual "wear and tear".

    The priority measures to improve the management system for the career growth of state and municipal employees include:

    delegation of authority in the career development of state and municipal employees;

    personnel service - through the implementation of internal marketing of quantitative and qualitative indicators of changes in their professional activities; - through the definition of areas for advanced training for each of them, tracking professional growth after training; - through marketing of the external environment, determination of career prospects for state and municipal employees;

    training of executives in the ways and forms of development, ensuring the career growth of state and municipal employees;

    stimulating the initiatives of state and municipal employees, providing them with the opportunity to improve their skills in various forms;

    introduction to the staff list of the position of a personnel development specialist with the development of his functional duties, forms of communication with all structural divisions, without replacing their activities.

    Chapter 4. Suggestions for Business Career Management

    4.1 Strategic development plan

    By strategy, we mean an important goal-setting for a period of three years or more. Accordingly, a career strategy is a constructive answer to the question "Who to be?", related to rather long planning periods.

    Career strategy is dynamic because it is influenced by many different factors, mainly the market, the changing conditions of which have a great influence on professional preferences and final career goals.

    The prestige of various professions passes the test of time and does not always stand it.

    The accuracy of the forecast and trends in the development of the labor market directly affects the success of a particular career strategy. In fact, over the past 20 years there has been a change in the socio-economic formation - from a planned non-market socialist to a developing near-market one - the current one. Specialists of various professions are faced with the need for serious changes in the usual methods and ways of ensuring their lifestyle, and then with the need for a complete change. People who were in the most active professional age - from 25 to 45 years old, were forced, in the course of the development of an unpredictable political and market situation, to adapt their knowledge, skills, and habits to new needs.

    Survived, as successful professionals, those who most quickly managed to develop new professional qualities and stopped clinging to the usual norms and stereotypes of earning income. According to various estimates, of these two "lost" generations, no more than 20% of people found themselves worthy in their new professional life. Most of them, unfortunately, "did not have time" for the outgoing train of changes. An interesting phenomenon - the most successful were the so-called "triples", that is, those specialists whose knowledge of the subject area was so superficial that it did not burden them with long conservative torments about the need to change their profession.

    As a result, those who counted primarily on themselves were realized professionally. Each of those born can describe various life experiments and name several specialties, including the most exotic ones, that have had to be acquired in the past 20 years.

    Therefore, when building a career strategy, it is important to decide on the following points:

    how much the chosen professional specialization is in demand in the labor market (the level of competition among representatives of this profession);

    to what extent the chosen profession is conjuncture stable;

    what other career paths of the specialty are adjacent to this profession;

    what job position is the limit of the development of this specialization;

    how much the chosen profession depends on a specific regional market (whether the chosen specialty is international or a product of some region).

    If there are answers to these questions, and they allow us to conclude that the desired specialization will allow adequate self-realization, it's time to start setting goals, building their hierarchy and operational planning.

    4.2 Operational career development plan

    It's better to have a bad plan than not to have any. Therefore, despite the large number of random factors, it is worth trying to identify the main desired goals and outline a sequence of actions to achieve them.

    At the planning stage, it was more correct to consider the process of building one's career not as a continuous action that continues throughout one's life, but as a sequence of projects, that is, actions with a certain result, limited in time and resource. This will facilitate the development of concrete steps to translate career ideas into reality.

    As we have already noted, it is difficult at the very beginning of your professional path to decide once and for all how to choose a specific career.

    The division of all career guidance activities and the implementation of this orientation into reality into a series of projects can significantly reduce the planning horizon, specify goals, and therefore increase the accuracy of plans and forecasts.

    In order to clearly plan your career in the form of a sequence of projects, it would be good to master the technology of planning and project management. We do not set ourselves the task here to teach the basics of these courses, however, we will analyze an example of career development from the point of view of project management methodology.

    And so, first of all, when opening a project to develop your career, you should decide on a foreseeable goal for the foreseeable period. For example: working as a municipal employee, you can set yourself the task of becoming a civil servant.

    These are convenient and achievable goals if at least some work is already there. However, for young professionals, the formulation of the answer to the question of what they would not like to work is often much easier than choosing the desired career. Well, this can also be a method of forming a project plan: identify specialties that are adjacent to the received professional field, but are not the desired career object in the near future. And from the rest already choose those activities that cause the least rejection.

    Of course, it is always better to proceed from a positive attitude when choosing a career, but a number of people divide their whole lives into two types of activities: That is, they earn "for food" in one way, but self-realization is provided differently - through a hobby, through non-commercial activity, but sometimes through activities that bring a small income, which is not enough for the usual way of life - but they do not have such a task.

    Determining the main goals of the project for the development of one's career, the timing of achieving these goals and the resources necessary for the implementation of the project is the main) invariable part of the project.

    The fundamental condition is the immutability of the essence of the project until the result is achieved. Otherwise, the result will never be achieved. "Here we have chosen a direction for ourselves - and let's go!" - confidently asserted the foreman, the hero of the movie "Kin-dza-dza", who believed that he was going to Ashgabat, moving along a completely different planet in a different Galaxy. And, characteristically, he got out of what seemed initially a hopeless situation!

    After determining the essence of the project, it is necessary to proceed to the actual planning, that is, to determine the logical sequence of solving a series of tasks leading to the implementation of the project. In order to take into account all the possible tasks that will need to be solved, it is better to conduct a small brainstorming session, bringing together various participants who can “throw in” a large number of steps required for the successful flow of the project. At the same time, each proposal should be taken into account and included in the implementation program, even if it is a task from the series "get an appointment with the president of the country and get a monopoly on the alcohol trade from him." Each of the tasks should be associated with deadlines, conditions for implementation and the resources necessary for implementation. As a result, a general plan is born, a draft of actions on the way to the goal.

    After a detailed draft plan with all tasks and activities has been drawn up, the optimization process should begin. And this means a critical passage through the entire plan again and the removal of those tasks from it, the solution of which is not mandatory or impossible with the available resources or the available time limit. It is at this stage, at this stage, that tasks like a visit to the president of the country will be crossed out if there is not enough administrative resource to carry them out.

    Immediately, at the planning stage, such tasks should not be discarded, despite their seeming absurdity, because it is very difficult to separate the realizable tasks from the unrealizable ones at the time of drawing up the plan. An attempt to initially limit oneself to only well-known and understandable tasks can lead to a primitive algorithm of actions that pre-limits the project to only standard tasks and conditions, and, consequently, depriving it of competitiveness. The whole project can then be reduced to the task of "study well and work well," which is unlikely to move the planner up the desired career ladder, because it will not single out the same applicants from a large number. In the course of optimization, tasks are checked for logical coherence, their dependence on each other, for the need and sufficiency of available resources to complete the project tasks, determining the time frame for solving each task, building the order and sequence of specific steps.

    The employee must reflect in the career plan, professional goals, life stages, introspection, work on himself, as well as personal qualities and actions with which he wants to achieve a prestigious and highly paid position in society.

    And the main thing in any planning is to remember that the necessary and sufficient condition is, first of all, the active life position of the "careerist" and the desire for development.

    4.3 Career management model for municipal and state employees

    The career management process is two-way. Its basis is left by the relationship between the subject and the object of management. The object is a career as an increase in the value of human capital, in our case, a state and municipal employee. The subject of management can be either himself or his leader. In a situation where the subject is the employee himself, one should talk about managing a personal career, if the manager is a manager, then we are talking about managing a business career.

    Career management involves establishing the correspondence between the individual career plans of employees and the development objectives of the region.

    Career planning for a municipal and civil servant involves identifying their individual capabilities, inclinations, meeting development needs, which in itself does not guarantee promotion, but promotes professional growth, increases their significance and self-esteem.

    In career management of state and municipal employees, methods of career growth management are used: administrative, economic, sociological, managerial, psychological (Table 1).

    Table 1

    Ways to manage career growth Methods of influence
    1. Administrative Laws, decrees, resolutions, state standards, regulations approved by state bodies. Instructions. Organizational charts, in the process of operational management. Selection, assessment, placement and training of municipal and state employees.
    2. Economic

    Financial incentive.

    Motivation of labor activity.


    economic sanctions.


    3. Social Use of the social management mechanism (relationships in the team, social needs). The use of informal factors, the interests of the individual, the team.
    4. Psychological
    Orientation to a specific person, strict personification. Appeal to the inner world of state and municipal employees, their experience, intelligence. Disclosure of the internal potential of state and municipal employees. Planning on a diagnostic basis of the goals of individual development. Identification of criteria for the effectiveness of the activities of state and municipal employees. 5. managerial Evaluation of the communicative culture of state and municipal employees. Assessment of their competence. Identification of problems at work. Organization of schools of excellence, young state and municipal employees. Studying the professional opportunities of state and municipal employees

    The effectiveness of managing the career growth of state and municipal employees is measured by the degree of achievement of the set goals at predetermined costs for the career advancement of state and municipal employees, whose incomes, other things being equal, increase with an increase in investment in their creative and intellectual potential, ensuring an increase in the quality of work.

    I present to your attention a model for managing the career growth of state and municipal employees (Fig. 4.1).

    The managerial competence of the leader is a fundamental element of the model. It lies in the principles and methods of influencing the motivation of employees by management.

    Individual needs for self-development and self-realization is one of the main principles of business career management, since the mismatch of personal needs with the business career management plan does not contribute to professional growth and the achievement of management goals.

    The needs and interests of the public authorities: attracting candidates for vacant positions, helping employees achieve the required standards, facilitating their entry into public authorities, identifying differences between candidates and selecting candidates that best meet the requirements of the position.

    Building career plans: determining the quantitative and qualitative needs for personnel, career planning (career promotion).

    A large number of employees associate their activities with the desire to realize themselves in the management sphere (37%) and take a worthy place in society (24%). In state and municipal authorities, for many employees, such values ​​as respect for people (92.4%), the creative nature of work and self-realization of abilities (87.3%), and reputation (64.4%) are of priority importance.

    It is these interests of modern officials that the existing system of motivation is oriented to. Society is subject to constant changes, movement of landmarks, change of ideals, etc. Modern man himself is changing. And along with it, motivational technologies should also change.

    Fig. 4.1 Career growth model for state and municipal employees


    Human resource management is one of the most important activities of the organization and is considered the main criterion for success, even ahead of the improvement of the technical process in importance). You can have excellent technology, but the work of unskilled employees will be ruined. Thus, the key component is business career management, employee management technology.

    The planning and control of a human career lies in the fact that from the moment an employee is accepted into the organization and until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize a systematic horizontal and vertical promotion of the employee through the system of positions or jobs. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

    Business career management allows you to achieve the employee's devotion to the interests of the organization, increase labor productivity, reduce staff turnover and more fully reveal the abilities of a person.

    Any employee plans his future based on his needs and socio-economic conditions. There is nothing surprising in the fact that he wants to know the prospects for career growth and opportunities for advanced training in this organization, as well as the conditions that he must fulfill for this. Otherwise, the motivation of the command becomes weak, the person does not work at full strength, does not seek to improve his qualifications and considers the organization as a place where you can wait for some time before moving on to a new, more promising job.

    The current stage of the scientific and technological revolution, as already mentioned, has led to a qualitative change in the role of man in management, turning him into a decisive factor in the latter. Today's worker must have strategic thinking, enterprise, wide erudition, high culture. This put on the agenda the demand for continuous development of a business career, i.e. carrying out activities that contribute to the full disclosure of the personal potential of state and municipal employees and the growth of their ability to contribute to the activities of the organization.

    As a result, we can state that the "human factor" plays a decisive role in managing a business career. Technologies of the personnel management process are of decisive importance for the results of the work as a whole.

    Bibliographic list

    1. Aleksandrov I.M. Management psychology: Textbook. - M.: ITC "Dashkov and K", 2004. - 288s.

    2. Aleksandrov I.M. Management system of the Russian Federation: Textbook. - M.: ITK "Dashkov and K", 2007. - 486s.

    3. Astakhov S. What do civil servants want? // Russian business newspaper. - 2007. - No. 24. - P.5.

    4. Babashkina A.M. State regulation of managerial relations: Textbook. - M.: Law and statistics, 2007. - 480s.

    5. Bryzgalin A.V. Management methods. - M.: Unity, 2001. - 162p.

    6. Veduta E.N. Career management strategy. - M.: Academic prospectus, 2003. - 392 p.

    7. Glazyev S. Career-2007: the same social meaning // Russian Journal. - 2006. - No. 9-10. - P.13-14.

    8. Kulikov V., Roik V. Social policy as a priority and priorities of social policy // Russian Journal. - 2005. - No. 1. - P.5-9.

    9. Leksin V., Shvetsov A. Regional Russia at the Beginning of the 21st Century: New Situation and New Approaches to Its Research and Regulation // Russian Economic Journal. - 2004. - No. 4. - P.16-17.

    10. Leksin V., Shvetsov A. Regional Russia at the Beginning of the 21st Century: New Situation and New Approaches to Its Research and Regulation // Russian Economic Journal. - 2004. - No. 11 - 12. - P.17-23.

    11. Lykova L.N. Public administration in Russia: Textbook for universities. - M.: BEK, 2001. - 312p.

    12. Milakov Ya.V. Public administration: a course of lectures. - M.: Infra-M, 2001. - 214p.

    13. Business culture and psychology of communication: Textbook / Ed.D.G. Blueberry. - M: Unity-Dana, 2001. - 268s.

    14. Municipal law / Ed. M.V. Romanovsky, O.V. Vrublevskaya. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 412s.

    15. Legislation of the state and municipal service / Under the editorship of E.N. Evstigneeva. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 320s.

    16. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Part two dated August 5, 2000 No. 117 - Federal Law (with amendments and additions).

    17. Municipal service / Under the editorship of V.A. Shulgi. - M.: Publishing House of the Russian State Academy, 2002. - 412p.

    18. On the municipal service in the Russian Federation from the Federal Law on March 2. 2007 No. 25 - FZ.

    19. About the general principles of the organization of local self-government. Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ.

    20. About the state civil service of the Russian Federation. Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. No. 79-FZ

    21. Yurzinova I.L., Nezamaikin V.N. State and municipal administration. - M.: Exam, 2006. - 653 p.

    22. Sergeeva T.Yu. Methods and schemes of state and municipal management. - M.: Exam, 2006. - 175s.

    23. Official website of the Garant system: http://www.garant.

    This thesis highlights the issues of planning, organizing, improving the career growth of a municipal employee. The object of study of the thesis is the Administration of the Southern Administrative District, namely those employees who took part in the author's study. The subject of the graduation project is the study of the features of career growth of employees of the Administration.
    The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the essence, mechanisms and strategic directions of the organization and improvement of the career growth of municipal employees. The analysis of theoretical sources, questioning, methods of mathematical and statistical data processing, comparative data analysis are defined as research methods. The study was conducted in the Administration of the Southern Administrative District of Orenburg.
    The diploma work consists of three chapters. The first chapter examines the essence, concept, classification and stages of a career, and develops an idea of ​​the picture that has developed in the field of career management. The second chapter describes the activities of the Administration of the South Administrative District, followed by the development of recommendations for the improvement and development of career growth.

    1 Theoretical aspects of career management
    municipal employees ........................ .......................... .... .........................7
    1.1 Concept, classification and stages of career growth…………………… 7
    1.2 Career management……………………………………………15
    1.3Period of municipal service………………………..26
    1.4Professional and job development of the municipal
    employee and management………………………………………………..33
    2 Career management analysis of municipal
    employees of the Administration of the Southern District…………………………………41
    2.1 General characteristics of activities - Administrations
    Southern District……………………………………………………………. ..41
    2.2Municipal Career Research
    employee of the Administration of the Southern Administrative District……...42
    2.3Problems of development of municipal employees
    Administration of the Southern Administrative District…………………....49
    3 General recommendations for improvement and development
    career development of municipal employees ……………………….…...51
    3.1 Personnel development of the personnel of the municipal service……………....51
    3.2 Establishing an effective management system
    career growth of employees of the Administration of the Southern
    administrative district ........................ ................................ ...... ......................56
    List of used sources……………………………………....62
    Annex A Structural and logical scheme of the diploma
    work…………………………………………………….……… …...……..64
    Appendix B Old and new career conditions……………………...…65
    Appendix B Schematic diagram of interaction
    municipal service and an employee in the process of managing it
    Annex D Questioning of candidates for a vacant position ... ..67


    Since Russia embarked on the path of democratic transformation, in most areas of human activity, the combination of the interests of the individual and the organization has come to the fore. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the problem of human adaptation in a rapidly changing world became the most acute. To fit into the system of social and economic relations, while maintaining the integrity and uniqueness of the individual, is a very difficult and contradictory task. This also affected the sphere of state and municipal service. If in the days of the Soviet Union the personnel management system was of an organizational and administrative (administrative) nature and the actions of a person were strictly regulated, the steps of his promotion were dictated by higher authorities, then at present the main responsibility for the successful development of a career lies with him. In light of this, the term "career" has acquired a more significant meaning, a clearer outline. Russian employees have learned that the process of career advancement is subject to study, forecasting, and management. The opportunity to "make" a career has opened up. The consequence of this was an increase in interest in the issue of career growth.
    The relevance of this thesis is due to the need for each person to plan their future, based on their needs and socio-economic conditions. There is nothing surprising in the fact that he wants to know the prospects for career development and opportunities for professional development in this organization, as well as the conditions that he must fulfill for this. Otherwise, the motivation of behavior becomes weak, the person does not work at full strength, does not seek to improve his qualifications and considers the organization as a place where you can wait for some time before moving on to a new, more promising job.
    A person must be able to correlate his business qualities with the requirements that the organization, his work puts before him. The success of his entire career depends on this.
    The object of study of the thesis is the Administration of the Southern Administrative District, namely those employees who took part in the author's study. The subject of the diploma project is the features of the career growth of the Administration employees.
    The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the essence, mechanisms and strategic directions for improving and organizing an employee's career. In accordance with the goal in the thesis, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
    - to reveal the essence, concept, classification and stages of the career of a municipal employee;
    - describe the mechanism of professional and official development of a municipal employee and his management;
    - identify the main problems facing state bodies and municipal employees in the organization of career planning, and determine the strategic directions for organizing a career.
    The practical part of the thesis includes the author's research, the purpose of which was to consider the realities of the career process in modern conditions, to study the attitude of potential and real municipal employees of the Administration of the Southern Administrative District to their future career, and a comparative analysis of their views.

