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How to write an invitation to cooperation correctly. Letter of offer of cooperation: sample, example. Sample commercial proposal in English

A letter of cooperation is a written document in which one enterprise offers another to work together on a mutually beneficial basis. The main purpose of the proposal is to interest a potential partner, to encourage him to take further actions towards the sender. Such letters often serve as the starting point for concluding agreements, transactions and long-term contracts.


Who writes the letter of cooperation

A letter of cooperation can be written by an employee of a company whose competence includes business development in one direction or another. The text of the letter must be agreed upon with a superior or the head of the company.

Whose name should I write to?

The letter can be written to the director of an organization with which the sender of the message is interested in collaborating. Also, the specific addressee may be a deputy manager in a particular area, the head of a structural unit, or a highly specialized specialist. In any case, the final decision on cooperation is made at the level of company management.

General rules for writing a proposal

First of all, you need to remember that a letter is a kind of “hook”, the main task of which is to “hook” the partner/customer/client. Therefore, it should be interesting, meaningful, and competent. The ideal option is if, after reading the letter, the addressee makes a request for a price list with a list of goods and services.

Despite the fact that the letter relates to official document flow and is part of official business correspondence, there is no standard, unified form for such a message. A letter of cooperation is drawn up in free form or according to a template developed within the enterprise, based on the objectives, needs and capabilities of the company. When compiling it, it is recommended to follow some simple rules of office work, business ethics and the Russian language.

At the beginning of the letter, it is advisable to address a specific person using the epithet “dear” (“Dear Vladimir Ivanovich!”, “Dear Bella Viktorovna!”, etc.).

Of course, for this you need to know in advance the name, patronymic and position of the required employee. Then you can start actually writing.

It should be noted here that some experts advise writing a title to the text, but this is not necessary, especially considering that a poorly written title can turn against the sender (the recipient may simply not be interested in further information). Therefore, we will bypass this stage.

Contents of the main part of the letter of cooperation

The body of the letter should contain the essence of the proposal. Here you need to avoid vague or florid phrases, too long and confusing sentences, and special terminology. Everything should be clear, understandable and extremely concise.

The emphasis should be on the distinctive features and advantageous features of the product or service.

In information about the sending organization itself, it is enough to confine it to the year from which it began working and listing the main activities; everything else at this stage will be superfluous. But you can name the current clients of the enterprise who can give positive reviews about it (preferably, these are companies with a well-known name). At the end of the letter, it is recommended to provide a link to a website where a potential partner can find and study all the additional information that interests him.

You should maintain an encouraging intonation in the letter, but not go too far - the text should be correct and in no case intrusive.

If the text is too long, it needs to be divided into paragraphs or short paragraphs - this way the perception will be more complete. It is advisable to place the main topics and messages at the beginning or end, because these parts are the easiest to remember.

Research shows that recipients of such letters are willing to spend no more than a minute reading them (and this is in the best case).

When composing a letter with a proposal for cooperation, we must not forget that its volume should not exceed one page, so there is no need to try to squeeze everything that is known about the enterprise, product or service into the letter.

What must be included in the letter

There is a number of information that must certainly be contained in the message, these are:

  • name of the sending company,
  • her address and telephone number for contact,
  • position and full name of its representative,
  • essence of the proposal.

Also, any additional documents may be attached to the letter (in this case, their presence should be reflected in the text of the proposal) or references to laws, regulations, regulations and legal acts directly related to the proposal may be indicated.

Rules for writing a letter of cooperation

You can write a proposal for cooperation by hand (an outdated method, but sometimes it is effective) or type it on a computer. It can be drawn up on a regular A4 sheet or on letterhead (the second option will allow you to avoid manually entering the company details).

The letter can have as many copies as you like, and all of them must contain the appeal at the beginning of the letter, and the signature of the author at the end, i.e. the official who represents the sending company.

There is no need to put a date on the letter, but if it includes information about limited-time promotions, discounts, bonuses, etc., then it should still be dated.

There is no need to register the cooperation letter in the outgoing correspondence journal.

How to send a letter

There are several ways to send a letter.

