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How to open a dental office. How to open your own dentistry Dental plan

Dental services are in demand by all people, regardless of gender, age and social status. We will describe in detail the ready-made business plan for the dental office of the clinic.

According to preliminary calculations, you need to have a little more than 2 million rubles.

What will be included in this amount:

  • Repair of the rented premises will cost 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment necessary to provide dental services – 900 thousand rubles.
  • Accessories for disinfection of working tools – 300 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of office furniture for 250 thousand rubles.
  • Medicines cost 50 thousand rubles.
  • Placing outdoor advertising will require an investment of 50 thousand rubles.
  • The amount for unforeseen expenses is 200 thousand rubles.
Dental office

Opening prospects

The relevance of dental services will never cease to be popular. In this regard, a sample business plan for a dental office for a clinic has been developed. Almost everyone faces the problem of caries. This is the most common type of dental disease. The demand for this type of service is very high.

First of all this. And what makes it attractive is the high price. Even despite high competition and the presence of free government institutions, everyone is able to find their loyal audience

Our dental office will provide clients with the following types of services:

  • Superficial caries. His treatment costs 1 thousand 300 rubles.
  • Average caries. Cost – 1 thousand 500 rubles.
  • Deep caries. Cost 1 thousand 700 rubles.
  • Pulpitis. The cost of treatment is 4 thousand 200 rubles.
  • The price for installing a crown will vary from 1.5 thousand rubles to 4 thousand rubles.
  • The prosthesis will cost from 10 thousand rubles and more.
  • Impression of teeth – 600 rubles.
  • Prosthesis repair – 800 rubles.

The dental office will be open from Monday to Saturday. From 9-00 am to 18-00 pm.

According to preliminary calculations, 8 people will be received per day. On average, each client will leave a check of 2 thousand 500 rubles. Thus, if we adhere to the data from the example of a dental office, then the monthly revenue will be 500 thousand rubles, and per year - about 6 million 100 thousand rubles.

Production plan

To locate our business, we plan to rent a premises with an area of ​​35 square meters. It will be located in a residential area. The monthly payment will be about 30 thousand rubles. The contract will be concluded for a year with further extension.

  • The premises do not need to be redesigned, and it complies with all sanitary standards.
  • For one dental chair, according to the standards, 15 square meters are required.
  • Lighting of at least 5 thousand lux.
  • The room is painted in neutral colors.
  • The office has sewerage, water supply, heating, ventilation, electricity.

This room is planned to be divided into several zones:

  • Bathroom.
  • Wardrobe
  • Utility room
  • Patient reception area.
  • Waiting room.

The most necessary equipment for a dental office:

  • dental anesthetics;
  • quartz and UV lamp;
  • polymerization lamp;
  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • sandblasting tip;
  • electronic sealing device;
  • distiller;
  • armchairs;
  • Consumables.

You will also need to purchase a cabinet and table for storing tools and, most importantly, a safe for potent substances.

In total, you will have to spend 1 million 600 thousand rubles.


For full work you will need:

  • Two dentists.
  • One orthopedic dentist.
  • Two assistants.

The schedule is variable - two days every other.

For assistants, the salary will consist only of a fixed salary - 15 thousand rubles. For dentists, it will consist only of a percentage of revenue. Accounting services will be outsourced.

Due to the fact that recently many people have been suffering from various dental diseases, many dentists have appeared who have more than enough work to do. Therefore, if you decide to start your own business and love dentistry, then this is another reason to think about how to open a dental office.

Let's assume that your main goal is to open a private clinic providing dental services. Or maybe your office. Of course, it would be wrong to say that this idea is original, because recently services have been offered not only in urban centers, but also in residential areas, but this does not prevent specialists from having a good flow of regular clients and providing them with professional-level services. After all, people have a lot of teeth, and if you also take into account children’s teeth, then there is enough work for everyone.

Dental treatment is considered one of the most profitable types of medical care

How to open a dental clinic

At the moment, the service provision market is unstable and is only at the initial stage of its development. Therefore, in practice you can find a variety of examples of dental care and support provided. For example, public services that continue to operate due to the doctor’s ability to earn extra money at his main job. The disadvantage of establishments is the low quality of service, but the price of services is low. Also popular are private clinics, which employ highly qualified doctors, true professionals in their field. In general, the market situation is somewhat problematic and ambiguous, which entails the need to create new services.

Note: Dentistry is a promising area, but before starting your own business, it is important to understand the general procedure.