    1 Theoretical aspects of managing the career growth of municipal employees

    1.1 Concept, classification and stages of career growth

    In a broad sense, a career is defined as a general sequence of stages of human development in the main areas of life (family, work, leisure). At the same time, a career is represented by the dynamics of the socio-economic situation, status-role characteristics, forms of social activity of the individual. In a narrow sense, the concept of a career is associated with the dynamics of the position and activity of the individual in labor activity.
    The essential component of the concept of career is promotion, i.e. forward movement. Such definitions as growth, achievement, transition, etc. are also used, which, in essence, again means progress. In this regard, a career is a process that is defined as a passage, a sequence of states of systems /22/.
    A young specialist is included in a constantly ongoing, endless stream of events, he is forced to constantly move in it, find ways to adapt to it, to change himself in this process and change its components. And the faster the general movement, the more dangerous is the slowdown or stoppage of a person’s life arrangement in it due to the threat of turning into a toy of the elements, the more necessary it is for a person to prepare himself for a meeting with future events. Hence the understanding of a career - in the broad sense of the word - is the active advancement of a person in mastering and improving the way of life, ensuring his stability in the stream of social life. / 25 /.
    Thus, a career is a process of professional, socio-economic improvement of a person, expressed in his advancement through the levels of positions, qualifications, statuses, remuneration and fixed in a certain sequence of positions occupied at these levels.
    A career is a successful progressive promotion of an employee up the career ladder, a change in abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with his activities. This is moving forward along the once chosen path, which is based on the subjective awareness of the employee's own judgments about his labor future /12/.
    In other words, a career is the development of a person and his development of social space (if we are talking about an interorganizational career) or the expansion of a person in the organizational space of a particular enterprise (if an intraorganizational career is considered).
    The need for career management is due to its important role in human life, the activities of the organization, as well as in the development of society as a whole /30/.
    Significant changes have also been made in the management's view of career growth and ways of influencing the professional development of an employee. There has been a rejection of traditional views on the professional success of an employee, determined by his place in the corporate hierarchy. There has been a shift towards understanding that what matters most is how employees themselves interpret their careers, what they mean by it, how they could better manage it, and what would be the best models for the relationship between the company and employees. In addition, modern researchers and theorists tend to consider career growth in the context of changes affecting both the employee of the company, the company itself, and the environment in which the company operates. The meaning of the term "career" is rapidly changing /6/.
    In traditional concepts, a career is understood as the promotion of an employee through the ranks of an organization within the scope of his professional activity.
    As a rule, people opted for any profession, sometimes after youthful "immature" hesitation.
    After that, they tried to find a municipal service in which their work would be in full demand. In response, she was supposed to provide them with an opportunity for career growth /19/.
    Both in choosing a profession and in choosing a particular company, people tried to do so that they would not have to return to this issue for the rest of their lives. An employee's career was seen as a "ladder" or "path", "road". The first of these metaphors (career as a "ladder") implied growth, subsequent promotion to leadership positions. The second and third (career as a "way", "road") - the possibility of planning a career as a kind of path that has already been passed by some employees before.
    As a rule, by choosing each other, the municipal service and the individual entered into an implied "psychological" contract, which assumed:
    - the municipal service, for its part, provides a guarantee of employment and the possibility of professional and career growth;
    - the employee, for his part, in exchange for this takes an obligation to show personal devotion to the organization, loyalty.
    Employees who already had a clear idea of ​​the structure of the service, its products or services, as well as the market, were appointed to "adherents". It is not surprising that in the atmosphere of a stable market situation and with a steady increase in market share, many services became a kind of club establishments /24/.
    The environment in which commercial transactions take place has changed radically in recent years. A summary of the changes that have taken place is given in Appendix B.
    The reason for the changes is competition - a tendency to reduce costs.
    Competition has contributed to the spread of the general trend to reduce production costs, in order to thus achieve a superior position in relation to competitors. As a result, a whole layer of the management apparatus of enterprises - the middle management - turned out to be unused in the new scheme, and many managers were fired. A similar situation is observed in relation to specialists whose professional skills are no longer required by enterprises.
    - replacement of human labor by machines, computers;
    - integration of functions, the same work is now performed by third-party organizations or specialists invited by the enterprise to work under a contract.
    Another consequence of increased competition has been increased management attention to issues such as the quality of products and services provided. This led to the fact that the management of enterprises had to assign more responsibility and authority to those employees who were directly involved in the process of manufacturing products or providing services; they have been given the necessary leeway to ensure that products and services meet all consumer needs. As a result, the traditional function of management, which consisted in control and coordination, was no longer in demand in production to the same extent as before /10/.
    Various trends have had a strong impact both on the careers of individual employees within the municipal service and on the structure of professional development.
    The multi-level pyramid of the municipal service structure began to level out, and the flatter scheme became dominated by a large number of one- and two-level structures. Consequently, the difference between the first level and the second has increased dramatically. Now, in order to advance, an employee needs not so much a quantitative as a qualitative leap in development /13/.
    Now the promotion of an employee within the framework of the municipal service is carried out not so much up the career ladder, but from one department of the enterprise to another, which can be explained by the small number of remaining opportunities for promotion and the requirement for more experience than before. For example, in order to be in charge of a company's international operations, an employee must be highly experienced /21/.
    The consequences of the influence of external factors:
    - instead of predictable progress, modern workers are forced to face the unpredictability of their official position;
    - workers no longer have confidence that they will work in the same specialty and professional activity for which they were prepared;
    - employees cannot be sure of maintaining their place in the organization, not to mention promotion to new posts and positions;
    - Workers are offered a variety of alternative employment contracts, and none of them involve full and permanent employment. The appearance of contracts of this kind is explained primarily by the fact that with their help companies reduce costs.
    The only asset of an employee is the ability to choose this or that job within or outside of this or that organization. As they improve their professional skills in the domestic and foreign labor market, they improve their career opportunities. Now the middle class is as insecure about job security as the working class; their position to the same extent began to be determined by the unstable and unstable labor market /13/.
    As for the modern interpretation of career management, in the changed situation the following question becomes quite appropriate: does the use of the term "career management" still make any sense?
    There are several reasons why we can keep the concept of "career management" and extend its meaning beyond such a narrow usage as progress within a profession or organization.
    First, the ideas that we put into the concept of career management are constantly changing. This concept allows individuals to reflect on their professional development.
    For example, they can use it to compare the characteristics of their current work with previous experience and draw the necessary lessons in the light of which they can more realistically assess their possibilities in the future.
    Secondly, this concept still retains meaning for the leadership of the municipal service. If it seeks to achieve more tangible business results, it will strive to fully exploit the potential of its employees. The idea that there is an opportunity to manage their "career development" in such a way as to develop potential has an unusually attractive force for leaders. The prospects that open up in this regard can determine the main parameters of the management strategy.
    So, we see that the management of an employee's career growth by the leadership of the municipal service can become an element of the human resource management strategy, and ultimately contribute to the achievement of the company's commercial goals /11/.
    However, studies show that these techniques are, to put it mildly, used differently. This is due to the fact that at present only a few companies can boast of having a long-term and consistent business strategy. Companies tend to introduce new systems (such as performance-based pay) into their work practices, usually incrementally rather than through the adoption of a strategic program.
    Organizational structures have changed so much that it is now simply impossible to plan any consistent line of personnel positions through which these "promising" personnel would have to pass. And since there is a great temptation before their cohort to go to work in another organization, no one will undertake to assert that such personnel will become a stable source of new and fresh strength for the top management of the enterprise.
    So, ultimately, most organizations prefer to place the responsibility for training employees on special educational institutions and the specialists themselves - they themselves must take care of their professional training /28/.
    The career growth of an employee employee is not carried out by moving from one post to other posts and positions within the organization, and thus, the employee can hardly expect to take the highest position in the management of the enterprise. Career growth can be carried out only by acquiring the necessary competence by an employee, which would allow him or her to take new, higher positions in the municipal service and reach a fundamentally new level of responsibility /27/.
    There are two types of career: professional and intraorganizational.
    A professional career is characterized by the fact that an employee in the course of his professional activity goes through various stages of improvement: training, employment, professional growth, retirement. A particular employee can go through these stages sequentially in different organizations. Along with a professional career, an intra-organizational career should be distinguished. Under the "intraorganizational" career refers to the definition of the long-term prospects of each employee in a given municipal service. An intra-organizational career is important both for the employee and for the employer, but its significance is manifested in various aspects. As a rule, thinking about the prospects of his work in the organization, the employee pursues, first of all, personal goals. These include material well-being and the degree of satisfaction with the duties performed. At the same time, management is primarily concerned with the performance of the staff. Ideally, the interests of the employee and the organization coincide. That is, when predicting possible career steps, employees think not only about their own benefits, but also about the needs of the business. It covers the successive change of stages of development of an employee within the same organization.
    Intraorganizational career is realized in three main directions:
    -vertical, i.e. rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy;
    -horizontal - meaning either moving to another functional area of ​​activity, or performing a certain service role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, playing the role of the head of a temporary target group, programs, etc.); a horizontal career can also include the expansion or complication of tasks at the previous level (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration);
    centripetal - movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to meetings that were previously inaccessible to him, meetings of both a formal and informal nature, getting an employee access to informal sources of information, trusting relationships, certain important assignments from management, gaining authority from colleagues /14/.
    The desire of a person to manage his career is explained by the great importance that a career has for his life.
    A career acts as a kind of context for a person’s working life, structuring his work experience (by the way, an essential part of the overall life experience) by a sequence of certain steps, due to which professional life is seen not as a continuous incoherent mass of actions and events, but takes on the form of development ordered by these steps / 12 /.
    Careers can also be classified on various grounds: by the possibility and time of implementation, by the nature of the career strategy.
    Let's consider some of these varieties mainly on the example of official career.
    According to the "possibility of implementation" official career can be divided into potential and real.
    A potential career is a work and life path personally built by a person based on his plans, needs, abilities, plans. This is a dream career, a desire career. It can significantly affect the actions, behavior of a person and be fully implemented, partially or not implemented at all. In other words, it is individually planned.
    A real career is what a person managed to realize over a certain period of time in the corresponding type of activity in a particular organization. Studies show that even by retirement age, by the end of their official and professional careers, only every fifth municipal employee believes that he has achieved his goal in career growth /9/.
    A significant part of municipal employees in old age admitted that their plans for career growth remained a career - a dream, a career - a desire. The reason for the low indicators of a successful career of municipal employees should be sought in the fact that this work is almost absent in organizations. It is not secured either from the legal, or from the scientific and methodological, or from the organizational side. There are not enough specialists who could deal with this difficult task.
    According to the "time of implementation" official career can be divided into normal, high-speed, airborne and slow.
    A normal career is a gradual promotion of a specialist to the top of the job hierarchy in accordance with his constantly developing professional experience. The limit of this job development is due to the level of professional incompetence of a specialist.
    A high-speed career characterizes a rapid, but still consistent positional movement along the vertical of the organizational structure. This is usually the career of gifted, talented, outstanding individuals in science, industry, entrepreneurship and business.
    The landing career represents a predominantly spontaneous replacement, as a rule, of leadership positions in the organizational structure. People with such a career, like a lifesaver, are always ready to take any position and follow the predetermined instructions. For representatives of such a career, it is not the process of doing something that is important, since the vast majority of them do not differ in professional competence, but the fact of filling a position. Most often, the last two varieties of career are found in crisis periods of social development or in wartime. It is during these periods that society, due to objective necessity, is forced to turn to rational, balanced steps, thoughtful actions, often to risky extraordinary proposals, extraordinary personalities. All this, as a rule, is accumulated by outstanding organizers, managers, creative people - in a word, professionals.
    Slow career growth is characterized by a long stay in one position. The reasons for this promotion can be very diverse. Most often they are associated with the professional or personal characteristics of a municipal employee, his relationship with other employees, management /5/.
    A career can also be considered in terms of "the nature of its implementation." In this case, the implementation of both professional and job career strategies can take a number of forms:
    - typical: achieving the heights of professionalism, recognition in the professional community, occupying the highest official status in the organizational structure are associated with the reproduction of the full cycle of a person's professional life - from professional self-determination to the deobjectification of experience in one professional area.
    - stable: characterized by relative constancy in professional activity and promotion.
    - discontinuous: characterized by the instability of professional and job promotion, repeated changes in the profile and form of activity, working in numerous organizations and filling positions that did not correspond to the acquired experience of a specialist. This career strategy leads to dispersion of human efforts /17/.
    For the municipal service, the priority should be a typical and sustainable form of an individual career strategy. This can be achieved if there is a system and mechanism for managing the career of the personnel of the municipal service. They are designed to ensure and determine the determination of the career of personnel solely by the level of professionalism, personal qualities and performance results.
    The desire of an employee to manage his career is explained by the great importance that a career has for his life. A career acts as a kind of context for a person’s working life, structuring his work experience (by the way, an essential part of the overall life experience) by a sequence of certain stages, due to which professional life is seen not as a continuous incoherent mass of actions and events, but takes on the form of development ordered by these stages. At different stages of a career, a person satisfies various needs /27/.
    The preliminary stage includes schooling, secondary and higher education and lasts up to 25 years. During this period, a person can change several different jobs in search of a type of activity that satisfies his needs and meets his capabilities. If he immediately finds this type of activity, the process of self-affirmation of him as a person begins, he takes care of the safety of existence.
    Then comes the stage of formation, which lasts about five years from 25 to 30. During this period, the employee masters the chosen profession, acquires the necessary skills, his qualifications are formed, self-assertion occurs and there is a need to establish independence. He continues to be concerned about the safety of existence, concern for health. Usually at this age, families are created and formed, so there is a desire to receive wages, the level of which is higher than the subsistence level.
    The promotion stage usually lasts from 30 to 45 years. During this period, there is a process of growth in qualifications, promotion. There is an accumulation of practical experience, skills, a growing need for self-affirmation, achieving a higher status and even greater independence, self-expression as a person begins. During this period, much less attention is paid to meeting the need for security, the worker's efforts are focused on increasing wages and caring for health.
    The conservation stage is characterized by actions to consolidate the results achieved and lasts from 45 to 60 years. There comes a peak in the improvement of qualifications and its increase as a result of vigorous activity and special training, the employee is interested in transferring his knowledge to young people. This period is characterized by creativity, there may be an ascent to new service levels. A person reaches the heights of independence and self-expression. There is a well-deserved respect for oneself and others who have reached their position through honest work. Although many of the needs of the employee during this period are satisfied, he continues to be interested in the level of remuneration, but there is an increasing interest in other sources of income (for example, participation in profits, capital of others with organizations, shares, bonds).
    The completion stage lasts from 60 to 65 years. Here a person begins to seriously think about retirement, to prepare for retirement. During this period, there is an active search for a worthy replacement and training of a candidate for a vacant position. Although this period is characterized by a career crisis, and such people are less and less satisfied with work and experience a state of psychological and physiological discomfort, self-expression and respect for themselves and other similar people reach their highest point during the entire career period. They are interested in maintaining the level of wages, but seek to increase other sources of income that would replace the salary of this organization when they retire and would be a good addition to the pension benefit /12/. At the last, retirement stage, a career in this municipal service (type of activity) is completed. There is an opportunity for self-expression in other activities that were impossible during the period of work in the organization or acted as a hobby (Painting, gardening, work in public organizations, etc.). Respect for oneself and fellow retirees stabilizes. But the financial situation and state of health in these years can make constant concern for other sources of income and health.
    It should be noted that the age of a person, the formation of his career are closely related to the content of the stages of career growth and the level of development of professional experience /31/.

    1.2 Career management

    At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the problem of human adaptation in a rapidly changing world became the most acute. To fit into the system of social and economic relations, while maintaining the integrity and uniqueness of the individual, is a very difficult and contradictory task. Changing position in society, role in various areas of life, attitude to core values, realization of opportunities and life plans are associated with professional growth, managing one's own career.
    Choosing and planning a career is one of the most difficult problems of a person. Status in society, social circle, quality of life, “I” - concept, self-esteem, emotional state of a person /30/ depend on this.
    For effective career planning, you need to identify your vision and follow it. To do this, sometimes it is enough to have the relevant information. Career planning involves designing one's own activity on the basis of reliable ideas and concepts, assessing one's professional aspirations, searching for the possibility of their implementation, the ability to predict the future, assess existing reserves, and increase competence in accordance with changing demands for activity.
    Of particular importance is the planning of one's own personal development. It is based on the idea of ​​self-development, self-regulation, social adaptation, stimulating self-knowledge, self-acceptance, self-control and self-realization. The inclusion of psychological structures in the activity allows one to successfully adapt to changing circumstances, respond flexibly to them, improve the quality of thinking, enterprise, and the ability to make non-standard decisions. Designing a professional career involves an active attitude to the present and future, understanding the prospects, creating goals, motivation, finding ways, means, methods, technologies for achieving the goal. Career planning is a movement along an individual trajectory, determined by the person himself in accordance with an adequate assessment of his own desires, their implementation, and the search for previously unknown opportunities for this. Planning your own personal development is not limited to career advancement by any means. Career growth involves civilized forms of transition to new levels of professional activity /22/
    Career is a controlled process. Career management is one of the areas of personal life problems.
    The need for career management is due to its important role in human life, the activities of the organization, as well as in the development of society as a whole /17/.
    Thus, in a career, the action of the universal mechanism of degression finds expression, which "makes possible the highest development of plastic forms, fixing, consolidating their activities, protecting tender combinations from their rough environment ... not allowing the entire content of our experience to blur into infinity-uncertainty." Including "the employee's own judgments about his/her work future, expected ways of self-expression and job satisfaction". A career builds the path of human development, introducing certainty into working life, orienting a person in time and space, making the past clear for him, the present meaningful and the future expected.
    Career growth occupies an important place in the structure of the needs of a modern person, thereby influencing his satisfaction with work and life in general. A successful career provides a person with material well-being, satisfaction of his higher psychological needs, such as the need for self-realization, respect and self-respect, success and power, the need for development and expansion of the space of destiny. The desire of a person to optimize career development with the help of management is also connected with the peculiarities of the current situation in the development of Russian society. Democratization contributes to the creation of conditions for free self-determination, self-realization of each person, independent choice of ways of his movement in the social structure, social space of society. But this freedom gives rise to competition, which confronts each person with the problem of his competitiveness, achieving personal success against the background of being ahead of others.
    The municipal service is also interested in managing the careers of its staff. If for a person a career is development and advancement in the organizational space, then from the point of view of an organization it is, first of all, a matter of fullness, integrity of this space, which is especially important for its professional and official component, that is, the organizational structure. The career growth of an employee in the municipal service consists of the desire of the employee himself to realize his own professional potential and the interest of the municipal service in promoting this particular employee. Municipal services, whose leaders understand the importance of managing the business career of their employees, are taking a serious step towards their own prosperity. Career management makes it possible to "grow" a specialist or leader within the walls of your organization. Employee career management is not only about setting goals, but also about determining the means to achieve these goals. The costs of career planning and training, advanced training should be considered as an investment in employees, and therefore in the success of the municipal service /22/.
    At first glance, it may seem that career management requires a lot of time and money and is clearly inferior in terms of efficiency to hiring an already established highly qualified specialist. But with a more detailed analysis, it becomes clear that these costs are fully justified. On the one hand, an employee who has gone through all the stages of professional growth in one municipal service knows better its specifics, strengths and weaknesses. This is what makes his work more productive. Unlike someone who comes to the municipal service "from the street", he will not need time to assimilate the corporate culture: he is already part of it. On the other hand, the behavior of such an employee is easier to predict. It can be said with confidence that the management of an employee's career growth is an active interaction of three parties: the employee, management and the personnel management service.
    Employee career management is an event that requires certain material costs on the part of the municipal service. But these costs are more than compensated by the competitive advantages that the organization receives in return. Personnel is perhaps the most important resource available to any municipal service. Consequently, the costs of its development are nothing more than an investment in a stable and successful "tomorrow" /9/.
    Career management of a municipal employee is one of the most complex personnel technologies. As a result of its application, it is important to achieve such a situation that what people have or can have as individuals, as carriers of professional abilities, experience, is included in the labor process in the interests of the individual and in the interests of the municipal authority. For this, it is necessary that the structure of the most important social career management tools be formed in the municipal service: the system, mechanism, and process of managing the career of the personnel of the municipal service is shown in Figure 1.1

    Figure 1.1 - The structure of career controls

    The personnel career management system is a set of personnel management subjects, their functions, powers and responsibilities, a set of principles, legal norms and a management mechanism that are necessary for a targeted impact on the management object shown in Figure 1.2. We are talking about creating such a career management system that would be based on legal norms that fix the mechanism of responsibility of management subjects for creating favorable conditions for a career environment for the professional and career growth of personnel, the demand for their professional experience. When solving personnel issues, this system would rigidly determine the actions of managers and personnel services (personnel management services) in accordance with the principles of the municipal service, primarily professionalism and competence, equal access of citizens to the municipal service in accordance with their abilities and professional training.