  1. The first, simplest, most accessible and efficient is email. However, in this case, the letter can easily get lost, for example, ending up in the spam folder, so this method is only suitable when the sender has already established direct contact with the recipient (via telephone or personal meetings).
  2. The second way, more reliable, but time-consuming, is to send the proposal via regular Russian Post by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt (not suitable in cases where the mailing is of a mass nature, but if the letter contains some particularly valuable information, then nothing is better can't imagine).
  3. The third option is fax, a classic method that has still not lost its relevance.
  4. Fourth way: send a message through any instant messenger and other modern means of communication that are not quite standard for business correspondence (suitable only when the sender and recipient know each other personally).

Whether we like it or not, we are forced to exchange experience, information, and material wealth with other people. In the business sphere, we have enough meetings, negotiations, and various contacts with different people. By interacting with each other, we pursue certain goals and benefits. Nothing personal just business.

To become a partner of a company that is attractive to us, as a rule, we have to contact a potential partner with a proposal for cooperation. How to write a proposal for cooperation - this is what we have to find out.

Form and content

The form of an offer of cooperation is a business letter. Therefore, when composing a letter, you need to adhere to a business style of communication. The structure of the proposal letter for joint cooperation should consist of the following sections:

  1. Information about your company. Briefly outline the focus of your company's activities. This way, potential partners will immediately see an opportunity to be useful to each other.
  2. Text of the proposal for cooperation. State the essence of your proposal and list the possibilities of your company regarding the proposed cooperation. State the benefits for both parties.
  3. In the next part, you need to indicate the conditions on the basis of which your business cooperation can be carried out. In principle, there is no single template for a proposal for cooperation. You compose it in any form, the main thing is to maintain the structure of the business letter, literacy and brevity. Your proposal must be specific. You can discuss the proposal in more detail during a personal meeting with your potential partner, but for now you need to arouse interest with your proposal.

We have discussed how to write a proposal for cooperation in theory. We propose to consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice...

It's better to see once

Sample letter of proposal for cooperation for a catering company (cafe, restaurant)

Dear partners!

Our company offers supplies of high-quality tea and bean (ground) coffee for further sale at catering establishments. Our products are of the highest quality, great taste and rich history.

Our capabilities:

  • We will provide you with samples of the most popular items to try;
  • We will provide assistance in creating a coffee menu for visitors to your establishment;
  • We will provide you with detailed information on each item;
  • We will conduct training lectures with bartenders and waiters;
  • We will provide you with branded tableware for tea and coffee, and other items for the tea ceremony.

With the low cost of our tea per serving of drink (from 5 to 20 rubles per 400 ml), the sales price can range from 50 to 200 rubles, and this is a 900-2000% markup! At the same time, the client pays for natural, tasty, aromatic tea, which will appeal to any visitor and will attract additional customers.

Our terms:

We will be glad to consider your proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation!


Representative office of the company "N" in N:

Ivanova I.I.

Tel.: 999-999

Using the example of a similar letter of proposal for cooperation, you can write a similar letter for any other organization. The main thing is to “hook” a potential client with your offer and motivate him to a personal meeting. And then all the cards are in your hands, act!

According to the UK's Direct Marketing Association, every £1 spent on email marketing in 2015 generated £38 in return. Want to achieve the same results, but don't know how to write a letter to a client?Then use the bestsample letters to clients,which we have collected for you in this review.

How to write a letter to a client correctly

You think about your customers all the time, but it's not mutual. To capture their attention and get ahead of your competitors, you need to regularly remind yourself. Emails do this very well. According to the authors of the Pipedrive blog, there are several tricks that can work in your favor:

  1. Patience and more patience. Bring your potential buyer closer to the deal gradually by regularly sending him .
  2. Agree on strategy in sending letters to clients with the marketing department, so as not to be too intrusive and not to clog the client’s mailbox with repeated information.
  3. Use a CRM system. It will simplify the technical side of communication with clients and speed up work with mail.

A CRM system is a convenient program that helps keep records of clients and transactions, records all calls, and also helps to conveniently organize correspondence with the client. For example, the program integrates with the mail service (you can connect an unlimited number of mailboxes) and allows you to save the correspondence history directly in the counterparty’s card. If a new client has written to you, you can create a deal card directly from the incoming letter.