This is the first thing you will have to deal with when opening a corresponding clinic, since without it you will not be issued the appropriate license: not only the services provided by the doctor are subject to licensing, but also the condition of the premises with the equipment. In this case, you can go in two ways: rent space or purchase it for your own disposal. All factors depend on your financial capabilities. The first case provides more savings, but the second provides more reliability and freedom of action. It's up to you to decide.

Most often, the premises for the clinic are rented. The price of rented real estate in Moscow and other large cities has a range and depends on a number of factors:

  1. Convenience of location (are there large shopping centers, stops, metro stations nearby).
  2. City area - center or outskirts, residential area or industrial, and so on.
  3. Condition of the premises and the need for repairs.

State medical institutions are often inconvenient for residents of megacities. This is especially true for dental clinics. They don’t issue sick leave here and you have to find free time to visit a doctor. The usual solution to the problem is to contact a private specialist who works on a convenient schedule. A dental office business plan with payback calculations will help you create your own clinic.

Brief summary

The goal of the development is the opening of private dentistry in the Komendantsky Prospekt metro area of ​​St. Petersburg. The place is densely populated. According to Yandex, 285,900 residents live in the district of 500 meters, of which only 3% are children and adolescents under 18 years of age. 277323 potential clients - an indicator of good business prospects.

The demand for dental services is high. It is impossible to obtain sick leave due to toothache, and many have to deal with treatment in their free time.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the business plan of a dental clinic with calculations (download for free). Main characteristics of the project:

  • the amount of initial investment is RUB 2,090,000;
  • payback period – 24 months;
  • monthly profit forecast – 764,640 rubles.

Quick implementation of the project will be possible if you attract highly qualified specialists (according to the selected list of services) and rely on modern equipment. The first costs can be covered either from your own funds or from a line of credit. The latter relates more to the purchase of equipment.

Project Description

The presented dentistry business plan considers opening an office with one doctor, which allows you to start building a client base with minimal starting investments. In the future, it is possible to move to a larger premises to organize two or more jobs at the same time (with the hiring of additional specialists, the opening of areas for prosthetics, and other dental services).

Enterprise characteristics

* if additional services are available, you may need to add codes. It is worth obtaining advice from a competent specialist before submitting documents to register a company.

Location – within a radius of 500 meters from the Komendantsky Prospekt metro station. Traffic according to the metro is up to 1,800,000 people per month, which increases the audience of potential clients. These are not only those living nearby, but also those coming to work or on other business.

List of dental office services:

  • treatment of caries and other diseases;
  • dental radiography;
  • aesthetic dentistry;
  • bleaching.

Such a list requires a minimum of permitting documents. Separate licenses will be required for removal and prosthetics. It is more profitable to register them as profits are received, when business expansion becomes possible. The same applies to accepting children.

Niche in the market

There are 12 competitors operating in the area where the clinic is supposed to open. Taking into account the appearance of one more office, there will be 21,000 residents per institution. The presented example of a dental business plan is based on a favorable location. In addition to metro traffic, the calculation goes to two shopping and entertainment centers (“Atmosphere” and “Promenade”).

Potential clients will constantly pass in close proximity to the company. To attract people, all that remains is to organize a noticeable sign and advertising with attractive conditions and discounts. It is better to locate the office in the path of the main flow of people leaving the metro and walking towards it.

Competitors in the area offer services similar to those offered for the new clinic. At the time of opening, it is recommended to conduct a wide advertising campaign to provide an initial flow of visitors (Internet, radio, metro). In the future, you can count on repeated visits to clients, invitations using business cards, and independent searches on the map.

Marketing strategy

When calculating a business plan for how to open a dental office, the location of the institution on the route of mass traffic of people is taken into account. Almost every morning, residents of the area will go to the metro and see a sign. The same applies to potential visitors working in the area.

  • placement of banners in the metro building;
  • creating a bright sign near the clinic premises, visible from a great distance;
  • equipping with advertising the nearest public transport stops.

In addition to “passive” advertising means, it is recommended to create your own website and pay for campaigns in Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. Additional traffic can be attracted from social networks. Marketing tasks can be outsourced to specialists.

Production plan

The business being opened is designed for a flow of individuals. The average service time for one patient is 20 minutes. With this schedule, a throughput of 36 people per day will be provided. The maximum traffic per month will be an average of 1080 people. This is a key indicator when calculating an institution’s return on investment. It can serve as a starting point for planning further development, for example, expanding the list of services.