    Figure 1.2 - The main elements of the career management system of a municipal employee

    The career management system should ensure the formation of the most optimal typical schemes for career movement, starting from the lowest positions, as well as from the moment citizens enter the municipal service, their openness to familiarization, promotion conditions, material and moral rewards. In addition, it is important to provide in the career management system and the personal responsibility of the heads of personnel services for creating and maintaining an impeccable reputation of the municipal authority and, in general, the authority of the state in violation of established procedures and career management rules.
    The career management mechanism is designed to put into action the career management system - a system of functions, powers and responsibilities of subjects and objects of career management through specific forms and methods of working with personnel - and thereby ensure the achievement of the goals of personnel career management. In fact, it is a coordinated set of means and methods that provide qualitative changes in the professional potential of the individual and adequate ways to implement it in the interests of both the individual and the municipal authority. This is a set of means of influence, primarily personnel technologies, which ensure the management of the professional experience of personnel in the organization, the implementation of their career strategy.
    There are many means of influencing a person in the municipal service, and it is very difficult to draw a strict boundary separating the impact of one and the other means on a person in the process of implementing even such a specific technology as career management. However, the key elements of the personnel career management mechanism can still be identified. They are such personnel technologies as selection, assessment (testing, qualification exam, attestation, etc.), staff training, as well as work with a personnel reserve, internships and a number of others.
    This should also include technologies for continuous study of the content, nature and working conditions of employees, with the aim of promptly solving problems of organizational development: timely changes in the organizational structure, staffing, job descriptions, professiograms of municipal employees, correction of professional qualification requirements, development of proposals for changes in the Register municipal service positions, vocational training programs, etc.
    The career management mechanism as an element of the career management system is based on the principles of management, legal norms that strictly regulate the procedure for applying, organizing and using the results of personnel technologies and the means and methods of working with personnel used. The main elements of the career management mechanism are shown in Figure 1.3

    Figure 1.3 - The main elements of the career management mechanism

    An analysis of the practice of working with the personnel of the municipal service shows that the significance of many of these technologies is not rejected, but their results are not the basis for making final decisions on personnel issues. In the practice of official promotion, appointment from the reserve, for example, is no more than 7%, competitive selection - 12%, implementation of certification conclusions - 13.7%. An analysis of the personal files of municipal employees indicates that the use of personnel technologies is not documented in the vast majority of them.
    Thus, at present, we can only talk about the formal recognition of the importance of the means that represent the substantive part of the mechanism for managing the career of personnel. But it is not possible to talk about the mechanism itself, especially about its effective functioning. Figure 1.4 shows a career management scheme for municipal service personnel

    Figure 1.4 - Career management scheme for municipal service personnel

    An equally difficult problem in the implementation of the personnel career strategy is the process of career management, i.e., a logically connected and consistently implemented set of actions, from which the required impact is formed. In fact, this is a carefully planned, thought out, coordinated and performed by specific people set of actions that allow, within the framework of the established system and the adopted career management mechanism, to achieve the goal.
    The career management process includes:
    - identification of the needs (current, prospective) of the municipal
    authority, organization (we are talking about structural professional experience) in the composition of the staff and assessment of its current professional capabilities, i.e. the structure of the existing professional experience of the staff: a model of needs and a model of opportunities;
    - development and decision-making on the career strategy of the organization and
    introduction of career management technology in a public authority;
    -implementation of the decisions made and the implementation of career plans for the organization's personnel.
    In the process of career management, two interrelated tasks are solved. Firstly, the task is to ensure that the professional experience of the personnel is consistent with the required, project, structural professional experience. Secondly, the development and rational use of the professional abilities of the staff. Their solution allows to achieve highly efficient work of the organization. The career management scheme for municipal service personnel may look like the one shown in Figure 1.4.
    In this understanding of a career, well-built career management is important for the functioning and development of an organization, being a factor in increasing the efficiency of its activities, a condition for its sustainability and viability of an enterprise in a changing environment, a driving force, a mechanism for its development.
    Career planning addresses such important issues as staff satisfaction with work in the municipal service and related productivity; continuity of professional experience and corporate culture; ensuring uninterrupted and rational replacement of key positions; adaptability and maneuverability in conditions of rapid changes in the content and division of labor, in conditions of crises; finally, it is connected with the issues of internal increment of professional potential and external growth of the enterprise in the environment /13/.
    All this is all the more relevant today, when the market economy forces organizations to independently take care of providing their activities with the necessary human resources, determine the goals, directions, priorities of personnel policy, and the global humanization trend is reflected in a shift in values, emphasis in the direction of increasing the role of the human factor in development. economy, increasing the importance of the personnel management subsystem in the organization's management system. Under these conditions, at the level of the economy as a whole, the management of the development of human resources comes to the fore, and at the level of an individual enterprise, the management of the development of personnel, the development of the resources of each individual person, and the management of his promotion within the organization.
    The state is also not indifferent to the fate of its citizens, since the degree of their satisfaction with growth and advancement in work affects the reduction or strengthening of social tension in society, and the professional potential of each - on the dynamism and quality of reforms in general.
    This is especially true for the development of management personnel. In turn, the effectiveness of the manager's managerial development within the framework of the municipal service is inextricably linked with the success of his career management /14/.
    And so, the necessity and expediency of career management is obvious, since it contributes to the merger and implementation on a mutually beneficial basis of human needs, interests and society as a whole. But it is also important to understand whether the management of the career of a municipal employee is successful.
    First of all, it should be noted that although both the employee and the municipal service are interested in career management, the municipal service should act as the initiator as the carrier of the career space, without which the development of a person will remain just development, not manifesting itself in the external movement, thereby not gaining career quality. Of course, without the desire and readiness of a person, career growth will not take place either, but nevertheless, creating motivation for career growth is much easier than career space /30/.
    The general purposeful impact on the nature of the course and the content of the process of a person's career development should be implemented through the combined efforts of career management on the part of the organization and career self-management on the part of the person, as well as with the assistance of the state.
    One of the main conditions for successful career management by the municipal service - and in a general sense it consists of managing the development, selection and promotion of personnel within the organizational space - should be mandatory participation, the inclusion of each manager in managing his career, creating an atmosphere of dialogue in the organization . In other words, career management should be participatory.
    Career management should be scientific and conceptual, and therefore based on modern achievements in management theory, psychology (in particular, the psychology of managerial career), sociology in the field of knowledge of the main patterns, driving forces and mechanisms, factors and determinants of career development.
    Given the complexity and multidimensionality of the management object, career management should be comprehensive, i.e., take into account or, as far as possible, influence numerous factors related to the personality of the career leader (psycho-physiological, psychological, professional, socio-demographic, etc.). characteristics), and with its non-organizational (family, friends, etc.) and organizational (corporate culture, strategy, structure, personnel policy, relations with the immediate supervisor, etc.) components of the microenvironment, and career development macroenvironment factors /25/.
    As part of an integrated approach, career development management should mobilize the driving forces of career development, that is, needs, values ​​and related motives for development and advancement, and also contribute to the formation of an employee's image of a career trajectory, a managerial path. Among the features of career growth, it is important to know the features of the nature of its course, depending on the age of the employee, his length of service in the municipal service or in a particular position. Knowledge of the temporal model of career periodization makes it possible not only to rationally use periods of rising human activity, but also to predict points and periods of crises. In this regard, career management should be anti-crisis, that is, to prevent the occurrence or mitigate the course of crises associated with the contradiction between the increased opportunities of a municipal employee and the requirements of the old position, with the beginning, middle and end of a career, crises of overall human development.
    Career management is strategic in its essence, as it is characterized by aspiration to the future, focus on long-term benefits, long-term goals. But it should also be strategic, that is, it should assume the presence in the municipal service of a common value setting that determines the procedure and content of decisions on the development and promotion of managerial personnel, as well as penetrating other areas of the enterprise. In the modern domestic theory of personnel management, the term "career strategy" has already been established / 28 /.
    Career planning is also a delicate matter. A career affects the prestige of a person in the eyes of the environment, its success is a measure of well-being, a source of pride.
    People value their careers as if it were their honor. Therefore, it is important not to “harm” a person, to prevent him from “losing face” because he failed to cope with his duties at the next official level. Is it possible to achieve this by coercion? The question is quite rhetorical. Consequently, the impact on the career process in the whole organization should be implemented in promoting the development of individual careers of employees, and employee career management should be motivational, and therefore based on the priority of motivation over management, socio-psychological methods of influence /19/.
    Career management requires the involvement of certain human, time and financial resources. Therefore, its important characteristic should be efficiency based on expediency and regularity. At the same time, behind each career, development and advancement in the society of a particular person is his unique, inimitable life situation, his fate, and uniqueness should be reflected in the project approach in relation to managing the individual career of each municipal employee.
    Finally, career management of an employee should be systemic, which implies the presence of a certain set of components that are closely interconnected, coordinated with each other, serve the same purpose and form a single integrity that has properties that are not inherent in each component separately. Such elements should be the system, mechanism and process of career management, built and implemented on the basis of the above approaches.
    The career management process should be the result of the interaction between the system and the mechanism and include a sequence of actions aimed at achieving the goals of development, selection and promotion of personnel within the organizational space: setting goals, analyzing the actual situation, identifying problems (discrepancy between the desired and the actual) and planning and implementation of measures for their constructive solution /24/.
    Thus, planning a career of a municipal employee and managing the career process as a whole is a complex, complex, multifaceted activity, to match the very object of management - career growth. A person has always tried to manage his career, the current reforms have only catalyzed this process, giving it dynamism.
    Domestic business practice has rich experience in managing the professional promotion of employees, working with a reserve for promotion, and many of the approaches to career management that were mentioned above are already being used today as part of the activities of the personnel management services of Russian enterprises. /thirty/.
    The state policy in the field of human resource management already today provides for career guidance, psychological support programs that contribute to "the socio-professional self-determination of the individual in the course of the formation of his abilities, value orientations and self-awareness, increasing its competitiveness in the labor market and adapting to the conditions for implementing its own professional career" .
    In short, you don't have to start from scratch. It is only necessary to combine all the factors, to unite the efforts of all parties.
    Undoubtedly, in order to ensure successful management of the career process as a whole and the individual career of each municipal employee in the municipal service, it is necessary to develop a special career management concept that would incorporate all previous positive experience, as well as the above and other constructive approaches and principles. Only if such a concept is followed is it possible to fully realize the mission of career management - achieving harmony between the interests of the organization and human needs is presented in Appendix B.
    The improvement and management of career development require certain additional efforts from the employee and from the municipal service, but at the same time provides a number of benefits, both to the employee himself and to the organization in which he works. For an employee, this means:
    - a higher degree of satisfaction from work in the municipal service, which provides him with opportunities for professional growth and raising the standard of living;
    - a clearer vision of personal professional prospects and the ability to plan other aspects of one's own life;
    the possibility of purposeful preparation for future professional activity.
    The municipal service receives the following benefits:
    - motivated and loyal employees who associate their professional activities with this organization, which increases labor productivity and reduces labor turnover;
    - the ability to plan the professional development of employees, taking into account their personal interests;
    - a group interested in professional growth, trained, motivated employees for promotion to key positions /48/.
    Thus, the main point of personnel career management is to ensure that everything valuable that a person in an organization possesses or can possess, namely his ability for professional activity, be effectively used to achieve the goals of the municipal service and satisfy the interests of the individual.

    1.3 Period of municipal service

    Admission to the municipal service is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor, taking into account the specifics provided for by this Law.
    Citizens of the Russian Federation who meet the qualification requirements for a substituted position in the municipal service have the right to enter the municipal service.
    It is not allowed to establish any direct or indirect restrictions and advantages upon entering the municipal service, as well as during its passage, depending on race, gender, nationality, language, social origin, property status, attitude to religion, beliefs, belonging to public associations created in the manner prescribed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal law.
    When entering the municipal service, a citizen presents:
    - passport or other identity document;
    - work book;
    - insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
    - military registration documents;
    - a document on education, qualifications or special
    - other documents, if it is provided by federal laws.
    Qualification and other requirements for positions of the municipal service are established by federal laws, laws of the Orenburg region and regulatory legal acts of local governments adopted in accordance with them.
    The qualification requirements for employees filling municipal positions in the municipal service include requirements for the level of professional education, taking into account the group and specialization of municipal positions in the municipal service, for the length of service in the municipal service, as well as for length of service and work experience in the specialty, the level of knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, normative legal acts of local self-government bodies necessary for the performance of official duties for the occupied municipal position of the corresponding group of positions.
    The following qualification requirements are established for employees holding municipal positions of the municipal service:
    a) To the level of vocational education:
    1) for the highest, main, leading and senior municipal positions of the municipal service - higher professional education in the specialty "State or municipal administration" or in the specialization of municipal positions of the municipal service;
    2) for specialists of the first category of a senior municipal position and junior municipal positions of the municipal service - secondary vocational education in the specialization of municipal positions of the municipal service or education that is considered equivalent.
    b) to the length of service of the municipal service, as well as to the length of service and work experience in the specialty:
    1) for a valid municipal councillor:
    Class 1 - experience of municipal service in the main and leading municipal positions for at least five years or two years in the highest municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least five years;
    2 classes - experience of municipal service in the main and leading municipal positions for at least four years or one year in the highest municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least five years;
    3 classes - experience of municipal service in the main and leading municipal positions for at least three years or three years in the main municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least five years;
    b) for a real councilor of the municipal service:
    Class 1 - experience of municipal service in leading and senior municipal positions for at least three years or two years in the main municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least three years;
    Grade 2 - experience of municipal service in leading and senior municipal positions for at least three years or one year in the main municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least three years;
    Grade 3 - experience of municipal service in leading and senior municipal positions for at least three years or three years in a leading municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least three years;
    2) for a municipal councillor:
    1st class - at least three years of experience in municipal service or two years in a leading municipal position, or at least three years of work experience in the specialty;
    Class 2 - at least three years of experience in municipal service or one year in a leading municipal position, or at least three years of work experience in the specialty;
    Grade 3 - at least three years of experience in municipal service or three years in a senior municipal position, or at least three years of work experience in the specialty;
    3) for an adviser to a municipal service:
    1st class - experience in municipal service for at least two years or two years in a senior municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least three years;
    2 classes - experience of municipal service for at least two years or one year in a senior municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least three years;
    3 classes - experience of municipal service for at least one year or work experience in the specialty for at least three years;
    4) for the referent of the municipal service:
    1 class - experience of municipal service for at least two years or work experience in the specialty for at least three years;
    2 classes - experience of municipal service for at least one year or work experience in the specialty for at least three years;
    Grade 3 - without presenting requirements for work experience.
    The decision to recognize education as equivalent is made by the attestation commission.
    There are three categories of municipal employees. In this case, we are talking about a category of persons who are exclusively in the municipal service. The legislation on municipal service involves legal norms that regulate in relation to persons in the municipal service, both public law and private law aspects of their legal status. Thus, the legislation on the municipal service covers the legal regulation of elected officials (group B), municipal officials (group A), as well as those in the municipal service, hired workers and employees.
    The qualification requirements for positions of the municipal service include the requirements:
    a) by the level of vocational education, taking into account specialization in the position of the municipal service;
    b) by seniority and work experience in the specialty;
    c) according to the level of knowledge of federal legislation and the laws of the Orenburg region, the charter and other regulatory legal acts of the municipality in relation to the exercise of the relevant official powers.
    Municipal employees who replace municipal positions of the municipal service of the corresponding group, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are assigned the following qualification categories:
    ? active municipal councilor of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd class - by a municipal employee replacing the highest municipal positions of the municipal service (group 5);
    ? active councilor of the municipal service of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd class - by a municipal employee replacing the main municipal positions of the municipal service (group 4);
    ? municipal councilor of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd class - by a municipal employee replacing the leading municipal positions of the municipal service (group 3);
    ? councilor of the municipal service of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd class - by a municipal employee replacing senior municipal positions of the municipal service (group 2);
    ? referent of the municipal service of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd class - a municipal employee replacing junior municipal positions of the municipal service (group 1).
    The highest class in the corresponding group of municipal positions of the municipal service is the first class, the lowest - the third class.
    Assignment of qualification ranks is carried out in sequential order in accordance with the qualification and other requirements for municipal positions of the municipal service of the corresponding group, and taking into account the length of stay in the previous qualification rank.
    To assign the next qualification category to municipal employees, the following periods of stay in the qualification categories are established:
    ? for active municipal councilor - three years of municipal - service in each class;
    ? for active councilor of municipal service - three years of municipal service in each class;
    ? for a municipal councillor, three years of municipal service in
    every class;
    ? for a councilor of the municipal service - two years of municipal service in each class;
    ? for the referent of the municipal service - one year of municipal service in each class.
    The period of stay in the qualification category is calculated from the date of assignment of the corresponding qualification category. The day of assignment of the qualification rank is considered the day of issuance of the administration's order "On the assignment of a qualification rank to a municipal employee."
    When appointed for the first time to a municipal position, the issue of assigning a qualification rank may be considered after a year from the date of entry into the municipal service based on the results of a qualification exam.
    At the request of the head of the structural unit, a municipal employee, if he has his consent for the successful and conscientious performance of his official duties, the performance of tasks of particular importance and complexity, the right to pass a qualification exam may be granted after 6 months of municipal service.
    The qualification category is assigned in the next or in an extraordinary order.
    To assign the next category, the HR specialist prepares the necessary documents and submits them to the certification commission.
    The submission on the assignment of the next qualification category is made by the head of an independent structural unit on the basis of an application from a municipal employee after the expiration of his stay in the corresponding qualification category.
    The next assignment of a qualification category to a municipal employee is made on the basis of the results of attestation or a qualification exam:
    ? after the expiration of the established period of stay in the previous qualification category within the same group of positions in the municipal service;
    ? when transferring a municipal employee to the position of a municipal service of a higher group of positions in the municipal service.
    At the request of the immediate supervisor, after the expiration of the established period of stay of a municipal employee in the qualification category of the 1st class for special merits, he may be assigned the qualification category of the 3rd class of a higher group of positions in the municipal service without transferring him to another position of the municipal service.
    Extraordinary assignment of a qualification category to a municipal employee is carried out based on the results of a qualification exam no more than once during the period of his service in the positions of the municipal service of each group of positions of the municipal service after half the term of the municipal employee in the previous qualification category:
    - at the initiative of the municipal employee;

    The qualification category assigned on an extraordinary basis cannot exceed the qualification category of the 1st class of the group of positions to which the position of the municipal service occupied by a municipal employee belongs.
    The head of the administration, on the proposal of the immediate head of the municipal employee in the manner of encouragement for special distinctions when the municipal employee passes the municipal service, has the right, in agreement with the attestation commission, to decide on the assignment of a qualification category to the municipal employee without conducting a qualification exam.
    Without passing the qualification exam in an extraordinary manner, a qualification category can also be assigned to a municipal employee who has received a degree.
    The qualification examination is carried out by the attestation commission.
    The Certification Commission conducts a qualification exam for the assignment of a qualification category in the following cases:
    - at the initiative of a municipal employee;
    - upon appointment for the first time to a municipal position;
    - when transferring a municipal employee to a municipal position of a higher group of positions;
    - on the initiative of the direct head of the municipal employee as an encouragement.
    The procedure and forms of conducting the qualification exam are established by the decision of the administration.
    The form of the qualification exam is determined by the qualification requirements for the relevant municipal positions of the municipal service.
    Conducting a qualification exam in the absence of the examined municipal employee is not allowed.
    In case of non-appearance of the examined municipal employee for the qualification exam for a good reason, the date of the qualification exam is postponed to the next meeting of the commission.
    The following are not eligible for the qualifying exam:
    - municipal employees replacing municipal positions of the municipal service during the probationary period;
    - persons temporarily replacing municipal positions of the municipal service;
    - municipal employees recognized by the attestation commission as not corresponding to the substituted municipal position of the municipal service;
    - municipal employees who hold municipal positions for less than one year;
    - municipal employees who have disciplinary action.
    Municipal employees who have a disciplinary sanction, as well as those who have not passed the certification, are not presented for the assignment of the next qualification category until the penalty is lifted and they are recognized in the certification procedure as corresponding to their position.
    Based on the results of the qualification exam, one of the following decisions is made:
    was passed;
    - qualification exam for the assignment of a qualification category
    not delivered.
    In case of unsatisfactory passing of the qualification examination, the next application for holding the qualification examination may be submitted one year after the unsatisfactory passing of the qualification examination.
    The results of the qualification examination of a municipal employee are entered in the examination sheet. The results of the exam are communicated to the municipal employee on the day of the exam.
    The attestation commission, no later than seven days after the qualification exam, sends the documented results of the qualification exam to the head of the district administration for a decision on the assignment of a qualification category.
    If a municipal employee has passed the exam, then the head of the administration, no later than ten days from the date of passing the exam, taking into account the qualification requirements for the municipal position to be filled, decides on awarding him a qualification rank.
    The decision to assign a qualification category to a municipal employee is drawn up by order of the district administration and is stored in the personal file of the municipal employee along with the examination sheet and the decision of the certification commission. An appropriate entry is made in the work book and personal file of the municipal employee.
    Registration and registration of documents on the assignment and preservation of qualification ranks by municipal employees of the municipal service, accounting of all municipal employees with qualification ranks, is carried out by specialists in personnel work of the administration.
    Legal acts, as well as actions (inaction) of local governments, their independent structural divisions and their officials on issues related to the assignment and preservation of qualification categories, may be appealed to the court by a municipal employee.
    The qualification rank of a municipal employee is retained in the following cases:
    - upon termination of municipal service;
    - upon re-entry to the municipal service, if the new municipal position belongs to the same group of positions for which he was previously assigned a qualification rank;
    - upon admission to the position of the municipal service of a lower or higher group of posts before the assignment of a qualification rank corresponding to the new position to be occupied;
    - when transferring a municipal employee to another body of local self-government, a public authority of the region /2/.
    The qualification category (class rank), previously assigned to a citizen on the basis of the legislation on municipal service of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is retained when he enters the municipal service in the administration. In this case, the amount of payments is established in accordance with the similar qualification category for municipal positions of the municipal service in the administration.
    If a municipal employee is transferred to a lower position based on the results of certification, then by the decision of the head of administration, he is assigned the appropriate qualification category in the group of positions to which the position replaced after the transfer belongs.
    For a municipal employee reinstated in the municipal service after a period of interruption of the municipal service associated with illegal dismissal, this period is counted in the term of stay in the municipal service in the same qualification category. Upon termination of the municipal service due to retirement, the municipal employee of the administration is considered retired; and the qualification category assigned to him is retained for life, which is recorded in the work book.