And now the most interesting thing: to send a letter to a client from CRM, you don’t even have to type text. Using the document designer, you can create a set of letters for all occasions and send them to clients in two clicks. SalesapCRM will insert the client’s name and other data into the email. Want to know more? Then press .

Letters to clients: examples and ready-made samples

We have compiled a selectionbusiness letters to clients,which you can take as a sample. All you have to do is add details to them.

1. Are you writing to a potential client for the first time? Send this short message:

Letter subject: Perhaps you are our new client

Hello, [Name].

We [brief information about the company].

If this interests you, I am ready to discuss the possibility of cooperation. Let us know what time would be convenient for you to call.


2. Tell your potential client about your successful experience of cooperation with his competitors:

Letter subject: Keep up with your competitors

Hello, [Name].

We work successfully with [competitor of X and Y] V [field of activity] already [so much time] and together we achieved good results. You can find detailed information about them here [link to case/review].

We will be glad if you join us.


3. If you received contacts of potential clients at a business event, send themoffer lettersuchsample:

Letter subject: More about our company

Hello, [Name].

I hope you liked it too [event], and would like to thank you for your interest in [Company name].

I am attaching more detailed information about our company. I will be happy to discuss all your questions over the phone.


Reminder letters

4. Some time after sending letters to clients offering services or additional information remind about yourself:

Letter subject: Is there something you want to discuss?

Hello, [Name].

I hope that you had the opportunity to read my previous letter and become more familiar with [additional information].

Do you have any questions or thoughts about my proposal? I will be happy to discuss them over the phone or in person. When will you have time for this?


5. If you can show the effectiveness of your proposal with numbers, then share them in letters to company clients. Facts convince better.

Letter subject: A few facts you might not know about [Company name]

Hello, [Name].

I recently sent you a letter about [Company name], and I think we could be useful [your company].

Our clients are seeing growth [specify indicators] when used [name of product and service]. We also offer [tell us about promotions] And [mention other great deals].

If you would like to know more details, please let us know and we will arrange negotiations by phone or in person.

I'm looking forward to your answer.


6. Offer customers a trial period or free samples. Buyers are more willing to make a deal if they test the product first.

Letter subject: Gift for your company

Hello, [Name].

A few days ago I sent you information about [the product's name] and now I propose to try it in action.

I have created/attached some guest logins/free samples/vouchers that can be used to access/receive [product or service]. Share them with your colleagues. It would be interesting to hear their opinion.

I will be happy to discuss everything in more detail over the phone or in person. I'm sure we can really be useful to you in [field of activity].


7. If you are not sure that you are corresponding with an employee authorized to negotiate, ask him to help reach the decision-maker:

Letter subject: I hope you can direct me to the right person

Hello, [Name].

A few days ago I sent you a letter about [company or product] and now I doubt that I came to the right address.

Is it you who makes decisions on the issue that interests me? If not, could you help me contact the right person at your company?

Waiting for your reply.

8. Use this text of the letter to the client if, after meeting with him, you want to inquire about his future plans:

Letter subject: Your plans

Hello, [Name].

Thank you for your time. Now I would like to know how you see further discussion of our issue.

If you are still interested, please inform us of your plans.

Waiting for your reply.


9. After meeting with the client, remind him of the following stages of negotiations:

Letter subject: Action plan for the near future

Hello, [Name].

Thank you for taking the time - today's meeting was very productive. Let me briefly remind you what we will do next:

[Date of]: I will send you [contract/full set of documents].

[Date of]: You will pass on your comments and wishes to me.

[Date of]: We will make all final changes and sign the agreement.

If you need to discuss anything before this date, please let me know.

10. Composesuchletter to client, if during the meeting he wanted to receive additional information:

Letter subject: Information on your request

Hello, [Name].

We were glad to meet personally with representatives of your organization. I promised to send you additional information about [question]- they are in the attached file.

Ready to answer any questions. Feel free to call me at [number] anytime or write to this address.


If the client does not contact

11. If the client does not answer the phone call , use the followingletter writing sample:

Letter subject: Couldn't contact you

Hello, [Name].

I wanted to discuss with you [question], but you are probably busy. Please call me back at [number] or let me know when it’s convenient for you so that I can call.