Equipment for equipping a dental office

You will have to choose a room not only based on convenience and price, but also taking into account sanitary standards. Here are their typical characteristics:

  • separate entrance from the street;
  • location on the ground floor of the building;
  • lobby from 10 sq. m;
  • dentist's office from 14 sq. m;
  • staff room from 6 sq.m. m;
  • A toilet is required.

As a result, premises from 30 sq. m. can be considered for rent. m with full landscaping - water supply, sewerage, ventilation. Near the metro, such an area will cost an average of 200 thousand rubles. rent per month.

Organizational plan

The staffing table in the presented business plan for a dental clinic with payback calculations was selected based on the work schedule from 9.00 to 21.00 (7 days a week). Expanding capacity and the list of services will lead to the need for additional personnel. The salary amount indicated is the average for St. Petersburg at the time of writing the BP.

The list of employees is as follows:

  • dentist - 2 people (work schedule 2/2, from 9.00 to 21.00, salary 70 thousand rubles);
  • nurse/dental assistant) – 2 people (schedule 2/2, from 9.00 to 21.00, salary 30 thousand rubles);
  • administrator - 2 people (schedule 2/2, from 9.00 to 21.00, salary 30 thousand rubles);
  • technician – 1 person (schedule 5/2, from 9.00 to 18.00, salary 20 thousand rubles).

It is more profitable to outsource accounting. The same can apply to organizing cleaning.

Financial plan

The payback of the office is calculated taking into account one-time, fixed and variable expenses. One-time expenses are distributed over the entire billing period in equal shares for each month. Constants are usually constant and are added to the monthly investment portion. Variable costs (emergency repairs of premises and equipment) are added to them. In the proposed business plan for opening a dental clinic, we do not consider variable costs, based on the fact that the new equipment is under warranty from the supplier.

List of one-time costs

List of monthly (fixed) costs

Calculation of the company's payback:

One-time costs per month – 87,100 rubles;

Fixed expenses – 768,600 rubles;

The minimum average bill with a monthly traffic of 1080 patients is 792 rubles.

With an average cost of service in St. Petersburg of 2,500 rubles. and work costs of 1000 rubles. each patient will bring 708 rubles. arrived. In total, it is planned to receive up to 764,640 rubles per month.

Risk management

One of the main risks of the project is the presence of a large number of competitors. This is fraught with a decrease in traffic due to promotions carried out by other clinics. A competent marketing policy plays a key role here (additional costs for specialist services may be required).

There are a number of other risks:

  • rising salary expectations for experienced dentists;
  • a sharp increase in prices for materials used in the work;
  • opening new clinics;
  • unexpected equipment breakdowns.

When changing the payback period, it is recommended to include the costs of repairs and maintenance of technical equipment in the dentistry business plan with calculations. If you can count on support from the supplier/manufacturer within the warranty period, then in the future you will have to allocate funds from the budget to maintain the equipment in working condition.

Download sample with calculations:

Three months of accounting, HR and legal support FREE. Hurry up, offer is limited.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Dental services are always in great demand, which is why the dental business is very profitable.

Opening this type of business, like any other, begins with drawing up a business plan. A well-designed project is the key to a successful business.

On our website you can download a sample business plan for a dental office, which will allow you to significantly save time and money.

To start your business, the first thing you need to do is register your business and obtain a license. The next step is to find a suitable location and premises.

To open a dental office with one workplace, you must choose a room with a total area of ​​at least forty square meters.

According to current legislation, the allocated area for one dental unit should be fourteen square meters. The total area of ​​the premises assumes the presence of a hall, a bathroom and a utility room.


The most expensive cost item in this business plan is the purchase of dental equipment. The purchased equipment must be of high quality and meet the necessary requirements.

Below is a list of equipment required for operation:

  • Dentist chair;
  • Autoclave;
  • Sterilizer;
  • Physiographer;
  • Solar curing lamps;
  • X-ray;
  • Consumables;
  • Set of tools.

Working staff

You need to recruit only qualified specialists with extensive practice, because the number of regular clients depends on the professionalism of the dentists working for you.

Considering that our example business - the dental office plan is designed for one workplace, then there should be one doctor. A dental assistant is a nurse.

The education of a nurse must be at least secondary specialized and work experience must be at least 2 years.
By law, the working hours of a dentist should not exceed six hours, so work in your dentistry will take place in two shifts, which means that the staff will automatically increase by two more people.