    1.4 Professional and official development of a municipal employee and his management

    Today it is already obvious that it is not enough to have highly professional and trained personnel in an organization. Improving the efficiency of management of any organization, including municipal ones, depends entirely on how wisely the wealth, the value that constitutes the professional capabilities of people, is used. Success, regardless of the form of ownership and affiliation of the organization, depends on how thoughtfully the management of both actual and potential professional opportunities, professional experience of people is carried out. If this does not happen, if the manager is not able to realize his role, and besides, he does not allow the personnel management service to take practical steps in this direction, then no matter how highly professional the composition of the staff may be, a creatively and productively working organization is unlikely to succeed / 16/.
    The concept of "professional and official development of personnel" is inextricably linked with the concept of "official career". The professional and official development of personnel is the content of those changes that are noticeable, serve as a necessary and sufficient basis for official transfers.


    The formation of an effective civil service, corresponding to political and economic transformations, is one of the leading directions in the construction of the Russian statehood. At the present stage of development, the civil service is constantly being modified and reformed in order to increase the efficiency of work and serve the people. To achieve these goals, the state needs specialists who will properly perform the tasks and functions assigned to them.

    In the course of the developing administrative reform, it is necessary to optimize the structure and functions of the state apparatus, to ensure an increase in the efficiency of managing the professional development of the personnel potential of public authorities. There is a growing need to create a solid and consistent regulatory framework for public administration and professional training of civil servants.

    In Russian conditions, it is important to overcome unfavorable trends in the process of forming human resources, reducing the conflict of civil servants in relation to social demands and the needs of civil society.

    It is also important to rationally use the reserves of organizational development of the system of professional training of civil servants based on the predictive characteristics of the staff, which involves identifying patterns and trends in the development of the civil service. At the same time, it should be taken into account that in the implementation of the state personnel policy in the civil service, there are both positive aspects and disadvantages.

    The development of career management as a relatively new direction in the sociology of management for the domestic theory and practice in the last decade has been quite intensive. The main provisions concerning the subject, goals, tasks and functions, mechanisms and technologies for managing private processes of personnel management were developed, foreign experience and conditions for its use in Russian reality were described, etc. A significant contribution to these achievements was made by T.Yu. Bazarov, V.B. Bychin, M.V. Grachev, P.V. Zhuravlev, G.G. Zaitsev, V.A. Dyatlov, A.P. Egorshin, A.Ya. Kibanov, A.A. Lobanov, E.V. Maslov, V.G. Makushin, etc.

    A number of studies reflect the sociological, organizational, informational aspects of the professional development of managerial personnel, including in the public administration system (V.M. Anisimov, V.A. Dyatlov, A.P. Egorshin, V.I. Zhukov, V.N. Ivanov, V. V. Labekin, V. I. Patrushev, B. F. Usmanov, etc.)

    The theoretical prerequisites for the problem under study are also career studies in modern sociology of management, consideration of a career from the standpoint of process, status, value approaches (V.G. Ignatov, A.I. Turchinov); identifying the specifics of a career path in the organizational hierarchy (A.I. Prigozhin, I.D. Ladanov); determination of the content of career goals (A.Ya. Kibanov); consideration of career models (A.P. Egorshin) and career strategy (V.L. Romanov).

    An analysis of scientific papers on the problem of the formation and development of the career of civil servants has shown that many components of these processes have been considered. However, we see the need for new conclusions based on the analysis of the career processes of civil service employees. Thus, the problem of managing the career development of civil servants is very relevant and interconnected with all the main problems of the professional activity of civil servants, which determines the direction of our study.

    Object of study: civil servants of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk administration

    Subject of study: career potential of civil servants.

    to analyze the essence and content of the processes of formation and development of the career of civil servants;

    reveal the concept of professionalism and movement on the career ladder of civil servants;

    explore the mechanisms of work of the personnel department in the state structure and work related to overcoming adaptation processes;

    For an empirical study of the career potential of employees of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, we conducted a survey of the majority of administration employees - 42 people.

    The practical significance of the work is determined by the possibility of using the findings of the study in the development of mechanisms and recommendations in the process of career development of civil servants.

    The structure of the graduation project. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, including 8 paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

    Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of personnel career management

    1 Organization of the career of state and municipal employees in the context of administrative reform

    The profession of a civil servant is one of the most socially significant, complex, requiring a lot of time and money for training. Modern reform of the civil service is taking place in the interests of developing civil society and strengthening the state, with the aim of radically increasing the efficiency of the civil service and improving the quality of services provided by the state. The effectiveness of the ongoing reforms in Russia depends on increasing the effectiveness of the activities of civil servants, which can be ensured by the use of new social technologies in management that would contribute to the development of the personal and professional potential of civil service personnel.

    The choice of a career is one of the most important decisions that a person makes in his life, since a person's achievements in a particular field of activity depend on the correspondence between his personality and the nature of his work, as well as on the combination of personal expectations in the field of personal career with the possibilities of the organization .

    The concept of service career exists in a broad and narrow sense.

    In a broad sense, a career is professional advancement, professional growth, stages of an employee's ascent to professionalism. The result of a civil servant's career is high professionalism, the achievement of a recognized professional status.

    In a narrow sense, a career is an official promotion, the achievement of a certain social status in professional activities, the occupation of a certain position. This is a path of career advancement consciously chosen and implemented by an employee, striving for the intended status (social, official, qualifying), which ensures professional and social self-assertion of an employee in accordance with his level of qualification.

    A career is a process of moving along the path of mastering certain values, benefits recognized in a society or organization, which are:

    official steps, levels of hierarchy;

    steps of the qualification ladder and related categories, differentiating the skills and knowledge of people according to the level of skill;

    status ranks, reflecting the value of the employee's contribution to the development of the organization (length of service, rational proposals, etc.), his position in the team;

    levels of power as the degree of influence in the organization (participation in making important decisions, proximity to management);

    levels of material remuneration, income (salary level and a variety of social benefits).

    According to the directions of movement of an employee in the structure of the organization, there are the following types of careers:

    A vertical career involves climbing to a higher level of the structural hierarchy. Most often, a career is identified with this species.

    A horizontal career is the movement of an employee to another functional area of ​​activity or the performance of a certain service role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in the organizational structure (performing the role of the head of a temporary target group, etc.). Also, a horizontal career is a career of a specialist. The set of positions corresponding to this type of career is called a parallel career ladder and emphasizes its alternative to the career ladder.

    Stages of a business career.

    The preliminary stage includes studying at school, secondary and higher education lasts up to 25 years. During this period, a person can change several different jobs in search of a type of activity that satisfies the needs and meets its capabilities. If he immediately finds this type of activity, the process of self-affirmation of his personality begins, he takes care of the safety of existence.

    Then comes the stage of formation, which lasts about five years from 25 to 30 years. During this period, the employee masters the chosen profession, acquires the necessary skills, his qualifications are formed, self-assertion takes place and there is a need to establish independence. He continues to be concerned about the safety of existence, concern for health. Usually at this age, families are created and formed, so there is a desire to receive wages, the level of which would be higher than the subsistence level.

    The promotion stage usually lasts from 30 to 45 years. During this period, there is a process of growth in qualifications, the employee moves up the career ladder. A wealth of practical experience is being accumulated, skills are being acquired, the need for self-affirmation, achieving a higher status and even greater independence is growing, the employee's self-expression as a person begins. During this period, much less attention is paid to meeting the need for security, the worker's efforts are focused on issues related to increasing wages and health care.

    The conservation stage is characterized by actions to consolidate the results achieved and lasts from 45 to 60 years. There comes a peak in the improvement of qualifications and there is an increase in it as a result of vigorous activity and special training. The employee is interested in transferring his knowledge to young people. This period is characterized by creative self-expression, it is possible to rise to new service levels. A person reaches the heights of independence and self-expression. There is a well-deserved respect for oneself, for others who have reached their position through honest work, and for oneself from others. Although many of the needs of the employee during this period are satisfied, he continues to be interested in the level of remuneration, there is an increasing interest in other sources of income (for example, participation in profits, capital of his own and other organizations, purchase of shares, bonds).

    The completion stage lasts from 60 to 65 years. The employee begins to prepare for retirement. During this period, there is an active search for a worthy replacement and training of a candidate for a vacant position. Although this period is characterized by a career crisis (the employee receives less satisfaction from work and experiences a state of psychological and physiological discomfort), self-expression and respect for oneself and other similar people from his environment reach the highest point of the entire career period. The employee is interested in maintaining the level of wages. But seeks to increase other sources of income that would replace wages at retirement and would be a good addition to retirement benefits.

    The diversity and complexity of the career phenomenon is also reflected in the diversity of its types, the variety of approaches to its typology. For the classification of career types, many different bases, features, and criteria can be distinguished. According to the environment of consideration, a career is traditionally divided into professional and intraorganizational.

    A career in power is associated either with the formal growth of influence in the organization by moving up the management hierarchy, or with the growth of the informal authority of the employee in the organization.

    A qualifying career involves professional growth, movement through the categories of the tariff scale of a particular profession.

    A status career is an increase in the status of an employee in an organization, expressed either by the assignment of the next rank for length of service, or an honorary title for an outstanding contribution to the development of the company.

    A monetary career is an increase in the level of remuneration of an employee, namely: the level of remuneration, the volume and quality of social benefits provided to him.

    According to the nature of the flow, linear and non-linear types of career are distinguished. With the linear type, development occurs evenly and continuously, while the non-linear type characterizes the movement, which is carried out by jumps or breakthroughs. As a special case of these types, stagnation (stagnation, dead end) is distinguished, the stage of the absence of any significant changes in a career.

    If possible, a career is divided into potential (personally built by a person work life path based on his plans, needs, abilities, goals) and real (what has been achieved over a certain period of time). normal super-adventurous, adventurous, typical, sequential-crisis and other types of career.

    The career of state and municipal employees in the light of the above is the most difficult type of career.

    Firstly, it covers all the listed types of career process, incorporates all the properties inherent in a career in general. It can be expressed both in the promotion of the service along the hierarchy levels, and in the improvement of its professionalism when employees move along the functional links of the organizational structure.

    Secondly, the profession itself “civil servant, which means a type of leader focused on activities in a market economy, is a complex education; to master it, you must have the most highly organized of personal qualities and abilities, possess the most complex of practical skills, and all this has a great influence on the features of a career in this professional activity

    Thirdly, being an important figure in the organization, the employee with his professional growth largely determines the growth of the organization as a whole, and the characteristics of the organization are largely interdependent on the characteristics of the personality of the employee, which also leaves a strong imprint on the nature of the career. As guides to the life of programs to achieve the goals of the organization, responsible for the success of their implementation, state and municipal employees, in fact, personify the organization itself, being carriers of its culture and image.

    Fourthly, a state or municipal employee, being to a greater or lesser extent (everything depends on his position in the hierarchy) being both the creator and the consumer of the career movement system. He creates a social context, the meaning of work within the organization and for subordinates and for himself.

    Lotova I. identifies six associative types of professional career of a civil servant.

    "Rock climber". A civil servant who makes a professional career consciously, with full dedication and self-control. As a rule, he is a great specialist, enjoys well-deserved prestige among colleagues and management, consistently goes through all the hierarchical levels in the organization from top to bottom.

    "Simulator". Such a person strives for career heights and is confident in his abilities, but is more inclined to use favorable external circumstances. A master of "appearances", he prefers to "seem" rather than "be". Easily assimilates the external signs of the image of a successful person and knows how to exploit them. Inclined to communicate with successful employees in a career sense. Skillfully organizes the work of others and can present even minor successes in the best light.

    "Master". He is interested in new areas of activity, often associated with risk and the need to master related professions, to solve non-standard and complex tasks. Having reached the target, he may lose interest in work. Career advancement is of little interest to him. The main thing is the feeling of moving forward (and not up). May make unexpected decisions for others about moving to another job or even changing the nature of employment.

    "Ant". Such an employee works strictly in accordance with the task, which must be clearly formulated. Differs in diligence and working capacity, the increased responsibility. As a performer, he is very valuable, but needs constant external support from management. For him, it is important not so much to move up the hierarchical ladder as recognition of his merits by management and people authoritative for him.

    "Eternal student". Wants to reach career heights, but experiences constant self-doubt, lacks initiative, takes on new things with caution. Inclined to take several advanced training courses, receive additional education. When developing a career strategy, he relies more on the opinion of the manager or HR specialists.

    "Organizer". In life, he mainly relies on himself, moves up the career ladder, driven primarily by pride, and not by the desire to realize himself professionally. Distrust of colleagues and a tendency to introspection hinder him greatly. Feels responsible for everything that happens in the organization. Works well in a stable situation. He knows how to make the right managerial decisions, but, in his opinion, others should bring the matter to the final result. In difficult and close to extreme conditions, decisions are made spontaneously, randomly and sometimes erroneously.

    Also, on the basis of her research, Lotova I. highlights an interesting typology of the career growth of civil servants. A "typical" professional career is the gradual promotion of a civil servant to the top of the job hierarchy as professionalism grows. The duration of such a career, as a rule, is equal to the duration of active labor activity (on average 35-40 years). During this time, a civil servant can consistently pass from 8 to 12 positions.

    A "high-speed" career is characterized by a rapid, but still consistent promotion of a civil servant along the vertical of the organizational structure. In terms of time, such a career is two to three times shorter than a typical one. If in the first case the average duration of tenure is from three to four years, then with a "fast" career - from one to two years.

    The "landing" professional career is different in that civil servants of this type are ready to take any position, and the position is most often filled spontaneously.

    A “slowed down” professional career is characterized by the stay of a civil servant in certain positions for more than five to six years (jamming, stagnation).

    An “atypical” professional career is also possible, when the official promotion of a civil servant is characterized by rapid ups and downs, jumping over one or even two steps of the hierarchical ladder.

    The ideal form of the career process is the development along the ascending line (continuously progressive type), when each subsequent stage differs from the previous one by a higher level of application of abilities and an expansion of the scope of activities. If moving up the hierarchical ladder occurs in the form of periodic ups and downs, it is legitimate to speak of a progressive-discontinuous (cyclical) type of career process. If for a long time (five to eight years) there are no significant changes, there is stagnation. In this case, an analysis of its causes and active actions on the part of personnel services or the employee himself are necessary. When assessing the situation, it is important to consider at what stage of a professional career a particular employee is.

    Since Russia embarked on the path of democratic reforms, in the sphere of public service, the combination of the interests of the individual and the organization has come to the fore. So, for example, in the days of the Soviet Union, the personnel management system was of an organizational and administrative (administrative) nature, the actions of a person were strictly regulated, the steps of his promotion were dictated by higher authorities, but now the main responsibility for successful career development lies with him. The term "career" has acquired a more weighty meaning, a clearer outline. Russian employees have learned that the process of career advancement is subject to study, forecasting, and management. The opportunity to "make" a career has opened up. The management of the organization has come to understand the need to manage the careers of its employees. Understanding an employee's professional criteria, their skills and values ​​is most important for optimizing staff growth and development. The development of personnel, in turn, is necessary to implement the strategic plan of the organization and increase productivity.

    2 Personnel technologies for managing the career development of state and municipal employees

    Modern forms of civil servant career management include providing opportunities for career development, which, along with career advancement, provides for the improvement of professional knowledge and skills, i.e. and professional development and promotion. The personnel department, personnel management services play the role of organizers of the career development process for civil servants. They seek to solve two main problems:

    1.To form the interest of employees in career development.

    2.Give them the tools to start managing their own careers.

    Personnel technologies perform specific management functions: they differentially affect the system of relations in the organization in order to meet its needs in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of employees; ensure the rational inclusion of the employee's professional capabilities in the system of prescribed and professional roles in the organization; on their basis, a mechanism is formed for the reproduction and demand for the professional experience of an employee. At the same time, personnel technologies allow solving tasks and functions that are characteristic of general management technologies, prompting a person to change his role in the organization, creating a climate of trust and job satisfaction.

    Let's consider the main types of personnel technologies used in personnel management of the state civil service of the Russian Federation.

    1. Selection of candidates for civil service positions.

    The selection of candidates is carried out using three approaches:

    · An internal approach, which is carried out through the use of internal human resources. This path is the cheapest for the management object, promotes the interest of its employees in raising the professional level and the efficiency of the system, the relationship of personal, collective interests and the organization as a whole, and also creates a favorable socio-psychological climate;

    · The external approach involves the formation of a cadre of civil servants from the outside. This approach has its positive and negative sides. The positive is that new people with new ideas appear in the organization. The negative point is that it takes a long period of adaptation of new employees in the organization to demonstrate their abilities. This approach is time-consuming, since it requires certain costs for the publication of announcements about the competition, the transportation costs of applicants, payment for the services of intermediaries, persons involved in hiring.

    · The selection of employees on the basis of competition is the most effective way of selecting personnel. Its essence is that a competition is announced for filling a vacant position with an indication of the main characteristics and requirements for these positions. Candidates who have passed this competition conclude a state contract - an employment contract. Then they are appointed to the appropriate positions.

    Candidates are evaluated according to criteria developed on the basis of an analysis of the activities of a civil servant and describing the model of a successful specialist in a vacant position. This model allows adaptation to almost any specialization of the civil service.

    2. Evaluation of civil servants: attestation and qualification exam.

    The most common forms of evaluation of civil servants are:


    · qualifying exam,

    Certification is a personnel event, based on the results of which a decision is made on the compliance of a civil servant with the position held, taking into account the results of his professional activity. An important role in attestation is given to annual reports on the results of the activities of a civil servant and the current assessment of his activities by the head. The manager should be able to send an employee for extraordinary certification with a systematically low quality of his work.

    Certification is carried out in order to determine the compliance of a civil servant with a substituted position of the state civil service based on an assessment of his professional performance. This can be traced in common with the goals of certification of workers in various industries. But at the same time, certification of state civil servants is carried out in strict accordance with the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.

    The attestation is intended to contribute to the formation of the personnel of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, to improve the professional level of civil servants, to resolve issues related to determining the pre-emptive right to fill a civil service position when reducing civil service positions in a state body, as well as issues related to changing wage conditions civil servants.

    Based on the results of the certification of a civil servant, the certification commission makes one of the following decisions:

    a) corresponds to the civil service position to be occupied;

    b) corresponds to the civil service position to be filled and is recommended to be included in the established procedure in the personnel reserve for filling the vacant position of the civil service in the order of promotion;

    c) corresponds to the civil service position to be occupied, subject to successful completion of professional retraining or advanced training;

    d) does not correspond to the civil service position being substituted.

    The results of the attestation are communicated to the certified civil servants immediately after the summing up of the voting results; are entered in the certification sheet of a civil servant, drawn up in the form according to the appendix.

    Within one month after the certification, based on its results, a legal act of the state body is issued or a decision is made by the representative of the employer that the civil servant:

    a) is subject to inclusion in the established manner in the personnel reserve to fill a vacant position in the civil service in the order of promotion;

    b) is sent for professional retraining or advanced training;

    c) is demoted in the civil service.

    If a civil servant refuses from professional retraining, advanced training or from transfer to another position in the civil service, the representative of the employer has the right to release the civil servant from the civil service position to be replaced and dismiss him from the civil service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state civil service. A civil servant has the right to appeal the results of certification in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Certification of a civil servant is carried out once every three years.

    The qualification exam is passed by civil servants who fill civil service positions of the "specialists" and "providing specialists" categories without limitation of the term of office, and in cases determined by the President of the Russian Federation, civil service positions of the "leaders" category.

    A qualification exam is held when deciding on the assignment of a civil service class rank to a civil servant in a civil service position to be substituted as necessary, but not more than once a year and not less than once every three years.

    The qualification exam is conducted in the prescribed form in order to assess the knowledge, skills and abilities (professional level) of a civil servant by a competitive or attestation commission. A civil servant has the right to appeal the results of the qualification exam in accordance with this Federal Law.

    The result of the qualification examination is the assignment of a class rank. It is necessary to correlate the class ranks of various types of public service with each other, as well as with military and other ranks. The class rank of a civil servant of any type of public service must indicate the presence of an appropriate level of knowledge and qualifications.