12. Didn’t get through to the client and left him a voice message? Complete it with the following letter:

Letter subject: Didn't get through to you

Hello, [Name].

I recently called you to discuss [question].


13. If a customer persists in not responding across all channels, they may have a lot on their plate. Use this template - even a very busy person can find a couple of seconds to answer:

Letter subject: Short answer required

Hello, [Name].

Unfortunately, I can’t contact you in any way. I assume that you are very busy or are no longer interested in our services.

Please indicate the appropriate answer in your response:

  1. Please leave me alone!
  2. Too busy, write to me again in a month please.
  3. I will contact you myself.


14. If you want to unobtrusively remind yourself, share with the client information that will be useful to him:

Letter subject: Useful information for your business

15. If the client delays payment, remind him of this:

Letter subject: Delay of payment

Hello, [Name].

[Date of] I sent you an invoice by email. Payment has not yet been received, so please inquire if your finance department has received our invoice? If necessary, I will resend it. I expect payment from you within a week.

Thank you for your help.


These templates will save you time to actually communicate with clients. And to achieve greater effect, automate the creation and distribution of templates via . right now - it's free and only takes a couple of minutes.

Any company that has a good idea will sooner or later start looking for a partner for further cooperation. Agree, joint cooperation most often involves double the results and increased experience. But this is exactly what you need to prove to your future partner. This is a sample commercial proposal for cooperation. Nowadays, people begin to draw up a proposal for cooperation using the Internet. The company looks for potential partners, after which it begins to write to them by email or on social media pages.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to draw up a commercial proposal for cooperation. Many letters that arrive in the mail with text about further partnership are not even read by company representatives. For this reason, it is very important to convey your speech correctly to the person. Simply put, you must show your good side and convince company representatives that they will achieve great success with you. We have collected several examples of commercial proposals for cooperation that can help you in the future.

What should be a sample commercial proposal for cooperation?

Firstly, if you are going to collaborate with someone, you must clearly understand that working together implies mutual benefit. Forget that after signing the partnership agreement, you will live in chocolate. A person can perfectly understand what he needs from a partner, but if he does not know what the partner himself needs, then this cannot be called cooperation.

You need to clearly understand what you can offer to another company. Some companies offer work under the guise of cooperation. The first company does the work, the second pays the first money for it. As a result, companies have different goals. One will simply receive money, and the other will promote their product.

It is necessary to immediately divide the obligations between the partners. This is the first point in a commercial proposal for cooperation. The partner must understand what responsibility falls on his shoulders, and what responsibility falls on yours.

And it would be best to immediately clarify the benefits of your future partner, and only then yours. If you start talking a lot about yourself, then they will stop listening to you, that is, you obviously lost. Everyone in business cares only about personal interests.

And now we will tell you in detail how exactly you need to draw up a commercial proposal for cooperation.

Sample cooperation proposal

1 . Minimal text. People love good numbers, read little, and immediately know their own benefits. First write down everything you planned to tell your future partner. After that, cut your message in half. It would not hurt to divide the entire text into short and clear paragraphs. This will make it easier for both you and the person with whom you want to start cooperation. The best option is a little text, beautiful and understandable tables/graphs. You can draw a general scheme of work.

2. Initially, carry out the so-called framing. You can tell your partner a lot of things, tell him all your ideas and so on. But think about it, does he need it? Highlight the most important benefit you can provide to the collaboration. Here you must answer the question: why does your partner need you?

3. Always be specific in your offer. Give examples in numbers and various graphs. But it is worth noting that scattered numbers and formulas are also useless. The partner must understand where this data comes from and why it is in this particular paragraph.

4. There must be a point about the target audience. After all, it is with her that you will have to work together with your partner. It should be immediately clear who the entire project is intended for. Here, of course, it is best to present data in numbers.

Bottom line: make a commercial proposal for cooperation not big, but wisely

You need to ensure that the quality of your offer fully corresponds to your product or service. You need to provide information so that even a partner would want to buy your products. Not everyone will want to change their previous mode of operation. Therefore, show that thanks to a commercial proposal for cooperation, the partner’s work will become more efficient and profitable.