In addition to medical staff, it is necessary to hire an administrator, a chief accountant and a cleaner.


This project involves the provision of the following services:

  • Treatment of caries;
  • Whitening;
  • Prosthetics;
  • Radiography;
  • Therapy;
  • Implantation;
  • Surgery;
  • Children's dentistry;
  • Computer physiography;
  • Aesthetic dentistry.

Financial calculation

Operating a dental office involves the following expenses:

  • Rent of premises, which will be paid monthly;
  • Repair costs, and repairs can also be called a significant cost. There is no point in saving money here, since the appearance of the office is the face of dentistry;
  • Costs associated with registration and licensing;
  • Employee salaries also apply to monthly expenses. Payroll will be calculated as a result of the amount of the established salary and interest on the sale of services provided;
  • Monthly advertising and utility costs;
  • Purchase of consumables;
  • other expenses.

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The total monthly costs will be approximately 7,500 euros.

As for the initial investment, namely:

  • Renovation of the premises amounted to 5,000 euros;
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​42,500 euros;
  • Purchase of office equipment – ​​1500 euros.

The rounded total is 50,000 euros.

Considering that the monthly revenue from the services provided will be 12,000 euros, the taxable profit will be 4,500 euros.
Knowing the monthly income, you can easily calculate the annual 4500x12 = 54000
The initial investment costs amounted to fifty thousand euros, and the annual income was fifty-four thousand, which means that the dental business pays for itself very quickly, in just one year.

Watch the video: “Equipping a dental office”

  • Market prospects
  • Description of products and services
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a dental office for one workplace in a rented room with a total area of ​​35 sq. m.

How much money do you need to open a dental office?

According to our calculations, opening a dental office will require an investment of at least 2,100,000 rubles:

  • Cosmetic repairs - RUB 150,000.
  • Treatment equipment (patient chair, lamp, drill, etc.) - RUB 900,000.
  • Equipment for disinfection of instruments (table for sorting objects, dry-air cabinet, sterilizers, etc.) - RUB 300,000.
  • Furniture (cabinets, cabinets for tools, safe for potent substances) - RUB 250,000.
  • Medicines and materials - RUB 150,000.
  • Business registration, license, permitting documentation - RUB 100,000.
  • Advertising budget (signboard, outdoor advertising) - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

Market prospects

Dental services have always been, are and will be relevant. Caries is the most common human disease. The demand for modern dental offices today is very high. High prices for the treatment of dental diseases make this business extremely profitable. We can say that a well-organized dental business cannot but be profitable. And this despite the presence of competition among other private clinics and free municipal institutions.

Description of products and services

Our organization plans to provide a wide range of services in oral therapy and orthopedics:

  • Treatment of superficial caries - 1300 rub.
  • Treatment of average caries - 1500 rub.
  • Treatment of deep caries - 1700 rub.
  • Treatment of pulpitis - 2200 - 4200 rub.
  • Treatment of periodontitis - 2200 - 4200 rub.
  • Stamped crown with spraying - 1500 rub.
  • Crown cast on pearls - 3500 rub.
  • Facet - 2000 rub.
  • Solid metal stump inlay - RUB 1,500.
  • Partial removable denture material polyamide - 16,000 rub.
  • Clasp prosthesis - 9000 rub.
  • Complete removable denture material polyamide - 19,000 rubles.
  • Silicone impression - 600 rub.
  • Polyester cast - 1000 rub.
  • Repairing a removable denture - 800 rubles.

The operating hours of the dental office will be from 9:00 to 18:00. Closed on Sunday. It is expected that the daily flow of clients will be on average 7 people. The average bill for the service will be 2,500 rubles. Thus, the potential daily revenue will be 17,500 rubles, monthly - 507,500 rubles, annual - 6,090,000 rubles.

Download a business plan for a dental office

Production plan

To accommodate the dental office, it is planned to rent a room with an area of ​​35 square meters. m., located in a residential area of ​​the city. The rent will be 25 thousand rubles per month. The lease agreement was concluded for 11 months with the possibility of extension. Investments in additional repairs and redevelopment are not required. The rented premises meets sanitary, technical and engineering requirements, including:

  • The area of ​​the room for one dental chair is 15 square meters. m. (norm: no less than 14 sq. m.);
  • The illumination level is at least 5000 lux;
  • The walls and floors are painted in neutral pastel colors with a reflectance of at least 400/0. The ceiling is painted with oil paint;
  • The floor is covered with linoleum with welded seams;
  • The office is connected to all utilities: hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, electricity and ventilation.
  • Radiators with a smooth surface are used as heating devices.