    3. Motivation of civil servants.

    In order to increase the motivation for the effective performance of civil servants of their duties, to ensure the legal and social protection of civil servants, to strengthen the stability of the professional composition of civil service personnel and in order to compensate for the restrictions established by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Fundamentals of Public Service" and other federal laws, civil servants are guaranteed :

    · equal conditions of remuneration, as well as comparable indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the results of professional performance in the replacement of relevant positions in the civil service, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law;

    · the right of a civil servant to timely and in full receipt of monetary maintenance;

    · conditions for the civil service, ensuring the performance of official duties in accordance with the official regulations;

    · rest provided by the establishment of a normal working time, the provision of days off and non-working holidays, as well as annual paid basic and additional holidays;

    · medical insurance of a civil servant and members of his family, including after the civil servant retires for long service, in accordance with this Federal Law and the federal law on medical insurance of civil servants of the Russian Federation;

    · obligatory state social insurance in case of illness or disability during the period of civil service or the preservation of monetary support in case of temporary disability, as well as during the passage of a medical examination in a specialized healthcare institution in accordance with federal law;

    · payments under obligatory state insurance in the cases, procedure and amounts established respectively by federal laws and laws of subjects of the Russian Federation;

    · reimbursement of expenses related to business trips. The procedure and conditions for the secondment of a civil servant are established accordingly by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    · reimbursement of expenses associated with the relocation of a civil servant and members of his family to another locality when transferring a civil servant to another state body. The procedure and conditions for reimbursement of expenses to a civil servant are established respectively by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    · protection of a civil servant and members of his family from violence, threats and other illegal actions in connection with the performance of his official duties in cases, in the manner and under the conditions established by federal law;

    · state pension provision in the manner and on the terms established by the federal law on state pension provision for citizens of the Russian Federation who have served in the civil service and their families.

    There are additional state guarantees for civil servants.

    Under certain conditions provided for by this Federal Law or other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws or other regulatory legal acts of a subject of the Russian Federation, civil servants may be granted the right to:

    ) professional retraining, advanced training and internship with the preservation for this period of the civil service position to be replaced and the salary;

    ) transport services provided in connection with the performance of official duties, depending on the category and group of the civil service position being occupied, as well as compensation for the use of personal transport for official purposes and reimbursement of expenses associated with its use, in cases and in the manner established respectively by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    ) replacement of another position in the civil service during the reorganization or liquidation of a state body or the reduction of positions in the civil service;

    ) a one-time subsidy for the purchase of living space once for the entire period of civil service in the manner and on the terms established, respectively, by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    4. Planning for the professional and official growth of civil servants.

    Particular attention in the practice of using personnel mechanisms for managing the personnel of the civil service should be paid to the development of technology for managing the career (position growth) of civil servants. This is a special task for personnel technologies - so that the career growth of civil servants would meet both the systemic needs of the state civil service and the personal expectations of an employee of a state body, and all this would be based on the realization by civil servants of their professional capabilities, experience, personal and business qualities, professional competencies, etc.

    The formation of a reserve of personnel for promotion to senior positions is directly related to the process of planning the career development of civil servants.

    One of the forms of professional development is training, creating conditions for professional development, which can be realized in:


    · advanced training,


    · participation in conferences.

    The following principles underlie the retraining and advanced training of employees:

    · mandatory periodic training;

    · building a training system based on qualification models;

    · organic connection of training with the results of certification and official movements;

    · combination of learning objectives with individual needs;

    · organic connection of training events with the solution of general and particular problems of work with personnel.

    Training and professional training (retraining) of civil servants is usually carried out traditionally in the same educational institutions that have been working in the field of additional education for officials for a long time. Unfortunately, many curricula do not meet modern requirements and are often uncompetitive in the market of educational services.

    Training programs for civil servants should be selected on a competitive basis, which will improve their quality. There should be no barriers restricting the access of participants in the educational market to the professional training of various categories of civil servants. At the same time, in order to comply with the required level of provision of educational services, it is necessary to develop, test and consolidate the standards of training programs in regulatory legal acts, develop and implement a system for monitoring their quality.

    5. Formation of a personnel reserve.

    The formation of a personnel reserve is the search for and training of talented employees and managers, the provision of conditions for the constant growth of their qualifications and the maximum use of their capabilities.

    The purpose of working with the reserve is to replenish the management personnel with highly qualified employees, fill vacant positions in a timely manner, increase the level of selection and placement of management personnel capable of solving the tasks assigned to state bodies. From a formal point of view, the personnel reserve of the state civil service is a group of civil servants and other citizens who combine competence, initiative and a creative approach to the performance of official duties, who, with additional training, can achieve compliance with the qualification requirements for the positions for which they are planned to be nominated. .

    When selecting a candidate to fill a vacant position, the task is to select the most suitable candidate from among the possible ones. In this case, the specific features of work in the relevant area and those qualities of the candidate, which in this case are of particular importance, are evaluated with particular care. The reserve includes candidates who are capable of occupying a higher position in the near future in terms of their qualifications and experience. The basis for the effective organization of work with the reserve is the accounting of personnel and planning the movement of personnel.

    The formation of a personnel reserve consists of the following stages:

    · obtaining generalized expert assessments of all employees;

    · selection of employees who have received high marks and personnel data that meet the regulatory requirements for the relevant positions;

    · making a decision to include employees in the reserve, approving the composition of the reserve;

    · training, training in the reserve;

    · clarification, correction, information about the reserve based on the results of training;

    · organization of internships,

    · organization of competitions for persons included in the reserve;

    · procedure for appointment to leadership positions.

    The technology of personnel reserve formation as a technology has many forms:

    · a multi-stage selection of reserve personnel is used according to a pre-developed program;

    · the necessary control and assistance from the leaders is organized;

    · assignments that go beyond official duties are carried out;

    · internships;

    · learning activities are used.

    Work on the creation of a personnel reserve system should be closely related to the compilation of registers of civil service positions - a register of positions in the federal civil service, civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a consolidated register of positions.

    Career management is one of the areas of personnel work in an organization, focused on determining the strategy and stages of development and promotion of specialists. This is the process of comparing the potential capabilities, abilities and goals of a person with the requirements of the organization, the strategy and plans for its development, which is expressed in the preparation of a program for professional and job growth.

    The career management of a civil servant is carried out through clear planning and control - from the moment an employee is accepted into the service and until the proposed dismissal, it is necessary to organize a systematic horizontal and vertical promotion of employees through the system of positions or jobs. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

    The main task of career planning and implementation is to ensure the interaction of professional and intra-organizational careers. This interaction involves the implementation of a number of tasks, namely: achieving the relationship between the goals of the organization and the individual employee; ensuring that career planning is focused on a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs and situations; ensuring the openness of the career management process; elimination of "career dead ends", in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development; improving the quality of the career planning process; formation of visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions; studying the career potential of employees; providing a reasonable assessment of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations; determination of career paths, the use of which will satisfy the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel at the right time and in the right place.

    For successful career development, not only the successful work of management bodies is important, but also the personal initiative of the employee. Knowing your interests, your abilities and capabilities is the starting point in a career. The main responsibility for planning and developing one's own career lies with the employee himself, the possibilities of his self-organization. The head of the authority and management acts as a mentor or sponsor of the employee. His support is necessary for the successful development of a career, since he manages the resources, manages the process of organizing all the activities of the workforce. Human resources services play the role of consultants and organizers of the career development process of employees. They seek to form the interest of employees in career development.

    The modern system of organizational management of the civil service should contribute to the optimization of the development and implementation of modern systems for managing the career development of civil servants, taking into account the patterns of their development and the characteristics of their activities.

    A modern system for managing the career development of civil servants should be based on the creation of a system of motivating the professional development of employees on the principle of highlighting the criteria and parameters of professionalism and maintaining a constant balance of correspondence between the personality and the requirements of professional activity. The main criteria for the professionalism of civil servants in modern Russian conditions are: professional competence; creative approach to work; compliance of the profession with the psychosocial type of the worker; high motivation to achieve the heights of excellence in the professional field and social status; the ability to plan career development and anticipate the results of professional activity; professional dedication. Thus, the current conditions for reforming the civil service lead us to the need to create a system of organizational management of the civil service that meets the requirements of the time. It is necessary to develop and apply effective technologies for personnel work, methods for managing adaptation processes, forecasting and improving the mechanisms for motivating the activities of civil service employees and increasing the efficiency of their work in the process of career growth.

    3 Foreign experience in organizing career processes in the public service

    The civil service of most countries has evolved over a long historical development. The main goals and objectives of the functioning of state authorities, the structure and functions of the service were determined by the requirements of the state and society in a given historical period. In today's world, there are various models of public service. Each society develops its own understanding of the functions of the state, depending on social characteristics, national philosophy, mentality and ideology, beliefs and traditions. At the same time, despite the diversity of the social arrangement of countries, there are some similarities, a certain political and cultural relationship. In the organizational and legal structure of the civil service and its administrative and legal regulation, the following models can be distinguished:

    Continental or Romano-Germanic model, represented mainly by European states, Latin American countries, the Middle East, as well as French-speaking African countries, Japan and Indonesia.

    Anglo-Saxon model (common law system), which includes English-speaking countries and indirectly all states of the British Commonwealth.

    Public service of countries of Islamic orientation.

    Labor (Soviet) model (PRC, Cuba, indirectly former countries of socialist orientation).

    The Romano-Germanic administrative-legal system is characterized by a tendency towards the codification of norms, the desire for simplicity and accuracy. The civil service of the Romano-Germanic countries can be attributed to the "career" type, characterized by a detailed study of legal acts, detailed regulation of the daily activities of officials, the functioning of the civil service on the principle of hierarchy, caste and loyalty to the state.

    The Anglo-Saxon system of public administration is an alternative to the hierarchical career Romano-Germanic model. The very administrative culture of the civil service is oriented more towards individual decisions, general provisions are derived from personal moments. In general, in the English-speaking countries, the tradition of a kind of "statelessness" is more developed, the state power is multi-component and pluralistic. In continental Europe, on the contrary, the approach of "integrated" state power is more developed, often perceived by citizens in an abstract and impersonal way.

    The general strategy for the development of the state apparatus in the countries of Islamic orientation is defined in the "Law on the reorganization of the personnel of ministries, state and subordinate institutions." The Supreme Control Commission performs the tasks of reorganizing personnel, issues regulations and controls the "types and violations" specifically prescribed in the law.

    The civil service of the labor (Soviet) model of the civil service is in many cases equated with general labor activity, the legal status of civil servants and employees (employees) is identified.

    The main factors in organizing the system of professional and official promotion of civil servants in foreign countries are:

    free access to public service regardless of origin, gender, race, religion, religious or political beliefs, personal and business ties;

    guaranteed employment;

    the principle of appointment to a position (as opposed to election);

    competitive selection for public service;

    hierarchical subordination and subordination of positions;

    promotion depending on professional, personal and moral qualities and with a corresponding increase in wages;

    regular improvement of professional training, checking the effectiveness of activities through attestation, passing qualification exams, etc.;

    honorable retirement and the payment of a state pension for years of service.

    The system of professional and official promotion of civil servants in foreign countries is based on the principles of stability, non-partisanship, impartiality and loyalty. The appointment of an applicant for a position occurs after graduation from an educational institution and successful passing of exams by an independent state commission. At the same time, the initial appointment to a position is considered as an appointment to the civil service as a whole, and not as an appointment to a particular state body. In most foreign countries, an official is appointed to the lowest position in the service hierarchy, receiving a promotion depending on the length of service, the level of professionalism and performance. He is guaranteed lifelong employment, appropriate working conditions and a set of social protection measures. The amount of salary depends on the position held. After the end of his service career, upon reaching retirement age, an official receives a guaranteed pension and an honorable resignation.

    The organizational structure of the public service management bodies in foreign countries has fundamental differences. In a number of countries, the personnel management body of the civil service is subordinate to a specialized ministry. For example, in Switzerland, the Federal Ministry of Personnel is controlled by the Department of Finance and Customs. In Germany, the management of the public service is carried out by the Ministry of the Interior, as well as the Federal Personnel Committee. In other countries, personnel management issues are within the competence of the prime minister or the head of state. For example, in Argentina, the administration of the civil service corps is carried out by the National Presidency through the Secretariat of the Public Service.

    In some countries, specialized management structures have been established to coordinate the management of the civil service system. Thus, in France, managerial and supervisory functions are entrusted to the General Directorate of Administration and Civil Service. In Japan, this governing body is the Chamber of Personnel Affairs.

    A significant place in the management of the civil service in foreign countries belongs to trade unions that protect the interests of employees and take part in the development of regulations on civil service issues. Thus, in France, trade union organizations take part in the activities of the Supreme Council of the Civil Service and in various advisory bodies. A characteristic feature of the formation and development of civil service management systems in foreign countries is the fact that in most countries civil servants include employees who perform public management functions and receive wages from the state budget.

    Thus, the civil service system has two levels: the first level includes public servants - employees of the public sector of the economy (university teachers, teachers, employees of state railways, post offices, etc.). The second level is made up directly by employees of government bodies - these are officials working in ministries and departments.

    In Japan, the main organizational structure responsible for the management of the civil service is the Chamber of Personnel Affairs, the scope of which is determined by the Law on Public Officials of October 21, 1947. The main purpose of the Chamber of Personnel Affairs is:

    in organizing and conducting activities aimed at improving payment and

    working conditions of civil servants,

    in protecting the interests of employees in connection with the issuance of recommendations to them,

    in determining the system of positions and service levels,

    in the appointment and dismissal of employees,

    in determining the terms and conditions of examinations,

    in the development of wage criteria,

    in the investigation of complaints, disciplinary sanctions, official penalties, etc.

    At the same time, it is legally established that managerial decisions regarding civil servants are made with the participation of the Chamber for Personnel Affairs. The high social significance of the activities of the Chamber and the wide range of powers of its members determine a rather rigid system of appointment to positions in the Chamber of Personnel Affairs. The appointment takes place on the recommendation of the Cabinet of Ministers with the consent of both houses of parliament, while taking into account the moral qualities of applicants, professional knowledge and age (not younger than 35 years). Direct subordination of the activities of the Chamber to the Cabinet of Ministers was established. The activities of the Chamber are not subject to the provisions of the Law on the Organization of Public Administration, and it independently exercises control over its internal structure. The salaries of members of the Chamber of Personnel Affairs are determined by a special law.

    The formation of the public service management system in the United States of America was largely determined by the special conditions for the formation of the American state and the federal type of government. The formation of the state in the form of a presidential republic, the presence of two types of public service - patronage and career, the development after the reform of 1978 of a special personnel system - the Service of Senior Leaders, the existence of a two-level system of public administration, respectively, two levels of public service - federal and staff, the introduction of the principle of openness public service in the form of "open doors and free entry" - determined the special status and functions of the US public service management system. Currently, the system of governing bodies of the US public service consists of three levels:

    the highest legislative instances and supervisory bodies adopt regulations on civil service issues, evaluate the effectiveness of the civil service and exercise control over the activities of ministries and departments;

    interdepartmental bodies - the Personnel Management Service and the Council for the Protection of the Merit System - determine the personnel policy for civil service personnel, control the implementation of regulations and provide practical assistance to ministries and departments;

    personnel services in ministries and departments carry out practical work on personnel management based on the principle of the "merit system" and the general policy of the state.

    The key role in the management of the public service belongs to the Personnel Management Service. The Director of the Service and his First Deputy are appointed by the President on the advice and consent of the Senate for four years. The main functions of the Personnel Management Service are to ensure the centralization and coordination of work with personnel in the public administration apparatus. The service determines personnel policy, develops rules and instructions for the personnel management system.

    The public service management system of the French Republic is based on the provisions of the French Constitution of 1958, the Declaration of the Rights of both Man and Citizen, as well as on the norms of the General Statute of the Public Service. The French civil service is a closed career system based on uniform principles of service. Since France is a unitary state, a centralized system of public service management has been formed there. Historically, the civil service was managed by a special administrative body that allocated funds (personnel, financial, material and technical) to perform the functions of public administration. Currently, in France, the process of decentralization of the public service is actively underway, endowing regional bodies with part of the state functions, which leads to a change in the organizational structure of management.

    The President of the Republic makes appointments to the highest civil and military positions, makes appointments determined by the Council of Ministers and listed in a special law (members of the Council of State, prefects, ambassadors, etc.). The government adopts regulations regarding the civil service, approves bills defining the status of officials, adopts decrees regarding "special" civil servants. Ministers are responsible for personnel policy in the ministries, while the Minister of Economy and Finance has broader competence, since he determines the policy in the field of remuneration, holidays and pensions. Ministers make personnel decisions on the appointment of officials, their promotion, retirement, disciplinary measures, etc. However, they do not have the authority to change or supplement the provisions of the statutes on officials, i.e. do not have regulatory functions.

    In the system of civil service management bodies, a special place is occupied by the General Directorate of Administration and Civil Service, which is subordinate to the Prime Minister. The practical management of the General Directorate is carried out by the Minister of Civil Service or the Secretary of State. The Directorate General is responsible for the following functions:

    for the development of the main directions of personnel policy in the public service system,

    for monitoring the implementation of the provisions of the General Statute,

    for personnel planning and coordination of appointments;

    for the definition of norms and rules of professional activity,

    for the development of a system of remuneration and remuneration, etc.;

    for the implementation of the function of coordination and control, the organization of interdepartmental competitions for filling vacant public positions,

    for supervising the district institutes of administration and the national school of administration as the main sources of training, etc.

    One of the most important principles of the civil service of France is the principle of the participation of officials in self-government and the determination of working conditions, which is reflected in the formation of advisory governing bodies. There are four categories of advisory bodies: the Supreme Council of the Central Civil Service, parity administrative commissions, parity technical committees, hygiene and safety committees.

    Currently, in many countries there is a process of modernizing the civil service, adapting the public administration system to new social conditions. The process of reforming the civil service is primarily associated with a change in the role of the state in the world, which should be able to express a common project for the development of society, integrate common interests and social harmony. Accordingly, the civil service must establish new values, develop its susceptibility to social changes and the demands of society . The main goals of reforming the civil service are related to improving the efficiency of the activities of state authorities, introducing new decision-making practices in state bodies, developing relations between the state and its citizens based on trust.

    Chapter 2. Analysis of the professional career of employees of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk

    1 Analysis of the management of career development of employees of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk

    Career development management is carried out in the administration of the General Department. Employees of the general department are engaged in organizing and maintaining personnel records management in relation to employees of the administration and heads of municipal institutions and enterprises subordinate to the administration.

    The structure of the Department ensures the effective implementation of the goals and objectives specified in the Regulations, and includes:

    • personnel and municipal service sector;
    • sector of administration.
    • The Head of the Department manages the Department on the basis of unity of command and is responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Department.
    • The Head of the Department, within his competence: distributes the duties of the specialists of the Department; submits proposals to the manager of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk on the structure and staff of the Department, on appointment and dismissal, bringing to disciplinary responsibility and encouragement, advanced training of specialists of the Department; organizes the work of the Department in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the legislation on the municipal service of the Russian Federation and the Murmansk region.
    • In the absence of the head of the Department, his duties are performed by a specialist of the Department by order of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk.
    • The control over the activities of the Department is carried out by the manager of affairs of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk. In accordance with the procedure and terms established by the regulatory legal acts of the administration, the Department reports to the head of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the manager of affairs of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk on the status and results of its activities.
    • Functions of the general department in terms of personnel records management: registers of municipal employees of the administration are maintained; prepares draft orders (orders) for personnel on the appointment of candidates for the municipal service, the admission of employees to the administration, the appointment of heads of municipal institutions of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, subordinate to the administration, and draws up the relevant documents.
    • duties or dismissal by employees of the general department:
    • - it is predicted the need to fill positions in the municipal service;
    • - participates in planning the promotion of municipal employees;
    • - organizes the consideration of candidates for appointment to positions of municipal service;
    • In accordance with the legislation on the municipal service and Chapter 4 "The procedure for entering the municipal service, its passage and termination" of the Law of the Murmansk Region dated 06.29.2007 No. 860-01-ZMO "On the Municipal Service in the Murmansk Region", employees of the general department control the completeness and the correctness of filling out documents related to the passage of municipal service under an employment contract, as well as control over the validity of employment contracts concluded with municipal employees and employees.
    • When attesting municipal employees, the general department:
    • -prepares draft resolutions (orders) of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, approving the composition of the attestation commission of the administration and the rules of its work;
    • provides organizational support for the activities of the certification commission of the administration;
    • controls the timing of certification, schedules for certification, the timeliness of familiarization of municipal employees with the results of certification and the correct execution of relevant documents;
    • based on the results of the certification, prepares proposals for the inclusion of municipal employees in the reserve for promotion to higher positions and the implementation of other decisions of the certification commission.
    • With regard to the periods of performance of duties of the municipal service and working (service) time:
    • -prepares draft orders for personnel on the provision of municipal employees and employees of the administration, heads of municipal institutions (enterprises) of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, subordinated to the administration, basic, additional leaves, maternity leave, as well as child care, other leaves;
    • keeps records of working (working) time and provision of additional days (days) of rest;
    • considers complaints of municipal employees based on the results of certification and competitions, as well as on other issues related to the passage of municipal service;
    • prepares drafts of organizational and administrative documents related to the passage of municipal service, business trips, compliance with labor discipline and internal regulations of municipal employees and workers;
    • examines the state of work with personnel in the structural divisions of the administration, municipal institutions of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, makes proposals for its improvement;
    • exercises control over compulsory medical insurance of municipal employees and employees;
    • monthly provides the head of administration of CATU Aleksandrovsk with information on the birthdays of employees of the administration, heads of municipal enterprises and municipal institutions of CATU Aleksandrovsk, heads of structures of the regional and federal levels;
    • organizes work among municipal employees on declaring personal income and property.
    • When leaving a job:
    • prepares the necessary documents for offsetting the length of service for the appointment of a pension to municipal employees;
    • prepares draft orders (orders) for personnel on the dismissal of municipal employees and workers;
    • prepares, in accordance with the established procedure, the documents necessary for municipal employees for further employment.