According to the plan, the premises will be divided into several zones: a treatment room, a utility room, a wardrobe, a toilet, a room for sterilizing equipment and a waiting room for visitors.

What equipment to choose to open a dental office

From the equipment directly intended for the treatment of patients, the organization will purchase: a controlled patient chair, a lamp for local lighting, a drill with a set of handpieces, a water and air supply system, saliva aspirators and dust absorbers, an ultrasonic scaler for removing dental plaque, a spittoon, an oral irrigation system cavities, terminator for disinfection of tips. To disinfect instruments, you will need to purchase: a table for sorting items before sterilization, a dry-air cabinet, an ultrasonic cleaner, sterilizers for processing instruments, an apparatus for sanitizing tips, an ultraviolet chamber for cleaned instruments, and bactericidal irradiators for treating the room. Also at the start of the business, cabinets and cabinets for tools, medicines and materials, and a safe for potent substances will be purchased. The estimated cost of equipping the office will be 1.6 million rubles.


Two general dentists, an orthopedic dentist and two medical assistants will be hired as staff of the organization. The working hours will be shifts (2/2). The duties of assistants will include auxiliary work, such as: working with a rubber dam, mixing fixatives, disinfecting impressions, working with an air gun and saliva ejector, etc. The remuneration of assistants will be fixed, in the form of a salary (16 thousand rubles), bonuses are possible, in case of exceeding the plan. Remuneration for dentists will be motivating, in the form of a percentage of proceeds. The doctor will be paid 25% of the cost of services provided. It is planned to hire an accountant and cleaner on a part-time basis (under an outsourcing agreement).

Which taxation system to choose for opening a dental office

A legal entity will be registered as an organizational form - a limited liability company consisting of one founder. As a taxation system, the organization will use the simplified system (STS), 15% of the organization’s profit.

What documents are needed to open a dental office?

After registering a legal entity, it is planned to obtain a special medical license (required by law). To do this, the following documents will be submitted to the regional Ministry of Health:

  • conclusions of the SES;
  • constituent documents (charter, certificate of registration, etc.)
  • a certificate confirming the right to rent the premises;
  • copies of diplomas and certificates of dental office workers confirming their qualifications.

The cost of obtaining a license for a dental business will be 20 thousand rubles. The validity period of the license is 5 years.

Financial plan

Fixed monthly dental office expenses under the plan will include:

  • Rent - 25,000 rub.
  • Salary + insurance contributions (assistants) - 40,000 rubles.
  • Expenses under service contracts (accounting, cleaning) - 14,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 20,000 rub.
  • Utility costs - 30,000 rubles.
  • Depreciation of equipment - 10,000 rubles.
  • Materials and medications - 60,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 30,000 rubles.

Total - 229,000 rubles. Variable expenses:

  • Remuneration for doctors (30% of revenue) - 152,250 rubles. (with average revenue of 507,500 rubles per month)

How much can you earn by opening a dental office?

According to business plan calculations, the organization’s net profit will be 107,313 rubles. per month. The profitability of a dental office is 28%. With such indicators, the payback on the initial investment in the business occurs after 19 months of the organization’s operation.

We recommend download dental office business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step plan for opening a dental office

It is best to start by choosing the location where our dental office will be located and drawing up a business plan. You immediately need to think about the prospects for development and expansion of the services offered. Determine strategic goals and calculate risks.

Enter the OKVED code when registering a business to open a dental office

Beginning entrepreneurs often have difficulties choosing OKVED. Sometimes it is difficult to determine which OKVED code is most suitable. In this case, you should indicate the OKVED code - 85.13-Dental practice. It will suit all parameters.

Do I need permission to open a dental office?

To open a dental office, you will need a license, which is needed for almost any business related to medicine. It will take some time to receive it, and the opening of the office will have to be delayed a little. In addition, permitting documents from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor will be needed.

New dental technologies

Technologies in the field of medicine are constantly evolving, including dental technologies. To get ahead of competitors, you need to offer customers not only high-quality service, but also new technologies. Among them are the following:

  • intraoral cameras that provide precise images of teeth;
  • air grinding, which allows you to remove damaged parts of teeth using jets of compressed air;
  • liquid that reveals caries.