    In the field of work (activity) with certain groups of municipal employees of the administration, the Department participates in educational, methodological and other activities aimed at improving the professional level of municipal employees, including those in the reserve for appointment to the highest positions of the municipal service.

    In the field of professional training of municipal employees

    Administration Department:

    -analyzes the professional and qualification characteristics of municipal employees, develops proposals for improving the professional level of municipal employees;

    -participates in the organization of professional training of municipal employees, analyzes this area of ​​activity, develops measures to improve it;

    -jointly with interested structural subdivisions summarizes and plans topical issues (problems) necessary for the training of municipal employees in the course of vocational training.

    advises municipal employees on staffing, municipal service;

    studies the positive experience of other municipalities in matters of ensuring personnel policy for subsequent implementation in the municipal service;

    participates in the conduct of internal audits on the facts of violations by municipal employees and employees of official (labor) discipline.

    In the field of organizational and analytical support for work with the personnel of the administration, the Department: annually analyzes the state of discipline and disciplinary practice in the municipal service, makes proposals aimed at improving them; prepares draft legal acts on personnel issues, information and reference, reporting and analytical documents on personnel issues for the head of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk.

    The department carries out organizational and regular work: analyzes and prepares proposals for the creation, reorganization and liquidation of structural divisions; analyzes the effectiveness of the use of human resources, the practice of using working (official) time, makes proposals for improving the organization of labor of municipal employees and workers; participates together with interested departments in the preparation of draft organizational and administrative documents; maintains the staff and staffing, accounting of the staffing of municipal employees and workers; prepares proposals on the structure and staffing of municipal employees and employees; carries out information and reference work on the current and expired states.

    In the field of personnel records, reporting, registration, storage and preparation of documents in the administration, the Department: forms, maintains and stores personal files, work books of municipal employees, employees of the administration, heads of municipal institutions (enterprises) of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, subordinate to the administration, ensures the safety and reliability personal data, their timely updating, as well as the established mode of access to them; submits the established reporting on work with personnel to the head of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the manager of affairs of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, in statistics; draws up travel certificates, and also takes into account municipal employees who left and arrived on a business trip; keeps records of incentives and penalties of municipal employees and employees; prepares and, in accordance with the established procedure, sends documents to the relevant structures of state authorities on issues of awarding departmental and state awards, conferring honorary titles of the Russian Federation, the region, the head of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk; organizes the presentation of state and departmental awards to municipal employees and employees, reports on the work done to the relevant authorities; organizes work to consider the issues of establishing a monthly supplement to the labor pension for persons who have held positions in the municipal service, according to awards; draws up, within its competence, at the request of municipal employees and employees, certificates and other documents; considers proposals, applications, complaints of municipal employees and employees of the administration, other citizens on issues within the competence of the Department; receives citizens on issues within the competence of the Department.

    An employee or Consultant of the Department should know:

    • issues of personnel work and office work;
    • issues of formation, maintenance and preservation of documents on the personnel of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk in accordance with the approved nomenclature of cases before transfer to the municipal archive;
    • rules of business communication ethics;
    • rules for the operation of computer technology, communication and communications;
    • labor protection rules and regulations.
    • The department consultant has the following functions:
    • keeping records of the personnel reserve of municipal employees in the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk;
    • preparation in accordance with the established procedure of draft orders on personnel on the appointment of candidates for the municipal service, the admission of employees to the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, and the execution of relevant documents.
    • Upon appointment to a position, imposition of temporary execution
    • duties, dismissal The Consultant organizes the consideration of candidates for appointment to the positions of the municipal service; in accordance with the legislation on municipal service, controls the completeness and correctness of filling out documents, providing documents related to the passage of municipal service under an employment contract; provides control over compliance by municipal employees with restrictions related to municipal service; exercises control over the terms of employment contracts concluded with municipal employees and employees.
    • During certification of municipal employees, the Consultant:
    • - prepares draft orders of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, approving the composition of the attestation commission of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk;
    • - provides organizational support for the activities of the attestation commission;
    • - controls the timing of certification, schedules for certification, the timeliness of familiarization of municipal employees with the results of certification and the correct execution of relevant documents;
    • - based on the results of the certification, prepares proposals for the inclusion of municipal employees in the reserve for promotion to higher positions and the implementation of other decisions of the certification commission.
    • The consultant is engaged in the preparation of orders for personnel on the provision of municipal employees and employees of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk with basic, additional leaves, maternity leave, as well as child care, and other leaves; maintains a time sheet; prepares draft orders of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk related to the passage of municipal service, business trips, compliance with labor discipline and internal regulations of municipal employees and workers.
    • Upon dismissal from the municipal service, the Consultant prepares draft orders on the establishment (appointment) of a seniority pension for municipal employees and a monthly supplement to labor pensions for persons who have held municipal positions and positions of the municipal service; prepares draft orders on personnel on the dismissal of municipal employees and workers; prepares, in accordance with the established procedure, the documents necessary for municipal employees for further employment.
    • Annually performs the calculation of the need for professional retraining and advanced training of municipal employees, taking into account the proposals of the heads of departments
    • In order to ensure the conditions for effective professional
    • activities of municipal employees of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk administration, the consultant provides written and oral advice on the passage of the municipal service of municipal employees, as well as on staffing issues. He participates in the conduct of internal audits on the facts of violations by municipal employees and employees of official (labor) discipline.
    • The consultant participates in the preparation of draft organizational and administrative documents; controls the timing of certification, schedules for certification, the timeliness of familiarization of municipal employees with the results of certification and the correct execution of relevant documents; based on the results of the certification, prepares proposals for the inclusion of municipal employees in the reserve for promotion to higher positions and the implementation of other decisions of the certification commission.
    • Prepares orders on the provision of municipal employees and employees of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk with basic, additional holidays, maternity leave, as well as childcare, other leaves, and also prepares draft orders of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk related to the passage of municipal service, secondment, observance of labor discipline and internal regulations of municipal employees and workers; maintains a time sheet;
    • The consultant deals with the issues of personnel records management upon dismissal from work:
    • - prepares draft orders on the establishment (appointment) of a long service pension for municipal employees and a monthly supplement to labor pensions for persons who have held municipal positions and positions of municipal service;
    • - submits to the manager draft orders on personnel on the dismissal of municipal employees and workers;
    • - prepares in accordance with the established procedure the documents necessary for municipal employees for further employment.
    • In the field of maintaining personnel documents, reporting, registration, storage and preparation of documentary materials for the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk consultant:
    • organizes the formation, maintenance and storage of personal files, maintenance and storage of work books of municipal employees, employees of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, ensures the safety and reliability of personal data, their timely updating, as well as the established mode of access to them;
    • submits the established reporting on work with personnel to the head of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the head of the general department of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, in statistics;
    • draws up travel certificates, and also takes into account municipal employees who left and arrived on a business trip;
    • keeps records of incentives and penalties of municipal employees and employees;
    • draws up, within the framework of its competence, at the request of municipal employees and employees, certificates and other documents;
    • considers proposals, applications, complaints of municipal employees and employees of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, other citizens on issues within its competence;
    • receives citizens on issues within its competence.

    Organizes the formation, maintenance and storage of personal files, maintenance and storage of work books of heads of institutions subordinate to the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, ensures the safety of the reliability of personal data, their timely updating, as well as the established mode of access to them;

    prepares draft orders for personnel on hiring, dismissal, bonuses, secondment, penalties, provision of basic, additional leaves, maternity leave, as well as childcare leave, other leaves for heads of institutions subordinate to the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk.

    Thus, we see that the work of the General Department and the Consultants is aimed at creating a competent and efficient work of all employees of the Administration. The general department performs important tasks and functions in hiring, adapting employees, accompanying employees throughout their work in this organization.

    2 Study of the career potential of employees of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk

    The career potential of an employee is the characteristics that a person has in order to build his career. First of all, it is age, professional experience, length of service, education received, advanced training, foreign internships, possession of a driver’s license, knowledge of foreign languages, personal qualities of employees (perseverance, corrosiveness, pedantry, attentiveness, non-conflict, ability to work in a team, ability to quick learning, agility).

    The career potential of the organization, a complex characteristic that allows you to assess the dynamics of the attitude of employees to a career and their activity in the implementation of individual career plans. Includes features such as:

    · career mood of employees (number of employees with clear career goals) and motives for career advancement and professional growth,

    · perceptions of the reality of a career in a particular organization and the awareness of employees about existing and prospective,

    · employees have individual career plans,

    · factors operating in the organization that promote and hinder the career advancement of employees, and the organization's practice of promotion to leadership positions and the assessment of this practice by employees of the organization.

    To find out the career potential of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, we conducted a study of the employees of the organization on the basis of a questionnaire. In total, the organization employs 73 people, as indicated below in table 1. To determine the career potential, we interviewed the majority of administration employees - 42 people (Appendix 1).

    Table 1

    Name of categories of employees Number of approved staff positions as of the reporting date Number of employees as of October 1, 2012 (persons) 5

    To find out the career potential of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, we conducted a study of the employees of the organization on the basis of a questionnaire.

    The average age of employees is 38.6 years, which indicates the experience of the team and knowledge of the intricacies of work. Employees with professional and life experience are calmer and more purposeful in achieving their goals, emotional outbursts occur in rare situations, which has a positive effect on the quality of work.

    All administration employees we interviewed have higher education, in 10% of cases they complete it. True, education is not always specialized (45%), but at the same time advanced training courses have been completed or a person receives a second higher specialized education. This item also makes it possible to judge the high career potential of the administrative staff, because professionals with higher education with great understanding of the work.

    By length of service, civil servants are distributed as follows:

    up to 1 year - 10%,

    up to 5 years - 45%,

    up to 10 years - 25%,

    up to 15 years - 10%,

    over 15 years - 10%

    The obtained data testifies to the high potential of the civil service. With an increase in the length of service in a public position, there is a movement from junior positions to higher positions.

    Retraining courses and advanced training courses for administration employees are constantly held. In 35% of cases, up to 8 different courses were listed. Of course, there were young specialists who had not yet completed advanced training courses (10%), but at the same time, the work of the General Department in this direction is being carried out. In most cases, employees indicated 2 retraining or advanced training courses. All these data demonstrate a fairly high level of career potential for administration employees. Working in such a serious organization, employees strive to learn, acquire new knowledge, and improve in their profession.

    Employees are sent on foreign business trips infrequently - 5% noted trips to Norway. 35% of employees noted frequent business trips to the Murmansk region, the rest of the employees (mostly young professionals who have recently started work) do not go on business trips at the moment. Heads of administration prefer to send experienced professionals on business trips, and first teach young professionals the basic subtleties of the profession, which also demonstrates the high level of the organization's career potential.

    To the question “What knowledge do you need the most?” 59% of civil servants of the administration indicated that this is knowledge in the field of state cultural policy, in second place was a lack of knowledge in the field of information and analytical activities, the legal foundations of economic activity, in third place - a lack of knowledge in the field of personnel management, personnel work, relations with the public.

    The career potential of civil servants is largely determined by the motives of service activities. According to the survey results, the dominant motive is “the desire to realize oneself in management” (40%), which correlates with the highest need for self-actualization, the second most important motive is “to take a worthy place in society” (17%). Such motives as "the guarantee of a permanent job" and "a stable position" dominate among 15% of employees, "the desire to solve financial problems" - 17%, "to have prospects for professional growth" - 18%.

    Thus, 38% of employees have motives for official activities that correspond to the area of ​​the lower level of needs, in particular, security. Consequently, employees motivated mainly by the guarantee of a permanent job, the desire to solve material problems, will strive for a career, but this will be promotion under the influence of fear of the possibility of losing such a guarantee. The fact that such a possibility is real is evidenced by the fact that only 24% of employees express complete confidence in the stability of their position, 66% are not entirely sure, and almost 18% do not have such confidence.

    Uncertainty about the stability of one's official position gives rise to another factor that clearly does not contribute to a full-fledged career - service. Analyzing the dependence of satisfaction with the official position on the motives of activity, it should be noted that the most satisfied with the service are those who seek to realize themselves in management (42%), those who are less satisfied are those who are looking for a permanent job, a worthy place in society and material benefits. One employee, a man with the highest degree of motivation, indicated that he was completely dissatisfied with his official position. Perhaps this is due to the tender features, which will be discussed below. There is a certain dependence of confidence in the stability of the position on the degree of achievement of career goals: 25% of those who are completely confident in the stability of their position have already achieved their career goals, 59% of those who are “not quite confident” have “partially” achieved their goals. 16% of those who are insecure in their position say that they have not achieved their career goals.

    The general career mood of civil servants of the administration is different: 33% noted the importance of their service career for them and expressed a desire to rise to a higher position. The leading motive for the performance of this group of employees is "the desire to realize themselves in management", and professional promotion for them is a purposeful and planned process. It should be noted that this group is represented by employees whose age is up to 40 years. 25% of employees were undecided in their desire to develop a career, 25% of respondents indicated that they did not want career growth, as they had already achieved their career goals (persons over 50 years old).

    As for the prospects for career growth, 42% have a clear idea about this and 58% believe that they have all the necessary prerequisites for career development. About 40% of employees indicated in their answers that there are opportunities for professional and job advancement in this organization, however, 17% believe that there is no such possibility. 43% of respondents find it difficult to answer this question.

    The opinion of civil servants about their own importance in the organization of a career is ambiguous: 50% of respondents note that promotion depends on the employee himself, 25% - on the leader, 25% indicate a combination of circumstances.

    According to the vast majority of civil servants of the administration, the most important qualities that affect successful promotion are professionalism and competence. This indicates the high professionalism of managers, their interest in building up the professional potential of the organization and each employee, and that more and more professionalism of civil servants is becoming the foundation of promotion. Some respondents noted diligence, responsibility, decency, honesty. 9% consider the patronage of influential people important.

    Thus, the analysis of the career potential of civil servants of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, carried out on the basis of a questionnaire survey, allows us to draw the following conclusions:

    the level of education and training of civil servants of the administration is quite high, which in itself is a significant condition for career development;

    the age composition of the apparatus (average age up to 40 years) is a prerequisite for the development of a general career movement;

    some of the employees have a clearly defined career orientation, and as the leading motive for service activities - "the desire to realize themselves in management", which is a very important point, since "strong motivation" is the main condition for a highly effective public service;

    about half of the employees do not have a clear idea of ​​the prospects for their professional growth and the possibilities of professional and career advancement.

    3 The process of planning a professional career for employees of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk

    Personnel technologies (selection, advanced training and retraining, qualification exam, attestation, internship, work with a personnel reserve) are the tools by which the management of the professional promotion of employees is carried out.

    In the administration, personnel work is under the authority of the leading specialist of the general department. As a result of the analysis of documentation and questioning of civil servants, we see that the main personnel career management technologies in this organization are certification, competition for filling vacant positions (Appendix 2).

    Yes, from 2008 to 2013. in the administration, 3 attestations were carried out and 17 people were attested. All those who were certified were recognized as corresponding to their positions. However, the attestation sheets do not indicate the comments and suggestions made by the members of the attestation commission. There are also no recommendations from the attestation commission on the promotion of an employee in a position, on the assignment of the next qualification category, on inclusion in the reserve for a higher position, on sending him to advanced training courses. Only according to the results of the last certification, which took place in November 2012, 2 employees were enrolled in the personnel reserve. Thus, attestation as the main tool for managing the career of employees in the administration is practically not used. This is evidenced by the responses of employees. More than 58% of those who answered the main factor in career advancement in the organization called the "recommendation of the head", "the results of certification" - 0%. But the important tasks of certification is to identify the potential of a civil servant in order to promote him in the service, to ensure the real functioning of the promotion mechanism. Certification should serve as a kind of feedback tool for the individual, it harmonizes the mutual expectations of the organization and the employee. The main forms of certification in the administration are interviews and analysis of recommendations, however, these methods do not provide an opportunity to objectively and fully assess the professional, business and moral qualities of civil servants. It can be assumed that purposeful work with personnel on the basis of certification will provide an opportunity for the development of self-improvement and career growth of employees.

    For the period from 2008 to 2013. in the administration 3 times a qualifying exam was held. As a result of the exam, civil servants received higher qualification ranks. 6 competitions were held for filling vacant public positions. About 40% of employees consider competition to be the predominant way of career advancement, although an analysis of the documentation shows a fairly large percentage of employees hired for a vacant position "from the outside", which is a destabilizing factor in the development of a career process in an organization.

    The administration has compiled a list of personnel reserve persons for appointment to a higher position, in which there are only 2 people from the administration apparatus (according to the results of the questionnaire, they do not belong to the number of career-oriented employees), the rest of the applicants are employees of various institutions who are not civil servants.

    The main form of work with the personnel reserve is retraining and advanced training. Forms such as rotation, internships, assignment of planning issues, participation in the preparation of decisions of meetings, hearings, career counseling are not used.

    In April 2010, the Administration drew up a perspective plan-schedule for advanced training of employees for a period of five years, which provides for the terms of training at the RANEPA, the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Workers. 90% of employees have undergone retraining and advanced training over the past three years, and only 10% have not yet had time. Retraining and advanced training of administration specialists is carried out indiscriminately and does not entail an increase in the official status of civil servants. But it is the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of training and enriched in practical activities that have deep strength and become an important prerequisite for a career.

    Thus, the characteristic features of career development planning in the system of civil service administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk should include a high level of career potential of civil servants, as evidenced by the level of educational and professional training of personnel, a high percentage of “strong motivation” for service activities and the number of employees focused on career development. promotion.

    It should be noted the low efficiency of the personnel service in the organization and the unsatisfactory level of application of personnel career management technologies in the public service system. This situation is typical in public authorities, as evidenced by all-Russian statistics. The reason for the weak career management in the public service system is that this work is spontaneous, it is not provided for either from the legal, scientific, methodological, or organizational sides. There are no specialists trained to work in this direction, there is no work with a personnel reserve of specialists who apply for career development.

    Chapter 3

    3.1 Ways to develop a professional career of municipal employees of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk

    municipal employee personnel career

    Based on the analysis and study of the career development of employees of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, we offer recommendations for improving the professional career of civil servants.

    Personnel management is an extremely difficult task. Even after the selection of a specialist for work in a public administration body, according to all the formal signs of meeting the requirements of the position, the management of the organization has to make decisions regarding its most rational use, subsequent movements (vertical and horizontal), determine the degree of its compliance with the position held and etc.

    At the forefront of the general department, it is necessary to set goals: obtaining a more meaningful and adequate work for professional interests and inclinations; development of professional abilities at the expense of the organization; providing opportunities for self-realization and, as a result, increasing the level of job satisfaction.

    We propose to develop a number of documents that will guide the general department in the process of implementing personnel policy

    Career regulation - a document regulating the process of career management in an organization.

    Developed career plans for possible career advancement for administration specialists. They include definitions of job relocations, descriptions of requirements for candidates, forms and methods for assessing knowledge, skills, abilities, work results, and so on. The career plan outlines a career development plan for an individual employee, as well as a plan to improve his professionalism, since the growth of professionalism becomes a means of maintaining a civil servant in a position, and in the future, a factor in a new career promotion, the realization of his abilities.

    Service-professional promotion can be represented by a certain sequence of stages.

    The first stage is work with senior students of basic educational institutions of the region and students sent for internships to government bodies. Most of the specialized personnel can be found among the graduates of Murmansk universities. Specialists of personnel management units, together with the heads of structural units of the bodies accepting students for practice, select the most capable of them, inclined to managerial work, and enroll the selected applicants in the personnel reserve for appointment (in case of vacancies) to specialist positions. First of all, more attention should be paid to this stage. It is from him that career growth of a specialist can begin. A mistake at this stage can lead to mismanagement of an employee's career in the future.

    The second stage is work with young specialists accepted into the administration. At this stage, for a certain period of time (usually up to a year), the head of the management body monitors the work of a young specialist, analyzes his tendency to make independent managerial decisions, and concludes that it is advisable to enroll him in the reserve for promotion to senior management positions. Appropriate notes can be made in the characteristics of the employee at the ongoing certification.

    The third stage is work with the leaders of the lower management level. At this stage, the selected lower-level managers (heads of departments) are assigned as understudies to the line managers of the middle level and replace them during their absence. Subject to successful work in these positions, lower-level managers are transferred to the reserve and, if vacancies appear, they are appointed to higher positions.

    The fourth stage is work with middle managers (heads of departments, committees, etc.). At this stage, promising managers from outside organizations can join the already formed group of young managers of the governing body. For each appointed middle manager, it makes sense to “fix” a mentor - a senior manager for individual work with him.

    The fourth stage should also provide for advanced training programs and internships for middle managers in leading organizations, as well as periodic testing to identify their professional skills, ability to manage a team, and skillfully solve complex managerial tasks. Based on the analysis of the practical activities of a particular leader, taking into account the results of testing, proposals are made for further promotion in his service.

    The fifth stage is work with top managers. The appointment of leaders to senior positions is a delicate and complex process. One of the main difficulties here is the choice of a candidate who meets many requirements. The head of the top management (ministries, governments, administrations, etc.) must have a good knowledge of the relevant industry or area of ​​management, as well as the organization subordinate to him. He must have experience in the main functional subsystems of the organization in order to know all the intricacies of the technological process in the relevant structure, navigate financial and personnel issues, and act skillfully in extreme situations. Given this, rotation, i.e. the movement of an employee from one division of the organization to another should begin in advance, when managers are in positions of lower and middle management.

    The selection for promotion and filling of vacant senior positions is most expedient to be carried out on a competitive basis. It makes sense to give this prerogative to a special commission consisting of top managers of the organization. Specialists from the relevant departments of personnel management, and, if necessary, independent experts, should be involved in the work of such a commission.

    As practice shows, the correct strategy for replacing positions by employees of the organization requires their periodic retraining and advanced training both for moving to a higher position and in order to improve their professionalism within their positions. Many power structures today specifically finance these events. Within the framework of the administration, there are also programs to improve the skills of personnel.

    The improvement of the qualifications of each management employee is facilitated by providing him with the opportunity to perform the duties of almost all employees of the same or higher (lower) level with him in various departments of management.

    Such an approach to the professional education of workers will give its positive results. The result will be rapid promotion through the ranks.

    Effective career development management implies constant monitoring of the degree of compliance of a specialist or manager with his position, i.e. current assessment of his business and personal qualities. In the system of public administration, the evaluation of the results of which makes a decision on the further position of the employee in the organization.

    There is a need to find new forms of attestation in public authorities. One of such progressive technologies, some scientists consider the assessment center method, practiced in a number of foreign countries. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the certification of public administration personnel is carried out on the basis of specially designed exercises that model the main aspects of managerial activity.

    The assessment of the behavior of the person being certified is carried out by specially trained independent experts of the assessment center. The exercises used for assessment are aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for the manifestation of professional qualities of all assessed. To eliminate the possibility of a biased attitude of observers (experts) to those being evaluated, each of them is evaluated by each observer personally.

    The results of the assessment are discussed by the experts after completing all the assessment exercises at the final session, at which the observers compare their assessments for each assessed person.

    This method of attestation of personnel of public authorities allows to ensure the objectivity of the assessment of the assessed, the use of sufficiently adequate assessment criteria, the identification of both the individual qualities of the assessed and their potential, the acquisition by the assessed of a more complete picture of their professional, business and personal qualities and directions for their further development.

    3.2 Proposals and evaluation of their cost-effectiveness

    The effectiveness of the proposed solutions to improve the efficiency of civil servant career management is ultimately determined only after some time has passed. The condition for the effectiveness of such solutions is continuous training and advanced training of employees, allowing you to plan and build their promotion in the organization.

    The improved personnel policy of the administration will make it possible to purposefully train and select obviously more qualified personnel. It will allow expanding the field of interaction with specialized universities. It will make you pay more attention to young specialists and perhaps allow one of them to quickly take a high position. This will positively affect the work of the entire department. But at the same time, the problem of oversaturation of personnel may arise, which can lead to the stagnation of a qualified worker at a certain stage of the career ladder.

    Changing the certification system can significantly optimize the process of checking employees for prof. fitness. Appraisal is a process of evaluating the effectiveness of an employee's performance of their duties, carried out by the immediate supervisor. The introduction of extraordinary attestations and the change in the very form of its implementation is based on the requirements dictated by the characteristics of the new proposed position and new responsibilities. At the same time, the potential capabilities of the employee and the level of his professional training for occupying a higher position are revealed. Similar approaches can be used in the certification of a manager (specialist) when he is transferred to another structural unit, if the duties and tasks to be solved change significantly.

    Measures to improve the methodology and system for assessing the organization's personnel can reduce the time spent on certification. In particular, due to the introduction of computer technologies to identify the most and least important qualities in the employees of the organization, it is possible to significantly reduce the time spent on certification. This, in turn, will lead to a conditional release of the number of staff and savings on the payroll of members of the certification commission.

    Time savings are calculated using the formula:

    Where - the time of work of the attestation commission before and after the events;

    The number of certified workers.

    Cost reduction due to payroll savings is calculated by the formula:

    Where - the average hourly wage of a member of the attestation commission, rubles;

    Coefficient taking into account the single social tax rate, %

    Number of employees of the attestation commission, pers.

    We calculate the economic efficiency of measures to improve the system of certification of administration personnel.

    Number of qualified employees - 52

    Time spent per certified employee - 0.5

    Number of employees included in the attestation commission - 4

    The average salary of a member of the attestation commission per hour is 42.7

    The savings in working time will be:

    Cost reduction due to payroll savings will be:

    The current (annual) economic effect is equal to the increase in profit from cost reduction:

    It is also obvious that improving the system of recruitment and selection of personnel at the enterprise will help reduce the cost of recruiting workers.

    The cost of conducting a set () is calculated by the formula:

    where - the cost of staff recruitment;

    The coefficient of change in the number at the end of the estimated

    (analyzed) period to the number at the beginning of the settlement

    (analyzed) period;

    Staff turnover rate.

    Calculate cost savings on the recruitment of administration staff.

    Staff recruitment costs - 15,000 (before events) / 13,500 (after)

    Staff turnover rate - 0.926 (before events) / 0.026 (after)

    Headcount - 42 (before events) / 55 (after)

    The coefficient of change in the number of personnel will be:

    B = 42/55 = 1.04

    The recruitment costs will be:

    The current (annual) economic effect will be:

    Thus, we see the undoubted effectiveness of the proposed measures, which is manifested by reducing the cost of recruiting an administration person by 38.0 thousand rubles a year, saving time by 9.36 hours.


    After conducting a study on the analysis of the effectiveness of the personnel service in managing the career development processes of civil servants, we can draw the following conclusions:

    The civil service at the present stage of reforming Russia is an essential component of the economic and social infrastructure. The key factor determining its effectiveness is the professional activity of civil servants. When managing public service personnel, it is important to remember that sound career planning, development and implementation has far-reaching implications. If an organization has an effective career development system, it ensures the movement of not only intra-organizational goals, but at the same time maintains the professional stability of employees. In addition, a sustainable career in the civil service is one of the leading motives for the professional activities of civil servants. The problem of career management is complex and multifaceted, it involves an integrated approach based on socio-psychological, administrative, legal and organizational aspects

    A service career is a professional advancement, professional growth, stages of an employee's ascent to professionalism. The result of a civil servant's career is high professionalism, the achievement of a recognized professional status.

    Professionalism is the highest degree of perfection in a certain type of activity, it is the highest level of skill, it is also the accomplishment of a task in a superlative degree.

    The main goal of the public service personnel management system is to provide the organization with highly professional personnel and their effective use, professional and personal development in the interests of serving society

    Our study, analysis of the personal files of civil servants of the administration, personnel statistics data led to the conclusion that there are a number of problems in the practical implementation of career management in the civil service. It seems that work in an organization in this area should include the study of staff motivation, the selection of specialists who are configured for career growth and turning them into an object of the organization's career strategy, organizing work with a personnel reserve, job rotation and job rotation, career counseling : assessment of not only professional, but also moral and personal qualities of employees, autogenic management according to the self-improvement program.

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    Staffing table of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk administration as of January 11, 2012// Internal document

    Job description of the Consultant of the General Department - senior position of the municipal service dated 08.11.10// Internal document

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    Annex 1

    Dear employee!

    We invite you to take part in the study of career development of employees in our organization. We hope that by sincerely answering the questions of this questionnaire, identifying the points that management and the HR department should pay attention to, you will help not only yourself, but also future newcomers to get used to the company faster. Thank you!

    Item number Question Answer1 Full name and contact details 2 Your age 3 Your basic education (professional seminars, retraining courses, advanced training, trainings) 4 Briefly indicate your previous jobs and duration 5 Specify the reasons for leaving your last jobs 7 Do you ever travel? Local, foreign9What knowledge do you need the most10Motives for your career: the desire to realize yourself in management, the need for self-actualization, to take a worthy place in society, the guarantee of a permanent job, a stable position, the desire to solve material problems, to have prospects for professional growth. 11 Satisfaction with the official position 12 Motives for official activity 13 Prospects for career growth 14 Own importance in the organization of a career. Promotion depends on: the employee himself, on the leader, the combination of circumstances, the results of the appraisal15 The most important qualities that affect successful promotion16 What do you lack for full self-disclosure as a person and as a professional? What are you doing to eliminate these obstacles?17 Describe your most successful project

    Annex 2


    (Decision of the Council of Deputies of ZATO Aleksandrovsk No. 110 dated 10/26/2010)

    The procedure for holding a competition for filling the position of a municipal service in the local self-government bodies of the municipality of the closed administrative-territorial formation Aleksandrovsk of the Murmansk region (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed in accordance with Federal Law No. 25-FZ of March 2, 2007 "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation", The Law of the Murmansk Region dated June 29, 2007 No. 860-01-ZMO "On the Municipal Service in the Murmansk Region" and determines the procedure and conditions for holding a competition for filling a vacant position of the municipal service in the local self-government bodies of the municipality, the closed administrative-territorial formation of Aleksandrovsk, Murmansk Region (hereinafter - local self-government bodies of ZATO Aleksandrovsk), in the administration bodies of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, which may precede the conclusion of an employment contract and appointment to a position. A vacant position of a municipal service is a position not substituted by a municipal employee, provided for by the staffing table of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the administration body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk. The competition for filling a vacant position of a municipal service in the local self-government bodies of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the administration bodies of ZATO Aleksandrovsk (hereinafter referred to as the competition) ensures the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to equal access to municipal service. The competition consists in assessing the professional level of applicants for filling a vacant position in the municipal service, their compliance with the established qualification requirements for the position of the municipal service.

    The competition is held on the basis of the decision of the head of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the administration body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, issued by order (order) of the head, upon appointment to positions of the municipal service related to groups of senior, leading, main positions of the municipal service.

    The competition is not held:

    a) when concluding a fixed-term employment contract;

    b) when appointing a municipal employee (citizen) who is in the personnel reserve to fill vacant positions in the municipal service;

    c) upon appointment to a position of a municipal service belonging to the group of junior positions in the municipal service;

    d) upon appointment to a position of a municipal service, the performance of official duties for which is associated with the use of information constituting a state secret, according to the list of positions approved by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

    Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18, speak the state language of the Russian Federation and meet the qualification requirements for a vacant position in the municipal service established by the current legislation on municipal service have the right to participate in the competition. A municipal employee has the right to participate in the competition on a general basis, regardless of what position of the municipal service he fills for the period of the announcement of the competition.

    On the basis of the order (order) of the head of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the administration body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the apparatus of the Council of Deputies of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the general department of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the structural unit (employee), carrying out personnel work in the administration bodies of ZATO Aleksandrovsk (hereinafter referred to as the personnel department ) prepares and sends the announcement of the competition to the official printed edition of the local government of Aleksandrovsk CATU for publication no later than 20 calendar days before the start of the competition, and also places the said announcement on the official website of the relevant local government of Aleksandrovsk CATU.

    The announcement of the competition must contain:

    the name of the vacant position of the municipal service;

    requirements for the applicant for the specified position;

    a list of documents to be submitted in accordance with paragraph 6 of this Procedure;

    the start and end dates for the acceptance of documents for the competition;

    the place and time of receipt of these documents;

    date, place and time of the competition;

    conditions for the competition;

    a draft employment contract for filling a position in the municipal service;

    other information materials, including information about the source

    for more information.

    A citizen or municipal employee who has expressed a desire to participate in the competition (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) submits to the personnel department:

    a) a personal statement;

    b) a self-filled and signed application form of the established form with a 3 x 4 photograph attached;

    c) a copy of the passport or a document replacing it (the relevant document is presented in person upon arrival at the competition);

    d) a copy of the work book, except for the case when labor (service) activity is carried out for the first time, or other documents confirming the labor (service) activity of a citizen, certified by a notary or personnel services at the place of work (service);

    e) copies of documents on professional education, as well as (at the discretion of the applicant) on additional professional education, on awarding an academic degree, academic title, certified by a notary or personnel services at the place of work (service);

    f) the conclusion of a medical institution on the absence of a disease that prevents entry into the municipal service;

    g) information on income, property and liabilities of a property nature;

    h) other documents provided for by the current legislation, if they were indicated in the announcement of the competition.

    The Human Resources Department checks the documents submitted by the applicant for their compliance with the requirements specified in the announcement of the competition.

    The grounds for refusal of an applicant to participate in the competition are:

    a) submission of documents not in full or in violation of their execution;

    b) non-compliance of the applicant with the established qualification requirements for the vacant position of the municipal service;

    c) the applicant has restrictions established by the current legislation on municipal service for entering the municipal service and (or) its passage.

    If, during the verification, the circumstances that are the basis for refusing the applicant to participate in the tender are established, the head of the personnel department draws up, signs a certificate indicating the reasons for the refusal and submits it to the head of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, who decides to refuse the applicant to participate in the competition. competition.

    The head of the personnel department sends the indicated certificate to the applicant within a period not exceeding 14 calendar days from the date of submission of the documents.

    An applicant who has received a refusal to participate in the competition has the right to appeal this decision in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The documents submitted by the applicant who was refused participation in the competition are returned to him by the personnel department by mail within a period not exceeding 30 calendar days from the date of the relevant decision by the head of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the administration body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk.

    The HR department forms a list of applicants admitted to participate in the competition (hereinafter referred to as candidates), no later than 7 calendar days before the date of the competition. The competition is held with the participation of at least two candidates.

    The head of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the administration body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, within a period not exceeding 7 calendar days before the date of the competition, by order (order) forms a commission for holding a competition for filling a vacant position in the municipal service (hereinafter referred to as the commission) consisting of seven people as part of the chairman , deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission, which operates on a non-permanent basis.

    The commission includes a representative of the head of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the administration body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk and (or) municipal employees authorized by him, including specialists from the personnel department, the legal (legal) department and the structural unit in which the vacant position of the municipal service is located , at least two deputies of the Council of Deputies of ZATO Aleksandrovsk (in agreement with the Chairman of the Council of Deputies of ZATO Aleksandrovsk).

    Representatives of scientific, educational institutions and other organizations invited on a contractual basis as independent experts on issues related to the municipal service may be involved in the work of the commission.

    The form of work of the commission is a meeting. The meeting is competent if at least two thirds of its members are present. The date and time of the meeting of the commission is appointed by the chairman, and in his absence - by the deputy chairman of the commission.

    The Commission in its work is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Murmansk region, this Procedure and other regulatory legal acts of ZATO Aleksandrovsk.

    The commission assesses the professional and business qualities of candidates, their compliance with the established qualification requirements for the position of the municipal service, maintains and draws up minutes of meetings (hereinafter referred to as the minutes), and makes decisions.

    When evaluating the qualities of candidates, the commission proceeds from the basic requirements for a municipal employee: knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, the Charter of the Murmansk region, the laws of the Murmansk region, other federal regulatory legal acts and regulatory legal acts of the Murmansk region, the Charter of ZATO Aleksandrovsk and other normative legal acts of ZATO Aleksandrovsk in relation to the performance of duties in the relevant municipal position; organizational and managerial abilities that affect the performance of a municipal employee. The assessment of the professional qualities of candidates is carried out on the basis of official duties, powers and qualification requirements for a particular municipal position.

    The commission evaluates candidates on the basis of their documents on education, employment, as well as on the basis of competitive procedures using methods for assessing the professional and personal qualities of candidates that do not contradict the current legislation, including individual interviews, questionnaires, group discussions, writing an essay or testing on issues related to the performance of official duties for the vacant position of the municipal service, for which the candidates are applying.

    The course of the meeting, the results of voting and the decisions of the commission are recorded in the minutes, drawn up in the form specified in the annex to these Regulations, which are signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the commission who took part in the voting.

    Based on the results of the competition, the commission makes one or more of the following decisions:

    a) select a candidate for appointment to a vacant position

    c) to recommend to the head of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the administration body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk to include the candidate (candidates) who did not pass (failed) selection in the personnel reserve for filling vacancies in the municipal service. The candidate who received the largest number of votes of the members of the commission during the voting is considered selected. With these actions, the competition ends.

    The head of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the administration body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, on the basis of the protocol submitted by the chairman of the commission, within a period not exceeding 10 working days from the date of completion of the competition, concludes an employment contract and appoints a candidate selected by the commission based on the results of the competition to the post of municipal service.

    The documents submitted by the applicants, together with the protocol, are submitted by the chairman of the commission to the personnel department.

    With this action, the activities of the commission are terminated.

    Documents of the commission are stored in the personnel department for a year from the date of completion of the competition, after which they are destroyed.

    The results of the competition are communicated to candidates in writing by the head of the HR department within 14 calendar days from the date of its completion. Information about the competition and its results is published in the official print media outlet and on the website of the local governments of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the administration of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk.

    Documents of candidates not selected for a vacant position in the municipal service, not included in the personnel reserve, are returned to them by the personnel department by mail within a period not exceeding 30 days from the date of completion of the competition.

    Expenses associated with participation in the competition (travel to and from the venue of the competition, rental of housing, accommodation, use of communication services, etc.) are covered by candidates at their own expense.

    The candidate has the right to appeal against the legal act of the head of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the administration body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, issued based on the results of the competition, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Annex 3


    on the certification of municipal employees in local government ZATO Aleksandrovsk

    General provisions

    1.1. This Regulation determines the procedure for attestation of municipal employees in the local governments of ZATO Aleksandrovsk.

    2. Certification is carried out in order to determine the compliance of a municipal employee with a substituted position of a municipal service based on an assessment of his professional performance.

    The attestation is intended to promote the formation of the personnel of the municipal service in the local governments of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, to improve the professional level of municipal employees, as well as issues related to changing the conditions of remuneration of municipal employees.

    3. Certification is not subject to municipal employees:

    who have worked in their position in the municipal service for less than one year;

    over the age of 60;

    pregnant women;

    on maternity leave and parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years. Certification of these municipal employees is possible not earlier than one year after leaving the vacation;

    replacing positions of the municipal service on the basis of a fixed-term employment contract (contract) *.

    4. Certification of a municipal employee is carried out once every three years.

    Before the expiration of three years after the previous certification, an extraordinary certification of a municipal employee may be carried out.

    5. Extraordinary certification can be carried out:

    By agreement of the parties to the employment agreement (contract), taking into account the results of the annual report on the professional performance of the municipal employee;

    by decision of the representative of the employer (employer) after the decision is made in the prescribed manner:

    about reduction of posts of municipal service in municipal body;

    on changing the conditions of remuneration of municipal employees.

    1.6. Based on the results of an extraordinary attestation, municipal employees who have the priority right to fill a position in the municipal service may be given other positions in the municipal service, including in another municipal body, for replacement.

    2. Organization of certification

    2.1. For the certification of municipal employees, by decision of the representative of the employer (employer), a legal act is issued containing the provisions:

    on the formation of an attestation commission;

    on approval of the certification schedule;

    on the compilation of lists of municipal employees subject to certification;

    on the preparation of documents necessary for the work of the attestation commission.

    2.2. The attestation commission is formed by a legal act of the local self-government body ZATO Aleksandrovsk. The specified act determines the composition of the certification commission, the terms and procedure for its work.

    The certification commission includes a representative of the employer (employer) and (or) municipal employees authorized by him (including from the personnel department, the legal (legal) department and the department in which the municipal employee subject to certification replaces the position of the municipal service), as well as , representatives of scientific and educational institutions, other organizations invited as independent experts - specialists on issues related to the municipal service, without indicating the personal data of experts. The number of independent experts must be at least one quarter of the total number of members of the attestation commission.

    The composition of the attestation commission for the attestation of municipal employees who fill positions in the municipal service, the performance of official duties for which is associated with the use of information constituting a state secret, is formed taking into account the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

    The composition of the attestation commission is formed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of conflicts of interest that could affect the decisions made by the attestation commission.

    Depending on the specifics of the official duties of municipal employees in the local government, several attestation commissions can be created.

    3. The attestation commission consists of a chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission. All members of the attestation commission have equal rights when making decisions.

    2.4. The certification schedule is annually approved by the representative of the employer (employer) and brought to the attention of each certified municipal employee at least one month before the start of the certification.

    2.5. The certification schedule includes:

    The name of the local self-government body ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the structural unit in which certification is carried out;

    list of municipal employees subject to certification;

    date, time and place of certification;

    the date of submission of the necessary documents to the attestation commission, indicating the heads of the relevant structural subdivisions of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk responsible for their submission.

    2.6. Not later than two weeks before the start of the certification, a review is submitted to the certification commission on the performance of official duties by a municipal employee subject to certification for the certification period, signed by his immediate supervisor and approved by a higher manager (Appendix No. 1, 2 to this Regulation).

    2.7. Revocation under paragraph 2.6 of this Regulation, must contain the following information about the municipal employee:

    Full Name;

    the occupied position of the municipal service at the time of certification and the date of appointment to this position;

    a list of the main issues (documents) in the solution (development) of which the municipal employee took part;

    motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities and results of professional performance of a municipal employee.

    8. Information about the assignments performed by the municipal employee and the draft documents prepared by him for the specified period, contained in the annual reports on the professional performance of the municipal employee, is attached to the review on the performance of official duties by a municipal employee subject to certification for the certification period.

    At each subsequent attestation, an attestation sheet of a municipal employee with the data of the previous attestation is also submitted to the attestation commission.

    9. At least a week before the start of the attestation, the personnel unit of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk must familiarize each attested municipal employee with the submitted review on the performance of his official duties for the attestation period. At the same time, the certified municipal employee has the right to submit to the certification commission additional information about his professional service activities for the specified period, as well as a statement of his disagreement with the submitted review or an explanatory note on the review of the immediate supervisor.

    3. Carrying out certification

    3.1. Attestation is carried out with the invitation of the attested municipal employee to a meeting of the attestation commission. In the event that a municipal employee fails to appear at a meeting of the specified commission without a good reason or refuses to be certified, the municipal employee is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with labor legislation, and the certification is postponed to a later date.

    The attestation commission considers the submitted documents, hears the reports of the certified municipal employee, and, if necessary, his immediate supervisor on the professional performance of the municipal employee. For the purpose of objective certification, after consideration of the additional information submitted by the certified municipal employee about his professional performance for the certification period, the certification commission has the right to postpone the certification to the next meeting of the commission.

    2. Discussion of the professional and personal qualities of a municipal employee in relation to his professional performance should be objective and friendly.

    The professional performance of a municipal employee is assessed on the basis of determining his compliance with the qualification requirements for the position of the municipal service being replaced, his participation in solving the tasks assigned to the relevant local government of ZATO Aleksandrovsk (structural unit), the complexity of the work performed by him, its efficiency and effectiveness.

    This should take into account the professional knowledge and work experience of a municipal employee, the observance by a municipal employee of restrictions, the absence of violations of prohibitions, the fulfillment of the requirements for official behavior and obligations established by law, and when assessing a municipal employee endowed with organizational and administrative powers in relation to other municipal employees, - also organizational skills.

    3. The meeting of the attestation commission is considered competent if at least two thirds of its members are present at it.

    4. The decision of the attestation commission is made in the absence of the attested municipal employee and his immediate supervisor by open voting by a simple majority of the votes of the members of the attestation commission present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, a municipal employee is recognized as corresponding to the occupied position of the municipal service.

    For the period of attestation of a municipal employee who is a member of the attestation commission, his membership in this commission is suspended.

    3.5. Based on the results of the certification of a municipal employee, the certification commission makes one of the following decisions:

    corresponds to the replaced position of the municipal service;

    corresponds to the occupied position of the municipal service and is recommended for inclusion in the established manner in the personnel reserve for filling the vacant position of the municipal service in the order of promotion;

    corresponds to the replaced position of the municipal service, subject to successful completion of professional retraining or advanced training;

    does not correspond to the replaced position of the municipal service.

    6. The results of the attestation are communicated to the attested municipal employee immediately after the voting results have been summed up.

    The results of the certification are entered in the certification sheet of the municipal employee (Appendix No. 3 to this Regulation). The attestation sheet is signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission who were present at the meeting.

    The municipal employee gets acquainted with the attestation sheet against receipt.

    The attestation sheet of a municipal employee who has passed the attestation, and a review of the performance of his official duties for the attestation period, are stored in the personal file of the municipal employee.

    The secretary of the attestation commission keeps minutes of the meeting of the commission, in which he records its decisions and voting results. The minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission are signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission who were present at the meeting.

    7. Materials of attestation of municipal employees shall be submitted to the representative of the employer (employer) not later than seven days after its completion.

    3.8. Within one month after the certification, based on its results, a legal act of the local self-government body of ZATO Aleksandrovsk is issued or a decision is made by the representative of the employer (employer) that:

    A municipal employee is subject to inclusion in the prescribed manner in the personnel reserve to fill a vacant position in the municipal service in the order of promotion;

    a municipal employee is sent for professional retraining or advanced training;

    a municipal employee is demoted in the position of a municipal service with the consent of the municipal employee.

    3.9. If a municipal employee refuses from professional retraining, advanced training or from transfer to another position in the municipal service, the representative of the employer (employer) has the right to release the municipal employee from the municipal service position being replaced and dismiss him from the municipal service in accordance with labor legislation.

    In case of disagreement of a municipal employee with a demotion or the impossibility of transferring, with his consent, to another position in the municipal service, the representative of the employer (employer) may, within a period of not more than one month from the date of attestation, dismiss him from the municipal service due to the inadequacy of the position to be replaced due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by the results of certification. After the expiration of the specified period, the dismissal of a municipal employee or his demotion in position based on the results of this certification is not allowed. The time of illness and annual paid leave of a municipal employee within the specified period is not counted.

    3.10. A municipal employee has the right to appeal the results of certification in court.

    <*>positions of the municipal service, established to directly ensure the execution of the powers of the person replacing the municipal position, replaced by municipal employees by concluding an employment contract for the term of office of the specified person.

    guided by principles based on international best practices. State promotes the opportunity to synergy, alternative, different kinds of risk management priorities in different situations with the aim - to stimulate the development of agriculture in Russia, it provides measures for stable and sustainable economic growth. Risk management tools help to create new opportunities for socio-economic growth, especially in conditions of deepening economic, social, political, natural-climatic, educational and foreign volatility, increasing international sanctions, intensifying integration trends.

    Keywords: risks and improvement opportunities, government support, agricultural grain market, grain market conditions.


    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration,

    South Russian Institute of Management - a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

    (344002, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya st., 70/54) E-mail: [email protected]

    Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Organizational and Developmental Psychology, Southern Federal University (344038, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Nagibina St., 13). Email: [email protected]


    The article discusses modern directions for improving the management of career development of civil servants. Various approaches to managing the career of civil servants are analyzed. Attention is focused on the need to take into account the principle of consistency in the formation of social technology for managing a professional career.

    Key words: civil servants, career, career management, typical career, career plan, managerial activity, personnel technologies.

    Currently, the public service of the Russian Federation is undergoing transformation by bringing it to a new look. To create a system of career advancement for civil servants, it is first necessary to identify what promotion is, what affects the career of civil servants and contributes to their successful career advancement.



    Pankratova Irina


    However, the concept of career and careerism in everyday life often carries a negative connotation, nevertheless, it has, in particular, a decisive influence on the functioning of the armed forces. It is competition when moving up the career ladder that forces an officer to continuously improve the level of knowledge, improve professional skills and refrain from disciplinary offenses. With the help of a properly built career (alternation of positions, places of work, training), the necessary service experience and the necessary knowledge to perform higher positions are generated.

    A personnel selection system is designed to implement all aspects of a career. However, there is no clear regulation of the construction and functioning of this system. The principles by which selection for higher positions should be carried out are not defined by law. All this reduces the efficiency of the selection system and makes it non-transparent. Often people who, in terms of their business and moral qualities, do not meet the necessary requirements, come to high positions. All of the above determined the choice of the topic of our study.

    The concept of "career" has been known for a long time. Its true content has changed and enriched along with the development of society. The analysis of the scientific literature on the problems of professional career allows us to conclude that modern science has a broad theoretical and empirical base that allows a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of the professional career of civil servants of the Russian Federation.

    The complexity and relevance of studying the career of civil servants as a social phenomenon causes increased interest on the part of researchers in this problem. It is studied by a number of social and human sciences: psychology, economics, management, sociology, political science, history, legal sciences and others.

    Career is the object of research in various scientific fields and schools. It was studied by sociologists and managers (E.P. Beklemishchev, V.M. Konstantinov, N.I. Dryakhlov, A.I. Kravchenko, A.I. Turchinov, E.A. Okhotsky, V.I. Dobrenkoe, V. V. Shcherbin and others), political scientists (R.G. Grigoryan, A.V. Grishin, G.I. Demin), specialists in the field of economics, labor and management (V.V. Goncharov, V.I. Kurbatov, I.M. Slepenkov and others), in the field of psychology (K.M. Gurevich, S.T. Dzhaneryan ST., E.F. Zeer E.F., I.A. Pankratova, E.E. Symanyuk E. .E. and others).

    Scientific studies are widely used, in which the authors use a categorical-conceptual apparatus, including such concepts as "career mobility", "official career", "social lift", "career lift", "career management". They considered issues of the intra-organizational career of various categories of employees, developed recommendations for managers on regulating career processes. Various aspects of the success of a professional career are studied in the works of some modern Russian scientists. Among these aspects, it is necessary to highlight the preservation of health, a rational way of life, the effective definition of a career strategy in the system of communications that a person's personality enters into.

    Scientists and researchers from the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, incl. and the South Russian Institute of Management. Career issues were carefully studied

    strategy, service tactics. Particular attention was paid to the study of the system of factors influencing the professional career of a civil servant.

    The well-being of the country as a whole depends on the quality of the work of the civil service, therefore, during the period of reform, there is an acute need to attract young, talented specialists. However, in reality, a paradoxical situation emerges, on the one hand, the civil service is interested in only the best, motivated personnel entering the service and building a career, on the other hand, they cannot provide them with a clear future career growth prospect. Therefore, the study of factors, problems, ways to improve a career is especially acute in modern Russia.

    In most areas of human professional activity, the combination of interests, personality and organization comes first. This also applies to the public service. If in the days of the Soviet Union the personnel management system was organizational and administrative

    The (administrative) nature and actions of a person were strictly regulated, the steps of his promotion were dictated by higher authorities, now the main responsibility for the successful development of a career lies with the person himself. In light of this, the term "career" has acquired a more significant meaning, a clearer outline. Russian servicemen have learned that the process of career advancement is subject to study, forecasting, and management. The opportunity to “make” a career has opened up.

    Currently, the process of regulation and career management is of increasing interest in management. Career management is one of the areas of personnel work in an organization, focused on determining the strategy and stages of development and promotion of specialists. This is the process of comparing the potential capabilities, abilities and goals of a person with the requirements of the organization, the strategy and plans for its development, expressed in the preparation of a program of professional and job growth.

    Scientists reveal and specify personal determinants of career development of state and municipal employees , the image of a career and its role in the professional development of officials .

    However, there is no clearly defined career management mechanism in the public service. For departments involved in personnel work, work is not provided for advising civil servants on the possibilities of official and career growth. Thus, we state the insufficiency of the implemented career management functions.

    After S.M. Kuleshov of a comparative analysis of careers in the bank and in the military service and, based on the successful experience of managing the career of employees in the considered bank of similar structures and features of the management system with state bodies, he formed recommendations for the development of career management in the public and military service:

    1. Reform the functions of the personnel department, or create an additional department that would deal with career development issues, conduct consultations on this issue, draw up plans for the development of professional growth.

    2. Provide a career planning mechanism in the career management model so that each of them sees possible options for their development.

    3. Revise the timing of certifications, make them more frequent, which will allow the most complete assessment of the potential of a civil servant and adjust his career development plan.

    4. Introduce the practice of holding consultations with the personnel department and the immediate supervisor on the results of attestations and achievements, conducting a joint adjustment of the plan.

    The use of such experience of international commercial organizations would increase the personnel potential of civil servants, make their career plans visible and transparent.

    Management of a professional career in modern conditions is an urgent task, since certain characteristics, trends, directions of career processes began to appear only recently, with the beginning of the reform and modernization of Russian society.

    Currently, objective opportunities are being created for managerial influences on professional careers. Realization of the possibilities of this impact is an important reserve for increasing the efficiency and quality of service, improving and modernizing it. In this case, the following circumstances must be taken into account.

    Firstly, since a professional career, being a social process, manifests itself through professional activities, this process can also be managed by encouraging civil servants to the necessary activities. Consequently, the control action should include the creation of the necessary incentives that encourage individuals, entire categories of civil servants to the relevant activities within the framework of the state organization. In addition, an essential feature is that this problem is solved not only centrally, but also within the framework of individual institutions.

    Secondly, a professional career can develop both spontaneously and be consciously regulated. In the absence of a targeted impact on its development, spontaneous moments prevail, which is undesirable, because it leads to contradictions between the interests of the individual and the organization. To ensure an effective combination of these interests, to direct the development of social processes in the right direction - this is the most important task of scientific management of the processes associated with a professional career.

    Thirdly, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the process of building a professional career can have a different speed. The management of this process is designed to ensure the optimal development of professionally significant qualities and skills in each individual. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of a particular type of professional activity.

    In management activities, there are a number of technologies, the use of which ensures the efficiency of the functioning of any organization. There is a need to solve problems related to the staffing of structural subdivisions, units and institutions of the Russian Armed Forces. Such technologies are called personnel.

    Personnel technology acts as a means of managing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the individual. It is designed to ensure the achievement of the goals of the organization, as well as its effective functioning. For the successful operation of any organization, individuals with specific professional abilities, appropriate training, and rich professional experience are required. However, the mere fact of the existence of such people is not enough. In order for a person's abilities to be realized in his interest, in the interests of the organization, it is necessary to manage human resources.

    The object of the impact of personnel technologies is the professional abilities of a person, the rational use of his professional experience in the organization, the creation of conditions for their full implementation. The result of their application, as a rule, is obtaining more complete information about a person’s abilities, his further professional development, a change in official status in an organization, more adequate remuneration and other changes. At the same time, personnel technologies also perform the functions of general management technologies, prompting a person to change their role in the organization.

    Thus, personnel technologies are organically included in the structure of management and regulation, have their own specifics and the object of their influence.

    Career management can be viewed both "from the outside" and "from the inside". External career management includes three processes:

    1) assessment of personnel (professional and personal competencies);

    2) consideration of career options (analytical work within the company, organization);

    3) the choice of a career option, the formation of a training system aimed at bringing the competencies of the employee in line with the requirements of the position that he will take in the near future.

    As one of the bases for career planning and analytical indicators of the process of career (official) advancement, E.P. Beklemishchev, I.V. Konstantinov proposed the concept of "typical career". "Typical career" can be calculated (using mathematical and statistical methods) in different ways, depending on the levels and branches of government, education profiles, qualification groups (subgroups) of positions, qualification categories, forms of filling positions (appointments, elections, competition); according to the analyzed contingents, they can be normative and non-normative; by reference points - from the moment of entering a job, state (municipal) or military service; receiving vocational education, etc.

    In practice, a typical model for the promotion of a judge of an arbitration court, called the "prosecutor's" way of reaching this position, was revealed.

    Later Yu.V. Pykhanov and S.N. Kuleshov suggested that when considering a professional career plan at the level of a particular serviceman, part of this document may look like a “Plan for obtaining regular military ranks for officers starting their professional career” (see Table 1) .

    Table 1

    Plan for obtaining military ranks of a graduate with a four-year term of study at a military university _

    № p / p Age of the officer, years Military rank of the officer Length of service in calendar terms Note

    1 p Lieutenant 4

    2 p+2 Senior Lieutenant 6

    3 p+5 Captain 9

    5 p+11 Lieutenant Colonel 15

    6 p+15 Colonel 19

    The indicated plans for obtaining military ranks for officers will be implemented in the event that, in the period from the moment of obtaining a military rank to the date of obtaining the next military rank, the officer has moved to a military position corresponding to the next rank.

    Of course, in terms of a professional career, all possible factors of influence that will accompany the officer during the service must be taken into account. Therefore, the specified document will expand, branch out, and eventually, will have several applications.

    The professional career plan at the level of a particular serviceman is subject to revision in case of non-fulfillment of certain points. At the same time, each officer is obliged to analyze the current situation, to make the most convenient decision for him.

    The preparation and analysis of a professional career plan at the level of a personnel unit of a service of the RF Armed Forces is supposed to be carried out by the relevant officials of personnel bodies. The primary subject of the career plan is the headquarters of the unit. In close cooperation with the commanders and chiefs, the unit's command and control officers plan the possible filling of vacant positions with the appropriate professional skills and qualities. In this case, the role of the attestation commission constantly working in the unit increases.

    Proposed by Yu.V. Pykhanov and S.N. Kuleshov, the form of the plan for obtaining military ranks by military personnel, in fact, can be considered as a prototype of a normative typical career for officers; when finalizing this form, actual data on the passage of a career path by military personnel may be reflected; with appropriate mathematical and statistical processing of an array of data on military personnel that are homogeneous in one way or another (for example, by belonging to a military unit), it becomes possible to construct certain typical careers in relation to the armed forces.

    As noted earlier, when forming a social technology for managing a professional career, it is necessary to take into account the principle of consistency. In this regard, it is very important that scientific methodological approaches be used to solve complex problems of managing social processes, which make it possible to foresee the results of decisions made and reduce the risk and consequences of failures.

    Management from the standpoint of a systematic approach is the implementation of a set of impacts on an object, selected from a variety of possible impacts based on information about the behavior of the object and the state of the environment, to achieve

    given goal. Management is a function of the system, aimed either at preserving its main quality (i.e., a set of properties, the loss of which leads to the destruction of the system), or at the implementation of a certain program that ensures the stability of functioning and the achievement of a certain goal.

    When managing a professional career, it is important to keep in mind that reasonable planning, development and implementation of a career have far-reaching consequences both for the individual motivation of a serviceman's professional activity and for the state of society as a whole. If a state organization has an effective system of social mobility, career development in general, then it not only ensures the achievement of internal organizational goals, but also simultaneously maintains the professional stability of the individual, and contributes to the formation of a healthy social atmosphere.


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    state and municipal employees // State and municipal management. Scientific notes of SKAGS. 2006. No. 1-2. pp. 45-48.

    6. Beklemishchev E.P., Pankratova I.A. On the image of a career and its role in professional

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    7. Kuleshov S.M. Professional career of Russian air force officers

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    8. Polyakov V.A. Career technology: Practical: a guide / Acad. nar. farms

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    9. Turchinov A.I. Professionalization and personnel policy: problems of development of theory and practice. - M., 1998. S. 56.

    10. Beklemishchev E.P., Konstantinov V.M. Typical career as one of the indicators of work on the formation of personnel (based on the materials of judges of arbitration courts within the Southern Federal District) // Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference "State and municipal service in the management system of the region." - Tver, 2002. - S. 271 -273.

    11. Pykhanov Yu.V., Kuleshov S.M. Actual problems of managing the professional career of officer cadres // Army and Society. 2011. No. 3. S. 118-121.

    Beklemishchev Evgenii Petrovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Public and Municipal Administration; South-Russia Institute of Management - branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (70/54,

    Pushkinskaya St., Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation). Email: [email protected];

    Pankratova Irina Anatolevna, Candidate of psychological sciences, assistant professor of organizational psychology and age; Southern federal university (13, Nagibina St., Rostov-on-Don, 344038, Russian Federation). Email: [email protected]


    The article deals with modern trends to improve the management career development of civil servants. Different approaches management career civil servants. The attention is focused on the need to take into account the principle of systems in the formation of social professional career management technology.

    Keywords: civil servants, career, career management, typical career, career plan management activities, human technology.
